An Exposition On Asma Ul Barhatiyah

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What is in a Name?

An exposition of

Bihartiyah is also known as The Oath of
Solomon. The King Solomon is a
legendary gure familiar to Mid-Eastern
magical circles. It is believed that King
Solomon has great magical power over
djinns and human alike; and the source
of his power is the Bihartiyah list.

This Bihartiyah list is very interesting; it
is said to be included inside the 7
agreements of the King Solomon.
Bihartiyah contains 28 names with
individual khodam and each has its own

The major khodams of Bihartiyah are:
Angel Jubrail, Mikail, Isral, Izrail,
Thahithamghiyalyal, Metartron and
Syaranthayail. This is one of the factors
why this asma has so much influence
over the spirits.

Who is Angel Thahihamghiyalyal? He is

1.Barhatiyah ( The essence of ever holy)

2.Karirin (Oh God)

3.Tatliihin(The Ever holy and the ever

4.Thauraanin(The Essence of ever

5.Mazjalin(The essence of ever

6.Bazjalin(The Almighty)

7.Tarqabin(The essence of great safety)

8.Barhasyin(Oh God materiliaze it)

9.Ghalmasyin(The essence of ever holy)

10.Hauthiirin(The essence of ever

11.Qalnahaudin(The essence of great
listener & observer)

15.Barhayuula(The ever holy God)

16.Basykailakhin(The most noble , the
most gracious & the most merciful)

17.Qazmazin(The ssence of

18.Anghalulaithin(who is most glorious
and most prudent)

19.Qabraatin(The essence of most

20.Ghayaahaa(The essence of most

21.Kaidahuuala(The essence of
almighty is the God)

22.Syamkhaahir(The Gods essence is
most high)

23.Syamkhahiirin(The Essence of most

24.Syamhaahiirin(The Essence of

Application of Asma Birhatihin

Method of Practice

Fasted for seven days, ll your time
with prayer.
Breaking of fast by consuming bread
without salt.
Write 28 isim every day on a white plate
using zakfaran ink, musk oil and mixed
with rose water. Dissolve the paper with
clean water and drink the water in the
Read this Birhatiah Asthma after each
of the obligatory prayer ve times; each
Burn incense every day
If you do this practice deligently for 7
days, as the God wills it, all your wish will
be fullled.

1. First Isim (" )Birhatihin"

Women who are hard to conveive:
Write this isim on a white plate for 35x,
and dissolve the article with water. Drink

2. Isim second (" )Karirin"

To see djinns/khodams:
Recite this isim for 100 times on every

To protect from thieves:
Write this isim on paper for 11x and put
in the place of commerce, shops,
treasure coffer etc.

Eye sickness:
Write this isim on a piece of paper and
soak the paper with clean water. Drop 17
drops of consecrated water into the eyes
of the sick for three days.
Write isim (Birhatiihin, Karirin) on any
food or beverages with saliva, who ever
eat the foods or consume the beverages;
will be compassionate towards you.

Readily groom by people
Inscribe both isims (Birhatiihin, Karirin)
on the ring and let a ungroomed maiden
wears it, then she will soon get a

5. Isim fth (" )Mazjalin"


Barren woman
Write this isim 7x along with eight
asthma 'Althohathil on the cup or dish.
The article should be dissolved with
water and given to women who are
infertile to drink 7x during the seven
days. Below is the asma Althohathil:

High rank in society
If one recites this isim 50x every day, all
his sins will be forgiven, the prophet
himself will visit him before the end of
his life, and he will achieve great dignity
and loved by everyone who sees him.

6.Isim sixth (" )Bazjalin"
Wish fulllment
Write this isim on red paper on
Wednesday before sunrise and before
talking to anyone. Go to a beach and
express intent to the God. After your

9. Nineth Isim ( ) Ghalmasyin

Usefulness :

So that others will follow our wishes/
Recite this isim for 300x with riadhah
and fasting. Each 100x add Tawakkalu
ya khuddamu hazal ismi shifati (soand-so) ila (so-and-so), Wa amaruh
(speak your wish/order). If the God wills
it, your wish will be fullled in 3 days.

Getting rid of djinn
Recite isim for 1370x in the place
dwelled by djinn. During the recitation of
the isim, burn some Barnuf ()
incense. If the God wills it, the djinn will
move out from the place. However, if we
want the djinn to return to its original
place, soak a piece of aloe wood incense
with rose water, recite the isim in reverse
order: ( syamlaghin), then recite :
Bihaqqi hazal ismi ayyatuhal malaikatu
ikzinu liljaani an yarjiu ila amakinihim wa
ila ma wakkalu alaihi, barakallahu kum

12. Twelfth Isim ( )Barsyanin

Usefulness :
Wish fulllment
Inscribe this isim and Solomons
Embroidery ( # ) to Qasdir ( ) ring
and wears the ring when you want your
wish to be fullled.

To know news from the spiritual
If we want to know any news from the
spiritual realms, then recite Qolnahudin
Barsyanin while burning incense and
request the presence of the spirit. If the
God wills it, then the spirit will be present
and inform of the things we want to

13. Thirteenth Isim ( )Kazhirin

Usefulness :

Safety from theft, robbery and re
Inscribe this isim as below on a piece of
copper and hang it in the house.

16. Sixteenth Isim ( )


Usefulness :

Free from hardship
If we are in hardship, sad and troubled
with debts, then recite this isim 70x
every night, if the God wills it, then help
will be on the way.

Curing eye sores
Inscribe this isim 7x on Monday on a
piece of paper and also the below baitbait. Let the person who suffers from
eye sores wears it.


17. Seventeenth Isim ( )Qazmazin

Usefulness :

God-send money

19. Nineteenth Isim ( ) Qobaratin

Usefulness :

Keep away epidemic and enemies
Inscribe this isim with the word of God:
( ;) wear the inscription

.Experience only good stuffs
Anyone who practice with sincerity by
reciting 60x every day, then he/she will
not have bad experience.

20. Twentieth Isim ( )Ghoyaha
No specic applications.

21. Twenty rst Isim ( )

Usefulness :

Neutralize black magick
Inscribe this isim for 100x together
below verses :


24. Twenty fourth Isim ( )


Usefulness :

Break up bad companies
Inscribe this isim for 100x together with
below verse :
( )
After that, inscribe name of two persons
who are in association to perform bad
deeds. If the God permits, then the bond
between them will be broken.

Detect the presence of souls/spirits
If we want to know if there are spirits
presents when we are doing practices
such as fasting, praying and the like,
then recite ( ) for 100x,
then summon with these words :


(n Kntm rtm yth
al-Rw Frwn Mn
Sh Nwrkm).

26. Twenty sixth Isim ( )

Usefulness :

Soul cleaning
If any person who always recite this isim
continuously, then he/she will not feel
thirsty, having a clean soul, prevented
from all acts of lusts and good in

27. Twenty seventh Isim ( )

Usefulness :

For a child in shock and crying
Inscribe this isim in the form of magic
diagram together with Surah Al-Fatihah
11x, then let the child wears it.

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