Grammar Unit5 Condition Sentense

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Conditional Sentences (if-clause)   "#$%
$% 2 '(%  if-clause )* main clause
if clause -'(%./-' 01 0$ 01
Main clause -'(%./ -3* 4(
If he comes , I will tell him.
(if clause) , (main clause)
Conditional Sentence )"(- 4 @. 
1. Future Possible
2. Present Unreal
3. Past Unreal
4. Mixed Type
Future Possible
 ./)'#%-#$ L#M#$ "#$%
If + present simple , future simple
Will + V

future simple + if present simple
will + V
If he studies hard, he will succeed.
She will stay at home if it rains.



 !"#$ :
1. LLQ main clause RRQ4$ may , can , must , (be) going to ).
will , shall #$
#&'(!) *
are going to
If you don+t hurry , you may , can , must

miss the train.

2. "TMLLQ if clause )* main clause Q4$ present simple tense

RRQ4$ when  whenever ). if #$ 4(
If (when , whenever) the weather is good , I play tennis.
If (when) the teacher asks , answer her.
3. $ if clause / should V(#$%'.WQ $- infinitive form #$
#0T# if )*W Should M%$ $X 4(
If she telephones , tell me at once.
 Should she telephone , tell me at once.
Present Unreal
 ./'10L%( 01YZTM L#MQ[RR1"T )0(%RL(#$
L#M-./0$T"%RL "#$%
If + past simple
past future simple
Verb to be Q4$ were .1\RZ would , should + V
(Q4$ could , might + V #$)
past future simple
If + past simple
(could , might , would , should + V) verb to be Q4$ were



#&'(!) *
If I were rich , I should travel around the world.
(but I am not rich.)
He would meet her if he went to the party.
(but he doesn+t go to the party.)
 !"#$ : 'W T".// were TM.WQ $- Inverted Form
#$#$%0T# If Q4$ were M0$)*$%0(#$%X)*
'(%^ 4(

If I were rich , I should travel around the world.

Were I rich , I should travel around the world.
)0($ Q(/ were _'R* If #$
)0(0$*/V #T/M
If I had more money , I would buy a new car.
Were I to have more money , I would buy a new car.
If she got a higher marks , her mother would buy her a
new dress.
Were she to get a higher marks , her mother would buy
her a new dress.



Past Unreal
 ./'10L%( 01YZTM L#MQ#/0 )0(%RL(#$
L#M -./0$T"%RL "#$%
If + past perfect tense , past future perfect
Had + V3 (could ,might ,would ,should + have + V3 )

past future perfect.
if + past perfect tense
(could , might , would , have + V3 )
had + V3
#&'(!) *
If she had been there , she would have seen the accident.
(but she wasn+t there)
He would have given her money if she hadn+t gone out.
(but she went out)
 01 : 'W T".// had + V3 .WQ $- Inverted Form #$#$%
0T# if Q4$ had M0$)*$%0(#$%X + V3 + '(%^ 4(
If she had been there , she would have seen the accident.
 Had she been there , she would have seen the accident.
He would have given her money if she hadn+t gone out.



 He would have given her money , hadn+t she gone out.
Mixed Types
-)""3' %( Past Unreal )* Present Unreal "#$%
Past Unreal
Present Unreal
If + past perfect
Past future simple
(had + V3)
(would + V)

Present Unreal
Past Unreal
Past future simple
If + past perfect
(would + V)
(had + V3)
#&'(!) *

If you had gone to bed early last night , you would be in Chiangmai
$1Y$)0( T%W %T/M1Y_V(./4/Q ( (%RL_ 
1 _TV(.//)
You would be in Chiangmai today if you had gone to bed early last night.
R'T0#$%(.TM'/M/%*$T RQ4$ Past Perfect T"
'(%.//W"#/0 Q.//M_ today RQ4$LQV Past Simple
Tense .TM ^ ./RL ^ )*$%T%R-V
should+ have + V 0c./#$/



 !"#$ : 'W T".// had + V3 .WQ $- Inverted Form #$#$%

0T# if  Q4$ had M0$)*$%0(#$%X + V3 + '(%
^ 4(
If you had gone to bed early last night, you would be in Chiangmai
 Had you gone to bed ear early last night, you would be in Chiangmai
you would be in Chiangmai today if you had gone to bed early last night.
 You would be in Chiangmai today, had you gone to bed early last



 Conditional Sentences

1. future possible - If + v (present) , will
 01YZ' + infinitive 
-#$Q0 - will + infinitive , if +
$/ should Q $M0$

- If he studies hard, he will
- He will succeed if he studies
- If she telephones , tell me at
- should she telephones ,tell me
at once.
2. present unreal - If + v (past) , would + - If I were rich, I would buy a
 01YZ./-( infinitive
new car.
(v. to be Q4$ were .1 (but Idm not rich) 
Were I rich , I would buy a new
 0T# if Q4$ were car. 
- I would buy a new car if were
- would + infinitive , If rich.
+ v (past)



3. past unreal
- If + v (past perfect)
had + V3 ,
would have + V3
0T# if 
Q4$ Had + subj + V3

would have + V3
If + had + V3

- If she had been there , she

would have seen the accident
(but she was not there)
- Had she been there ,
- She would have_seen the

- She would have seen the
accident if she had been there.

4. mixed type
3' %( if (3)
)* (2)  (2) +
if (3)

- If you had gone to bed early

last night , you would_be in
Chiangmai tonight.
- Had you gone to bed early last
night ,you would be in Chiangmai

- You would be in Chiangmai
tonight if you had gone to bed
early last night.
(but you didndt go bed early last
night and you are not in
Chiangmai tonight.

- If + V (past perfect)
 had +
V3 , would + V
0T# if #$Q4$
Had + Subj. + V3

would + V
if + had + V3



Pre ? test (or Post- test )

on Conditional Sentences
DIRECTION : Choose the correct answer for each item.
1. If he __________ here yesterday, Idd have given him this letter.
a. were
b. have come
c. had come
d. would come
2. If you__________ ill, send for me at once.
a. are
b. were
c. was
d. had been
3. __________on time, they would have seen the entire show.
a. Should they arrive
b. Had they arrived
c. Have they arrived
d. If had they arrived
4. If were still a poor student, I would not go on holiday as
often as I__________ .
a. was
b. do
c. go
d. would



5. Do you mind if I__________ the window?

a. opening
b. will open
c. opened
d. open
6. If had know English was so difficult, I__________ it up.
a. would never have taken
b. would never taken
c. would never take
d. would never have been taken
7. Had he studied harder, he__________.
a. would not have fallen
b. would not have fell
c. would not have failed
d. would not fall
8. If there__________no floods last year, the crop__________ better now.
a. had been, would be
b. were, would be
c. had, would have been
d. was, would have bee
9. If you raise no objections, I think I__________ tomorrow
a. would leave
b. will leave
c. would have leaved
d. have left



10. If I__________you, I wouldndt return to call.

a. was
b. be
c. am
d. were
11. If it__________ rain tomorrow, wedll have a picnic
a. didndt
b. wouldndt
c. doesndt
d. wondt
12. We would have been in time if we __________ five minutes earlier.
a. had started
b. started
c. have started
d. were started
13. __________ he call, tell him that Idm out.
a. For
b. Were
c. Should
d. If
14. If you want to know what everyone thinks about the
government, the man in the street.
a. will ask
b. ask
c. have asked
d. asking



15. If everybody__________ the traffic rules, the road will be__________ .

a. obeys p. more safe
b. obeys p. more safer
c. obey p. much more safer
d. obeys p. much safer
16. If I__________ you were here, I__________ come sooner.
a. had know, would have
b. had known, would have
c. knew, will
d. know, will
17. __________I refused, he would have hired someone else.
a. Had
b. Have
c. Has
d. Were
18. __________ I you. I wouldndt do that.
a. If
b. Be
c. Were
d. Had
19. If anyone calls, please__________ message.
a. takes
b. take
c. would take
d. took



20. If I__________breakfast several hours ago, would not be hungry now.

a. ate
b. were eating
c. have eaten
d. had eaten



Exercise 1
DIRECTION : Change the following sentences into conditional sentences.
1. Oil (float) if you pour it on water.
2. If it snows, they (stay) at home.
3. She would go for a walk if it (be) fine.
4. He (come) if we asked him.
5. If Porn (be) here, he would help us. (inverted form)
6. If he (not waste) his money on gambling, he could have bought a house.
7. If they had arrived on time. I (be) surprised.
8. If she (have) a chance to learn English, she would have got a better job.
(inverted form)
9. If he (Be) a faithful husband, she would have loved him more than ever.
(inverted form)
10. If I (finish) my work yesterday. I would be in Chiangmai now.



Exercise 2
DIRECTION : Choose the correct answer for each item.
1. __________the problems carefully yesterday, you would not find
any difficulty now.
a. if only you have studied
b. Even if you would study
c. if you had studied
d. Unless you should study
2. Had the government transferred television stations to the Mass Media
Organization of Thailand, the workers__________protested.
a. would have
b. could have
c. should have
d. had
3. We__________in such a great mess now if we__________ it before.
a. wouldndt have been p. Have know
b. wouldndt be p. Had known
c. wondt have been p have known
d. wondt be p knew
4. You__________ from my post card that I was in Paris last week if
you had looked closely.
a. has seen
b. would see
c. will have see
d. would have seen



5. tIf you ever_________the queen, what________ you do? tBow to her.v

a. will meet p. will
b. met p. will
c. meet p. would
d. met p. would
6. tIdm sorry that I am late, it took more time to get here than I expected.v
tYou __________sooner. If you __________the early bus
before the rush hour.v
a. can arrive w had taken
b. could arrive w would have taken
c. would have arrived w had taken
d. had arrived w would have taken
7. If he_________ quietly and instructed. he__________ a second heart
a. had lain p.might not have had
b. had laid p.might not have
c. had lain p.might not have
d. had laid p.might not have had
8. tWe were sorry you couldndt manage to join us.v t__________v
a. If you invited me a few days before, I would cancel my
b. Had you invited me a few days before, I could have canceled my
c. If you invite me a few days before, I will cancel my appointment.
d. Have you invited me a few days before, I will have canceled my



9. A : If I had known about the flood. I wouldndt have built my

house in this area.
B : Do you mean that__________ ?
a. you dondt own a house in the area.
b. your house was flooded.
c. your house wouldndt be flooded had you know?
d. youdre not going to build a house there
10. __________ you in my position. what would you do?
a. Unless
b. Had
c. If
d. Were
11. __________ patient, and you will succeed in the end.
a. Being
b. Have
c. Be
d. Having
12. __________your wife here at this moment youdd surely be in trouble.
a. Were
b. Was
c. Being
d. Be
13. If it________fine yesterday. wedd have reached our destination by now.
a. were
b. was
c. had been
d. has been



14. If breakfast is not ready. I__________without it.

a. should go
b. shall go
c. should have gone
d. go
15. If had not come here last week. I __________out all the truth about him.
a. should not find
b. found
c. did not find
d. should not have found



Exercise 3
DIRECTION : Choose the correct answer for each item.
1. tItds high time you pppppp. To work hard.v
a. begin
b. began
c. were to begin
d. would begin
2. pppppp. Inform his parents.
a. The child misbehaved and
b. Was the child to is behave,
c. Were the child to misbehave,
d. Should the child is behave,
3. You must have had a good vacation, or youpppppso much weight.
a. did not put on
b. will not put on
c. had not put on
d. would not have put on
4. But for his intelligence, wepppppable to achieve it.
a. would never have been
b. were never
c. had never been
d. shall never
5. I would not listen to him if Ipppppyou.
a. was
b. am
c. would be
d. were



6. Provided Kevinpppppthe time and the money, he would travel round

the world.
a. had
b. has
c. has had
d. would have
7. We proposed that sever measurespppppto combat crime.
a. would be adopted
b. should have been adopted
c. were adopted
d. be adopted
8. It is essential that shopkeepersppppphonest with their customers.
a. should to be
b. be
c. were
d. would be
9. Were the rain to continue, more landslidespppppp. .
a. occur
b. occured
c. would occur
d. had occurred
10. Mother could have more time for rest if the familyppp. a washing w
a. has
b. had
c. has had
d. had has



D&*EF((G *(H*
%*Z L.1)*0Y, Grammar. 0L%0Z\T"*L44Z, 2540.





2.a 3.b 4.b 5.d

7.c 8.a 9.b 10.d
12.a 13.c 14.b 15.d
17.a 18.c 19.b 20.d



1. Oil floats if you pour it on water.
2. lf it snows, they will stay at home.
3. She would go for a walk if it were fine.
4. He would come if we asked him.
5. Were Porn here, he would help us.
6. If he hadndt wasted his money on gambling, he could have bought a
7. If they had arrived on time. I would have been surprised.
8. HAD SHE HAD A CHANCE TO LEARN English, she would have got
a better
9. Had he been a faithful husband, she would have loved him more
than ever
10. If I had finished my work yesterday. I would be in Chiangmai now.

















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