Significant Places in Our Community and Their Uses

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Lesson Focus

Significant places in our community,

and their uses.

Learning Area HASS

Year Level 3 Implementation Date
Strand Knowledge and Understanding
Sub-strand Geography
Content Descriptor ACHASSK069
Approx 35 mins
The similarities and differences
between places in terms of their type of
settlement, demographic characteristics
and the lives of the people who live
there, and peoples perceptions of
these places.
Elaboration Discussing why it is
important to protect places that have
special significance for people (for
example, a wetland, a sacred site, a
national park or a World Heritage site)
Lesson Declarative (knowledge) Objectives
Lesson Procedural (skill) Objectives
The learner will know:
The learner will be able to:
Significant places in our community, and their uses.
Correctly identify the uses of significant places in our
Evidence of learning
Students demonstrate their ability to correctly identify the uses of significant places in our community by completing the
Significant places in our community worksheet.
Prior knowledge of learners (What do they already know?)
World Heritage sites in Australia
Who uses them
How they are used
Why they need to be protected
Students - Specific accommodations
Support through activity:
Sitting at side table:
Jack, Lachlan, Nicholas, Liam, Zethan, Charlie, Reuben, Chloe

Differentiation strategies
Differentiated worksheet for red students.
Red students will be supported by working through
sheet with teacher support.
Writing activity for fast finishers.

Focus and behaviour:

Encourage on-task focus, and positive behaviour:
Reuben, Zethan, Bryce, Nate, Liam, Izrael, Nicholas, Chloe,
Classroom Management Strategies
Whole class discussion on carpet at beginning of lesson.
Children work independently at desk for completion of worksheet.
Large screen TV
Laptop connected to TV
Powerpoint Lesson
Students pencils, rubbers, glue stick, Geography Blue Dot book
Powerpoint lesson on laptop
Connect laptop to TV
Photocopies of worksheet x 26

Lesson Introduction
Introducing the
Engagement of
the learners

Students place on their desks: Geography Blue dot book, pencil, rubber, glue stick.

Activate prior knowledge
Quiz Play True or False game inside. One side of the room is True, and the other side is False.
Can a place have significance? True or false?
a) Historical
b) Lollies
c) Dogs
d) Memories
e) Spiritual
f) Books
g) Natural feature
h) Cars
i) Sponge Bob Square Pants
j) Cultural
k) Recreational
l) Telephones
m) Scenic quality
n) iPad
o) Workplace
p) Cup of tea
Everyone sitting down quietly on the carpet; legs crossed, hands in lap, and eyes on me.
Remember to put your hand up if you have something to say.
Discuss whole body listening.
During this lesson, I am looking for students that are listening with their whole body.

Lesson Body
Delivering the
content through

We Are Learning To:
Identify what makes a place significant.

This Is Because:
We need to understand that places in our community have special significance for people.

What Im Looking For:

Is for you to carefully think about how the various places in our community are used, and
why they are significant to people.

Show students on screen the images of significant places in our community, and ask students
to identify the images.
Show Significant places in our community worksheet.
Ask Chloe Gr to read out the first column.
Model how to complete the worksheet for Currimundi Lake.
Students instructed to return to desks, complete the worksheet.
Reminder that this is an independent activity, and that students need to work quietly.
Hand up when they have finished the activity, for teacher to mark work.

Lesson Conclusion

Formative assessment

Summarizing the

Students complete worksheet to:

Demonstrate their ability to correctly identify the significance of significant places in our
11:25 am
Exit pass:
Which place in the community is significant for you, and why.

Evaluation / Reflection
Maria Logan
Refer Classroom Observation.

Natasha Mari

Timing and pace was greatly improved

Students thoroughly enjoyed seeing images of familiar places on the screen.
Transitions went well and quietly.
Seating arrangements on carpet need to be marked so as to avoid student distractions.
Write Fast Finisher instructions on board prior to lesson.
Organise a timer for lessons.
Some students dont have exercise books; to be discussed with Maria.
Explicitly show students expectations of neat work.

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