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Student-Teacher: Fatima Ali

Date: 6-11-2016
Primary EPC 3403 Lesson Planning Template Year 3, Sem 1

Time: 10 min

Grade Level: Grade 2

Subject: Math
Strand: Medium level.
Learning Outcome (ADEC code and words):
Use models to regroup ones as tens to add
Different manipulative objects (sticks, cubes,
and counters).
Small board for each student

Preparation (what do you need to do/make before class?)

Prepare the PowerPoint slides.
Get the resources ready.
Review the lesson plan.

Key vocabulary/Target Language

Opening (warmer activity + teacher introduction/demonstration of small group activities)
Task 1:
1. Tell students story and linked to their life ( engage and explore)
While telling students the story I will use TPR, engage students by asking them questions, and ask
them to solve the problems. As a result, students will pay attention and motivate to learn.
2. Explain for students that regroup means to take apart a number to write it in a new way (explain).
3. Demonstrate using the base-ten blocks that 10 ones is the same as 1 ten. Explain that when there
are 10 or more ones. Regrouping is needed.
Question I will ask student during the lessons:
How do you know if you need to regroup?
What do you do when you have more than 10 ones blocks in the ones column?
Explain how you can regroup 19+17 to find the sum?
Guided Experience (group working with the teacher)- whole class activities
Activity 1: Find the sum.

Time: min

Students will take one card and use base-ten blocks to find the sum. Students will use base-ten
block to show the numbers. They will regroup 10 ones as 1 ten when it needs.
Activity 2: find your partner
Each student will have a card either the number or the picture of base- ten blocks. Students will
move around to find their partner. For example, if the card is 15+6, student will move and find her
partner that has the picture that represent the answer as well as the picture that represent the
steps of regrouping.
Independent Experience (small group activity 1)
Find the sum by using base-ten blocks
Give each student sum card. For example, 25+6=



Students will look at their cards, use base ten blocks to find the sum.
They will regroup 10 ones as 1 ten when it needs.
Independent Experience(small group activity 2)
Solve the puzzle and find the sum
Each student will have a puzzle and marker.
Students will solve the puzzle, look at the picture of the base -ten blocks and figure out the sum
They will regroup 10 ones as 1 ten when it needs.
They will write the answer on the space.
Independent Experience(small group activity 3)
Multiple choice
Each students will have a card.
They will look at the question (34+2) and find the sum by using either base-ten blocks or drawing.
They will regroup 10 ones as 1 ten when it needs.
Then students will choose the right answer.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Independent Experience(small group activity 4)
Represent the number by drawing
Students will takes the cone and look at sum. E.g 25+6=
Student will find the sum by representing drawing.
They will regroup 10 ones as 1 ten when it needs.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Independent Experience(small group activity 5)
Color the base-ten blocks the represent the sum.
Each student will have a card, they will look at sum and then color the base-ten block that represent
the card and will find the sum.
They will regroup 10 ones as 1 ten when it needs.
Do a short review by asking the students to recall the steps of finding the sum.
Give students more example about find the sum.
While students are doing the activity I will walk around to observe their working .Also, I will ask students Oral
questions, such as, how did you get that?
Moreover, I will provide appropriate feedbacks for them and improve their learning.
Also, I will use the checklist.

What went well:

I integrated different learning styles such as, visual by showing students pictures, kinesthetic while moving
their hands to do the activity and finally, auditory when students were listening to the teacher while telling
the story and introduce the lessons. As a result, students were engaged to that and understand the lesson
I praised the students who were behaved well, participated and did a great job. As a result, other students
keeps quiet and try to copy the positive behavior.

The collaboration activity was productive; students were discussing, talking to each other, scaffolding each
other and evaluating each other. As a consequence, students learn best because they have a great
conversation between each other.
The classroom was flexible, and learning was productive because it based on students center rather the
teacher center, I talked just 2 minutes. I gave students opportunity to construct their understanding by
allowing them to explore and discover.
Most students were able to understand the lesson without facing problems, and I noticed that when I
assessed them. Also, I was scaffolding the students who need assistance.
Students were engaged and motivated to learn because I used great strategies to support their learning such
as telling a story and linked it to their life and used various hands-on activities.

Even better if:

Prepare extension activities or allowing students to finish their books independently because some of the
students finished their work quickly and wanted other activities so, I have to kee p students busy by planning
various extension activities.
Next step in teaching and learning:
Keep praising students especially who listen and follow the teacher.
Engaged students to the lesson by using various strategies such as story, hands-on activities.
Prepare extension activities.

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