The Scug Theory

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The scug theory is a transformation one goes through from bottom to top, becoming indestructible, and man
not clinging on pain or pleasure or earthly body. Man should look beyond mortal and finite things to get
the truth of things.
There are parts of this theory that should not be viewed as an attack on the faith--tradition of Christianity,
Islam or Hinduism, But like the Reggae Revolutionary Artist Bob Marleys used to sing NONE CAN
Before our world had life , breathe existed, from breathe came the thought
and from thought came the word, it was one with God or rather Creation,
through breathe(air) God created from it. It was the source of life and
light to man and the darkness has not put it out.
Creation is forever there whether we see the god power in it or not
because creation does not give what we want but gives us what is
necessary (water, fire, earth, air, spirit).
According to Scug is a place of shelter, the
declivity of a hill (n) to hide, a refuge (v.i.) Just like religion is viewed.
Scug is not a religion, but a Strategy, way of living or art (like ninjustu, bushido, and
Sun Tzu Art of war) characterized by an open mindedness to the universe as a
whole, to recognize the diversity, the Galaxy, to respect all religions for God is
universal and present in all things (deism). There is no holy or unholy about scug, it
has no PROPENSITY of repentance, salvation or Sin (shame) or righteousness or
forgiveness. It emphasizes the belief in the inner self, self responsibility, the
eternity of the soul and supreme control of the mind over matter.

There is an old Chinese saying as follows: cut ones feet to fit the shoe, I will
sacrifice any part of me that will fail this spirit from reaching the ideal self. This
may sound like an excerpt from a Samurai movie, but it just a statement of
purpose, - Conviction and - Strong will to reach a specific self chosen destiny.
Being a scug is like a no point of return trip (crossing the Rubicon line).
I have embarked on a wide ocean, boundless in its prospects, and which perhaps, no
safe harbor on it is to be found (Washington George 1732-99)
The main goal in life is to adapt, adapt, adapt to environment around you. If you find
yourself in hell or heaven move on, in Armageddon adapt and move on, in Jurassic
Jungle adapt move on. Many times people fail or die because their bodies and mind
fail to adapt to circumstances around them.
Be like water that adapts to anything around it.

Life is an elastic bouncing ball on an unknown course and every thought, person,
philosophy; music has a changing effect on its linear course so that it is a random
and chaotic movement to its destiny
The modern Era (21ct) is considered to be dominated by the Principle of the
newborn, the sovereign individual; and its formula is that of growth, in
consciousness and love, toward self-realization.
Learn to value the following: youth before old age, health before illness, being free
before getting busy, life before death, and affluence before poverty.
The main focus is the fusion of body, mind and spirit. Those who choose to follow
this path aim to recondition themselves, to develop independence of spirit and
ultimately to become their very own self or master.
The point of the exercises is to learn how to take control of your own mind, to master
the body and its emotional torque-- how to rid yourself not only of undesirable
spiritual influences, but also how to free your own thinking from the influences of
those around you, and from your own prejudices and self-imposed restrictions.
Scug is blissful window, a shelter place and sanctuary and protection from self
adulteration, or external mental pollution
Just like each person having a unique DNA structure, there is a unique
method, a spiritual pill for each persons problems mental or physical, that
only he can find the way to discovering it. There is no universal solution
for each persons problem like what most religion is made to sound. An
enlightened being would say I was born and fed the pill of Christianity.
Islam, Hindu, Jain, but it was not my pill, I went through spiritual torture
to discover a new pill and shall not abandon the way to it.
Every person has within themselves the spirit of god; each individual is unique, and
that the purpose of life is to grow and express that uniqueness.

SWORD OF SCUG (Master of the Universe (self))

SWORD= inner drive
1. Strength (Nguvu): strength and breath control
this is the power within the hammer (body) similar to what makes tree grow
anti- gravity (geotropism), is being green at all situation, growing no matter
the situation.
2. Will (Nia):
Ability to always live, to survive to prosper, constant action, to endure, to do
what is necessary

3. Honor (Taadhima):
Being principled, being in order without deviance, remain true to purpose.
Nothing comes first than these principles in this scripture, not even passion or
wants not even your elders or relations. Follow them with honor and loyalty.
Live and die by them for it is essence not fate.
4. Responsibility (shughuli):
Respect the law of cause and effect in nature, guiding actions and thoughts,
being in the force.
5. Desire of Duty (Cheo):
This means following ones path no matter the situation. The greater the task
at hand they more it will demand from you spiritually more than physically. A
man facing persecution or a mountain climb to survive the task and see the
light at the end of the tunnel requires that he concentrates on spiritual matters
than a man going on a vacation or picnic or clubbing. That is when a spiritual
method is sort through forms of different religions to overcome human
weakness and strength our inner sight.

The 6 duties
Scholarly duty (Pupil),
Military duty (Warrior),
Civil (Doctor or farmer),
Family (Parent),
Sexual (lover),
Spiritual (the DISCIPLE, Priest, sage, guru)
Those following the spiritual duties earnestly are saints, priests, buddhas and
gods. These are ones who have sacrificed household life which is more of
family duty. Those pursuing sexual cravings and duties earnestly are lechers,
fornicators and harlots. Sexual duties hold great sway on our minds and those
with intent to perform prayer, meditate or do magickal things take rests form
this duty because of its drain on emotional power, those who serve the
defense of a nation earnestly are doing their military duties, those who labour
for their nation building in any capacity are the labourers (Civilians).
In life one should know and learn what the moments of which type duty, and
how to achieve success.
When faced with a enormous task and you start fearing for your life, then it is the demons
that cling on you body that are warning you that you cant do it, doubting in your abilities and

The duty can be done even if it means dying to accomplish it, look at examples of Gandhi,
Yashua, soldiers, samurai, it is honorable to die for ones duty. Do not fear because you have
powers build beyond the limits of your clothing (flesh).
This sword is the unseen part of an individuals life. It is the illusion; the most
dangerous part of man is his sword, because it can injure him or his neighbor.
The enemy is within:
Just as the SWORD is mightier against outside enemies it can also turn inside and
destroy. So it is vital I point out these self destroyers:
1. Ignorance. This is accepting lies for truth or wrong facts by faith. Playing dumb
and non inquisitive.
2. willing less: acting without will
3. weakness: physical weariness and with weak chi
4. irresponsibility: acting with apathy
5. passion addict: seeking only what pleases the flesh, e.g drugs, sex, hate, lust,
1. Every month after completing the practice to remain in the path successfully do
celebrate, I abide in one soul in many, one god in many, one spirit in many and all
shall abide by one, and all my forces become one like at birth so shall be at my end
only then breathing out.
2. Celebrate and award yourself a token or gift signifying your kind of (one) spirit
(bird-free, fire-cleanser etc.)
3. method of meditation is slowly cultivated within
4. Having overcome matter please do seek & adapt the name within: Scug or any
that defines your distinct self, uniqueness, individuality. It defines and develops
who you are, as an individual. It is an individuating quality that breaks you as an
individual off from the "we" of over socialized society. What you perceive as your
master outside yourself will slave you, the only master you shall obey is you (will).
5. Perfection is unattainable in state of body only in death, luke18:19 so why do
you call me good? No one is good but one, that is God. Knowing good in one is
imbalanced knowing bad in one is also imbalanced. The point is to strive to be our
perfect self or elevated self.
6. The Earth has law of nature, Gravity, Electronic waves, friction, time, pressure,
etc., so that all who dwell in it should obey such laws to survive, thanks to A.
Einstein, Isaac Newton etc we know these laws, and like wise the OASIS of the body
has its laws, Emotional (Sense) wave, Breathe, illusion and memory, Volition,
consciousness etc., so that all who dwell in it should obey such laws to survive,
thanks to Buddha, Yashua, Krishna, Lao Tzu, Confucius, and Zarathustra etc we
Know these laws. To understand these two laws (matter (science) and spirit
(religion)) is to be closer to God.
7. All are prone to do (evil good) they are intertwined like gravity and air, it is a
symbiotic relationship. Evil and good are no different than your left and right eye,
only thin line divides and will never be independent of each other, they mould

our thinking, change life, define life; it is this way, that religion splits dualistically
into gods and devils and force you to chose.
8. "There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."- William
Shakespeare. There are those who inherit the power of destruction and those who
inherit the power of restoration.
9. Its because of evil that good exists and vice versa like front and back of your
hand but the difference is subjective and emotional thinking. In a world of matter
and emotions there can never be progress without error, north without south, and
west without East.]
You can not escape pain any more than you can avoid the temptation of
pleasure. Are you not then in a trap? Is how suffering revolves. Its the trap of
surviving as human haunted by visions of his/her falling from grace. The body
(earth) revolves around pain (sun) and pleasure (moon).
just like you might accidentally cut your
self while at work, due to poor
concentration and balance you might also fail yourself in your study if you focus on
the wrong things and mind
choice determines no. of times evil or good is done (destiny), choice is
determined by value
Value by character and will, character by habit / habit by action. Watch out
for the emotional self or friend that comes in the form of: why do I suffer, why is all
this bad luck on me, why is that beautiful thing in pain, self pity is cyclic road that
takes you round and round and brings you back to where you started a month ago,
week ago, years ago, decades ago, there is no suffering, thinking and clinging
makes it so. But forget it once you pile all this emotion in the stomach it must be
born if you previously were not meditating somehow it manifest in form of disease,
headache, indigestion, wet dream, madness, hate, anger, trauma, day dreaming,
irresponsible sexual behaviors and you will probably start thinking like a baby
before you know it, you would probably be in and out of court for misconduct.
Action by thoughts/words, thoughts by state of being in existence in a
diverse environment affluent of all tastes of influences. You dont need to be a
Christian to know of the 10 Commandments, A Hindu or Jew; truth is within and
comes in many forms, it never ages. Those who have seen the light within
understand this, love all, and bind all.
Fasting is ultimate remembrance of mortality, and bodily weakness and
aura of Great omnipresent domineer-er. It puts the will on test and revives the
consciousness in a rebirth atom-sphere.
Tools for successful meditation
The beginning of meditation lies in not looking at what you are but what you
are not. the end of meditation is seeing beyond what is sighted.
In meditation we learn not to resist but yield through observance without
necessary participation.

1. Discipline develops an enduring spirit to spare time for meditation, following

your schedule without always procrastinating.
2. Persevering: enduring the torque (pressure) or hindrances in meditation with
the hope to achieve higher level of enlightenment
3. Patience: patience with time will see you thru difficulty
4. Intention: watch out for your intents and self pity, wants, to do something, to
think, to eat, to enjoy pain/pleasure etc, these lure the mind from meditational
inertia or diminish the attained insights. Understand nature and become one, dont
force it.
5. Attention: Attention is your energy, your measure of concentration depends
entirely on how much energy you can direct in meditation
6. Fasting: it weakens your physical ability, makes you feel vulnerable and closer to
the maker. Than when you are full and feeling endowed with wealth or health.
Suitable to be done at times of leisure not activity. It replenishes the mental and
spiritual strength.
See ourselves as beyond the limits of body. We have the unseen self which
is our soul, the will power or chi. All of our power is energy and life is
energy. We are that energy field or body constantly changing and
transforming other energy forms. Movement, cutting, shaping. Curving,
elevating, burning fuels (food) all this actions are energy transformation.
In physics we learn more about these processes when potential energy is
transformed to kinetic energy. Contraction and expansion, Liquidation,
solidification and evaporation are other forms of life energy process. When
a body cease to exists it merely transforms back to its constituents
components. As they say Ashes to ashes and dust to dust. The body energy
is released to earth, water, air, heat and other minerals. Cremation is one
such hasten process to release and disintegrate mass to its minute
Hindrances in Meditation
It is impossible to overcome desire, but it is possible to overcome craving. For
somebody who has no desire whatsoever there is no point in doing anything, for
example, why get out of bed in the morning, why not just lie there? I think people do
not understand that difference. It is possible and it is important to overcome craving,
because craving causes all kinds of mental afflictions.
As long as there is craving, then we feed attachment, greed and all kinds of things,
whereby our mind is robbed of its peace.
In meditation we can see the same thing happen, even with our spiritual aspirations.
We may crave a nice, peaceful state during meditation, and if we have an
experience like that, then we may want to cling on to it, we may not want to let go of
it. If it is not there we may get worried, we may get frustrated and think we are not
making progress etc. etc.
Ill will or aggression

That tendency to think that whatever is pleasurable is something that we should

pursue and cultivate. All the little irritating things, even the very simple and very
basic irritating discomforts are something to be avoided at all costs, we must reject
them. We must avoid pain as much as possible, and pursue pleasure as much as
possible, at all times in any place.
This has to be dealt with during meditation. When we meditate we do not try to run
away from irritating things. You know, it is not a very comfortable position to be
sitting, it is much more comfortable to lie on your back. When we sit we get pains in
our knees, our back, our shoulders. Instead of trying to will this pain away, or trying
to change our position, always shifting and always trying to make ourselves a little
bit more comfortable all the time, we try to deal with that pain. Getting angry and
agitated, thinking "this stupid body of mine it can't sit properly, my knees are not
flexible enough, I can't do lotus position," (or whatever thoughts come in,) is not
important, What is important, is to deal with those little irritations, so that one is not
always trying to run away from pain and discomfort. And the same thing with the
mind, whatever happens in the mind.
So when we meditate, a lot of the time we feel drowsy, we feel sleepy, there is no sense
of mental clarity and the mind is sort of foggy. Even though the mind is not agitated,
nonetheless there is no sense of mental clarity. We need to be aware of that during
meditation. The way to deal with that is to straighten ones position and pay more
attention to the shoulders, chest, and the position of the head. If this persists try to get
some fresh air, and it is sometimes useful to have a wet towel or something that one
can use in order to wash ones face with etc.

The other obstacle or hindrance that arises during meditation is mental agitation, which
comes from worries and all kinds subconscious gossip. So in meditation we are thinking
about doing the purchasing, or thinking about fame, or all kinds of little things that
come up. We have to be aware of those mental agitations. When they arise we try to
pay more attention breathe, abdomen rising and falling, closing our memory tuners or
dwelling on problems memory. Also we generate a sense of being grounded and being
earthed, firm or still .
As human beings it is very difficult for us to develop trust or confidence, either in
people, or what we do. Sometimes this sort of skeptical doubt can become extreme;
whereby it is almost impossible to trust anyone or to believe in anything we do. If that
happens, even when we meditate, we may start wondering what benefit there might
be. One might start to think, "how do I know meditation works, how do I know that
sitting like this is not just wasting time? Maybe I should be doing something else,
maybe I should be jogging instead, I mean that might be more beneficial than just

sitting here doing nothing." All kinds of doubts and uncertainties may arise which would
disturb the mind, and also take enthusiasm away in the practice of meditation.
Doubt makes you effete and lazy.
You will be exploited of your weaknesses, get a mastery over your self made and
personal cravings that make you weak. If you do that what else can they exploit?
Mark points of Insight: derived from the trial and tribulations period:

1. Action comes from the non existence state of the silent subconscious motivated
by the will; a negative will yields negative action & vice versa.
2. clinging: clinging to forms>names> leads finally to cycles of tensions (suffering)
and disorganization.

3. vulnerability is due to reliance on form & senses, the senses are attracted to the
outer world objects, the senses possess extraordinary power that forcibly drag the
mind towards it within milliseconds, the mind is submerged in thinking of that
object with the intensity of grasping it without a second chance of logic or
rationality of the consequences. The senses must be trained to follow mind, mind
to follow intellect.
4. mental images: concentrate on slow relaxed breathing always to keep the mind
at calmness, if you put an egg in a boiling pot it will cook, if you play with a snake
you will taste venom, if you welcome a thief he will rob you, so know this if you
entertain hostile thoughts you walk a very narrow and violent road, welcome sexual
thoughts and you will walk a very narrow and promiscuous road, but welcome
hardly any thoughts and you shall see the vastness and endless sea of equipoise.
When you are troubled with endless worries remember this principle.

5. Self: strengthen self by guiding & mastering attachments, He who conquers

others is strong; but he who conquers himself is stronger yet. Contentment is
riches; and continuous action is Will.
6. He who adapts himself perfectly to his environment continues for long; he who
dies without dying (meaning not to struggle to feel to crave, to want this that, to
think about others situation (pity), simply to seize at that moment), lives for ever.
7. Stress: take stress positively as form of inner growth, its a humbling test of
8. The cycle: Your belief in self or being is made of
9. If you lack doubt in your self you will achieve just about anything (blind faith in
oneself). Whenever there is a will there is a way. Do what your (will) can is the
way, is an instruction that people should learn and discover their "true wills," the
important works and desires of their lives, and follow through on them. Caution this
might be misunderstood by the young at heart. "Our bodies are our gardens; our
wills are gardeners."- William Shakespeare

Why do you pray, meditate, fast? Is it because you want to eliminate
doubt, fear of unknown, that feeling of weakness within, inability to have self
initiative. When faced with doubt Yashua bin Yosef (most high) in wisdom said get
behind me, you are an offense to me and not mindful of the things I have the
power to do matt16:21-24.
Doubt gives us fear and worry of being who we ultimately can be; you could rule the
world if you believe and know you can. Every person has within themselves the seed
of a god; each individual is unique, and that the purpose of life is to grow and
express that uniqueness.

john 10:34-36


Look at what I can do but you dont believe. And know that
these things, and more, shall you also do. For have I not said, ye are gods?


are what we think.

All that we are arises with our thoughts.

And with our

thoughts, we make our world. Buddha

"Our doubts are traitors of thought and make us lose the good we oft might win, by
fearing to attempt." - William Shakespeare
Meet the four (doubts) destroyers: unready, unwilling, unable, and
undeserving. These are the culprits that sabotage your happiness and well being,
and you're probably not even aware of their presence. Not only do we stubbornly
hold onto these limiting beliefs, we seem to be masters at it; so much so that
affirmations, positive visualizations, and even hypnotic reprogramming can have
little effect. These patterns often go back generations.
Cautious of the memory box especially while meditating (attributed to Dr.
Amyn Dahya).
Energy in the memory is spent chiefly on unnecessary and unpleasant emotions,
on the expectation of unpleasant things, possible and impossible, on bad mood, on
unnecessary haste, nervousness, irritability, imagination, daydreaming, and so on.
Energy is wasted on the wrong work of centers; on unnecessary tension of the
muscles out of all proportion to the work produced; on perpetual chatter which
absorbs an enormous amount of energy; on the 'interest' continually taken in things
happening around us or to other people and having in fact no interest whatsoever;
on the constant waste of the force of 'attention'; and so on, and so on." This paints
man as being uncomfortable in his own skin: nervous, tense, unawake to the
moment because a man's energy is trapped in past buffers or Engrams (in
dianetics). (Wilhelm Reich)
Thought Process: Those people who think they can do something and
those who think they cant are both right. - Henry Ford






Quality life


As a man thinks in his heart, so he is.- Proverbs 23:7

Life does not consist mainly, or even largely, of facts and happenings. It consists
mainly of the stream of thought that is forever flowing through ones head. (Mark
Therefore what is seen is not reality, is what is thought to be seen, so thinking is the
power, the key of what is chosen to be real and false.
realize in your daily life that matter is merely an aggregation of protons and
electrons subject entirely to the control of Mind; that your environment, your success,
your happiness, are all of your own making All wealth depends upon a clear
understanding of the fact that mind- thought - is the only creator.
The great business of life is thinking. Control your thoughts and you control
circumstance. (Robert Collier) That is, one thought gives birth to another, one breath
to another, one step to the next equals basically to cycle of life ( successive thoughts,
breath that lead to action and actions)
Thoughts are like moving vessels of various shapes and colors along a river of
decisions, they move us from sad to happy, sane to insane, moral to
promiscuous, love to hate etc., sometimes it is wise to watch and observe
these vessels pass by without jumping into one. It will save us from
unnecessary commands of nature Csug.
We are all in different thought state (mind set) thus we are mind dreamers.
What you see and touch is your Socio-political and economic prison( which you can
make of a living hell or paradise) because it restricts freedom of action and thinking, the
world is the larger prison, your body is the 1 st prison, 2nd prison is the home/society you
live in, and 3rd prison is the country. We can escape these prisons through thought
process refined in the furnace of meditation.
God Sent:

The wisdom of creation on earth has come in various forms in nature and mankind from
which generations can find enlightenment and strength. They are Yashua bin yosef
(Jmmanuel esu), Krishna, Rama, Mohammed, Zarathustra, Gandhi, Buddha, Enoch,
Noah etc. Some callem Gods, others prophets, others Supreme Being, Spiritual
Masters, from their works meditate on such and you wont have wasted your life.
12. The past is a teacher you learn from (our) past mistakes and correct (our) selves in
the present, in the present you are like a student, a learner, who uses the past to
combine with the present knowledge to change the future, the present is very vital
because what we do now determines the success in the future, the choices you take
now will affect those you associate with in the future, the kind of life you will have.
The future is your success or failure depending on choices you make but either way
you are a professional in the future because you will have gained more knowledge
(wisdom) thru the trials, thats basically the purpose of life, to gain knowledge. We all
live in the present moment but very few of us utilize the power of this very present
The only thing that exists is what is happening right now. The past does not exist - its
over with and should be nothing but a fading memory. The future does not exist -it
simply hasnt happened yet. The only thing that really exists right now is the very
present moment that you live in and from this present moment you can draw
tremendous power - the kind of power that can change your life and allow you to
achieve your goals.
Now you may not like the present moment but thats only because youre thinking
about what you feel the present should be. Youre comparing the present moment to
something else and not appreciating what is happening right now.
It was once said to one of the young lords that "right now'' is ''at that time,
'' and ''at that time'' is ''right now.'' One will miss the occasion if he thinks
that these two are different. For example, if one were called before the
master to explain something right away, he would most likely be
perplexed. From Hagakure chapter 2
Questions of good and evil
Why Then Two spirits Fight for our souls
How will one spirit being evil fight another being good?, yet they dont belong in
this physical plane, what satisfaction will they get in victory when as spirit they
cant experience joy or hate or love, they dont have an ego, they cant throw in
punches nor drop bombs, This can only happen on a manifested existence, one
man being seen as evil fighting another seen as good. How will the Christian god
finally defeat the devil or evil?, yet again how will good define itself if evil is
nonexistent or evil if good is nonexistent?, can their be a neutral like chemistry
where on one extreme there is Acid and the other Base and the middle water?.
Philosophy of Calamities and Anarchy
Remember, earthquakes are in the Bible as something that God brings (Isaiah
29:6). Hail (Exodus 9:23), floods (Genesis 6:17), pestilence (Exodus 9:15), disease

(2 Chronicles 21:15), and famine (2 Kings 8:1) are in the Bible as something that
God brings. Is this Wise to define God as a disaster making being? Is their so much
attachment in the almighty that has to pull strings to make sure his subjects obey?
Are the laws of nature there because God manipulates them with some Man must
suffer agenda in mind, if we pollute our environment just enough for a Tsunami or
global warming effects to occur who should you blame.
Now, if we remove God out of the situation, theyll call you the Devil, and you say
(the) Devil is in the Bible as something that God brings. He created the Devil as the
subtle and most shrewd beast of the field (Genesis 3:1). Thus, the Devil was
smarter than Adam and Eve.
If God created humans in one image and after the likeness of one. And we think,
feel, smell, and talk like the one. Then, he created the Devil and made him the
shrewdest, subtlest beast of the field? He was (even) able to beguile Adam and
Eve. That only leaves us under the impression that the Devil is a shrewder being
than the one. The Devil was able to beguile Adam and Eve who thinks like God. So
he must be able to beguile God? (Attributed to Dr. Malachi York).
This Judaic view of God i.e {an emotional god) has us disillusioned and twisted
many into forming Cults that have only led to mass suicides. The Mighty One I see
is beyond emotions of jealousy, subject want, desire for blood sacrifice and
preference to one Israelite nation. The Hindus also have a view of a racial god or
belief, leading to them seeing others as the rulers, servants and slaves; this goes
against their own belief in Monism that all things are one.
God by my spirit I believe is the giver of all wisdom and has balance, not too good
or evil. God has equipoise and control over all that we see unlike man created to
have imbalance, no control some are too hot, just lukewarm, too cold, too good, too
Why should God represent fear for the Unseen, Uncontrollable, all powerful, am
sure if a man who possessed power to live forever or conquer without ever losing?
Would now be worshiped as god, because we fear or worship that we cant grasp.
Recognize a master being within you and rule over the seven seas (i.e sight,
sounds, tastes, scent, feel (pain-pleasure), intuition, volition (will power). The war
and tensions within you is an illusion; body reaction to the world, emotionally and
physically but (all is one); recognize you define your destiny, your thoughts thus
none can reach scug without this power or freedom from external and internal
misguided influence.
Understand your being is made of numerous vicious spirits (destroyers and builders
aspects) conflicting, but abide to one original self, that is you, learn to unite this
spirits to obey the one (creator) whose strength lies in sacrifice of oneself, not
doing what is liked but necessary.

To Sin to a scug means misdeeds, the acts that in the end lead to final elevation or
destruction of the inner self, through trial and error we progress. it also means to
deviate from ones chosen path or destiny which is a learning curve of experience.
To do that what you know is not why you came into being. Sin does not exit unless

it is practiced by nature or naturally. What is sin if not practiced? How will one
perfect self if they dont make mistakes.
Being disloyal to a goal or ideal is why the samurai carried out seppuku (ritual
suicide to redeem lost honor or glory) and the Christian bible also strongly suggests
that you should cut off once limbs or the thought process that caused you to sin. In
Buddhism it states to eliminate the self destructive thoughts instead of mutilating
the body. With reference to Christianity this is what in scug is called bodily torture
while the culprit or the master mind is the thought and mind process which can be
empowered through meditation to overcome bodily weakness (mind over matter).
Sin is also the inability to progress or perform our duty, it could be studying,
searching for work, teaching etc. when you are not doing your born duty or form of
practice then the chances that you will deviate and do other detrimental things is
high, so the saying goes an idle workshop is a devils workshop. The inabilities are
caused by negative influences, past inertia, engrams, clinging on wrong habits at
wrong time.
Misdeed is irresponsibility and being without motivation to responsibility therefore
it becomes part of a natural inclination or pleasure seeking, therefore to be in
control means strategy such as religion or pattern of habit, code of ethics designed
to elevate self to high being, which is a belief in redemption of perfection or control
of bodily torque (Torque, in engineering and mechanics, a twisting effort applied to
an object that tends to make the object turn about its axis of rotation. The
magnitude of a torque is equal to the magnitude of the applied force multiplied by
the distance between the object's axis of rotation and the point where the force is
In bodily torque I mean the force (good(yah) vs bad(weh) = creative destructive
power) that makes us change course and influence our habit inertia. why would
you need food, sleep, sex, breathe, desire, all this facts equal to body which means
it is limited, needs recuperation, refill, rejuvenation, re-creation, and vulnerable at
the same time it houses a powerful force that is the spirit in which all good and bad
abide, this force knows no end even beyond the body, the christian bible gives a
strong evidence of this where Yashua states the spirit is willing but the body is
weak. Most religions emphasize on cultivating of this force and not keeping the
mind dwelling on the body.
Sin is not the sensual body following its natural desires but the mind blindly
following bodily inclined desires, stimuli, it is the inability of the mind to subdue the
pull and push of bodily aches. The eyes just sees and shows existence of what is
seen, the mind defines what is seen and if there is attachment to what is visible
then there is a pull towards likeness of me and mine and push from the dislikeness
of me and mine.
Now an enlightened mind can see it self being pulled and pushed and can decide
to hold still and watch the wind of sensual desire pass.
Duality of Good suffering and Bad suffering

Bad suffering arises from doing misdeed or sin that is acting unlike your self, doing
outside your honor or duty. For example if your duty is to Lead people, but then you
start misbehaving with them, insulting and keeping quiet instead of guiding it means
you will suffer not as a leader but as a drunkard or coward. But if you suffer for doing
your duty like a mother suffers carrying a baby for 9months and bearing the baby it is
good suffering for it leads to a procreative good, rebirth. Suffering as a murderer, thief
or rapist is bad suffering.

When Yashua Bin yusuf (PBUH) was faced with crucifixion, though fearful He never
deviated or weathered and to those who doubted in His ability he often said to
them to get behind me, you are an offense to me and not mindful of the things I
have the power to do matt16:21-24. The things He was given the freedom and
power and tool to Build or destroy. Every one has special skills and power. The tool
(hammer) = (body) and the power (will) or (mind). Always look up when youre
down, never blame your self, never project your failure to others, because when
you are low and down you invite you negative side to take control more than the
positive energy. The fruits of negative forces are known.
"Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back-- Concerning
all acts of initiative (and creation), there is one elementary truth that ignorance of
which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely
commits oneself, then Providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one
that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from
the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings
and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would have come his
way. Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius,
power, and magic in it. Begin it now." Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Nothing is superior to excellence of art, preciseness, responsibility, skill, speed and
proficiency, perseverance, and consistency. No man evil or good can be defeated
with these supreme elements.
Protecting the self
Don't deplete your energy; you can accomplish more by doing less. Do not absorb
all that lets you hate, like, want, it diminishes your shine, understand detachment.
Tapping into your potential should not be an act of sheer determination and will.
Such behavior hinders performance and health on every level of consciousness.
Energetically eliminate, release and protect yourself from constant effort. Learn to

override the daily effects of stress, anxiety and tension through the ability to turn
them off at will. Step Three is to program relaxation into all levels of your daily
living.( from:Dr. Kam Yuen a 61 year old grandmaster of Shaolin Kung Fu, Tai Mantis
Kung Fu, Tai Chi Chuan and Chi-Kung.)
HUMAN BEINGS ARE cursed with one thing only called no satisfaction until exhaustion. They
more we want satisfaction the more we exhaust energy without and within. The insight is to know
energy transforms from high to low from hot to cold. Ying and yang energy endlessly are
chasing each other. How do you remain young forever is how you manage to retain the energy in
your body.
Controlling your emotions is vital. women are more sense and emotion driven while
men are more ration driven. a man emotional driven is simply means out of control. A man needs to
move from
primate thoughts to secondary thought level where he is the driver of sense instead of
being sense driven.
Master the sciences that exists for knowledge is the building block of a functional
mind, a mind is efficient and precise as the data stored within.
Never believe anything, believing in something is saying I hope this is right, but I
really aint sure know thy self and learn the sciences there is no excuse not to.
Understand that if do not take time to learn and work on your abilities and limits no
other higher being will think you are worth it. If you chose a low (animal) life you
will be treated likewise no matter your environment it is not an excuse. Any excuse
shows that you are not worth the effort. Other peoples opinions should never
hinder you, as long as you got breathe in your lungs take full charge of
your life because you are breathing it.

The scug theory

A scug master understands the seasons therefore should know when to act when to
hold still

Actions are equal to reactions, one event is the cause of the other, and one
breath leads to another. What you cause now affects you later (Newtons law)
under the sky everything is falling, whatever rises diminishes finally(karma).

If the immortal self can be born once, it is most unlikely that it will not do this



Your will is your power, to do all that you possibly can within the limit (time) or
chance given, whatever is within your will, Do. There is freedom and chance to
change the course of life, to innovate, advance, space travel. The world is vast

and dont limit your beliefs and self in that tiny box, be open and motivate to join
the vast ocean of infinite life.

It is principle that to achieve your highest best you must be egoless, without
imagination that I am Dr this, Mr .. that, Mrs.. that, I is a human body, think one
self to be soul and eternal.

Hell and heaven are here and now, they are not places in time but thoughts in
spaces, control your thoughts and you control you destiny, and in the end you
control your hells and heavens.

Creation is undefined force, not living which is limited to death, not existing
limited to non- existent, not good correlated to evil, but boundless like the cosmos
without beginning, never ending in nature and beyond time and undefined.

Non- attachment in all misguiding things creates a source of mental power, self

Non-clinging is a Secret power:

water will take shape when its put in a jar, wind

will take its shape in form of hurricane or torpedo, the earth will move in form of
red lava or earthquake, sound will exist at the moment two hands meet, so it will
be with energy spirit which will take the form of a man, tree or animal to be
manifested in the planet. The energy will never seize to exist once the jar is
broken and water is free, the volcano goes dormant, soundlessness of one hand
clapping, the body perishes and releases the energy spirit, the wind might be
calm but the energy never dies. If you sit quietly in a room, no one knows you
exist except you and only when you appear in body in the universe, the out of
sight out of mind rule. Otherwise you are as good as the dormant volcano,
soundless hand, water out of the jar, a free bird. This is the secret of nonexistence of everything, all things emerge from the emptiness, non existence,
before you came there was the one hand, hidden and silence you, now that you
are here there is the clapping hand, noisy you, full of action, , love and hate,
names, egos, conflict, misfortune, attachments which appear because of your
presence. As you meditate all disappears, and merge into one, abiding to one
force in you, all minds become one, so power over matter becomes one with you.

Every day is a step to the next or a doorway into the next day, every breathe a
limit, every life a limit therefore every breathe a step closer to death and life
becomes just a connection to the body everything else is just a reaction of the
body to the world around, as cautious information for your mind to decide which
direction to go.

There is nothing; like temptation since life is a limit not eternal and everything is
prone to die or fall and everyday we pass we have just managed to survive
because we made no choice that damaged our existence or chose the path to the
next day, you chose which path to follow, life is full of decisions some might need
sacrifice of things we love, some might lead to death others to success. Everyday
an old self dies as a new self emerges, the days o+n earth is a path of continuous
rebirth and spiritual growth.
In luka18\19 so yashua said why do you call me good? No one is good but
one, that is God. Knowing good in one is imbalanced knowing bad in one is
also imbalanced. No one in body form is perfect. You can take temptation
from a man but you cant take the temptation out the man likewise you can
take the cat out the wilderness but you cant take the wilderness out the
Every being has a state of instinctive nature or way, like night flies get
drawn to light and thus meet their fate.

Life on this planet is a stage or place of experience; we are here to learn from our
success and failures, do not be fooled to label your experiences as bad or good. In
a conflicting life, concentrate on what you have in common with foes, but if you
are ready to battle, look at your differences. Believe in self defense not self
offense. Seek not to harm others but to protect self from violation by others.

Ill tell you one truth there is no body in flesh on the planet that will live for
eternity, and death is not the end of being or existence, before life on this earth
you were there and so it will be after, Aman. We come from spirit of life. It is
energy in all living things on Earth, it is in Microbes, insects, animals and man, the
body is just the encasing of the spirit, which ever form you are, dont get attached

to it, because you adapt the nature of which ever body form you are in, but when
you die you join back to the original spirit of creation.

The mind is boundless, like a river erodes any hard or difficult surface,
unfortunately it gets discolored, distorted and toxic in the process of running
through diverse universal surfaces. Therefore one should be careful of clinging on
the wrong ideas that develop into habits, walls and roadblocks or engramic

Those not obedient and in practice of there ideals and principles shall be disloyal
to others, practice your code and u shall be loyal to those you serve like the
samurai bushido sharpens the wits of a retainer.

In conclusion all I have written are symbols and philosophy that exist because I exist,
but believe me they have no meaning at all, only to dwellers as human beings on
this mighty planet, motivated by blood and money, therefore it is your choice to
follow on them or not, I wont mind Be thankful that you live on earth. You were
born to search and find for yourself, let no man search and tell you to accept what
he has found is good for your soul.

Recommended readings
Mutt covenant
The Prince (Machiavelli)
Art of war (Sun tzu)
Thick black theory


The asian ways

The highest state men may aspire. Alchemy a search for a pill that would confer
the benefit of immorality and longevity. The creation of immortality involves
coupling of yin and yang elements as sulphur for male and mercury for female. By
a secret chemical mix and procedure, and swallowing the elixir, the mind dissolves
into puree spirit of the void. One acquires a body beyond a body losing sense of
self and the universe. Nothing but pure void and limitless ocean of Chi is
Alchemy which is also unique to the Chinese is the interpreted as explaining a
method of converting ones body through sexual practices into that spirit body that
will live forever. This involves the yin and yang aspects of the human body and
utilizes the body sexual fluids of the alchemists. We see that the ancients really
attained long life by the help of the seed energy presents in their own bodies (and
not by swallowing elixirs) Each time that heaven unites itself with Earth seize for
yourself the secret springs of relative power of yin-yang. By exercise of extreme
self control, which in men involved prevention of ejaculation, and by utilizing secret
practices, the sexual fluids, known as ching were converted first to Chi and then
into pure spirit, known as shen. Successful practices of the path of the union of the
sexes also involved attention to breath, quietude of the mind, and control of

Successfully done the bones were said to become indestructible tough and resilient,
as supple as an infant. This was rejuvenation.
Rules to achieving balance in Tai Chi:
This has to do with energy conservation and is based on a belief that change is
cyclic. For example lao Tzu says that since everything under the sun is subject to
birth, growth, maturity, decline and death, it follows that an individual must make
sure not to live too quickly, to have always something in reserve , for decline
always follows fullness. In moving one should never extend ones body completely.
To do so leaves nothing in space or reserve. In martial arts it will be easy for ones
partner to pull you over. Similarly it is wise never to use all of ones energy, just so
much and no more. Go only to a certain point, then draw inward again to the centre
in order to gather again your energy.
Fearth comes forth, forth comes fearth. this is a place of fear, fear of the unknown,
god, other beings, life, of afterlife.

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