Gms Collaboration Report

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Collaborative Planning Protocol & Record

Subject __________________________________________

Grade Level __________________

Utilize the Collaborative Inquiry Index to guide your conversations and assist your group.
Purpose(s) of the Meeting

___Common Assessment Development

___Lesson Planning
___Review Student Performance Data
___160 Day Plan Review
___Write From The Beginning Integration & Implementation
___Curriculum Discussion
___Other _______________________________________

Product(s) of the Meeting

___Shared Lesson Plan for Week of _________________

___Benchmark (Attach conclusions & implications)
___Common Assessment Analysis (Attach outcomes)
___Power School Assessment _______________________
___Instructional Strategy/Lesson
___Differentiation Plan Based on Assessment Data
___EL & SWD Plan with Modifications

Collaboration Norms Honored?

___Psychology Safety (Sharing, Risk Taking, Respect)

___Deep Conversations Held
___Conversational Turn Taking
___Electronics Usage for Work Purposes Only

Collaborating Staff Signatures

Date & Meeting Time___________________________

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