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Beam type: Cantilever Beam
Section size: 300 x 400mm
Solid modeling

Fig.1 Solid Model of cantilever beam

1.Geometry Creation :
New Project Select Space Units: Length =meters; Force=KN;
File Name=Conical dome Next. Select Add beam Finish.
Geometry Run structure WizardSelect Model Type: Solid Model
Click Solid Block and double click on it.
Length along X=2.0m Division along X=20
Length along Y =0.40 Division along Y=4

Length along Z=0.30

Division along Z=3 Apply Transfer ModelYesOk.

Go to Left side view (Top)

Fig.2 Left side view

Isometric view CommandsMember ConstantsDensity Concrete
Enter value=0 KN/m3 Assign to View Ok.
CommandsMember ConstantsElasticity Concrete
Enter value=0 KN/m3 assign to View Ok.
CommandsMember ConstantsPoissons ratio Concrete
Enter value=0 KN/m3 Assign to View Ok.
3. Supports :
Click Support Create Fixed Add. Highlight support 2 Go to Front view.
Select Front nodes of the beam Assign to selected nodes Assign Yes
Close De select the nodes and change to beam cursor.

4. Loading :

Fig. 3 Load applying

Fig.4 Isometric view load applying

Load & DefinitionsClick Load case Details Add.

Primary Number 1 Loading type: none Title: Load case 1 Add .
Click Load case 1 details Add.
Click Solid loads Solid pressure Loads select face Number=Top
Node 1=-100KN/m2 ; Node 2=-100KN/m2 ;
Node 3=-100KN/m2 ; Node 4=-100KN/m2 Direction GYAdd.
Highlight face No. Pressure GY -100 -100 -100 -100 Select the top portion of
element view it in isomeric view Assign to view Assign Yes.
5. Analysis Type:
Click Analysis/print No print Add Close.
Note: Save the File before Run the Program.
From Main Menu ` Analysis Run Analysis Done.
8.Results :
Go to post processing mode. Maximize the screen. Close the table.
Front view see the Deflected shape.Click Animation Deflection
Results Solid stress contour Solid stress contour Load case: Load case 1
Stress Type: Sxx Apply Ok.

Fig. 5 Stress contour Sxx

Fig. 6 Isometric view of stress contour Sxx

Results Solid stress contour Solid stress contour Load case: Load case 1
Stress Type: Syy Apply Ok.

Fig. 7 Isometric view of Stress Sxy

Results Solid stress contour Solid stress contour Load case: Load case 1
Stress Type: Szz Apply Ok.

Fig. 8 Isometric view of stress contour Szz

Results Solid stress contour Solid stress contour Load case: Load case 1
Stress Type: Sxy Apply Ok.

Fig. 9 Isometric view of stress contour Sxy

Fig.10 Isometric view of Principal stress S1

Results Solid stress contour Solid stress contour Load case: Load case 1
Stress Type: Sign Von Mises Apply Ok Close.

Fig.11 Sign Von Mises

Fig.12 showing sign convention of various stresses in plates

1.Normal Stresses: Sxx, Syy and Szz
2.Shear Stresses: Sxy, Syz and Szx
3.Principle Stresses: S1, S2 and S3
4. Von Mises Stresses:
Side 0.707 (S1-S2)2 (S2-S3)2 (S3-S1)2

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