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Effect of Topology on the Performance of Mobile

Heterogeneous Sensor Networks

Ashish Gupta, Alexandre Delye de Clauzade de Mazieux, Monique Becker

GET/INT, SAMOVAR, Institut National des Telecommunications

91011 Evry CEDEX, France
Email:{Ashish.Gupta, Alexandre.Delye, Monique.Becker}

AbstractNetwork topology plays a significant role in much longer life time frame. Eventually, data collected
the design and performance of sensor networks. The by each device should be communicated to certain Base
IEEE.802.15.4 standard is designed for Low-Rate Wireless Station (BS) which might be fixed or mobile.
Personal Area Networks (LR-WPAN) with most applica- Sensor networks are divided into two types of cat-
tions in the automation sector. Zigbee networks placed at
egories: - homogeneous networks where each device in
the top of the above standard use two classes of devices:
Reduced Functional Devices (RFDs), where a node can
the network has equal capabilities and the heterogeneous
simply act as an end device with no other capabilities, networks where some devices are more powerful than the
and the all powerful Fully Functional Devices (FFDs), other devices. A Zigbee network [1] is an example of
where a node can become an end device, router or the co- heterogeneous networks. Zigbee networks are launched
coordinator as well. Therefore, traditional Mobile Ad hoc by an industrial alliance called Zigbee Alliance [2]. Like
Network (MANET) routing algorithms are not applicable any other network protocol Zigbee is also a layered
in these types of networks. Furthermore, it is important protocol and is placed at the top of the IEEE.802.15.4
to understand the implication of network topology over standard [3]. Therefore, the role of the Zigbee Alliance is
the overall performance of the system. We used Network
to define the network and application layer. Application
Simulator-2 (NS2) to simulate different mobile sensor
network topologies with equal energy. The topologies were scenarios for these types of networks range from the
different in terms of node types and hierarchy inside the system monitoring to the full fledged home and industry
network. We observed that, in a heterogeneous mobile automation. Zigbee Alliance members share the vision of
sensor networks, increase in network hierarchy coupled providing the customers with an industrial standard with
with the node heterogeneity has a detrimental effect on options of interoperability between the various devices
the network performance. delivered by different vendors. Subsequently, several
Zigbee compliant solutions are currently available.
I. I NTRODUCTION A node in a Zigbee Network can either be a FFD or
Developments in the wireless technologies are opening a RFD. A FFD node can act as a router, simple end
up new application avenues in the automation of tradi- device or as a coordinator of the network, where as, the
tionally labour intensive work. With the infinite number RFD can only act as an end device. Therefore, RFDs
of small and cheap devices available today, the question cannot play any intermediary role in communication
remains, how should they communicate in an effective for other devices. This leads to a kind of network
manner? One of the major constraints of these small where very few nodes can participate in the routing.
devices is their limited battery capacity. In fact, the Hence, in this case, classical MANET algorithms such
degree of success of any kind of automation lies on as, [4], [5], [6], [7], [8] are not applicable. Similarly,
the level of human interference; the lower the human much of the comparisons between the heterogeneous
interference is, the better the system is, while providing networks with homogeneous networks are not applicable
seamless services. Therefore, not only it is important in mobile Zigbee networks. The authors in [9] made
that these devices should communicate in an efficient comparison between the homogeneous networks and
manner but also independent of any fixed infrastructure. heterogeneous networks in terms of overall network
Nevertheless, sensor networks are different from simple deployment cost. They studied a multi-hop variant of
ad hoc networks, as sensor networks are designed for LEACH (M-LEACH) for the intra-cluster routing and

The Sixth Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking WorkShop, Corfu, Greece, June 12-15, 2007
compared with the simple LEACH. However, M-LEACH for the above system. Increase in the number of RFD
is applicable to the static networks and it also assumed nodes should decrease the overall energy of the network.
that nodes inside the cluster will also participate in the Therefore, different scenarios simulated by the authors
intra-cluster routing. Similarly, most work in [10], [11] should have different energy levels. In this paper, we
and [12] relates to the static networks. will take more critical view of the toplogy on the
In this paper, we have studied the behaviour of Zigbee overall performance of the system using energy as the
like networks in the tree based topology. Especially, constraint and how topology coupled by the energy plays
our area of interest lies in understanding the network an intrinsic role in the network performance.
performance based on different node types, radio ranges Clustering is a model where a sensor network is
and topologies. To compare different topologies, we subdivided into smaller units called clusters. A subset
assumed that each and every topology should have equal of nodes in the network is elected as the cluster heads
energy. We modified LEACH algorithm to select the (CHs), while the other nodes will join those clusters as
Cluster Head in the mobile network. We observed that members. Zigbee tree algorithm is an example of cluster
performance of the network degrades with the introduc- tree algorithm. Depending upon the network parameters
tion of more hierarchy in the topology and it degrades set in the Zigbee application layer, e.g. nwkMaxDepth,
even further in case of networks similar to Zigbee. nwkMaxChildren and nwkMaxRouter, a tree is con-
structed and only a FFD node can become the router
II. OVERVIEW or CH. In case of Zigbee tree routing, each CH has its
Routing is one of the key design issues in the wireless own 16 bits address space, called network address and
sensor networks. A sensor can either be a single hop or it further sub-divides/allocate the address space between
multi hop distance away from the BS. In case of single its children. Therefore, instead of 64 bit MAC addresses,
hop networks, nodes farthest from the BS spend more these 16 bit network addresses can be used for routing
energy than the nearest ones and opposite stands for purpose. This helps in auto routing as each CH is aware
multi hop networks, since the information to BS is routed of its own address space and its parent address space.
by the nearest nodes. Consequently, depending upon the Members will forward data packets to the CHs which,
topology, nodes either nearest or farthest to the BS will acting as relays, forward the packets to the sink or Base
die much earlier with respect to other nodes. However, Station (BS). However, tree routing is not much feasible
low energy routing is only easy for static networks and in mobile sensor networks, as CH itself might have
with the introduction of fair amount of mobility in the changed its position, therefore, its own address space
system; things can become even more complicated. and hence the address space of its children do not remain
Mesh and clustering are the two most commonly em- static at all. Another, way of selecting the CH is LEACH
ployed techniques in multi hop as well as in the Zigbee algorithm. LEACH [14] is the self-organizing, dynamic
networks. Mesh networks are self-healing. The mesh algorithm to decide CHs in the network. LEACH has
networks allow for continuous connections and reconfig- two phases; the Set up phase and the steady phase. In
uration over the broken paths by hopping from node to the set-up phase nodes organize themselves into local
another node until the final destination is reached. The clusters and the appointed CHs communicates directly
Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) [4] routing to the BS. After fixed interval of time, the process of
protocol is a reactive protocol designed for mobile ad local clustering is repeated again and the new cluster
hoc networks. The Zigbee Mesh routing is similar to formation takes place. Therefore, in this paper we used
AODV. In [13], the authors have discussed the behaviour LEACH algorithm over the Zigbee Tree algorithm to
of mesh routing in Zigbee networks. They used the set select the CH and implement the routing scheme. In the
of FFD and RFD devices and studied the performance LEACH, at the beginning of each interval a sensor node
of the network by varying the number of RFD devices. can become the CH as the function of some predefined
They used the scenario where around 20% of the devices probability. Since, CH requires quite a large amount
were mobile. They observed that, the increase in node of energy to communicate with Base Station, this CH
heterogeneity in the network i.e. increase in the number rotation policy helps to distribute energy evenly in the
of RFD nodes, leads to the significant drop in routing whole network. Once a node declares itself the CH, the
performance of the whole system when compared with nearby nodes send the join request and once the node
the simple AODV routing mechanism. However, authors has joined the CH, it sends data to CH in the given time
did not take into the account the energy implication slot.

The Sixth Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking WorkShop, Corfu, Greece, June 12-15, 2007
We used Fig.1 as the basis of our studies. We
took into consideration that, there can be few orphan
nodes present inside the network. LEACH algorithm
was mainly used to select the Cluster Head and the
following changes were made in implementation of
LEACH algorithm [15] in the Network Simulator (NS2).

Every node is explicitly defined as FFD or RFD,

with higher energy levels for FFD nodes.
For the ease of routing, it is assumed that each and
every node is location aware node with respect to
the Base Station.
Depending on the distance of the node from the Fig. 1. Network Model
Base Station and its radio range, a node can calcu-
late number of hops required to connect to BS in
terms of NETWORK DEPTH. of the automation of the system. Therefore, during the
NETWORK DEPTH of BS is assumed to be equal simulation, it was assumed, that node will not get into
to 0. the sleep mode if CH is not selected. Hence, the node
Every FFD node will periodically advertise itself as can communicate its messages/information at the very
the Cluster Head and then, wait for the join request first opportunity.
from the other FFD or RFD nodes. LEACH algorithm is based on the rotation policy of
If the FFD node has NETWORK DEPTH equal to the CH. This enables the proper energy utilization in
0, it will connect directly to BS, else, it will send the sensor network, as the same nodes are not burdened
the join request to other FFDs. again and again to become CH. The LEACH was de-
Each node including FFD will also send periodi- signed for static networks. However, the use of rotation
cally the join request, if they have not yet joined policy makes it an ideal choice to be used to select
any cluster head. the CH even in the mobile sensor network, as we were
Decision to choose the parent for a FFD is based required to select CH again and again. The simulation
on received signal strength and the NETWORK ended when the numbers of nodes inside the network
DEPTH from the advertising FFD node. were less than 5 or the time limit exceeded 3700s.
Node will never join the cluster whose cluster We simulated four different network scenarios. Since,
head has NETWORK DEPTH higher than the the motivation for having an heterogeneous network is
NETWORK DEPTH of node itself. to deploy an energy efficient system, therefore, all the
scenarios and simulations had equal initial energy. We
assumed that, a node can either be a FFD or RFD in
We used 2.4GHz frequency range in our simulation. case of heterogeneous networks. Also, 75% of the nodes
In most of the sensor networks, if a sensor is out of were RFD and others were FFD ones. In both cases of
range of its CH or it is an orphan node, i.e. has no CH, heterogeneous networks, FFD nodes were 333% more
the node switches itself into the energy saving mode. powerful than the RFD nodes. As discussed earlier, in
The node sleeps for some time and then again scans case of a homogeneous network, each and every node
the network if any device is available to become the had equal initial energy i.e. 4.864J. However, in case
CH. However, it is not true in each and every case. of a heterogeneous network, we had two energy levels,
E.g. in case of automation of the logistics and the i.e. 10J for the FFD nodes and 3J for the RFD nodes.
supply chain management of the frozen items inside However, average energy per node remained same in
the data-ware house, where strong emphasis is put on all the scenarios. Rationale for having heterogeneous
temperature control, any significant or minor change in network is to let some nodes act as routers or Cluster
the temperature must be communicated. If the sensor is Heads and other nodes just being the end devices.
unable to report the same, it may modify the efficiency Therefore, the FFD nodes were made more powerful as

The Sixth Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking WorkShop, Corfu, Greece, June 12-15, 2007
they do data routing consistently. consistently or might just have joined the cluster head
who itself had become orphan. This was not happening
in Scenarios {1, 2} as all nodes were capable of routing
and hence, no orphaning problem happened. The use of
Network Topology Type Node Range Random Waypoint mobility model (RWP), added a fair
1 Simple LEACH Homogeneous 80m degree of randomness in the network. The reason behind
2 Hierarchical Clustering Homogeneous 50m
3 Hierarchical Clustering Heterogeneous 50m
the selection of radio range in Scenarios {3, 4} were the
4 Hierarchical Clustering Heterogeneous 30m type of topologies they exhibited. While in the scenario
{3} the choice of radio range helped not only to compare
the performance of the heterogeneous network but also
TABLE II to compare the performance with homogenous networks.
The scenarios {3, 4} provided with an opportunity to
Simulation Area 150*150 contrast between the different networks. Furthermore,
Location of Base station 67.745, 92.58 radio range of scenario {3} was higher then the radio
Number of Nodes 40 (including Base Station) range of scenario {2} but lower than the radio range of
Mobility model Random Way point
scenario {1}. This provided an interesting proposition to
Node speed 1m/s
Node Pause time 8s compare the networks, which not only differ in terms of
CH Rotation frequency 10s the device types but also in terms of the radio range.
Time out time for Child 5s
Packet Size 127 byte V. R ESULTS
Traffic CBR 0.2 interval time
Energy of Base Station 5000
Minimum thresh hold Energy 1
Total Energy in the Network 187 (excluding BS)
Average Energy per node 4.864
Simulation Time 3700 s


Number of Fully Functional Device 10

Number of Reduced Functional Device 29
Energy of Fully Functional Device 10J
Energy of Reduced Functional Device 3J

Simulation scenarios as listed in Table I represent

the different network topologies. Scenarios {1, 2} were
using homogeneous nodes and every node was capable
of routing. In case of Simple LEACH a node was at most
two hops away from the Base Station. On the other hand,
by decreasing the radio range, we had increased the level
of hierarchy in the network. Now, some nodes require
more than two hops to communicate with the BS and also
not every CH was single hop from the BS. Scenarios {3,
4} represent heterogeneous networks i.e. very few nodes Fig. 2. Number of Messages Received at BS
were capable of routing. Therefore, different radio ranges
were used to represent different hierarchical topologies.
The higher the number of intermediate hops, the higher This section studies the performance of the network
the probability of the route breakdown, or vice versa. scenarios based on the simulation parameters as listed
The other major difference between Scenarios {1, 2} in Table II and Table III. We have examined the perfor-
and Scenarios {3, 4} was that, the nodes in Scenario mance of networks on the basis of three given criteria.
{3, 4} might be orphan and searching the cluster head 1) Number of messages received at the BS.

The Sixth Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking WorkShop, Corfu, Greece, June 12-15, 2007
2) Number of nodes alive.
3) Longevity of the network.
In case of homogenous networks, every node has more
or less the equal probability of becoming a cluster head.
On the contrary, very few nodes designated as FFDs can
act as the CH in the heterogeneous networks (25% in
this case). Therefore, if the whole set of FFDs are out of
the radio range of any given RFD node, the RFD node
becomes orphan and therefore, unable to communicate
with the BS.
Thus, nodes in the heterogeneous networks may suffer
repeatedly from the orphaning phenomenon. However, it
is not true in case of homogeneous networks. Therefore,
number of messages received at the BS is much higher
in case of the homogenous networks. Moreover, if CH is
more than one hop away from the BS, it requires another
CH as intermediate node to connect itself to the BS; and,
in case of heterogeneous networks, a CH can itself be
an orphan node.
Fig.2 compares the total number of message received
at the BS at any given time. We observed, as the
hierarchy of the network increases, the performance of
Fig. 3. Total Energy Consumed the network with respect to the number of messages
delivered at BS, decreases substantially. Performance is
at its best in case of homogeneous single hop network
and worst in case of multi hop heterogeneous networks;
the higher the number of hops is, the poorer the per-
formance is. Due to mobility, it is not only a simple
node which changes its position but also the CH itself
might have changed its positions as well. At any given
time there is also the probability that the selected CH
may also have moved out of the radio range of its
own cluster. Same phenomenon may occur during the
communication between the two CHs. Therefore, as the
degree of hierarchy increases the performance of the
network degrades. Performance degrades even more in
heterogeneous networks, as very few nodes are available
to become CH.
Every node consumes energy while transmitting or re-
ceiving the messages. Even the CH selection mechanism
consumes energy. From Fig.3 it can be seen that as the
hierarchy and the heterogeneity of the system increases
more energy is consumed by the system. It is higher
in case of the heterogeneous topology. This is due to
the fact that, the network suffers from the orphaning
phenomenon and more energy is utilized by a RFD node
to select a CH. However, in case of Scenarios {1, 2} we
Fig. 4. Number of Alive Nodes
do save energy, but due to mobility inside the network,
there have to be a trade-off between the data and the

The Sixth Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking WorkShop, Corfu, Greece, June 12-15, 2007
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that of nodes in homogeneous networks. This happened T. Clausen. Optimized link state routing protocol (olsr). Internet
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due to the fact that, the RFD nodes had less initial energy
[7] E. Belding-Royer Chakeres and C. Perkins. Dynamic manet
than that of homogeneous nodes and RFD nodes lost lot on-demand routing protocol (dymo). Internet Draft, draft-ietf-
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mained in the network as they had the maximum energy. [8] D. B. Johnson and D. A. Maltz. Dynamic source routing in ad
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This rapid network degradation, in case of heterogeneous Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996.
networks, also contributed to the cause of lower number [9] Vivek P. Mhatre and Catherine Rosenberg. Homogeneous vs
of messages received at BS. heterogeneous clustered sensor networks: A comparative study.
In IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC
VI. C ONCLUSION 2004), volume 27, pages 36463651, June 2004.
[10] Stanislava Soro and Wendi B. Heinzelman. Prolonging the
The paper studied the performance of sensor networks lifetime of wireless sensor networks via unequal clustering.
consisting of two types of devices, i.e. FFDs, the devices In Proceedings for 5th IEEE International Workshop on Al-
gorithms for Wireless, Mobile, Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
which can route the packet as well as can act as the CH,
2005 (WMAN05), Denver, Colorado, April 2005.
and the RFDs, which can only connect to the FFDs but [11] Daniel Kofman Vivek P. Mhatre, Catherine Rosenberg and Ness
incapable of routing or becoming the CH themselves. Shroff. A minimum cost heterogeneous sensor network with a
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to the networks proposed by the Zigbee. We simulated [12] Enrique J. Duarte-Melo and Mingyan Liu. Analysis of energy
four different scenarios, two each for the homogenous consumption and lifetime of heterogeneous wireless sensor
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[13] Tony Sun Guang Yang Ling-Jyh Chen Nia-Chiang Liang, Ping-
respect to number of messages received at BS, our results Chieh Chen and Mario Gerla. Impact of node heterogeneity in
are similar to that of authors in [13], however, we studied zigbee mesh network routing. In IEEE International Conference
a different problem: the assumptions are different. We on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC06), Taipei, Taiwan,
used energy as the constraint and examined the role [14] A.Chandrakasan W.R.Heinzelman and H. Balakrishnan.
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mobile sensor networks, increase in the network hierar-
chy increases the energy consumption in the network as
well as degrades the performance of network in terms of
number of received messages. Furthermore, due to the
inability of RFDs to participate in routing, performance
of the system degrades even further in case of the
heterogeneous hierarchical networks. Zigbee networks
looks good and indeed they are good for the static
networks. However, for the networks where mobility
is a regular feature, the deployment of heterogeneous
networks like Zigbee does not seem to be correct idea
and at least, they need further investigations.

[1] Zigbee Specification V1, June 2005.

The Sixth Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking WorkShop, Corfu, Greece, June 12-15, 2007

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