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Oklahoma: Primary Filing Deadline Past Now Off

to the Races
June 11, 2010

This week in Oklahoma candidates filed for primary slots for an election that will occur on July 27th.
R3publicans have been working with many candidates for months now; working to restore the GOP to
limited government, constitutional principles of a day gone by and sorely needed again. With filing past
and the goal post just up ahead, it seems appropriate to profile some of the folks you will have an
opportunity to help in the next few weeks (many of you are already doing so!).
Here are their banners with links to their websites and excerpts from their press releases this week:

Senator Randy Brogdon for Governor

Brogdon will forgo a third term in the Senate in his quest to become the next Governor.
Brogdon says his determination to reduce the size of government sets him apart from his rivals in both
parties, I am the only candidate who is truly interested in smaller government, said Brogdon. I wont be
proposing very many task forces or conferences, I am proposing solutions to Oklahomans.

A top priority in a Brogdon Administration will be setting Oklahoma, on what Brogdon calls, a
sustainable growth cycle. If we would prevent government from growing three or four times faster than the
economy we wouldnt go through these harsh budget cuts every four or five years.

The budget process should be about setting priorities and planning for the future, said Brogdon. As
Governor I will not let it become a race to spend all the money on bigger government.

Brogdon believes Oklahoma needs a new tax structure, along with new limits on spending. Our current
income tax system taxes earnings and discourages achievement, we should tax consumption, not savings or
reinvestment, said Brogdon. He proposes an end user tax on sales and services. However, groceries and
prescription drugs would be exempt from any tax and fuel taxes would remain at current level, and other
steps, to limit any impact on lower or fixed income households.
Nathan Dahm for Congress CD01

Nathan Dahm, a former missionary and current resident of Broken Arrow, has filed to run for Oklahomas
1st Congressional seat, currently held by John Sullivan. When asked by reporters why he would challenge a
sitting Republican, Dahm replied: I know Reagans 11th commandment was speak no ill of your fellow
Republicans, but you cant be a Republican and be for big government. John Sullivan voted for the TARP
bankers bailout which cost the taxpayers seven hundred billion dollars. That is not small government, it is
not Constitutional, and it is not Republican.

Dahm has been a grassroots activist for several years and is a Teaparty candidate, both of which have
helped propel his ground campaign, winning him the Bixby straw poll by 15% with Dahm capturing 47%
to Sullivans 32%. He also recently launched what his campaign is calling his Oath to Oklahoma, which
is a list of pledges including: are a self-imposed term-limit of 6 years, defense of the right to keep arms,
repealing of the 16th amendment income tax, and a commitment to enlist in the military upon his vote to go
to war.

When asked what separates him from Sullivan, Dahm said: I am a fighter and I will stand up for the
people and have their voice heard in Washington D.C. I will not cower down, keep silent, or vote in
violation of the Constitution. I will truly represent the people and serve them whole heartedly.

Howard Houchen for Congress CD02

A lot of thought went into this, Houchen said. I am not a career politician and going up against a third-
generation politician is, at first, a daunting proposition. But the more I looked beyond Borens rhetoric and
looked at his actual voting record, it is clear that he is no longer representing the constituents who elected
him. While he comes home and complains about the liberal direction of Washington, he personally
facilitates that liberal agenda by voting not once, but three times for Nancy Pelosi to become the third most
powerful person in the country. When important debates have occurred this year on the floor of the House,
such as with Cap & Trade and the Health Overhaul Bill, Boren sat silently in the Chamber for hours,
refusing to come to the microphone in front of Pelosi to speak out on the record in defense of our state and
citizens. Now he admits he does not want the bad law passed to be overturned and proposals to actually
improve healthcare to be introduced.

Houchen continues, With no true representative of the people for District 2, I feel I must, as someone who
understands the Constitution and its clear directives on personal liberty, state sovereignty, and specific
limits to federal governments intrusion on the lives of citizens, run for office to help put a stop to the
massive central-planning power grab taking place in Washington. Boren has been an active voter in
support of big government spending in the face of burgeoning deficits that will cause crippling tax burdens
on both this and future generations. Boren touts his fiscal conservatism and claims he is a blue dog, but
his actions on spending bills show clearly his belief that the DC bureaucracy should extend into every
aspect of our lives, and that more of our dollars should leave Oklahoma to fund governments growth. He
has forgotten the farmers, the ranchers, the doctors, the oilmen, the small business owners who elected him
in District 2 to represent our conservative Oklahoma values, and to protect the states rights and freedom
that Oklahomans hold dear.

RJ Harris for Congress CD04

Witnessing such events as the economic melt-down of September 2008 and the response of elected officials
such as Congressional District 4s current representative, Tom Cole, motivated Harris to enter the race.
Tom Cole showed the people of Oklahoma that he cant be trusted to make the right decisions under
pressure, notes Harris.

Candidate Harris believes his long experience as an air-traffic control chief, especially in active combat,
provides him with the skills necessary to make tough decisions. Coupled with his understanding of the
proper role of government and straight forward approach to communicating with voters, Harris believes his
message will resonate.

This Friday night there will be a forum, open to registered Cleveland County Republican voters,
which includes a straw poll.

Mark Costello for Labor Commissioner

Costello heads USA Digital Communications, a technology based company he founded in 1998 and
licensed as a common carrier in over 40 states.The current state of the Oklahoma economy calls for sound
business decisions. I have started and ran several successful businesses over the last two decades. I want to
bring my successful common sense business approach to address problems of state government, said

The office of Labor Commissioner is the one elected state office that has a legal responsibility to promote
job creation. Under state law, one of the duties of the Commissioner of Labor is to advance opportunities
of wage earners for profitable employment, stated Costello.
According to a recent newspaper report, jobs are the number one issue for most of the candidates for
governor. The level of unemployment is unacceptable. As Oklahomas next Labor Commissioner, I will
apply my business knowledge to advance meaningful reforms that foster and promote private sector job
creation in Oklahoma, stated Costello.


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Constitutional Liberty Coalition

Categories: Constitution Grassroots Projects R3publicans #R3S Sovereignty Project #Sovereignty

Stop the Bailout #OFTB Teaparty
Tagged: Charles Key, Limited Government, Oklahoma, R3publicans, Tom Cole, John Sullivan, Randy
Brogdon, State Sovereignty, RJ Harris, Constitutional Liberty Coalition, END the FED, Ron Paul, Second
Amendment, Nathan Dahm, Right to Bear Arms, End the Fed rallies, Liberty Candidates, 912 Candidates,
R3volution, Grassroots in Oklahoma, Howard Houchen, Republican Liberty Caucus, @clibertyc,
R3publicans #R3S, Fiscal Restraint, Stop the Bailouts, Teaparty Candidates, Mark Costello, Free
Enterprise, Remember the Bailouts, Labor Commissioner, oklahoma candidates, ocpac endorsements, rlc
endorsements, prolife endorsements, rtkba endorsements, oklahoma grassroots, gun owners of america
endorsements, right to life

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