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Laparoscopic Surgeries By Dr Pradeep Jain At Action Cancer Hospital

Laparoscopy is a procedure to investigate and treat diseases of abdominal and pelvic


Laparoscopy is direct visualization of the abdominal cavity. The laparoscope is a long thin instrument with a
light at its tip, to light up the inside of the abdomen or pelvis. Fibreoptic fibres carry images from a lens, also
at the tip of the instrument, to a video monitor, which the surgeon and other theatre staff can view in real

Dr Pradeep Jain, the Chief of Department of GI at Action

Cancer Hospital & Sri Balaji Action Medical Institute ,has the
wide spectrum of advanced laparoscopic surgery in GI
surgical field. Among his specialties are Advanced
Laparoscopic GI, GI Onco, and Bariatric surgery. He has
often been able to deliver an accurate diagnosis, even in cases
where the real diagnosis eluded other doctors in the same
field. He has a strong sense of duty to the field of medicine and
aspires to clinical excellence.

To start laparoscopic cancer surgery, it requires a great knowledge of anatomy, vast experience of GI
Surgery and excellent skills to perform Laparoscopic surgery. DrPradeep Jain and his team of surgeons are
highly trained in field of GI Surgery with Laparoscopic means . They are performing Laparoscopic GI
Surgery for more than 20 years ( that includes cancer and bariatric surgery besides routine surgery ). Dr Pradeep
jain is pioneer in starting laparosopic cancer surgery of Esophagus, Stomach, Pancreas.Liver and Colon
Rectum in North India . In fact They are have the largest spectrum and numbers of performing Laparoscopic
GI surgery in entire North India . Besides Laparoscopic Cancer Surgery Dr Pradeep Jain is performing
Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery for Morbid Obesity, which makes him the Only Surgeon doing entire
spectrum of GI Surgery laparoscopically.

Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgeries By Dr Pradeep Jain

Laparoscopic hemicolectomy, anterior resection, APR done for cancers of rectum and colon in which the
cancer bearing segment along with the draining Lymph nodes are removed en bloc.The laparoscopic
treatment for these cancers are almost on the verge of becoming Gold standard. if done by trained and
expert. The oncological outcome is same as in open surgery and short term results are better. complications
are lower than open surgery. Laparoscopic surgery for inflammatory bowel disease like Ulcerative colitis,
Colonic tuberculosis, or for rectal prolapsed ( rectopexy ) are other indications.

Laparoscopic Esophagectomies By Dr Pradeep Jain

Thoraco/ laparoscopic Esophagectomy is indicated in cancer of Esophagus or GE Junction. The complete
esophagus with surrounding tissues and draining lymph nods are removed. It has definite lesser morbidity
than open Thoracotomies and Laparotomies. Oncological superiorities are yet get established. Other benign
conditions like Benign tumors or Diverticuli have excellent results.

Laparoscopic Upper Gastrointestinal Surgeries By Dr Pradeep Jain

Laparoscopic surgery for Hiatus Hernia and Achalasia Cardia are Gold standard in fundoplication the
diaphragmatic hiatus ( opening in the diaphragm ) is tightened and artificial valve is created by wrapping the
fundus of stomach around the lower part of esophagus ( food pipe )

Laparoscopic Pancreatic Surgeries By Dr Pradeep Jain:

In laparoscopic whipple surgery en bloc resection of head and neck of pancreas, gall bladder, Common bile
duct, duodenum and proximal small intestine are removed en bloc along with lymph nodes. This is done for
pancreatic, bile duct or duodenal cancers. Laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy is done for cancers of body
and tail of pancreas, chronic pancreatitis or pancreatic cysts and pseudocysts.

Laparoscopic Liver Surgeries By Dr Pradeep Jain :

Liver surgery needs large incisions with significant morbidities. Laparoscopic liver resection are feasible but
demanding and involve technical expertise. Laparoscopic liver surgery can be ranging from staging
procedures to non anatomical resections to large anatomical resections. These are done for Primary liver
tumors,cysts,hemangiomas,secondary tumors etc.

Laparoscopic Small Bowel Surgeries By Dr Pradeep Jain :

Common laparoscopic surgeries for small intestine are for perforations, small bowel inflammatory diseases
like tuberculosis and crohn's disease, small intestine tumors like lymphoma, adenocarcinoma, GIST,
intestinal obstruction etc.

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