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Observation task 4: Planning and preparation for learning

Arrange to attend a planning session with the teacher/team.


Why is planning and preparation for learning important?

What do you have to think about before you begin to plan for learning?
What stages did the teacher go through in order to be prepared for teaching?

Planning help to managing time and make explain the lesson easier and more
See if the material for the lesson is provided; see if the activities and the
lesson will be easy for the children to understand.
First, the teacher thinks of the lesson them; then she prepares material that
is related they and she search for videos if there, she makes a worksheet for
the student the last thing is arranging how she will present the lesson,
activities, and videos.

Erikson said This procedure is an object lesson plan and the ways in which the exchange of
information with the students use to help them to carry as much of the material. Two stages
(a motivational and develop a lesson,), despite the educational in nature.
Expectations are valuable to provide students with some self-trends for the lesson.


Lesson Plans: Using Procedures. (2016). TeacherVision. Retrieved 9 November 2016, from

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