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File: dc37fe24803d52a .jpg (305 KB, 740x1784, 185:446, china crispr trial.JPG)
11/16/16 (Wed) 01:13:12 ID: 973a42 No.8260115


Could turn into the biggest news of the 21st century if CRISPR is normalized and the clinical trial is successful.
Discuss the implications ITT.
-What do you envision the next clinical trial being?
-Are we sufficiently prepared to tamper with the human germ line?
-Do you trust Chinese regulatory bodies? -When will America approve their first CRISPR trial?

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:17:00 ID: 973a42 No.8260154

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:18:10 ID: 973a42 No.8260165

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:18:14 ID: 44abe8 No.8260167

File: adf1f378a6973be .png (395.39 KB, 4200x2800,
0c19a394e2b917c .jpg 3:2, your fucking choices.png)
(661.89 KB, 798x1783,

Any society that does not transhumanize itself will inevitably be conquered by one that does.
Trump got elected, so let the biological arms race begin.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:32:10 ID: e1ed61 No.8260269

File: 19c26a141605304 .png (79.63 KB, 403x403, 1:1, 1470893623572.png)

>mfw white people could've been bettering their race by soft eugenics and selective breeding for the past 60 years
>mfw we've been fucking around and our race has gotten worse
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:32:47 ID: 671d3c No.8260275
They should kill each and every one of these frankensteinfreaks.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:34:49 ID: 270599 No.8260295
>But Rizvi questions whether this particular trial will succeed.
>He doubts it will be superior to the use of antibodies
It's fucking nothing.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:35:08 ID: 4de7b6 No.8260297
idk gas the kikes
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:36:40 ID: 615cc0 No.8260313
The race to bring white just started?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:36:50 ID: b2aa00 No.8260314
army of humanoid super reptiles when?
kinda like amazing spiderman
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:37:01 ID: 71baab No.8260317
Chinese never seem to have any ingenuity, but when it comes to medicine they are doing work.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:38:28 ID: 018a70 No.8260335
File: 9d4efb3cd3dbf53 .png (47.43 KB, 890x710, 89:71, 1453771039431-2.png)

>mfw DARPA has been working on this for years
>mfw it got bogged down in red tape because muh animul testing
The asians are outpacing us, and we're here fucking around with bullshit.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:41:51 ID: 4db64b No.8260360

Natural selection no longer matters.
You say that now but this is the new normal. We either respond or get left behind. Eventually we will have to take over for mother nature and
the Great Creator, if we want to move further in this universe.
Everyone is going to have to be Frankenstein.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:43:04 ID: 34155a No.8260372
File: 09986b251772f34 .jpg (167.84 KB, 960x540, 16:9, SZOCK.jpg)

Once again the chinese demonstrate, that not caring about anything or anyone makes a nation excel
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:44:38 ID: 4c3b5a No.8260381
With these techniques we'll be able to fix the dysgenics within a single generation.
We NEED to evict the ethicscucks from the GOP. The future of the republican party shouldn't just be an anti-globalist worker's party, it
should promote genetic engineering to fix the rampant dysgenics.
Pro-bioengineering and pro-cloning.
We can either adapt or die. This is the way it's always been.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:45:47 ID: e37224 No.8260394
Seeing how well there escalators work, I'm not really threatened.
sage sage 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:45:59 ID: dcb117 No.8260396
Translation: watch the chinks melt one of their own in the name of science.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:46:08 ID: 836cff No.8260398
I personally don't have anything against people worshiping the god of their choice, but these christcucks are holding back our genetic
Meanwhile, China gives no fucks and is outpacing us.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:46:18 ID: b2aa00 No.8260401
of course we will be able to do it better, but they might get there first. which is the problem, cause we want to be the first.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:48:16 ID: e1ed61 No.8260419

File: 737607922ff5015 .jpg (132.92 KB, 711x1024, 711:1024, boxeratrest.jpg)

Our populations have far outweighed our carry capacity, malignant growths plague our racial organism or tree. We need to prune it, shape it
deterministically, and water it with blood. For blood is the manure of genius, and it is through war that we reach the antithesis of our
>fix the dysgenetics within a single generation
If this science is reliable enough, I'm certain we can already activate genes in people just for shits and giggles as it. But thats one option we
have I suppose.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:48:49 ID: 948dd8 No.8260425
>Do you trust Chinese regulatory bodies?
Not the slightest fucking bit. But thank goodness for their questionable ethics pushing science forward
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:50:28 ID: 73a545 No.8260436
Does China have the food and water to support a new race on top of the billions of slaves and polluted lands they already have?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:51:09 ID: e37224 No.8260444
First to have half of the PLA turn into ravenous mutants. Certainty a first.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:51:17 ID: 47f118 No.8260445
Wow, this is what a world without bitch niggers is like. It's like watching people have fun through a hospital window while you're stuck inside
with a giant tumor.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:51:32 ID: 836cff No.8260449
I'm making the argument that they're outpacing us with genetic science because they don't have the ethical hangups we do, not that they
can realistically support their population as a superpower.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:51:45 ID: 5ef1cc No.8260452
Would it be possible to 'fix' niggers with this procedure? Raise their IQ?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:51:47 ID: 834640 No.8260453
can someone crispr me off this timeline
H Enoch!!S0Zfo.P09E 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:51:55 ID: 8ce28f No.8260455
Hey, a kid in class today gave a Powerpoint presentation and it had Metal Gear font (genome soldiers).
If by some weird chance you're out there, I forgot to tell you. Good luck in the army.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:52:47 ID: 47f118 No.8260464
I'm guessing it's like trying to fix termites and roaches.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:52:58 ID: b2aa00 No.8260468
>>8260444 (kek'd)
im ok with this, and kek seems to be telling you something with those digits

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:54:17 ID: 836cff No.8260482

The chinese seem to think it's possible to make smarter humans. I don't see why it wouldn't work, even on niggers.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:55:00 ID: 9bf837 No.8260489
Fuck raising their IQ, truth be told all you need to do is to introduce empathy to their infantile brains and the world would be that much more
of a better place.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:55:37 ID: a53c6f No.8260495
File: c2c6d21fa0776b9 .png (242.18 KB, 680x510,
File: aaf6d45be3cfb14 .png
4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

(591.85 KB, 640x1002, 320:501,


>PD-1 normally puts the brakes on a cells immune response
>the hope is that, without PD-1, the edited cells will attack and defeat the cancer.
Dangerous as fuck way to do it but probably the most effective. We have a lot of systems (see an entire organ and immune cell) which is
there to regulate immune responses so that they don't get out of control. Immune cells often cause a shitload of damage to surrounding
cells because they eat bacteria and shit bleach which destroys everything around it. Getting rid of a cells ability to stop producing an
immune response might mean there is no end to inflammation and a small infection could turn into massive necrosis.
The immune response to cancer is a bit different to responses to extra cellular threats but the problem remains the same: collateral
damage. The response to cancer is basically a cell going around telling other cells that don't meet its standards to kill themselves. Not
being able to turn this response off might not be so bad because it's very specific to virally infected or cancerous cells, however immune
responses need to be able to be turned off or they'll just destroy everything. Another problem is that the thymus might not be able to cope
with cells that cannot stop their immune response resulting in no cells passing the grade and causing immunodeficiency. Injecting back in
already matured cells will probably bypass this step for it not to be a worry though.
Local animal testing lab is being campaigned against because it's apparently unethical to not test medicines on humans only. I hope every
last one of those faggot green hippies dies of whatever nutritional deficiency they're giving themselves before some cuck in parliament
actually listens to them.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:55:40 ID: 4c3b5a No.8260496
Possibly. We could force the creation of more synapses, which should have a noticeable effect on their intelligence.
However, such a solution would be possibly decades away.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:55:57 ID: da04af No.8260498
Nice try Dr. Zeus but we've seen that movie.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:56:44 ID: 27a9a4 No.8260507
Because they work with HUMANS, anon
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:57:21 ID: 836cff No.8260514
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:57:42 ID: 5ef1cc No.8260517
We should just force migrants to participate as test subjects for a set amount of time before they can obtain citizenship. It's way better than
abusing innocent animals.
Anon, even monkeys have empathy. It's the low IQ what makes them unable to see the medium to long-term consequences for their

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:57:50 ID: 71baab No.8260519

Thanks man
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:58:02 ID: 1cc5bc No.8260521
>Chinese try to turn their people into the master race
>choose the most desirable social and physical traits
>turn themselves white
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:58:20 ID: 2c5bac No.8260524
File: d25403b1ab59b27 .jpg (341.37 KB, 1359x808, 1359:808, Screenshot_20161115-205653.jpg)

Drudge Report comment

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:59:47 ID: e1ed61 No.8260535
File: 387d6ab3ee5b90e .jpg (377.58 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, smug3.jpg)

Please try to sterilize me.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:59:47 ID: 5ef1cc No.8260536
File: 0cb4732cb883695 .png (Spoiler Image, 12.64 KB, 528x404, 132:101, 84101635973165.png)

Why would they want to become suicidal cucks?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:59:47 ID: 973a42 No.8260537
You fail to see the profundity of this move.
This is the first step towards normalizing gene-editing. It doesn't matter what comes from this trial, now that it hit the headlines it will be
primed for the normalfags, just like the 'test-tube babies' from in vitro-fertilization . The pace of the CRISPR trials will now increase and likely
result in the first 'designer baby' coming in the next few years. It will hit the newsstands (if successful) before any of the public can fight
against it.
H Enoch!!S0Zfo.P09E 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:00:01 ID: 8ce28f No.8260541
Lul wut?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:01:45 ID: 4c3b5a No.8260556
>I'll sterilize the stupid people!
So he/she's going to kill the niggers?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:01:51 ID: 1cc5bc No.8260557
nice meme.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:02:23 ID: 018a70 No.8260565

File: 6e3f2d6de8ea6f2 .png (977.53 File: 6d53e594c900840 .png (58.54 KB, 255x204,
KB, 1000x1411, 1000:1411,

5:4, 1456068706517.png)

Hard to believe these idiots think the Chinese are paragons of virtue and anti-racism. He's more liable to end up as a guinea pig for their
genetic testing projects than a valued worker.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:06:29 ID: 7cfc00 No.8260592
man, i would hate to be one of the products of this testing.
A lot of genes have multiple functions, trying to change one thing will fuck with a lot of other systems.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:09:47 ID: 29cacb No.8260623
File: 72b0fffef39e669 .jpg (22.25 KB, 241x215, 241:215, 1392607297773.jpg)

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:10:40 ID: 02a23e No.8260631
File: fe60855623fe273 .jpg (97.22 KB, 924x654, 154:109, 23bc097897e99027b68af12c2f.jpg)

>The age of artificial selection is upon us. We can write life like we program a computer game.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:11:36 ID: 01d696 No.8260639

File: 3379d4c989ac1ce .gif (1.39 MB, 240x180, 4:3, african_celebration-118719.gif)

Will it one day be possible to cure blackness?

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:13:24 ID: 12212b No.8260656
File: 9de0d6e9cf08fe6 .jpg (106.47 KB, 561x774, 187:258, Satan tempts Jesus a secon.jpg)

Too bad the chinks don't know what the FUCKING FUCK quality control is, so the first "supersoldiers" will end up being a bunch of fucking
severely malformed fetuses
>Pic not related
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:13:49 ID: 6c19f9 No.8260659
File: c9b079acd727f05 .jpg (31.12 KB, 450x284, 225:142, george-soros_dr-evil.jpg)

>implying jews don't have this already

why do you think jews live up to 120 years?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:14:27 ID: e607f7 No.8260661
The more important question is "why bother?"
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:14:27 ID: b2aa00 No.8260662
because satan lets them live longer.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:14:53 ID: 02a23e No.8260667
File: e4f3703d5eb34ba .jpg (86.83 KB, 986x493, 2:1, Cabal.jpg)

The whole 'up-lift them' is shit. Why would you want to create a hostile competitor?

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:15:01 ID: e1ed61 No.8260670

Satan looks like a cool guy
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:15:06 ID: 62b51d No.8260672
File: 903279135f853bf .jpg (20.58 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)

What could possibly go wrong?

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:15:36 ID: a8bee2 No.8260675
File: 8e90ae28f0397fe .png (12.3 KB, 422x410, 211:205, 100% jelly.png)

Great, so not only do I have uncutfags to be jelly of. Now there will be super intelligent, super strong, super symmetrical, immortal freaks
that will lead me to turn into literal jelly. Thanks a lot science.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:15:56 ID: 84f4eb No.8260680
They just replace their failing organs with children's. Not going to save them when their brain fails tho
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:16:03 ID: 7cfc00 No.8260682
A are you telling me China might make tentacle hentai real?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:16:59 ID: d7554b No.8260690
America is the most racist country in the world, don't you know?
Seriously, though there was a comic made after the election with a bunch of nationalities trying to comfort a crying America and it had
China and Japan hugging
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:17:06 ID: 70634f No.8260692
>blood is the manure of genius
Sorry man can't take you seriously after that
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:18:04 ID: 02a23e No.8260702
>just modify yourself with retro-viral engineering and advanced cellular tissue aesthetic surgery
>become you're waifu
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:18:58 ID: 02a23e No.8260712

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:20:09 ID: 3eccbd No.8260720

Crispr is a lot of over-hyped shit pushed by Jews who salivate at the idea of finding a new stream of funding to embezzle from.
Can't wait to see what nightmare horrors we produce with this. Normal people watch zombie movies and think, that's terrible. Scientists
watch them and thing, fuck yeah, I love zombies, let's make them a reality!
Expect genetic sequences to be patented/copyrighted. If one happens to find its way into you, you now belong to Faceless Jewish
Megacorp. Human experimentation, bioweapons that leak into the air, mass plagues, mutants, monsters, and death. Behold the bright and
shining future.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:20:23 ID: 02a23e No.8260723
File: f061e41a4c64373 .jpeg (358.73 KB, 850x1201, 850:1201, 7397e05abc29afd81fe7eeed3.jpeg)

I want to study CRISPR Genetic engineering. It's the one thing I might go back to university for.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:20:33 ID: e34a31 No.8260728
Remember when the US lead scientific innovation?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:21:10 ID: e1ed61 No.8260733
File: d426b96de917aba .jpg (85.43 KB, 474x473,
603506996b902b8 .png
474:473, d426b96de917aba3caeaace42b.jpg)
(119 B,

>not reading De Maistre
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:21:29 ID: 02a23e No.8260737
This technology = gods and monsters
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:22:28 ID: 836cff No.8260741
>inb4 monstergirls
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:22:31 ID: af8f04 No.8260742
>implying that stopped
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:22:56 ID: 4864e9 No.8260745
fucking degenerates

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:23:29 ID: f03772 No.8260748


Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:23:51 ID: 7cfc00 No.8260752
File: d604c1ed84ff1a9 .gif (445.53 KB, 352x177, 352:177, 1383098366452.gif)

i have never been more erect in my life
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:24:08 ID: 836cff No.8260758

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:24:13 ID: 02a23e No.8260759
File: f93bd3edf40d13b .jpg (461.28 KB, 1143x1600, 1143:1600, Serpent-Woman.jpg)

The age of natural selection is over.

The age of artificial selection begins.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:24:57 ID: be4b53 No.8260766
>Hey Paco you wana be an American?
>Fantastic we'll just turn you into a super soldier first though
Are you really this retarded?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:25:18 ID: 686489 No.8260769
File: 31b2a9fa9be8f3c .gif (761.49 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1451027073191.gif)

>You can finally become the little girl you always wanted to be

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:25:53 ID: 05540d No.8260772

When I'm being hunted by government robots and supersoldiers, I'm going to look fondly back on my days spent shitposting about SJWs
and anime.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:26:16 ID: a8bee2 No.8260774
If he gains super intelligence, he'll instantly redpill himself.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:26:17 ID: d7554b No.8260775
Can retroviruses turn my male pelvis into a female one?
Future archaeologists misgendering my corpse triggers me
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:26:34 ID: 5ef1cc No.8260776
It's for experiments, retard.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:26:43 ID: 4d0188 No.8260778
>Our populations have far outweighed our carry capacity
>muh Malthus
The power of white technology is without limit.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:26:44 ID: 5ef1cc No.8260779
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:27:17 ID: a8bee2 No.8260782
File: a26492e931b5986 .jpg (Spoiler Image, 150.21 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, monster is really just fur.jpg)

The slippery slope here is furries.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:28:07 ID: 36bd3e No.8260790
>Chinese accidentally create Super-Catgirls
lets get that mememagic engine going
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:28:44 ID: 02a23e No.8260798
File: f759366b03cfd50 .jpg (103.48 KB, 827x578, 827:578, Lolis-for-Me-not-You.jpg)

Why not? Combined with tissue printers and nanorobotics there should be no problem.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:29:16 ID: d7554b No.8260801

File: dbf8e54506f2e06 .png (559.73 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 1469606512722.png)

>The Chinese are going to engineer snekgirls for domestic ownership
Sign me the fuck up
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:29:23 ID: e1ed61 No.8260804
True, I meant it more in the respect that most people are kept artificially alive who would otherwise perish from being too weak.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:29:38 ID: a3cd8e No.8260809
File: 94f2c0ece3bf636 .jpg (14.35 KB, 201x230, 201:230, DTEMV81.jpg)

>chinese use cispr/ gene editing to turn themselves into caucasians
>they then do the same to their african colonies
I'm not sure how to feel about this.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:29:40 ID: be4b53 No.8260811
Can't say you didn't warn me but what the fuck buddy.
You think we wont be experimenting on how to make super soldiers?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:29:55 ID: 02a23e No.8260813
File: 14d24548efd0cf1 .jpg (327.31 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Final_Frontier.jpg)

Eh with space colonization, I don't see a problem with them self-segregating.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:29:57 ID: e947be No.8260814
inb4> it does all of those thing but their all their dicks shrink to baby dick size.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:30:43 ID: 9bf837 No.8260820

File: d21308c56b7da6a .jpg (55.72 KB, 600x450, 4:3, e0685a709e4d1a63a3b2785d01.jpg)

Even monkeys have empathy, no doubt anon. But the mistake you are possibly making is that empathy is a fixed attribute. Yes a monkey
can make friends with a lost kitten, but they also chase baby monkeys from different groups down and crack their heads against rocks to
scoop and eat their brains.
I don't think that IQ is as relevant a factor as you suggest. East asians have high IQs but low functional empathy. I know from my
experience in Japan that the people appear from the outside to be empathetic and caring towards their own people because they have
formalised altruism and use cookie cutter responses.. Truth is though their ability to deal with interpersonal relationships is so stunted that
as a white person it is shocking once you get to see it in action. And I saw it over and over again. It was a great red pill.
Niggers don't need to get smarter, they need their empathy boosted to white levels. Then at least they won't be the problem they are. In fact
combined with low IQ maybe they will commit genocide themselves since they wouldn't have the smarts to consider the consequences of
their inevitable increase in altruism.
>inb4 wall of text
Sorry, I got a bit carried away
>inb4 jap weab
We were all young and stupid once.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:30:51 ID: 02a23e No.8260822
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:31:00 ID: be4b53 No.8260824
So it just does good things for them then? hue hue hue
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:33:17 ID: b3fa0d No.8260836
>muh "CRISPR" buzzword.
>shitty genetics manlets get excited.
>"ii will finally be able to attract women."
Those of us with primo genetics couldn't give a shit. No amount of tweaking is going to give you a 6`2" athletic frame or genius IQ after
you're born with junk for genes.
But yeah, dream on manlets.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:33:33 ID: e947be No.8260839
.. lol
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:33:58 ID: e38904 No.8260843
> He quoted a proto-fascist
> You respond by not taking him serious anymore
Kulturkampf has had a good discussion on De Maistre. You should check it out.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:34:27 ID: 02a23e No.8260850

>He's afraid his natural authority will be challenged
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:34:45 ID: be4b53 No.8260852
Oh I get it, you want to ensure the imperium of man becomes a thing and for that to happen we need slaanesh and nurgle dicking around in
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:36:29 ID: be4b53 No.8260866
Really he is just short sighted and unambitious. He could become a space marine but he wants to pretend guardsmen are badass.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:36:41 ID: 17b718 No.8260867
Chinese failed genetic experements gore thread soon?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:37:19 ID: 3d05df No.8260873
File: c6ae0b33cf9c93f .gif (1.37 MB, 207x207, 1:1, 1435704577730.gif)

>China can't build a building that won't collapse or a factory that won't explode.
>Wants to make supersoldiers.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:37:49 ID: a9db1b No.8260877
Trust chinks? The kikes of the East? The fuckers that cheat at and steal everything?
Jew must be new here.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:37:58 ID: 02a23e No.8260879
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:39:54 ID: c84453 No.8260896
If it creates a genetic weapon sure.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:40:16 ID: 032326 No.8260899
knowing the chinese they're probably going to fuck this up as well. Probably going to create a generation of super soldiers that spend most
of their time obsessing over star wars toys, vidya, and waifu since most of them won't be permitted to marry, that is if they can find a wife
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:41:32 ID: c84453 No.8260910
More likely that they just die.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:42:34 ID: 0a15b3 No.8260920
>When your supersoldier factory put nets in the stairwells and the supersoldiers try to kill themselves, burst through the net with superstrength, and then survive the 10 story fall so you put spikes on the floor for next time instead of improving conditions

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:42:42 ID: b7e2d9 No.8260924

File: 13ec3c26c6844ac .jpg (103.28 KB, 1400x827, 1400:827, 1467556942301.jpg)

>Tfw the Chinese have Big Boss' body

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:44:07 ID: 17b718 No.8260933
>Probably going to create a generation of super soldiers that spend most of their time obsessing over star wars toys, vidya, and waifu
no specific mention of warcraft and wow gold farmers. I am dissapoint.
Maybe they will make them midgets with long arms and short legs so they can stack them on shelves with a computer to farm gold in mmo
of the week for $$$$$
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:44:25 ID: 73ecc7 No.8260936
While kikes and liberals tell White nations about how ebil and wrong eugenics are, China just fucking does it and challenges anyone to stop
them. We have to do something now, not eight years from now, not fifteen years from now, not from electing people that are going to slowly
change the paradigms of our societies.


Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:44:28 ID: 02a23e No.8260937
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:46:06 ID: 032326 No.8260949
>no specific mention of warcraft and wow gold farmers
Who cares? Its all shit for man-children anyways

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:46:12 ID: 02a23e No.8260952
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:47:33 ID: 5440f0 No.8260966
>invent anything
>implying they aren't full of shit about this too

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:48:22 ID: 02a23e No.8260970

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:49:13 ID: dd0244 No.8260984
Transhumanists need to die.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:49:58 ID: f10985 No.8260992
Just get some Chinese superwomen made. Chinese men are total cucks to them. Many usually just hand their wife their check when they
get home. A Chinese woman confirmed this for me. The government even had to step in to get more marriages to happen. This is the end
result of communism.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:51:39 ID: 02a23e No.8261009
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:51:52 ID: 569b62 No.8261011
File: c5a3379b774f07e .mp4 (477.83 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Khaaaaaan Perhaps! [Low, 3.mp4)

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:52:00 ID: 032326 No.8261014
Wasn't crispr invented in the west? If so this is just another case of chinese ripping off the west and we don't do anything about it because
until recently most of our politicians are complete pussies about either using this tech ourselves or smacking down the chinese and
preventing them right from the start from using this tech
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:52:53 ID: d7554b No.8261021
I agree up until the point we have a truly self-propagating machine race
I don't give a good goddamn if humans in their current form survive or not. I just want there to be SOME intelligence that survives on a
galactic scale
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:53:29 ID: 47f118 No.8261027
Surely China will form a council of chosen ones to ensure this technology is used in a kosher manner.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:54:02 ID: be4b53 No.8261032
Khan was technically asian.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:55:04 ID: d773e5 No.8261040

Kikes need to die before we can rise again
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:55:26 ID: 02a23e No.8261045
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:56:03 ID: 42328b No.8261053
File: 73ce89f8b18a9e4 .jpg (191.24 KB, 360x648, 5:9, tmp_23631-73ce89f8b18a9e4e.jpg)

>any machine race is fine, as long as some intelligence persists
>implying intelligence is even worth it without consciousness
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:56:09 ID: 226fbf No.8261055
Post your science and genetics news at /genes/
The possibilities of the now many techniques utilizing CRISPR are endless.
The west, primarily America, needs to embrace personalized genetic engineering.
Genetics is a great medical tool for freedom, prosperity, and improvement of all humans.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:56:10 ID: 8b05b5 No.8261056
Isn't khan a corruption of Caeser?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:57:33 ID: d7554b No.8261067
What even is consciousness?
I would be OPPOSED to an eternal human brain
But if we could create a self-propagating intelligent, no matter the form, before Earth dies I would very much appreciate it
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:58:26 ID: be4b53 No.8261076
He was of the last stock of genetically modified humans. They of course ruled the entire fucking planet and had the greatest levels of
prosperity ever recorded but for some reason they were the bad guys because the roughed up people trying to fuck it up.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:58:27 ID: 02a23e No.8261078

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:58:41 ID: 40dde1 No.8261081
>God-Emperor decides the world is so fucked he must come out of the shadows to rule
>ascends to power
>Announces space imperium
>Chinese begin developing the Thunder Warriors
It's all coming together, next is the men of iron
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:59:13 ID: c2cf4f No.8261087
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:00:10 ID: e52015 No.8261094
File: a9652e5372e8c5c .jpg (25.27 KB, 400x372,
1fc53b0037e640d .png
100:93, a9652e5372e8c5ce5fea2c4782.jpg)
(182 B,

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:00:45 ID: d7554b No.8261101
Fuck, I meant to say I WOULDN'T be opposed to an eternal human brain
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:00:46 ID: 02a23e No.8261102
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:01:16 ID: 055d46 No.8261107
Will CRISPR be able to turn to men into women, men into supermen, furries into dogmen, or is this something that needs to be done in th
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:01:26 ID: 032326 No.8261108
Chinese women are sociopaths. Turning them into superwomen would be a massive mistake.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:02:07 ID: 8b05b5 No.8261115

so like what commies think lenin and stalin were.
I should have been more specific and said the original khan was a corruption of Caesar but thank you for telling me about that Khan. I really
enjoyed that whole idea/timeline.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:02:27 ID: be4b53 No.8261118
No, it only works on zygotes.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:03:32 ID: be4b53 No.8261126
Oh, my bad.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:03:36 ID: 02a23e No.8261127
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:03:49 ID: 1eea0e No.8261129
No, it's Turkic.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:05:38 ID: 02a23e No.8261142
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:06:52 ID: dd0244 No.8261150
Tumbling down
Tumbling doooown
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:08:38 ID: d7554b No.8261163
>Controlling the Noosphere
The ultimate degeneracy

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:09:41 ID: 4f7102 No.8261171

File: 6ea9e56f18fe046 .jpg (72.3 KB, 603x783, 67:87, 6ea9e56f18fe0468278067c020.jpg)

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:11:32 ID: 226fbf No.8261182
With much effort, so many decades into the future,yes.
Currently even the womb stuff is too expensive to do but we do have all the tools for it.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:14:49 ID: 6d8bc9 No.8261202
I think it was less where it came from and more that it sounded really silly. Blood is manure? Come on.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:15:46 ID: 226fbf No.8261210
They won't be failed.
This is why America has recently relaxed genetics regulations because it doesn't take someone smarter than a politician to see the
possibilities and the risk we can't allow of china becoming years ahead of us I'm genetic engineering.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:16:02 ID: f3d220 No.8261211
>Create Chinese supersoldier
You know you're born of a shitskin mongrel race when you have to alter your own genes to become a great soldier. All these chinks do is
try to take shortcuts to achieve greatness, and all they end up with are half-baked aircraft and bootlegged iphones.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:17:06 ID: 226fbf No.8261218
Any biology Med track undergraduate degree now covers genetics in depth for many upper year classes.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:18:15 ID: a67f9c No.8261227
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Trump wants to refocus on space exploration and development

>Chinese experimenting with human genome splicing.
>Born too late to explore Earth
>Born too late to explore the stars

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:18:55 ID: 032326 No.8261233
>half-baked aircraft and bootlegged iphones
Both things that would be impossible for the chinese mind to build were it not for their race's main strength: stealing

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:19:30 ID: 8dc289 No.8261235
Apparently it's already in the works here in the terms of them being interested.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:19:34 ID: 570f4d No.8261236
Antithesis is the opposite of what you meant. Wew lad
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:23:28 ID: 226fbf No.8261261
If you haven't gotten the TLDR on CRISPR yet
Its a relatively new technique from 2012 that recently (2015) has had new techniques developed from it and since many more alterations and
applicationsof it have been published.
instead of doing 1 gene at a time or less like before and breeding out organisms that did not uptake the gene the methods deriving from this
technique can take an adult organism and modify upwards of 80% of target genes or gene locations.
It is an improvement of many magnitudes and a low ethics science like China practices can quickly apply this to humans and other
organisms and create previously infeasible results.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:23:56 ID: 8b05b5 No.8261267
The Hardman Project just doesn't work.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:26:00 ID: 032326 No.8261282
I know all this, why are you plugging your board so much?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:27:55 ID: a3bd1b No.8261292
File: d20b2a7a5119ee5 .jpeg (23.24 KB, 400x400, 1:1, d85fff334ca506496a96b5cc3.jpeg)

Surely nothing could go wrong.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:28:05 ID: 4942cf No.8261293
>low ethics
They blackbag people and sell their organs. Not even your average Jew is as deserving of genocide as the Chinese.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:28:45 ID: 226fbf No.8261298
Same bullshit fear of change and new generation.
The patenting of genes is being fought against.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:29:44 ID: d7554b No.8261309
To be fair, there was nothing wrong with using the organs of the executed for transplants.
Shame the "first world" got pissed about it and now they use the organs of the people they don't need to report as dead in transplants
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:30:11 ID: dd0244 No.8261313
It was just a joke dude, but you should be weary of the russians. They are trying to plug onto your mind.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:31:47 ID: d7554b No.8261333

The only thing trying to plug in on my mind is beer from locally owned breweries
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:31:43 ID: fbbdc4 No.8261336
File: 82226e5b6e854ae .jpg (32.67 KB, 620x430, 62:43, download.jpg)

I feel the Earth move under my feet
I feel the sky tumbling down,
Tumbling down, tumbling down
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:32:27 ID: 226fbf No.8261342
Back when medicine was just dressing wounds and amputations I'm sure many people spoke fearfully of new drugs and shit.
Like using drugs in the last century the use of genetics will change all games In this one.
Growing materials, better healing, increased lifespan and this time with youth.
don't let America become as self destructive with pride as the ottoman empire was
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:33:54 ID: 226fbf No.8261350
I'm glad you know, strangely few really know.
my board is a science board welcome to truth and national socialism
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:34:55 ID: 032326 No.8261360
oh okay. good enough for me.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:35:40 ID: afbdb3 No.8261368
Too late anon.
The all-benevolent US military has been spraying (chemtrailing) us with CRISPR made organisms for the last 2-4 years.
Food in America has been a gene-wrecking nightmare for at least 20 years. You would have be insane to think the psychopath chemists in
big-agra/pharma haven't already been using CRISPR/CAS-9 ever since it was available (and keep in mind that the shadow gov gets new tech
YEARS, sometimes decades, ahead of us)
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:35:56 ID: 29e5c1 No.8261372
>anti-crispr shitters saying stuff like 'this is wrong' or 'i dont like this' or 'they should all die' or 'muh feelings'
But anti-crispr shitters, dont you see? Your feelings do not matter. Your feelings are not going to stop bullets. Or super soldiers. You sound
like fucking leftists. "Wah waaaah reality is for it but I am against it, and since laws of the universe are secondary to my feelings for
obviously reality revolts around me, this should not happen waaaah".
Yeah, nah. Crispr is the future, just like when more advanced peoples wiped out less advanced peoples in colonization of America for
example. Wish I'd have John Oliver/wrong side of history/current year meme picture right now.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:38:05 ID: 1bb169 No.8261389
How does a local injection of cells translate into the organisms DNA changing? Wouldn't all relevant cells have to be replaced, since the old
cells would still be alive and going about their business?

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:41:40 ID: 671d3c No.8261415

The problem will be is that it wont work.
>take over for mother nature
See we have to understand nature first and work with it. Not against it.
We don't know how one cell can divide untill its a human. We don't understand that process. Gene editing is trial and error and hope it
works. Long term effects will be interesting. It will be a big mess.
What happened to the cloned sheep and the bull? They lived, but their offspring didn't do well. They stopped those projects. Now you can
say this method is new and better, but it's the same principle. Wont work.
Humans are connected to nature and it's beings. This simple fact alone is not recognised by science. Hell they cant even answer why we
sleep or how gravity works. They are overshooting here and it will not go as planned. You may screencap this comment and in a few years, I
will be right.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:42:55 ID: 1cc5bc No.8261421
So there's nothing wrong with deliberately harvesting organs from freshly-executed (sometimes not) political dissidents?
Fuck off Chink.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:45:01 ID: a12e35 No.8261439
File: a236f277be0065d .png (112.54 KB, 178x308, 89:154, contemplating spider girl.png)

it would really depend on the type of cell, with skin cells or something similarly reproductive could be totally replaced in a reasonable time
frame but something like brain tissue might not. But I'm not anywhere near qualified to speculate on this
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:45:46 ID: 1fdf7b No.8261445
I want to become hitler
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:47:40 ID: 948dd8 No.8261457
How many tries did it take to invent the lightbulb?
Every attempt grows our collective knowledge.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:51:45 ID: 35e765 No.8261475
File: fa85962d04605e9 .png (220.31 KB, 882x554, 441:277, ClipboardImage.png)

That image inspired me for some reason
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:52:57 ID: 7cfc00 No.8261490
>We don't know how one cell can divide untill its a human. We don't understand that process.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:52:58 ID: 29e5c1 No.8261491

If you really want to know that, you need to go to a biology university or something, or at the very least get peer reviewed books or read up
academic articles. So do you really want to know? It's not like a random pol shitter is going to ever give you a meaningful reply you could
take and start a private sector 6 digits starting salary for yourself.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:53:19 ID: 5000ae No.8261493
Pretty much, we'll let them have first go at it and watch them fuck it up. Once they've created a generation of genetic freakshows we come
in behind them having learned from their mistakes and create the true Ubermensch.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:54:49 ID: b1985d No.8261504
I want to become a space marine for emperor Trump.
My body is ready.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:55:31 ID: a2aaa6 No.8261513
Why would you post a gene editing article involving a patient with lung cancer, and then make it about super soldiers? Anyways gene
editing has been a thing and it's pretty expensive and temporary besides a few breakthroughs that have to await clinical trials and approval
for human testing, the effects if you're an adult is not spectacular, most gene editing would have to be done when you're a child or a
teenager at the most.
>Natural selection no longer matters.
Actually no, what's going to happen is that it will become a race to escape the Earth before a super bug or virus wipes everyone out from
gene modification making everyone genetically the same. Why everyone would be the same is because everyone would want to become the
top 2-5% of the human population, which would result in genetic sameness and with it all kinds of fuckery.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:56:20 ID: 671d3c No.8261521
This is true. In the future we will know that this setup is not usefull.
We will realise that we alone can live like gods, without gene editing. It has allready been proven in quantum physics that we can change
the nature (function) of molecules with our consiousness. This is true human nature.
I believe that science and spirituality will come together in the future. But first we have this Kali Yuga thing to deal with.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:57:02 ID: c6cbf5 No.8261530
File: 0afd691bc87affa .jpg (54.25 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, magnificent.jpg)

>Gondolas and the Jabberwocky
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:57:13 ID: 1e57bc No.8261534
File: e4ed3655feb015b .jpg (11.92 KB, 251x255, 251:255, ben garrison.jpg)

>Will it one day be possible to cure blackness?
We already have the cure for that. Ben Garrison.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:57:18 ID: b1985d No.8261536

Holy shit did you actually read the article? The whole point is that CRISPR/Cas9 is cheap and easy.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:58:22 ID: a12e35 No.8261545
He is most likely referring to the process where in the first cell splits continuously and somehow coordinates all those splits into a human
bean. How do these cells decide which kind of cell they should become is not something we know yet.
Or at least I assume that is what he is saying.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 03:59:34 ID: 7cfc00 No.8261554
>it has allready been proven in quantum physics that we can change the nature (function) of molecules with our consiousness.
Don't spend so much time on /fringe/ and /x/. Shit's bad for your mental health.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 04:00:33 ID: 671d3c No.8261562
You assumed well.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 04:01:04 ID: ce1b5b No.8261567
This will not end well lads
How will you keep the 2 populations separate?
If you create a supersoldier or superman they will eventually take over your natural populace because your women will only be fucking the
supermen. And no doubt someone will fuck up and down the line we will see they were defective the whole time and your whole nation is
wiped out.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 04:01:39 ID: 1e57bc No.8261573
File: a3a341e24781ff7 .jpg (112.52 KB, 1033x731, 1033:731, warhammer-trump.jpg)

Is /pol/ ready to receive the Emperor's geneseed?

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 04:01:50 ID: 671d3c No.8261574
O come on now. Are you denying hard science?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 04:02:59 ID: 35e765 No.8261587
I think jabberwocky was an early incarnation of spurdo talk.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 04:03:00 ID: a2aaa6 No.8261588
Yes, and? What the guy did was edit cells so that the lung cancer will be attacked, this isn't anything to lead to super soldiers.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 04:04:14 ID: 7cfc00 No.8261596
Didn't know we didn't know that.
Should be easy enough to study, abort some rat babies at various stages of development and take a microscope to the dividing line
between different groups of cells and watch as they divide but heh, I'm no biologist.
No, I'm denying your claim constitutes "hard science."
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 04:04:54 ID: 671d3c No.8261598

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 04:05:28 ID: 9449d5 No.8261605

File: dc925075e1117f5 .jpg (18.89 KB, 480x360, 4:3, smug_trump.jpg)

tfw currently applying to immunology and medical bioinformatics PhD programs.
You should definitely read up on CRISPR even if you don't end up taking classes.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 04:05:46 ID: 948dd8 No.8261607
How do you feel about cybernetics? There has been good strides forward in that area recently. I saw a thing where it enabled a man to
process colors as sounds or the other way around at the flip of a switch and he used it to do some kind of savant artwork.
Or another thing where two people wore unobtrusive headgear and it let one control basic motor functions of the other. Plus all the limb and
disability fixes. Futures gon be good.
This is my theory but magnetic waves. The earth gives off its own massive magnetic field and life has had millions of years to adapt to this
invisible force. Magnetism is fucking weirdand not fully understood and I'm pretty sure dives into quantum mechanics at sone points. I
remember there being an animal like an insect or hummingbird that used these fields to navigate.
I imagine that a different, constant field applied to a mouse fetus, or an erratic field in general would reduce a mouse's chance of developing
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 04:07:16 ID: 39807d No.8261622
Our 'elites' have been keeping this shit to themselves for years. The bans they imposed on us have driven naive scientists into their hands
and Israel. Their children are already likely clones or selected with this technology.
What we get is slavery and death. They'll only use this propaganda to push more subhumans on us.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 04:08:18 ID: 7cfc00 No.8261636
>double slit experiment
You fucking moron
>The "observer" in this experiment wasn't human. Institute scientists used for this purpose a tiny but sophisticated electronic detector that
can spot passing electrons. The quantum "observer's" capacity to detect electrons could be altered by changing its electrical conductivity,
or the strength of the current passing through it.
At least read the sources you cite before posting them.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 04:08:47 ID: ccb721 No.8261640
This. Unless the chinks somehow render them infertile put also pump them full of testosterone like the supermutants from Fallout I don't see
it ending well. If anything if cloning and gene replication becomes a thing, then the rich will horde the tech for themselves and use it to make
the perfect sex slaves and worker drones. Very bad for you and me.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 04:09:11 ID: 7cfc00 No.8261644
Told you, man. That shit's bad for your mental health.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 04:10:22 ID: b4cc51 No.8261654

File: 542d87f54eba935 .jpg (29.21 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 5w5xxdw.jpg)

This. CRISPR is so fucking easy I did it in highschool. More importantly, actual transhumanism fucking soon.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 04:11:02 ID: 1e57bc No.8261663
File: 140f7646f6b1749 .jpg (448.66 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, deepak chopra-quantum is m.jpg)

Great. Another street shitting philosopher blathering on about quantum.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 04:15:43 ID: a8bee2 No.8261702
File: 90ef9b0e910bf1e .jpeg (835.69 KB, 2560x1915, 512:383, latest.jpeg)

Hurray for losing our humanity!!! Symbiote fetish, here I come!
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 04:15:56 ID: 4d3273 No.8261706
This. These fucks plagiarize everything too. I can't help but feel they will just give rise to larger abominations.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 04:16:15 ID: b1985d No.8261707
How fucking retarded are you? Its cheap and simple gene splicing. Cancer research is but one application for the technology. You're the
kind of asshole that would argue a hammer can't be used as a weapon because you just watched someone hammer nails with it? "You
can't bash heads with it anon, its for hammering nails into wood." That's what you fucking sound like.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 04:19:16 ID: b086b4 No.8261736
>Everyone on /pol/ was born just in time to reach a trans-humanist immortality, now allowing them be able to eternally fight for an
exclusively Aryan version of the Imperium of Man powered by anime and meme magic.
Feels great.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 04:24:01 ID: 4ddc4c No.8261774
Fucking this. Like gene editing will somehow benefit 6'2" dudebros less.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 04:24:02 ID: d7554b No.8261775

>Aliens who analyze the origin of the machine intelligence identify a struggle for dominance that one race had against similar but lesser
races and use it to empower a similar struggle on their own planet
Man, I need to stop all pretenses and finally give in to white nationalism because that idea gave me an erection
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 04:24:24 ID: 032326 No.8261777
>Well, instead of actually cutting back on our use of coal and actually regulating our factories for once we decided to use crispr to build a
human being that can safely breathe our air
>but they look even more hideous than the pale malnourished twerps you had before
>yeah, but we're chinese and we like solutions that aren't actually solutions
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 04:24:25 ID: 8b49dd No.8261778
Remember that china has never been able to produce humans because chinks have no souls.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 04:30:04 ID: 0712eb No.8261827
>asian escalators
you don't even need to post the videos for me to cringe.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 04:30:42 ID: a2aaa6 No.8261837
This method of gene modification has been around for a few years already and the focus of the article is China doing human safety
experiments with cancer for the first time with this technique. Logistically it's ease of use will cause an exponential escalation of testing and
experiments once human testing is approved for trial and what not. However, OP is taking this simple safety trial test and saying we're going
to have super soldiers any minute now when we haven't even explored the actual limits of modifying adults right now. I mean shit man we've
got cloned transplants, and the kind of shit you'd get from science fiction involving cybernetics is a thing but it hasn't turned out the same
way fiction makes it out to be.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 04:31:07 ID: 032326 No.8261841
escalators, elevators, buildings, cars, children, literally everything they make is terrible and unsafe
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 04:32:26 ID: 671d3c No.8261857
>How do you feel about cybernetics?
How about a flying a jet fighter with a brain interface?
It's certainly less dangerous in my opinion and can be usefull in the future. (Lose an arm, replace it with a superstrong cybernetic one.)
But i'd rather see people not get sick at all and live for a 1000 years like they used to (Now im getting fringy yes), but the yellow emperor
was certainly on to something. So prevention of disease is more usefull IMO.
>This is my theory but magnetic waves
Magnetic waves, energy, electricity, Qi, Mana, chakras.
This is where the interesting stuff is. I hope science will catchup to theories like Qi. Then you will see true prosperity on earth.
That would be the same thing.
I knew youd say that. But you have to be open to cringy theories, because if the current model leaves room for speculation, we need to
search more. That's why people come up with outrageous ( to you at least) ideas.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 04:34:12 ID: 7cfc00 No.8261872
>Magnetism is fucking weird and not fully understood
except we understand it pretty well
>I remember there being an animal like an insect or hummingbird that used these fields to navigate.
Yes, a lot of migratory birds have a lot of iron in the tip of their beaks. This might result in some sensation and is a likely explanation for
their ability to know where to migrate.
>I imagine that a different, constant field applied to a mouse fetus, or an erratic field in general would reduce a mouse's chance of
developing correctly.
Good, you have a hypothesis. Now go buy a bunch of mice at a pet store, get them pregnant, expose one half to a magnetic field and the
other half should be left to develop naturally.
If anything interesting comes of it, you can publish it in a scientific journal and be famous. Until then, you're talking out of your ass.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 04:35:57 ID: 7cfc00 No.8261892

>That would be the same thing.
No it wouldn't. Consciousness has literally nothing to do with the double slit experiment.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 04:36:05 ID: f66ee0 No.8261897
>He realizes he doesn't have to do shit
>Kills everybody and flees to Mexico
>USA is destroyed by Mexican super soldiers that ran up the wall at a 90 angle

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 04:38:11 ID: 9dc5c6 No.8261918
File: 0f703a976b242dd .jpg (68.91 KB, 534x712, 3:4, 636038301175995231-Pence-a.JPG)

The superman already exists, and he is American.

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 04:38:53 ID: 7cfc00 No.8261925
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

the double slit experiment is still some cool shit though. Vid related is the best explanation of the quantum eraser (what most people talk
about when they bring up the double slit experiment) I have seen.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 04:42:59 ID: 671d3c No.8261946
It is derived from schrodingers cat and the following Copenhagen interpretation.
Main article: Copenhagen interpretation
Main article: Copenhagen interpretation
The most commonly held interpretation of quantum mechanics is the Copenhagen interpretation.[12] In the Copenhagen interpretation, a
system stops being a superposition of states and becomes either one or the other when an observation takes place. This thought
experiment makes apparent the fact that the nature of measurement, or observation, is not well-defined in this interpretation. The experiment
can be interpreted to mean that while the box is closed, the system simultaneously exists in a superposition of the states "decayed
nucleus/dead cat" and "undecayed nucleus/living cat", and that only when the box is opened and an observation performed does the wave
function collapse into one of the two states.
However, one of the main scientists associated with the Copenhagen interpretation, Niels Bohr, never had in mind the observer-induced
collapse of the wave function, so that Schrdinger's cat did not pose any riddle to him. The cat would be either dead or alive long before the
box is opened by a conscious observer.[13] Analysis of an actual experiment found that measurement alone (for example by a Geiger
counter) is sufficient to collapse a quantum wave function before there is any conscious observation of the measurement,[14] although the
validity of their design is disputed.[15] The view that the "observation" is taken when a particle from the nucleus hits the detector can be
developed into objective collapse theories. The thought experiment requires an "unconscious observation" by the detector in order for
magnification to occur. In contrast, the many worlds approach denies that collapse ever occurs

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 04:44:56 ID: 671d3c No.8261958

> cool shit though
YES. Where /fringe/ and science meet is where the progresss is IMHO.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 04:45:36 ID: a8bee2 No.8261962
I can't grasp any of what that guy is saying. Am I a nigger?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 04:48:27 ID: 05872f No.8261991
File: 2c97b05e7fdae41 .png (421.11 KB, 925x756, 925:756, d91dc870b311e4484ae79a0680.png)

>Chinese develop super soldiers
>bad lab conditions lead to breakaway retrovirus
>goes Full Captain Trips on the Chinese and only the Chinese
>because they designed it the super soldier serum to only work on Chinese
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 04:48:58 ID: 7cfc00 No.8261995
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Take a second and read what you just pasted.
Where does consciousness factor in? Where is a human or anything living required to explain this phenomenon?
Sorry to tell you, m8, /fringe/ has nothing to do with it.
maybe you should watch this first.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 04:53:12 ID: 032326 No.8262026
>person driving car accidentally runs over child super soldier
>has to run over it for ten straight minutes before it dies
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 04:58:49 ID: 2c54a9 No.8262081
No, its derived from the particle wave duality of the photon and the uncertainty principal. Stop bullshitting.
Whenever you see the word "Measurement", it means an interaction with a different particle that requires the initial particle to remember
where it is.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 04:58:58 ID: f28545 No.8262082
It's chinks. They'll fuck it up, guaranteed. Chinese (and Indian) research is 75% falsified and 20% botched.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 05:04:21 ID: 9d6c05 No.8262130

File: 05e67efea2e1a33 .png (1.72 MB, 1152x864, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

slick reference
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 05:07:45 ID: 671d3c No.8262169
>Where is a human or anything living required to explain this phenomenon?
It doesn't matter if the observer is human or a measuring device. So nowhere.
But this doesnt exclude human conciousness from having influence on reality, because it also works with human observation. He says that here in the video.
>Sorry to tell you, m8, /fringe/ has nothing to do with it.
Well the theories derived from such experiments can get quite fringy for some.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 05:08:10 ID: 035ac1 No.8262176
This is why /tech/ faggots can't be trusted. They will create some genetic/robotic abomination without think of the consequences and fuck
everything up because of their "it is the CURRENT YEAR get with times mentality".
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 05:10:05 ID: 3e5381 No.8262198
It's understandable; I was trying to read OPs image when I got distracted by the article about ticklish rats. Animals a too cute to ignore even
when ignoring them could lead to your immortality.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 05:14:19 ID: fcb915 No.8262233
File: c1143b65a87a6f4 .png (661.79 KB, 1280x715, 256:143, 1466658933934.png)

>They will create some genetic/robotic abomination without think of the consequences and fuck everything up because of their "it is the
CURRENT YEAR get with times mentality".
Well, if we were thinking of avoiding consequences, we wouldn't be doing science in the first place.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 05:14:52 ID: 7cfc00 No.8262239
>it also works with human observation
Because humans are basically electronic detectors. There's no experimental evidence of humans being able to collapse a wave function
outside of the fact that light is able to hit our skin.
Our consciousness observation of something has nothing to do with what anybody means by observation in this context.
In fact, a fucking wall can be an observer in the exact same sense a human can.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 05:18:46 ID: f66ee0 No.8262272
>In fact, a fucking wall can be an observer in the exact same sense a human can.
And that's why Trump's building one.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 05:21:13 ID: 7cfc00 No.8262297
To collapse illegal wave functions?

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 05:28:09 ID: 7fb946 No.8262370

Gene editing is hardly transhumanist, gene damage happens over the course of a human life, who is to say one is more natural than the
other, or more acceptable?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 05:29:51 ID: 671d3c No.8262386
>Because humans are basically electronic detectors
I disagree with you here. We are much more than that.
>In fact, a fucking wall can be an observer in the exact same sense a human can.
That is because a wall is consious of the fact that it is a wall. If it was not, it would not be a wall. In a lot of traditions, stones are entities
just like plants, animals and humans.
Also conciousness is not well defined in western science.
Humans can influence reality on multiple levels with their minds/consiousness. If you think otherwise, you're a fool.
I'm out now.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 05:34:19 ID: ac969b No.8262425
File: 06c17c90d146daf .jpg (13.51 KB, 424x394, 212:197, 06 - rJQ0rov.jpg)

>mfw I was born before I could be genetically engineered into a superhuman

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 05:46:55 ID: 5c8e54 No.8262523
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 05:48:07 ID: 7cfc00 No.8262530
>I disagree with you here. We are much more than that.
ok, that doesn't change the fact that we basically are. Neurons change their electrical/chemical properties when interacted with, this sends
a signal to the spine and then to the brain, the brain processes the data that seems important and basically throws away the rest.
>consciousness is not well defined in western science.
Because that's a philosophical question,not a scientific one. The current consensus is it's the natural result of the way our brains work. Our
brains receive information in huge quantity and at a ridiculous rate. Your perception of stimuli causes neurons to make new connections to
other neurons essentially creating logic gates similar to those that exist in a micro controller. Over time, the connections reach a state
where they essentially become background tasks that you don't even think about (subconscious mind). Before they get dedicated to the
subconscious, though, they need to be actively processed over and over until the connections become strong enough, this active
processing is your conscious mind. The fact that you experience consciousness at all (based on the current model we have to work with) is
just a result of there being a process that occurs.
There is some question as to whether computers and such have a form of consciousness. Rocks, however, are a different story.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 05:54:00 ID: ecbec8 No.8262585

While I agree with your basic premise that human consciousness can have an effect on our physical environment (AKA meme magic),
you're a fucking retard. A wall is conscious of the fact that it is a wall? What fucking nonsense are you babbling? Something can exist
without knowing it exists, or knowing anything at all. If ANYTHING, according to the school of thought you're advocating, something exists
because something ELSE is conscious of the fact that it exists, not the other way around. You can't spout bullshit like that with absolutely
nothing to back it up and expect it to be taken seriously.
The whole human consciousness thing works this way, (If it does, in fact, work at all).
>The Universe is, by definition, everything that exists
>Humans can observe things. Other animals can too, but we, as far as we know, are unique in that we can reflect on our observations, think
abstractly on them, etc., with whites being the best at it
>Humans, by the definition of the Universe, are part of it, not existing in it.
>Ergo, Humans are how the universe observes itself
>As far as any Human can tell, reality is what we perceive with our senses, and we have no way of knowing if our senses are presenting us
with the truth. In fact, we can prove that our senses lie to us all the time
>Ergo, the reality we live in is the product of our senses, which are not concrete
>When we (Or at least enough of us), and by extension the Universe, convince ourselves that we are observing or sensing a real
phenomenon, it is real, because the Universe thinks it is observing or sensing it as real, and will cause/undertake actions that make it so
>Self fulfilling prophecy by willpower/manipulating our own senses/brains to perceive something as real
>AKA, meme magic
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 06:01:13 ID: d264ba No.8262644
This. Nihilism is objectively true, free will doesn't exist. We are just mindless collections of atoms interacting with other mindless atoms.
This is why child rape is no different from drinking a glass of water. It's just atoms.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 06:05:06 ID: 7cfc00 No.8262687
You are actually dipping your toe in an age old philosophical argument: solipsism
Basically, you know your senses can't be trusted (ie. optical illusions are a thing) yet they are the only thing which gives any information
about the universe around us. Therefore, the only thing you know for a fact exists is you. Not even your body, as that is shown through your
senses as well, your consciousness is the only real thing. Everything else is therefore a figment of your imagination and subject to your will.
Essentially, you are god of your own reality.
What you're advocating is essentially that but on the scale of all people rather than just yourself.
There's no evidence of it existing, but it might.
We don't fucking know because there's no fucking way to test it therefore it's not fucking science and we're all talking out of our fucking
asses when we try to talk about it unless we discover some way to test it then in that case I'll eat crow.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 06:06:48 ID: d264ba No.8262699
Its already been proven not to exist. Read the disillusioned atheists guide to reality
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 06:13:55 ID: 7cfc00 No.8262755
can i get a tl;dr of the evidence?
let me guess:
>at the beginning of the universe, everything was in some state
>that state inevitably lead to the next and so on
>every event is therefore predetermined by the original state of the universe
>therefore the chemicals in your brain are where they are due to the way this predetermined time line turned out
>your body and mind react to these chemicals so your free will = bullshit
The problem is it's predicated on the notion that consciousness is nothing special. It might have some properties we may be unaware of, but
we don't know and there's no way to test it.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 06:15:46 ID: 3e5381 No.8262772

>Free will doesn't exist
Kek is laughing at you. We only just recently discovered gravity is an emergent phenomena and string theory is real. It's pointing to the
existence of a soul. Entanglement was already suggesting that some part of information lives on after death and spreads out through the
You don't die anons; you become a meme. Everything you do in this life is leading to you becoming a meme. Praise Kek. Also, I am
checking out some sweet dubs there.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 06:16:15 ID: 7cfc00 No.8262778
>we don't know and there's no way to test it.
scratch that
there's no way to test it if it doesn't exist. But if there were some property that had any effect on anything there would be a way to test it.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 06:19:37 ID: d264ba No.8262791
Consciousness is nothing special, though. It's literally reducible to atoms. A mind is no different than a rock.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 06:19:47 ID: 7cfc00 No.8262792
>We only just recently discovered gravity is an emergent phenomena
heh, it was a pretty long while before I was born.
>string theory is real
honestly not very familiar with it other than that it's a thing. source on it being confirmed true?
>Entanglement was already suggesting that some part of information lives on after death and spreads out through the universe.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 06:20:47 ID: 432851 No.8262801
File: 93bbb929965aca9 .png (115.37 KB, 327x333, 109:111, 93bbb929965aca936ac9d6b719.png)

>not caring about anything or anyone makes a nation excel
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 06:24:35 ID: 61df5a No.8262834
yhm ok
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 06:25:53 ID: 4483dd No.8262848
The only good thing about chinks doing genetic engineering is that they have zero ethical standards, which while shady as fuck and pretty
unpleasant to think about. They will get good fucking results really fast.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 06:27:25 ID: a1fc5d No.8262862

File: 4c37ad493ef80f2 .jpg (40.07 KB, 512x384, 4:3, 1440406945015.jpg)

So what are the chances that genetically modified people end up incredibly sickly due to diseases and weaknesses unforeseen by people
who think they can play god? I believe nature will stump the heathens in the end.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 06:29:39 ID: 7cfc00 No.8262878
Ok, let's say you're right.
Does this really discount the notion of morality?
Nobody chose to experience the life they're experiencing, why not ensure that it's the best possible life to experience? The punishment of
those who rape children does, in fact, lead to fewer child rapes. The act of spreading the nihilistic message therefore leads to more child
rapes than the current paradigm. Obviously, neither of us have the choice of whether or not we spread the message, but the result of this
conversation may lead to either a better or worse chain of events from here on.
Even though morality isn't a choice by this measure, it's hard to deny it make the collective experience of mankind one that is more
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 06:30:16 ID: 6f34b0 No.8262887
Oh dear, WTF is that shit?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 06:30:34 ID: 3e5381 No.8262888
Particle entanglement happens all over the place, but it also happens in your brain. Keep in mind it is a physical phenomena that suggests
"spooky action at a distance." Add string theory and we have shit that might be influencing us across dimensions or that we might be
influencing across dimensions. It's not total bullshit anyway.
Note that this article says the entanglement "leaks" into the environment. That doesn't mean it is really gone; just that it is not useful from a
scientific or data storage standpoint. It's like ripples spreading out across the universe. But that's also you spreading across the universe.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 06:32:36 ID: 135fdb No.8262906
File: 5481f70bb6aba17 .jpg (480.54 KB, 1191x1797, 397:599, cap1.jpg)

Trump will make Captain America real!

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 06:33:48 ID: 135fdb No.8262913

File: cef23e121efa4b5 .jpg (20.87 KB, 320x240, 4:3, khan-star-trek-2.jpg)

Also, we Eugenics Wars, now
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 06:35:25 ID: 6cb230 No.8262926
truly we live in the best timeline
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 06:37:45 ID: 241290 No.8262945
Chinese will just end up replacing all their genes with white ones. Either way we win in the end.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 06:39:02 ID: 6cb230 No.8262954
File: b9b8698ea7223fa .jpg (43.85 KB, 465x251, 465:251, Thalidomide_effects.jpg)

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 06:42:17 ID: 7cfc00 No.8262973

Gravity being an emergent phenomenon goes back to Einstein's day. I'm sure your article isn't talking about that so I'll read it later, but I
fucking hate sensationalist newsletters like this.
I'll think about your post at a later time. My brain's at about 2% right now.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 06:48:03 ID: 3e5381 No.8263020
Proving gravity is emergent is new as far as I know. But to be clear by emergent they mean that gravity is a sort of non-entity in the same
way that waves on a lake are an event caused by water molecules interacting and not an actual thing in itself. This theory of gravity is
looking pretty solid and points toward unification. It's a big fuckin deal, so bookmark and read that shit.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 06:48:57 ID: 6b36d7 No.8263028

File: 70d07b6b79f6980 .mp4 (477.62 KB, 1280x720, File: 70d07b6b79f6980 .mp4 (477.62 KB, 1280x720,
16:9, Nodd-an-argumend.mp4)

16:9, Nodd-an-argumend.mp4)

File: 70d07b6b79f6980 .mp4 (477.62 KB, 1280x720, File: 70d07b6b79f6980 .mp4 (477.62 KB, 1280x720, File:
0403101abd531b7 .png
16:9, Nodd-an-argumend.mp4)
16:9, Nodd-an-argumend.mp4)
(150 B,
that file

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 06:50:45 ID: fb0334 No.8263040
File: 9d2e44aa0502d51 .jpg (37.56 KB, 345x480, 23:32, Terraformars.jpg)

so a bad idea then
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 06:51:28 ID: 902dc0 No.8263048
Kabbalic blood rituals.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 06:55:22 ID: 7cfc00 No.8263070
It was part of einstein's theory of general relativity that gravity is the result of the curvature of spacetime iirc. Essentially, a "straight" path
leads towards the center of mass because of the way the curved geometry works. Orbit is basically and object traveling straight, at a
constant velocity, in a funnel, at an angle that allows it to never fall in.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 06:56:32 ID: 671d3c No.8263074
File: 1199d2cfeb7b12b .jpeg (49.07 KB, 564x423, 4:3, wall.jpeg)

The molecules of the wall stay together so it keeps being a wall. In a sense, they know. Why do the molecules not just go their own way?
This is a form of consiousness wether you like it or not. Every moment the wall exists, it basically says to itself "Im a wall, Im a wall, Im a
wall". This is the nature of the wall. It is constantly reassuring itself of the fact that it is a wall.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 07:02:38 ID: 7cfc00 No.8263112

> Why do the molecules not just go their own way?
Do I really need to give a "states of matter" lecture to you?
Solids, liquids, gases? Any of those sound familiar to you? I know you passed third grade, anon. How did you not learn this shit?
I'm gonna go to bed now.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 07:02:56 ID: cff4ac No.8263116
In Chinks mind
>we make us supa huma to kill gwailu
>grorius china infect all chirdren and wok only on heavenly chirdren
>grorious china man become superhuman, better than gwailu and rule universe
>Chink do this in secret and mandatory for all children to better the population
>increases symmetry, intelligence and strength for East Asians only
>also increases testosterone levels with all that additional muscle mass since Chinks have poor quality control
>lives a couple of years becouse the body is worn out quicker
>extremely contagious and affect only Chinks
>China and all East Asia quarantined since it attacks all people with East Asian haplogroup
>East Asia basically becomes a pool of gore and death
>Enough Ainu Japanese survive and go to the West to genetically engineer waifus
>Whites don't even need to fire a shot to defeat the only race that poses a real threat, Chinese shitty engineering was enough
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 07:03:37 ID: 524ef2 No.8263122
File: f2a37b2dc9fa7e0 .jpg (135.12 KB, 640x576, 10:9, x-ray_fellatio.jpg)

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 07:05:42 ID: 902dc0 No.8263134
File: 5051ba02dd168d9 .webm (7.59 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Transjewmanists btfo.webm)

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 07:06:05 ID: 902dc0 No.8263137
Shocked this wasn't already posted.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 07:06:28 ID: 47405f No.8263140
>ignores plasma
>reddit-tier image
Wall philosopher anon is certainly more interesting than you barrel of chucklefucks.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 07:07:57 ID: 453d2d No.8263151

Without even reading this particular thread:
>This will finally let me be a furry!
>This will finally let me be a woman!
>This will finally let me be a man!
>This will finally let me be skinny!
>This will finally let me be smart!
>This will finally let niggers be human!
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 07:08:32 ID: 671d3c No.8263154
This is where you leave your falsly preconceded notions of reality behind you. Then you can see reality as for what it is. Then you may learn
the nature of the wall. Now call me a new age hippy or old age guru and sleep tight.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 07:15:02 ID: 902dc0 No.8263190
File: bcf1f6622cd1857 .jpg (83.29 KB, 418x619, 418:619, 1453143066229-0.jpg)

Winners don't think about losing.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 07:18:07 ID: 902dc0 No.8263224
Pretty high, but these illnesses will likely be cured or effectively treatable almost instantly.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 07:18:51 ID: becde7 No.8263230
This is going to be used to tame people.
"Look it cures cancer" - i bet that is horseshit.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 07:19:37 ID: becde7 No.8263235
The devil is seductive for a reason.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 07:21:04 ID: becde7 No.8263249
> sage
Oh i see how it is you fucktard.
> don't fear drinking the poison goys!
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 07:22:15 ID: becde7 No.8263260
> Any society that does not transhumanize itself will inevitably be conquered by one that does.
I disagree. Transhumanisation is a dangerous path.
It could turn us into abominations easily.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 07:23:32 ID: becde7 No.8263268
Cause they made progress with their old medicines right :^)
Chinese are diving into the deep end without learning to swim.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 07:24:43 ID: becde7 No.8263280
> Natural selection no longer matters.
The dragon will bleed red remember.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 07:25:29 ID: becde7 No.8263286

> Once again the chinese demonstrate, that not caring about anything or anyone makes a nation excel
Europe cared and dominated the world anon.
What we are seeing is the creation of mordor.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 07:27:03 ID: becde7 No.8263300
Seeing how they provided asbestos in the materials we used in my city to build a hospital, i am fully skeptical of China.
They are turning into an ant colony.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 07:28:24 ID: becde7 No.8263311
Actually this is what a mix of bnw and 1984 is like.
No critical analysis of the science.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 07:30:28 ID: becde7 No.8263322
The true path to medical development is with nano machines.
But first we need people to connect their minds directly to machines.
And not in a matrix fashion. More like GITS.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 07:31:34 ID: becde7 No.8263327
Christianity really was our god send. The chinese are too logic driven. Not enough chaos understanding.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 07:32:18 ID: becde7 No.8263339
Self discipline.
And lots of money.
And organ harvesting.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 07:32:36 ID: 85a178 No.8263341
Fuck off faggot you give meme magick a bad name
I actually really want to do that now. Raise some mice in an MRI machine and see what happens.
>A wall is conscious of the fact that it is a wall
Animism, not even once.
What do we even call this? Memeology?
>The Genetic Jew
Entaglement also has ties with synchronicity/space-time causality. It's very interesting how the pieces fall into place.
Yes but no. Gravity in Einstein's theory of relativity isn't an emergent (fake) force like a gas expanding due to heat. In this theory, gravity
arises as a result of entropy. This theory suggests literally that just as a gas expands due to increased space or temperature, gravity "pulls"
us to a body because of entropic decay.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 07:33:07 ID: 453d2d No.8263347
You broke the autism chain.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 07:33:27 ID: becde7 No.8263350
Because they are not hostile competitors, but rather lost brothers at war with us sent by evil tyranny.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 07:37:29 ID: 85a178 No.8263374
I what? Is that a good thing? Did I absorb their autism and become autistic myself?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 07:41:51 ID: becde7 No.8263402
Anime was always real.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 07:42:36 ID: becde7 No.8263408

Not mutually exclusive anon.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 07:44:55 ID: becde7 No.8263417
That's why people need to harness computers with their minds first.
If there are ayyys, they are watching us preparing to push the red button if people make a technological abomination.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 07:45:57 ID: 671d3c No.8263426
>Fuck off faggot you give meme magick a bad name
How so?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 07:46:53 ID: becde7 No.8263429
Would not be surprised. Japs will scrutinise them luckily.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 07:47:28 ID: 70f62a No.8263434
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File: 59c5fc8fc6c77a9 .gif (987.75 KB, 294x224,

File: fea3bc120686c11 .gif (914.98 KB, 476x253,

200x161, 200:161, nope.gif)

476:253, nope nope.gif)

21:16, noooope.gif)

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 07:47:38 ID: becde7 No.8263435
So daleks?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 07:49:26 ID: 4c3b5a No.8263447
You still can. You'd just have to alter a few genes and their expressions.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 07:49:46 ID: becde7 No.8263450
Why do you think assange risked his life for the emails?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 07:51:04 ID: a64032 No.8263455
chinese caliber QA meets genetically modified humans. this is going to make anime realer than ever
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 07:51:32 ID: becde7 No.8263459
Anon, no one has modified people to this degree.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 07:52:01 ID: ac969b No.8263462
how could I possibly alter enough of my cells to have a significant impact?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 07:52:32 ID: 800293 No.8263465


Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 07:53:50 ID: 800293 No.8263475
Hopefully gooks put so much white genes in their super soldiers, they end up white.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 07:53:56 ID: becde7 No.8263477

Indians have souls though.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 07:54:45 ID: becde7 No.8263482
the beloved?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 07:56:09 ID: becde7 No.8263488
There is no conclusion. Just more chaos.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 07:58:25 ID: 096da5 No.8263507
But if Indians have souls, why won't they poo in the loo?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 07:58:44 ID: becde7 No.8263508
> replying = autism
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 08:00:25 ID: becde7 No.8263521
Because of the toilet witches.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 08:09:50 ID: dc5488 No.8263575
Their insurance fraud sector will be absolutely booming soon.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 08:16:00 ID: fbb23c No.8263608
I'll believe it when I see it. Did everyone forget when China went to the moon, and completely forgot about moon dust that killed their rover
within a week? I wouldn't trust these fuck-ups with my genetics. Obviously, I agree with the rest of this thread that it should be us doing
genetic modification first, but I seriously doubt that China will be successful. Being unscrupulous doesn't actually confirm you will succeed.
>wanting smarter soldiers
lmao, almost confirms it is propaganda. I eagerly await WW3, Russia and America against the Chinese, who are going to get spanked
again like they have every single time in their 4,000 year history.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 08:33:24 ID: c6e7b4 No.8263696
If they are Chinese they will probably create a Zombie Virus by accident instead of saving one citizen's life
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 08:44:34 ID: 800293 No.8263762
File: 08ddaac8c565d68 .gif (1.97 MB, 380x285, 4:3, 1477150259621.gif)

obligatory Metal Gear/Resident Evil or some anime bullshit reply
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 09:11:21 ID: 6108ea No.8263903

Zero tolerance for ethicucks, our very survival depends on it!

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 09:17:58 ID: cb386c No.8263929

Ayyy Lmaos look like Whites with slanty eyes
if they are future humans maybe its all true
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 09:30:06 ID: 6108ea No.8263984
>You have nothing to fear goyim, the Chinese >will never succeed at this.
Notice how the shills are trying to sage/slide this.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 09:32:33 ID: b9bd59 No.8263995
I have a strong feeling this isn't going to go according to plan and all they'll end up with is lots of messes to clean up.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 09:34:36 ID: b9bd59 No.8264010
Only in destroying their environment
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 09:37:08 ID: b9bd59 No.8264013
>The chinese seem to think it's possible to make smarter humans.
They'll just end up making people with seizure disorders, mark my words.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 09:37:09 ID: d0b4f4 No.8264014

File: 6387e9b6506859d .jpg (43.53 KB, 584x960, 73:120, zyklon.jpg)

Oh the naivet of some pseudo NatSocs in this thread.

Friends, the only reliable way to evolve a people is through natural selection. That is what gave Europeans certain advantages.
That's what made Jews great 'merchants'.
If we manipulate our genetic stock before mastering this technology completely we are bound to infect our gene pool with even more
We need to destroy the welfare state as it is, even if keep it in a fashion which we make so that the only people who get it are the ones who
prove to be hard-working. That will create the soft eugenics we need.
The Chinks are always fucking themselves by jumping higher than they can manage to land. They are so eager to out-do others in quick
easy ways, and with so much disregard for their people's lives they only make their situation worse. "Get rich quick" schemes usually go
It's not a matter of ethics. Don't manipulate something you can't control. It's like trying to edit some software when you only have 30% of the
required knowledge to do it. You are going to fuck up.

What I think will be our real advantage

As we progress from the dark slumber we are in, we will see ourselves outnumbered, and in need of time to heal demographically. In this
case economic incentives (death to communism/socialism) would do its part. But we would also avoid bloodshed in war.

How? You migh ask

Robotics. The Germans, French, Americans, British, and now also Russia to a very big extent still dominate the high technology weapons
field and robotics field. The only non-European country on their level is Japan, which is a Western Ally.
We will dominate through our typically superior military engineering, as we usually do.
Let the Chinks rid themselves of their excess population that they themselves seem to care nothing about. Let them play and possibly ruin
their bloodlines for ever.
Now we continue to select for intelligence, pragmatism and creativity like we did in the past. And we stop shedding blood.

It is much easier and practical to have superior robotics, and improve the bloodline the natural way, since if we
have some faulty drone or robot we can just replace it with a new model. If we glitch our genes, we go extinct
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 09:38:31 ID: b9bd59 No.8264019
Remember, Chinese medicine still uses tiger penis and other bullshit cures. Chinese science has been nothing but plagiarism and falsified
results for quite some time.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 09:39:23 ID: 91cfbf No.8264028
If it bleeds, it can be killed.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 09:42:45 ID: d25295 No.8264049
Fuck our western ethics and morality that prevents us from pushing the boundaries of science and human evolution.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 09:44:37 ID: 85a178 No.8264063

Crispr cas-9 is becoming fairly accurate. Can change a base pair within a range of 3 base pairs. Still, that isn't good enough, and it may be
a while until the process is absolutely perfect.
Once we have perfect accuracy, then I don't see why we shouldn't do this. There won't be any genetic "glitches" if you have perfect control
of your changes. That was the argument you made for "control," though. Far more glitches occur over the span of your lifetime due to
genetic and epigenetic mutations.
You are right though, chinks jumping to the Genetic Jew are going to fuck themselves. Chinks, just like kikes, lack the ability to see the
long-term consequences of their actions. Sure, they can autism their way to a goal, but they almost always shoot themselves in the foot by
doing so.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 09:45:41 ID: 85a178 No.8264067
>fuck western ethics
Sorry anon, but I don't want to put myself on the same level as spics, niggers, and chinks. We can win with our ethics, and it will feel even
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 09:47:43 ID: 6108ea No.8264076
Remember how our civilization fell.
>We must do away with natural selection, its too inhuman! Too much sufferings!
>No goyim, eugenics are bad, remember the 6 millions!
>We must give blacks equal rights, we cant separate them from us because that is cruel and inhuman!
>Those poor third-world people doesnt have any opportunities in their own countries, do the human thing and let them come to your
>We cant use genetic engineering to compensate for the loss of natural selection and no eugenics, it is inhuman!
>Mistakes will be made, therefore it will never work!
>Without flaws, we are not human! Accept yourself as who you are (unless you are a heterosexual White, of course) !!
>People suffer from genetic diseases is bad but ending these diseases is unethical!
>We would lose our precious humanity!
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 09:48:32 ID: e5e38d No.8264078
File: 590629fc5171404 .jpg (10.45 KB, 300x168, 25:14, Count_Duckula_Intro.jpg)

>How likely is airborne super AIDS?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 09:51:36 ID: 6108ea No.8264089
>Yes they will exterminate us but at least we will die as good and ethical people.
Your "morality" is what the enemy imposed.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 09:52:41 ID: 85a178 No.8264094
>implying they'll exterminate us
Your "blackpill" is what the enemy imposed.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 09:53:44 ID: 85a178 No.8264100
Shitposting aside. You must either be a shill or retarded. I literally just advocated for waiting until the technology is proven first before using
it on people.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 09:53:54 ID: 961e17 No.8264101

nihilism isn't the answer
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 09:55:13 ID: b9bd59 No.8264108
>Once we have perfect accuracy, then I don't see why we shouldn't do this.
Complicating already complex systems is never a good idea.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 09:56:59 ID: b9bd59 No.8264119
Yes, let's end diseases and cancer, that would be great!
>10 years after curing it all
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 09:58:54 ID: 85a178 No.8264127
Usually, yeah, but that depends on what genes actually determine intelligence. If it's something we can essentially just "scale" up then
there's no reason not to. Otherwise, cybernetics would by far be easier. Still, modifying in muscle growth or endurance or something would
be easier.
>slippery slope
>implying niggers will be able to afford JewTek Immortality Gene Therapy
Also we can just gas them all.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 09:59:15 ID: 6108ea No.8264130
>If we glitch our genes, we go extinct
If you kill your enemies, they win.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 09:59:15 ID: 85a178 No.8264131
Didn't mean to sage, negated
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 10:01:14 ID: e37224 No.8264139
Well thats fucking lame. I was hoping to see what an augmented muscles do to their skeletons and see how it matches up to their
escalators, sand filled support beams, and trash filled bridges.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 10:05:13 ID: 7983ff No.8264153
File: 58f319a5b73289b .jpg (103.14 KB, 907x718, 907:718, smug.jpg)

>glitching our genes is good
Your nose is showing, shlomo
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 10:05:58 ID: 85a178 No.8264158
Sorry, when I said people I mean't whites. Chinks aren't people.
I'm also interested in how they compare. My best guess is that they'll give themselves huge nigger muscles but won't bother building on the
control mechanisms necessary to control them. Basically, humans are weak shits because we traded brute strength for dexterity. Giving
someone more muscle without building the necessary motor control in the brain is basically undoing that.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 10:06:16 ID: 85a178 No.8264161

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 10:09:55 ID: 8d73e1 No.8264180
>dont do anything dangerous, goy
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 10:19:24 ID: 41f413 No.8264220
I think it would work if you induce another teenager growth period in a human.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 10:25:10 ID: 808da3 No.8264240
This is your "money above everything" mantra, that you outsourced to China, capitalists. In communism, everyone gets their fair share and
cant be greedy for more.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 10:25:20 ID: b9bd59 No.8264241
>If it's something we can essentially just "scale" up then there's no reason not to.
There's reasons not to: there's no free lunches, you're not going to magically increase intelligence without having effects on other systems
you cannot foresee.
Have we not learned yet that fucking around with Nature's designs too much just causes problems? That this desire to control Nature and
warp it to our purposes is very Jewey not Aryan?
You want more than is your due and like Icarus you will fly too high and plunge into the sea. We're meant to struggle and be contained in
limitations, you're going to fuck everything up with your transhumanist religiosity.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 10:26:45 ID: b9bd59 No.8264250
>In communism, everyone gets their fair share and cant be greedy for more.
Unless you're a party official.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 10:28:18 ID: 101eac No.8264254
Alzheimers is not necessarily age related. Young people are starting to get it too. I know a woman who got it in her 30s full blown
alzheimers. Some people show signs of it decades before it is detectable by conventional science.
You want the opinion of some random guy on the internet; it all comes down to body chemistry/chronic brain inflammation.
eat those green veggies, get your fats , avoid over eating refined carbs. and get exercise.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 10:34:38 ID: 69d6fb No.8264263
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 10:37:49 ID: 41f413 No.8264271
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>all these faggots going "IT WON'T WORK REEEEEE"

You've no solid proof that it won't.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 10:41:35 ID: 6108ea No.8264284

>We will never get genetic engineering right.
>It is simple, mistakes will be made and thus it will never work!
>I have no education on the subject but I am 100% sure that in 30 years thousands of scientists with 50 or 80 more IQ points than me will
not be able to get it right either.
>We will get natural selection right, thought.
>We can feasibly impose natural selection onto the whole of society too.
>Nobody will kill us with GMO bioweapons before 100 generations of natural selection makes us immune to them
>You are naive for thinking otherwise.
>The genetic jew
>Fixing genetic problems will result in even more genetic problems
>These genetic problems will be completely irreversible too
>Because all the researchs on non-modified human genetics will be completely erased and we will also burn century-old corpses so we can
t use their genes
>If we get ride of all the genetic tares and reverse the dysgienic breeding that is destroying our race, it will go extinct.
>If we kill our enemies, they win
>This is our western morality
>If you go against it, you are no better than a spike or a nigger
>I can kill blacks even after dying of cancer or becoming quadriplegic after car accident, I promise!
Cool story, bro.
Except the complexe systems are getting more fucked-up each generation already.
*Look at Hooollywood*, Ebil AIs, ebil cyborgs, ebil superhumans.
The enemy imposed the myth of the 6 millions and genetic modifying of humans is definitely haram in our ZOG-controlled societies.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 10:43:54 ID: 56f437 No.8264289
you saved yourself a lot of time
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 10:48:15 ID: 245202 No.8264299
So is nuclear technology, space exploration, among others.
Don't research anything, goy, it's dangerous.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 10:49:03 ID: 245202 No.8264300
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 10:59:37 ID: dd8f10 No.8264342
The fate of the Aryan race is to ascend into godhood, to become a super race where every member is like a divine being. We can achieve
that if we try. However, it must be achieved through eugenics and genetic engineering only. NO CYBORG MODIFICATIONS, adding
technology into the human body ruins and perverts the body and mind.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 11:17:10 ID: 000000 No.8264389
I agree, such an extent of human enhancement is going to remain reserved for the Astartes for the foreseeable future. Lackluster geneediting (or any kind of excessive editing really) can be disastrous (we become like the Tyranids or the Necrons and lose our souls and thus
the capacity of navigating through the currents of the Immaterium).
There are some people that wish to transcend entirely, but those are usually just heretics. Actually the only exception is the Tech-Priests,
whose peculiarities (they want to replace every biological part of their bodies except their brains with a mechanical counterpart) are tolerated
because they create and maintain the advanced technology of the Imperium.
The AI trends are more worrisome. It must always be kept in mind that the only thing the God Emperor expressly forbade us from doing was
to create artificially intelligent machines.
See >>8263235
It is humanity's weakness to temptation that feeds the Ruinous Powers of Chaos. The Eldar reached levels of decadence so high they
created Slaanesh. It is imperative that we exercise caution.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 11:22:39 ID: afedbc No.8264402
The Chinese superman will be like the Chinese country, cheap, unhealthy, unbalanced, corrupt and likely to implode in it's latter years.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 11:23:28 ID: 6108ea No.8264407

You made a mistake, anon.
These ethics and morality are not western in (((origins))), they are designed to lead our Hilarious how those who embraces it tells us that
genetic engineering will do that, lol!
You forgot the most important. 300 generations of natural selection or 80 generations of selective breeding vs race-specific bioweapons in 20
"But we can just nuke all Chinks and gas all jews before that happen!"
Yeah, sure.
Test V2 rocket explodes within seconds.
"Guys, rockets doesnt work."
No V2 fired @ London.
No Sputnik.
No spy satellites.
No men in space.
No weaver satellites.
With such "logic", how can they fail?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 11:24:58 ID: a8e73a No.8264414
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 11:56:27 ID: 07acec No.8264543
File: db0a674f99cc9a7 .jpg (58.49 KB, 620x348, 155:87, tfw.jpg)

holy shit I see it now
gargantia on the verdurous planet was right
tfw no qt delivery grill to impress with my giant mecha
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 11:58:01 ID: 3016d9 No.8264553
The Chinese are going to take one of their own and turn him into an ubermensch?!?!
My god!!they're going to create a white man!!!
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 12:02:55 ID: 3016d9 No.8264575
>why do you think jews live up to 120 years?
They don't.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 12:08:02 ID: 3016d9 No.8264595

6' 2"?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 13:22:07 ID: 8d73e1 No.8264905
>muh devil
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 13:45:41 ID: 68694b No.8265034
File: 7879381d4e01401 .jpg (88.44 KB, 467x600, 467:600, 1336861854960.jpg)

>chinks start making genetically enhanced babbies
>first couple of batches are okay
>their inner Jew kicks in
>eventually 3/4 of the population that can afford it end up having barely above average babbies, some are fucked over since their genetics
are actually good, thus reducing the amount of possible great babbies
I imagine this is how things will end up.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 14:10:51 ID: 7a796c No.8265183
They will destroy themselves.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 14:13:08 ID: 612b52 No.8265192
see >>8265160
Do you know why we made the best science developments early on?
We had pessimism, rather than blind optimism.
Guess what those paintings in the link show?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 14:13:47 ID: 612b52 No.8265194
>not getting the metaphor.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 14:15:07 ID: 612b52 No.8265198
>You've no solid proof that it won't.
You have no solid proof small amounts of arsenic can't improve your intelligence.
Go on.
Try it.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 14:17:07 ID: 612b52 No.8265212
>Fuck our western ethics and morality that prevents us from pushing the boundaries of science and human evolution.
Our ethics keep us in control of science.
Otherwise, we'd destroy ourselves.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 14:18:25 ID: 612b52 No.8265217
>If we manipulate our genetic stock before mastering this technology completely we are bound to infect our gene pool with even more
Fucking this.
Holy shit, we're playing with fire when we can barely contain it.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 14:19:04 ID: 194b83 No.8265220

>their race's main strength: stealing
I had a hearty kek at that, and those digits are mighty fine too.
Intresting, I heard something about it on the [redacted] live Halloween podcast, sounds promising for the creation of Space Marines.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 14:19:31 ID: 612b52 No.8265223
>Let the Chinks rid themselves of their excess population
Anon, don't think that it won't effect us.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 14:21:40 ID: 612b52 No.8265231
>So is nuclear technology, space exploration, among others.
Look at how poisoned the world already is.
Ever since jews held the reigns, they've destroyed the world in blind optimism. Like with every society they've tried to control.
This is what Jesus warned them about.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 14:24:44 ID: 57eea4 No.8265242
as long as they're made fair game. Y'know, seeing as they aren't human anymore.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 14:26:16 ID: a94f94 No.8265249
Ultra Smurfs a shit. A SHIT
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 14:32:14 ID: 85884d No.8265273
>/leftypol/ again oblivious to what happens in every single communist shithole. The party and their oligarchs are the ones who reap
everything, while you starve in line for a piece of stale bread, retarded commie.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 14:45:45 ID: f88b67 No.8265333
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You'll live to see China become whiter than the west

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 14:53:25 ID: 4a6132 No.8265370
Both capitalism and communism are turds anon.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 14:55:03 ID: 4a6132 No.8265383
How odd seeing a white native chinese speaker.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 15:00:28 ID: f7ec7b No.8265422
Hopefully they'll improve their language after improving their people, it's grating to the ears.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 15:11:31 ID: a6cb55 No.8265480

File: 0f8b8a52088102d .png (318.21 KB, 640x344,
File: f13038eaeff9e00 .jpg (58.45 KB, 600x636,
80:43, yugar-cyEEcle.png)

50:53, Main-Yuga-Spiral.jpg)

File: 562bb11150098b2 .png

(542.35 KB, 1325x2484,
1325:2484, Pagan elements in

>Christianity really was our god send
>(((god))) send
YHVH send*
Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Jews are a manifestation of Kali Yuga.
The three evil semitic dogmas and the evil kikes have no place in Dwapara Yuga (that we will soon enter).
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 15:12:05 ID: 4a6132 No.8265482
languages texture tends to reflect the mentality of the people that natively speak it
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 15:15:12 ID: a64649 No.8265498
File: dd5b0047203f414 .jpg (83.94 KB, 500x370, 50:37, 1466361276567.jpg)

tbh we should just capture the scientists and nuke the country, this thread is all chink praise but let's be honest, they're the asian Jew.
They're scum.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 15:15:37 ID: fab25b No.8265500
>anguages texture tends to reflect the mentality of the people that natively speak it
chinks confirmed ove rboiled noodles
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 15:16:49 ID: 4a6132 No.8265505
Makes you see the Germans as odd people too.
English is best tier.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 15:18:29 ID: 4a6132 No.8265518
That last image is probably incorrect.
Jesus taught a way of thinking, not a cult.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 15:18:56 ID: 4a6132 No.8265522
Though most Christians can't see that.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 15:23:25 ID: 4db64b No.8265546

I sort of imagine a future that is a cross between, let's say, Resident Evil and Deus Ex. There won't be similarities. But it will get bizarre.
Competing gene mod companies along with cybernetics industries. Different models of super soldiers and super humans. Super athletes
and the games they will play.
Bizarre mutations and augmentations. Perhaps some horror sprinkled in to. Let's not forget, our companies will probably figure out a way to
stick DRM in all of it to.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 15:30:26 ID: 48b8ce No.8265589
File: c90e474598cafeb .png (30.54 KB, 685x491,
File: 8681638215fcd41 .png (173.65 KB, 500x367,
685:491, NRx techno-commercialism a.png)

500:367, civilization of wasteful p.png)

NatSocs BTFO
Neoreactionaries were right.
(((Moldbug))) was right.
Nick Land was right.
3000 IQ tentacle chinks > natural traditionalist woman born whites.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 15:37:32 ID: 4db64b No.8265626
We are connected to nature. But not to earth. The Universe itself is the embodiment of nature. Like many creatures, and like our young, we
will outgrow our cradle. We will either kill our host, die off, or move along to greener pastures. We will die off if we stay.
It's already a race to escape earth. We have enough issues with a world struggling to sustain us. We have our own squabbles to worry
about. Some of which threaten to destroy this fragile orb.
We are outgrowing our crib. In fact it is almost time to move out of mother's house. We need only start pushing sustainable technologies,
and begin asteroid mining. When we have the resources, we can rest a bit easier.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 15:41:19 ID: 5f3c79 No.8265647
File: fa531faa177e530 .jpg (18.72 KB, 328x335, 328:335, 1438221748901.jpg)


No one listened
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 15:58:20 ID: 0c1326 No.8265755
>wanting to splice your kids DNA with other male DNA

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 15:59:47 ID: 48b8ce No.8265761

> from gene modification making everyone genetically the same.
Why would gene modification make everyone the same? Gene modification that worked would mean that we could end up with far far more
races than we already have, to the point of race being meaningless. You lot aren't going to like this.
I don't think leftists are actually going to like this society however, since class differences will mean that different people will get superior
results from gene mods, and some people will go unmodified altogether just depending on the random mishmash of both their parents
genes. Meanwhile, modded people are making all the money by being modded in a way that befits their chosen field.
Seems more like something libertarians would be into to. Not just ultracapitalism, but man modifying to fit the necessities of capital too.
The future society is going to make the right wing ideology of /pol/ and the left wing ideology of /leftypol/ seem like historical re-enactment
societies stuck in the 1930s.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 16:10:30 ID: a2aaa6 No.8265828
>Why would gene modification make everyone the same?
Simple supply and demand for wanting to be super models, with the best gains genes, and sex genes, and whatever other good genes. The
"so many races, race becomes meaningless" proposal you give is even less feasible unless you outright remove and replace genes that
affect aggression and competition in which case that leads right into the majority of humanity being docile slaves to a small few scenario.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 16:19:16 ID: 48b8ce No.8265902
>Simple supply and demand for wanting to be super models, with the best gains genes, and sex genes, and whatever other good genes.
But you probably can't have all those genes at once because some genes for one thing will reduce your capacity for something else. People
are more likely to pick specialist sets of genes to specialize more for a particular task. That's optimization. Just look at how athletes bodies
are all different in each sport. It'll be that but more so.
>The "so many races, race becomes meaningless" proposal you give is even less feasible unless you outright remove and replace genes
that affect aggression and competition in which case that leads right into the majority of humanity being docile slaves to a small few
I think gene manipulation is going to be more capitalistic than that, so it's not going to be locked down by one state. I don't know what point
you are making about aggression and competition. I'm just saying that competition is going to occur on an even more atomized level than
today if this works. It's basically everyone's nightmare except libertarians.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 16:36:35 ID: a2aaa6 No.8266052
>But you probably can't have all those genes at once because some genes for one thing will reduce your capacity for something else.
>I think gene manipulation is going to be more capitalistic than that
Check any sperm donor clinic and the demand for the type of guys they want are for all intents and purposes super models who just so
happen to be poor and need to make money donating sperm. If people can affordablely edit their genes they're going to edit themselves to
be those supermodels instead. Specializtion for tasks means shit to most they just want to be super models in appearance and fitness
overall just generally be better then they are now.
> I don't know what point you are making about aggression and competition.
Of course I'm talking about genes that make you naturally competitive and aggression referring to tribalism. In order for so many races to
cooperate without the conflict that happens now it would be removed as part of a series of steps to remove "problematic" genes. That is not
a good thing.
>ust look at how athletes bodies are all different in each sport. It'll be that but more so.
The variance in athletes you talk about as an analogy is absolutely shit, your body adjusts and changes itself to best suit your needs and
tasks, a better analogy is steroids and performance enhancers you mong. And that doesn't change anything, all the athletes will be very
similar to each other genetically because those are the best genes to win whatever it is they're competing in.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 16:36:45 ID: 000000 No.8266054
itll be really intersting to see what will emerge as the most effective technology in this new age. will it be AI or genetically enhanced
humans. i think that it would have to be a hybrid. to acheive AI it may be necessary to genetically modify humans for optimum intelligence
to achieve AI in our lifetime. which is the route i think will be chosen by the science/gov complex to acheive a true sentient AI. genetically
enhanced humans will then be equipped with a neural network sidekick helping them solve infinitly complex problems. those networks will
become a new type of smartphone in a way. they will destroy the fair playing field in business, warfare, education, intelligence, and
opportunity. what will happen is those who can pay the most will benifit the most. they will be gods among men.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 16:41:38 ID: fe84ec No.8266097
A reminder that china managed to make the last resort antibiotic useless, and now USA, USA, USA, due to carelessness use in livestock
Let's hope it doesn't end incubating a super Ebola.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 16:46:06 ID: 48b8ce No.8266142

>Check any sperm donor clinic and the demand for the type of guys they want are for all intents and purposes super models who just so
happen to be poor and need to make money donating sperm. If people can affordablely edit their genes they're going to edit themselves to
be those supermodels instead. Specializtion for tasks means shit to most they just want to be super models in appearance and fitness
overall just generally be better then they are now.
Well they'll just be outcompeted by people who don't want to just be generally better. Specialization is more effective so it won't matter what
they think.
>Of course I'm talking about genes that make you naturally competitive and aggression referring to tribalism. In order for so many races to
cooperate without the conflict that happens now it would be removed as part of a series of steps to remove "problematic" genes. That is not
a good thing.
I never said there would be co-operation. Things might get really dicey.
>The variance in athletes you talk about as an analogy is absolutely shit, your body adjusts and changes itself to best suit your needs and
Only so far. You will never be in the top 100 100meters sprinters. Your genes aren't optimized for that task. That's why they all look
fundamentally different in the first place. Training can only take you so far. Why do you think all the top swimmers look really tall and floppy
like they have marfan's syndrome?
>all the athletes will be very similar to each other genetically because those are the best genes to win whatever it is they're competing in.
There's no such thing as "best at everything". Physics itself makes it so that different shapes are best at different tasks. Top dinduball
players are far too tall to be top sprinters, and top sprinters aren't going to be dunking with the greats any time soon. There's no "best
genes" except for specific tasks, so you can try and have be the fastest, but those things might make you shit at something else. The
genes for weightlifting aren't the genes for sprinting, and combining them makes you jack of all trades master of none.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 16:59:28 ID: a2aaa6 No.8266243
>this whole post
Are you autistic? No really, are you autistic? I'll give you a heads up Anon, I addressed each greentext as a separate point. So all that shit
you wrote here
>There's no such thing as "best at everything". Physics itself makes it so that different shapes are best at different tasks. Top dinduball
players are far too tall to be top sprinters, and top sprinters aren't going to be dunking with the greats any time soon. There's no "best
genes" except for specific tasks, so you can try and have be the fastest, but those things might make you shit at something else. The
genes for weightlifting aren't the genes for sprinting, and combining them makes you jack of all trades master of none.
Is addressing my whole post when you somehow missed that I said all athletes would be the same genetically because those are the best
genes to be an athlete and that part of my post was only relevant to what I thought about how shit your analogy is.
And another thing
>I never said there would be co-operation. Things might get really dicey.
Your words
>Gene modification that worked would mean that we could end up with far far more races than we already have, to the point of race being
> to the point of race being meaningless.
That whole bit about competition and aggression is addressing this specifically you retard.
What the fuck is wrong with you reading comprehension, do you even?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:10:55 ID: 6408cf No.8266316
Evolver scum
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:12:59 ID: 48b8ce No.8266329
>the best genes to be an athlete
There are no best genes to be an athlete. Different sports require different genes. So it's not a shit analogy. The same thing is true for all
>That whole bit about competition and aggression is addressing this specifically you retard.
Race being meaningless doesn't mean we aren't fighting and killing each other. People can be tribalistic by clanning together over various
things, so saying tribalism genes exist is not a counter-argument. If people can constantly change their makeup then people would be able
to join tribes through alteration.
If the kikes have complete control they might try to control it to make people docile, but I doubt they'll be able to control this. They want a
raceless society, but if it emerges through genetic engineering they'll have a hard time controlling it without global socialism.
>What the fuck is wrong with you reading comprehension, do you even?
I don't have reading comprehension problems, you just can't keep up.

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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:38:00 ID: a2aaa6 No.8266492

>There are no best genes to be an athlete. Different sports require different genes. So it's not a shit analogy. The same thing is true for all
There is only a small pool of genes to actually affect these outcomes and most of the best genes are the same fucking genes but is only a
variation of that same gene, for instance for a 100-meter sprinter having two copies of alpha-actinin-3 (ACTN3) is needed to be the best.
Endurance runners have the modified version, which prevents the benefits that gene. One gene, just one. Everything else for a sprinter is
training beyond that point. And yes your analogy is shit, because the genes to make you a good athlete for one type of competition or
another are genes that primarily affect your muscles, circulatory system, and respiratory system in how they generally work overall, that's
so applicable across many tasks that in the end there is only a small pool of genes that really matter.
>Race being meaningless doesn't mean we aren't fighting and killing each other.
It seems you missed my point, figures.
>People can be tribalistic by clanning together over various things, so saying tribalism genes exist is not a counter-argument.
It is the primary reason why multiple self made races living in more esoteric clans is not feasible, not only would the genetic differences
cause social distrust and refusal to co-operate with others on a subconcious instinctual level with others but the biggest effect is on children
whom will never relate to other kids from other self made races the same way they do eachother. This doesn't just affect physical
differences either, this runs deep to both shared experiences to allow people to relate to eachother to even how one speaks in other words
culture. Tribalism is the crux of how we socialize and in order for self made races to co-operate all the genes specifically relating to tribal
aggression and competition has to be changed. In fact if it isn't, willingly changing your genes to join another tribe would be interpreted as a
severe betrayal to another tribe, because by genetically modifying yourself you are willingly abandoning the other tribe which holds more
significance then just hanging out with them.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:46:38 ID: bd561d No.8266551
>3000 IQ tentacle chinks > natural traditionalist woman born whites.
So is that why we won the opium war?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:47:32 ID: 000000 No.8266557
The Japanese government already cleared and began fucking around with it too. When people said this was the gook century, I never
thought it meant this.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:51:51 ID: e989b2 No.8266586
File: eab2407370d60f0 .jpg (158.72 KB, 623x549, 623:549, nigger molecule.jpg)

this is like the microchimerism from black babies to white mothers.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:55:32 ID: bd561d No.8266614
Which means we need to leave immediately.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:55:46 ID: e37224 No.8266615
Chill TOR bro. DARPA might already be researching and developing Synthetic Organisms. there might be shit going on that we might not be
aware of. Most of this thread seems to be fear mongering about a country with fully "built" ghost cities. Hell even in Vegas, UNLV's biotech
campus is littered with weird ass cacti. That place is also right next to a UMC medical facility, might be why the hobos are so toothy these
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:57:58 ID: a6c962 No.8266631


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Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 18:24:57 ID: e950c1 No.8266798

File: aaa0be2654934fb .png (1.21 MB, 1354x1606, 677:803, jewish transhumanism.png)

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 18:30:18 ID: e37224 No.8266842
Well we fucked around and used their tactics against them to great success, why not use this?

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