Grammar Unit12 Connective

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Connectives ! "# $%&!'
&(%&!( ) %&( ! ! ! *#+
Connectives , -. 11 ' %
1. Addition / Continuation 7. Comparison
2. Alternation / Choice
8. Purpose
3. Cause and Reason
9. Manner
4. Concession / Contrast
10. Place
5. Result
11. Time
6. Condition

Addition / Continuation
&,P!,Q- %& P,and = ,Q
and then = ,QT# ,QU
bothSand = '+S,Q
as well as = - P
besides = T + 
no less than = !-  -

andStoo = ,Q'+ S

furthermore = &- + S
moreover = &- + S
nor = !andSalso = ,Q'+ ..
whatZs more = &- + S

and (,Q  ) (%&!- *) Q -P

 - $ ! $ ! Q

,Q )   )  . 

 Sinee and her friend went to the party.
He put the book on the table and on the shelf.
We drink milk and our parents drink coffee.



and then (,QT# ,QU) (%&!- *) QP

 They had breakfast and then went to school.
I watched television and then did my homework.
both"and ('+S,Q) ( - (%&!- * ) Q -P
  T.  T !
 Both Samart and Wanida passed the examination.
He both sings and plays the guitar.
not only"but (also) (!-
,-S S
P ) (%&!*!'
! ! PQ
,Q. $ PP

She is not only kind but also lovely.
Not only is she kind but she is also lovely.
He not only advises me but also gives me money.
no less then (!-  -) ( !%  as well as "%&!  e !
 I no less than she come late.
Your sister no less than you is beautiful.
and also
P (%&!$ %*! PP
 ,QQ !

He plays the guitar and also sings. She is clever and also lovely.
He gave her advice and money too. She is honest and kind too.
&- + S
what,s more
besides T + 
likewise - P
 , '$ P



'+ 5 $(,'  P (%&!*!&!!T'

&PQ-,Q ( semicolon
(;) ,Q comma (,) P

He is handsome ; furthermore, he is rich.
They donZt do anything ; besides, the donZt help anyone.
She is good at science ; likewise, she is good at mathematics.
nor (,QS!-) (%&!) '
! ! . i'+) 
 She doesnZt eat nor drink. !T)  2 ) 
She doesnZt eat. She doesnZt drink.
He is not a doctor nor a dentist. !T)  2 ) 
He is not a doctor. He is not a dentist.
"* Q nor . ) T
$ -P
 ) $"!
% ) '
& 1 + nor + helping verb + subj. + V + S..
They donZt sing. They donZt play the guitar.
They donZt sing, nor do they play the guitar.

Alternation / Choice
! "# $%&!'
&,P( Q% %Q% P,or
or else


% !m +
neitherSnor = !-'+ -
!m +
= -S %!!m +
= -S %!!- -
+SU - +

or ( %) (%&!$ %*! PP

 "(%&  Te !  Q
 You or Ladda like music.
or, or else, otherwise (!m + ) (,'  P


 They must work hard

He must do


,or else
.other wise

they will fail in the

he will be blamed.

either"or (!- -

+SU - + ) (%&!$ %*! PP
Te !  Q

Either he or I do this work. She is either a singer or a musician.
They should either play games or watch television.
Elther you go or you are dismissed.
neither"nor (!-'+ -) - P

Neither you nor she is late. He is neither a carpenter nor a plumber
She neither loves him nor hates him.
She neither saw them nor knew of their existence.
whether = if (-S %!-) (( indirect question !%)  direct *#+  P Helping

She said to me, qIs your sister absent today?s
She asked me if (whether) my sister was absent that day?s
They asked him whether or not he was a politician.
They asked him whether he was a politician or not.



Cause / Reason 5617890:;9<=>=1/2/?81/2@A B>C<

in as much as
now (that)

= -,  %&T-

= . -, P  -

because ,Q for (,'  P because *#+  )  % -Q)  for  -Q

They didnZt go to the meeting
it rained hard.
Because he was sick, he must rest.
Since, as (,'  P *#+  )  % -Q) 
He will go to Bangsaen, he must get up.
She doesnZt have lunch
she has no money.
In as much as = because *#+  )  % -Q) 

In as much as I have a toothache, I must go to see the dentist.
He must rest in as much as he was sick.
now (that) (. - P  -) (*#+  ) 
Now (that) you are late, you had better sit behind.
Now (that) it rained hard, they didnZt go to the meeting.



Concession / Contrast $%&!'

&,P ! %(T!*! P,although
= ,!-, "#,!-
in spite of
the fact that = '+u '
notwithstanding (the fact) that = ,!-
= ,--, ,! +
= ,! + ,  -U!
= ,! +
although, though, even though, even if -P )  '+ 4 $
+(,'  P -
)  %Q) 
in spite of, despite -P noun % Ving (,'  P
in spite of the fact that
-P )  (,'  P
despite the fact that
notwithstanding (the fact) that -P )  notwithstanding -P noun % V + ing
he is poor, he is happy.
Even though
Even if

They watch television

even though
even if

they are sleepy.


In spite of fact that

In spite of the fact that
Despite the fact that


his poverty, he is happy.

being sleepy, they watch television.
he is poor, he is happy.
they are sleepy, they watch television.

Notwithstanding that she was ill, she attended class.

Notwithstanding her illness, she attended class.
Notwithstanding that we had not much time, we helped them.
Notwithstanding having not much time, we helped them.
buy, yet (,--, ,! + ) (,'  P %&!*!'
Q*P,   -P- P  Q) 
however, nevertheless, still (,! + ) (,'  P

She doesnZt like statistics
she takes this subject.

He is very rich

he is unhappy.



Result 5617890:;9<=>@A
such (a)Sthat


P +
m +
P + m +
 %&T, P +
P +

= !T '&

so (P + )  !Q) 

This book is interesting so I bought it. She is kind so they like her.
therefore, accordingly, consequently, hence, thus (P + m + P  

The pineapple tastes sweet ;
He didnZt understand this lesson ;

so + adj. or adv. + that

such + (a, an) + noun + that

consequently , I eat all.
, he didnZt do the exercise.
!T '&



He lectures very well. Everyone admires him.
= He lectures so well that everyone admires him.
= He is such a good lecturer that everyone admires him.
She is very kind. People appreciate her.
= She is so kind that people appreciate her.
= She is such a kind woman that people appreciate her.
He ran fast. No one could catch him.
= He ran fast that no one could catch him.
( much, many, little, few ,Q a lot of  soSthat, suchSthat



such + a lot off

uncountable n.
countable n.

uncountable n.
countable n.

This apartment costs so much money that canZt rent it.
Pim has so little time that she didnZt call on her friend.
They have so many books that they canZt read all of them.
She has so few friends that she is often bored.
This apartment costs such a lot of money that I canZt rent it.
They have such a lot of books that they canZt read all of them.





Condition 5617890:;9<=>189JBK B>C<

on condition that
as (or so) long as
in the event that
in case that


" !!
T- " -!" - )P !
%& *-
" -  (P
(that) = " -

(that) = " !!-

= " - e%&-
= e%& -

if (" !!-) (( ) %& * (Conditional)  )  %Q) UP

If he works hard, he will pass the examination.
= He will pass the examination if he works hard.
If she went to the party, she would meet her friends.
= She would meet her friends if she went to the parry.
If I had sent this letter, they would have received it.
= They would have received this letter if had sent it.
unless = if"not ( T-, " !-)  )  %Q) UP

He wonZt let you go out unless you finish that work.
= He wonZt let you go out if you don,t finish that work.
She wonZt go to the seaside unless the weather is fine.
= She wonZt go to the seaside if the weather is not fine.



on condition that, as (or so) long as, provided (that), providing (that) (" -, )P
%& *-,  (P'
&) Q) 

on condition that
I will help you
you obey me.
as long as
He will go to Phuket

provided (that)
providing (that)

he can afford the time.

supposed (that), supposing (that) = (" !!-) !

! ! - P

Supposed (that)
he is rich, he will go abroad.
Supposing (that)
she saved money all year, she would have enough money for
her vacation.
in the event (that), in case (that) = (" -, e%&-)  )  %Q
) UP

In the event (that)
the weather is fine, they will play badminton.
In case (that)
a few members come, the conference will be postponed.

more than

5617890:;9<=>?1L?;M1:;M B>C<
=  !%  '- less than
=  -
= '-
the sameSas = '- S !% 
= !-

as"as, so"as ( !%  , '- ) (%&!*!,P

as + adj. or adv. + as
so + adj. or adv. + as



This subject is boring. That subject is boring too.
= This subject is as boring as that one. (adj.)
This girl is talkative. That girl is silent.
= This girl isn,t so silent as that one. (adj.)
Her sister speaks English fluently. She speaks English fluently too.
= Her sister speaks English as fluently as she (does). (adv.)
She danced clumsily. Her teacher danced gracefully.
= She didn,t dance so gracefully as her teacher (does).
more than, less than (!-  -) (%&!*!'
 This shirt costs 220 baht. That shirt costs 180 baht.
= This shirt costs more than that shirt (does.)
= That shirt costs less than this shirt (does.)
the same"as ('-  ,  !%   ) (%&!*!'
% !% 

Sanit weighs 50 kilograms. Anan weighs 50 kilograms.
= Sanit has the same weight as Anan (has).
His car is white. Her car is white.
= His car is the same color as hers.

12.9 Purpose 5617890:;9<=>5002/0 B>C<

so that
in order that
for the purpose that
lest = P -

= %&, %&-



that, so that, in order that, for the purpose that (%&, %&-)

They got up early
they might attend the meeting in time.
so that
in order that
he could watch the football match.
for the purpose that
He worked hard in order that the could retire from business early.
Let = so that"not or in order that"not (P - % %&-S!-) T( should
Q lest  !( so thatSnot !-

They got up early lest they should be late for the meeting.
= They got up early so that they might not be late for the meeting.
He left early lest he should miss the train.
= He left early so that he might not miss the train.
He left early

Manner 5617890:;9<=>?<MM B>C<

as if
as though
=  -  #&-
=  - ! +
as far as
=  '-'
so far as
as if, as though ( -  #&-) (%&!*!,P!!x#&. !-P %!. !T ( yTT  ,Q( P
 "!-. T( yTT   '
& - Q as if, as though T.
past tense - verb to be ( were  '  "!-. !T( P
  ( past
perfect (had + V3)



He acts as if
he were a millionaire. (present unreal)
He talked as though he had seen on accident. (past unreal)
as ( -, ! + )

Do as I told you. T'$!'
She took a job as a clerk. Q- . !

Manat will act as the leader of this project.
! T'$ '
&.  )
as far as, so far as ('-'
 As far as I can tell, this program is interesting.
As far as I know, she is sensitive.

Place 5617890:;9<=>=TJ:;9 B>C<

where = '

wherever = '
& U!

where ('
 This is the place where the accident occurred.
He sat where he could see his mother.
wherever ('
& U!)



you like

there are a lot of green trees, the air is fresh



Time 5617890:;9<=>1A B>C<



!%& ( !%&
( *'
+,- - '

until, till
as soon as
no soonerSthan
scarcely, when (before) =
hardlySwhen (before) =

T '&
' '
& SU

when (!%&, ( !%&)

 See you again when we finish our work.
He will return home when his mother comes.
They were in the office when I called him up.
while (( *'
&) ( when ,' P

He breaks in while I am speaking.
She learned to cook while (when) she lived in Tak.
The telephone rang while (when) we were watching
They were sleeping while (when) we were playing.
since (+,-)

She has lived here since she was born.
{  -'
He has learned Italian since last month.
+,-P% '
It is ten years since I was an official.
m . *+,- 10 |'
before (- )

Please blow out the candle before going to bed.
The lecture will begin before you come.
He had examined this case again before he sent it to the committee.
after ( Q, QT)



Give the book back after reading it.
She will get over her cold after she takes some medicines.
He made a decision after he had consulted the adviser.
until, till (T '&) (,'  P

Please do over your exercise until (till) it is perfect.
She will stop speaking until (till) she is tired.
as soon as (( ' '
, !%&)

They will so their work as soon as leader comes.
He ran away as soon as he saw his father.
no soonerSthan
scarcelySwhen (before)
hardlySwhen (before)

= SU (%&! past perfect ,Q past simple

no sooner"than . negative ,Q(. $  * as soon as  ) * no

soonerSthan T!
2 Q%
1. Subj. + had + no sooner + V3 + than + V2
2. No sooner had + subj. + than + V2

He had no sooner reached home than it began to rain.
No sooner had he reached home than it began to rain
As soon as he reached home it began to rain.
scarcely"when (before)
hardly"when (before)

 )  !%  no soonerSthan
! ! = almost as soon as



She had scarcely (hardly) heard the news when she fainted.
Scarcely (hardly) had she heard the news when she fainted.
Almost as soon as she heard the news, she fainted.
(Almost as soon as  T. past simple '+) )



Pre U test on Connectives

Direction : Choose the correct answer for each item.
1. _____________ summer has come, we can wear lighter clothes.
a. In accordance with
b. However
c. In spite of the fact that
d. Now that
2. Never speak harsh words, _____________ once spoken they may return to you.
a. for
b. still
c. as a result
d. provided that
3. Please remind me _____________ I forget.
a. whatever
b. whereas
c. in case
d. so that
4. DonZt eat that apple _____________ it is ripe.
a. since
b. unless
c. as if
d. in case
5. _____________ the village than a thunderstorm broke.
a. No sooner we had left
b. No sooner has we left
c. We no sooner had left
d. We had left no sooner.
6. Michael is often very rude ; _____________ , I am very fond of him.
a. nevertheless
b. as a result
c. lest
d. whereas
7. _____________ it was very late, he went on working.
a. In spite of
b. Inasmuch as
c. lest
d. Though
8. She could not come on time ____________ she missed the train.
a. because of
b. thus
c. because
d. hence



9. _____________ , but he also kept it.

a. Not only did he make a promise
b. Not only he made a promise
c. Not only made he a promise
d. Not only does he make a promise
10. He is very rich, _____________ he is not contented.
a. hence
b. furthermore
c. besides
d. still
11. They work harder _____________ they may succeed.
a. so as to
b. so tat
c. in order to
d. conseqtly
12. She always attends class _____________ she should fail.
a. as
b. accordingly
c. lest
d. therefore
13. _____________ they ate here, I cannot do anything.
a. As long as
b. So that
c. But for
d. Moreover
14. _____________ , he is not happy.
a. Rich he is as
b. Rich as he is
c. He is as rich
d. He is rich as
15. We run _____________ fast _____________ they cannot overtake us.
a. soSas
b. asSas
c. soSthat
d. muchSthat
16. She is _____________ kind woman _____________ everybody likes her.
a. soSthat
b. suchSthat
c. so aSthat
d. such aSthat
17. He must clean it, _____________ it will be rusty.
a. till
b. in case
c. but for
d. or else



18. We had heard nothing of what happened _____________ she told us.
a. because
b. until
c. otherwise
d. but that
19. She will telephone him _____________ she gets the information.
a. likewise
b. whether
c. as soon as
d. despite of
20. _____________ , she need not be dishonest.
a. However poor he is
b. Though poor he is
c. Since he is poor
d. If he is poor

Exercise (Connectives)


Direction : Choose the correct answer for each item.

We were just about to go for a picnic, _____________ it started to rain.
a. unless
b. as soon as
c. while
d. when
She was thirsty ; _____________ , she refused to drink any soft drink.
a. however
b. for
c. so that
d. since
qOh, itZs so dark in here.s
qYouZd better be careful, _____________ you should stumble.s
a. unless
b. lest
c. so that
d. as a result
qWhat did the kidnapper say to you?s



qHe said, _____________ you give us the money and see you family again or you die?s
a. DonZt
b. Unless
c. Either
d. Neither
5. qIf the Australian Aboriginal art quite fascinating.s
qYes, it is 40,000 years old, _____________ it has remained unknown to the world even to
most Australians.s
a. yet
b. since
c. despite
d. whereas
6. qDid you do the shopping all right? Did you get any good meat?s
qNow, donZt fuss. I got a good piece of beef, and it wasnZt too expensive either,__________
these day.s
a. as the meat price
b. as meat prices
c. that meat costs
d. because of the meat price
7. qThe trainZs going to stop soon. We must get out immediately.s
qAll right. IZll get out _____________ it stops.s
a. unless
b. until
c. as long as
d. as soon as
8. _____________ they knew that their opponents has been playing well recently, they knew
that they were in for a hard match.
a. Though
b. Since
c. However
d. Moreover
9. _____________ I have to work to pay for my college tuition, I donZt have time for many
social events.
a. Because
b. Besides
c. Although
d. Even



10. Many of the students who hope to enter the university will be disappointed only one-tenth
of _____________ who apply for admission will be accepted.
a. despite, them
b. that, ones
c. because, those
d. due to, any
11. qDid you see Damrong today?s
qNo, he was sick _____________ he didnZt come to school.s
a. although
b. however
c. since
d. so
11. They are _____________ friendly people _____________ everyone likes them.
a. suchSthat
b. such aSas
c. soSthat
d. asSas
13. qHave you written to Daeng yet?s
qNo, I didnZt know his address. _____________ , I would have written to him.s
a. Because
b. Otherwise
c. Consequently
d. Therefore
14. qWill your sister be present at the meeting?s
qShe will, _____________ she still has a cold.s
a. because
b. whether
c. while
d. although
15. qCould you follow what he said?s
qNot very well. His voice was _____________ sometimes I did not catch his words.s
a. too soft that
b. very soft
c. so soft that
d. rather soft
16. No sooner _____________ .
a. they had left when the telephone had rung
b. had they left than the telephone rang
c. did they leave and than the telephone rang
d. they had left than rang the telephone



17. I have often warned you ; _____________ , you have persisted in doing the wrong thing.
I am not willing to give you a second chance.
a. therefore
b. otherwise
c. furthermore
d. nevertheless
18. _____________ the price is nigh, she bought the magazine.
a. Although
b. Because
c. Since
d. As
19. Tim is saving money _____________ he can buy a new house.
a. because
b. in spite of
c. in order that
d. besides
20. She will go to Rayong, _____________ her expenses are paid.
a. inasmuch as
b. provided that
c. or else
d. for



Post U test
Direction : Choose the correct answer for each item.
1. Her dog was missing. He was either hit on the street or _____________
a. trapped
b. be trapped
c. being trapped
d. trap
2. It is _____________ beautiful day that I fell like taking a walk.
a. so
b. too
c. very
d. such a
3. _____________ , he fell asleep.
a. As soon as he laid down
b. No sooner he lied down than
c. No sooner did he lie down
d. As soon as he lay down
4. Wilai may not come, but weZll get ready _____________ she _____________
a. becauseSwill
b. ifSis
c. in caseSdoes
d. orSmay
5. The Chairman will present a discussion of ____________ nuclear power is the most
hope for meeting the growing demand for energy.
a. which
b. that
c. if
d. whether
6. He does nothing ____________ sleep all day long.
a. to
b. for
c. on
d. but
7. He maintained his interest in law ____________ he was assassinated.
a. until
b. as
c. when
d. while
8. _____________ he tries, his goal will not be achieved.
a. How much
b. How many
c. Much as
d. However more



9. I tuned up the volume, in order for everyone _____________ the program better.
a. hear
b. to hear
c. hearing
d. heard
10. _____________ we get some rain, the dying crops will be ruined.
a. Unless
b. Only
c. Despite
d. Whenever
11. _____________ I am concerned, he can do whatever he likes with the money.
a. As much as
b. So long that
c. Because that
d. As far as
12. A : Do you agree that English is difficult to learn?
B : Yes, but it isnZt ______________ learning. Japanese.
a. so difficult as
b. so difficult than
c. as much difficult as
d. the same difficult as
13. qDid you go to the party?s
qNo, I didnZt. I stayed home _____________ the weather was bad.s
a. whereas
b. although
c. since
d. despite
14. qThe concert will begin in a few minutes.s
q_____________ or ____________ late.s
a. We should hurrySwe should be
b. WeZd better hurrySweZll be
c. We should hurrySweZre
d. WeZd rather hurrySweZll be
15. qIZm afraid that I wonZt be able to find your place because I donZt have a map.s
qUnless you _____________ my instructions, you______________ get lost.s
a. wontZ followSwill
b. would followSwonZt
c. followSmay
d. followedSmight not



16. He is ______________ that he will never amount to anything.

a. as lazy as a boy
b. such lazy as a boy
c. such lazy a boy
d. such a lazy boy
17. His parents told him to slow down the car _____________ .
a. where he was approaching the crossroads
b. as he approached the crossroads
c. since his approach in the crossroads.
d. because of having approached the crossroads.
18. The times we live in are very difficult ; _____________ .
a. otherwise, we cannot survive.
b. nevertheless, we must try to be cheerful
c. in short, we should be satisfied with what we have
d. then we should enjoy
19. a. Montip, besides looking like her father, takes after her mother in character.
b. Montip, looking like her father, thus takes after her mother in character.
c. Montip, looks like her father, but she takes after her mother in character.
d. Montip, takes after her mother in character, furthermore, she looks like her father.
20. She was thirsty ; _____________ , she refused to drink any soft drink.
a. for
b. since
c. so that
d. however



Q   '!,Q, Grammar.  Q, 2540.
  , English Grammar For Competition . !
"# I.O.U.
' (*+*
. 2540
'+0 '(+*(1(#
,(Ph.d). Current English +.5. *+*
7(8 9: 17. 2533.



1. d
2. a
3. c
4. b
5. b
6. a
7. d
8. c
9. a
10. d
11. b
12. c
13. a
14. b
15. c
16. d
17. d
18. b
19. c
20. a
1. d
2. a
3. b
4. c
5. a
6. b
7. d
8. b
9. a
10. c
11. d
12. d
13. b
14. d
15. c
16. b
17. d
18. a
19. c
20. b
1. a
2. d
3. d
4. c
5. d
6. d
7. a
8. c
9. b
10. a
11. d
12. a
13. c
14. b
15. c
16. d
17. b
18. b
19. c
20. d

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