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The City of Liverpool College

Media, Journalism and Production

Course: Level 2 Diploma in Digital Art and Design
Qualification suite covered: BTEC Level 2 First Diploma in Art and Design
Assessment Instrument 3D Art and Design Work for Exhibition
Start Date: 14/11/16
Date of Issue: 21/11/16

Submission Deadline: 30/11/16

Assessor: A Bowman

Internal Verifier:
Lead Internal Verifier: J Schofield

Units/elements covered by this brief:

Unit 4: Communicating Ideas in 3D
To achieve this unit a learner must:
Unit 04
A explore 3D visual language and working practices
B investigate how artists, craftspeople and designers communicate in 3D
C communicate ideas using 3D knowledge and skills in response to a brief.

Unit 4: Communicating Ideas in 3D Scenario

Sculptors, interior designers, architects and product designers have working in three
dimensions in common. 3D art, craft and design covers a wide range of practice across
different disciplines to create objects that we may see or use in our homes, in public
spaces, in galleries, in shops, or in the workplace. You have been asked to create 3D
work in the style of various artists for an exhibition of artists of the 21 st Century.
Task One
You need to research the artist Peter Engel and produce a research doc of his work with
annotation of materials used and opinions of his and your own work creating origami
pieces, and describe how it relates to graphic design? Your starting point will be a class
demonstration in Origami and then a more complex piece following a video tutorial.
Drawing on your research, produce a range of visual ideas and origami pieces. Review
your ideas and evaluate them so that you can pick the best 2 for your portfolio. Write a
description/explanation of the materials/software, technique used for your work using
correct visual language. Unit 4(LA: A, B and C)
Task Two
You need to research the artist Cynthia Emerlye and produce a research doc of her work
with annotation of materials used and opinions of hers and your own work creating
Kirigami pieces, and describe how it relates to graphic design? Review your ideas and
evaluate them so that you can pick the best 2 for your portfolio. Write a
description/explanation of the materials/software, technique used for your work using
correct visual language. Unit 4(LA: A, B and C)
Task Three
You need to research the artist Dale A Hoopingarner and produce a research doc of his
work with annotation of materials used and opinions of his and your own work creating

scanogram pieces, and describe how it relates to Photography and design? Then print
and roll 10 minimum printouts to produce a photo roll that can be natural or abstract in its
composition. Write a description/explanation of the materials/software, technique used for
your work using correct visual language. Unit 4(LA: A, B and C)
Task Four
You need to research David Carson and choose a letter to reproduce in 3D for a
combined class project to produce a 3D poster using his unique style of mixed
letterforms. Write a description/explanation of the materials/software, technique used for
your work using correct visual language. Unit 4(LA: A, B and C)

Task Five
You need to research Classic card making with a Christmas theme and create a cricut
Card design in Illustrator then printing and removing the negative space with a scalpel
and mounting it on coloured card. Then take your Illustrator version and save it as
outlines and create a 3D version of the poster in Cinema 4D. Write a
description/explanation of the materials/software, technique used for your work using
correct visual language. Unit 4(LA: A, B and C)
Task Six
You need to research the artist Janet Sobel and produce a design board of her work
with annotation of materials used and opinions of hers and your own work creating an
abstract art piece using glue and ink, and explain how it relates to art and design? Write
a description/explanation of the materials/software, technique used for your work using
correct visual language. Unit 4(LA: A, B and C)
Task Seven
You need to research the artist Antony Gormley and produce a Pinterest of his work
with annotation of materials used and opinions of his and your own work creating 3D
models in clay, wood and wireframe, and describe how it relates to graphic design? You
will then research his style and take primary source photos of the venue Another Place.
Review your ideas and evaluate them so that you can pick the best 1 for your portfolio.
Evidence you must produce for these tasks:
Portfolio and sketchbooks containing:

Records of visits and relevant research

Folders of primary and secondary source research
Annotation on Pinterest boards

Photographs, scans, photocopies, videos, PDFs

Drawings in pencil, fine liner, charcoal and chalk
Screenshots/photos of work in progress and source materials
Final digital and physical designs
Research and investigate alternative artists in 3D and explain how they
communicate their ideas.
Peer feedback and evaluation of your own work and the work of others.

Extended Tasks
You need to research Javier Perez and produce a Pinterest of his work with annotation of
materials used and opinions of his and your own work creating doodle art, and how it
relates to art and design? You can pick the best 2 for your portfolio.
You need to carve a pumpkin using a spoon and a knife with annotation of materials used
and opinions of your own work and how you created it. Write a description/explanation of
the materials/software, technique used for your work using correct visual language. Unit
4(LA: A, B and C) Research alternative 3D artist work and emulate their style and
material use, producing evidence of work in progress and thorough research of artists
material use and opinion on their work and your own

English knowledge and skills signposting

GCSE English subject content area
The topic areas below are drawn from the GCSE English subject criteria.
2 express ideas and information clearly, precisely, accurately and appropriately in spoken
and written communication
5 explore questions, solve problems and develop ideas
In writing, learners should write accurately and fluently:
15 choosing content and adapting style and language to a wide range of forms,
media, contexts, audiences and purposes
16 adapting form to a wide range of styles and genres.
Mathematics knowledge and skills signposting
GCSE mathematics subject content area
The topic areas below are drawn from the GCSE mathematics subject criteria.
1 understand number size and scale and the quantitative relationship between units
7 understand and use direct proportion and simple ratios
Functional Skills standards for English level 2
Select, read, understand and compare texts and use them to gather information, ideas,
arguments and opinions
Write a range of texts, including extended written documents, communicating information,
ideas and opinions, effectively and persuasively
Functional Skills standards for mathematics level 2
Identify the situation or problems and identify the mathematical methods needed to solve
Select a range of mathematics to find solutions
Apply a range of mathematics to find solutions
Use appropriate checking procedures and evaluates their effectiveness at each stage
Interpret and communicate solutions to multistage practical problems in familiar and
unfamiliar contexts and situations
Draw conclusions and provide mathematical justifications

This brief has been checked prior to being issued to students:

Assessors Signature:
Internal Verifiers Signature:


Please Note: All work should be completed and handed in to the assessor on or before the
approved deadline.

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