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Bondurant-Farrar Community School District

Artifact Cover and Reflection

Artifact Title: 4A Class Contract
Teaching Standard:

Demonstrates competence in classroom management.

Standard Criteria:

Establishes, communicates, models, and maintains standards of responsible student

I choose this artifact to show:
___X__ Growth in the standard
_____ Strength and competency in the standard

Description of the artifact and how it meets the standard and criteria:
This artifact is the posted class contract that my fourth grade class created the first
day of school for the 2016-2017 school year. It meets the criteria for standard 6B
because it is a visual representation of the standards that we made collaboratively as a
class. We established these standards of behavior during a class discussion we had on
the first day of school. This contract is posted in the front of our classroom and is a daily
reminder for students of the positive learning community we have in our classroom. All
four of the things that were put on our contract are qualities of a responsible student.
Responsible students respect others, practice safety, listen to the speaker, and are kind
to others at all times. This directly correlates with the Bondurants Best motto that we
have at Anderson Elementary. Student are expected to follow these standards in and
outside of the classroom during the school day.
Reflection on the artifact:
I think this activity went very well with my students. I chose to do this as one of the first
activities we did in 4th grade because I thought it was important to establish these
standards early on in the classroom. I also signed the contract along with the students
in order to model these expected behaviors. I believe that if I want to hold my students
accountable, and to high standards in the classroom it starts with me doing the same
thing. I refer back to the contract almost daily when a student is really showing one of
the agreed upon expectations. I will stay things like, that was very respectful and point
to the contract or, thank you for listening while I was speaking also while referring back

to the contract. I posted this chart in the front of the classroom for a constant visual
representation to my students. I think doing this activity really set our classroom culture
up for success.

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