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Foreshadowing is an established literary ---- that

adds layers of meaning to events or details in
films and literary works. .

A) are / to have found

B) indication

B) were / to be finding

C) device

C) have been / having found

D) deception

D) will be / finding

E) appreciation

E) would be / to find

Health risks from pesticide exposure are

probably small for healthy adults, but children,
the elderly, and people with compromised
immune systems may be ---- to some types of
pesticide poisoning..

B) substantial
C) severe
D) reversible
E) vulnerable
Billions of useful bacteria colonize our guts, but
because antibiotics are lethal to a whole range of
microbes, drugs taken for a chest infection, for
example, ---- friendly bacteria too..
A) wipe out
B) sort out
C) build up

take back

E) move in

Experts ---- skeptical of an archaeologist's claims

---- the world's first Christian church in a cave in

A) reference

A) hostile



More than 50 years ago, six European nations ---to submit their coal and steel industries to
common management, so that no single country
---- the weapons of war to be used against
A) have agreed / had fabricated
B) agreed / could fabricate
C) had agreed / have fabricated
D) agree / will fabricate
E) may have agreed / had been fabricating


If Australian conservationists ---- an extensive

preservation campaign back in the 1960s, the
population of saltwater crocodiles of the north --- even less than the present number of 100..
A) have not implemented / is
B) would not implement / would have been
C) werent implementing / will have been
D) werent implemented / will be
E) had not implemented / would be


From the mid-fifteenth century ----, Lisbon began

to emerge as a significant market ---- slavery..
A) up / about
B) away / in
C) out / round
D) on / of
E) over / at


The British workforce works longer hours

than most of its European counterparts, --- productivity is not improved as a result..
A) so
B) therefore
C) since
D) as
E) yet


In studying protein-coding sequences,

the initiation and the termination codons are
usually excluded ---- these two codons almost
never change with time..
A) whereas
B) in case
C) but
D) instead of
E) since


In art history, primitivism is a notion crucial to

20th-century art and modern thinking ---- a
specific movement or group of artists..
A) in that
B) instead of
C) the same as
D) rather than
E) whereas


It is estimated that there are as little as 2 million

to as many as 50 million more species that have
not ---- been found and/or have been incorrectly
A) also
B) or
C) so
D) yet
E) just


---- children see us read, ---- inclined they are to

want to read..
A) Neither / nor
B) Both / and
C) Either / or
D) The more / the more
E) Other / than


Many surgeons believe that a patient ---- face

bears a calm expression immediately before an
operation is likely to require less anaesthesia
during the procedure..
A) what
B) which
C) whatever
D) that
E) whose

Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) was a sage, not a

scientist, but he was more keenly interested in the
scientific advances of his day than is commonly realized.
One of his early aspirations was to be 'a naturalist', and he
started his career (I) ---- a lecturer- essayist by giving talks
on natural science, (II) ---- one focused on the chemical
composition of water. (III) ---- Emerson went on to make
his mark primarily in the areas of literature, religion,
philosophy, and social reform; he remained an eager
lifelong student of both traditional and contemporary
natural and social science. To date, however, this side of
Emerson's thought and life (IV) ---- only a handful of
significant scholarly discussions. Emerson's Life In Science
is the best of books (V) ---- this aspect of Emerson that
have marked the bicentennial of his birth, and it is one
that will endure.


A) to
B) for
C) on
D) with
E) at


My brother was very surprised ----..

A) when he got a message from a long-lost friend
B) unless he met an old friend one day



C) where an old friend turned up suddenly

D) if an old friend turns up

A) more

E) how old he himself was

B) so
C) such


D) as

A) Researchers have almost given up hope

E) only

B) There is no need to look any farther


C) New discoveries are actually very rare

D) Water has been found on Mars

A) describing

E) The scheme was still being developed

B) including
C) considering
D) intending

----, which suggests there may be life there..


From the 1960s onwards, there has been an

increasing interest in the West in books written
by and about women, and several publishing
firms have been set up to meet this interest..

E) defining

A) although
B) therefore
C) so that
D) but
E) since


A) should attract
B) is attracting
C) will attract
D) has attracted
E) had attracted

A) 1960lardan itibaren Batda, kadnlar tarafndan

ve kadnlar hakknda yazlan kitaplara giderek artan
bir ilgi olmu ve bu ilgiyi karlamak iin birok
yayn irketi kurulmutur.
B) 1960lardan sonra, kadnlar tarafndan ve kadnlar
hakknda yazlan kitaplara ar bir ilgi oluunca,
ihtiyac karlamak iin Batda pek ok yayn irketi
C) 1960larda Batda kadnlar tarafndan ve kadnlar
hakknda yazlan kitaplara ilgi artnca, bunun
sonucu ok sayda yayn irketi kurulmutur.
D) 1960lardan sonra Batda kurulan eitli yayn
irketleri, kadnlar tarafndan ve kadnlar hakknda
yazlan kitaplara giderek artan bir ilgi
E) Kadnlar hakknda ve kadnlar tarafndan yazlan
kitaplarn giderek artan bir ilgi grmesi zerine,
1960larda Batda eitli yayn irketleri


Mevcut kresel kriz nedeniyle uluslararas

ticaretin kmesi, kalknma iktisatlarn,
ticareti, bir byme motoru olarak grme
konusunda kukulandrmtr..
A) The fact that trade is an engine of growth has been
dismissed by development economists, since the
current global crisis has caused the collapse of
international trade.
B) The current global crisis has undermined
international trade, and this has led development
economists to scepticism about trade as a means
of growth.
C) In view of the current global crisis and its adverse
impact on international trade, many development
economists have come to disregard trade as an
engine of growth.
D) Due to the current global crisis and the decline of
international trade, development economists doubt
whether trade can be regarded as an effective
means of growth.
E) The collapse of international trade due to the
current global crisis has made development
economists sceptical about regarding trade as an
engine of growth.

Chief imperial architect Sinan was in his eighties when he

built the Selimiye, which marks the zenith of his lifelong
endeavour to perfect the domed building. The
Suleymaniye Mosque had taken him nearly to the zenith
of his creative power, but Selimiye was the crown of his
genius. The mosque was built to commemorate the
conquest of Cyprus, perhaps Selim ll's sole military
achievement. Either because no hilltop remained in
Istanbul worthy of such a monument or perhaps as a
gesture of loyalty to a city where Selim had spent nine
years of his life, it was decided that the mosque should be
built in Edirne. The chosen site was the hill of Sanbayir
overlooking the city, and the acquisition of land
commenced. In those years horticulture was one of the
main sources of income in Edirne, and Sanbayir was
covered with flower nurseries growing principally tulips.
The story goes that a woman who owned a small tulip
garden here objected to selling her land, and resisted
official pressure for a considerable time. Finally, they
took her to see Sinan, hoping the architect could
persuade her. She agreed, but on one condition, that in
some part of the mosque there should be a sign that
there had once been a tulip garden. Sinan kept his
word and had an inverted tulip motif carved on one of
the marble pillars at the eastern corner of the
muezzin's gallery in the centre of the mosque.


According to the passage, it was with

the Selimiye Mosque that Sinan ----..
A) reached the height of his architectural
B) lost the favour of the Sultan
C) transformed Edirne, making her into an imperial
D) repaid the debt he felt he owed to Edirne
E) pioneered a number of structural techniques


We understand from the passage that there was

apparently more than one reason ----..
A) why Selim II chose Sinan as the architect of his new
B) why Edirne, not Istanbul, was chosen as the site of
the Selimiye Mosque
C) which made the woman refuse to give up her
flower garden
D) for Sinan\'s depiction of the tulip in an inverted
E) for Sinan\'s preference for the dome over other
types of roofing


It is pointed out in the passage that in

Sinan's age ----..
A) the Suleymaniye Mosque was never surpassed by
any other work of architecture
B) the dome was the major architectural innovation
C) the tulip gardens of Edirne were a major source of
wealth for the city
D) the conquest of Cyprus was just one example of
Selim ll\'s great victories
E) Edirne was beginning to excel Istanbul as a
fashionable city


The phrase 'Sinan kept his word' means

that Sinan ----..
A) ignored what had been asked of him
B) said no more than was needed
C) was reluctant to break his promise
D) did what he had promised
E) avoided what was expected of him


Archaeologists have a duty, both to colleagues

and to the general public, to explain what
they are doing and why. ----. Further, their work
can also be enjoyed by the wider public which,
after all, has usually paid the bill for the work,
however indirectly. .
A) Up to 60 per cent of modern excavations
apparently remain unpublished
B) Archaeologists often prefer to dig new sites rather
than devote time to laborious post-excavation
C) Many projects depend upon the willing hands of
amateur enthusiasts
D) Unfortunately, some archaeologists hoard their
finds and prevent colleagues from gaining access
to them
E) Basically, this means publishing the discoveries so
that the results are available to other scholars


James:- Works of Islamic art can be expensive

beyond reason.
Tim:- And this is due to what?
James:- ---Tim:- Oh, that makes sense..
A) Dont you remember that you took a course in
Islamic Art Treasures when you were at university?
B) Would-be buyers with more modest incomes cant
afford these works.
C) Islamic art is so beautiful, isnt it?
D) Baghdad and Islamic Spain were both major
centres of Arab culture in general.
E) Collectors from the oil- and gas-rich states of the
Gulf push the prices sky-high.


The increasing wealth of late medieval Europe

transformed the social structure of European
A) Europe in the Middle Ages accumulated much
wealth, and this was due to new developments in
European social life.
B) In the late Middle Ages, Europe became
increasingly rich, and this led to a structural
change in society.
C) The social changes witnessed in Europe towards
the end of the Middle Ages were wholly related to
contemporary economic prosperity.
D) European society in the late Middle Ages
underwent a process of change due to the rise of
wealthy classes.
E) It was at the close of the Middle Ages that Europe
experienced a major social and economic


(I) In the long march of mankind from the cave to

the computer, a central role has always been
played by the idea of law. (II) Law is that element
which binds the members of the community
together in their adherence to recognized values
and standards. (III) Every society, whether it is
large or small, powerful or weak, has created for
itself a framework of principles or rules within
which to develop. (IV) And what is termed
international law involves nation-states, not
individual citizens. (V) What can or cannot be
done, permissible acts, forbidden acts, have all
been spelt out within the consciousness of that
A) I
E) V























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