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BIU 2032 English Proficiency 3

Writing : Forms and Function


Uzmar Izmael bin Zubir


Matric No.


Lecturers name

Pooveneswaran A/L Nadarajan

Uzmar Izmael Bin Zubir,

Student of Malaysian Studies with Education,
University Malaya.

January 30, 2016

Dr. Bill Gates,

The Honorable Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic),
University Malaya.


Dear Sir,
Hope to find you in the best condition of your health. First of all, I would like to introduce
myself. My name is Uzmar Izmael bin Zubir and Im already 3rd Year at 6 semester. Im applied
for Bachelor of Malaysian Studies with Education with Honor courses under Human Sciences
Faculty. The purpose that I am writing this letter is to get an approval from you regarding taking
two self-enrichment courses this semester.

A week ago, while I was checking my registration courses to verify it for final exam, I was
shocked to know that one of the courses that I took which is Stress Management (KKP3012)
disappeared on the list. For your information, I am taking two self-enrichment courses this
semester which are Study Skills (KKP3042) and Stress Management (KKP3012). I feel so sad
regarding to this matter because after 12th week, I had been fully attending both classes and
have submit all the assignments given but suddenly the courses was not in the system. The
courses is very important for me to ensure that I have enough credits for practical next semester.
I tried called the Faculty of Human Sciences office to ask them regarding this matter. They told
me to meet the Dean of Human Sciences, Dr. Albert Einstein, but he cannot help me. He said that
University Malaya have a regulation that every student cant take more than one self-enrichment
courses in one semester. So, I decided to meet Director of Self- Enrichment Courses, Dr. Steve
Jobs at the Chancellory building. After having a talk with him for about half an hour, he told me
that he just follow the regulations but he suggest me to meet you. So I decided to write a letter
after a few times went to your office but you were not there.
Sir, I really need your consideration to approve me to take two self-enrichment courses in this
semester. Hopefully, you will take a further action regarding about this matter. It would be a sort
of pleasure if you approve it.

With kind regards,

Uzmar Izmael
Student of Malaysian Studies with Education,
Human Sciences Faculty,
University of Malaya.


: Formal Letter


: Informative , Expressive , Directive Language Function.

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