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Course: Digital Design

Instructor: Mara Swindell

School: Camden County High School
Location: Room A27/A29



Course Description:
All visual art curriculums at Camden County High School will promote
creativity and learning to express oneself through the study of art. Connections
among all subjects, cultures, and experiences will be made throughout the
Digital Design is an introductory course that will focus in utilizing computer
technology to create an artistic image. Students will explore a variety of computer
illustration techniques, image manipulation, and digital camera use, all while
focusing on the elements of art and principles of design. The learning that takes
place will allow students to practice critical thinking, planning, creating and
evaluating digital art based on the North Carolina Essential Standards for Visual Art.
Classroom Expectations:
These expectations will be reviewed in the first days of class and as needed
throughout the course. The following rules are specific to the art room, but all
expectations outlined in the CCHS Student Handbook will be observed.
Classroom Rules
1. Be Respectful: Treat classmates, teachers, administrators and all others
with respect. Take care of the art room and materials
2. Be Responsible: Sit in your assigned seat. Maintain a tidy studio space and
clean up after yourself.
3. Be Prepared: Bring all appropriate materials to class and be ready to learn
and create.
4. Be a Learner: Listen and follow all directions. Always put forth your best
effort; no saying I cant.
5. Be Safe: Use all materials in a safe and appropriate manner.
All projects/assignments will be given a grade based on a 10 point scale. You will
also have a weekly studio grade, sketchbook assignments each nine weeks, unit
quizzes, a mid-term and a final grade. You will also be expected to keep notes in
your sketchbook that will be subject to sketchbook checks, also kept for a grade.
Projects: count 4 times
Students are graded on projects using the following rubric. Points are
deducted when requirements for each are not fully met. Following
Directions (20 pts), Effort (20 pts), Craftsmanship (20 pts), Growth (20
pts), Creativity (20 pts)
Mini-Projects and Quizzes: count 2 times
Classwork and other Assignments: count 1 time
Sketchbook Assignments: 8 total sketches averaged together per nine weeks
(using a rubric outline) and count as a project grade

Teacher Info:
Mara Swindell, NBCT
IG: @swindellsartists #bruinartists

Studio Grade: Weekly grade based on participation, preparedness, etc. and is

averaged together per nine weeks to count as a project grade.

All students will need: 9x12 (approx.) sketchbook, wooden pencils and eraser,
and a jump drive. The following items may be donated at any time: tissues, paper
towels, hand sanitizer, Ziploc bags, newspaper, school appropriate magazines.
You are to enter my room on time in a quiet and appropriate manner. You
should sit in your assigned seat and begin your daily bellringer assignment in your
sketchbook that will be posted. I will shut the classroom door once the bell rings;
refer to your Student Handbook for the Tardy Policy.
You are to use the bathroom prior to class. You are not allowed to leave in the
first 10 minutes or last 10 minutes of class. Please use the bathrooms closest to the
art room.
**Please see additional procedures and expectations via Welcome to Art PowerPoint
uploaded on CANVAS.

Teacher Information: Mara Swindell, NBCT
IG: @swindellsartists #bruinartists

Please detach the bottom half of the paper and return to Mrs. Swindell by 9/2.

I, (Students printed name)

, have read this syllabus and understand
Mrs. Swindells expectations, procedures, and rules; I will be quizzed on this
information. I also understand that it is my responsibility to ask questions when
help is needed or concerns arise about grades.
Student Signature: ______________________________________
I, (Parents printed name)
, have read this syllabus and understand
the expectations, procedures, and rules in the art room. I also understand that it is
my childs responsibility to ask questions when help is needed or concerns arise
about grades. However, I am able to contact Mrs. Swindell at if the need arises.
Parent Signature: ______________________________________

Please list any questions, comments, or concerns you have below, along with
contact information if it is required. Feel free to share any insight to how I can help
your child succeed this year in art!

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