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File: ebf7c626089cef2 .jpg (279.54 KB, 1000x916, 250:229, 1461117772604-3.jpg)
Operation Uncuck Europe Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 14:53:34 ID: f7b1b2 No.8181587

Alright guys, as we bask in the afterglow of the election, let's not forget that we have more work to do on the domestic front to help Trump achieve his
100 day plan and to help Europe to uncuck themselves.
Let's keep a schedule for the upcoming battles we face. If you have another cause we should support (keep it pretty high level, not local dogcatcher
etc) then post it here.
As I recall:

Italian Referendum: Italians are having a referendum to relinquish regional powers to the federal government in an attempt to consolidate powers
against the bad goy regions in the north. Yes being the cuck position (Basta un Si) and No being the uncucked position. If No wins, then Renzi has
promised to step down. I know Italy fucked up in WW2, but they are important. Itexit follows soon brothers.
Frexit / Le Pen Presidential Bid: Requesting support from /1825/ and French/pol/, let's have some /bmw/ time set aside for ensuring the frogs have
our support in the upcoming fight. If the EU falls, it will start with France.
Brexit legal challenge: Brexit is being challenged by the parliament as needing congressional approval. There's a chance it will get kiked away by
(((them))). Let's not let our first EU victory get snatched away from us.

If I missed any, please add them to this list and let's get memeing
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The meme magick of the European left is surprisingly weak so even modest efforts will be very beneficial.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 15:03:35 ID: f7b1b2 No.8181657
First post isn't CTR anymore
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 15:07:29 ID: 8701e4 No.8181685
File: bb6941146447ce4 .jpg (47.24 KB, 581x800, 581:800, Hitler20.jpg)


I think they have an election coming up in 2017 and they are still the most important Nation in Europe at the moment.
Freeing the krauts is probably going to be a hard task tough. Only a few nations are more cucked by jewish propaganda than Germany.
It should still be the next BIG STEP if you ask me tough. Kill off the cuckery in Germany and the rest will follow.


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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 15:08:03 ID: f7b1b2 No.8181689

File: 23302e29aa5101e .jpg (223.59 KB, 1280x1098, File: 0eeb161da640b6e .jpg (158.21 KB, 1280x914,
640:549, 23302e29aa5101e078d06c218f.jpg)

640:457, 0eeb161da640b6ed334f2e3eb1.jpg)

File: 2567e9eb4bc9642 .jpg (198.36 KB, 1070x750,

107:75, 1456536345854.jpg)

File: 9539067073da146 .jpg (90.98 KB, 736x667,

File: ec417c2e6775440 .jpg (85.56 KB, 800x829,

32:29, 1471797351660.jpg)

800:829, 1466897724466.jpg)

Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 15:09:18 ID: 334016 No.8181701

File: 2fc34047c65ede9 .jpg (9.68 KB, 238x249, 238:249, 1378107711020s.jpg)

>mfw waiting for the rest of europe to catch up

faster kurwa
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 15:09:38 ID: f5c599 No.8181705
>If No wins, then Renzi has promised to step down
he pussied out from that after brexit, though it would still be a hard hit to his government

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 15:09:56 ID: f7b1b2 No.8181710

File: 5317af3df3015e3 .jpg (101.72 KB, 700x915, 140:183, 1471119878423-3.jpg)

Merkel is playing kissup with Trump though even she's overstepped her bounds and the Germans want her out.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 15:10:03 ID: 71cbf3 No.8181712
File: 188db687b8bfd38 .mp4 (11.9 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Why does the Hillary Clint.mp4)

Trump winning will definitely help the European right. Shillary and her campaign were extremely anti-European nationalism.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 15:12:28 ID: f72ce9 No.8181731
File: 5239fbf24045f50 .jpg (19.54 KB, 403x403, 1:1, tfw nazi.jpg)

Late 2017. We must never forget.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 15:13:02 ID: 71cbf3 No.8181738
Also, the presidential re-vote is happening in Austria next month, and the polls are looking very good for Hofer.

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 15:14:48 ID: 9c5707 No.8181753

File: 45be36bfe339d13 .jpg (97.72 KB, 680x583,
File: 5a28555b4c6c8d1 .png (83.92 KB,
680:583, Jean Marie Le Pp.jpg)

File: e188419aee63afa .jpg (170.83 KB, 674x500,

665x800, 133:160, Smug Jean Marie Le Pp.png) 337:250, jpp.jpg)

We need weapon grade pepes

Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 15:16:54 ID: 1cc1be No.8181769

We need a General thread on Europe

Need a general thread where Americans can also participate in the memetic warfare. Keep it English, keep it international. Media
propaganda and OC memes can be created in these threads.
Thanks OP keep up the good work.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 15:17:08 ID: f7b1b2 No.8181770
File: f6fe3bc0b98d66c .webm (11.68 MB, 1280x720, File:
3a8b36a0db5bfa2 .png
16:9, f6fe3bc0b98d66c45d4398b33.webm)
(86 B,

Just went to French/pol/ and found this fucking spicy ass meme. This is what I'm talking about.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 15:19:37 ID: 93cd11 No.8181789
The Netherlands are having an election.
One of the guys involved is Geert Wilders, his policies include leaving the Eu and outright banning Islam
Hes ahead in the polls.

March 15th 2017,_2017
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 15:20:16 ID: 9c5707 No.8181798
File: 3a496ba010047fe .jpg (2.16 MB, 1728x3072, 9:16, Gauchos.jpg)


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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 15:20:51 ID: f7b1b2 No.8181803

Reported and hidden. Fuck off.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 15:22:21 ID: 153016 No.8181814
Anyone on this list with 'VL' next to their name voted to leave the EU.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 15:22:30 ID: 301b9c No.8181817
Give it a break freech.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 15:24:49 ID: 153016 No.8181840
Filtered and reported for D&C.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 15:26:24 ID: 6af276 No.8181856
File: c1f93def4bfc615 .jpg (27.93 KB, 499x499, 1:1, da619c34-8a38-4e11-878a-96.jpg)

Daily reminder that we had a referendum in last april about the EU-Ukraine treaty, and we said NO to that shit. Dutch gouvernment,
however, still hasn't heeded the outcome of the referendum and is still postponing making a real decision about it (the referendum was only
They say this referendum fueled Brexit, which fueled Trump as POTUS. So basically you us, yanks.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 15:26:52 ID: ea5978 No.8181857
File: 3794fb07692e8e8 .jpeg (16.22 KB, 246x204, 41:34, download (9).jpeg)

Here is whats in the pipeline

4th December 2016

Austrian Presidential Elections (Hofer has a good chance of winning.

15th March 2017

Dutch general election (Geert Wilders is poised to make gains)

23rd April and 7th May 2017

French presidential election first and second round (Marine Le Pen set to win the first round, unlikely on the second due to establishment
gang up. Situation may change though.

27th August
German general election. AFD won't win but can make some serious gains, again their election system favours establishment team ups to
block third parties.

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 15:27:01 ID: 6af276 No.8181860

*you owe us.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 15:27:37 ID: 93cd11 No.8181867
I'm English tbh


Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 15:29:19 ID: 6af276 No.8181885
Stronger together, amirite?
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 15:29:50 ID: 93cd11 No.8181888
Yup, lets fuck the globalists up lad.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 15:31:20 ID: f7b1b2 No.8181896
File: 62612b16277a539 .jpeg (17.16 KB, 660x371, 660:371, 1469812768171.jpeg)

Austrian Rerun Presidential Election (?/12/2016): Need a specific date, but our boy Hofer (HEIL HOFER) is going to beat that commie.
Should support this effort.
Italian Referendum (05/12/2016: We need to support the "No" campaign.
Netherlands election (15/03/2017): Geert Wilders up for election. He's anti-EU and anti-Islam, deserving of support.
Brexit Legal Challenge (?/?/?): Legal challenge for Brexit is happening, not sure when it is but it seems like it's in the short term. More
information will be added if you can provide more info.

German Presidential Election (Late 2017): Merkel must go down. Frauke Petry must rise.
Frexit / Le Pen Presidential Bid (2017): Requesting support from /1825/ and French/pol/, let's have some /bmw/ time set aside for
ensuring the frogs have our support in the upcoming fight. If the EU falls, it will start with France.

If you'd like to add an event to this list or add some information, respond to this post
Note: date is in European d/m/y format.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 15:31:21 ID: 8701e4 No.8181897
oy vey shlomo you're a little butthurt now aren't you?
the worst thing is you're even pretending to be british you fucking twat.

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 15:32:06 ID: 6af276 No.8181908

File: 81205a6e425d6d2 .jpg (71.09 KB, 720x812, 180:203, 270ec8ffbf4692497506df9e9b.jpg)

Fucking checked
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 15:32:23 ID: 153016 No.8181911
File: 3a75b616e01cf09 .png (139.17 KB, 297x430, 297:430, 1460892047040.png)

>French presidential election first and second round (Marine Le Pen set to win the first round, unlikely on the second due to establishment
gang up. Situation may change though.
>German general election. AFD won't win but can make some serious gains, again their election system favours establishment team ups to
block third parties.
Alright, brainstorming time. How do we help them even the odds?
Trips confirm; United we stand, divided we fall.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 15:33:44 ID: 153016 No.8181932
Use this to help find out which Bong politicians are on our side.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 15:35:40 ID: 153016 No.8181956

Stop replying to D&C/Derailment shills. Report, filter and move on.

Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 15:37:49 ID: ea5978 No.8181977
Donations would be a good start, European elections only get any attention until 3 weeks before the date so save the meme magic until

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 15:39:36 ID: 8701e4 No.8181990

File: 950092d3f7571dc .jpg (537.95 KB, 736x1115, 736:1115, c63fa0cf8720e33f278b24e605.jpg)

None of your jewish poison can ever destroy my deep love for the Brits AND the Germans.
Your time has passed Shlomo.
Also you're reported and filtered for low energy derailment
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 15:41:28 ID: f7b1b2 No.8182008
I've invited: French/pol/, Deutch/pol/, /1825/, Brit/pol/, /italia/, Neder/pol/
If you can think any other contingents we can grab, reach out to them.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 15:44:38 ID: 05fcda No.8182033
This! we whites need to save our nations from (((them))) and anyone who is saying that Britain, Germany or any other white country cant be
saved or doesn't matter is nothing more then a DNC shill.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 15:49:13 ID: 450daa No.8182059
i would love to read the German and french pol threads. but i dont know any of those languages and the only English they use its in the OP
s news links
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 15:50:22 ID: f7b1b2 No.8182072

You need to take a bit of the lead on this one. Us buergers don't know EU politics / local memes as well as you do, so be sure to start
giving us the low-down.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 15:50:34 ID: 083c74 No.8182077
File: 4b08f7c1f27b142 .jpg (121.32 KB, 620x364, 155:91, brits, not even once.jpg)

>GERMans have been a cancer on the face of Europe for a long time now
Top kek my dude, I bet you think Churchill was based and you were fighting for the right side in WW2.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 15:51:46 ID: c60d3c No.8182088
Don't you fashy goys forget about us.
We have our legislative elections this December 11th and there is a real chance to meme a nationalist party in.

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 15:52:18 ID: c60d3c No.8182092

File: c9b858ddf722e63 .png (45.97 KB, 953x577, 953:577, 146539650165.png)

forgot pick and to say that I am from Romania.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 15:53:14 ID: 8701e4 No.8182101
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Man we are doing wondrous things in the world right now.
Maybe our people had to be confronted with the shitskins and other scum in order to finally come together for good.
Brings a tear of joy to my eye lads.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 15:53:39 ID: ea5978 No.8182103
File: d7254fc499894ef .jpg (79.31 KB, 1280x799, 1280:799, 98601793_Norbert_Hofer-xla.jpg)

/pol/ needs to meme Hofer,

Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 15:53:40 ID: 93cd11 No.8182104

Austrian elections
The rerun for the Austrian elections has been set for the 4th of December, this year. It was set to October and theres alot of old articles
stating this but its been moved up

Just over 3 weeks away

We need to gather information on it and then develop strategies for dealing with it
>Any shit we can dig up on the main opposition leader Alexander Van der Bellen
>anti democratic the establishment has engaged in
>the usual redpilling on muslims, references to events in the netherlands
>make dutch and english versions then put them on twitter, dutch online newspapers

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 15:57:01 ID: 93cd11 No.8182126

Austrian elections
The rerun for the Austrian elections has been set for the 4th of December, this year. It was set to October and theres alot of old articles
stating this but its been moved up

Just over 3 weeks away

We need to gather information on it and then develop strategies for dealing with it
>Any shit we can dig up on the main opposition leader Alexander Van der Bellen
>anti democratic the establishment has engaged in
>the usual redpilling on muslims, references to events in Austria
>make german and maybe english versions then put them on twitter, Austrian online newspapers
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 15:57:32 ID: 93cd11 No.8182128
>put netherlands by mistake
reeee, ignore in favor of
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:05:49 ID: d42bef No.8182192
>If I missed any, please add them to this list and let's get memeing
Don't know the exact dates but Austria and Romania will have elections in December and Norway, Germany and the Netherlands in 2017.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:06:51 ID: f7b1b2 No.8182210
Give me some more info and I'll add it to the list.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:07:46 ID: adc31a No.8182220
>not Italeave
you had one job
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:07:59 ID: de4bf5 No.8182224
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It's only going to get better from now on anons. Victory is whitin grasp
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:08:47 ID: c60d3c No.8182238
Here is a thread about it explaing some shit and some us romanians arguing, send any Romanian there because we are planing to form our
own meme division >>>8182176
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:09:07 ID: ea5978 No.8182241
Quitaly sounds better tbh
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:10:32 ID: b83ce1 No.8182258
>not exITAL

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:10:57 ID: c60d3c No.8182262

File: b9bbc00d8d20ab7 .jpg (151.76 KB, 1280x1381, 1280:1381, Welp.jpg)

>tfw you posted on cuckchan too much and now you forgot how to link threads
I deserve gas
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:11:10 ID: f7b1b2 No.8182265
Gimme the spark notes lad.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:12:06 ID: 8701e4 No.8182277
there ya go
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:12:41 ID: b83ce1 No.8182283
we should focus on austria
should be an easy win
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:12:46 ID: f7b1b2 No.8182285
Lmao I think suicide might be in order
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:14:47 ID: d04e4f No.8182301
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:15:33 ID: adc31a No.8182304
File: dfc9c8f7968d67f .jpg (19.83 KB, 333x195, 111:65, girls-whispering.jpg)

Everyone saw your post, how embarassing :^)

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:20:04 ID: 93cd11 No.8182352

File: d887b690c524fa0 .png (356.41 KB, 762x529,
File: 208a8e388b29a2f .png (402.06 KB, 891x522,
762:529, 1466072039491-0.png)

99:58, 1466072039492-1.png)

File: c6ccc8ed1a9ee3d .png (467.99 KB, 879x528,

293:176, 1466072039492-2.png)

File: ed33a67ac83e344 .png (423.77 KB, 881x528,

881:528, 1466072039492-3.png)

Some info on the main opposition, Alexander Van der Bellen
>Was part of the social democrats and then left from the greens
>now independent
It seems theres some left over anger at him because of this, maybe we can put emphasis on this to demoralize his potential voters and
keep them at home on voting day?
>Adversaries have also accused Mr van der Bellen of being a "turncoat" because he was a member of the Social Democrats before joining
the Greens in the early 1990s and eventually becoming their president.
>Wrote a pro EU book and advocates for EU federalism
Obviously we need to push the bad things about the EU.
Link to his book, I'm sure they is some shit we can use against him, I can't read German so someone needs to get on that.
>Islam and Islamic immigration, crimes related
We have enough of that on /pol/ already, we need to collect a large amount of redpilling images and infographics and put them in a dropbox,
picking the best
>The corruption and hypocracy of the leaders of the EU
Got some left over from the Brexit referendum, pics related, we need to find someone who can translate them into German, get the
deusch/pol/ poll on the translations.
>Economics of the EU
Find out how much the Austrians give to the EU, specifics about their economy and how that negatively impacts their industries.
Remember the EU is very weak right now, push this weakness.

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:20:08 ID: c60d3c No.8182354

Romania has suffered a colored revolution earlier this year in which an impromptu EU puppet governament was elected.
The choices are:
PSD(Socialists with a nationalist tinge and a possible EU skeptic line up) 40% projected
PNL(Liberal EU puppets that should be hanged for treason, went so far to add the EU starts to their party symbol) 25-30% projected
ALDE(Libertarian and Conservative parties made a coalition and will coalition with PSD, they are nothing more than a party people make a
coalition with to win) 5-8% projected
UDMR(Hungarian party that will coalition with PNL) 5% projected
PMP(Populist party led by a corrupt hack that though has come out against the media and Soros I don't trust him) 5-7% projected
PRU(Nationalist Party) 4-5% projected
USR(Bernie Sanders Socialists with ties to Soros) 5-8% projected
We need to get PRU and PMP in the Parliment just for the lols
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:20:21 ID: 8701e4 No.8182356
Oh for fucks sake!!
I should really go to bed ;_;
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:21:46 ID: b83ce1 No.8182374
van der bellen was a freemason and a communist in his youth
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:22:05 ID: bbfc7d No.8182379
Jews still reside at media, government etc. We are on the right path but the entire Poland needs to address the elephant in the room commie PRL leftovers are living off Poland's money and we need to burn these leeches off.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:22:54 ID: 93cd11 No.8182393
If we can get info or even pictures of this that would be amazingly good.

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:24:30 ID: f7b1b2 No.8182412

File: d11a4a481605508 .jpg (66.68 KB, 945x630, 3:2, 1466582107105-1.jpg)

Austrian Rerun Presidential Election (4/12/2016): Need a specific date, but our boy Hofer (HEIL HOFER) is going to beat that commie.
Should support this effort.
Italian Referendum (05/12/2016): We need to support the "No" campaign.

Netherlands election (15/03/2017): Geert Wilders up for election. He's anti-EU and anti-Islam, deserving of support.
Brexit Legal Challenge (?/?/?): Legal challenge for Brexit is happening, not sure when it is but it seems like it's in the short term. More
information will be added if you can provide more info.
Frexit / Le Pen Presidential Bid (23/04/2017): Requesting support from /1825/ and French/pol/, let's have some /bmw/ time set aside for
ensuring the frogs have our support in the upcoming fight. If the EU falls, it will start with France.

German Presidential Election (27/08/2017): Merkel must go down. Frauke Petry must rise.

If you'd like to add an event to this list or add some information, respond to this post with your information.
Note: date is in European d/m/y format.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:25:10 ID: c60d3c No.8182422
Forgot to add the election is on the 11th of December this year.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:27:17 ID: f7b1b2 No.8182453
>just for the lols
I don't really see the angle on the romanian election here anon. Take the lead on this one. I'll add it to the list if you can get specific.

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:27:29 ID: ee0d76 No.8182456

File: 6c318a69e5a0990 .jpg (430.37 KB, 645x816, 215:272, 1445636629769.jpg)


Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:27:47 ID: b83ce1 No.8182459
in this post van der bellen admits that he was a freemason for a year and that he paid membership fees for 10 more years before he left
the post is from an website called meinparlament and is quoted by mainstream newspapers so its not fake
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:28:23 ID: 577533 No.8182466
>German Presidential Election
Nonsense, the German president isn't elected.
Well, not by popular vote anyway. Nothing we can do about it.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:28:38 ID: b83ce1 No.8182469
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:29:29 ID: f7b1b2 No.8182481
I'm betraying my inarticulation of EU politics. So what is it? Just an election where proportional vote wins? I'll fix that next update.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:29:31 ID: b83ce1 No.8182482
File: 6be99e5e12f8647 .jpeg (32.83 KB, 620x349, 620:349, van der bellen freemason.jpeg)

Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:29:53 ID: 93cd11 No.8182487

Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:31:03 ID: f1b60b No.8182498
Germany also has a few Landtagswahlen bevor the big Bundestagswahl. Especially the one in NRW will be interesseting.
26. March
7. May
14. May
17.24. September Bundestagswahl

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:31:31 ID: c60d3c No.8182504

Ok. More explanation.
PNL is full on pozz liberal party that have duckt taped the EU symbol to their party symbol.
Most of the puppet EU government is PNL.
PSD though quite commie have some people in the party that are more nationalistic and are anti mudshit.
PNL will lose and PSD will win.
Our focus should be to get a nationalist party in.
Either PMP which is a populist one or PRU which is a nat-soc one.
PMP might win this alone. If we add PRU it means that we triple the chance of nationalistic laws and nationalistic counters to laws. As they
might get the support from the nationalists in the other parties to push them through.
Which might mean big things. Like unconstitutional faggot marriage, and even gun rights.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:32:18 ID: 534495 No.8182514
Fellow /pol/acks, french resistance here,
the main preoccupations of the french according to a recent poll are
1. Terrorism
2. Unemployment
3. Delinquency
4. Taxes
5. Education
6. Migrants
After these 6 come
7. The EU
8. Outsourcing/Competition
9. Integration of immigrants
10. Environment
11. Finance
Outside of France you have almost no reliable news, everything you hear about this country is actually distorted.
The french do not understand english, and outside of France, Belgium, the Switz, and Quebec, nobody really understand french.
Communication is complicated.
In France, hate speech laws prevent overt racism; rightwing people are usually coverly racist but overt racism is regarded as vulgar: very few
people are openly racist. Criticizing the Minorities will get you harassed online, they can ruin your reputation, you can lose your job, and
they put you on trial.
French people forgot their history and their high culture.
The average voter is still a retarded boomer. The Postgaullist cuckservative right will set the age of retirement to 67, Le Pen will reverse the
ideologic catastrophe they provoked.
I do not know if the french voters can be reached. But we can aim for the subversion of the white youth, that seeks information on the
internet. We're ten years late compared to the US, for good and bad.

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:32:18 ID: 5c10d1 No.8182515

File: 9b5e5f62452810e .png (2.38 MB, 2089x1171, File: 8f0ad31d8bf852a .jpg (24.29 KB,
2089:1171, 00490a4b4c73b0c03b57ffd491.png)

269x320, 269:320, Salazar.jpg)

>tfw government has been fucking us over since 1974
>tfw no longer a proud nation
>tfw Nationalism is almost dead
>tfw E.U slaves
>tfw we gave away all of our colonies

Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:32:24 ID: ee0d76 No.8182516
File: f2bef6f7078ce5e .png (30.1 KB, 400x379, 400:379, 46564828a93087606ed204c84f.png)

Exgellend, saved.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:33:23 ID: 577533 No.8182534
No, we don't get to vote on it at all.
The parliament does, and that isn't getting re-elected until after the President is, so there really is nothing we can do.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:33:40 ID: f7b1b2 No.8182539
Okay, I like your game plan, now we need names, faces, people. The key would be to shame cucks and uplift the right leaners.
Remember this is a US dominated board so we are very out of the loop.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:35:28 ID: b83ce1 No.8182556
we should make some memes with the help of francophone anons
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:36:35 ID: d01ead No.8182571
Any balkanians here? Your take on cleaning our countries and possible changes of regional and global policies concerning us?
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:37:04 ID: 4b25db No.8182577
m8 with Portugal it's a tad difference. Even Salazarists were absorved into Centrist Parties. Brain Drain to centrist parties in general.
Lets be honest. We can't make "Portugal Great Again" by following EU. What type of policy to uncuck Portugal is still ambiguous.
There's also taboo of colonial war. Not easy.

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:37:06 ID: 1b98cb No.8182579

We should create a thread dedicated to french memes.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:38:25 ID: b83ce1 No.8182599
we could meme a new civil war into existence
bosnia should be easy to meme away
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:38:56 ID: f7b1b2 No.8182603

Discord for this thread
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:40:34 ID: ee0d76 No.8182622
>Yup, lets fuck the globalists up lad.

>Outside of France you have almost no reliable news, everything you hear about this country is actually distorted.
It's the same everywhere. (((They))) play a sick D&C game.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:40:43 ID: c60d3c No.8182623
File: 5c48d01f0092d6b .jpg (34.38 KB, 800x445, 160:89, Cuck 1.jpg)

Ok I will start:
Nicusor Dan is the Bernie Sanders socialist and look at his fucken face. He has the face of a pozz loaded cuck. Cuck pedia has a decent
sumery of what he did in the past.
I recomened since Romania is a religious nation to make memes attacking his anti church stance, make him into a homo lover and mudshit
lover because he is against the Orthodox Church being built in the capital but he didn't say shit about the mudshit hovel being built.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:42:39 ID: 5c10d1 No.8182649
File: 62ba6cfb13e6961 .jpg (134.57 KB, 900x590,
File: 1222267aafe8b41 .png (4.47 MB,
90:59, Devo-te a vida2.jpg)

2210x3114, 1105:1557, SalazarTPGN.png)

>>8182577 (Verificado)
Yeah, I know the E.U is absolute trash, nobody likes the E.U and it did nothing to help us, gave us nothing that could ever compare to
owning all those countries.
I just don't know how we can make this into a proud, stronk nation again, it seems we've gone too far into the E.U shekelrealm and can't
seem to pull out.

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:42:41 ID: 6709bc No.8182650

Italian here.
*betrays you*
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:45:02 ID: 083c74 No.8182691
File: 4c87f68cc861475 .png (1.52 MB, 1114x738, 557:369, denmark.png)

Let's talk about the Scandinavian countries as well.

Denmark's had an election that saw the Danish Peoples Party (National Conservative controlled op) becoming the second largest party, with
Social Democrats coming in first.
However, with the way the Danish government works, where each of the parties are placed on two sides, Red(generally left wing) and
Blue(generally right wing) and whichever side gets the majority becomes gets their chosen politician to become prime minister.
Which in this case became Lars Lkke Rasmussen, leader of Venstre, the liberal party.
All though we aren't no where near as cucked as Germany or Sweden, there's still a lot of work to do.
There a lot of new nationalist parties coming up, but our best bet is properly The Danes Party.
They're a National Socialist party working on getting the necessary number of signature (20.000) to be on the ballot in the next election.
Last I heard they got the necessary support but not ballots. Any Dane should fill in the signature before the next election.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:46:32 ID: b83ce1 No.8182708
so how do they get the signatures
can some random anon fill that shit out?
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:48:55 ID: f7b1b2 No.8182737
Let's be specific, not general. While I like more information on the European political scene, I think this thread is more about specific cause
activism. If there's a Danish election coming up, give me some information and I can add it to the list.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:51:51 ID: ee0d76 No.8182762
>*betrays you*
Personally I don't actually hate on the Italians for WW2. Honor is a personal thing, while foreign policy is a machiavelian game of cost and
benefit. Your leadership and officer corps was shit, though.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:53:01 ID: a45852 No.8182778
File: c745b7422eadbe3 .jpg (24.97 KB, 345x432, 115:144, EUROPEFUCKYEAH.jpg)

>EU is bad goy

>lets start war between white european counries again goy
>eu cannot be saved!
no, fuck off britcuck, I dont agree with shitskins invading europe but I also dont agree with destroying the eu completely.

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:54:11 ID: 577533 No.8182789

Shut the fuck up faggot
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:54:53 ID: a45852 No.8182795
nice argument there retarded imbecile
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:55:34 ID: cfa28e No.8182804

12. Februar - president
the people do not get to vote on that one. We can meme it anway. AfD is promoting their own candidate. So some days in advance check
deutsch/pol/ and help push the AfD candidate on twitter to generate tons of salt

26. Mrz state elections: Saarland

massive shit show. AfD is fucking up enormously here. The party in that state is being held prisoner by some clan like morons who live in
the past. The party court has ruled that the officials there fucked up massively and stated the federal AfD is right on all accounts. The
federal AfD wanted to replace and repeal the whole Saarland-AfD - unfortunately the retarded court ruled that the offense while grave doesn't
warrant such a hard judgement.

7. Mai state elections: Schleswig-Holstein

AfD targeting 13% here. Rumors say the ground game in the state is horrible.

14. Mai - state elections: Nordrhein-Westfalen

huge elections. Biggest state in Germany. Huge upset possible. 20% in a western state would be glorious. This one is big, really big.

17.24. September THE IMPORTANT ONE: house of commons

the house of commons elects the canceler. To get rid of Merkel this one needs to be taken. Highly unlikely to take it this election. Goal is
to take it in 5 years.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:55:35 ID: b83ce1 No.8182805
i have a good idea for the austrian election
the vdb campaign wants the millenial vote so badly, that they offer whatsapp consultation
you basically can send them your questions(or memes)
we could send them some pepes to troll them
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:55:45 ID: c60d3c No.8182810
All federalists are weak cucks that are too scared their country can't survive on your own.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:55:52 ID: b83ce1 No.8182811
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:56:08 ID: d01ead No.8182814
Meme for dissolution of deyton and separation of serbian and croat parts from muslims and u will have war.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 16:57:46 ID: 577533 No.8182828
There is absolutely no need for some federation, a defensive pact is all that's needed, not being a cuck for unelected bureaucrats who sap
the wealth out of Germany to prep Pooland up

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:00:02 ID: a45852 No.8182852

File: d89a5b88f9b7df4 .jpg (26.57 KB, 256x257, 256:257, 1380336763001.jpg)

>yes yes lets start more wars in europe goyim! Im sure your country is strong enough to defeat your racially and culturally similar
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:01:47 ID: cf2ad3 No.8182867
I'd like to see an eventual pact between the US, Russia, and un-cucked Europe.
We need an end to unfounded anti-Russian sentiment, and now with the Saudi etc backed elements of US politics facing the door, we can
maybe finally realise this.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:02:08 ID: 292586 No.8182873
Hofer should win. We'll should give him our energies. Momentum generated by Brexit and now Trump is strong.
No has to win here. I don't know how this will turn out though.
Wilders should win the most seats, but it's PR, so coalitions will be tricky, and it's not certain if he'll be PM. SGP are better tbh but any
Dutchies here should vote Wilders. It's one step at a time.
Vote FN, of course. Le Pen should make it to the 2nd round, but the French system is retarded, so she will likely lose. Still a ways to go
yet though, momentum is with the Right and she's not far off 50% support, so don't despair.
AfD are the best bet. Not the ideal option, but they need to get as many seats in the Bundestag as possible to make a difference. Would
like Merkel to go, doubt it'll happen though.
Respective country/pol/s should be of assistance to make foreign memes. English speaking anons should learn at least one language,
preferably French or German. Bonne chance mes amis.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:02:17 ID: a45852 No.8182875
I agree but free trade, educutation and movement between european countries is also important for prosperity, and that needs to be
controlled at least to some extent.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:02:40 ID: 93cd11 No.8182881
>shilling for the globalist EU
>which is filled with "former" communists at the highest levels
>using kike images against us
kek, go back to /leftypol/

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:04:39 ID: ee0d76 No.8182907

File: 7e0291c5fcb6398 .jpg (18.99 KB, 378x526, 189:263, 1466369071863.jpg)

>Hofer should win. We'll should give him our energies. Momentum generated by Brexit and now Trump is strong.
Hofer shouldn't win - he will win!

>Respective country/pol/s should be of assistance to make foreign memes. English speaking anons should learn at least one language,
preferably French or German.
This. If a foreigner expresses support, they cannot easily play the ebil nadsi card.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:04:42 ID: c60d3c No.8182908
>culturally similar
>surrounded by Cathocucks and Protesto niggers that wanted to genocide my people
>Even the Orthodox wanted to do that
>My people share nothing with neither our neighbors or europe at large besides this shitty union
Nice try cuck.
Rome wasn't the greatest cause they unified with everyone. And neither will be a federal Europe.
If you want to look at Federal nations and how stronk they are look at the Habsburgs or the Polka Commonwealth.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:05:05 ID: a45852 No.8182914
>dividing europe
>one of us ! one of us!
yeah youre the kike
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:08:06 ID: 1b98cb No.8182947
Mayors, you must have 500 to be candidate.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:09:18 ID: 292586 No.8182962
Seig heil mein kamerad
>If a foreigner expresses support, they cannot easily play the ebil nadsi card
It's a collective fight. If we can harness the power of the European peoples across the globe, we will be unstoppable.

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:09:48 ID: a45852 No.8182967

File: ec9885a41519e35 .jpg (48.15 KB, 500x555, 100:111, uFpDtUU.jpg)

>muh conquest of europe
nice try fag, but last time that happened , the ww1, hundreds of millions of europeans died, all for fucking nothing and europe losts its
dominant position in the worl, which paved the way for the biggest ZOG machine named USA to run the world
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:10:48 ID: dc8747 No.8182981
Killing EU is the whole point of what we are doing, kike.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:11:27 ID: cf2ad3 No.8182990
I like your jpeg. Would you mind terribly if I saved it?
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:11:58 ID: 6b47bd No.8182997
no, not the peroxidekike please, he's akike who lived in a kibbutsj, is there not a better alternative?
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:12:39 ID: cf2ad3 No.8183004
Massive reform COULD be better than dissolution. Surely the EU are realizing this.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:13:15 ID: c60d3c No.8183014
Stupid Empires like UK and France that didn't take responsibility for their victory and betrayed their allies gave USA the path to super
power. Had France and UK split the Austro Hungarians and German empires between them and their allies this shit would not be
happening. But the French where greedy and back stabbers and Brits cowards.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:13:59 ID: 187938 No.8183022
>We need a multicultural superstate to be relevant in the world and to prevent war.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:14:36 ID: 93cd11 No.8183034
Not that I'm aware of.
You have no idea who you're dealing with, watch some EU parliament videos, they are actual communists.
D & C isn't helpful lad. We need to work together to kill the EU.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:15:03 ID: 6b47bd No.8183038
>anatolia under a turkish flag
>not greek or bombed to another dimension

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:16:08 ID: f7b1b2 No.8183052

Lad I like your help with the Romania shit but let's not shit all over each other. We have a common enemy, let's focus on that. Leave
historical squabblings for another time after we remove bagel and kebab.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:19:09 ID: c60d3c No.8183085
You do realise this is Europe so this shit will happen.
Anyhow as long as we get this EU dead and we can go back to bullying Ukraine everything is fine by me.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:20:55 ID: b2db55 No.8183107
I just saw this thread after I made this
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:22:23 ID: dc8747 No.8183125
There is now way for EU to exist.
And if you are against sovereign nations you are not a nationalist and might be looking for >>>/leftypol/
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:24:01 ID: 93cd11 No.8183147
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:24:31 ID: 9cd258 No.8183153
ill do my best here in italy
REPORT: entirety of east sector of rome is pretty right wing, theres 2 different fascist groups with 50-70 people, ALL over rome i see fucking
anti-immigration posters, theres a couple of cucks and feminism kinda exists
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:25:15 ID: 292586 No.8183162
SGP want to get rid of universal suffrage and restrict voting to male householders. That would solve most problems in one go. I prefer them
to PVV.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:28:08 ID: 1547ab No.8183192
File: 95240467ecb5877 .jpg (675.89 KB, 1521x2048, 1521:2048, 1fee012af0e85ad09bae8d5549.jpg)

Anyone who thinks the EU can be "reformed" has to be checked for mental illness. The Coudenhove-Kalergi plan and the EU unelectability
and policies are clear signs that the EU is a way to overrule any type of right wing opposition to the leftist dominance on the field of politics.
The EU and any of its related organizations such as the NATO must be utterly destroyed or cucked until they are virtually powerless
Dutchfag reporting in by the way, ask me questions about the upcoming elections if you want to
This. Electing SGP would cause a shitstorm even bigger than Trump I bet because "lol nobody votes for that party anyway but muh dumb
christians". If SGP would go to power, and even if they would make compromises with other parties we could still trigger the hell out of
students, human rights fags and women all over the country

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:28:34 ID: ee0d76 No.8183196

File: 7fcd849139787a9 .jpg (418.72 KB, 1280x1069, 1280:1069, 1469656042142.jpg)

>SGP want to get rid of universal suffrage and restrict voting to male householders.
Holy shit, that would be awesome. Total roll-back.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:30:38 ID: ee0d76 No.8183219
>Anyone who thinks the EU can be "reformed" has to be checked for mental illness. The Coudenhove-Kalergi plan and the EU unelectability
and policies are clear signs that the EU is a way to overrule any type of right wing opposition to the leftist dominance on the field of politics.
The EU and any of its related organizations such as the NATO must be utterly destroyed or cucked until they are virtually powerless
This. One simply cannot be pro-nation/pro-tradition and supporting those suffocating leviathans. It's categorically impossible.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:32:12 ID: 12845b No.8183231
You have to break 50 years of conditioning to make normalfags vote SGP.
Only need to break 10 years of conditioning to make them vote PVV.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:33:37 ID: b6105a No.8183245
File: 32f1954ac285613 .jpg (90.4 KB, 640x1037, 640:1037, AnneFrank2.jpg)

Superior qt tbh
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:33:57 ID: e43eb6 No.8183248
I think it's time to devote efforts to Frexit and let the people of France know they have lots of global support if they desire freedom. The
French people are getting hit really hard by terrorist attacks. I want to unleash the frogs of war to help them, in Kek's honor. Afterwards,
agreed, let's keep pressure on UK and then devote efforts to Italy. Germany isn't quite ready to wake up yet IMHO.

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:34:15 ID: ee0d76 No.8183254

File: 382e76672d648c8 .jpg (63.34 KB, 849x859, 849:859, 1468208210991.jpg)

Agree, but it's good that theyt exist and work forcefully. PVV as a mass-compatible vehicle for recovering bluepills, and SGP as the
hardcore, steely-minded trailblazer for glorious things to come.

Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:34:33 ID: 9c8d29 No.8183256
File: 946a068f849be0c .jpg (10.64
File: e119caa647bbd42 .jpg (49.62 KB, 700x446,

File: 2f83e606230fdf3 .jpg (19.25 KB, 300x286,

KB, 200x287, 200:287, ali jupp.jpg)

150:143, sarkozi.jpg)

350:223, ali juppe .jpg)

File: c87e9e238de3b22 .jpg (29.37 KB, 483x350,

69:50, sarkozi .jpg)

For any meme wizard who wants to Make France Great Again, here's a list of people that could possibly stole the presidency of Le Pen :
>Alain Jupp, Bordeau mayor, and ISIS enabler
>Nicolas Sarkozy, kippah holder, convicted felon, wanted for war crimes and ethnic genocide.
These two are the biggest threats, and no other politician at the moment other than them could stole the election from Marine. They will fight
against each other so we can't say right now which one is the target.
Good luck, we need you.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:34:39 ID: 93cd11 No.8183258
And yet SGP is ahead in recent polls
Anyway its irrelevant for now, the Dutch elections aren't until march next year.
Austria and Italy have theirs in 3 weeks, focus on them for now.

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:35:19 ID: dc8747 No.8183262

Germany was always ready, but the Germans are too afraid to stand up. We just need to break the conditioning.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:36:21 ID: 1547ab No.8183271
File: e3171df2d93910b .jpg (32.9 KB, 300x471, 100:157, 0a481a017af34a651e46ee9497.jpg)

Daily reminder that Trump was running as "joke" too in the beginning
We don't have an electoral base of evangelical Republican voters but i bet we could still make leftyniggers shit their pants by magically
creating huge amounts of votes for right-oriented parties
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:37:07 ID: 1547ab No.8183280
>* Trump's running was seen as a joke
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:37:49 ID: 0478b0 No.8183287
Keked hard
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:39:26 ID: 292586 No.8183301
I hope you'll be voting for them. Do you think they're open to a coalition with PVV? I know they don't do coalitions, but PVV will need one
should they win, and it could SGP to actually get in.
It is pretty amazing when you think about it.
PVV is for entry level redpillers, Kikebart tier. SGP is who we need to support.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:39:36 ID: 2dda67 No.8183303
> were extremely anti-European nationalism.
of course they were
Hillary's a part of the globalised cabal
she wants Europe under thumb and Americas borders open
A Europe on fire with rage and on the warpath supported nonchalantly by an isolationist america is the opposite of what they want
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:41:21 ID: 9be772 No.8183320
I'd like to have Dutchfags opinions on VNL in this regard. Both PVV and VNL are very outspoken pro-Isral, but I get the impression that
with VNL mostly profiles itself that way to create sympathy with anti-Islam sentiment, that goes mostly hand in hand with pro-Isral in Dutch
politics, whereas PVV is (((Geert Wilders)))
In any case it's a lot easier to convert people into PVV voters. Both SP and PvdA voters just need some nationalist sentiment, plus to be
broken out of conditioning that the PVV is pure evil. On economical policies they usually already share a lot of similar ideas.
Yes they'll be open.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:42:39 ID: cd1533 No.8183337

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:42:43 ID: 12845b No.8183338

>PVV is for entry level redpillers, Kikebart tier. SGP is who we need to support.
I fully agree. I'll try some persuasion tactics on my father this weekend. Last election he went from lifelong CDA voter to PVV voter. I'm
curious if he could be leveled up to SGP, he still visists catholic church every sunday.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:43:21 ID: 21980d No.8183345
What the hell is this!!
Its.. So..
Adictive, but i dont understand why
Why /pol/?
We need a shit ton of this
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:46:06 ID: 292586 No.8183384
>Yes they'll be open.
Good to hear. Possible PVV-SGP coalition looks good.
I wish you all the best. SGP are Reformed Christians though, not Catholic, so I don't know if that will help or not. Still, good luck.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:48:47 ID: 6b47bd No.8183415
haven't really looked into it but their leader is that jan roos tard, fvd has a similar agenda but ve seen nothing about their israel ideas and
their education plans and zero immigration plan are very promising
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 17:56:12 ID: 12845b No.8183497
Not so sure about VNL. First they had that (((Moszkowicz))) faggot, now that degenerate Jan Roos. It seems like they are only testing the
waters right now and are easy to hijack by outside forces.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 18:04:14 ID: d1572f No.8183588
>Alexander Van der Bellen
>Not Alexander Van der Bellend
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 18:05:03 ID: 9c977f No.8183596
>using a picture from WWI
>you literally fought against each other 25 years later
>being this retarded
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 18:06:05 ID: a2d18b No.8183602
>>8183588 (checked)
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 18:08:20 ID: b8aa71 No.8183624
excellent idea
we have to regroup /pol/ into shilling and meme crafting divisions, speciallized to a single country. Therefore we need anons who are fluent in
these languages and access to twatter / faceberg. Meme crafting can be done even without knowing the languages.
Yesterday I created the Kek would tour pic and now I will update it as there are much more elections.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 18:15:58 ID: 1547ab No.8183718
Look for meme crafting on this board:
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 18:24:07 ID: 3373f7 No.8183824
When do you guys learn using IRC+Mumble?
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 18:28:59 ID: 3373f7 No.8183877
I'm german and would be willing to learn French if needed. Any better options?

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 18:33:46 ID: a2d18b No.8183942

get in the discord lad, we need Germans translating our eu quotes for the Austrian elections
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 18:40:12 ID: 8701e4 No.8184015
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Shut it down! Remind them how we made them kill eachother!!
oy gevalt
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 18:44:13 ID: 153016 No.8184069
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This one's for you, frog.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 18:50:41 ID: 9be772 No.8184147
If you use arguments I'm willing to listen. But they might be a good contender for anti-EU sentiment, mainly to take away voters being fed up
with the 'liberal' social-democratic parties (GL, D66, or even attract CDA voters). Sure it's not going to be great, I am slightly scared for a war
between the nationalist parties, all fighting over the same scraps. VNL not cooperating with VfD seems counterproductive to me and at least
VNL has two current seats, plus more media presence in general.
Anyway this is more something for a nederdraad.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 18:53:33 ID: d3b5d6 No.8184188
File: 91642e8dcb0ccd8 .jpg (27.07 KB, 566x554, 283:277, Hitler santa.jpg)


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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 18:54:15 ID: 153016 No.8184205

Where do we donate? Does France accept foreign donors?
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 18:58:28 ID: b8aa71 No.8184273
File: faebdc5676ee80d .png (329.32 KB, 900x1400, 9:14, updated4.png)

did it
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:00:49 ID: 2dda67 No.8184310
whats happening in bulgaria on the 13th?
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:11:43 ID: b8aa71 No.8184473
File: a99b6d664484c28 .jpg (218.48 KB, 962x793, 74:61, a99b6d664484c28136fbb177fa.jpg)

we need people like you for the french meme machinery. Would something in the lines of "vive la migration" below this pic be good for the
french meme markets?
Then there was also the rapefugees welcome video from the Paris streets. This should be good for redpilling the occasional normalfaggot.
Personally I can help German anons as I am fluent in German. Austrian elections are a done thing. We will win. They postponed the
election 2 months because of (((glue problems))) with the envelopes. It was a bad time to do the elections back then and they know that the
commie candidate would have lost. Now with Trump victory, FP victory is sure.
However, Germany will be a fucking hard task. The average German is still bluepilled as fuck and winning the battles in Germany will be very
hard. AfD will struggle to secure more than 20% of the votes.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:14:02 ID: b8aa71 No.8184507
presidential election (round 2). There is an ex air force general as one of the candidates and a cunt as the second if I recall correctly.
Kike media is already calling the air force guy a putin puppet. Never elect cunts into office, they will ruin your homeland
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:16:39 ID: b8aa71 No.8184549
the Italian referendum on constitutional changes is not that important but it would send a "fuck you" to the eurocrats and statists in Rome. It
would be nice if Italians rejected it polls suggested that momentum swinged in favor of reject folks during the last weeks
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:19:07 ID: cfa28e No.8184583
>AfD will struggle to secure more than 20% of the votes.
What AfD needs way more than votes right now is members. The party is growing way too fucking fast in the elections, 3 years 17% is
madness. The country is waking up in record times. But votes aren't everything, there needs to be something there, some ground game,
some structure to do something with the votes. A massive campaign for Germans to GET UP AND JOIN would be tremendously helpful. It
would also in return drive up the vote count next year cause more helping hands on the ground can wake up more voters.

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:19:34 ID: cc880c No.8184593

Yes, don't forget Austria. The far-right party is gaining greater popularity as the rapefugees have their way.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:20:36 ID: 3d0a5a No.8184608
French is best tbh, their election is very significant and we actually have a chance.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:24:03 ID: cfa28e No.8184660
The two round system they have makes it incredibly hard. Just look at Austria. Hofer will edge it out vs a full on communist. In France Le
Pen will have to be a middle of the road something in the second round. Not a full on social justice warrior. That will likely be impossible.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:25:57 ID: 153016 No.8184694
File: 987507e1feffb3f .jpg (89.55 KB, 399x482, 399:482, The trump knight rises it .jpg)

Know what else they said was impossible?
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:26:35 ID: 98f7cb No.8184702
>two round system
I don't get it, can anyone explain this? Sounds like some typical overcomplicated kike bullshit
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:28:04 ID: 000000 No.8184734
please don't touch our poor little Europe.
we'll try harder about the refugee thing. but if we end up divided, putin will take everything.
europe was a good idea. don't let immigrants fuck it up. we just wanted to be left alone. is that too much for airheards to understand?
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:28:31 ID: b8aa71 No.8184744
File: fe265241bd02414 .jpg (209.14 KB, 960x1370, 96:137, 1452216541763.jpg)

for german meme markets I thought of something like "Deutschlands Zukunft liegt in deinen Hnden the future of Germany lies within your
hands" below pictures of migrant crime incidents or cologne rape.
Then there was this kike who embraced that germans are genocided in a video. This would be prime redpilling material. I suggest something
like "Unsere eigenen Politiker wollen uns ausrotten our own politicians want to exterminate us"

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:32:29 ID: 3d0a5a No.8184823

It's hard, but not impossible.
They have a first round with all the candidates. Then (assuming no one gets over 50%, which is what usually happens) they have a second
round between the two candidates that got the most votes. Le Pen is predicted to get to the second round since she's leading the polls, but
winning the second round will be hard since she doesn't have 50% and needs to win over moderates. You're not wrong, it's the Jews
meddling again.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:36:02 ID: b8aa71 No.8184882
2 round system is to make sure that only kosher parties get into the government / parliament. Basically in round 2 you give people the
choice only between the first x candidates. For example FN becomes 3rd in the first round but then for the second round only #1 and #2 are
all kosher candidates of all parties will join forces in round 2 to make sure that FN cannot win. This happened this year or last year as well
in the regional elections. There have been many parties but to ensure they are not scattered they made the smaller parties give up. So the
people who would have voted for the smaller parties vote for (((UMP))) or commies
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:37:53 ID: cfa28e No.8184903
It is. It was implemented in France to keep FN forever out of power. Look up the last state elections. First they merged many states and
reduced the number by half to simply remove states from the map where FN had more than 50% of the popular vote. Then in the first round
FN had won 6 of the states. Second round all other parties formed a uni party and strategically dropped out of the race. Second round FN
thus won 0 states. Isn't "democracy" wonderful?
I hope I'm wrong. But getting information on France isn't easy. Frogs keep to themselves and do not show up on international boards. They
take huge pride in their language and will not switch to English. Especially considering the rivalry between France and England.
Does anyone have an idea how to spread memes in Germany. What the appropriate channels are? I don't know the anon structure in
Germany. Just know of Krautchan and that is cancer.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:41:31 ID: 6e3060 No.8184965
File: c352146ba209045 .jpg (221.04 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 20081008_1506c-CottonwoodA.jpg)

A more recent picture
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:42:02 ID: b8aa71 No.8184971
normie krauts hang out on fagbook, twatter and leddit. Krautchan is only for social outcasts. Remember that the cologne rapes were
exposed through normies virally exposing it on Fagbook. Kike media did not report about it for a week or so but then had to.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:43:16 ID: 000000 No.8184992
do you seriously think the FN would like france to be a democracy?

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:45:03 ID: 2dda67 No.8185025

File: 0ce66b3dadc78a3 .png (1012.69 KB, 866x476, 433:238, Unpleasant holiday destina.png)

Oh ok
have a meem
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:45:39 ID: 3d0a5a No.8185035
True, the French are very proud of their language and jealously defend it. It's to be admired, actually, since they're very concerned about it.
Learning French is crucial if we are to have influence over their elections. It's not too hard tbh.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:46:22 ID: f7b1b2 No.8185044
It seems 'Putin Puppet' is slang for 'not a cuckold'.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:53:45 ID: 9c977f No.8185159
File: adf5890d619af91 .jpg (11.01 KB, 251x240, 251:240, 1381801986086.jpg)

Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:56:01 ID: 3373f7 No.8185199
>invite invalid or expired
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:57:33 ID: ee0d76 No.8185231
File: 649c050e54f1a01 .jpg (17.13 KB, 236x336, 59:84, Du bist Front.jpg)

Just seeing those visages makes my Teutonic blood boil. Some serious uncucking and blood-spilling is in order.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:57:53 ID: cfa28e No.8185237
keep your autism in check

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:57:56 ID: f7b1b2 No.8185239

Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:58:35 ID: f7b1b2 No.8185247

Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:59:00 ID: 000000 No.8185253
not an argument, try again
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:59:36 ID: 153016 No.8185260
Here's a link that doesn't expire.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:00:21 ID: ee0d76 No.8185272
This. It's actually an excellent opportunity for /pol/acks to build serious real-life political experience and acumen.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:01:02 ID: 3d0a5a No.8185283
Is discord a voice chat? I'm not going anywhere if it ain't anonymous.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:02:29 ID: f7b1b2 No.8185307
It is, and there are some privacy issues but I'm on a VPN and there's no problem. If you're in a country where you can get gooded for
saying bad goy shit then it's understandable if you don't want to join. If these threads to somewhere then I don't mind setting up our own
ventrilo server for long term use.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:02:43 ID: f7b1b2 No.8185310
go somewhere*

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:02:43 ID: 624072 No.8185313

File: b04c4e8283a5bbf .jpg (963.3 KB, 2500x1465, File: 4bd15f3abf7b0f1 .jpg (158.64 KB, 924x695,
500:293, 1467552729215.jpg)

924:695, 1467928207982-1.jpg)

File: 6d8a5a56f519e48 .jpg (1023.92 KB, 3000x2114, File: 2dd813e1cdc4568 .jpg (56.36 KB, 600x386,
1500:1057, Haecht_2.jpg)

300:193, 1467643832010-2.jpg)

> We have enough of that on /pol/ already, we need to collect a large amount of redpilling images and infographics and put them in a
dropbox, picking the best
Check out these two links, everyone on pol should have ,spread and edit these (thousands of books, pictures):
Manuals on psy-operations, NLP, propaganda etc. This might be useful:!m00SjRRA!R_I9wzUTEhSN6spP35TyZg!e08XTJoJ)
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:04:51 ID: 4c5912 No.8185339
I'm trying to learn German right now, which might help in meme production. What are best social media avenues to connect to
deutschbros? Do they use mainly Facebook and the like, or are they more into VK?
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:06:02 ID: e24a7b No.8185361
Bong with some advice from the brexit campaign.
Focus on the EU's weakness within your country and compare it to the supposed 'strengths', most of the time that 'strength' is freedom of
movement and increased trade.
As long as the uk can stay stable for the next few months, we'll be a beacon for the rest to follow us out of the eu.
Spreading the idea that the UK would support other leavers through trade could go a long way, especially since our businesses would leap
at the chance of not having to deal with the eu.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:08:50 ID: 3d0a5a No.8185404
Bong here, hate speech laws are pretty bad. Think I'll opt out. good luck though, I'll be meming with you.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:10:25 ID: b83ce1 No.8185435
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:10:58 ID: f7b1b2 No.8185440
Yep, I feel you. Don't do anything compromising lads, OPSEC is key. I don't think an IRC would be a bad idea either.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:15:17 ID: 153016 No.8185502
Do we have any /tech/ here who can give tips on how to avoid being tracked on the internet for our friends who live in countries without free

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:15:43 ID: e24a7b No.8185508

If you've not already been practicing good opsec, suddenly starting is more of a red flag than not.
If you do feel you need it for something you're worried about, take care to otherwise keep up your usual routine, like shitposting on /pol/ for
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:16:53 ID: 000000 No.8185527
>says the britbong chav as his economy crumbles to bits
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:21:05 ID: f7b1b2 No.8185586
Thankfully my home IP was permabanned from /pol/ so I have to be on a VPN, kek. I'm legit thanking the mods here, it's made me less
lethargic about keeping up with my opsec. To those people in bad-goy countries just buy a VPN that uses openSSL and doesn't keep logs
in a non-fourteen eyes country.

Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:21:36 ID: 624072 No.8185593
File: edb1174f355ed92 .jpg (1.51 MB, 3000x2173,
File: e064e5c0658fb94 .jpg (2.51 MB, 3452x2755,
3000:2173, 1467565505271-2.jpg)

3452:2755, 1467566192708-3.jpg)

File: cd48a75f4f956b5 .jpg (125.1 KB, 1000x690,

File: ecca26ec5923343 .jpg (2.37 MB, 4298x3165,

100:69, 1467566685602-1.jpg)

4298:3165, 1467569463688-1.jpg)

>The Coudenhove-Kalergi plan and the EU unelectability and policies are clear signs that the EU is a way to overrule any type of right wing
opposition to the leftist dominance on the field of politics.
Then we shall destroy the EU! We are not living in the 70s any more, we have internet which reach thousand times more people with
hundred times better methods.
To destroy their elite we should play the Liberte, Egalite et Fraternite card, which will invoke the French soul in a powerful way. Let's remind
them how excellent France was back when these principles were formed.
Libert: Freedom of expression and to tell the truth. (The free communication of ideas and opinions is one of the most precious of the rights
of man. Every citizen may, accordingly, speak, write, and print with freedom, but shall be responsible for such abuses of this freedom as
shall be defined by law) This is a principle we must meme, so the democracy and and truth may be respected.

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:21:44 ID: c9f1cd No.8185595

File: 07bae42cffebede .jpg (31.86 KB, 425x425, 1:1, 1464188954155.jpg)

If you want to give money to the AfD, this is the link:
You need be a citizen of a EU-Nation, though.
Up to 500 can be donated anonymously.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:22:10 ID: 522b47 No.8185600
File: 1d26548bc720e1a .jpg (9.05 KB, 322x157, 322:157, 45234516.jpg)

>Austrian presidential election
> 4 December 2016
> 4 December 2016
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:30:35 ID: 3d0a5a No.8185723
I'm not retarded when it comes to tech, but not a genius either. I know I'm on lists already, I'm sure of it. GCHQ has longer tentacles than
some may like to think.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:31:26 ID: 4c5912 No.8185735
That bottom painting..right in the feels.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:33:52 ID: f7b1b2 No.8185768
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:35:02 ID: cfa28e No.8185782
In addition the AfD does not have enough donation to get the full amount of government money they could get given their percentages of the
In Germany the system is that you get 0,85 for each vote from the government. But that amount of money is topped by the amount of
donation you get.
In short. AfD is trying to raise another 2 million Euro this year which then would get doubled by the state.

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:36:16 ID: 000000 No.8185803

they're running for money and race.
what's the point to this?
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:37:05 ID: f7b1b2 No.8185817
What's it like for foreign donations?
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:37:12 ID: cfa28e No.8185818
I don't understand the question.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:42:03 ID: 000000 No.8185884
why do they even bother to run?
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:42:21 ID: 65b4cf No.8185887
>again their election system favours establishment team ups to block third parties.
AfD isnt even going for the top ranks they want to stir up shit in the opposition for now.
Dont know what to expect, Brexit, Le pen Trump all that is contributing for the redpilled people to come out, but all the salt unites the
globalist cucks to do everything for the status quo.
Merkel proclaimed that she only is willing to work with Trump when he cucks out like Barry,
All my hopes are on a new NYE and another media cover up that was the biggest redpill that wasn't spit out in decades.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:44:14 ID: cfa28e No.8185925
foreigners are allowed to donate up to 1000Euros if I'm reading the law correctly
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:45:01 ID: 2dda67 No.8185938
File: 583420e5462b620 .png (184.91 KB, 702x412, File: ee651472ec4725e .jpg (72.65 KB, 869x582,
351:206, chuckle.png)

869:582, chuckle2.jpg)

>he cucks out like Barry,
this Barry?
or a different one? :^)
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:46:53 ID: 3d0a5a No.8185977
Thanks lad, already use a VPN, be a bit retarded of me not to. I'll give it a read.

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:58:47 ID: 65b4cf No.8186192

File: 397bc21ee662e68 .jpg (36.63 KB, 558x720, 31:40, 397bc21ee662 animu Nasi pi.jpg)

I wish Merkel would follow those Barrys words just 10%.
This alone would make Deutschland great again.
Well not great but atleast not a shithole that is turing into since 2013.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 21:03:34 ID: ee0d76 No.8186277
File: 6670cef9f52ecb6 .gif (1022.5 KB, 500x265, 100:53, Cheers.gif)

Nice one, saved.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 21:04:53 ID: 4b25db No.8186294
>E.U shekelrealm and can't seem to pull out.
Problem is even the best, most articulate economic and political arguments against EU and Euro, even if accepted as true, average person
won't resist the idea of more EU subsidies.
They will acknowledge you as correct but EU funds are tastier so they don't care in the end. Literally bought.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 21:10:51 ID: ee0d76 No.8186376
File: bab13aa27dbef9e .jpg (15.98 KB, 563x291, 563:291, 1469461807531.jpg)

Those corrupted Jews-in-spirit have to go.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 21:14:45 ID: 3373f7 No.8186414
Older version but article 25 hasn't changed. Translation is legit.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 21:15:13 ID: 2dda67 No.8186423
Ahh that grenade
perfect for conducting kosher enemas

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 21:16:31 ID: f7b1b2 No.8186445

I thought it was a potato masher
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 21:19:21 ID: 2dda67 No.8186488
File: f3e8688baf82caf .png (58.2 KB, 300x266, 150:133, ClipboardImage.png)

I think they've got specialised mallets for that these days
with a spiky surface on one end
might be thinking of meat tenderisers though

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