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Barnes 1

Keiocsha Barnes
Maurice Gregory
FRST 100
November 18, 2016

CAE Event
I attended the event Mobile registration and Advising. This event goal was to
encourage students to be proactive and put first things first by taking advantage of early
registration. This was a great event because registering for classes by yourself can get hectic at
times. Having someone to advise you is way easier and faster. The registration process was in the
lobby of ACB. There were several CAE advisors at tables assisting students with registering. The
only thing that I didnt like about the event was that it is out in the open and it takes long for your
name to be called. A plus about this event is that it was Monday- Thursday. Students had a lot of
time to try and fit this event into their schedule. Personally, I came to the event because I had
problems with trying to register myself. Aggie access wouldnt load for a long time since there
were so many people on the site at the same. Once the website loaded, it didnt let me register for
all my classes so I came to the event to seek help. I still was having problems with registering for
math 111 because it said I did not reach all the perquisite, but I did. So, I was sent to Mrs. Torrey
Burden for an override. She was so sweet and helpful. Mrs. Burden gave me the override
because I did meet all the prerequisite. I was very happy because if I didnt get in that math class
I would be behind in math. I was very thankful for Mrs. Burden help because she is the reason I
am in the math class I wanted to be in.

Barnes 1

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