Main Paragraph Ex

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Exercise 1 (Topic)
Read the following paragraphs. Label the choices as too general, too specific, or not mentioned.
Then write your own precise topic. Check your answers by referring to the answer key in the back
of the book.
Animals produce a wide variety of sounds.
Birds whistle, porpoises click, wolves howl,
and gorillas produce a drum like sound as they
beat their chests. The list is almost endless.

Animals produce a wide variety of sounds to
communicate. A bird may warn its mate of
approaching danger with a shrill whistle.
Porpoises click while searching for food.
Wolves signal each other with howling sounds.
And the drum like sound of a gorilla beating its
chest often attracts a partner during mating

Howls and Clicks________________________
Variety of Sounds_______________________
(precise topic)

Animal Sounds_________________________
Warning Whistles_______________________
(precise topic)



Exercise 2 (Topic)
The following exercises are provided for practice in establishing the topic. Read the following
paragraphs then label each choice given here as either too general, too specific, not mentioned or
precise topic. One of the choices in each grouping is a precise topic.
Even in todayEs scientific age superstition is still widespread. Many tall buildings, for example, do
not have a floor numbered thirteen, because tenants consider this number unlucky and will not
rent apartments or offices on this floor. Like ancient man, some people still carry good luck
charms such as rabbitEs feet to protect them from misfortune. Many people still shudder when a
black cat crosses their path or are absolutely terrified about opening an umbrella inside the house.
Paragraph 1
Good Luck Charms_______________________________
ManEs Irrationality_______________________________
Superstition Today_______________________________

If you have a favorite color, it may be a clue to your personality. Psychologists, who have done
much research with color preferences found that people who prefer red clothes were often
talented, flashy and temperamental. Those who selected yellow were found to be warm, open and
secure. StrongKwilled people favor white, and reasonably friendly people dress predominantly in
hues of green.
Paragraph 2
Color and Personality_____________________________
Red Clothes____________________________________



YouEve probably had your doubts about the old adage Nsugar and spice and everything nice, that
is what little girls are made of.O Finally, the evidence is in: girls are no more moral, honest or
righteous than boys. In fact, they are less so. When teachers favor girls and parents consider them
more trustworthy, both are settling for the cultural stereotype that girls are good and boys bad.
One hundred twenty seven children at BaltimoreEs Sinai Hospital were given a test of moral
judgment and three tests on which cheating could be measured. On the moral judgment test girls
ranked lower than boys indicating that boys have higher ideals than girls. What was cheating as
measured on the cheating survey. Maybe the old adage should be changed.
Paragraph 3
GirlsE Cheating__________________________________
GirlsE Morality__________________________________
BoyEs Honesty__________________________________

The question mark has a surprisingly interesting history which can be traced to Roman times
when Latin was spoken. In that language it was impossible to ask a question without adding an
extra word. If one Roman wanted to invite another to an orgy, he could not say: NWill you come
to my orgy tonight?O He had to say: NYou will come to my orgy tonight, quaestio.O Quaestio
meant: NI am asking you a question.O In writing they indicated a question with the letters Qo. The
Q in those days was written like our numeral 2. It was later put above the o, which was in time
simplified into a dot. This combination became the question mark of today.
Paragraph 4
Punctuation Marks_______________________________
History of our Question Mark______________________
Latin Questions_________________________________



Exercise 3 (Selecting the Best Topic)

DIRECTIONS > Now go on to discover the point under consideration. Read each paragraph
carefully. Then choose the best topic from the list printed below.
Indicate your choice by writing its letter on the line provided. Work rapidly.
Flares can be used effectively by day or night. The light or cloud of smoke can be seen
for a great distance in clear weather and for several hundred feet in a fog. But flares must
not be used carelessly. They can easily ignite dry grass or brush along the highway.
1. The best topic is:
a. Fire Danger from Flares
b. The Use and Misuse of Flares
c. The Use of Flares by Night
d. Getting Rid of Dry Grass Along the Highway
The surf lifeKsavers of Australia are excellent patrolmen. The waters off the east coast of
the continent are often dangerous with sharks. Yet here on a summer day are thousands of
careKfree swimmers. Whenever a shark appears, immediate warning is given by the
guards and the swimmers have plenty of time to reach the beaches in safety.
2. The best topic is:
a. LifeKSaving
b. Summertime NDown UnderO
c. The NSharkieO Waters off Australia
d. The Service of Australian Surf LifeKSavers



From the earliest times men have traveled on water. They made their settlements near
water, and they used it for their animals and plants. Later on, the rivers and then the seas
became manEs highways. Wars have been waged and treaties signed, and civilizations
have lived and died all because of water.
3. The best topic is:
a. River and Seas as Highways
b. The Importance of Water to Man
c. Early ManEs Care of Animals and Plants d. Civilizations of the Past
There is no know way of telling where to find opals even in a proven field. One man may
dig a dozen holes in temperatures above one hundred degrees in the shade, and still find
nothing of value. Then along comes a stranger. The first hole he puts down yields him a
stone worth thousands and thousands of dollars.
4. The best topic is:
a. Opals in Australia
b. Mining in the Tropics
c. The Lucky Stranger
d. The Factor of Chance in Opal Mining



The modern dinghy is usually made of fiberglass, but all boat building materials and all
methods are used in its construction. Dinghies range from seven to twelve feet in length,
and motors of five horsepower or less are adequate for their safe and efficient operation.
5. The best topic is:
a. BoatKBuilding
b. The Modern Dinghy
c. The Safe Operation of Small Boats
d. A New Use for Fiberglass
Experiments are still needed to find the trees to grow and the best ways to care for them.
Trained men are needed. There are also jobs for tree surgeons, lumbermen, and forest
examiners. For many young men, the most rewarding are forest ranger jobs. The ranger
jobs. The ranger roams the woods and sometimes fights fires. He looks out for the timber,
builds trails, and deeps guard over the animals.
6. The best topic is:
a. Careers in Forest Work
b. Research in Forestry
c. Guarding Wild Animals in the Forests
d. The Work of the Forest Ranger
Long before the Pilgrims or Columbus had visited the shores of the New World, the
Americas had been discovered and settled. Hardy peoples had spread along the length
and breadth of the two continents. Some had fine buildings, and the Mayas had a calendar
more accurate than that of Columbus. But other tribes were so backward they did not
know even the skill of cooking their foods by boiling.
7. The best topic is:
a. Early Settlers in the Americas
b. The Calendar of the Mayas


c. The Visit of Columbus to the New World

d. The Backward Tribes of Early America



Even when the cranberry bogs and the farms have been dampened and lakes filled, there
is plenty of water left to run off into the brooks and rivers. In any season, New England is
a wellKwatered land. It would be hard to find a place anywhere more than an hourEs walk
from running water.
8. The best topic is:
a. The WellKwatered Land of New England
b. Farms and Cranberry Bogs
c. The New England Countryside
d. The Changing Seasons
The first Americans to reach California came by water to engage in the fur trade along
the coast. Later interest turned to whaling and the trade in hides and tallow. While some
of these men stayed on in California, their numbers were few. They didnEt cause the
Mexican officials much worry.
9. The best topic is:
a. Early California Officials
b. The Early Fur Traders of California
c. Whaling off the California Coast
d. The First Americans in California



First, there is the problem of finding the right bull for the rodeo. In the last few seconds
before he is released he must thrash against the sides of the chute and clatter his hooves.
Then once he has tossed his rider, he must charge the first cowboy in sight. A second
problem is to find the proper horse who bucks because he wants to do so, but quiets down
without delay the moment the siren is sounded.
10. The best topic is:
a. The SoKcalled Bucking Broncho
b. The Training of Rodeo Bulls
c. The Proper Horses and Bulls for Rodeos
d. Farm Animals on Padade

Answer Key
Exercise 1 (Topic)
Howls and Clicks
Variety of Sounds
Animal Sounds

Too general
too general
too specific
too general
(precise topic)

Animal Sounds
Warning Whistles
Animal Sounds K Communication

too general
too general
too general
too specific
(precise topic)

Exercise 2 (Topic)



Paragraph 1
Good Luck Charms
ManEs Irrationality
Superstition Today

too specific
too general

Paragraph 2
Color and Personality
Red Clothes

too general
too specific

Paragraph 3
GirlsE Cheating
GirlsE Morality
BoyE Honesty

too specific
too specific

Paragraph 4
History of our Question Mark
Latin Questions

too general
too specific

Exercise 3 (Selecting the Best Topic)

1. b

2. d

3. b

4. d

5. b

6. a

7. a

8. a

9. d

10. c



Exercise 1 (Main Idea)

This exercises has been designed to help you review the principles taught in the Main Idea
section. After you have completed the check you answers.


Several of the most primitive tribes of Australia and Africa use a number system which
has neither 5, 10 nor 20 as a base. Most of these tribes employ a base 2, never using
single numbers, but counting in pairs. So strong is this sense of pairing that a native will
seldom notice if two shells have been removed from a row of seven, but he will
immediately be aware if only one is missing. Perhaps the number base of these primitive
tribes had its origin in dividing the food from the hunt into equal portions.
The main idea is located in sentence number:







a. one
b. two
c. three
d. four
e. None of the above. It is unstated.
The mainKidea of the paragraph is that:
a. Many tribes donEt use 5, 10, or 20 as a number base.
b. Many tribes count by pairing.
c. The sense of pairing in primitive tribes is stronger than their sense of numbers.
d. Counting was originated by hunters.
e. The best 10 system is the best for mathematical calculations.
Charles Hogman was born with serious physical defects because his mother was stricken
with German measles during the early stages of her pregnancy. Charles, now eighteen
years old, sued the physician in New Jersey on the grounds that the doctor had not
advised his mother to abort him and thus prevent birth. In New York State, a child
conceived as a result of rape in a New York mental institution sued the state on the
grounds that it should have prevented his conception by mentally deficient unmarried
parents. In Illinois, an illegitimate child sued his father, claiming the father had placed
him at a disadvantage by bringing him into existence an illegitimate child. Although the
courts denied all claims, the existence of these lawsuits indicates a new sociological
trend: man is beginning to value the quality of human life over the fact of mere existence.
The mainKidea is located in sentence number:
a. one
b. three
c. four
d. five
e. None of the above.
The mainKidea of the paragraph is that:




a. Courts denied payment to all claims of NdisadvantagedO births.

b. Many unplanned birts occur.
c. Abortion laws are outdated and need revision.
d. The quality of human life is increasing.
e. None of the above.



Man is unique that he does not have to live only in the present. His world is extended by
symbolic thought to include post history and future time. He can read about the extinct
civilization of the Incas, and, using scientific knowledge, speculate as to the nature of the
universe. Of course, no modern man has witnessed the Inca civilization or touched a start,
yet he can talk about them knowingly because of symbols. The planet Pluto, in fact, was
first discovered mathematically by scientists long before its existence was actually
verified visually by means of high power telescopes.
The mainKidea is located in sentence number:
a. one
b. two
c. three and four
d. one and three
e. None of the above. It is unstated.
The mainKidea of the paragraph is that:
a. Pluto was first discovered mathematically.
b. Man is unique.
c. Man lives in the past, present and future.
d. Symbols extend manEs existence.
e. None of the above.






Many people believe in the Nbig bangO theory of the origin of the earth. That is, that our
planet was once part of a huge mass of matter that exploded. Others feel that the earth is
the result of the gradual cooling of a whirling mass of gases and other celestial material.
Some religionists, in contrast, conjecture that the earth was created by the hand of
a supernatural being.
The main idea is located in sentence number:
a. one
b. two
c. three
d. four
e. None of the above. It is unstated.
The main idea of the paragraph is that:
a. The earth was created by the explosion of a huge mass of gas.
b. Many different theories try to explain the origin of the earth.
c. The earth was once a ball of gas.
d. The religious explanation of the origin of the earth is the least believable.
e. Man will never be able to explain the origin of the earth.

Answer Key
Exercise 1 (Main Idea)
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 3

1. b
3. d
5. b

2. b
4. e
6. d



Paragraph 4

7. e


8. b


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