Registration Task

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Zomato contains Restaurants details,contents like menu types and items uploaded

by the owner through this module along with the owner details which where approv
ed by the zomato backend team after the physical verification and business discu
These details are used by the zomato for the further modules like displaying res
taurants images along with food items they offer and price.
It contains owner details, Restaurant details followed by food items they offer
Without Approval of backend team the restaurant contents are not visible to End
h2. Analysis
Add Registration button is provided in the Zomato Home page(Welcome p
age) for the owner to register themselves and partner with zomato extending ther
e business.Owner details consists of name,phone and Email and Restaurant Detail
s include the name,phone,Addressline1,Addressline1,street,location,city,zip,stat
It also contains the Restaurant Images to upload the images of Restaurant (atlea
st one is mandatory).

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