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File: c9a372d512a7ecf .gif (762.3 KB, 157x200, 157:200, blinks.gif)
Subliminal Technology Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 21:21:08 ID: b08ba3 No.8301101

Why isn't /pol/ perfecting subliminal messaging?

It's hard to do with a .gif(pic related), but the 'golden' FPS is easy to achieve in a WebM video. That golden rate, where the subconscious and
conscious blur.
There's a lot of information on this technology, and it does work, to a degree.
Ask me how, purely for research purposes.
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 21:23:10 ID: ab18d0 No.8301120
I'm not an evil twisted jew scientist.
11/19/16 (Sat) 21:26:12 ID: 50471d No.8301139
>MKULTRA disinfo thread
how, larper
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 21:26:31 ID: fdaeff No.8301141
Bump for curiosity

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Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 21:27:02 ID: c8beeb No.8301144

>black magick
nah, I'm good
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 21:28:00 ID: b08ba3 No.8301156
"The current consensus among marketing professionals is that subliminal advertising is counter-productive. To some this is because they
believe it to be ineffective, but to most it is because they realise it would be a public relations disaster if its use was discovered. Many have
misgivings about using it in marketing campaigns due to ethical considerations."
Yessssss. It would be immoral, and an admonition of underdevelopment to use the tools that your enemy does.
Retard, that's how wars are lost.
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 21:28:47 ID: b08ba3 No.8301164
Nah. It's just science.
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 21:29:14 ID: ab18d0 No.8301169
Just give me a weapon and i'll shoot my enemies, i won't use dirty jewish tricks.
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 21:33:29 ID: b08ba3 No.8301210
File: de4d33e24e80284 .jpg (17.15 KB, 236x377, 236:377, ac56ff2ed9dbc595dbecca9339.jpg)

>how, larper
Do you know what that word means? Did you miss this, child:'s_Commission_on_CIA_Activities_within_the_United_States
Anyway, the basics:
"A form of subliminal messaging commonly believed to exist involves the insertion of "hidden" messages into movies and TV programs. The
concept of "moving pictures" relies on persistence of vision to create the illusion of movement in a series of images projected at 23 to 30
frames per second; the popular theory of subliminal messages usually suggests that subliminal commands can be inserted into this
sequence at the rate of perhaps 1 frame in 25 (or roughly 1 frame per second). The hidden command in a single frame will flash across the
screen so quickly that it is not consciously perceived, but the command will supposedly appeal to the subconscious mind of the viewer, and
thus have some measurable effect in terms of behavior. "
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 21:34:07 ID: b08ba3 No.8301218
Good luck, Rambo.
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 21:37:24 ID: ab18d0 No.8301243
Good luck, Mengele.

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11/19/16 (Sat) 21:40:32 ID: 50471d No.8301266

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You're a fucking lame youtube larper. Go away. We always know more than you do faggot
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 21:40:43 ID: b08ba3 No.8301267
Well if the argument against using such technologies is 'we fight hand to hand, like men, duhderp'
Remember this: 'We are brave, and will fight the white man with bows and arrows, and tomahawk.'
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 21:43:11 ID: b08ba3 No.8301297
File: 7f8ab13191caf71 .jpg (71.2 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault[2].jpg)

But don't watch WebMs from now on.
I'm not kidding, at all.
I'm not kidding, at all.
For research purposes only.
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 21:45:58 ID: b08ba3 No.8301316
What's this "we" shit. I just see you. And you don't seem to belong here.
Why are you so against using a tool?
Fishy as fuck.
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 21:51:21 ID: c8beeb No.8301352
We don't really need to do this at all, and there's nothing wrong with that. Black magick like this only serves to reinforce information being
fed to a person whilst in a hypnotic trance, and only because that information is a lie and is hard for the individual to reconcile otherwise.
Remember, telelvision flickers at a rate that induces the alpha brain wave state, which is akin to the state of mind while meditating, or
sleeping; it's worth noting that one can become addicted to this alpha brain wave state.
For anons who are living in la la land, your normal waking neural oscillations are in a beta wave pattern. Being as an individual is more
receptive to information in the alpha brain wave state, as the information bypasses traditional regulators that logically analyze information, it
becomes the case that commercials, talking heads, programming, whatever all flow directly into your subconscious, while your conscious
mind probably denies that very thing happening.
So, to finish my point, subliminals exist really as a trance reinforcement. Same with the concentric circles you always see on Fox or CBS,
or the spinning logos in the corner, or the running news tickers. They're all distractions that further confuse your mind through visual
overload, and thus distract your subconscious further from actually processing any of the information Megyn Kelly or Tom Brokaw is feeding
We are starting to see this system of mind control break down because of the internet. Logic will prevail if you can't gaslight the entire
population into some virtual reality, and we're seeing that virtual reality break down right now. I think logic is all we need. As for subliminals,
well, our method should be to "reality jam" people. To use shocking imagery or otherwise out of place messaging to push our message.
Hitler petting a squirrel comes to mind as a reality jam, but so does pizzagate. The possibilities are endless.
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 21:54:28 ID: b08ba3 No.8301374
>Black magick
Stopped reading there.
Science more, Luddite.
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 21:57:28 ID: 86e0b7 No.8301394

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Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 21:57:37 ID: b08ba3 No.8301398

Also, Fight Club was written by the most disgusting faggot Stark Street, Portland has ever seen.
I met the guy, lived just down the street from his favorite haunt, know the stories from people that were around him.
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 22:01:25 ID: b08ba3 No.8301422
File: d3352dca4843c1e .jpg (32.59 KB, 209x239, 209:239, basedMagicWand.jpg)

Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 22:04:33 ID: 633dff No.8301449
File: bf14b9a5aebf33c .webm (6.97 MB, 480x360, 4:3, TheyTriedToWarnUs.webm)

Submliminal message mind control is for jews.
>golden FPS
What the fuck is this shitty meme?
Yes goy, don't watch this video!
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 22:05:54 ID: b08ba3 No.8301461
File: e5537664dd5eb6d .jpg (356.66 KB, 1280x729, 1280:729, 1280px-The_Garden_of_Earth.jpg)

Well don't watch WebMs anymore.

Don't watch anything faster than 24FPS.
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 22:07:45 ID: b08ba3 No.8301469
Yesssss. Play your indoor games at maximum frame rates.
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 22:07:54 ID: c8beeb No.8301472
Excuse me? So basically, you're admitting you're a shill? Or are you just admitting you have no idea what you're talking about. From the
looks of your OP, it doesn't seem like you have any real understanding of this subject. You just think a word flashing quickly is going to
trick people into changing their worldview? Seriously, are you retarded? To even conflate prestidigitation with the manipulation of another's
will is not a mistake you can make out of ignorance, it's literal misdirection, and that's exactly what you're doing.

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Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 22:10:11 ID: 633dff No.8301484

File: f1b09ae0028a5cf .webm (3.33 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, RULES OF DENTON.webm)

Oy vey, this video is almost 60 full frames per second, it's going to warp your brain goyim!
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 22:10:42 ID: c8beeb No.8301487
Of course, I'm implying that associating magick and luddism is what is misdirection.
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 22:14:25 ID: b08ba3 No.8301510
A shill? That fucking word just screams dumbfuck.
No, an image that your conscious mind ignores wont make you kill your mother, but it helps.
Are you suggesting that every mind is an impenetrable fortress, and mass manipulation ISN'T a goal for every agent?
Get the fuck out of my thread, dummy.
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 22:16:53 ID: 633dff No.8301521
File: c3b5483a202b936 .png (486.17 KB, 1100x777, 1100:777, 1467951091077.png)

It's time for you to leave now, Chaim.
>oy vey don't watch videos of a certain format, it's brain washing!
>oh wait it's framerates above (((hollywood's))) suggested 24 that does it!
>oh wait it's anything rapidly flashing!
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 22:18:54 ID: b08ba3 No.8301541
If I put a BBC in, about twice per second, you will salivate, BBC lover that you are.
It's real.
The brain is real, and not entirely in your control.
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 22:21:11 ID: 541c14 No.8301561
Here is a tip: If I can tell that it says "satan", then it's not subliminal.

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Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 22:21:56 ID: 633dff No.8301563

File: f096f9ef86542d1 .gif (212 KB, 501x585, File: 47a6d0e52a79a7f .png (184.71 KB,
167:195, f096f9ef86542d172d3a00b346.gif)

1114x1400, 557:700,

>hehe, the goyim are so stupid a word flashing will warp their minds!
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 22:22:38 ID: b08ba3 No.8301569
File: bcb726a0bc0346c .jpg (35.32 KB, 530x313, 530:313, xmasstory1[1].jpg)

I think maybe YOU are the Jew. I know I'm not, so if one of us is, it's you.
I'll make a couple WebMs at 30FPS, with some extra stuff, and title them "careful_*"
For research purposes only. Watch them all.
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 22:23:08 ID: 541c14 No.8301572
>calls other people "youtube larpers", even though he's the only one in the thread to post anything from youtube
This is schizophrenia.
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 22:23:50 ID: c8beeb No.8301577
File: 191e42d5b3619bb .jpg (33.33 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 1479351095100.jpg)

>that fucking word just screams dumbfuck
Ah, so you're just an admitted retard? Thousands of books have been written on "magick," and I can guarantee most of them aren't talking
about stage magicians or bunnies. If you're still living in cloud cuckoo land where Aleister Crowley was just some crazy guy no one cared
about, that Kabbalah is just a mythological conspiracy, and that the elites who rule the world don't believe in occult practices, then perhaps
you just don't fucking know what you're on about.
>durr I don't know that a kabbalist cult figured that out thousands of years ago and has been using that very idea to manipulate people since
>I have no idea that magick simply refers to the influencing of other people
>I never opened a book and read about babylonian money magick and how it transformed into what we now call fiat currency
Please gas yourself, or just go back to reddit, faggot.

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Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 22:24:30 ID: b08ba3 No.8301585

Yup, as the OP stated, GIFs don't work. Frame rate is unstable and too slow.
But you're the first person that saw it, and it's been out there for weeks.
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 22:25:44 ID: 541c14 No.8301593
>If I put a BBC in, about twice per second, you will salivate, BBC lover that you are.
I bet you only think that because you love nigger dick and are trying to rationalize an excuse for yourself. I remember years and years ago
on cuckchan, years before this place there used to be a bunch of faggots who thought that they could deliberately use subliminal faggot
imagery to modify themselves. I bet you've dabbled in that stuff.
It doesn't work, you're just a bog-standard faggot.
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 22:25:53 ID: b08ba3 No.8301594
This isn't about the spirit.
Beat it.
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 22:27:46 ID: b08ba3 No.8301602
>It doesn't work
That's debatable.
Why are you so against even researching this, Saul?
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 22:28:57 ID: 664a9e No.8301606
File: 48d908dd55bb9f8 .png (197.83 KB, 347x463, 347:463, 1931b2660eca4a80c468c8520a.png)

Don't respond to the shill/heathen/fucktard. Your dubs show that you are in the right.
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 22:31:40 ID: b08ba3 No.8301627
You seem to be into some Mosaic shit.
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 22:31:54 ID: 541c14 No.8301632
I am not against anybody researching it. I just think your claim that it can make you slobber all over nigger cock is laughable. No
heterosexual man would believe that possible. The fact that you think it is possible, the fact that you think this stuff could make you want
nigger dick, suggests a lot about you.
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 22:35:53 ID: c8beeb No.8301666
Clearly, the neurobiochemistry behind magick is what needs to be studied because it can allow for a better understanding of the mind and
repulsing such influence. But that doesn't change the fact that we already know many of the hypnotic or otherwise dark practices that are
used in the media to manipulate one's subconscious, and it doesn't take an understanding of the hormonal intermediates or neural
pathways to engage in such propaganda. Likewise, just understanding the nature of "black magick" can help you to be aware of it in
everyday situations, and thus ready your conscious mind to repel any subconscious desires implanted falsely by the media.
What I feel like reiterating is that subliminal messaging and the like mainly act as reinforcement. Sure, commercials will make you buy shit
you don't want, but that's rather immaterial when it comes to population control. The real value in hypnotic sequences, subliminal
messaging, color theory, etc. is in legitimizing the virtual reality the deep state has been presenting that now clearly has tape holding it
together at the seams. Logic beats this nonsense in every case, simply because the beta wave brain state can't be fully suppressed.
Maybe when we're all trapped in a virutal tron land will we need to focus on a memetic war that involves such miniscule subversion.
Otherwise, you can just flat out fucking tell people your analysis of world events, and chances are they won't be able to tell you anything
other than the lies they were fed on CNN, which are easy enough to discredit.

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Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 22:36:44 ID: 35d569 No.8301670

OP Is pretty much a retard. subliminal messages don't do jack with flashing images. The real stuff is where (((They))) use symbols and hide
it in plain sight.
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 22:37:13 ID: b08ba3 No.8301674
>I just think your claim that it can make you slobber all over nigger cock is laughable. No heterosexual man would believe that possible. The
fact that you think it is possible, the fact that you think this stuff could make you want nigger dick, suggests a lot about you.
I was talking about YOU. YOU are that week minded, and hungy for black cock, subconsciously.
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 22:37:16 ID: 81fb27 No.8301675
File: 930f9dd6c4090a2 .jpg (112.37 KB, 720x609, 240:203, Goebbels Good Propaganda.jpg)

These methods of manipulation are what made us rebel, do not be so mistaken in using them for our cause.
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 22:38:23 ID: b08ba3 No.8301685
File: 471e7e97d66b905 .jpg (44.28 KB, 495x350, 99:70, barfly[1].jpg)

>week minded
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 22:38:55 ID: 103f05 No.8301687
Satan, is there any meme or advertisement which could make a single chad buy a box of premium tampons?
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 22:39:58 ID: b08ba3 No.8301692
>The real stuff is where (((They))) use symbols and hide it in plain sight.
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 22:42:02 ID: b08ba3 No.8301704
You ever get that feeling that you are going to get banned?
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 22:46:01 ID: 103f05 No.8301743
Subliminal messaging isn't just this hiding frames amateur hour stuff.
Subliminal messaging is conveying ideas or even feelings without alerting the logic part of the viewer's brain.
Read the BBC articles on Trump. Maybe it's just me, but the language is blatantly biased and designed to make the reader feel negative
emotions towards Trump, yet the articles never state a position outright.

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Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 22:46:20 ID: b08ba3 No.8301744

File: 81ba9764a2f8a8a .jpg (90.72 KB, 675x653, 675:653, horus.jpg)

Jews ruined this thread, so help me get building permits for Little and Great St.Saint James U.S. Virgin Islands.
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 22:47:28 ID: 541c14 No.8301753
>week minded
The fact that you think you can turn heterosexual men into gay nigger lovers demonstrates that you have no personal experience being a
heterosexual man.
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 22:49:50 ID: c8beeb No.8301777
Oh, you mean the other thread you were OP of and got angry that people dared to even go slightly off topic? You act like a faggot on this
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 22:51:27 ID: b08ba3 No.8301790
> hiding frames amateur hour stuff
I agree, it's more than just that. Mass manipulation is an ancient art, that all rulers study.
It's not amateur hour stuff.
Research desensitization, or anything related to the impact of images on the conscious and subconscious mind. Research anything, but
don't be dismissive of technologies you know little about.
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 22:51:36 ID: 1bf19f No.8301792
File: 07ee5ff10d75846 .jpg (38.23 KB, 306x430, 153:215, image.jpg)

>trying to attack kek and label him your jewish satan.
Thinknagain christkike!!!

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Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 22:52:29 ID: 633dff No.8301801

File: 2f3799ca6076b6e .png (522.62 KB, 782x716, 391:358, 55f1a87b5910a1f1d33506889e.png)

Oy vey, the goyim aren't falling for it! SHUT IT DOWN
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 22:53:48 ID: b08ba3 No.8301812
That's the one, pizzagate hero.
Go get 'em, and make /pol/ look like GLP and ATS schizophrenics.
Or embrace good research.
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 23:00:55 ID: bd6f72 No.8301859
File: 7199fbb5e080dab .png (527.68 KB, File: 3b0e4fe1c69ef09 .png (257.59 KB, 800x800, 1:1,
701x870, 701:870, basket of depooables.png)

cyborg pepe.png)

Way ahead of you. Pics related; I made a batch of these a while back, and many of you anons have re-posted them without even realizing
the hidden messages.
Don't know if this does jack shit, though..
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 23:04:54 ID: b08ba3 No.8301883
I don't think those .pngs will do it.
But if you'd like to know more, rather than less:
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 23:16:35 ID: 35d569 No.8301976
Appreciate your work on the St pedo island but subliminal messages do fucking nothing unless you are bombarded with them constantly.
Which (((they))) surely do to push their shit.
Even pepe is subliminal by now because of the many memes the board has used with violent themes, which is why normies freak out at the
mere sight of the frog in an innocent situation it still calls up visions in their imagination of threatening smugfrog RWDS.
Flashing images are worthless, the power of these memes come from the association the brain automatically makes and symbols/memes
cross language barriers which is why it's the preferred method.

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Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 23:20:05 ID: b08ba3 No.8302010

>Flashing images are worthless
That just isn't fact. Its value. and impact. and shit. is up for debate, but "worthless" it's not.
"The current consensus among marketing professionals is that subliminal advertising is counter-productive. To some this is because they
believe it to be ineffective, but to most it is because they realise it would be a public relations disaster if its use was discovered. Many have
misgivings about using it in marketing campaigns due to ethical considerations."
But I agree with everything else you stated.
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 23:20:37 ID: e9c3ee No.8302014
ever notice anyone who posts these shit shlomos has nothing productive to say, or either copypastes a news article?
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 23:24:11 ID: 633dff No.8302035
File: 4009756498d5eb2 .jpg (13.75 KB, 316x316, 1:1, 1471259869014.jpg)

Why you're right, Schlmo, nobody should be posting such evil antisemitic images!
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 23:26:08 ID: 7c6b60 No.8302052
File: 9dba119a0bf7902 .png (201.97 KB, 157x200, 157:200, OP strikes again.png)

So I opened OP's pic in Fireworks to see what his secret message was.
I'm not sure what I expected, but it wasn't this.
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 23:32:29 ID: b08ba3 No.8302101
And I'm the Jew?

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Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 23:36:51 ID: 7c6b60 No.8302128

File: 37bd3fdfb31166f .jpg (99.56 KB, 778x518, 389:259, owlwtf.jpg)


I didn't say anything about you being a jew, OP. I was actually broadly hinting you were a cum-sponge homosexual, so I'm kind of surprised
you jumped to the ew-jay thing.
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 23:37:29 ID: b2eaf7 No.8302133
we should be making more sexy pepes
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 23:40:28 ID: b08ba3 No.8302160
Here's a funny little story that Fireworks reminded me of:
My name is on every Macromedia Flash and Director developer/about screen.
Ummm I can't say more, but people retain all kinds of little things they see
That story sucked. Sory
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 23:40:33 ID: ed751b No.8302161
Strange, I detected consciously the message, and it said "SATAN", no "SEMEN".
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 23:42:19 ID: 7c6b60 No.8302174
File: 072404c12388cf7 .jpg (84.03 KB, 600x841, 600:841, devil bruce campbell.jpg)

That says more about you than it does about the spooge-craving OP, anon.
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 23:42:30 ID: b08ba3 No.8302175
Baby you're a firework
Anonymous 11/19/16 (Sat) 23:42:49 ID: ed751b No.8302178

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