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Warning System Design Tool of Automatic Electrical

Energy Loading Cluster Based on Web Server Model

as Electricity Savings on Household Group Rates
Iriansyah BM Sangadji
Technical High School of the State
Electricity Company
Jakarta, Indonesia

Riki Ruli A. Siregar

Technical High School of the State
Electricity Company
Jakarta, Indonesia

Abstract Electrical energy is one of the most important

factors in operating a household use. Excessive
consumption of electrical energy will have a negative
impact. Therefore, the utilization of electrical energy
should be done sparingly and efficiently. That is why
conservation efforts are needed to achieve the efficiency of
its goals. Automatic loading system of energy buildings in
the household is the first step in implementation of energy
conservation programs. Automatic control equipment
determines the Energy Consumption Index (IKE) and
compares it to a standard that was conducted to determine
the amount of energy consumption required, to know the
flow of energy, and to identify the stages of the process less
efficient that the energy saving efforts can be done
immediately. Approach method with automation control
system intelligent energy transmission medium using
TCP/IP with client-server designed to provide information
and make decisions based on the pattern that has been
done on a household.
Keywords Automatic Control; Energy Audit; TCP / IP; clientserver; electrical energy



As Projection load electrical energy is getting higher, the

Indonesian government requires to run the 10 thousand MW .
On the other hand, the energy crisis and the cost of the basic
electricity tariff (TDL) which tends to rise require that we
conduct electrical energy saving measures [1].
One indicator is the increased use of electric energy peak load
electrical energy usage in the Java-Bali which has always
experienced a significant increase. Peak load electricity in the
electrical system Java, Madura, Bali (Jamali) reached a record
height of 22 974 megawatts (MW). The highest load occurred
on Thursday, April 24th, 2014 at 18:00 pm. Previously, the

Sely Karmila
Technical High School of the State
Electricity Company
Jakarta, Indonesia

highest ever achieved load was 22 567 MW in October 17,

2013 at 19:00 pm [2]. Models which are made to approach this
problem is the system of control that produces a pattern that
can reduce consumption and expenditure on electricity by auto
models such as regulating lighting, temperature control room,
based on the standardization of the measurement of the energy
consumption of existing of operational industrial buildings and
households which allows for reducing energy consumption in
achieving measurable benefits associated with the air system /
central temperature and lighting


Kim Jong-Jin of the College of Architecture and Urban

Planning, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48 109, the
United States, said that the concept of a computer system to
supervise and control the operation of the energy of the
building, it can be a facility building management to integrate
all facilities management activities in one system, to be
efficient [3]. In Audit Procedures Energy in Buildings SNI
03-6196-2000 issued by the National Standardization Agency
[4], an energy audit is a technique used to calculate the
amount of energy consumption in buildings and households
and to identify ways for savings.
Energy audit of a building is a survey organized in one
particular building to identify and measure all energy use,
determine the source of energy waste, and determine the
energy savings opportunities ( ECO = Energy Conservation
Opportunities) . The energy audit is specific documentation
on the various forms of energy used during a certain time
frame - usually for one year the energy audit objective is to
determine the actual energy use of the building and determine
the most appropriate choice ECO [5].
Visualized models of systems based on a text with graphics
and controls carried out by a team of e - house. The method

used is automatic system which includes the building of

homes and electronic devices, control buildings and offices by
integrating all the features [6].
With advanced information and computer technology in
improving the performance of the operating systems, users use
building energy automation system (BAS). The use of BAS
system will be able to support the efficient use of electrical
energy in buildings and households on the condition that the
electrical system and all system users planned in an integrated
energy and groomed from the start to be controlled by BAS
This research creates a prototype power quality in power
disturbance recognition system, where the prototype contains
two major components: the simulator to generate power
quality disturbances and classifier to identify the disorder.
Based on the results of the measurement data, the disturbance
generator was designed to simulate the different power quality
disturbances which are often encountered in the power sub station system. The proposed classifier, based on neural
network techniques and fuzzy associative memory, is designed
to evaluate the decision boundary separating the pattern to be
classified. In addition, wave form samples, before being fed to
the classifier, is pre-processed using a digital wavelet
transform so as to extract the relevant features of disorders of
the sub - band [8].

Figure 1. Temperature Sensor Controls


Process Control Sensor Mechanism on: A concept that will

be used by the Wireless Sensor Network or WSN is
abbreviated with embedded system equipment in which there
is one or more sensors and equipped with communication
system equipment. Sensor is used here to capture information
in accordance with the characteristics of the desired
information. Sensor nodes require the operating system to set
up the hardware of the sensor in order to interact with software
Sensors which are used have properties that can collect data
in the form of light intensity, temperature, humidity and can
record the movement of objects in a room. The data is then
sent through the gateway and sends it to the server.
The server processes the data from the gateway to display. If
the sensor reports that crossed the threshold parameter is
specified, the server will give the command to the device
controller. The controller will control the switch to raise or
lower the electrical equipment.
Currently, the use of electric energy reaches a maximum
point of the specified sensor network will automatically send
data to the gateway for processing, and the controller will
lower the value of light, temperature and humidity of the

Figure 2. Light Sensor Controls

Figure 3. Automatic Control System Configuration

A. Meter readings Data Kwh Kwh Meter Analog And

Digital Using Flow Sensor For Monitoring Energy
Use Electric Appliances

Circumstances around the room in light, temperature and

humidity will be read by the sensors which have been
installed. LDR sensors are to read light intensity, and DHT11
are to read temperature and humidity. A set of the device is
connected to the PC so that the information regarding light,
temperature and humidity can be read on the applications that
have been made. The data which has been read will appear on
the monitoring system in real time, and it can be stored in the
database as recaps information.
C. Design of Early Warning Electric Household
Energy Use Based Energy Logger
The design of this system is obtained in the form of data
received from the measurement result to the energy logger
Visual Basic.Net applications that can then be used as an early
warning in customer electricity usage. Block Diagram Design
Hardware and Software.

Figure 6. Diagram Energy Logger

Figure 4. Flow Diagram of the System Running

As the first step of this scheme will be made block

diagram in order to make it easier to know in general about a
working system that has been planned, it can ease to analyze a
working system of the electronic device


The results of tests conducted by the author in this case

are the assessment of the data reading KWH Meter tool by
installing the flow sensor in KWH meters which have been
connected in Arduino. Load used in testing is a powerful 18
watt lights mounted on each KWH Meter used in the test tool.

B. Model Design Of Monitoring Of Light ,

Temperature And Humidity For Use Of Electrical
Energy Efficiency.

Figure 7. Model electric meter reading

Figure 8. Expenses with LCD readout

Figure 5. Flow Diagram of the System Running

This test trial aims to show the function of the software and
hardware on the way passage system applications made.

Data that shows the results of testing tools by using the light
load power 18 Watt each is mounted on KWH Meter. The
load data is directly stored in the database.

energy can be done, because it has been adapted to the

applicable standards so that waste of electrical energy can be

Figure 9. Process Data Stored on the Web

Figure 12. The draft Energy logger

Figure 10. Design of Early Warning Electric Household

Energy Use Based Energy Logger

Tests conducted by the author is a test of how the sensor - the
sensor reading light conditions, temperature and humidity of
the room. It can then be monitored by dialing through user 's
IP address.
Figure 11 is a display of how the data light, temperature and
humidity that can be monitored by the admin. It can be seen
that data changes occur in accordance with the circumstances
and conditions of the sensors detected the room. The interface
included with the diagrams to be seen clearly how the rise and
fall of light intensity, temperature and humidity .

Figure 13. Readings with software

Figure 11. Monitoring for Admin

From the experimental results, it can be seen on top of

monitoring the intensity of light, temperature and humidity
which will be associated with ISO standards that have been
defined for each. At that moment the efficient use of electrical

Figure 14. Warning that the use of over-load





KWH Meter Data reading analog and digital KWH

Meter aims to monitor household energy use and
minimize errors when the meter record will record
meter. This tool can be connected or are connected
directly into the database so that more accurate data
entry. In addition this tool can also help customers to
monitor energy use at home so that customers can
know and predict energy usage to save electricity
The workings of the tool data reading KWH Meter
KWH Meter analog and digital uses current sensor as
the detection of currents that go through KWH Meter.
Data in KWH Meter processed in arduino-UNO that
is displayed directly to the LCD screen and can be
directly connected and stored into the database.
The use of wireless in the monitoring of light,
temperature, and humidity is very helpful because it
does not need to use multiple serial ports where
incoming data is not real - time. It can be accessed
and monitored by more than one user to retrieve the
IP of the appliance itself. This further helps the
efficient use of electrical energy that can be adapted
to the applicable national standards.
Users know the major use of electricity at a certain
period in KWH, not merely knowing how much
charge is issued.
By knowing the magnitude of usage, it can simulate
the ways / control the use of better liking.
By controlling the amount of usage, we've come
participate and help conserve the world's energy


The use of the energy of a moment can be controlled


This activity Powered by the Directorate General of Higher
Education (Higher Education) Indonesia in the scheme
compete Grant Program in 2014 and the Department of
Informatics Engineering College of the State Electricity
Company (STT PLN) Jakarta.




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