The Tale of The Second Lunar Utopia

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Logan Tytus

Miss. Farson
Creative Writing

The Tale of the Second Lunar Utopia

In the end. What separates a man from a slave? Money? Power? No. A man
chooses. A slave obeys. Andrew Ryan
My mother told me once, son, you were born to do great things and
you know what? She was right. It wasnt long before I regained
consciousness. I remembered it was cold and dark I had very little air. The
sun sat in the sky like a pea in the middle of mashed potatoes. Jupiter was so
large it took up 80% of the sky. I believe I am on a moon called Europa. It was
the only moon that was covered in ice. The mountains in the distance stood
like icicles upside down. The ice felt like wet sand on my fingertips. Curiously
enough, I knew everything about where I was at, but I did not know my own
name. It just was gone like a leaf trailing away in the wind. What I did
remember though was the crash.
It happened so fast. The crash felt like me falling into a half filled pool
of freezing water. All you could see now was burning wreckage and a few
other things that seemed out of place. I mean there was no luggage or
corpses of other people. There was just me. The only thing that resonated as
an intact piece of human made equipment was a lighthouse. This lighthouse
was like no other though. It swirled up into the air and it was pink. The
lighthouse smelled like frozen rain. I thought, What choice do I have, there

is nowhere else to go. I cautiously walked on the frozen sheet of ice below
my feet as it creaked and cracked. I made it inside and the door immediately
closed behind me and I was left alone in the darkness. The lights came on
and I was left gaping at a massive statue of a woman. She was in a short
sleeve shirt and she held a large metal banner which said, No men or kings,
only women. I simply moved on, for I was already creeped out by the
ominous feeling of loneliness. I took the stairs down a level and came across
what looked to be like an elevator. Again it didnt seem like I had much
choice, so I got in and pulled the large lever.
I instantly started moving downwards into the frozen deep. A TV screen
popped down in front of the window and an image of a woman appeared.
She was sitting down and giving you a thumbs up while holding a hammer in
the other. Her voice came on the loudspeaker. Hello there newcomer. Tell
me, have you gotten sick of your husband and life in a world ruled by men?
(The recording was obviously a pre-recorded message) If you have why dont
you consider living here in our safe home? I watched as my drunk and
senseless father beat my mother to death, and after that day I vowed to
create a safe place for women like me. For women like us. Sisters, let us
rejoice and come to our new home, Alexandria!
A fairly large underwater city inside an air bubble sat at the bottom of
the cold water. The mood the structures gave you felt like me walking
through a haunted hallway. It looked like an exact replica of New York City. I
landed in an airlock just south of what I thought was the Empire State

Building. The doors creaked and cracked as I stepped inside to what looked
like a food market gone wrong. Everything was destroyed, and there were
watermelons spattered all over the walls. As I searched, I came upon an
unsettling sight; a dead American Soldier lay with his guts ripped out of him.
At this moment, I knew I had arrived at some kind of hell. The body looked
like it had been moved so I followed the trail of blood that led me further into
this unsettling place. To my astonishment, his blood trail went on the ceiling.
In red letters, his blood wrote, Return from where you came! I moved on to
a window where I could get a good view of the city. Suddenly, the structure I
was in shook and a building clear across from where I was exploded! The
glass cracked in front of me, I started to panic. I ran for the nearest door,
locked. No, I am going to die here! The wall suddenly moved as if it
responded to my plea and a radio came out.
I picked it up and said hello into it. Nothing, mustve been broken.
heyyyyyyzzzz. I instantly perked up to the sound. Maybe there is someone
here. I said hello into it again. This time the response was clear.
Hi there feller. I know what youre thinking right about now. You must
be the unluckiest person in the world. I know that feeling, but right now I
need you. This place has gone to complete hell. Ever since those soldiers
came I thought we were goners. Oh yeah I didnt tell yaw. My name is Ray
and I aim to keep you alive in this godforsaken city. Just head for that door
you just tried to open. I unlocked all the doors for you so you will have no
trouble getting around, but watch out for the female warriors. Nasty pieces of

work they are. Nearly lost my own head to them, now get a move on before
they actually try to find you.
Great, now I have to take orders from an Englishmen I dont even
know. I moved down the hallways and each door was unlocked like Ray had
said. I didnt see any of those warriors yet but I was counting that I would
soon. There was a lot of blood on the walls. I instantly stopped to the
mumbling of what sounded like some crazy old woman. I followed the noise
down a flight of stairs to a half flooded room. The sign hanging from the
sealing barely read out to be, Hair Salon. The voice became louder as I
moved into the room. I could barely make out what she was saying and I
didnt like it one bit.
I will shave your head and make your brain all beautiful, she said. I
got closer to where I could see her. A dead body sat tied to a chair and the
woman was completely blue and her hair was everywhere! The person in the
chair was completely mutilated and it appeared the bodys brain was
missing! The old woman looked up at me in surprise.
She cried out, Who is that Mr. Hairspray? An intruder, and he is
ugly, ugly, ugly! As soon as she had screamed those words, she had a
machine gun in her hand spraying the room with bullets as she
retreated into her hold. I had seen enough! I bolted for the nearest exit
and ran until I tripped on a piece of rubble. The room doubled itself as I
tried to get my bearings. It looked to be a library of sorts. Although the

shelves and books were soggy from the water trickling down from the
ceiling it was mostly a nice place. A shear step back from the
dilapidated corridors. A smudged but readable sign read, Marias
Library. Must be her personal library, I thought. She must have a
personal collection of audio logs that I can listen too. Maybe that is
how I will learn what happened here. I walked over to a small section
of the library where small metal boxed labeled Logs laid. I played
the first one I saw and what I heard shivered my bones.
Finally my city is completed, but I am not satisfied with this
freedom we have given ourselves, she started. I need to somehow
control these progressive morons. My son should not be allowed to
grow up in these conditions. I clicked the next recording.
She continues, Day 753, the Rampex Virus has hit killing
hundreds, many are trying to leave, but the government has
threatened to quarantine the city if we try to return home. My son has
fallen ill, but I have the only cure to this disease. It would seem like a
miracle to everyone else and maybe that would convince them
otherwise rather than stake their chances and leave.
I got eager to listen to more the curiosity gripped me. Well it
worked, they stayed, but a tenth of the population started having
opposite effects to the virus they started becoming more erratic.
Theyve killed most of us. I fear for my son, the last of my people.

I started the next recording. I have been diagnosed with the

virus by Doctor Wilson. At least my son will survive, but then again
maybe not. Why should he live when I deserve to as well!? Look at me,
I am perfectly fine, my mind will heal sure as day and of course there is
tending to the sick who will surely die horrible deaths by me.
This time I was more cautious to click the next log. The military
showed up, ha! They think they can breach our defenses, walk in here
like wild boars while we willingly surrender, no. I will bathe in there
blood! (Starts sobbing) I have a confession to make my boy. I created
the Rampex to help control the population. I fed them lies to help fuel
my personal vendetta against men. I I will kill you! (Baby sobbing)
You took my life from me you little jinx! I will blow off your head and
steal your blood before I watch you outlive us all! Never again will I
bow down to a man, now you will bow before me!
Suddenly a massive television screen turned on and there was
the slightly distorted face of Maria. She began, So which one of the
morons sent you? Was it the Washington Hounds or the Soviet Attack
Dogs? Ray came over the radio in warning, Get out of there, get out
of there now. She can use the toxin on you! Maria continues, I tried
to create a better world here in this hell hole, and look what the men
from Earth tried to do. The doors locked and I was trapped in the room
with her creepy face.

They tried to control us! Squash us like bugs on the concrete!

Our lives sounding like paper money that is no longer needed. Now you
will die like all who have before you.
A green gas streamed out of the sealing and I immediately put
my shirt over my nose to try and inhale as little as possible. The toxin
burned my nose like onions being cut in front of me. Ray came over the
radio while Maria laughed at my suffering.
No! he yelled.
The wall behind me exploded. The gas wisped out of the room
like bread absorbing water as the alien ocean gushed into the library. I
tried as best I could to find an air pocket but I was lost to the open sea.
My vision went as blurry as an owl awakening to broad daylight. Life
would soon end for me just as it had begun. Out of the darkness, a
submarine appeared. It seemed to get larger and larger and heading
straight for me! I was engulfed by the sub. The air kissed my lungs like
your skin healing from a sunburn.
Ray came over the radio, Are you alright?
Fine, I answered back. Thanks for saving me back there.
No problem mate, but we have a problem. Maria has activated some
kind of self- destruct and we have maybe twenty minutes tops.
And youre telling me this now?

Well you were unconscious for a couple of hours now and I didnt want
to wait. So listen, I have directed your submarine to the main reactor where
you can hit the deactivate switch alright?
Got it, deactivation switch. Uh, what is it supposed to look like

It is a giant wheel, now hurry time is of the essence!

I landed just north of the reactor. The sea boiled around it and I
had a hard time trying to breathe in the heat. The sub smelled like
burning cloths.
It was a quick journey to the main control room. Hundreds of pipes
swirled around and I had to crouch under a few just to get by. I spotted
several unflinching cameras along the way, but I felt that she was watching.
Waiting to see what Id do. Almost immediately her voice came on the
loudspeaker as if on q.
I see you are determined to stop me, but it wont matter. For there are
many ways this could end. For instance, isnt it strange how you of all people
landed here and how you of all people are capable of stopping me alone? It is
curious, most curious.
Ray chimed in soon after, How are you doen feller? I can see
you in the control room, good! Now head over to that unnecessarily
large switch on the wall and turn it to the left, and dont forget it!

Ok, turn it to the left, I thought. But wait, why should I have to
turn it that way? There is no rulebook saying that I shouldnt turn to
the right. I mean the paint on the wall states this, so why should I turn
it left.
Ray chimed in again, Hurry, we have only seconds left! I
immediately ran towards the wheel and turned it left. An alarm turned
on. It smelled like a poorly made turkey on Thanksgiving. The structure
vibrated and rocked like in a steady breeze.
Hahahahahahaha! yelled Ray over the radio.
A womans voice suddenly came over it like the sound of
sandpaper wearing away at wood. Marias voice came over, You fell
right into my trap you gullible little boy! The wall behind me opened
and there she stood. She spoke into the microphone and out came
Rays voice, I aim to keep you dead little feller. She pressed a button
and her voice changed to normal, I needed you to do my dirty work
while I plotted my vengeance against men. Now you will see, there is
no happy ending for you. The wall behind me opened and revealed
behind it an airlock. A loud alarm ruptured my ears like a subwoofer
bomb at a rock concert.
Now after your death my city will rise out of the sea and into space
where I will make my journey to Earth. There I will watch as you and your
kind will die. Her finger slowly moved towards the button. I on the other

hand banged on the glass begging for mercy, for forgiveness. For I had done
nothing wrong, as far as I knew. I looked her in the eyes, giving her a dead
stare. She seemed to get very uncomfortable, her brow sweating. Her hand
wavered over the button like a bird thinking about whether to kill a baby
worm in the soil. At this moment, I knew it was over. I turned and looked out
into the black sea of darkness. I closed my eyes wanting to be home,
wherever that was and wanted to be with my anonymous family. The clock
moved like the taste of whip cream. The seconds ticked by and I just was
waiting for the end, but when would it happen? Could I ever escape this
You know what, why do you have to leave now? You could still be of
some use to me. The alarms turned off and I squinted wandering what was
happening. Here, go through the door on your left and we shall see what I
have in store for you. At this point, my eyes were opened completely, but
the room was exactly the way it was when I had entered it, how strange.
The corridors moved on forever. The city rocked and jolted like a tree in
a hurricane. Maria came in on the announcement system, You know what,
why dont you come upstairs to my office and we can discuss working
arrangements. Oh and dont mind the jolting, were just escaping Jupiters
I moved up a seemingly endless staircase, which in turn took me to the
cities upper limits, and I was in the citizen courters. An audio log sat on the

half intact bed of what was a womans room that had the taste of a rotten
banana. I cautiously played it and on came a mans voice. It was Rays voice
and he sounded upset and afraid.
I think I did something I wasnt supposed to. I didnt mean to sleep
with her, I just couldnt help myself. The natural instinct gets to you, you
know. She was right there and I just let it happen. Strangely enough she
approved of it, but I had my doubts. (Banging noise) Oh no, theyve come for
me! No please, I didnt mean too! Please have mercy!
I moved on, I just wanted to leave. I was no longer intent with learning
the dark secrets of this place. I finally came to her office. The door was
unlocked and I didnt bother knocking. I knew she knew I was there.
Ah yes you have come how splendid! I walked into the room. The
glare of mars lit up the ramparts.
What is this about Maria, I just want to leave.
Oh Im sure you do my boy, but you see heres the thing. This story
has to end one way or another and I wanted you to be part of the climax.
Come on now, pick up your sword and fight me!
I went for the nearest sword for she immediately attacked me with
hers. We hacked and slashed, each of us fighting with desperation to live.
She started mocking me, Come on, I have fought many stronger men than
you in my day! Give me a real fight! She cut my arm and leg. The odds were

turning in her favor, she immediately went on the higher offensive. My blood
tasted like sour gravy in my mouth. I was up against the wall; I waited for my
end, but suddenly she stopped like a waterfall that stopped falling.
She spoke softly like speaking to a baby, I never wanted this for you, I
never wanted any of this for you. She took her blade and held it up aiming
at her. I have been a slave to them, and I never wanted you to become like
them or suffer what I suffered. I am sorry son. She swiftly stabbed herself in
the gut. In one final, moment she took my shoulder and gasped, Remember,
a man chooses. She points to herself, a slave obeys. Promise me you will
She fell dead and still I tried to comprehend what had happened. The
alarms suddenly sprung to life as the earth came into view. A computer voice
came on the intercom, Time until impact one minute.
Wait, there was no weapon or army. She never planned to live in the
first place! Oh no, the city is the weapon! I ran to her desk searching for a
solution like a monkey searching for a lost banana. Then I remembered what
my mother said about being a slave and there on the wall was a picture that
said, Modern Slave I sprinted towards it and ripped it off the wall. There
was a red button. I immediately pressed it and the wall from which I came
opened. It was a white void that seemed infinite but I didnt have time to
argue I just went in.

Suddenly, everything went black. Voices appeared in my head, but

they were not mine and I wasnt sure where I was and why I was there, but
one thing was certain. Strangely, I couldnt remember anything about my
past and every voice I heard didnt make any sense to what they were
saying. Nor did recognize any of them, but there was one thing I
remembered, one thing that stood out from all the voices in my head, my
name. Yes I remembered it oh it is so simple. My name is

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