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Ye Auld Skool Spell Creator


How to Use This Supplement

This project was originally part of an attempt to see

how far the 1974 rules of the worlds most famous
FRPG could be pushed. My intent was to use the rules
as written in order to make a means for creating various
kinds of powers and spells for different kinds of settings
and genres. Specifically, I was trying to see how possible
it would be to duplicate the weird science and mental
abilities found in the sci-fi serials of the 1920s and 30s.
Therefore, I broke down all of the spells as written in
the 1974 rules to simple mechanics and then looked for
patterns. In this way I was able to boil them all down to
sixteen basic spells upon which extra mechanics could be
added in order to create higher level spells.
My goal was to be able to exactly duplicate any
spell in the 1974 rules using this system. Unfortunatley,
this proved to be a quixotic quest, particularly with
enchantment-type spells. On the whole, however, I was
able to come awfully close. In addition, where I missed
the mark tended to involve those spells which have been
problematic over time and changed in future editions of
the game. This system (in part) duplicates that natural
My hope is that this book becomes a resource and
tool for those who wish to use the 1974 rules to play
a variety of genres or to customize their own fantasy
campaign worlds.

What follows are sixteen base spells. Next to them may

appear one of two symbols: ~ which corresponds to
one level of arcane magic and 9 which corresponds to
one level of divine magic. If neither appears, it indicates
that the base spell requires an additional mechanical
improvement in order to become a 1st level spell.
After the base spell description are a number of
mechanical improvements that can be added to the base
spell. Next to each will be one or more of the ~ and/
or 9 symbols. Each symbol indicates an additional level
of either arcane or divine magic. Once all of the various
mechanical improvements are chosen, total the number
of symbols to arrive at the level of the spell.
The primary goal of this project is to have a solid
mechanical base onto which players can attach any kind
of special effect. One player may want a one-shot alien
device, another a magic arrow that they fire and yet
another a psionic attack; however, the mechanics behind
these three different special effects can be identicle.
Each of the following spells is really just a list of
mechanics and a means of deciding what spell level those
mechanics fall under. What those mechanics actually
look like inside the campaign world is entirely up to you.
Please note, there is only a small attempt on my part
to balance these spells. They are primarily the mechanics
as found in the 1974 rules smoothed out. It is largely
up to the Referee to determine if any implementation of
those mechanics is abusive.

1 ~9


Change Environment

Makes an extant portal impassable to creatures less than

4HD. Duration concentration. No Range.

Make a minor change in the surrounding environment

(light, temperature, etc.). Duration 6 + caster level turns.
Area Effect 3 diameter. No Range.

Improved Mechanics:
Duration 2d6 turns ~
Range 6 ~
Creates a barrier up to 6 sq. in. ~
Impassable to all HD with one exception ~
Does damage to those who pass (1d6 which is
doubled for specific type of creature)~
Negates one class of powers (like flame/fire) ~
Duration permanent ~~
Range 12 ~~
Creates a barrier up to 12 sq. in. ~~
Impassable to all creatures ~~
Rune of Warding (3rd level spell): Makes an extant
portal impassable to creatures less than 4HD. Duration
permanent.~~ No Range. Does damage to those who
pass (1d6, doubled for those of Chaotic Alignment).~

Affects a specific group or type of attack. Duration 6
turns. No Range.


Improved Mechanics:
Duration Semi-permanent (easily dispelled) ~9
Effect an Area of 30 sq. in. or a single small geographic
feature ~
Range 12 ~9
Affects a specific group mechanically ~9
Spell effect may be moved independently of the spell
caster ~
Range 24 ~~99
Affects a general group mechanically~~99
Air Water (4th level spell): ~Duration Semi-permanent
(dispelled when caster leaves the water)~ Area Effect 3
diameter. No Range. Affects a general group mechanically
(makes water within area of effect breathable)~~

Read or speak a language otherwise unknown to character
(fauna only). Duration 3 rounds/caster level.

Improved Mechanics:
Choose any two of the following bonuses:~9

4+1 Save

4+1 AC

4+1 Morale

4+1 Attack

4+1 Damage
Affect a general group~9
Area Effect 10r. ~9
Ranged ~9
Duration +6 turns ~9
+50% move~
1/2 move~
Immunity to one specific type of mundane attack
(i.e. normal missiles, piercing melee attacks, normal
fire, etc.)~~

Improved Mechanics:
Duration 6 turns ~9
May communicate with creatures that do not
have obvious means of communicating (flora, for
example). ~9
Targets are predisposed to do what the caster asks of
them (bonus to the reation roll) ~9
Target is from a higher plane of existance. Maybe used
no more than once per week. Requires communication
with non-fauna creatures and a Duration of 6 turns.

4Caster gets 3 questions that will be answered
honestly. 9 9

4Caster gets up to 12 Yes or No questions; however,
the caster runs the risk of being lied to and going
insane. The fewer the questions, the more likely
the answers are false. The more questions asked,
the higher chance of insanity. ~~

Berserkers Rage (2nd level spell): Affects a fighting
man. Duration 6 turns. No Range. +1 Attack and +1
Damage~+50% move~

Speak in Tongues (3rd level spell): 9 Speak any humanoid
language with a bonus to the reaction roll to every one
who hears. 9 Duration 6 turns. 9

2 ~9

Conjuration - Summon~


Summons 1 extant creature of a specific type with d6HD.

Duration concentration. No Range (creature must be in
immediate area). Caster has control of the summoned

Directionally detect a general characteristic or a specific

object. Duration instantaneous. Range is either:
1 per caster level
6+1 per caster level if spell will not work through
a common element (i.e. lead) and cannot penetrate a
wall 3 thick.

Improved Mechanics:
Duration is the fulfillment of a single task (no
concentration necessary).~
Range 24 (the creature can appear/be anywhere
within 24)~
Number of Creatures can be any number totaling
the HD summoned (If 3HD are summoned, the
base spell summons one 3HD creature. This allows
those 3HD to be divided among a number of smaller
HD creatures three 1HD creatures or six 1/2HD
creatures, for example). This is a general area effect
(sewer, swamp, lake, etc.).~
Creature Type is extra planar (creature does not need
to already be available)~
Creature has 7-12 (d6+6) HD~
Duration permanent ~~
Creature has 12-18 (d6+12) HD~~
Summon Rat Swarm (3rd Level Spell): ~~Summons
1d6HD worth of 1/2HD Rats from immediate area.~
Duration concentration.

Does 1d6+level of spellcaster in damage. No Range.
Affects a single target.
Improved Mechanics:
Damage is 1d6 per level of caster.~
Range 24"~
Area effect, any shape total of 4 one inch squares~
Toxic Spray (1st Level Spell): Does 1d6+level of spellcaster
in damage. No Range. Area effect cone (1 and 3 one inch

Improved Mechanics:
Range 6+1/caster level (works through any
element and can penetrate walls) ~9
Area Effect 3r.~9
Duration +6 turns (max of 12 turns)~9
Find Chaos (2nd level spell): 9 Detects Chaotic
Aligment. Duration instantaneous. Range 1/caster level.
3r area effect. 9

Cancels out a specific spell or spell-like effect instantly
and permanently. Range touch
Improved Mechanics:
Affects all magic ~
Range 12 ~9
Area Affect 3 r. ~9
Duration 6 turns~9
Affects summoned creatures (a missed saving throw
means banishment; savemeans a morale check
Duration 12 turns ~~99
Creates a shield that blocks spells in and out~~
Obfuscate (4th level spell): ~Creates a shield ~~ that
cancels out Detection Spells both going in and out of the
shield. Range touch. Duration 6 turns.~

3 ~9



Target must make a save or be compelled to carry out one

command by the caster. Target is free to carry out this
command in a manner that reflects their basic personality
and alignment. Duration until the task is complete. Area
Effect is 1 person of 4+1 HD or less. Range 3. Target is

Requires 1 turn to take effect and can cure any one of the
1d6+1 hp9
Poison (though not someone already dead) 99

Improved Mechanics:
Duration 6 + caster level turns (and thus possibly
more than one command). ~9
Range 12~9
Area effect 1 person/creature of any HD~9
Save at penalty -2~9
No save for creatures with less than 1/3 of caster level
(1/2HD at 2nd level, 1 HD at 4th level, 2 HD at 7th
level, etc.)~9
Target can be a monster ~9
Targets basic personality & alignment are subject to
change at the will of the caster~9
Duration until dispelled~~99
Range 24~~99
Area Effect 2d6 creatures + 1 per level above
Save at penalty -4~~99
Some kind of withering disease or curse affects the
target when they do not fulfill the command(s) of
the caster.~~99

Improved Mechanics:
Make the spell Ranged~9
Make the spell take effect immediately~9
Duration 1 turn Requires immediate effect~9
Cure an additional 1d6+1 hp 9 9 9
Cure death Requires one other improved mechanic

Enfeeble (5th level spell): ~Target must make a save at
-4 ~~ or be compelled to carry out a single command
of the caster. If the target refuses, their Strength will be
reduced to 3. ~~ Those in heavy armor may not be able
to move. Duration until task is complete. Area Effect 1
person of any HD.~ Range 3. Target humanoid.

Ray of Hope (3rd level spell): Cure 1d6+1 hp. 9 Ranged.
9 Takes effect immediately. 9

Creates a vivid illusion approximately the size of one
person. No Range. Duration:
For complex illusions concentration or until the
illusion is touched
For simple illusions until dispelled or when the
person affected by the illusion attacks
Improved Mechanics:
Range 24 ~
Area Effect +1 radius (may be taken twice)~
Permanency (can be interacted with without being
The illusion can physically interact with the world
around it any damage done will be according to
the attack capabilities of the spell caster. Requires
Permanency, and is automatically dispelled after 6
turns .~~~
Phantom Horror (5th level spell): ~Illusion of a phobia
inspired abomination. No Range. Permanent until
dispelled up to 6 turns.~ Can physically interact with
environment and attack to do damage as per the spell
caster. ~~~

4 ~9

Movement - Axial


Allows for movement through the Medium of Air at a

Speed of 6 in either a Vertical or Horizontal direction.
Duration 3 turns. Range self.

Purify poisoned/spoiled food and water enough for a

dozen men.

Improved Mechanics:
Duration 1d6 + caster level turns ~
Speed 12 ~
Range 2 per caster level ~
Medium is Liquid instead of Air~
Allows both Horizontal and Vertical movement~
Speed 36 ~~
Medium is Solid instead of Air~~
Dolphin Steed (3rd level spell): Allows horizontal
movement through water ~ at Speed 12.~Duration
1d6 + caster level turns.~ Range self.

Movement - Teleportation~
Teleport 6 with no chance of misjudging. Duration
instantaneous. Range self.
Improved Mechanics:
Teleport 12 with no chance of misjudging ~
Range 1~
Teleport 36 with no chance of misjudging ~~
Range 3~~
Range 2 per caster level~~~
Teleport anywhere as long as destination is known.
Any uncertainty might result in death.~~~~
Blink (2nd level spell): Teleport target 6 with no chance
of misjudging. Duration instantaneous. Range 1.~

Improved Mechanics:
Quantity adds (caster level x2) men 9
Quantity adds mounts 9
Substitute create water for purify poisoned/spoiled
food and water 9
Substitute create food for purify poisoned/spoiled
food and water 9 9
Banquet (4th level spell) Create food 99 enough for 12
+ (caster level x2) men 9.

Gain one non-combat trait (i.e. infravision). Duration
6 + caster level turns. Range touch. Only affects living
Improved Mechanics:
Duration 1 day~
Range 12~
Gain all non-combat traits of creature tranformed
into (target can look like a dragon and fly like a
dragon, but cannot fight like a dragon).~
Affects 2-12 targets in a 6x6 area.~
Traits affect combat (target can fight like a dragon).
Requires Gain all non-combat traits~
Ability to transform living objects into non-living
inanimate objects. Requires Gain all non-combat
Duration permanent.~~
Note: all effects of Transform spells can be reversed and
Freeze Ray (3rd level spell): Turns target into ice (Gains
all non-combat traits;~ transforms living objects into
non-living objects~). Duration 6 + caster level turns.
Range 12.~

5 ~9

For those who are interested, here are all the spells from
the 1974 rules listed with the mechanical improvements
layered on top of the base spell as they would be
implemented using this system. Note that some spells do
differ from their original both mechanically and in spell
level. The differences are either minor (to standardize
Duration or Range, for example) or because the mechanics
in the original simply demand it (especially with Enchant
where the machanics of higher level spells like Geas and
Quest are actually weaker than lower level spells like Sleep
and Charm Person).
Barrier Spells
Hold Portal (Duration 2d6 turns ~)
Wizard Lock (Duration permanent~~)
Wall of Fire (Does 1d6 damage to those who pass
and 2d6 to undead~;Range 6~; Creates a Barrier
up to 12 sq. in ~~)
Wall of Ice (Does 1d6 damage to those who pass and
2d6 to fire using creatures~; Negates the powers
of fire using creatures~; Range 12~~; Creates a
Barrier up to 12 sq. in ~~)
Wall of Stone (Creates a Barrier up to 12 sq. in.
~~; Impassable to all HD except for those that can
break through a normal stone wall~; Range 6~;
Duration permanent~~)
Wall of Iron (Creates a Barrier up to 6 sq. in.~;
Impassable to all creatures~~; Range 6~;
Duration 2d6 turns~)
Buff Spells
Protection from Evil (+1 Save, +1 AC~9; +6 turns 9)
Bless (+1 Morale, +1 Attack 9)
Protection from Evil 10r. (+1 Save, +1 AC ~9;
Area Effect~ 9; +6 turns 9)
Protection from Normal Missiles (immunity to
normal missiles~~; +6 turns~)
Haste (+50% move~; Area Effect~; Ranged~)
Slow (1/2 move~; Area Effect~; Ranged~)

Change Environment~9
Light (Base Spell, creates light)
Continual Light (Duration Semi-permanent ~9;
Affects a specific group mechanically [equal to
sunlight] 9)
Water Breathing (Affects a general group
mechanically [makes water breathable]~~)
Telekinesis (Affects a specific group mechanically
[objects up to a weight of (200gp x caster level)]~;
Spell effect may be moved independently of the spell
caster~~; Range 12~)
Transmute Rock to Mud (Effect an Area of 30 sq.
in. or a single small geographic feature ~; Affects
a specific group mechanically [Movement through
mud is reduced by 90%]~; Duration Semipermanent (dries in 3d6 days)~; Range 12 ~
Cloud Kill (Affects a general group mechanically
[Creates a poisonous vapor in a cloud that is deadly
to all with less than 5HD]~~; Spell effect may be
moved independtenly of caster [the cloud may be
moved 6/turn with the wind]~; Range 12~)
Lower Water (Effect an Area of 30 sq. in. or a single
small geographic feature[Lowers the water level of a
river or similar body of water by 50%] ~; Affects a
general group mechanically~~; Range 24~~)
Part Water (Effect an Area of 30 sq. in. or a single
small geographic feature[Parts 10 deep water] ~;
Affects a general group mechanically~~; Range
Move Earth (Effect an Area of 30 sq. in. or a
single small geographic feature [Moves hills and/
or ridges]~; Range = 24~~; Affects a specific
group mechanically~; Spell effect may be moved
independtenly of caster [Terrain is moved at a rate of
6 per turn]~)
Control Weather (Effect an Area of 30 sq. in. or a
single small geographic feature [Can change current
weather into any of the following: Rain, Stop Rain,
Cold Wave, Heat Wave, Tornado, Stop Tornado,
Deep Clouds, Clear Sky]~; Spell effect may be
moved independtenly of caster~; Affects a general
group mechanically~~;Range 12~)

6 ~9

Read Magic (Base Spell)
Read Languages (Base Spell)
Speak with Animals (Duration 6 turns 9)
Speak with Plants(May communicate with creatures
that do not have obvious means of communicating
[plants] 9; Targets are predisposed to do what the
caster asks of them [bonus to the reation roll] 9;
Duration 6 turns 9)
Commune (May communicate with creatures that do
not have obvious means of communicating 9; Target
is from a higher plane of existance. Maybe used no
more than once per week. Caster gets 3 questions that
will be answered honestly. 99;Duration 6 turns 9)
Contact Higher Plane (May communicate with
creatures that do not have obvious means of
communicating ~; Target is from a higher plane of
existance. Maybe used no more than once per week.
Caster gets up to 12 Yes or No questions; however,
the caster runs the risk of being lied to and going
insane. The fewer the questions, the more likely the
answers are false. The more questions asked, the
higher chance of insanity~~; Duration 6 turns ~)
Animate Dead (Duration permanent~~;Range
Conjure Elemental (Creature has 12-18HD~~;
Creature is extra-planar~)
Invisible Stalker (Duration is the fulfillment of one
task~;Creature has 7-12HD~~; Creature is extraplanar~)
Fireball (Damage 1d6 per caster level~; Area effect
of 4 square~; Range 24~)
Lightning Bolt (Damage 1d6 per caster level~; Area
effect of 6x.75 line~; Range 24~)
Detect Magic (Base Spell)
Detect Invisible (Duration 6 turns~9)
Locate Object (Range = 6 + 1/level of caster and
can penetrate any wall or element~9; Duration 6
turns 9)
Detect Evil (Duration 6 turns~9)
ESP (Duration 12 turns~~)
Find Traps (Duration 6 turns 9; Radius 3 9)
Clairvoyance (Duration 12 turns~~)

 lairaudience (Duration 12 turns~~)

Wizard Eye (Range = 6 + 1/level of caster and
can penetrate any wall or element~; Duration 6
turns~; Radius 3 ~)
Knock (Range 12~)
Dispel Magic (Affects all magic~; Range 12~)
Dispel Evil (Affects summoned creatures 99; Area
Effect 3r. 9; Range 12 9)
Antimagic Shell (Shield that blocks magic in
and out~~; Area of Effect 3r.~; Duration 12
Charm Person (Duration until dispelled~~; Range
Sleep (Area effect 2d6 creatures +1 per level above
8~~; Range 24~~)
Hold Person (Affects 1 person of any HD ~9;
Save at -2 penalty ~9; Targets basic personality
& alignment are subject to change at the will of the
caster~9; Duration 6 + caster level turns~9;
Range 12 ~ 24 99)
Charm Monster (Target can be a monster ~; Area
effect 2d6 creatures +1 per level above 8~~;
Duration until dispelled~~; Range 12~)
Confusion (Area effect 2d6 creatures +1 per level above
8~~; Targets basic personality & alignment are
subject to change at the will of the caster~; No save for
creatures with less than 1/3 of caster level (1/2HD at
2nd level, 1 HD at 4th level, 2 HD at 7th level, etc.)~;
Duration 6 + caster level turns~; Range 12~)
Feeble Mind (Affects 1 person of any HD ~;
Targets basic personality & alignment are subject to
change at the will of the caster~; Save at -4 penalty
~~;Range 24~~)
Hold Monster (Affects 1 target of any HD ~; Target
can be a monster ~; Save at -2 penalty ~; Targets
basic personality & alignment are subject to change
at the will of the caster~; Duration 6 + caster level
turns~; Range 12 ~)
Quest (Affects 1 person of any HD 9; Some kind
of withering disease or curse affects the target when
they do not fulfill the command(s) of the caster 99)
Geas (Affects 1 person of any HD ~; Some kind of
withering disease or curse affects the target when they
do not fulfill the command(s) of the caster.~~)

7 ~9

Cure Light Wounds (Heals 1d6+1 hp 9)
Remove Curse (~~9)
Cure Disease (9; takes immediate affect 9)
Neutralize Poison (99; takes immediate affect 9
Duration 1 turn 9)
Cure Serious Wounds (Heals 1d6+1 hp 9; plus
additional 1d6+1 999)
Raise Dead (Heals 1d6+1 hp 9; Ranged 9; Cures
death 999)
Phantasmal Forces (Complex Illusion; Range 24~)
Invisibility (Simple Illusion; Range 24~)
Invisibility 10r. (Simple Illusion; Area Effect +1
radius~; Range 24~)
permanent~; Area Effect 2 r. ~~; Range 24~)
Hallucinatory Terrain (Complex Illusion; Area
Effect 2 r. ~~; Range 24~)
Projected Image (Simple Illusion; The illusion can
physically interact with the world around it
any damage done will be according to the attack
capabilities of the spell caster~~~; Duration
permanent [up to 6 turns]~; Range 24~)
Movement Axial
Levitate(Vertical movement; Duration 1d6 + caster
level turns~; Range 2per caster level~).
Fly (Both vertical and horizontal movement~;
Duration 1d6 + caster level turns ~; Speed 12~)
Pass-Wall (Horizontal movement; Medium is
through a Solid ~~; Range 2 per caster level~)
Movement Teleport~
Dimension Door (Teleport up to 36 with no chance
of misjudging ~~; Range 1~)
Teleport (Teleport anywhere as long as destination
is known. Any uncertainty might result in
death.~~~~ )
Sustenance 9
Purify Food & Water (Base Spell).
Create Water (Quantity adds [caster level x2] men 9;
Quantity adds mounts 9 ; Substitute create water
for purify poisoned/spoiled food and water 9)
Create Food (Quantity adds [caster level x2] men 9;
Quantity adds mounts 9 ; Substitute create food for
purify poisoned/spoiled food and water 99)

Infravision (Duration 1 day~)
Polymorph Self (Gain all non-combat traits of
creature tranformed into~)
Polymorph Other (Gain all non-combat traits of
creature tranformed into~; Traits affect combat~;
Duration permanent ~~)
Plant Growth (Gain all non-combat traits of creature
tranformed into~; Affects 2-12 targets in a 6x6
area.~; Duration permanent ~~; Range 12 ~)
Turn Sticks to Snakes (Gain all non-combat traits
of creature tranformed into 9; Traits affect combat
9; Affects 2-12 targets in a 6x6 area 9; Range 12
9) Please note that this spell is not allowed using this
system because it affects non-living objects. Allowing
non-living objects to be transformed would open up
this spell category to all kinds of abuse. For example,
one could turn lead into gold for 6 turns with a 1st level
spell; however, I do include it here as it would otherwise
be implemented in case one wanted to include the
complicatons implied by allowing non-living things to
be transformed.
Animal Growth (Affects 2-12 targets in a 6x6
area.~; Gain all non-combat traits of creature
tranformed into~; Traits affect combat~; Range
12 ~)
Reincarnation (Gain all non-combat traits of
creature tranformed into~; Traits affect combat~;
Duration permanent~~) Please note that this spell
is not allowed using this system because it affects nonliving objects; however, I include it here to show how it
would be implemented.
Stone to Flesh (Gain all non-combat traits of
creature tranformed into~; Traits affect combat~;
Duration permanent~~; Range 12 ~)
Death Spell (Affects 2-12 targets in a 6x6 area.~;
Gain all non-combat traits of creature tranformed
into~; Traits affect combat~; Duration
permanent~~; Range 12 ~)
Disintegrate (Gain all non-combat traits of creature
tranformed into~; Traits affect combat~; Duration
permanent~~; Range 12 ~) Please note that
according to this system, this spell only affects living
Also note that Reincarnation (if allowed), Death Spell and
Disintegrate are all subject to being Dispelled according to
this system.

8 ~9

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versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this License to
copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally distributed
under any version of this License.
10 Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every
copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute.
11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open
Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have written
permission from the Contributor to do so.
12 Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the
terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content
due to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may not Use
any Open Game Material so affected.
13 Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply
with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming
aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License.
14 Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such
provision shall be reformed only to the ex- tent necessary to make it enforceable.
Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.;
Authors Jonathon Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original
material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast,
Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy
Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff,
Thomas Reid, James Wyatt, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and
Dave Arneson.

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