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‘The Chakra Breathing: Pethaps you have been aware that once ‘through breathing. are linked to everthing around you Ultimately, human beings animals and plants breathe the same air, and you Inspire what they have expited, aa vice vers Bur breathing i no only unites us ll outward, Inward alo establishes a contact and a constant exchange ‘Our breath penetrates even the tnlest ll, proving vital fore our bd ‘Known Sanslait word “Prant” which can ‘be translated as breath, breath of life, or ‘universal or cosmic energy. These different ‘ransationsdeceibe the diferent planes of the air we breathe. Inded, bythe breath we unite ‘with that Ife force energy that-permeates everything, without ultimately there i= 20 creation in the form we knoe, Hese we are consciousness and certain frequencies can do aware of the dimensions of our breathing, usable energy from the air we breathe, So we ‘hich represents something as universally have developed special breathing techniques large and yet o every da. and refinadisimas, they deserve great esteem in almost every spiral cies and anare of the So donot follow esta bathing that almost ‘alaeof health, il spiritual maditions evalved. remarkably, breathing granted to such = high valve, and fe direct our awareness to our breath, Ihave developed many special breathing we can cause a hugely positive effet. Also the techniques to promote avareness. In Eastern influence on the ebakras though breathing, cultures, breathing has alvays been something has avery Tong tration, so itis understandable ‘more than a mere “air capture” Although tha in this eld have developed many special spparenty worldwide substance breathing man techniques is fundamentally the same, the consciousness that accompanies the inspiration ofthe a, is a ‘This isa method of breathing through the caantane chakras simple and easy to implement, yet highly effective and that anyone can practice at CConstious beating and made aconerete home alone. «+ eleaiy ineresees. the ealing effet and Juamonzing vital energy contained in the ait To do this, we mus sit in a comfortable ‘webreathe, we could even say that by exploring Poston with your bak straight or ie dawn fat fon your back After a few moments of sence, breathe in and out slowiy and regulary, ‘When performing this exercise wo ae fall prefermbly through the nose. At the same time of energy and at the same time, harmonind ‘ve imagine ha, to inate and exbale, the ar and balanced. Some even ge to exited about goes through our chakras and comes out the compeling effect has , and more than ‘through them. ‘once have hoard comments ike these: " feel [ike Ive been bor again” "Tmanew man,” or We start with the root chakra: we > ee truly rejuvenated » Some practiloners oncesiate on this chaira and mentally jqch al the feng of Being the center Tweate i and ut genty and without haste Gf temeles others simply et comforabe trough it We let the Prana owing pacdly — Sndsnned ckening within, and then flow ot wth he fame pacify This enerse fakes really amazing what you can bring this Sprosinatcy 3 10 § minutes and then speak simple cere «Here me rach, ined» & Temes center, the sacral cates, beating the sore of}, pee, strength and ove THRs same way. We proceeded well with breathing very effective thempy » expel for people {trough the chara with an ntaral of jt0 5 with depeson or fee a lsk of energy and tninates on each chakra, ntl we rach the empty. Breathing through the chakras echarge Centeroftecre. The mporanthingis hath eergy system ondered forces fo consciousness remains aay inthe right place : that is, always in the chakew for we breathe Another possibility is offered by the ‘This breathing techniques also known as* combination of breathing through the chakras ehakra breathing "and hs many enthusiastic and vibrations of gemstones, scents, sounds fallowers . This method extremely vigorous fand colors, While using these means, breathe Dreathing, avalon in usa fie’ age. However, complementary and introduce their energies inthe work carried out is really authentic. For the chakras some itis the absolute path to purify and actate the chakras, and some do not gt t00 excited Frthermore , the possibility of breathing ‘throng dhe chakras nani. his variant, ‘breathing én and out vigorously and fast pace» Again you mast follow your inner voice, ‘aglning that breathing is done through the which always shows you what is good and halos, works for you. Many of us have heard of * pranayama "or ven have implemented similar techniques ‘The word " pranayama * comes also from Sanskrit, and means" prana domain" Also in thers skras presented ere and that you ‘these breathing methods stimulate the chakras find most evocative , and practice them as and enersy outweigh its potential . However, evel a8 possible, Choose vour own measure the techniques of” pranayama should aways Only an this way it 1s possible continued Jeared under the personal diction of a development. teacher 2) If during 2 therapy chakras untie ‘Whichever way we apply our breathing Dlockages in the chakzas, you may’ come back consciously always worth to reve the experiences oF feelings that eaused the blockages . They can also. appear provisionally chronic acutely manifertd smiley to as desired healing reaction occurs pee ena in diferent natural healing methods. Let these reactions oor without 2) Select one or more of the forms of intervening alone without proseating then DDonot repressor your laughter and your tears and tat thir potential canbe expressed in the Eventhing you experience in them is a bestwaypossble ‘cessor and valuable natural cleansing your claloas- You yourself will notice when one of these treatment proeesses 1s too intense for so. In thie ease, let abates treatment gentr fnd remains sil for a while sitting or Iving oven, give all your attention to the processes that eceur in your body and in your sou, until they stop projecting thei shadows on you. 44) Stay tuned to integrate into your daly Me all the experiences that gives you the gradual opening of the chakras. Do not reject anything; ineludes everthing franky and lve Just so you can understand the messages and ‘se them for your ifeand your development 3) Pay special attention tothe opening and Iharmonizaton ofthe heart chakra, which is the central point of the chk system, since it isthe love that peas to ie and other people, Jove that ls able to neutralize all tensions that could re-lose your ehaleas. Opening the heart chakra also can get other chakas remain open Before moving on to discuss in detail each of the forms of therapy , progress must be fondamental to your understanding: at the beginning of our reation conscious energy find pure and unlimited energy that has not been ‘sd, 138 still amorphous without ates, ‘when thie form of consciousness begin to vibrate , energetic structures emerge , with ‘ations and transformations , ease al the rmulupry of phenomena of eration. The ‘more compact the vbritions of couscous ‘energy ong, the more concrete and tangible | his expression, unt it nally emerges from the slid denominadamateria A similar principe is deserbing quantum physies. A unified field an area of minimal ‘xitation ofthe substance contned in Intent orm all ected states of matter, ouside of ‘hich phenomena occur and ease the visible 1m the process of the manifestation of conscious energy fundamental first develop some fundamental braionl pattems that rss al eeatin atl levels We Know that colorless white light is irate into the seven colors ofthe spectrum, ‘whose combinations you get all the rch colors ‘four world The same fundamental oxllatory patterns in the fleld of ight is manifest as specific colors. We in in the word of sound, found as certain Also here there ie a fundamenta sale on which rests an almost infinite number of musied works. The same applies to the abstract world of numbers, the ‘word of forms and movements (as manifested 1 for example jn the dance ), the plant and ‘imal Kingdoms and the wodld of sents , ceystas and minerals, metals, te Im astrology , the fundamental vibration patterns ace expressed by the principe of specie planets and constellations , and man fate found in the frm of diferent qualities , ‘das and feelings as well as performances of carta body parts and organ, which in turn comespond tothe respective chakras, ‘Through the lw of resonance oseilation may also incorporate chakras. When using Internal o ester senses merge with a specific patter of whations it stimulates and activates the comesponding chakra vibration For example , through the influence of a soft pik ven your heaet chakra awakens festing fof softness and delete love. In terms of gemstones , rose quartz provoke @ similar ‘osellatory resonance , and the music could be, for example , the soft melody of » harp or Voln, also deliate and loving touch can have fn sour heart chakra corresponding bration and contribute to open and aetvate your ova ‘bration. Thus in all areas of eration we find ‘expressions that corespond tothe principle of softness and delicate love tht make us wake up ‘The more clear» pare and natural is the bration of the medium you use, the more fective it wil be to activate the vnation of the chakra i its pure and original frm and to neutralize negative influences or dysfunction of this Exercises to Activate and Stimulate the Chakras Practice simple breathing exercize to help ‘Yous can do this exersie for 5 minutes, them onthe way tothe opening ofthe chakras. trying to go deeper and deeper breathing. In The technique is called pranavama, and addition to the recent exerise, you ean do an Involves deep breathing oxensses to achieve the exer to “fel” he chakras, but need the help ‘rama (ital energy). When breathing is deep of another person. ‘and slow, relax our body and our body prepares ‘us to communicate with our vital energy conte. ‘What you mut remember i that this a splsitual practice nota game. So, bot you and your companion must concentrate and perform 1 = Place your hands gently on your breathing exercises before stating It is also sbdomen. recommended to incrato the previously showering ari fed To fee the chakras, place 2 Breathe in deeply and slowly through tye palms of our hands about six inches fom your nose, iret air and fel your abdomen the body of his friend and without touching sells ‘move them from the postion ofthe rot chakra tothe crown chakra. eel the energy ofeach one, temperatures, vibrations. When finished, ‘wash your ands shake and tep to ettom to get 23 Esl through the nose, at the same rateandallow the abdomen t contrat. 1d of the enerses of his friend and exchange roles

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