SMU and FIFA World Cup

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SMU-DE stands for 1Goal: Education for all

Sikkim Manipal University believes in providing education for all

The biggest and the most viewed quadrennial showpiece is here where the world’s best teams
fight for the most coveted trophy in sports. I am talking about the FIFA Football World Cup
2010 currently underway in Africa. A continent that is also known for its rampant poverty and
illiteracy. Seizing the power of football, FIFA, world leaders and famous footballers from across
the world have joined hands for an initiative called 1Goal. It’s a campaign to provide education
for the 72 million out-of-school children across the globe by 2015.

Africa alone has more than 32 million out-of-school children from the total figure of 72 million.
It was thus apt for FIFA and world famous personalities to use the stage of the world cup to
highlight the responsibilities ahead. The campaign has the sole aim to provide primary schooling
to all the children so that they can later take on higher studies while finding some means of
income to support themselves in the interim. Once they have completed their higher studies they
can look for better career opportunities and more income thus alleviating poverty. We at Sikkim
Manipal University strongly support the cause and through our efficient distribution of quality
distance education have the sole aim of providing education for all.

In view of increasing population and practical constraints, it would be impossible to construct

thousands of colleges for higher education by respective countries. Also these students won’t be
able to afford the high fees charged by regular colleges. This is where distance education comes
in and is the only viable medium available for study today. Sikkim Manipal courses are wide
and varied but most importantly they are skill set oriented that makes sure you are never
unemployed. Course fees have been kept low to provide everyone a chance to avail them and
through our efficient distribution system across 300 towns in India and 13 countries worldwide
we ensure that it reaches every household in the smallest town. Breakthrough technologies in the
field of distance education Like EduNxt by SMU-DE has only added to the academic rigor and
interactivity of courses offered in this mode.
In the years to come, we at Sikkim Manipal University of Distance Education will spread our
reach and expand our expertise to meet the challenges ahead towards our goal of education for
all. Future innovations in easy to access technologies will break down barriers even further
allowing enhanced connectivity to both basic and higher education. The road towards a brighter
future starts by empowering every child with not just basic education but means to attain quality
higher education too. Through distance education we make sure that happens as well.

Tags: 1 Goal, Fifa World Cup 2010, Soccer, Football, Education for all, Sikkim Manipal
University, SMUDE, Distance education

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