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Blackwell Science, Ltd

Tansley review
The physiology of circadian rhythms in

Author for correspondence:

Alex Webb
Tel: +44 (0)1223 333948
Fax: +44 (0)1223 333953

Alex A. R. Webb
Department of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge, Downing Street, CAMBRIDGE, CB2 3EA, UK

Received: 17 March 2003

Accepted: 30 June 2003
doi: 10.1046/j.1469-8137.2003.00895.x




The benefits of the circadian regulation of physiology





VI. Future prospects



The circadian clock


VII. Conclusions


III. The regulation of cellular physiology by circadian

oscillations in cytosolic free Ca2+.


IV. The circadian regulation of physiology






Key words: Circadian: stomata; calcium;
signalling; Arabidopsis; leaf movements;
growth; aequorin; phototransduction.

Circadian rhythms regulate many aspects of plant physiology including leaf, organ
and stomatal movements, growth and signalling. The genetic identity of some of the
components of the core circadian oscillator has recently become known. Similarly,
the photoperception and phototransduction pathways that entrain the oscillator to the
day and night cycle are being determined. Less clear are the pathways by which
the circadian oscillator regulates cellular physiology. Circadian oscillations in cytosolic
free calcium might act to transduce the temporal outputs of the circadian oscillator.
This hypothesis requires rigorous testing using novel noninvasive technologies.
Plants might gain advantage from the circadian clock by being able to predict
changes in the environment and coordinate physiological processes, presumably
increasing survival and hence, reproductive fitness. Technical advances coupled with
cell-specific measurement techniques will allow the advantages of the circadian regulation of physiology to be quantified.

casein kinase 2 (CK2); CRYPTOCHROME (CRY); PHYTOCHROME (Phy);

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domain); PHYTOCHROME-INTERACTING FACTOR3 (PIF3); nitrate reductase
(NR); LIGHT HARVESTING COMPLEX B (LHCB); cytosolic free calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i); chloroplastic free Ca2+ ([Ca2+]chl); light (L); dark (D); continuous light
(LL); continuous dark (DD), CAULIFLOWER MOSIAC VIRUS 35S (CaMV 35 s); the
small subunit of ribulose-1,5 bisphosphate (rbcS); ethyleneglycol bis -amionethyl
N, N, N, N, tetraacetic acid (EGTA); inositol 1,4,5 trisphosphate (Ins1,4,5P3); LUCIFERASE (LUC); out of phase (oop1); Cyclic ADP ribose (cADPR); abscisic acid (ABA);
suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN); Samanea pulvini inward rectifying channel (SPICK);
Arabidopsis potassium transporter 2 (AKT2); Samanea pulvini outward rectifying
channel (SPORK); stelar potassium outward rectifier (SKOR); Samanea saman
Aquaporin 2 (SsAQP2); phototropin (PHOT); phosphatidylinositol 3 phosphate
(PtdIns3P); phosphatidylinositol 4 phosphate (PtdIns4P); water use efficiency
(WUE); multi electrode ion flux estimation (MIFE); indole acetic acid (IAA);
phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC); ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/
oxygenase (Rubisco).
New Phytologist (2003) 160: 281303

I. Introduction
Most eukaryotes and some prokaryotes have a circadian clock
(Table 1). Circadian clocks have a period of c. 24 h and are
entrained to the daily temperature and light/dark cycles of the
rotating earth (Table 1). Circadian rhythms are most easily
observed by placing an organism in constant conditions (usually
constant light) after entrainment of the rhythm to temperature
or light/dark cycles and then detecting those phenomena that
are rhythmic with a period of about 24 h (Table 1). Circadian

rhythms have been observed in physiological, developmental,

biochemical and transcriptional activities.
The widespread occurrence of circadian behaviour suggests
it is of considerable benefit to the organism. Presumably, the
circadian clock allows an organism to anticipate rhythmic
changes in the environment and this provides adaptive advantage. However, the mechanisms by which circadian behaviour
is regulated, the processes controlled by circadian behaviour
and the adaptive advantages gained by circadian control are
poorly understood and are starting only now to be elucidated.

Table 1 Glossary and Definition of Terms (Lumsden & Millar, 1998)



Acute response

A rapid, often transient response, usually to an environmental stimulus.

The amount of change in a circadian activity. Often calculated as the difference between the peak and the trough
levels; more strictly, the maximal deviation from the mean.
The set of components that underlies all the properties of a circadian rhythm. A widespread model divides this into
three parts: input, oscillator and output.
Rhythms with a period of about 24 h are termed circadian (from c., about, and dies, a day).
A biological rhythm driven entirely by environmental cues that does not persist in constant conditions. Sometimes
used to describe rhythms seen in day/night cycles.
The coupling of one rhythm to the same period as another cycle, for example, the resetting of a circadian rhythm
from its free-running period to exactly the 24-h period of the day/night cycle.
The restriction of a processes to a particular circadian phase. Often used to describe the rhythmic modification of
acute or other responses.
The time for one complete cycle of a rhythm. The reciprocal of frequency.
A particular reference point in the cycle, e.g. the day phase, the portion of the cycle occurring during the day. A
phase shift refers to a movement of this reference point relative to another cycle.
A signal that can reset or entrain a rhythm. Usually light or temperature. Sometimes called also, zeitgeber
Or sometimes core oscillator, the biochemical and molecular components that generate a self-sustaining rhythm.
The intracellular signal transduction pathways communicating temporal information from the oscillator to the rest
of the cell.
A rhythm with a period substantially less than 24 h.

Circadian clock
(or biological clock)
Circadian rhythms
Diurnal cycle
Output pathways
Ultradian New Phytologist (2003) 160: 281303

Tansley review

In this article, I review the current understanding of the

circadian regulation of the physiology of plants. Physiological
process known to be regulated by the circadian clock can be
placed in the following major categories: growth (hypocotyl
elongation and leaf movements in Arabidopsis); organ movement
(petal movements, leaflet movements in legumes); stomatal
movements; transport processes involved in Crassulacean
acid metabolism; transport processes in the root; intracellular
signalling and the regulation of membrane properties. Detailed
discussion of the circadian regulation of these physiological
processes and source references can be found in Lumsden &
Millar (1998) and Sweeney (1987). I have focused on the cell
physiology of the circadian regulation of growth, organ movements and intracellular signalling. I have concentrated on these
aspects of circadian physiology because there are likely to be
shared mechanisms. The comparative physiology of the circadian
regulation of growth, organ movements and signalling will identify common themes and unique aspects that will shed light on
circadian physiology in general. Additionaly, the circadian
regulation of gas exchange in CAM plants is also discussed.
The circadian clock of plants has a much wider role than
just the regulation of physiology. A number of excellent reviews

Fig. 1 A model of the circadian clock in

Arabidopsis based on a negative-regulating
transcriptional feedback loop. Light activates
LHY (purple) and CCA1 (red) expression
at dawn. The accumulation of LHY/CCA1
proteins down-regulate TOC1 (grey)
expression. During the day LHY/CCA1
expression reduces, allowing TOC1
transcript levels to rise and reach a maximum
at the end of the day, when LHY/CCA1 are
at their lowest. TOC1 probably promotes
LHY/CCA1 expression, allowing LHY/CCA1
expression to reach a peak at dawn
beginning the cycle again. Further details of
the model are described in the text. Arrows
indicate positive regulation. Bars indicate
negative regulation. The model proposes a
circadian clock consisting of input pathways
(green), the core oscillator (contained within
the circle, white arrows and bars) and output
pathways (blue). The day is indicated by
yellow and night by black. This figure is
redrawn from the model proposed by
Alabadi et al. (2001) and reviewed in
Hayama & Coupland (2003).

New Phytologist (2003) 160: 281303


cover aspects of the circadian regulation of plant metabolism

and biochemistry and the role of the clock in the photoperiodic
control of the transition from vegetative growth to flowering
(Lumsden & Millar, 1998; Millar, 1999; Harmer et al., 2001;
Hayama & Coupland, 2003).

II. The circadian clock

Studies in various organisms have lead to a consensus model
of the circadian clock (Harmer et al., 2001). The model
describes an input pathway through which photoperception
occurs and light signals are transduced to entrain a circadian
oscillator to environmental cues; the circadian oscillator that
generates rhythmicity and lastly, there are output pathways by
which the temporal signals generated by the oscillator regulate
cellular behaviour (Fig. 1). The basic mechanisms of clock
function in plants and animals have common features in their
organisation and functionality. However, the clock genes are
not shared between these kingdoms. Only the cryptochromes
(blue light photoreceptors involved in entrainment) and
casein kinase 2 (CK2) have been shown to be shared
components of the clock between kingdoms (Sugano et al.,


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1998; Lin et al., 2002). This review will focus solely on plant
circadian clocks. An excellent comparison of circadian clock
structure, genes and function between kingdoms can be found
in Harmer et al. (2001).
1. The plant circadian clock
(a) The input pathway In Arabidopsis, the circadian clock is
entrained by the cryptochromes and phytochromes (Somers
et al., 1998a). Blue light entrains via CRYPTOCHROME1
(CRY1), CRY2 and PHYTOCHROME A (PhyA), whilst
red light entrains via PhyA, PhyB, PhyD and PhyE (Millar,
1999). The ZEITLUPE (ZTL) protein interacts with both PhyB
and CRY1 and the ztl mutation lengthens circadian periods
in a light dependent manner suggesting that ZTL acts in the
light input pathway (Somers et al., 2000; Jarillo et al., 2001).
The mechanisms by which photoreceptor activation may
regulate the circadian clock are reviewed and discussed further
in Millar (1999); Harmer et al. (2001); Fankhauser & Staiger
(2002) and Hayama & Coupland (2003).
The relationship between photoperception and entrainment
of the clock is complicated by feedbacks from the oscillator that
regulate photoperception. PhyB expression is rhythmic and is
regulated by a circadian oscillator composed of LATE ELONGATED HYPOCOTYL (LHY ) and CIRCADIAN CLOCK
ASSOCIATED (CCA1) and other genes (Hall et al., 2002)
(see section II.1.(b) for a discussion of oscillator structure
and function). It is likely that the circadian regulation of photoreceptor abundance fine-tunes circadian rhythms and light
responses (Hall et al., 2002). Another gene that modulates
photoperception and transduction is EARLY FLOWERING 3
(ELF3). elf3 mutants of Arabidopsis are arrhythmic in continuous light but not in darkness. This is consistent with an effect
of elf3 on light input (Hicks et al., 1996; Hicks et al., 2001).
ELF3 transcript and protein levels are circadian-regulated and
both ELF3 and PhyB can interact suggesting a mechanism by
which ELF3 modulates light inputs to the clock (Liu et al.,
2001). ELF3 is thought to antagonize phototransduction in
the early to the middle of the night acting as parting of the
gating mechanism essential for the maintenance of selfsustained oscillations in LL (McWatters et al., 2000). Constitutive expression of LHY results in arrhythmia of most circadian
responses in Arabidopsis, presumably by stopping the clock.
However, oscillations of ELF3 transcriptional regulation were
detectable in an LHY overexpressing background, providing
supporting evidence for ELF3 acting upstream from the
oscillator in a light input pathway (Hicks et al., 2001). The
rhythmicity of ELF3 transcription in the LHY over expressing
background raises questions concerning the mechanism by
which the circadian regulation of ELF3 transcription occurs.
(b) The core oscillator Genetic components thought to act
in the circadian oscillator have been identified via screening for
mutants with altered circadian behaviour (Fig. 1). In common

with molecular central oscillators identified in other organisms,

the plant circadian oscillator consists of transcriptional loops
of negative feedback inhibition (Harmer et al., 2001). In
Arabidopsis, three candidate components of an oscillator have
been identified (Fig. 1). These are CCA1, LHY and TIMING
closely related proteins with a MYB-like DNA binding motif
(Hayama & Coupland, 2003). The similarities between LHY
and CCA1 suggest that they might have partially redundant
functions and this has been demonstrated genetically (Mizoguchi
et al., 2002). TOC1 is a pseudo response regulator belonging
to a novel family. A plant-specific motif has been identified in
TOC1. This CCT (CO, COL and TOC1) motif is thought
to be involved in protein interactions and nuclear localization
(Hayama & Coupland, 2003). The experimental evidence
that CCA1, LHY and TOC1 are components of the circadian
oscillator has recently been reviewed, to avoid repetition the
reader is referred to Hayama & Coupland (2003).
A model for the plant circadian oscillator based on a transcriptional feedback between LHY, CCA1 and TOC1 has been
proposed (Alabadi et al., 2001). This model is based on the
observations that LHY and CCA1 repress TOC1 expression and
TOC1 appears to promote LHY/CCA1 expression (Alabadi
et al., 2001). Furthermore, the peaks of LHY/CCA1 expression
and TOC1 expression are at opposite phases of the cycle. It is
proposed that the cycle starts when light activates LHY/CCA1
expression at dawn (Fig. 1). The accumulation of LHY/CCA1
represses TOC1 expression which in turn results in reduced
activation of LHY/CCA1. As a result, during the progression
of the cycle there is a reduction in LHY/CCA1 expression
allowing TOC1 transcript levels to rise and reach a maximum
at the end of the day, when LHY/CCA1 are at their lowest.
TOC1 is predicted to enhance LHY/CCA1 expression allowing LHY/CCA1 expression to reach a peak at dawn beginning
the cycle again (Alabadi et al., 2001).
TOC1 probably activates LHY/CCA1 expression by interaction with PHYTOCHROME-INTERACTING FACTOR3
(PIF3), a basic helix-loop-helix protein that binds to elements
in the LHY and CCA1 promoters and also interacts with phytochromes (Hayama & Coupland, 2003). EARLY FLOWERING 4 (ELF4 ) may also activate CCA1 expression, either as part
of the central oscillator or as part of another mechanism that
confers persistence to the oscillator. Lesions in ELF4 result in
low levels of CCA1 expression and rhythms in LL with variable
periods that quickly become arrhythmic (Doyle et al., 2002).
It is proposed that LHY/CCA1 abundance also affect the
expression of genes that are not part of the central oscillator
(Alabadi et al., 2001). LHY/CCA1 probably activate genes
with a morning phase (Table 1) and simultaneously repress
evening phase genes (Alabadi et al., 2001). Translational
feedback loops dampen if a delay is not imposed in the loop,
therefore post-translational modifications might introduce
delays to this loop. CK2 has been demonstrated to phosphorylate CCA1 in Arabidopsis suggesting a possible role for New Phytologist (2003) 160: 281303

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CK2 in regulating the central oscillator, possibly by introducing a delay (Sugano et al., 1998). In addition to posttranslational modification of proteins, post-translational
control of protein abundance is likely to play an important
role in oscillator function. For example, phase-specific protein
degradation mediated by the proteasome is responsible for
circadian alterations in ZTL abundance (Kim et al., 2003).
Important support for this model comes from the effects
of toc1 mutations and LHY and CCA1 over expression on
widespread and functionally different circadian responses in
Arabidopsis, including flowering time, CHLOROPHYLL A/B
BINDING PROTEIN (CAB) promoter activity, hypocotyl
elongation, cotyledon movements, the expression of LHY/CCA1
and TOC1 themselves and stomatal opening and closing
(reviewed in Millar (1999)). However, it is clear that the model
is incomplete, because over expression of TOC1 does not abolish
circadian oscillations as predicted by the model (Makino et al.,
2002) and plants almost completely lacking LHY and CCA1
function retain some rhythmicity (Alabadi et al., 2002). This
does not mean the model is incorrect, but it does suggest
additional levels of complexity (Carr & Kim, 2002).
The presence of a core oscillator is still hypothetical. An
alternative model is that there is no central clock and the circadian rhythms arise as a result of self-sustained feedback
loops in the processes that in the LHY/CCA1/TOC1 model
are considered outputs of the clock (Table 1). In this alternative model, the circadian behaviour itself produces the necessary feedback signals to generate oscillatory behaviour with a
24-h period. The repression of nitrate reductase (NR) expression
by the catalytic activity of the NR protein has been proposed
to be an example of self-regulatory feedback loop generating
circadian behaviour that could occur in the absence of a central
oscillator (Lillo et al., 2001).
The self-sustained feedback loop model is an attractive
model of circadian function but does not explain why genetic
alterations to the LHY/CCA1/TOC1 oscillator alter all output
pathways so far tested (Millar, 1999). However, the LHY/CCA1/
TOC1 model of an oscillator and the self-sustained feedback
loops model are not mutually exclusive because multiple oscillators might be present in plants. Evidence for the presence of
multiple oscillators comes from experiments in which different
physiological rhythms are decoupled. Rhythms of stomatal
conductance and assimilation can become decoupled under
certain conditions in Phaseolus vulgaris L. (Hennessey & Field,
1992). Similarly, the circadian periods of PHYB and CAB
expression are different in Arabidopsis suggesting regulation
by distinct but functionally similar circadian clocks (Hall
et al., 2002). These multiple oscillators are autonomous
because circadian oscillations of PhyB, CAB and chalcone synthase expression in Arabidopsis can be entrained independently at the organ and suborgan level (Thain et al., 2002).
Furthermore, it appears that each plant cell contains at least
one oscillator because circadian rhythms are detectable in stomatal movements and leaf pulvinus protoplasts even when

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these tissues are isolated from the rest of the plant (Gorton
et al., 1989; Mayer et al., 1997).
Circumstantial evidence based on the presence of autonomous individual cell rhythms and the pleiotropic effects of
genetic manipulation of the LHY/CCA1/TOC1 oscillator
suggest the presence of an LHY/CCA1/TOC1 oscillator in every
cell in the plant. This particular model is assumed for the
description of the circadian regulation of physiology and
signalling in this review. However, this assumption does not
exclude the possibility of coupling between oscillators at the
cellular/tissue level, the presence of other intracellular oscillators and the presence of unidentified, additional components
of the LHY/CCA1/TOC1 oscillator.
(c) The output pathways The output pathways act downstream from the core oscillator to regulate many processes
including transcription, physiology, biochemistry and development. However, the nature of the circadian output pathways
and the mechanisms by which the circadian oscillator regulates
cellular processes are largely unknown. At least some genes are
probably regulated directly by components of the oscillator.
For example, CCA1 activates CAB expression and may activate
other genes that cycle in the same phase as CAB (Alabadi et al.,
2001). Similarly, so called evening elements have been identified
in the promoters of some Arabidopsis genes whose transcripts
oscillate with a peak in the evening (Harmer et al., 2000;
Alabadi et al., 2001). It is through this evening element that
CCA1/LHY are predicted to repress TOC1 expression.
However, the circadian control of plant physiology might
involve processes in addition to the direct activation/repression of transcription by the transcriptional regulators that
form the core oscillator. Processes as diverse as enzyme activity
and ion transport are regulated by the circadian clock and
there is evidence for both translational and post-translational
control of the circadian regulation of these activities (Lillo
et al., 2001; Moshelion & Moran, 2001; Hartwell et al.,
2002; Moshelion et al., 2002b).
The post-translational modifications of protein activity by
circadian signals suggest the presence of intracellular signalling pathways that couple the circadian oscillator to the regulation of cellular physiology. There are data to suggest that Ca2+based signalling pathways may form part of at least one of
the output pathways that transduce circadian signals. The
whole plant cytosolic free calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i)
oscillates with a circadian period (Fig. 2). Johnson and coworkers have used the bioluminescent Ca2+ reporter, aequorin,
to measure [Ca2+]i for many days in seedlings of tobacco
(Nicotiana plumbaginifolia) and Arabidopsis. Seedlings were
transformed with the cDNA for apoaequorin. Reconstitution
to functional aequorin with the luminophore coelentrazine
allowed luminescent monitoring of [Ca2+]i from whole seedlings
(Johnson, 2001). [Ca2+]i oscillated with a circadian period in
continuous white or red light but in continuous dark the
[Ca2+]i oscillations were damped and often were not detectable.


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Fig. 2 Circadian oscillations of whole plant [Ca2+]i in tobacco

seedlings. The relative luminescence of transgenic seedlings
containing aequorin was measured under white light (white
boxes), dark (filled boxes) or red light (grey boxes). High relative
luminescence indicates increased whole plant [Ca2+]i. (a) Circadian
[Ca2+]i oscillations in seedlings entrained in 16 h: 8 h LD. (b) As A
except the final dark period of entrainment was extended by 12 h
to shift the phase of the rhythm. (c) Aequorin transformed
seedlings (open circles) and nontransformed seedlings (filled
circles). (d) Circadian oscillations of seedling entrained to reversed
16 h: 8 h LD. The upper bar is light regime for the open circle
trace and the lower bar is for the closed circle trace. Reprinted with
permission from Johnson et al., Science 269 18631865. Copyright
1995 American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Circadian behaviour in plants is often more robust in continuous

light (LL) and therefore it is perhaps not surprising that the
oscillations of [Ca2+]i were damped in the dark.
Following an entrainment of cycles of 16 h light (L) and 8
h dark (D) (LD 16 : 8), the circadian oscillations of whole
plant [Ca2+]i in both Arabidopsis and tobacco peaked at
around 600 n shortly after subjective dawn ( Johnson et al.,
1995). However, the phase of the oscillations might vary in
different cell types. When different promoters were used to
drive apoaequorin expression in tissues, the phase of the
circadian [Ca2+]i rhythm was altered (Wood et al., 2001).
Because of the low levels of light emitted by aequorin it
proved difficult to determine which cells were emitting the
light signal, but clearly the use of different promoters resulted

in different expression patterns and altered circadian phasing.

These data highlight the autonomous nature of cellular
oscillators (see section II.1.(b)).
The cytosolic and organelle free Ca2+ concentrations are
regulated independently in plants (Pauly et al., 2000; Sanders
et al., 2002). This is also true for the circadian regulation of
Ca2+. Chloroplastic free Ca2+ ([Ca2+]chl), measured by CaMV
35 s promoter driven expression of the apoaequorin transgene
with the coding sequence of the transit peptide of the small
subunit of ribulose-1,5 bisphosphate carboxylase (rbcS), does
not exhibit rhythms in LL (Johnson et al., 1995). Transition
from LL to DD results in a rapid increase in [Ca2+]chl that
peaks at 510 . This transient rise in [Ca2+]chl is followed
by damped oscillations that have a circadian period (Johnson
et al., 1995; Sai & Johnson, 2002). The stromal Ca2+ transient occurs on a daily basis in LD and the size of the transient
following the light to dark transition is increased with lengthening time in light (Sai & Johnson, 2002). The mechanism by
which the LD transition-induced stromal Ca2+ transient
occurs is unknown but this transient is unlikely to be involved
in circadian behaviour (Sai & Johnson, 2002). Conversely,
circadian rhythms in nuclear free Ca2+ concentration were not
detectable in either DD or LL in plants in which the aequorin
was predominantly localised to the nucleus using a nucleoplasm coding region (Wood et al., 2001). It is surprising that
circadian oscillations in [Ca2+]i occur in LL, whilst circadian
oscillations in [Ca2+]chl have so far been detected only in DD.
The mechanism and purpose of this differential regulation of
Ca2+ stores by circadian signals in different light environments
are unclear.

III. The regulation of cellular physiology by

circadian oscillations in cytosolic free Ca2+
Circadian oscillations of [Ca2+]i (section II.1.(c)) are a striking
and intriguing phenomenon but little is known about their
role in plant physiology. Circadian oscillations of [Ca2+]i are
not the only rhythmic alterations of [Ca2+]i in plant cells.
Shorter-term oscillations with a period of about 120 min are
induced in plant cells in response to extracellular stimuli
(McAinsh et al., 1995; Staxn et al., 1999; Allen et al., 2000;
Kiegle et al., 2000; Allen et al., 2001; Ng et al., 2001;
Klusener et al., 2002). Information concerning the generation,
maintenance and roles of short-term stimulus-induced oscillations of [Ca2+]i might be useful in understanding the biology
of circadian oscillations of [Ca2+]i. Equally, circadian behaviour
may provide insights for understanding complex phenomena
such as bursting of [Ca2+]i in single cells (Schuster et al., 2002).
The following key questions remain to be answered before
the function of circadian regulation of [Ca2+]i is known: what
is the relative position of the circadian oscillations of [Ca2+]i
in the circadian signalling network?; what physiological responses
are regulated by circadian oscillations of [Ca2+]i?; in which
cells do circadian [Ca2+]i oscillations occur?; what is the source New Phytologist (2003) 160: 281303

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of Ca2+ for the circadian oscillations?; and is information

encoded in circadian oscillations of [Ca2+]i?
1. The relative position of the circadian oscillations of
[Ca2+]i in the circadian signalling network
A central step in understanding the role of circadian oscillations in [Ca2+]i will be positioning the oscillations with respect
to the other components of the circadian clock. Circadian
oscillations of [Ca2+]i could plausibly form part of the input
pathway by which light regulates the circadian oscillator,
the Ca2+ oscillations could be a component of the central
oscillator or the oscillations could be a part of the intracellular
signalling network by which the circadian oscillator regulates
cellular behaviour. Alternatively, the oscillations could act at
more than one point in the pathway (Fig. 3).
Mutant analysis will be important in positioning the circadian oscillations of [Ca2+]i in the circadian signalling pathway.
A first step will be to monitor circadian behaviour of Ca2+ in
light signalling mutants (e.g. phyA, phyB, phyD, phyE, cry1
and cry2), clock-stopped plants (e.g. CCA1 and LHY over
expressers), period mutants (toc1, lhy-12, cca11 and ztl ) and
phase mutants (e.g. out of phase (oop1) (Salome et al., 2002)).

Fig. 3 Possible relative positions for alterations in [Ca2+]i in the

circadian signalling network. Ca2+ may act in a single location or
multiple points in the circadian signalling network. Not all the
suggested positions for Ca2+ in the circadian signalling have been
demonstrated experimentally. Increases in [Ca2+]i transduce light
signals and might act in the input pathways by which phytochrome
(red) and cryptochrome (blue) entrain the oscillator. Blue light signal
transduction following phototropin activation is Ca2+-dependent
but it is thought that phototropin activation does not entrain the
oscillator. Circadian oscillations of [Ca2+]i might be a component of
the core oscillator (light grey). Lastly, circadian oscillations in [Ca2+]i
might act in intracellular signalling pathways that transduce the
temporal signals generated by the clock (black). It is likely that some
circadian output pathways are Ca2+-independent whilst others might
by Ca2+-dependent. See the text for a discussion of the position of
Ca2+ in the circadian signalling network.

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Positioning genetic lesions with respect to each other and

also with respect to the circadian oscillations of [Ca2+]i will
represent a major advance in defining the circadian signalling network.
The relative position of the mutant allele in the circadian
signalling pathway will often reflect the site of action of the
protein encoded by the wild-type gene, but this may not always
be the case (Webb & Baker, 2002). First, gain-of-function
mutations might implicate the gene in the circadian signalling pathway when the wild type gene product plays no
role. Second, the presence of the mutation might result in
compensatory alterations in gene expression or recruitment
and reorganisation of the circadian signalling pathway that
mask the function of the wild type gene. Third, pleiotropic or
complex effects of the mutation might make interpretation of
the phenotype difficult. This has already proved to be the case
with some circadian genes, for example positioning elf3 in
the circadian network is proving less than straight forward
(Hayama & Coupland, 2003). Therefore, the relative position
of circadian genes and oscillations of [Ca2+]i in the circadian
signalling network might require confirmation by demonstrating activity of the wild type protein at the predicted
position in the circadian signalling network (Webb & Baker,
There is evidence that suggests Ca2+ acts in the input pathway linking light perception to the circadian oscillator. Red
light elevates [Ca2+]i in wheat protoplast (Shacklock et al.,
1992), suggesting that transient elevations in [Ca2+]i act in the
phytochrome signal transduction pathway. Pulses of red light,
the Ca2+ ionophore A23187 or 10 mol m3 CaCl2 (all treatments that would be expected to elevate [Ca2+]i) change the
circadian phase of leaf movement in Robinia pseudoacacia
(Gomez & Simon, 1995). The phase is advanced if the Ca2+
agonists are applied during the subjective day and delayed if
the agonists are applied during subjective night (Gomez &
Simon, 1995) These studies are suggestive of a role of [Ca2+]i
in setting the phase of the circadian cycles of leaflet movements but it is not clear whether this is related to the phenomenon of circadian oscillations of [Ca2+]i. Blue light elevates
also [Ca2+]i via phototropin mediated signalling (PHOT1,
formally known as NPH1 and PHOT2, formally known as
NPL1) though phototropins are not thought to entrain the
oscillator (Stoelzle et al., 2003).
The phytochrome-mediated elevations in [Ca2+]i and circadian oscillations of [Ca2+]i may be independent phenomena
with Ca2+ acting in at least two different points in the circadian signalling network (Fig. 3). Alternatively, the circadian
modulation of PHYB expression (Hall et al., 2002) could
result in rhythmic sensitivity to red light and presumably
rhythmic alterations in the Ca2+ signal downstream. This
model places circadian oscillations of [Ca2+]i in the phytochrome signalling pathway with outputs of the core oscillator
gating or modifying the sensitivity of the pathway to light.
Alternatively, the oscillator might regulate [Ca2+]i via a direct


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mechanism that is independent of circadian oscillations of

PHYB expression. Mechanistically these two models for the
circadian regulation of [Ca2+]i are very different but functionally the result is the same; oscillations of [Ca2+]i are a driven
by outputs of the core oscillator.
The assumption in this review is that the oscillations of Ca2+
act predominantly as an output of the clock that regulate cellular
physiology. This is an appealing working hypothesis, particularly
in cells such as stomatal guard cells and leaf pulvini in which
Ca2+-regulated ion channel activity underlies the circadian
behaviour (see sections IV.2 and IV.1) (Snaith & Mansfield,
1986; Moshelion & Moran, 2001; Schroeder et al., 2001).
If alterations in [Ca2+]i act as an output of the clock then it
is probable that Ca2+ acts as a second messenger to transduce
and amplify temporal signals generated by the oscillator. An
alternative hypothesis is that the circadian oscillations in
[Ca2+]i are the result of an homeostatic mechanism. Therefore, the hypothesis that Ca2+ acts as a second messenger in a
circadian signalling pathway requires rigorous testing. For a
molecule to be a second messenger it has to meet several criteria. The criteria and suggested experiments designed to test
whether Ca2+ acts as a second messenger in a circadian signalling pathway are outlined below:
i. The molecule must be present in low cytosolic concentrations. [Ca2+]i in plants is typically maintained at very low resting values of about 150 nm;
ii. The cytosolic concentration must be elevated by the stimulus.
This criterion requires modification for circadian signalling
because the stimulus is an oscillator. Artificial manipulation of
clock components should elevate [Ca2+]i in a manner consistent with the phase of the clock component;
iii. Removal of the stimulus should return the cytosolic concentration of the molecule to resting levels. In circadian
experiments, this criterion can be interpreted that [Ca2+]i
oscillations will be absent in clock-stopped phenotypes;
iv. The signalling pathway should not proceed in the presence of the stimulus if the cellular concentration of the
second messenger is prevented from increasing. In terms of
circadian signalling, experimental manipulations that prevent
circadian oscillations of [Ca2+]i should prevent Ca2+-dependent
circadian behaviour;
v. Elevations in the cytosolic concentration of the second
messenger should be sufficient to induce the final response in
the absence of the first messenger. Experimentally induced
oscillations in [Ca2+]i with a period of 24 h should induce
periodic rhythms in physiological outputs in the absence of
light and temperature entrainment. This represents an
extremely daunting experiment.
2. The physiological responses regulated by circadian
oscillations of [Ca2+]i
Candidates for regulation by the circadian oscillations of
[Ca2+]i are those physiological processes that are known to be

regulated by both the circadian clock and alterations in

[Ca2+]i. Two prime candidates for a role for circadian
regulation by [Ca2+]i are leaf and stomatal movements (see
sections IV.2 and IV.1).
The Ca2+-sensitivty of the ion channel activities that
underlie circadian stomatal movements strongly support a
role for circadian oscillations of [Ca2+]i in the circadian
behaviour of stomata (Snaith & Mansfield, 1986; Webb, 1998;
Schroeder et al., 2001). It is not known whether guard cell
[Ca2+]i oscillates with a circadian period but the detected light
emitted by the aequorin used to measure circadian oscillations
of [Ca2+]i comes from the epidermis and mesophyll cells near
the epidermis (Wood et al., 2001).
There is evidence for a role for Ca2+ in the circadian regulation of the movements of the leaves of legumes. Several legumes exhibit movements of their leaves, including Samanea,
Phaseolus and R. psoudoacacacia (this is discussed further in
section IV.1). LaCl3 (a putative Ca2+ channel blocker) and
ethyleneglycol bis (-amionethyl N, N, N , N , tetraacetic acid
(EGTA, a divalent cation chelator with high selectivity for
Ca2+) inhibit circadian rhythms of leaf movement in R. pseudoacacia and Albizzia lophantha implicating Ca2+ in the maintenance of this behaviour (Moysset et al., 1994; Gomez &
Simon, 1995). Alterations in [Ca2+]i also probably act in the
transduction pathways by which light entrains the circadian
leaf movements and also induces the acute response of leaf
movement (Moysset et al., 1994; Gomez & Simon, 1995;
Mayer et al., 1997). Furthermore, inositol 1,4,5 trisphosphate
(Ins1,4,5P3, a Ca2+-mobilizing hydrophilic diffusible messenger) has been suggested to be involved in the shrinking of
Phaseolus pulvinus extensor protoplasts (Mayer et al., 1997).
These data have been obtained using the effects of inhibitors
known to interfere with Ca2+ signalling and inositol metabolism in animals and plants. Lack of specificity and uncertain
sites of action can complicate inhibitor studies. This is particularly a problem in investigations of Ca2+ influx across plasma
membranes in plants, whilst La3+ and verapamil (inhibitors of
-type Ca2+ channels in mammals) do act as blockers of Ca2+
channels, they also block K+ channels in plants (Terry et al.,
1992). Therefore, the effects of La3+ and verapamil on the circadian and acute responses of pulvini could be due also to
block of the K+ channels that catalyse the flux of K+ that
underlie the swelling and contraction of pulvini cells.
Clear evidence for a role for [Ca2+]i in the circadian behaviour
of pulvini requires measurement of [Ca2+]i in pulvini cells and
experiments designed to test the criteria outlined in section
III.1. However, the weight of evidence suggests two roles for
alterations in [Ca2+]i in the circadian movements of legume leaves.
Firstly, Ca2+ acts as a second messenger in the pathway by which
phytochrome resets the clock resulting in phase shifts of leaflet
movements (Gomez & Simon, 1995; Mayer et al., 1997).
Secondly, changes in [Ca2+]i appear to be required for maintenance of circadian leaf movements (Moysset et al., 1994). It
is tempting to speculate that the requirement for Ca2+ to New Phytologist (2003) 160: 281303

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maintain circadian leaf movements is because of a requirement for circadian oscillations of [Ca2+]i in the pulvini.
Sai & Johnson (1999) have provided evidence that circadian oscillations of [Ca2+]i are not involved in the circadian
regulation of one of the best characterised circadian responses,
the circadian regulation of the LIGHT HARVESTING COMPLEX B (LHCB) promoter. Plants that have been transformed
with both CaMV35S::apoaequorin to report circadian oscillations of [Ca2+]i and also LHCB::LUCIFERASE (LUC ) to report
circadian regulation of the LHCB promoter exhibit asynchrous rhythms in these circadian phenomenon. Furthermore,
in calli generated from these plants, rhythms of LUC activity
were detected but no rhythms of aequorin luminescence
could be measured (Sai & Johnson, 1999). These data suggest
that there is no functional link between the oscillations of
[Ca2+]i and the oscillations of LHCB promoter activity.

Fig. 4 GAL4 transactivation of apoaequorin

allows the measurement of cell-specific Ca2+
signals. ( a) An enhancer trap construct
containing a GAL4-VP16 domain that was
randomly inserted into the plant genome.
When the GAL4 coding region locates near
an endogenous enhancer element GAL4 is
expressed. GAL4 expression is visualized
using a linked mGFP5-ER driven by the
GAL4-upstream activation sequence (UAS).
(b) Transforming lines with specific cell
types expressing GAL4 allows UAS-driven
YFP-aequorin fusion gene expression only in
GAL4-mGFP5-ER-expressing cells. (c) Laser
scanning confocal microscopic images of
aequorin targeted to the root epidermis.
In the pseudo colour image the cell walls
are stained red with propidium iodide.
GFP is green and aequorin-YFP is yellow.
(d) Ambient light images of seedlings
overlaid with counts of total photons
emitted by aequorin during a gradual cooling
stress in a root epidermal aequorin expresser.
The Ca2+ signal from aequorin is pseudo
colour coded with blue representing resting
[ Ca2+]i and red representing high [Ca2+]i.
Reproduced and redrawn with modifications
from (Kiegle et al., 2000).

New Phytologist (2003) 160: 281303


3. The location of circadian [Ca2+]i oscillations

Identifying the cells in which the circadian oscillations of
[Ca2+]i occur is critical to understanding their function. The
bioluminescent signal emitted by aequorin penetrates only a
few cell layers, making imaging the location of the luminescent
signal within an organ particularly difficult (Wood et al.,
2001). In my laboratory, we have imaged light emission from
all organs of Arabidopsis seedlings transformed with CAMV35S:
:APOAEQUORIN. Our data demonstrate circadian oscillations of [Ca2+]i occur in the cotyledons and leaves but we are
unable to determine which cells in these organs contribute to
the circadian Ca2+ signal ( J. Love et al., unpublished). Recently,
Kiegle et al. (2000) described the use of GAL4 transactivation
in enhancer-trap lines to target apoaequorin to specific cells
(Fig. 4). By targeting apoaequorin to different cell types it might


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be possible to determine in which cells [Ca2+]i oscillates. The

luminescent signal from aequorin is low, even in plants in
which the Ca2+-reporter is expressed in all tissues, therefore
measuring the circadian Ca2+ signal from a sub set of cells will
be technically demanding.
4. The source of Ca2+ for the circadian oscillations
Johnson et al. (1995) estimated that over the circadian period,
[Ca2+]i oscillates between 150 n at the trough and about
600 n at the peak. The estimation of absolute changes in
[Ca2+]i were performed by determining the proportion of the
total aequorin consumed at any point in time, which is related
to the [Ca2+]i by an empirically derived formula (Fricker et al.,
2002). However, the estimations of the magnitude of the
circadian oscillations of [Ca2+]i were based on the assumption
that all tissues contribute equally to the circadian luminescence
signal and this assumption is most likely incorrect because
different tissues show different phases of circadian oscillations
of [Ca2+]i (Johnson et al., 1995; Sai & Johnson, 1999; Wood
et al., 2001). Nevertheless, the estimates of the magnitude of

the oscillations are the best that can be achieved given current
technical limitations. These estimates are similar to those that
have been made for estimating the size of increases in [Ca2+]i
induced by extracellular stimuli in plant cells (Webb et al.,
1996b). This suggests that similar mechanisms may generate
both circadian oscillations of [Ca2+]i and the shorter-term
oscillations that occur in response to extracellular stimuli.
There are three main routes for Ca2+ entry into the cytosol
(Sanders et al., 2002). Ca2+ can enter from extracellular stores
across the plasma membrane, from the vacuole across the tonoplast and also from ER stores. A number of different mechanisms have been identified for regulating Ca2+ entry from
intra- and extracellular Ca2+ stores (Fig. 5). Some of these
have been demonstrated to be involved in the generation and
maintenance of oscillations of [Ca2+]i induced by extracellular
signals. Cyclic ADP ribose (cADPR) and Ins(1,4,5)P3 are
thought to mobilise Ca2+ from internal stores during oscillations in guard cell [Ca2+]i activated by abscisic acid (ABA)
(Leckie et al., 1998; Staxn et al., 1999; Klusener et al., 2002).
An oscillating influx of Ca2+ across the plasma membrane in
guard cells can contribute to oscillations of [Ca2+]i in guard

Fig. 5 Identified and predicted Ca2+

transport pathways in Arabidopsis. The
diagram is a model proposed by (Sanders
et al., 2002) to synthesise current
electrophysiological and molecular
characterisation of Ca2+ influx and efflux
pathways in Arabidopsis. Blue circles
represent energized transport systems.
Red squares represent Ca2+-permeable
channels. Abbreviations, ACA (Arabidopsis
Calcium ATPases). ECA (ER-type calcium
ATPase). CAX1 (calcium exchanger1).
NSC (nonselective cation channels), DAC
(depolarization activated channels). HAC
(hyperpolarization activated channels).
TPC1 (two-pore channel1). CNGC (cyclic
nucleotide gated channels). GLR (glutamate
receptor) InsP3R (putative Ins(1,4,5)P3
receptor). RyR (putative ryanodine receptor
activated by cADPR). NAADP (nicotinic acid
adenine dinucleotide phosphate). SV
channel (slowly activating vacuolar
channel). VVCa channel (vacuolar voltagegated Ca2+ channel). Reproduced from
(Sanders et al., 2002). Copyrighted by the
American Society of Plant Biologists.
Reprinted with permission. New Phytologist (2003) 160: 281303

Tansley review

cells in response to elevations in extracellular Ca2+ (McAinsh

et al., 1995) and ABA (Klusener et al., 2002). It is plausible
that any of the mechanisms known to drive oscillations in plant
cell [Ca2+]i contribute to the circadian oscillations of [Ca2+]i.
Alternatively, some of the other mechanisms that elevate
[Ca2+]i in plant cells that have not been assigned a role in oscillatory behaviour could contribute to the circadian regulation
of [Ca2+]i. Some mechanistic differences must exist between
the circadian [Ca2+]i oscillations and oscillations in [Ca2+]i
caused by extracellular stimuli because the period of the oscillations are so different. Circadian [Ca2+]i oscillations have, by
definition, a period of about 24 h. Whilst those induced by
extracellular stimuli have periods of between about 1 and
60 min (McAinsh et al., 1995; Ehrhardt et al., 1996;
Hetherington et al., 1998; Leckie et al., 1998; Allen et al., 1999;
Staxn et al., 1999; Allen et al., 2000; Kiegle et al., 2000;
Allen et al., 2001; Ng et al., 2001; Klusener et al., 2002).
How might a core oscillator generate rhythms of [Ca2+]i
with a period of 24 h? It is unlikely that core oscillator components interact directly with Ca2+ channels in the tonoplast,
ER membrane or plasma membrane to mobilize Ca2+. This is
assumed because the core oscillator components are in the
nucleus and based on the predicted protein functions, are
unlikely to participate directly in the regulation of signalling
pathways. More likely, the core oscillator components might
regulate the expression of genes whose products function to
regulate, either directly or indirectly, Ca2+ channel activity. Ca2+
channel activity in plants is typically regulated by membrane

Fig. 6 Possible mechanisms for encoding

information in circadian oscillations. (a) A
theoretical rhythm in physiological activity
showing the phase, period and amplitude.
The amplitude measurement shown here
is the maximal deviation from the mean.
Often in biology the amplitude is calculated
as the difference between the peak and
the trough levels, or the size of the
maximal increase above a resting
value. (b) Theoretical alternative fixed
period (24 h) rhythms that could
encode information. The blue rhythms
are phase shifted and the red rhythm
has a reduced amplitude.

New Phytologist (2003) 160: 281303


potential (e.g. HAC, DAC and SV), ligand binding (e.g.

Ins(1,4,5P)3, cADPR) or other post-translational modifications (glycosylation, de/phosphorylation, lipid binding, Gprotein regulation, etc.) (Fig. 5). Clock genes probably
regulate the abundance of proteins that lead to alterations in
membrane potential, signalling intermediate abundance or
proteins that bring about post-translational modification of
ion channels. Recently, cADPR has been shown to participate
in the circadian generation of oscillations of [Ca2+]i in neurons
in the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the rat
brain (Ikeda et al., 2003). The SCN is the primary circadian
clock in mammals. The rat SCN contains about 8000 neurons
that fire with a circadian period. The participation of ryanodine
receptors (cADPR-gated Ca2+ channels) in circadian [Ca2+]i
oscillations demonstrates that mechanisms similar to those
that generate ultradian oscillations of [Ca2+]i in plants can
generate circadian oscillations of [Ca2+]i. It is not known if
cADPR plays a similar role in plant cells.
5. Information encoding in circadian oscillations of
It has been proposed that information is encoded in
oscillations of [Ca2+]i in plant cells (McAinsh et al., 1995;
McAinsh & Hetherington, 1998). Information might be
encoded in the period (sometimes this is described using the
inverse measure, frequency; Table 1), amplitude (Table 1),
phase and/or shape of the oscillation (Fig. 6) (Schuster et al.,


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2002). In stomatal guard cells information concerning stimulus

strength is encoded in the period and amplitude of the oscillations
and the period of oscillations of [Ca2+]i regulates the final
response of guard cells (McAinsh et al., 1995; Staxn et al.,
1999; Allen et al., 2001). Guard cell [Ca2+]i oscillations
may also encode complex information about stimulus type
and strength of more than one stimulus simultaneously
(Hetherington et al., 1998).
Clearly, the period of the circadian [Ca2+]i oscillations has
the potential to transduce the period signal and provide periodic regulation of cellular events. Thus, essential timing information is likely to be encoded in the 24-h period of circadian
[Ca2+]i oscillations. Recent data from my laboratory suggest
more information than just circadian period is encoded in the
circadian oscillations of [Ca2+]i. Information concerning day
length and light quality is encoded in the amplitude and phase
of circadian Ca2+ oscillations in Arabidopsis (J. Love et al.,
unpublished). Day length and light quality contribute to the
photoperiodic control of flowering in day length sensitive species. The developmental transition from vegetative growth to
reproductive growth is partially controlled by the circadian
clock and one possibility is that the circadian regulated
alterations in [Ca2+]i act to in the transduce photoperiodic
information to the cellular apparatus regulating cellular
development. It appears, that just like short-term ultradian
oscillations of [Ca2+]i, there is the potential to encode complex information in circadian oscillations of [Ca2+]i.
Elevations in [Ca2+]i are distributed unevenly across the cell.
It has been proposed that spatial encoding may contribute
to generating a stimulus-specific Ca2+-signature (McAinsh &
Hetherington, 1998). Furthermore, coupling of cells via calciumwaves can also be important in oscillatory behaviour in
mammalian cells (Schuster et al., 2002). Advances in imaging
technology will be required before the spatial variations in
[Ca2+]i during circadian oscillations can be visualized and
their role be determined.
If information is encoded, there must also be mechanisms
for decoding oscillations. In plants these mechanisms are obscure
but models exist based on the post-translational modification
of proteins (e.g. ion channels or enzymes) by counter-acting
and differentially sensitive regulatory proteins (e.g. phosphatase
and kinases) (McAinsh & Hetherington, 1998; Schuster et al.,
Ca2+ oscillations have been suggested to serve many functions including a role in Ca2+ homeostasis and a mechanism
for encoding information (McAinsh & Hetherington, 1998).
The circadian Ca2+ dynamics reported by aequorin do not
suggest a homeostatic mechanism because [Ca2+]i appears to
remain elevated for several hours. However, it is not known
whether the circadian oscillations of [Ca2+]i reported by constitutive expression of aequorin truly represent the dynamics
of [Ca2+]i at a single cell level. At least two possibilities exist.
Firstly, single cell [Ca2+]i oscillates with a 24-h period as predicted by whole plant aequorin. Secondly, the whole plant

aequorin signal reports the integrated collective signal of more

complex [Ca2+]i changes occurring in single cells. For example, the peak of the whole plant circadian oscillation of [Ca2+]i
might represent globally elevated [Ca2+]i, alternatively it
might represent a relatively high frequency of short-term
oscillations in [Ca2+]i in a population of cells. It is possible that
both short-term and long-term (circadian) oscillations of
[Ca2+]i are superimposed in a single cell to generate calciumsignatures that describe both the physiological status of
the plant and provides an internal measure of time. Complex
alterations of oscillations by multiple signals has been
reported in stomatal guard cells and it has been suggested that
this is a mechanism for integrating information (Hetherington
et al., 1998).

IV. The circadian regulation of physiology

1. Circadian regulation of leaf and organ movements
Leaves and other organs of plants are able to move in response
to environmental and other stimuli, including circadian
signals. Leaf and organ movements are brought about in two
main ways. Firstly, specialised organs called pulvini control
the movements of leaves and leaflets in the families Fabacae,
Maranthacae and Oxaldacae and also the movements of the
flowers of Kalancho (Engelmann & Johnsson, 1998).
Secondly, spatially and temporally separated growth responses
can lead to circadian regulation of the movements of leaves of
other species, including Arabidopsis, with alternating growth
on the upper and lower lamina causing raising and lowering
of the leaves (Engelmann & Johnsson, 1998). Similarly,
hypocotyl growth in species such as Arabidopsis is under
circadian control (Engelmann et al., 1992).
Circadian entrainment of legume leaf movements occur
via red light perception using phytochromes and blue light
signalling (Gomez & Simon, 1995). Turgor changes in the
cortical motor cells of small organs at the base of the leaves
(pulvini) are responsible for the movements. The turgor
changes are brought about by fluxes of K+ and anions in a
manner analogous to the movements of guard cells (Moshelion
& Moran, 2001). The motor cells are parenchymatous cells
located between the epidermis and a central core of supporting tissues in the pulvinus. Co-ordinated action of the
motor cells results in leaflet movement. Swelling of the cells in
the lower segment and shrinking of the cells in the upper segment results in upward movement of the leaflet. The extensor
cells in the lower half of the pulvinus swell in response to light
resulting in upward movement of the leaf. The upward movement of the leaf requires also the light-induced shrinking of
the flexor cells in the upper part of the pulvinus. Downward
leaf movements require the inverse responses of the cells
(Mayer et al., 1997).
Cell swelling (and therefore lengthening) is brought about
by an increase in turgor as a result of increased water uptake New Phytologist (2003) 160: 281303

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as a consequence of accumulation of osmotica, notably K+

and Cl, in the vacuole. Increased turgor causes cell lengthening because the arrangement of cellulose microfibrils in the
cell wall allows changes in cell length but not diameter. As the
cells take up water, the cell lengthens and when water is lost
and turgor decreases the cell shortens (Engelmann & Johnsson, 1998). The most likely sequence of events is that swelling
is caused by hyperpolarisation of the plasma membrane as a
result of the activity of an ATP-dependent plasma membrane
pump driving H+ efflux. This helps to provide a driving force
for K+ influx and results in opening of hyperpolarisationactivated K+ channels (Engelmann & Johnsson, 1998; Moshelion
et al., 2002b). Cl uptake probably occurs via a proton symporter and provides chemical balance for K+.
Candidate genes have been identified for the K+ channels that
control K+ uptake and efflux in pulvinar cells. Samanea pulvini
inward rectifying channel1 (SPICK1) and SPICK2 are Arabidopsis
potassium transporter 2 (AKT2)-like channels that are likely
to be hyperpolarisation-activated K+-influx channels, whilst
Samanea pulvini outward rectifying channel 1 (SPORK1) is
a stelar potassium outward rectifier (SKOR)-like channel that
might represent a depolarisation-activated channel and be
responsible for K+ efflux (Moshelion et al., 2002b).
If expression of SPICK1, SPICK2 and SPORK1 represents
a rate limiting step in K+ fluxes it might be expected that Kchannel transcripts would be diurnally and circadian-regulated
with different patterns of regulation for hyperpolarisation- and
depolarisation-activated channels and also different patterns
of expression in extensor and flexor cells. Therefore, transcripts
representing hyperpolarisation-activated channels would be
associated with periods of swelling, mornings for extensor cells
and afternoons for flexor cells. The converse would be true for
transcripts representing depolarisation activation K-channels,
with abundance expected to peak in the afternoon in extensor
cells and in the morning in flexor cells, when shrinking occurs
(Moshelion et al., 2002b). A detailed study demonstrated diurnal
and circadian regulation of SPICK1, SPICK2 and SPORK1
(Moshelion et al., 2002b). In some cases it was possible to correlate the peaks in transcript abundance with predicted channel activity. For example, transcripts of SPICK1 peaked in
extensor cells at midnight in DD or DL; this could correlate
with increased hyperpolarisation-activated K+ channel activity in the morning. In other cases the relationship between
transcript abundance and predicted role was less clear; the
requirement for depolarisation-activated K+ flux is predicted
to be out of phase in extensor and flexor cells but the cycles of
SPORK1 transcript abundance in DD or DL were in phase,
peaking at dawn in both cell types (Moshelion et al., 2002b).
The role of transcriptional, translational and post-translational
regulation of K+ channel abundance and activity in circadian
control of pulvini will become clearer when probes that detect
channel protein abundance become available.
The two populations of cortical cells in the pulvinus are
physiologically similar but light results in K+ uptake in the

New Phytologist (2003) 160: 281303


extensor cells and K+ loss from the flexor cells. Circadian signals co-ordinately regulate the action of these physiologically
similar, but opposite acting cells, to bring about circadian
oscillations of leaf movement. The presence of two physiologically similar but differentially regulated cell populations, provides an opportunity for the use of comparative studies to
dissect the mechanisms of the circadian control of physiology.
Assuming the circadian physiology of the extensor and flexor
cells is regulated by autonomous intracellular oscillators, how
do these oscillators bring about opposite physiological responses
at the same phase of the circadian cycle? At least four models
describing how the circadian clock oppositely regulate the
physiology of extensor and flexor cells exist (Fig. 7). Photoreception and transduction pathways might behave differently
in extensor and flexor cells resulting in opposite phased entrainment of the core oscillator and consequently the output pathways and physiological response (Fig. 7(a), (b)). Alternatively,
the elements of the core oscillator may respond differently to
the light input pathway resulting in opposite phased cycling
of the core oscillator in the flexor and extensor cells with downstream effects on the output pathways and physiology (Fig. 7(a),
(c)). Two other models are proposed in which the core oscillator is in phase in extensor and flexor cells (Fig. 7(a), (d), (e)).
In the first of these, an output pathway responds differently to
the oscillator phase in extensor and flexor cells, resulting in
opposite phased physiology (Fig. 7(a), (d)). The last model
describes the possibility that the input pathway, the core oscillator and the output pathways are identical in flexor and
extensor cells but the proteins catalysing the turgor changes
respond differently to the output signalling pathways (Fig. 7(a),
(e)). For example, K+ channels in each cell type may show different sensitivities to [Ca2+]i (Moshelion & Moran, 2001).
To determine which of these models is correct requires
determining whether the circadian oscillator components are
expressed in, or out of phase, in the two cell types. Out of phase
expression of oscillator components in flexor and extensor cells
would suggest that either there are differences in the light transduction pathways regulating circadian entrainment or that the
oscillators in the two cell types respond differently to the light
transduction pathway (Fig. 7(b), (c)). In phase expression of the
circadian oscillator elements in the two cell types would suggest
that the differences are downstream form the oscillator. Preferably,
the abundance of oscillator components should be measured
at the protein as well as the transcript level. Post transcriptional control of gene expression may be important in circadian behaviour and therefore analysis of protein abundance
may be required to assign the full function of a clock gene.
Alterations in [Ca2+]i have been implicated in both the
maintenance of circadian behaviour of the pulvini of Robinia
pseudoacacia and Albizzia lophantha (Moysset et al., 1994;
Gomez & Simon, 1995) and also the light-induced swelling
of extensor protoplasts and dark-induced shrinking of Phaseolus pulvinus cells (Mayer et al., 1997) (see also section III.2).
However, the precise role of Ca2+ in the circadian control of


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Fig. 7 Alternative conceptual models for the circadian regulation of physiology in the extensor (a) and flexor cells (be) of the pulvini of legumes.
The pathway in the model has been conceptualised as a light-regulated input pathway (red or light blue arrows), a core oscillator (black
and white circles), output signalling pathways (white or dark blue arrows) and the proteins that catalyse the ion fluxes that bring about the
physiological response (orange or green flash boxes). Each flexor cell model (be) is described in relation to the extensor cell model (a). Same
coloured arrows represent pathways that act similarly in the extensor and flexor cells in each model. The relative phase of the core oscillator in
each model is represented by the black and white semicircles. (a) Circadian regulation of extensor cell physiology. Light entrains a core oscillator
(possibly containing orhthologues of LHY/CCA1/TOC1) via an input pathway (red arrow). The core oscillator (black and white circle) regulates
output signalling pathways (white arrow) that bring about the extensor cell response (orange flash). (b) Photoreception and transduction
pathways (red and light blue arrows) behave differently in extensor and flexor cells resulting in opposite phased entrainment of the core oscillator
and consequently oppositely phased output pathways (white and dark blue arrows) and physiological responses (orange and green flashes). In
this model, the pathway transducing light signals to the core oscillator respond differently to light signals in the extensor and flexor cells. Thus,
the opposite-phased physiology of extensor and flexor cells is brought about by altered phototransduction. (c) The phototransduction pathways
in extensor and flexor cells are the same (red arrows) but the core oscillators are entrained to opposite phases in the two cell types. Elements
of the core oscillator may respond differently to the light input pathway resulting in opposite phased cycling of the core oscillator in the flexor
and extensor cells with downstream effects on the output pathways (white and dark blue arrows) and physiology (orange and green flashes).
(d) The output pathways respond differently to the oscillator phase in extensor and flexor cells (blue and white arrows) resulting in opposite
phased physiology (orange and green flashes). This model describes a scenario in which light transduction and entrainment of the oscillator are
identical in flexor and extensor cells (red arrows). This results in the core oscillators in the extensor and flexor cells being in phase. However, the
outputs from the core oscillator differ in the two cell types (white and dark blue arrows) resulting in opposite phase of the physiological response
(orange and green flashes). In this model the peak of, for example, TOC1 (or orthologue) expression would be in phase in extensor and flexor
cells but signalling outputs would be at opposite phases. Under this circumstance, circadian oscillations of [Ca2+]i, possibly acting in a circadian
output pathway might be out of phase in the two cell types. (e) The input pathways (red arrows), the core oscillator and the output pathways
(white arrows) are in phase in extensor and flexor cells but the proteins that bring about the physiological response respond oppositely to the
circadian pathway leading to the opposite-phased physiology (orange and green flashes). In this model the core oscillators in extensor and flexor
cells would be entrained to the same phase by the input pathways. Similarly, the output pathways would generate identical outputs in phase
in extensor and flexor cells but the proteins catalysing the ion fluxes would respond differently in the two cell types. For example, K + channels
in the two cell types have different sensitivities to [Ca2+]i (see section VI.1).

leaf movements of legumes is speculation. Intriguingly,

depolarisation-activated K+ channels in extensor and flexor
cells are not activated directly by elevations in [Ca2+]i (Moshelion
& Moran, 2001). Depolarisation-activated K+ efflux is an essential
step in pulvini coritical cell shrinkage and therefore it is perhaps
surprising that this is a Ca2+-independent event. The equivalent channels in the plasma membrane of guard cells are also
Ca2+-independent but ABA-induced stomatal closure is Ca2+
dependent, presumably because of the Ca2+-dependent steps
required to bring about the membrane depolarisation that in
turn activates the K+ efflux channels (Webb et al., 2001).
Associated with the large fluxes of ions are twice-daily massive movements of water across the tonoplast and plasma

membrane of extensor and flexor cells. The fluxes of water

occur during movement of the pulvinus in the morning and
early evening (Moshelion et al., 2002a). Recently, Samanea saman
Aquaporin 2 (SsAQP2) has been identified as a circadianand light-regulated aquaporin responsible for carrying some
of this water flux in extensor and flexor cells (Moshelion
et al., 2002a). The evidence that SsAQP2 contributes to the
circadian regulation of pulvini movement is convincing:
Heterologous expression of SsAQP2 in oocytes resulted in
high permeability to water; both HgCl2 and phloretin inhibited extensor protoplast swelling and also reduced SsAQP2
permeability to water; SsAQP2 transcripts were detected in
those parts of the leaf associated with movement; transcript New Phytologist (2003) 160: 281303

Tansley review

abundance of SsAQP2 is circadian regulated. Circadian regulation of aquaporin gene expression may be a common feature
of the circadian regulation of plant physiology because
aquaporins are abundant in the Arabidopsis genome and an
Arabidopsis tonoplast aquaporin transcript also is regulated by
the circadian clock (Harmer et al., 2001).
In nonlegumes such as Arabidopsis, circadian cotyledon
movements occur as a result of differential growth of the leaf
lamina on each surface (Engelmann et al., 1992; Engelmann
& Johnsson, 1998; Dowson-Day & Millar, 1999). The movements of leaf cotyledons in Arabidopsis is closely related to
another circadian growth response, the elongation of the
hypocotyl (Dowson-Day & Millar, 1999; Jouve et al., 1999).
The circadian regulated growth responses of Arabidopsis are
controlled by a LHY/CCA1/TOC1 oscillator because circadian regulated growth responses are impaired by CCA1 or
LHY over expression and the hy-1, toc11 and elf31 mutations (Dowson-Day & Millar, 1999). The mechanisms
underlying the circadian regulation of growth are unclear but
may well involve the circadian-regulation of hormone production and transport ( Jouve et al., 1999).
2. Circadian regulation of stomatal physiology
Stomata are pores on the aerial surfaces of most plants and
allow gas exchange between the plant and the atmosphere
(Fig. 8). CO2 is taken up through the pore for photosynthesis
and water is lost via transpiration. The size of the stomatal

Fig. 8 A stoma of Arabidopsis thaliana. The image shows green

fluorescent protein localised in the ER of the guard cells. The green
fluorescence was visualised using confocal scanning laser microscopy.
Note that the pore between the two guard cells is open because of
high turgor in the cells. Opening of the pore is bought about by
circadian and other signals.

New Phytologist (2003) 160: 281303


pore is controlled by movements of the guard cells in response

to environmental stimuli, including light, CO2 concentration,
temperature, wind speed and humidity. Additionally, stomatal
aperture is regulated by the physiology of the plant, such as the
degree of water deficit or the concentration of plant hormones
including ABA, indoleacetic acid (IAA) and cytokinins (Mansfield
et al., 1990; Assmann, 1993; Schroeder et al., 2001).
The circadian clock influences the movements of stomata
under constant conditions and also the sensitivity of guard
cells to extracellular signals (Snaith & Mansfield, 1985; Snaith
& Mansfield, 1986; Gorton et al., 1989; Gorton et al., 1993).
Circadian control results in the stomata being open during
the day and closed at night in well-watered C3 and C4 plants.
In common with other circadian-regulated processes stomatal
movements in LD cycles anticipate light-dark transitions
(Somers et al., 1998b) (Fig. 9). The predictive outputs of the
circadian clock result in the stomata beginning to close in
the middle of the photoperiod (Fig. 9). In Crassulacean acid
metabolism plants, the circadian rhythm of stomatal movements is in a phase opposite to that of the rhythms of C3
and C4 plants (Thimann et al., 1992; Wyka & Lttge, 2003;
section IV.4).
Circadian stomatal movements persist in LL (Martin &
Meidner, 1971; Hennessey & Field, 1992) or DD (Martin &
Meidner, 1972; Heath, 1984). The phase of the circadian
rhythms can be shifted by altering the photoperiod of the
entrainment cycle (Heath, 1984; Holmes & Klein, 1986) or
by interrupting LL with a several hours of darkness, and DD
with a period of light (Martin & Meidner, 1971; Martin &
Meidner, 1972). The period of the rhythm in LL is unaffected
by changes in temperature over the physiological range
because it is temperature compensated (Gorton et al., 1989;
Hennessey & Field, 1992).
There is probably a separate circadian oscillator located within
the guard cell (Gorton et al., 1989). The most compelling
evidence for the presence of at least one autonomous oscillator
in each guard cell is the persistence of circadian stomatal
movements in detached epidermis in which the guard cells are
physiologically isolated from other leaf tissue and also each
other (Gorton et al., 1989). This oscillator is probably of the
LHY/CCA1/TOC1 structure because toc11 shortens the circadian period of stomatal rhythms in LL by c. 3 h compared
to the wild-type (Somers et al., 1998b). Whilst CCA1 over
expression results in arrhythmia in both stomatal conductance and assimilation in LL (A.N. Dodd & A.A.R. Webb,
unpublished). There also might be feedback among the
stomatal oscillators and those oscillators that regulate other
circadian behaviour in plants (Hennessey & Field, 1992;
Wilkins, 1992).
(a) Circadian control of stomatal sensitivity to extracellular
signals The response of the stomata to extracellular signals
depends on the phase of the circadian cycle at which the signal
is applied. The circadian clock can thus modulate (or gate)


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Fig. 9 Diurnal- and circadian-regulated

stomatal movements in Arabidopsis (C24).
Each trace represents measurements taken
from a single leaf of an individual plant.
Stomatal movements were detected by
measuring the conductance of leaves to
air flow, high viscous conductances were
measured when stomata opened and low
conductances when stomata closed. The
light regime is represented by the open
(lights on) and closed (lights off) boxes.
Reproduced from (Webb, 1998).

the responses of stomata (Table 1). Therefore, there is an

output from the clock that rhythmically permits and prevents
other signalling pathways from impacting on the stomatal
opening mechanisms.
An example of the circadian gating of the stomatal response
to an extracellular signal is the rhythmic alteration in stomatal
sensitivity to light (Darwin, 1898; Mansfield & Heath, 1963;
Mansfield & Heath, 1964; Martin & Meidner, 1971; Snaith
& Mansfield, 1985; Gorton et al., 1993). The magnitude and
kinetics of the acute response of stomata to white, red and
blue light depends on the phase in the circadian cycle at which
the light signal is applied. Sensitivity to white, red and blue
light peaks in the early to middle part of the subjective day.
Furthermore, light signals are less effective in opening stomata
during subjective night compared to subjective day. Similarly,
dark is most effective at closing stomata during subjective
night (Martin & Meidner, 1971).
The circadian clock gates the responses of stomata to many
extracellular stimuli in addition to light. Circadian gating limits the ability of some signals (e.g. IAA, K+, anions, fusiccocin)
to open stomata in subjective night (Snaith & Mansfield,
1985; Snaith & Mansfield, 1986) and reduces the effectiveness of closing signals (e.g. ABA) in the early to middle part
of the subjective day (Correia et al., 1995).
(b) Entraining stomatal rhythms The phase of stomatal
circadian rhythms is probably set by the timing of both the
lights on and the lights off signals during entrainment
(Mansfield & Heath, 1963; Mansfield & Heath, 1964; Heath,

1984; Holmes & Klein, 1986). However, the mechanisms by

which the light signals entrain stomatal circadian behaviour are
not understood. Blue light perception for stomatal opening is
via PHOT1 and PHOT2, redundant blue-light photoreceptors
with serine/throenine kinase activity (Kinoshita et al., 2001).
Blue light probably activates the PHOT1 and PHOT2 serine/
throenine kinase, which in turn increases guard cell [Ca2+]i,
this is followed by a Ca2+-dependent activation of the plasma
membrane H+-ATPase via phosphorylation and 14-33
protein interactions leading to stomatal opening (Kinoshita
et al., 2001; Kinoshita & Shimazaki, 2002). Zeaxanthin has
been proposed to be a blue light receptor for stomatal opening
but the absence of blue light-induced stomatal opening in
phot15/phot21 double mutants argues against this hypothesis
(Kinoshita et al., 2001; Zeiger et al., 2002). Red light is probably
absorbed by chlorophyll (except in the orchid Paphiopedeilum,
which is unusual because the guard cells do not have chloroplasts
and exceptionally red-light-induced stomatal opening in this
species appears to involve phytochrome) (Zeiger et al., 2002).
It is unclear whether PHOT1, PHOT2 and chlorophyll act as
the photoreceptors for circadian entrainment of stomata, or
whether as in other circadian responses circadian entrainment
is via the phytochromes and cryptochromes. It was originally
thought that phytochromes may be involved in regulating the
amplitude of the rhythm of stomatal movements but not the
phase (Holmes & Klein, 1986). However, recent data suggest
that this hypothesis requires re-examination. An out of phase
1 (oop1) mutant of Arabidopsis has been identified by a
mutant screen using rhythmic sensitivity to SO2, a toxic gas, New Phytologist (2003) 160: 281303

Tansley review

to identify circadian mutations (Salome et al., 2002). Plants

show rhythmic sensitivity to SO2, which might be correlated
with the rhythmic movements of stomata that restrict entry of
the gas to the mesophyll. The oop1 mutation alters circadian
phase in leaf movement, CO2 assimilation and LHCB transcription but period is unaltered. oop1 is a nonsense mutation of
PHYB resulting in a truncated protein and therefore implicates
PHYB in setting circadian phase of multiple circadian responses
(Salome et al., 2002). Unfortunately, the effect of oop1 on
stomatal rhythms has not been measured directly. Nevertheless,
the nature of the screen by which oop1 was identified suggests
that PHYB is involved in setting the circadian phase of stomata.
(c) Cellular mechanisms underlying circadian stomatal
behaviour Detailed models describing the cellular mechanisms
that bring about stomatal movements in response to extracellular
stimuli have been proposed (Assmann, 1993; Webb et al.,
1996b; Leckie et al., 1998; Schroeder et al., 2001). Briefly,
stomatal opening is bought about by the activation of a plasma
membrane H+-ATPase. ATP driven H+efflux hyperpolarizes
the plasma membrane (to around 200 mV ) activating a
hyperpolarization-activated K+-influx channel in the plasma
membrane. H+-efflux also generates an electrochemical
gradient for K+ uptake. K+ is accumulated in the vacuole along
with Cl and malate2, which act as counter ions. Cl is
probably taken up by symport with protons, whilst malate is
produced by the fixation of CO2 by phosphoenolpyruvate
carboxylase (PEPC). The accumulation of these osmotica in
the vacuole results in an osmotic gradient for water uptake. As
water is taken up, there is a large increase in turgor of the
guard cells. As a result of the radial thickening of the cell wall,
the guard cells push apart and the stoma opens.
Stomatal closure caused by ABA, for example, is brought
about the co-ordinate efflux of the osmotica and water. Efflux
at the plasma membrane is caused by depolarisation to around
60 mV, this activates a depolarisation-activated K+-efflux
channel. Depolarisation of the plasma membrane is a Ca2+dependent event caused primarily by the activation of slow
anion efflux channels. There also is a depolarising influx of
Ca2+ via a hyperpolarization-activated Ca2+ channel which
elevates [Ca2+]i and leads to inhibition of the H+-ATPase and
activation of the anion channels. The net effect of the events
at the plasma membrane is depolarisation of the membrane,
anion and K+ efflux and loss of water from the cell. Malate
content also is reduced by glycolysis and gluconeogensis. The
sequence of events at the tonoplast are less well understood.
However, it is clear that elevated [Ca2+]i activates a number of
Ca2+-dependent transport activities that result in efflux of
anions and cations from the vacuole (MacRobbie, 1998). K+
ions may leave the vacuole via the slow vacuolar and the vacuolar potassium channels in the tonoplast. Ligand-gated Ca2+
channels activated by Ins(1,4,5)P3, cADPR and inositol hexakisphosphate are also in the tonoplast (Schroeder et al.,
2001). It appears that fluxes of K+ and anions also underlie

New Phytologist (2003) 160: 281303


circadian stomatal movements (Snaith & Mansfield, 1985;

Snaith & Mansfield, 1986).
Alterations of [Ca2+]i are central to the regulation of stomatal behaviour and it is tempting to speculate that circadian
oscillations of [Ca2+]i regulate the circadian fluxes of ions that
bring about circadian stomatal movements It is particularly
tempting to suggest such a role for Ca2+ in the circadian regulation of guard cells because Ca2+ acts as a second messenger
in the guard cell transduction chains activated by extracellular
signals which promote both stomatal opening (auxins (Irving
et al., 1992) and blue light (Kinoshita et al., 2001)) and stomatal closure (abscisic acid (McAinsh et al., 1990; Schroeder
& Hagiwara, 1990; Irving et al., 1992; Schroeder et al.,
2001), CO2 (Webb et al., 1996a), extracellular calcium
[(Gilroy et al., 1991; McAinsh et al., 1995) and oxidative
stress (McAinsh et al., 1996)]. Additionally, [Ca2+]i regulates
many of the channels that catalyse the ion fluxes that underlie
circadian stomatal movements (Snaith & Mansfield, 1986;
Schroeder et al., 2001).
Recent data support a role for Ca2+-based signalling pathways in the circadian regulation of stomata ( Jung et al., 2002).
Reduction in the cellular concentration of phosphatidylinositol
3 phosphate (PtdIns3P) and phosphatidylinositol 4 phosphate
(PtdIns4P) by inhibition of phosphatidylinositol kinase activity
or by over expression in the guard cell of PtdIns3P- and
PtdIns4P-binding proteins, reduced stomatal opening in the
light and dark during the early part of the photoperiod (Jung
et al., 2002). The opening of stomata in detached epidermis
in the light or dark during the early part of the photoperiod may
be partially caused by the circadian clock. Phosphoinositide
metabolism is important in guard cell Ca2+-signalling and
inhibition of PtdIns kinase activity inhibited ABA-induced
increases in [Ca2+]i in the guard cell (Jung et al., 2002). Thus,
there is a possible link between Ca2+-signalling mechanisms
and the circadian regulation of stomata.
3. Circadian regulation of root physiology
The circadian clock regulates multiple transport mechanisms
in the root (Henzler et al., 1999; Clarkson et al., 2000).
Diurnal changes in root hydraulic conductivity are coincident
with diurnal changes in aquaporin transcript abundance in
Lotus japonicus. The peak of root hydraulic conductivity,
occurs 68 h into the photoperiod and is preceded 24 h
earlier by a peak in aquaporin transcript abundance. It is likely
that the circadian clock is regulating aquaporin abundance in
the endodermis and/or the stele to modulate the permeability
of cell membranes to water, resulting in increased root
hydraulic conductivity in the middle of the photoperiod
(Henzler et al., 1999). Similarly, the root pressure oscillates
with a circadian period for several cycles, even when the root
is excised. The changes in root pressure are caused by circadian
regulation of solute pumping in to the xylem and demonstrates
regulation of ion transporters in the root by the circadian


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clock (Henzler et al., 1999). Thus, the clock modulates the

permeability of root cells to water (possibly altering the number
of water channels in the plasma membrane) and also modulates
solute concentration in the xylem. This results in a circadianregulated alteration in the driving force for water transport in
the plant.
4. Circadian regulation of Crassulacean acid metabolism
Another important area of the circadian regulation of plant
physiology is the circadian regulation of gas exchange during
Crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM). Outlined below is
some of the major features of the circadian regulation of
CAM. The physiology and biochemistry of CAM was the
subject of a recent special edition of Functional Plant Biology
(2002, volume 29, issue 6). Refer to the excellent articles
contained within for detail and source references.
CAM is a metabolic adaptation to low internal leaf CO2,
which typically arises in terrestrial plants as a result of
drought. In CAM plants, PEPC is part of a CO2 concentrating mechanism (Hartwell et al., 2002; Taybi et al., 2002;
Wyka & Lttge, 2003). The essential feature of CAM is the
temporal separation of CO2 fixation in to four phases. During
the night, the stomata open and CO2 is fixed by PEPC. The
products of PEPC activity, malate or citrate, are stored in the
vacuole (Phase I). Opening of stomata at night to allow CO2
fixation is an adaptation to conserve water in arid environments.
At dawn, PEPC and ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/
oxygenase (Rubisco) are transiently active at the same time,
causing a burst of CO2 uptake (Phase II). During the day, the
malate stored during Phase I crosses the tonoplast and is
decarboxylated in the cytosol to release CO2, which is refixed
by Rubisco (Phase III). During this period, the stomata close
because decarboxylation elevates the CO2 concentration in the
leaf. Sometimes towards the end of the day, if sufficient water
is available, when the vacuolar malate supply is exhausted the
stomata reopen and atmospheric CO2 is fixed directly by Rubisco
(Phase IV). To prevent futile cycles of carbon, the activities of
PEPC and Rubisco are temporally separated such that PEPC
functions mostly at night and Rubisco during the day.
The correct functioning of CAM requires the co-ordinated
temporal-regulation of PEPC and Rubisco activity, malate
transport across the tonoplast, malate decarboxylation, stomatal movements and many other metabolic processes. The
circadian clock contributes to the temporal regulation of
CAM, though metabolic, hormonal and environmental factors can over ride circadian control (Hartwell et al., 2002;
Taybi et al., 2002). In particular, the circadian clock regulates
the activity of PEPC (Hartwell et al., 2002), the expression of
PEPC kinase, leaf malate content (Wyka & Lttge, 2003),
stomatal movements (see section IV.2), the expression of
genes involved in the degradation of starch during the night
(Dodd et al., 2003) and Rubisco activity in LL (Dodd et al.,
2003; Wyka & Lttge, 2003).

The circadian clock regulates PEPC activity via PEPC

kinase, which reversibly phosphorylates PEPC during the
night phase reducing the sensitivity of PEPC to inhibition by
malate. The expression of PEPC kinase is under circadian
control via a dephosphorylation-sensitive pathway (Hartwell
et al., 2002). PEPC kinase is an unusual kinase in that it
appears to lack regulatory domains. The regulation of PEPC
kinase activity appears to be totally at the level of gene
expression. PEPC is dephosphorylated by a protein phosphatase 2 A (Nimmo, 2000; Hartwell et al., 2002), however,
the contribution of this activity to circadian control of PEPC
is unclear.
It has been proposed that the circadian clock controls
malate transport across the tonoplast and that the circadian
regulation of PEPC kinase and consequently PEPC are downstream consequences of alterations in the cytosolic malate
concentration (Nimmo, 2000). Other responses, such as the
circadian regulation of Rubisco activity, may operate independently of malate (Wyka & Lttge, 2003). The apparent
independent circadian-regulation of PEPC and Rubisco
activities might support a role for the presence of multiple
oscillators operating in CAM plants, some of which may be
self-regulating feedback loops (Wyka & Lttge, 2003). However, at least some CAM responses are likely to be controlled
by a central oscillator similar to the LHY/CCA1/TOC1 oscillator in Arabidopsis because homologues of the major clock
genes, CCA1/LHY and TOC1 and also ZTL and ELF4 are
present in the CAM plant Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L.
( J. Hartwell, pers. comm.). Intriguingly, CAM induction
appears to occur via a Ca2+-based signalling pathway but it is
not known if Ca2+-signalling is involved in the circadian regulation of CAM (Taybi et al., 2002).

V. The benefits of the circadian regulation of

The ubiquitous nature of the circadian regulation of plant
physiology and the persistence of circadian behaviour
throughout evolution suggest that there is adaptive advantage
to circadian regulation. Recent evidence suggests that the
circadian clock might increase reproductive fitness of plants.
Plants in which the oscillator is disrupted by CCA1 over
expression were less viable in very short days (4 h light/20 h
dark) than the wild type (Green et al., 2002)
It is thought that the clock increases reproductive fitness by
acting as an internal chronometer to inform of external time
and to measure also the duration of external time. In plants,
this is the likely role of the clock in photoperiodism. This
ensures flower formation in synchrony with other members of
the species and during the season favourable to that species.
The clock allows the plant to coordinate physiological, developmental and metabolic activities in a specific phase relationship to the environmental cycle. Importantly, circadian
regulation allows the control of physiology to be predictive New Phytologist (2003) 160: 281303

Tansley review

rather than merely reactive. The most obvious examples of this

is the coordinate readiness of the photosynthetic and stomatal
apparatus in C3 plants before dawn ( Johnson et al., 1998).
Less clear are the quantifiable physiological benefits that
lead to the observed increase in reproductive fitness. Previously, I proposed that the circadian control of stomatal movements increases the water use efficiency (WUE) of the plant
(assimilation/evaporation) (Webb, 1998). In C3 plants, the
circadian clock promotes stomatal opening in the morning
during the early part of the photoperiod when solar radiation
is high but air temperature is not. In the afternoon, when air
temperatures and water loss from evapotranspiration might
be expected to be high, the circadian clock promotes stomatal
closure. Closure is also promoted in the dark period when
photosynthesis does not occur. This will tend to increase
photosynthesis whilst limiting water loss and thereby
increases WUE.
The circadian control of stomatal physiology might
increase WUE in three ways that could not be achieved by the
regulation of stomatal function by environmental and physiological signals alone (Webb, 1998): firstly, the circadian
oscillator exerts predictive control over stomatal physiology,
both altering the aperture of the stomatal pore and reducing
the lag phase between perception and response to light/dark
signals. The endogenous rhythm ensures that guard cells
anticipate dawn and dusk and circadian gating increases the
sensitivity of the stomata to light signals at dawn, resulting in
rapid opening following a lights on signal. Similarly stomata
predict dusk and start to close many hours before the onset of
darkness, reducing water loss. Secondly, circadian control
ensures that stomatal physiology is co-ordinated with other
physiological and metabolic responses, such as photosynthesis. Loss of synchronisation of assimilation and conductance
would greatly reduce WUE. Lastly, circadian gating might
limit responses to extracellular signals that may be inappropriate to the phase of the cycle. For example, stomatal opening
in response to IAA in the leaf would increase water loss and
thus reduce WUE. However, this is prevented by the circadian
gating that reduces stomatal sensitivity to IAA during the
night (Snaith & Mansfield, 1985).
A modelling approach has been used to quantify the effects
of circadian rhythms in the field on the gas exchange of Saururus cermuns L., a wetlands perennial (Williams & Gorton,
1998). That investigation was unable to identify a significant
benefit of the circadian regulation of photosynthesis and
stomatal conductance. This may have been due, in part, to
attempting to model subtle effects from a small data set
obtained from one species (Williams & Gorton, 1998). My
laboratory is also investigating the physiological benefit of
circadian regulation of gas exchange by comparing WUE in
clock-stopped circadian mutants and wild type of Arabidopsis.
Our data suggest that the circadian clock does increase
instantaneous WUE under some conditions (A.N. Dodd
et al., unpublished).

New Phytologist (2003) 160: 281303


VI. Future prospects

Traditionally, the circadian regulation of physiology has
been measured at a whole plant or organ level. Studies at
cellular or subcellular resolution have been hampered by the
incompatibility of invasive cell physiology techniques with
the long time scales required to measure circadian behaviour. These problems are compounded by the inaccessibility of
many cell types in the organs. The development of noninvasive cellular physiology tools and the ability to study plant
cells, such as guard cells and pulvini extensor and flexor cells,
in isolation from the rest of the plant provide opportunities to
probe circadian behaviour at cellular resolution. Particular
opportunities are provided by the continued development of
recombinant reporters of cellular activity, such as aequorin and
cameleon green fluorescent proteins, another recombinant
reporter of Ca2+. Doubtless, new fluorescent and bioluminescent reporters of cellular processes will provide opportunities
for visualising circadian regulation of cellular physiology in a
noninvasive manner. One technology that will rapidly advance
the understanding of circadian cell physiology is the use of
fluorescence energy transfer to visualise temporal regulation
of proteinprotein interactions.
The regulation of ion transport is a central theme in the circadian regulation of plant physiology. Ironically, this has
proved the most difficult aspect of the circadian regulation of
physiology to investigate. The tools for measuring ion fluxes
are typically invasive and technically demanding. Classical
ion flux measurement tools include impalement of cells with
ion selective electrodes, patch-clamp analysis of ion channel
activities in wall-less protoplasts, introduction of fluorescent
ion indicators into the cytosol by microinjection or other harsh
dye loading protocols (Webb et al., 1996b) and prolonged
exposure to harmful irradiation to excite fluorescent indicators.
Radioactive tracers can act as a noninvasive tool for investigating
ion flux but to observe the regulation of ion transport at a cellular level of resolution requires isolation of the cell type of
interest from the rest of the plant (Snaith & Mansfield, 1986).
Novel noninvasive tools for measuring multiple ion fluxes such
as multi electrode ion flux estimation (MIFE, University of
Tasmania, Australia) promise advances in understanding the
circadian regulation of physiology (Shabala et al., 1997).
Forward and reverse genetics, genomics, transcriptomics
and proteomics provide powerful tools to investigate the circadian regulation of physiology in a noninvasive manner.
Comparisons of the circadian regulation of cell and whole
plant physiology in wild type and mutant backgrounds have
the potential to position genetic lesions with respect to other
components of the circadian signalling cascade. This represents an important aid to describe the hierarchy of the circadian signalling networks and cellular mechanisms underlying
the circadian regulation of physiology.
Mathematical modelling is another approach that will become
more widely used to understand the circadian regulation of


300 Review

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physiology. Sufficient molecular information is now available

to enable mathematical modeling of the plant clock (Andrew
J. Millar, pers. comm.), similar to ongoing computational studies
of the central oscillator mechanism in animals (Goldbeter,
2002). Progress will be rapid because of the sharing of
software tools and data using the Internet. Mathematical
modelling based on sound experimentation is essential for
comprehension of oscillations because of the complex and
nonlinear interactions in potentially very large and multivariate data sets (Goldbeter, 2002). Importantly, many of the
mathematical tools that have been developed for modelling
and understanding stimulus-induced oscillations of [Ca2+]i
are appropriate for investigating other rhythmic biological
behaviour including circadian rhythms (Goldbeter, 2002;
Schuster et al., 2002). This suggests that the circadian regulation
of [Ca2+]i represents an attractive model for investigating the
circadian regulation of physiology.

VIII. Conclusions
Advances in understanding circadian biology are being made
rapidly. Principle areas of current interest are the mechanisms
of photoreception and transduction, the identity and organisation
of oscillator components, the hierarchy of the output signalling
pathway and the nature of the cellular processes regulated by
the circadian clock. Coupled with this mechanistic understanding, there is an urgent need to investigate the quantitative advantages of the circadian regulation of physiology and to determine
how the clock increases reproductive fitness. Genetic resources
will be coupled to bioinformatic, modelling and noninvasive
physiological tools to address these fundamental questions.

I am grateful to my colleagues for discussion and helpful comments concerning the manuscript. I thank the members of my
laboratory, Andrew Baker, Antony Dodd, Michael Gardner
and John Love. I thank also Andrew Millar and Enid MacRobbie for helpful discussions and comments. I am grateful to
James Hartwell for sharing his unpublished data. Howard
Griffiths and Kate Maxwell provided useful discussion of
CAM. I thank the anonymous reviewers for their suggestions
and corrections. The research in my laboratory is funded by
the BBSRC, The Royal Society, The Isaac Newton Trust and
The Broodbank Trust. I am grateful to The Royal Society for
the award of a University Research Fellowship. Lastly, I would
like to acknowledge Terry Mansfield who first interested me
in circadian rhythms of stomata.

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