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EDUC 252

Childrens Literature
Chapter 8 Quiz
Name_________Ben Northrup________________________
1. Explain the three milestones in the development of realistic fiction for children and
tell why each is a milestone.
Robinson Crusoe in 1917 was a milestone as it was a very early
survivor/adventure story, and it had many imitators that followed the same concept.
Harriet the Spy marked the beginning of a new realism movement in childrens
literature in 1964.
Nothing But the Truth, in 1991, was one of the first documentary novels for
children, and brough to light troubling issues.

2. List two distinct characteristics of those books referred to as new realism.

New realism books may often be less lighthearted than other
realism books. They also deal with issues head on, so rather than
showing all families being rosy cheeked, new realism would show
families as they truly are, often flawed, but still loving.

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