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Karnaphuli Insurance Company Ltd

Financial Analysis Of Previous Years:

The Karnaphuli lnsurance Company Limited regularly analysis the position of its
claim paying ability. During the yearCompany achieved A+ (Pronounce as A Plus)
rating for long term and AR-2 for short term which reflect a stable ouilook onthe
basis of its premium collections, core services expeditions, settlement of claim and
sound liquidity position by the AlphaCredit Rating Limited.
We are very much hopeful that our own premises "Meghna Karnaphuli Bima
Bhaban" will be completed by this yearand we shall be able to move to our own
premises soon, which will help us in minimizing our management cost.BRANCHThe
Company has 28 Branches consideration of business and location.
Total Asset of the Company at the end of year 2014 stood at Tk. 1,238,718,056.
To protect the risk factors of the Company it is very essential to have a good
amount of reserve fund for Company.
The Insurance Act and Income Tax Ordinance also recommended to build up the
reserve fund for the Company accordingly separated the following reserve funds.
The reserve for exceptional losses increased to Tk. 150,000 thousand which is
higher by 9.60% over last year.

Profitability Of Previous Years:

The underwriting profit has declined as compare to its previous year. The profit for
the year has been declined by 8.32% in 2014. Underwriting profit for the year is Tk.
36,837,928 against Tk. 40,183,708 in 2013. Despite political unrest and declining
business the fixed deposit has increased by Tk. 30,550,000. The Company earned
interest on fixed deposit amounting to Tk. 60,529,938. The Company earned
Tk.1,718,280 from sale of share in addition to the dividend income of Tk. 5,505,634.


Meghna Insurance Company Ltd

Financial Analysis Of Previous Years:

Profitability Of Previous Years:

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