Ethiopia Eductaion

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By: Joanna Cortez

Ethiopia has not had the best education
status around the world. This is mainly due to
poverty and gender roles. In Ethiopia,
males are more likely to go to school and
females are more likely to stay home. This
is because females are expected to know
how to cook, clean and maintain the
household while the male is the financial

supporter. Since most of the males get the education, little percent of the population go to school.
Since only a few percent of the population get educated, there are less teachers to teach a
classroom. As seen in the chart to
the left the percentage of children
that are enrolled in school has
increased over the years, but girls
still hold the lowest percentage
compared to the boys.
This also differentiates depending
the area one lives. People who live in urban areas have a higher chance to go to school than those
who live in rural areas. Urban areas tend to be more developed, while rural areas are mainly
people in poverty.
Even though Ethiopia has not had the best reputation in their educational system, they
have made some progress. According to Global Partnership of Education, Ethiopia has made
significant progress at all levels of the education system (Global Partnership of Education,

By: Joanna Cortez


2016). Ethiopia joined the Global Partnership for Education 2004. There they focused on four
main challenges Ethiopia faced and set up some goals followed by ways to achieve those goals.
Ethiopia is making
progress, but it is still
somewhat far from
reaching the three
priorities established by
the UN Global Education

Ethiopia | Global Partnership for Education. (n.d.). Retrieved November 18, 2016, from

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