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SPX vs George Bayer's Rule # 32 - Mercury imitates the Sun /2015/06/spx-vs-george-bayer-rule-32-mercury.html

This rule is one of the strangest I have been able to find. It is very simple, although it entails work to
project correctly. We use the geocentric longitude of Sun at any important top or bottom. To this
longitude we add each time the value 12630. When the addition has been made and the exact place
located in the Zodiac, i.e. the degrees and minutes and the right sign belonging to them, we look
when Mercury is going to pass this point. Hold fast that day! The movement that developed
previously at the Suns place will come off in the same direction at the Mercury place. Thus, Mercury
imitates the Suns effect.
[...] This law I dug out of the Hebrew Talmud. What the Sun does, Mercury does the same 12630
later. We only apply this rule from extreme tops and extreme bottoms. The effect is felt only several
months later and not a few weeks later.
[...] There is a small matter to discuss yet, at least to draw your attention to. We know that Mercury
moves at times retrograde. Should that measurement coming from the Sun reach Mercury at the
time it moves retrograde, we have first a place over which it does move direct and only after that
does Mercury retrograde and pass over the same Sun projection of 12630 and again after it turns
direct it must pass the same spot again.

George Bayer (1940): Stock and Commodity Traders Hand-Book of Trend Determination . Carmel, California; p.


(1) At the April 1, 2014 (Tue) low in the SPX the Sun's position was at 1129'41" (11ARI29'41") longitude; that of
Mercury at 34938'52" (19PSC38'53"). 1129'41" + 12630 = 13759'41".
Mercury passed 13759'41" longitude on August 9, 2014 (Sat); the low in the SPX was on August 7-8 (Thu-Fri).
(2) At the August 7, 2014 (Thu) low in the SPX the Sun's position was at 13444'23" (14LEO44'23") longitude; that
of Mercury at 13313'37" (13LEO13'38"). 13444'23" + 12630 = 26114'23".
Mercury passed 26114'23" longitude on November 22, 2014 (Sat), a low in the SPX.
(3) At the September 19, 2014 (Fri) High in the SPX the Sun's position was at 17617'39" (26VIR17'40") longitude;
that of Mercury at 20226'57" (22LIB26'58"). 17617'39" + 12630 = 30247'39".
Mercury passed 30247'39" longitude on January 6, 2015 (Tue), a low in the SPX.
(4) At the October 15, 2014 (Wed) Low in the SPX the Sun's position was at 20152'09" (21LIB52'09") longitude;
that of Mercury at 20517'27" (25LIB17'27"). 20152'09" + 12630 = 32844'48".
Mercury passed 32844'48" longitude on March 12, 2015 (Thu), a low in the SPX.
(5) At the Feb 2, 2015 (Mon) low in the SPX the Sun's position was at 31307'13" (13AQU07'13") longitude; that of
Mercury at 30659'01" (06AQU59'01"). 31307'13" + 12630 = 7937'13".
Mercury will pass 7937'13" longitude on Juli 2, 2015 (Thu).


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