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Good morning., my name is Leidy Correa.

I am studying in SENA and I am

working in the factory called Colmotores. Usually, I got up at five o clock
and go to the bathroom to brushed my teeth; then I started to do breakfast
and got up my sons for the school. Later, everyone takes a shower and
sometimes we ate breakfast with my husband.
At It's half past six am I went to my work, always in Transmilenio. I arrived to
working at seven o clock
I took a rest to lunch at one o clock. Sometimes, before lunch, I studied
subjects of SENA.
I finished my work at five o clock. I arrived to my home for made a dinner,
but, once per a month I went out with my sons and my husband to dinner in
a restaurant.
Finally, I slept at ten o clock.
On the weekends, I like go to the cinemas or a parks with my family.

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