Current Salary FastCat

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Job Title

Sturgeon, K
Elian, S
Hillman, B
Belfer, L
Irvine, P
Drabik, H
Lehto, D
Perez, W
Yanodori, J
Tsui, A
Mahoney, T
Ragusa, H
Bradshaw, F
Nigh, A
Chapman, C
Carson, F
Freking, J
Schwab, D
Hernandez, M
Madsen, J
Bauman, C
Silbert, S
Lee, K
Heneman, H

Administrative Aide
Administrative Leader
Clinical Liason
Clinical Liason
Graphics Designer
Graphics Designer
Market service reprensentative
Market service reprensentative
Programmer analyst
Programmer analyst
Project leader
Project Support Assitant
Project Support Assitant
Quality assurance analyst
Quality assurance analyst
Senior quality assurance Technician
Senior quality assurance technician
Software user interface architecht
Software user interface architecht
Training Assistant
Training Assistant
User interface designer
User interface designer
Visionary Champion
Visionary Champion

Current Salary (provided by ma'am)


Superior Customer Service

American Airlines
Service Improvement Process (SIP)
It was designed to empower front line employees to resolve customer
complaints and to issue vouchers for travel, food, lodging and cash in
order to keep the customers happy.
LEAAP incentivizes on time departure and proper baggage handling
for ramp service workers and on time resolution of maintenance
problems for mechanics. This definitely helped achieve the objective
of making customers satisfied.

American Airlines
Employment Security:
Though the benefits and salary provided was less, AA provided
employment security. This helped reduce the costs as well as
improve the employee performance
Wage Negotiations
The 1989 TWU negotiation resulted in a performance based reward
system for a smaller percentage increase in base wages.
Merging the tiers
Agreeing to the trade unions and entering into a contract to increase
the salaries for pilots and reducing the merge point of co-pilots from
nine to six years was not in line with the low cost strategy.
However, the salaries that were given to front end employees was far
less compared to those of pilots. Also, the employees could note the
paradox of opposing Crandalls preoccupation with cost cutting while
applauding his cost containment strategy for helping to create rapid
growth and opportunities.

Higher Employee Productivity

Cheap travel:AA compensated its employees with benefit of cheap

travel.All AA employees received atravel pass that provided
unlimited stand-by travel on AA flights at minimal prices. Similar
benefits were available to employees' extended family members
although limited. Commitment to leadership (CTL):
CTL was a program through which every employee would feel
responsible towards meeting the corporations business objectives.
Increased information sharing and joint decision making, helped
increase the employee productivity through increased accountability.
Achieving right balance between flexibility and rigidity helped
employees become accountable of their decisions.
The Peak Performance through Commitment (PPC) helped shift the
supervisors away from the punishing behaviour to coaching,
counselling and recognition as a means for motivating employee
The effect of pass on recruitment, retention and compensation was
Quality of Work life Program (QWL)
It was intended to make supervision less authoritarian. Supervisors
were encouraged to seek input from employees on decisions that
affected them. Due to this, front line employees increasingly found
themselves simply operating without direct supervision.
Presidents Conferences
The program was aimed to improve productivity and efficiency
through extensive communication and question and answer sessions
during which employees discussed issues ranging from business
strategy to minute details of aircraft operation that caused them
problems on the job.

Superior Customer Service

Southwest airlines
Empowered Employees
Employees at Southwest Airlines pull together to do what they need to get a plane
turned around Incidents like taking care of customers dog for two weeks and escorting
an elderly passenger to next stop in order to ensure she was able to change planes
shows the Companys commitment towards customers.
SW airlines won the Triple Crown 24 times for:
On time Performance
Fewest lost bags; and
Fewest number of customer complaints
Resource Based View(VRIO)
Southwest Airlines has a resource based view and they nourish their employees as
sustained competitive advantage.
Despite the fact that Continental Lite and United Shuttle tried build a low cost
structure, they could not satisfy the customers as the culture of Southwest Airlines and
the values imbibed in their employees was not imitable.

Lower Cost
Southwest airlines
Southwest airlines contained labour costs by curtailing on benefits. They did not offer
club memberships, company cars and separate hotel stay for officers. Also to contain
the labour costs the SWA hired very less number of MBAs and they preferred people
without extensive industry experience, what mattered most was the cultural fitment.
Also, below market wage were offered to clerical and management positions, however
there was enough flexibility option provided as an advantage where the employees
had an option of working for more hurs to earn more. A culture of informal teamwork
and helping each other was encouraged where even a pilot could help in cleaning the
aircraft or check passegers at the gate or loading the bags. This helped in
maintenance of a turnaround time of 15minutes,despite the fact that gates are
manned by by single agent and fewer ground crew.This further helped them to spend
an average of 11 hours in air daily as compared to industry average of 8 and earn
more revenue at low costs. Low fares frequent flights help to increase passenger

Higher Employee Productivity

Leadership at Southwest
Herb got best out of employees who work for him. He created a culture of
inclusiveness and promoted professionalism to be worn lightly. Barrett, Southwests
human resource professional also reflected the relaxed management style.
Recruitment: Southwest airlines ensured that they are extraordinarily selective in its
recruiting to hire culturally fit employees whose attitudes and team working knack fits
with the company. This leads to higher committment on employees behalf thereby
increasing the employee's productivity
Training Programs
Southwest had all in-house training programs. This helped their employees to gather
desired skills and use them in their daily work. There were multiple programs like:
New Hire Celebration: Induction program
Special 80 hours of training for supervisors
The Climb: Outward bound course. It helps in generating emotional contact which is
necessary to foster change.
Cordial Labor relations
Despite the fact, there were nine unions at Southwest airlines; Herb could get union
people to identify personally with the company. There were

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