Classnotesnov 19

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Class Notes Nov.

Discussion of the one page outlines for each person in the class
Must be more specific when discussion the problem and the outline
Questions must be specific - must PICK something
Can use google databases - government reports
How do I frame my problem? What is my problem?
Umbrella: Students not globally competitive
My outline: start looking at popular culture (what themes emerge from the study), get with the
other teacher, putting the groundwork together for the study, establish penpal relationships,
skype, google hangouts
Make sure to get the triangulation from the EF tour director and make sure to collaborate with
other people
Make sure to get another teacher from another place that doesnt know the students I am taking
- helps with validity issues
Can I get the information that I need in order to do a study this summer with my studies?
How do I deal with validity issues since I am the teacher? Where will triangulation come from?
Need to sit down with my chair and see what I need to do - Set up appointment with her to
discuss direction
Maxwell exercises put all together and creates the research design
Qualitative research - inductive - start with nothing, develop theory
What are the factors of inclusion - who qualifies of the study?
Talk about data collection - researcher is the main point of research collection
How am I going to develop the interview - where do the questions come from?
Chapter 1, 2, and 3 - people just want the FACTS
Operalization of the study - how will the study play out later? How do you actually use them in a
real study?

Conceptual Framework

-written or visual presentation that explains either graphically, or in narrative form, the main
things to be studied - the key factors, concepts, or variables AND the presumed relationship
among them - miles & huberman, 1994
-this is the heart of the study
-once you get the results you will come back to the framework to confirm or reject when you are
analyzing the data
-this is the guide, the main issue that is going on with an explanation
Where it appears in the research
-refer to the paperwork she handed out - shows where it appears
-likened to planning a holiday
-how? Know how to get to, return from your destination, know what to do once there, be better
prepared, make the most of the holiday, can be guided by previous experiences and by
information provided by others (metaphor)
-inductive, building up theory, conceptual framework being emergent because existing
literature/theories might mislead (biggest difference between quant and qual)
-researchers generally have some idea of what will feature in the study - start from some type of
background and you think what might be happening, and this is what the framework operates off
-can also be confirmatory - identified pattern matching and explanation building
-pattern matching starts with existing theory and tests its adequacy in terms of explaining the
Developing it
-experiential knowledge of students and supervisor (technical knowledge, researcher
background, personal experience, data)
Literature review: prior related theory - concepts and relationships that are used to represent
the world, what is happening and why, 2. Prior related research - how people have tackled
similar research
-researcher provides structure, identify key works, draw out key things, take one key concept,
idea or term at a time and brainstorm all other things that might be related and then go back and
selected those that seem most relevant
Presentation of the framework
-process frameworks, flow charts, tree diagrams, shape based diagrams, mind maps, soft
process systems
-have a flowchart, but also a narrative explaining what the flowchart is indicating
Good and bad of it
-useful: move beyond description of what to explanations of why and how
-setting out an explanation set that might be used to define and make sense of the data that
flow from the questions
-filtering tool for selecting appropriate research questions and related data collection
-a reference point/structure for the discussion of the literature, methodology and results
-the boundaries of the work
Problems: influenced by the experience and knowledge of the individual - initial bias

-biggest downfall, could lend issues of ongoing bias

-solution - to revisit the framework, at the end to evaluate the work
-sets out the focus and content
-provides synopsis
-acts as the link between the literature, the methods, and the results
-it can be/will be the focus/starting point of the evaluation of originality in terms of the criteria
outlined by Hart (1998)
-is what has been focused on entirely new?
-Is the way the subject been investigated different to the normal approaches
-has new light been shed on previously explored issues?
Dissertation template needs to be used now
Chapter One Guide
1 - introduction
Describe the topic, why the study needs to be conducted, potential positive social change
Problem statement
Purpose of the study
Research questions
Conceptual framework for the study
Scope and Delimitations
Ask for the word document with this information
Discussion for the class to work on information about what we have already
Give context for the problem within the research design
Chapter 3
Researcher design and rationale
-what specific design did I use and why is it the most appropriate (rationale)
Setting - describe the setting and why it is relevant to the study
Most theories will take on a constructivist approach
All about think data, detailed descriptions - when someone reads it they can almost picture their
own stuff - help with transferability
Role of the researcher

-define the role of the observer, participant, or observer-participant

-state how any researcher biases and/or power relationships are managed
-describe other ethical issues, as applicable and plan for addressing the issues
Participant selection
-identify the population, identify and justify the sampling strategy, state the criteria on which
participant selection is based
-establish how participants are known to meet the criterion
-avoid convenient sampling
Give details of the information
Issues of trustworthiness (validity):
Credibility (internal validity)
Transferability (external validity) - thick description
Dependability (the qualitative counterpart to reliability) - trails (audits) - information and
Confirmability (the qualitative counterpart to objectivity) - reflexibility
Intra and Intercoder reliability
Understand the concepts and how I am going to operationalize them
Ethical procedures - agreements to gain access to participants or data
Describe the treatment of human participants including the following: institutional permissions,
including IRB approvals that are needed or were obtained; include relevant IRB approval
numbers in the final dissertation
People need to understand the objective for why you are doing it - shouldnt be paying people to
Basic interpretive qualitative research - good to use bc it is easy
Merriam chapter three

Conversational partners

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