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Music Career Project

Checklist to Complete Assignment
Read the article
Complete From the Source Section #1

Complete In Your Own Words Section #2

Complete Your Final Job Description

Section #3

Complete Best Fact to Share Section #4

Complete Think About It Section #5

Complete the Career Jump Activity

Section #6

Is my work neat, in complete sentences,

and each section is completed.

Period: ( example: 6A5)

Music Career Jump Grading

_____Individual Participation During Project
3 on task, involved all the time
2 on task, involved most of the time
1 off task, wasting time, teacher
reminders to work needed/not on
task, ignores teacher reminders
_____Completed Project
3 all tasks complete, in detail, neat,
and thoughtful
2 all tasks complete, satisfactory
answers, and legible, most tasks
complete, answers are brief and not
detailed, work is sloppy
1 few tasks complete, answers are
incomplete, and little effort is shown

his information based on the information on the Music Careers Website. Dont use
#1 From the Source

#2 In Your Own Words

Job Title: Business manager

Job Title: Business manager

Career Overview: Manages the finances of

musicians and entertainers

Career Overview: Manages the money of

the musicians.

this Music Career

this Music Career

1.The Business Manager handles financial

affairs for Recording Artists.

1.Manages the money of the musicians.

2. Other duties include negotiating with

Agents and/or Representatives for contracts
and appearances or negotiating with union
officials, TV Producers, motion picture
studios, concert halls, record companies
(looking for a current list of contacts at
record labels?), merchandising firms,
publishing companies, and more.

2. Gets people to promote their


3.Seeking out firms, companies, and

corporations that will want the Artist for
endorsements is not outside of the realm of

3. Finds people who want the musicians.

Music Career Project

responsibilities for the Business Manager.
4.Seeking out firms, companies, and
corporations that will want the Artist for
endorsements is not outside of the realm of
responsibilities for the Business Manager.

4. Finds people who want the musicians.

5. He or she might have one or more clients,

and its useful to point out that those acts
that hire Business Managers are usually
doing well financially.

5. Has at least one or more clients and

business managers do well with money




1.$25,000 $1,000,000+ $1,000,000+



1.If qualified, an individual has a fair chance

of becoming a successful Business Manager,
but he or she will have to work in or near a
major music capital to gain clients.

1. If you are qualified and work in a major

music place then you get more clients.

2. One can also work as a Business Manager

with clients outside the music industry and
then branch out gradually into music.

2. You can also be a business manager with

clients without being in a music industry
and then become better.



1.The name of the game for a Business

Manager is to obtain more clients in order
to advance their career.

1. You wanna get lots of clients to make

your career better.

2.With that said, obtaining only a few, high

profile clients will have the same effect.

2. Or you could just have a couple very

popular clients and that would also work.

Education and Training

Education and Training

1.There is no formal educational

requirement to become a Business Manager,
but most individuals do have college
degrees (see our list of top music colleges) in
business administration, finance, or
accounting and successful Business
Managers have usually completed graduate
studies in these areas.

1. No real qualifications but depending on

what college degree you have and if you
have a good one it will improve your

2.Some Business Managers are CPAs, while

others arent.

2. Some Business Manager might be a CPA.

Music Career Project

Experience, Skills, and Personality

Experience, Skills, and Personality

1.Business Managers should be

knowledgeable on all types of investments.

1. Be smart and know how to handle

money/make deals.

2.They should also have the ability to

negotiate, with a complete understanding of
the music business.

2. Know how to negotiate with knowledge of


3.Tax law is also another important area, as

the Business Manager should be able to
advise how to save money on taxes. Of
course, the ability to help the Artist make
money through investments, endorsements,
etc., is useful.

3. Make a plan so you will have money for

your job and money for paying taxes.

Unions and Associations

Unions and Associations

1. the Business Manager is an Accountant,

he or she might belong to the American
Institute of Certified Public Accountants
(AICPA), or the National Society of Public
Accountants (NSPA).

1. Some people inspect accounts.

2.They can also be members of the Financial

Planning Association (FPA). And, if the
individual is also a personal manager, he or
she could belong to the National Conference
of Personal Managers (NCOPM).


Suggestions for Getting Started

Suggestions for Getting Started

1.Apply for a position as an Administrative

Assistant to get experience working for a
successful Business Manager.

1. Try becoming a Administrative Assistant

to get experience beforehand.

2.Acts will not entertain the idea of hiring a

Business Manager who has not yet proven
himself or herself; so be sure to qualify

2. Acts wont help you become a manager so

make sure to make yourself qualified.

#3 Your Final Job Description: Convince someone this is the best job in the music

industry! Write in complete thoughts and sentences IYOW). When you read this out loud, it
should be about 30 seconds.

Music Career Project

#4 Best Fact to Share: Write one sentence summarizing and highlighting the best part
about this job.
Famous people

#5 Think About It
-List 3 school subjects that would be useful to know to perform this job.
1. Music
2. Math
-Would this job be a good fit for you? Why or why not? Support your opinion in complete


#6 Career Jump Activity: Quickly write down the job title and one interesting thing
about each job as you rotate through the career jump.
1. Owen - Lighting Technician - I get to use lights
2. Adam - Tour bus driver - gets to drive famous people
3. Daniel Simons - Marketing music coordinator
4. Kyle - Song writer - Writes songs
5. Carly - Choreographer - Dance with famous people
6. Ben - Video game Composer - Writes songs for video games
7. Jordan - Music producer - makes mixes
8. Joseph - NIghtclub DJ - Plays music
9. Jamie - Singer - Travels all over the world
10. Skyler - Dance/ Cover band
11. Katie - Music photographer
12. Anna - Booking agent
13. Annabelle - Personal manager
14. Reese - Record producer - Works with good musicians
15. Andrew - Nightclub manager - Gets paid a lot to have fun
16. Dax - Rockstar
17. Leah - Music journalist
18. Garvin - Technician
19. Rachel - Lyricist - Makes demos
20. Skylar - Music producer

Music Career Project

Best Job: Nightclub DJ

Worst Job: Tour bus driver

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