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References :

social & emotional : The children will make new

friends .Also they will develop there social and
emotional domain .
Creative &imagination: While the children play,
they will imagen that they hunting in real sea.
Theorists :

Erikson: Erikson has concentrate in his theory at

role of society and tussle that can take place in
ego.(1923-Erikson ) . Also, Erikson says that age
from 3 to 5 it is important for the children to
play to scout their interpersonal skills.(1950Erikson ) . The children who have a limited
language are more able to grasp his feeling and
understand the world by playing. (1971Erikson )
Piaget: Piaget's theory include the cognitive
development and cognition of children .Piaget
say that children from 2 to 7 are able to think in
symbolically method to represent the images
and ideas(1950 Piaget ) Also piaget say that
children from 2 to try to manipulate the environment .(2005-Piaget ) .

Children guidance through play,

Charles H. wolfgang,1971.
Erikson, E. H. (1950). Childhood and
society. New York: Norton.
Freud, S. (1923). The ego and the id.
SE, 19: 1-66.
How children learn, Linda pound,2005.
Piaget, J. (1936). Origins of intelligence
in the child. London: Routledge &
Kegan Paul.

Student name: Moza Mohamed

Student ID : H00328495

How to play?

Toy description :

The age appropriate :

From 4 to 6

My toy is about fish hunting.

This toy will play in two
group each group hunt the
fish and say what is the
color of the fish.

* Children in this age start learning

the colors, so this toy will help them

to learn easier and enjoy. Also, this
toy will develop the physical domain
by moving the hooks.
* Children from 0 to 3 are not able
to play because there are small
pieces it can be swallowed.

The purpose:
* This toy contains:
hooks, fish, and basin

My purpose from this toy to teach

the children the colors in easy
way. Also, it is for fun and develops communication skills by discussing with each others how to
hunt the fish.

First, the children divide into two or three

Then each group take a hooks and start to
hunt the fish and say the color of the fish if
the color is correct they will take the fish.
Finally count the fish, the group who have
more fish they will win.

Types of play:
Cooperative play: this toy should play with
adult or teacher to organize children. The
teacher will divide children in groups, check
the time and decide who are the winner.
Onlooker play: the children who doesnt play
they can watch how others are playing.
Linking to the domains:
Cognitive: Develop the knowledge of children by learning new colors.
Physical: The children will develop the fine
motor skill by moving the hooks.
Linguistic: The children will develop the communication skill by communicating with their
group .

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