The Jews, and ONLY The Jews Are Attempting To Silence and Purge Alt Media 8ch-Net PDF

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File: d107bac5d6c2ec3 .jpg (172.96 KB, 886x625, 886:625, Jewish Owned MSM.jpg)
The Jews, and ONLY the Jews are attempting to silence and purge alt media Anonymous
11/16/16 (Wed) 18:21:52 ID: 6fa5d1 No.8266771

The Jews, and ONLY the Jews are attempting to silence and purge alt media
FACT: The entire MSM, that lied its way all the way through the election is Jewish owned, with Jewish reporters, Jewish announcers, JEWISH
EVERYTHING, and they served up a BIG FAT JEWISH LIE all the way through the entirety of the election process, starting 18 months ago. And the
alt media kicked their butts with the truth. This cannot be denied right down to any specific point or detail. They scammed us and that is all there is to
So, to get even with the alt media shredding the Jewish lies, Twitter is purging the alt media and Google is pulling ads for most of the alt media, to try
to make it go dark and starve it to death. Google is pulling adsense out under the excuse they are "shutting down fake news sites" but that is as fake
and transparent as any other lie from the MSM. In conjunction with this, the MSM is once again lying and saying it is only "extremist white
nationalists" that are getting purged by Twitter when in fact Twitter is purging absolutely anyone who is not popular enough to have it be noticed by
more than 100,000 people, and says anything that goes against the "official" MSM lie.
So Drudge and Alex Jones will still be visible on Twitter, because Twitter can't get away with killing them off. But the massive groundswell that spoke
so loudly against the status quo - a status quo which was planted and enforced by the Jewish elites, - is indeed in the process of being silenced. And
twitter is not silencing truth media based on complaints, they are doing it based on keywords.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 18:22:20 ID: 6fa5d1 No.8266774

File: 902dbb3c305b61c .jpg (86.28 KB, 822x960, 137:160, Moshe.jpg)

So there you have it, after losing an election to the truth, the Jews are pulling out all the stops to shut up the people and flush them into the
dark, as they always do, as Bolshevik communist Russia set such a perfect example. That was ALL Jewish, no matter how they try to back
paddle and deny it. And they wanted the same for America. They'd have gotten their wish with Hillary, the camps would have been opened,
and they lost it all when, with all their tools, they just could not manage to steal it.
Now they are taking any stab they can at gaining dominance in the information sphere by using monopoly powers on the web through
venues like Google, WHICH THEY OWN, and Twitter, WHICH THEY OWN, and Whatsapp, WHICH THEY OWN, Youtube WHICH THEY
OWN, and Wordpress, WHICH THEY OWN, Gee, ever wonder how they managed to own all of these? The answer is simple, people found
out about them through the MSM at first, EVERY SINGLE TIME, and they own the MSM. It is not because they are better than anything a
non Jew dreamed up, it is because all these venues were spoken about widely in the Jewish owned MSM to give them an enormous kick
start. There is not a chance in hell the MSM would ever mention a media or resource the Jews do not own, because knowing something
exists is the main key to getting people to go to it.
So the big question is: Will shutting the truth out of Twitter and other venues, and attempting to kill the truth media off via starvation by
refusing to serve the truth ads (as has always been the case with this web site) actually work to silence the truth? MY ANSWER: Did all
their efforts with all of their scam venues work to steal an election? Four years is an awful long time to compensate for a loss of Twitter!

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