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Becca Lang

Mrs. Bradley
AP English 12

Senior Project Abstract

For my senior project, I am putting on Santa Susana High Schools first
International Festival through International Club my Audrey Kon (it is also her senior
project). The festival will have booths showing off different cultural aspects of countries
all over the world. We will also have 3-4 food trucks for people to try new cuisines
theyve never tried before.
While Im very excited for this project, I know it will be lot of work. My main
concern is making sure that Audrey and I publicize it enough and correctly. We plan to
have at least 100+ people (but hopefully more), and in order to get a large group to
come, we need to get the word out in our community. Were planning on putting up
posters around Simi Valley and using social media for our main way of communication.
We also need to advertise it as a family-friendly event that will be both fun AND
informational! My other concern is fundraising. Audrey and I have already set-up a
Literacy and Game Night and our local Five Dollar Bookstore, so we already have
started working on our fundraisers. Im sure that this is only the beginning though,
because our fundraising goal is about $500, but I am still confident that we will be

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