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Music Career Project

Name: Hayden, Zeiger

Checklist to Complete Assignment
Read the article
Complete From the Source Section #1
Complete In Your Own Words Section #2
Complete Your Final Job Description Section #3
Complete Best Fact to Share Section #4
Complete Think About It Section #5
Complete the Career Jump Activity Section #6
Is my work neat, in complete sentences, and each
section is completed.

Period: 6B2
Music Career Jump Grading
_____Individual Participation During Project
3 on task, involved all the time
2 on task, involved most of the time
1 off task, wasting time, teacher reminders to
work needed/not on task, ignores teacher

_____Completed Project
3 all tasks complete, in detail, neat, and
2 all tasks complete, satisfactory answers, and
legible, most tasks complete, answers are brief
and not detailed, work is sloppy
1 few tasks complete, answers are incomplete,
and little effort is shown

this information based on the information on the M

usic Careers Website. Dont use other sources!

#1 From the Source

#2 In Your Own Words

Job Title: Singer

Job Title: Singer

Career Overview: A Singer performs the lead

vocals of a song. Although he or she may have
a backing band, the Singer is the star of the

Career Overview: Singers are the lead singer of

songs. Though they might have background
singers or backgrounds bads they are still the
star of the show

this Music

this Music

1. A Singer sings the main vocal line of a


1. Singers are the main person singing a


2. He or she is the main focus of the

performance, in contrast to a band, which has
regular members who tour, record, and
generally play equal roles in a performance

2. They are the most important in the show,

opposite of a band which has different players
who tour record song and play equal spots in a

3. Some Singers back themselves up on piano

or guitar, whereas some focus more on
dancing and performing, and leave the rest to
a backing band.

3. Some singers use different instruments but

some like dancing and performing and to leave
all the other things to the background

4. Singers record albums of songs that they

have written or that have been written for
them by a production team, and then tour to
promote the album.

4. They record songs that have been wrote by a

production team and then promote the song by

5. Their days are spent in studio, on tour, and

practicing vocal, instrumental or dance skills.

5. Singers spend most of their time in the

studios, on tour, or practicing

Music Career Project



1. $17,680 $40,000,000

1. The salary of a singer is from $17,680 to

$40million dollars





1. Like many careers in the music industry,

getting work as a Singer is all about
who you know.

1. Becoming a singer is all about how you


2. When a Singer is just starting out, most gigs

wont be paid, and if they are, they wont be
paid very much. Start by playing open mics
and talent contests and contacting local
Bookers to see if you can open up for another
Band/Singer or be added to a bill.

2. When someone is starting to become a singer

they wont get paid at first but if they are its
not a lot of money. They start by playing at
open mics talent shows and finding booker's to
see where there is an open opportunity for a



1. Advancement in this career means

making more money and performing in
front of bigger crowdsso basically
progressing from having a small local
following to becoming a star.

1. Advancement is making money and

being in a big crowd.

2. Even Grammy winners start small. Singers

can play their local club circuit, perform on
cruise ships, and hold residencies at lounges or

2. Everyone starts small but people get bigger

by advancing in the career.

Education and Training

Education and Training

1. Further education isnt a requirement

for a singing career, although it can
lead to better opportunities through
training and networking, and vocal
performance majors are available at
many colleges.

1. Education isnt that all important for a

singer, but there are major in college for
singing and that's good.

2. Of course, music education is essential. Not

every Singer has taken years of voice lessons,
but to further a career, make ones voice stand
out, and to keep vocal abilities strong, lessons
are a must.

2. You should have a education in music to

advance further in your career. SO lessons are
a must!

Experience, Skills, and Personality

Experience, Skills, and Personality

1. Experience performing and writing ones

1. Experience in performing is an essential

Music Career Project

own songs is essential.
2. A Singer must be adaptable and able to
handle some uncertainty.

2. You must be able to change

3. Skill-wise, in addition to being able to write

catchy, beautiful songs and sing well, a singer
must be able to market his/herself.

3. A singer must be able to market his/herself

Unions and Associations

Unions and Associations

1. Resources for Singers include the American

Federation of Musicians and the National
Academy of Recording Arts & Sciences.


2. Some Singers are eligible to join the Screen

Actors Guild/American Federation of
Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA). The
New York Singers Collective lists Singers
online so that anyone looking for a Singer can
easily search for the right fit for their project.


Suggestions for Getting Started

Suggestions for Getting Started

1. Get experience and build connections by

performing at open mics, joining a
choir, joining a band or entering talent
Get an online presence so people
can access your music. A
SoundCloud or MySpace page is
essential. YouTube videos can
also generate a buzz.

2. Develop your own unique image so that you

stand out from the pack.

1. You can start working at open mics,

joining choir, and more!

2. Make yourself stand out

#3 Your Final Job Description: Convince someone this is the best job in the music

industry! Write in complete thoughts and sentences IYOW). When you read this out loud, it
should be about 30 seconds.
This is the write job for me because I like to sing and I am a hard worker.

Music Career Project

#4 Best Fact to Share: Write one sentence summarizing and highlighting the best part

about this job.

The best part about this job is probably spending time in the studio with very famous people
and recording songs.

#5 Think About It
-List 3 school subjects that would be useful to know to perform this job.
1. E.L.A
2. Music (of course)
3. Art (so you can decide what album cover pictures you like and how to tell people
what to add)
-Would this job be a good fit for you? Why or why not? Support your opinion in complete
This job would be good for me cause I am good at these stuff.


#6 Career Jump Activity: Quickly write down the job title and one interesting thing
about each job as you rotate through the career jump.
1. Caden - Celebrity Bodyguard - They guard celebrities
2. Paul - Music Producer - make your own music
3. Eli - Recording/band ground - money is sky's the limit!
4. Anna - Music Teacher - Working at more than one college
5. Molly - Sound Producer - You get to listen to music all day
6. Carly - Music Producer - Always working with music
7. Maddy - Song writer - You dont have to worry about your being bad
8. Madison - Music Teacher - You have to make learning fun!
9. Zach B. - Radio DJ - Listen to music all day
10. Charlotte - Music Publisher - Make music
11. Aden - Cruise Ship musician - get free food
12. James - Rockstar - leader of the group
13. Jacob - Tour Manager - You are lit
14. Stool - Stool - Gets to sit around all the time
Best Job: Stool

(real one is Recording/band group)

Worst Job: I dont have one

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