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Conjoint Analysis
Assignment 2_Conjoint

By looking at the importance values table (Exhibit 1), we can clearly see that final exam is the
most important thing for students from the evaluation perspective. Similarly, they also place
greater importance on quizzes as the value is close to 24%. It might seem counterintuitive but the
conjoint analysis show that students place very little importance on the projects which is
something that is confirmed by looking at the utility table as well.
Looking at the utilities table (Exhibit 1), we can clearly see a lot of variation when it comes to
the final exam and students derive higher utility from case-based exams. Similarly, students
would like quizzes based on MCQs. Again, here we see a lot of variation which further attests
out results of our importance values table. For midterm, the preference is for open book-case
study while group assignments are preferred as expected. Lastly, students desire students
picked-up problem as their projects as opposed to real company scenario.
The results are statistically significant as shown by the correlations table.
Based on the interpretation of results, I would recommend the following course instruments;

Quizzes--- MCQs
Midterm---Open book case study
Assignment---Group assignment
Project---Students picked up problem
Final Exam---Case Study

I would not go with the proposed plan because the data shows conflicting results. The data
clearly shows that students derive a much better utility from the combination of testing tools
proposed above. We definitely would want to stick with the case study final exam since this
instrument is the one on which students place the highest value which is close to 30%. Similarly,
we also cannot change our quiz testing tool since the importance is close to 25%. Since, the
importance of projects is the least for students, we could change it to real company scenario but
still there will be an increase in utility if we go with the student picked up problem.

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Conjoint Analysis
Assignment 2_Conjoint

Exhibit 1
Summary Tables

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