WP Questions

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1) Design a simple web application to fulfill the following activities.

To store employee details into empdet database.
Display employee details in tabular format based on empno and password.
Perform client side validation on name and phno fields in registration form. Name field
should accept only alphabets length should greater than 7. Number of digits in phno field
should equals to 10.
empdet (empno, password, ename, dept,sal, phno, address)
2) Design a simple web application to fulfill the following activities.
To store book details into database based on category
Display list of book details in tabular format based on category.
Perform client side validation on name field in registration form. Name field should
accept only alphabets and length should greater than five.
engg(bookid, bname, price, rackno, author, isbn, edition)
arts(bookid, bname, price, rackno, author, isbn, edition)
sciences(bookid, bname, price, rackno, author, isbn, edition)
maths(bookid, bname, price, rackno, author, isbn, edition)
3) Design a simple web application to fulfill following activities.
To store student details into studentdet database.
Display student details in tabular format based on rollno and password.
Perform client side validation on name and password fields in registration form. Name
field should accept only alphabets length should greater than 5. Password should starts
with alphabet ends with numeric value.
studentdet (rollno, password, name, branch, phno, address)
4) Design a simple web application to fulfill the following activities.
To register product details into database based on product type.
Display list product details in tabular format based on product type.
Perform client side validation on name fields in registration form. Name
field should accept alphanumeric characters only and length should
greater than 8.
electronics (pid, pname, price, weight, manufacturer address)
electrical (pid, pname, price, weight, manufactureraddress)
machines(pid, pname, price, weight, manufactureraddress)
aeronautics(pid, pname, price, weight, manufactureraddress)

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