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Pumpkin Patch Patterns

Kimberly Granato
Today's Date and Date of Implementation
10/ /15
Title of Lesson
Pumpkin Patch Patterns
Age Level and Number
Age 4
Group of 4 children at a time, or whole class
Curriculum Areas
PA PreK Standards

2.8.2 Practice and count using numbers as a means of determining quantity

2.8.3 Identify and describe patterns

2.8.3 Recognize and extend simple patterns

The purpose of this activity is to help students recognize and create basic patterns, and
to use description words such as larger and smaller to describe the pumpkins. It also
reviews their basic counting skills up to ten maximum
Work Sampling Assessment

Behavioral Objectives
During the activity, students will be able to use description words to describe the size of
the pumpkins that they are creating.
After the activity, students will be able to create and identify basic patterns.
After the activity, students will be able to count the amount of pumpkins that were


Yellow Construction Paper

Orange and Green paint

Paper Plates

Paint Brushes

Sink to wash hands

Paint Aprons

Green Marker or Cotton Swabs

Motivation/Anticipatory Set

Anticipatory Set- I will activate children's prior learning and experience with
patterns by calling the children to the carpet in a certain order. I will start having
them sit every other boy girl without telling them that I am doing so. After I get the
pattern going, I will ask the children if they notice anything about how they are sitting.
If they are having trouble I will point out how its boy girl boy girl. Once they identify it
as a pattern I will ask the children who they think will sit down next to keep the
pattern going. Once I have the children sitting down I will have them go around the
circle and each take a turn saying a number starting with one to see how many
students are present that day, also to see their counting abilities. Next I will ask them
if they can think of any patterns that they are exposed to through out the day whether
that be at school or at home. If they are having trouble thinking of ideas I will direct
them to the calendar where the dates are displayed in a pattern of every other apple
and pumpkin. I will also bring up the different pattern games that are available
through out the classroom. To connect patterns to the childrens life outside of the
classroom I will mention how a stop light is a pattern between the colors green,
yellow, and red.


Motivation - To gain children's interest and attention and I will ask them if anyone
has ever been to a pumpkin patch before. If so, I will have a few children tell about
their experience. Then I will say that today we are going to create our own pumpkin
patch using patterns.


Anticipatory set
Have the orange and green paint already out on individual paper plates and the
paint brushes in a cup as well.
Have the construction paper set up for the students as well so it is easy to start
the activity.
When calling children over to sit down at the table remind them to put on a paint
smock first. Remember when calling each child over to the center to give each child a
number so it reinforces their counting again.
Explain to the children that they are going to make patterns out of the pumpkins
they create with their fists, but before they do that, they are going to use a variety of
different sized pumpkin cut outs to make their own patterns.
Practice counting the number of pumpkins that are in each of the patterns that
are created.
Next bring the art supplies over to the table and explain basic rules to the children
such as no touching others, or anything else when there is paint on your hands.
Show them an example of a simple pumpkin patten and one of a harder pattern.
Demonstrate how to make a bigger pumpkin by pressing their fist down onto the
paper twice one above the other.
Before the children start with the paint, have them decide on the pattern that they
want to create, or at least have an idea of what they want to do.
Ask them to say what the pattern is going to be using the words larger and
smaller to describe the pumpkins.
Once the children have a general idea about their pattern move on to using the
Have the children make a fist and let them decide whether they want to dip their
fist in the paint plate, or use a paint brush to paint it onto their hand.
Press their hand down onto the paper to resemble a pumpkin.
Repeat this until the children have created their patterns.
While the pumpkins are drying a bit, wash all of the orange paint off of their

Next have the children dip a finger into the green paint and use their finger print
as the stem for the pumpkin.
Let the pictures dry completely.
While drying, have the children look at each others pictures to try to identify the
patterns that were created.
Use this time to ask questions about which pumpkins are larger or smaller, how
to continue to pattern, and how many pumpkins are on the paper.
Once dry the children can decorate the rest of their picture by adding vines to it
using either a green marker or a cotton swab with a little bit of green paint.

To make this activity more advanced for students, I would have them create their own
pattern using three different sized pumpkins instead of two. I would also suggest that
they do another pattern rather then every other one. To help students that are struggling
with making patterns, I will have an example already made up that they can refer to to
help them start the pattern, but then they would have to attempt to finish the pattern on
their own.

I will summarize the learning that occurred in this activity by asking the children if they
can explain in their own words what a pattern is. I will also ask them to try and come up
with one of their own on the spot using their body. If the pictures are dry by this point we
will also look over a few of the childrens art and discuss the different patterns.

I will assess each objective by listening and observing to the children while they are
doing the activity. If the children are able to count the number of pumpkins on the paper
in the correct numerical order then they have completed this objective. If the children
are able to identify the basic patterns that are involved and also describe the pumpkins
individual sizes using words such as large and small then they have also completed the
other objectives.

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