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orn They, E Soy APPENDIX D (LEI 4940): WEEKLY REPORT COVER SHEET Ponca nemational University DATE/WEEK OF REPORT Week #3 Dates: 09/05/16 to 09/09/16 TOTAL HOURS THIS WEEK: 275 CUMULATIVE HOURS TO DATE: | 82 Student Name: Joely Ramos Panthersoft ID (PID): | 4054482 Student Email: Jramo138@fiuedu Student Phone#: 954-815-3109 Name of Agency: Life Care Center at Inverrary ‘Agency Phone#: (954) 485-6144 Name of Supervisor: | Maria De Marziani Supervisor Email: Supervisor Phone#: _| (954) 485-6144, ext. 140 Student's Signature: Date: A] 13]20\0 Agency Signatuy pate: PMS/1L Date: *+Upon getting the appropriate signatures, scan this form and save as a PDF (NO PHOTOS!) and submit to Blackboard with your other required documentation. qesoalona hay, oF APPENDIX E: FIELD- WORK WEEKLY REPORT LEI 4940: INTERNSHIP 1 Flonia international Unversity Date/Week of Report: | Week #3 Dates: 09/05/16 to 09/09/16 Name of Student: Joely Ramos Panthersoft ID (PID): | 4054482 Name of Agency: Life Care Center at Inverrary Name of Supervisor: | Maria De Marziani To complete your weekly report, type directly into this word document. You must then print it out, have your supervisor read and sign each page, and then scan the entire document in ONE PDF attachment (NO PHOTOS!) and submit on Blackboard. If you can only scan and save your report one page at a time, you can merge your files using the website: Make sure to attach Appendix D (signed cover sheet with correctly weekly/cumulative hours) with the same corresponding dates to accompany each of your written reports. You will not get, credit if the two are not together. Therefore, make sure you complete it in a timely manner for your agency supervisor to review before the submission due date in your folder. PLEASE NOTE EVERY PAGE OF YOUR REPORT MUST BE SIGNED BY YOUR SUPERVISOR This written report must be typed (double spaced) and should cover at least 2 full pages. Please answer the following with thoughtful, thorough and insightful answers. 1. List professional practice activities in which you participated this week. 2, What problems did you face this week? How did you handle the problems? 3. Among the various activities in which you participated, which activity do you consider the most valuable and why? 4. Identify at least one new professional insight you experienced this week? 5. Generally, what were the most important things you learned this week? Signature of Supervisor: T= Printed Name of Supervisor: AF, Vue afi Gopin| dae afiafil 7 gesostional Thoray, “FE APPENDIX E: FIELD- WORK WEEKLY REPORT LEI 4940: INTERNSHIP 1 Internship I (Clinical) : Week 3 ‘This week has been an interesting one at Life Care Center at Inverrary (LCCA) in Fort Lauderdale, Out of the many activities I've done recently, the main ones include an ice cream social, an outing to Catfish Deweys, and assisting in a cooking class. The residents at LCCA eagerly wait for Monday's which is when the weekly ice cream socials are held. Activity assistants and nurses help bring residents out of their room and into the heart of the facility. They are asked to pick from a variety of ice cream flavors and whether they want their dessert in a cup or cone. It's a great view watching them be excited and engaged with their neighbors over something as simple as a scoop of cool sweetness. In addition to their ice cream tradition, this week my supervisor planned a highly requested outing to Catfish Deweys. Catfish Deweys is an old school seafood restaurant with a convenient atmosphere of the 1970s, perfect for our participants. A great place for reminiscing, one of the effective activities held for the elderly population, according to my Facilitation Techniques in RT (LEI 4724) class. Here the patients were able to order their own food and listen to nice jams while reminiscing on their younger days. Furthermore, later in the week I assisted my supervisor in leading a no bake cheese cake cooking class. The participants stirred and smashed some ingredients together, but according to their feedback the best part was eating the final creamy product. All in all ‘was a filling week, not only to my stomach but to my brain. (On that note, some things that provoked my brain included the complications that I had to face, In environments like that of LCCA outings are a huge deal and require intensive research and consideration. Picking a place meant figuring out how accessible it was and whether or not the menu was going to be affordable and appetizing, In addition, we also want activities to be Signature of Supervisor: MD La randvane sip Pee Z Cy she bf J 9) a/jc J Mi eatlOnal The, E % APPENDIX E: FIELD- WORK WEEKLY REPORT LEI 4940: INTERNSHIP 1 ‘Pore nteritional University purposeful and not just merely a physical action. In my Inclusive Leisure Services (LEI 3707) class we learned about the different ways to make reasonable adaptations and advocate for services. Here the difficulties were solved by implementing the principles of that class. Every place we called that didn't have enough accessibility gave us the opportunity to advocate and explain the essentialness of having facilitation that embrace diversity. Also, making sure that the only difference between lunch at LCCA and lunch at Catfish Deweys wasn’t just the location, but rather the experience was a challenge. So, we made sure to bring extra participants that would engage conversation and facilitate reminiscent thoughts at a smaller leader to participant level. Sure enough this solution was an effective method to a better outcome. Among the various activities in which I participated this week, I considered the outing to Catfish Dewey's one of the most valuable moments. First of all, the participants had been requesting an outing for a very long time but, because of staff changes and scheduling this was a very hard task to accomplish. The excitement and enthusiasm of the clients when trying to invite their friends who didn’t feel well that day or generally didn’t go out of their room much was stirring. Many of the participants were eager to finally eat food that was out of their regular routine at the facility and talked about it the entire trip to and fro. When we arrived at the location, some of them sang the songs that the restaurant played and absorbed the atmosphere. In my Leisure and Recreation in America (LEI 3001) class I learned about how many Americans can enjoying eating out more as a leisure activity rather than eating home meals sometimes. This deemed to be true for those who decided to come that day. It was a time not just for eating, but also to form genuine community. I realized that even if they ding remember what they did Signature of Supervisor: Printed Name of Supervisor: Date oy Y aMye APPENDIX E: FIELD- WORK WEEKLY REPORT LEI 4940: INTERNSHIP 1 Fiona itemational University today the next day, in the present moment they were joyful, and that's what was important, Not only did I learn the systematic way of planning a field trip, but my compassion for patients living with dementia increased dramatically that day. One professional insight that I experienced at LCCA this week was understanding the importance of maintaining emphasis on client’s emotional stability and strengths, not necessarily just on programming amazing activities. An article named Lessons Learned: An Open Letter to Recreational Therapy Students and Practitioners by David R. Austin says that recreation therapy IS action oriented, but the client is more important and true relationship is the heart of this profession, As recreational therapists we provide a special type of care and empathy for participants that in worst case scenarios, they may be receiving only from us. In this setting, with the particular group I am with, very little to no visitors come to visit and spend quality time with their own family members and friends. If they do visit the patients most likely do not remember who is seeing them and will forget that someone even made an effort. However, as RTs we have the chance to be a constant variable in the lives of an older population, Daily reminders and love oes a far way where cognitive falls short, Basically, [learned that my relationship and consideration for patients is more meaningful to them than all the coo! activities and perfect programs I can ever provide. As Maya Angelou teaches, I'd like to believe that people will remember you more by how you treat them than by what you could do for them. In conclusion, this week I was able to experience, grow, and observe a multitude of ‘enriching happenings. The most important things I learned included how to organize and prepare ) Signature of Supervisor: Le Primed Name ofsupersisor | Z y Hé& pe bia | 9//3/le oor Ther, ey APPENDIX E: E. FIELD- WORK WEEKLY REPORT LEI 4940: INTERNSHIP 1 Fonda ntaetenal Unversity for an outside event for people living with disabilities, considering the emotional aspect of whoever I work with, and coming up with effective leisure activities. I saw the hardships of finding accessibil ry within recreation facilities and how to search for places that are adaptable. My concern and sensitivity toward people who live differently than what I am used to was sharpened. Observing the critical thinking skills of my supervisor brought about more creative ideas in me that can produce independence and partnership all in one. Indeed, this facility is playing a great role as precursor to my success. Pm Signature of Supervisor: fl-cr2 pte Printed Name of Supervisor: Date G3 ie

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