The Shills Are Back 8ch-Net PDF

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File: c2d93e485f4f6fc .jpg (140.74 KB, 750x841, 750:841, IMG_1494.JPG)
The Shills are Back. Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 18:48:04 ID: ea5bb5 No.8184121

With a new tactic. Disunity, and sowing seeds of doubt within people on here about the very Man we Memed into Being President. Don't fall for it. Did
you notice how great yesterday was? How there was absolutely nothing but Celebration and jubilation on here? That is now clearly Because they were
busy trying to figure out what to do next and their (((Masters))) decided to agree upon creating doubt here. Don't fall for their Bullshit, we see what
Trump does in his first few Months in Office and THEN decide how to resct, not during his second fucking day as President Elect.
Then they'll be completely destroyed as part of the Media overhaul.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 18:49:46 ID: ba71d9 No.8184135
Mods need to crack down and ban all the anti-Trump posters
One of their big pushing points is complaining about Trump's jews and how Trump isn't an open ethnonationalist
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 18:50:36 ID: 979c04 No.8184146
I'm rather amazed that CTR managed to survive yesterday instead of mass suiciding. They must have gotten whipped REALLY hard and
forbidden to have any more pizza in the basement if they don't bring results already

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 18:51:10 ID: cebaf3 No.8184156

File: fa6c2ffa480401e .png (475.43 KB, 680x774, 340:387, 94d.png)

Fucking this OP for once you were not a fag.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 18:51:33 ID: 8e272f No.8184164
They're pursuing a two-fold approach actually. They're doing what you said but then they're conflating hating on cuckservatives as disunity
against Trump.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 18:52:57 ID: 817038 No.8184183
this this this this. Screencap this for future use.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 18:54:19 ID: 06960e No.8184207
Give them a few days and then they'll be all
>I voted Trump and now I regret it. What have we done?
just like the narrative that was pushed after Brexit.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 18:54:47 ID: cebaf3 No.8184216
Should we start a massive /pol/ wide redpilling campaign then? I mean the board appears to have doubled in size.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 18:54:48 ID: 256806 No.8184217
File: 1f4333352211faf .png (1.39 MB, 800x1236, 200:309, image.png)

If dubs this post should be stickied.

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 18:55:01 ID: ea5bb5 No.8184220

File: 1974f41f95e2d35 .jpg (111.64 KB, 867x648, 289:216, IMG_0715.JPG)

Danke Moonman.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 18:55:33 ID: a610c3 No.8184228
OP is correct. They are trying to undermine any momentum currently working in Trump's favor. Just ignore them or call them out like usual.
They resort to the same old play-book so it shouldn't be too difficult.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 18:59:57 ID: 873b7f No.8184299
so I'm not the only one who noticed. like that fucking nigger faggot tranny in that 1 thread that shit was insane.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 18:59:58 ID: a7e501 No.8184300
Has anyone noticed people saying "Trump removed deporting muslims from his site"? I know it never said muslims but halt immigration from
terrorist hotspots. I'm noticing that being shilled on fb.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:01:41 ID: be2c2a No.8184324
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:02:18 ID: 4523a7 No.8184332
i thought i was the only one as well. ascribed it to people losing their smugness, even though it's only been a day.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:02:50 ID: 771764 No.8184341
They have nothing to lose now, expect all kind of dc tactics and false flags.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:03:44 ID: 87e1bb No.8184354
Yes. We MUST keep hammering while the iron is hot and people are paying attention. The reasons for ctr to still be active are murky but no
good. We must continue to push podesta wikileaks and pedo crap while the iron is hot and normies are still paying attention. Use their riot
shit on social media against them. Invade the shitty hashtags and lefist news comments with meme's that keep pushing people red. It was
close and we must ensure that leftist shit dies forever in America. Kill it with fire.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:04:12 ID: 8e272f No.8184363
Its probably a part of trying to get Trump to cuck.
>See even your most hardline support thinks you should moderate and listen to us
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:04:46 ID: 471d7b No.8184371
All of the press releases are gone, not just that one. The site must be going an overhaul after winning the election so you'd expect some
pages to go away since he won.

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:05:18 ID: f2b432 No.8184378

File: 869f5509e7c5b92 .png (222.11 KB, 515x389, 515:389, Screen Shot 2016-11-10 at .png)

trump fucking damnit

Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:06:11 ID: 979c04 No.8184391
Post the rest of the article you useless chode
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:07:29 ID: 5c7230 No.8184408
Media here is reporting that plus they keep pointing out how trump is not a politician before saying "he has X amount of time to learn".
Media is doubling down
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:09:19 ID: 4523a7 No.8184431
>that obvious clickbait
they can't. unless trump is suddenly indited for something, he isn't going anywhere.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:09:38 ID: 2e3997 No.8184438
>mods need to ban everyone that is invading my safespace
You guys are the cancer that killed this board. Eat a fucking bullet.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:10:51 ID: cebaf3 No.8184456
Maybe you should take your own advice.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:11:12 ID: 965c50 No.8184467
The rats are cornered. They're going to bite back as hard as they fucking can before their inevitable fate takes them.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:13:18 ID: 3d9be8 No.8184493
We just proved we have the power to install whoever they want.
That is why they are scared.
All anti-trump posters should be banned.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:13:34 ID: 966a78 No.8184495
This. Don't be a goddamn nigger with that clickbait. The election is done and dusted. They can only delay the inevitable.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:13:35 ID: 3c6db9 No.8184496
Three-fold. They're also turning on their own population centers and committing mass suicide, though I'm not sure what that's supposed to

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:14:39 ID: fac056 No.8184515

Now that the election has been secured, it's important that we make sure to go on the offensive. The very nature of going to D.C. entails
getting involved with all sorts of unsavory characters who will need to be distanced from Trump. We know that there's plenty of dirt on these
people to see them memetically removed from the political arena. By acting as the spearhead against them, we can inspire Trump to follow
through with his executive power by making it a public issue.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:16:19 ID: 4523a7 No.8184540
File: cb55043ee787dca .png (67.72 KB, 698x659, 698:659, XBLQdEG.png)

lel, this board is pretty fucking lively despite being dead then.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:16:27 ID: db4855 No.8184543
It's just JIDF picking up the slack since CtR all got sacrificed to the GAOTU.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:16:29 ID: 49f494 No.8184544
They never left
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:16:34 ID: ac3ace No.8184547
CTR is probably downsized but I'm sure Soros is still funding anything that might make shit difficult for Trump.
That said, during the election is was important that dissent was silenced to prevent concern trolling and demoralization and other bullshit.
But now that Trump won, we've gotta keep an eye on him. Still support him fully, yeah, but make sure that he keeps his promises and
works towards them. I'm sure he will, but we've gotta remember that he works for us, we don't work for him.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:16:56 ID: d51ca5 No.8184556
File: 8a363ba7f3983ec .jpeg (52.46 KB, 1000x414, 500:207, 4aa3c4e7c6c23682dff17fd42.jpeg)

>Trump just removed his statement about Muslims haha its ok he's our guy nobody say anything bad about him
>Trump just appointed a bunch of niggers and donor class to his cabinet haha its ok he's our guy nobody say anything bad about him
>Trump didn't crack down on illegals haha it's ok he's our guy nobody say anything bad about him
>Trump never built the wall haha it's ok he's our guy nobody talk bad about him
>Trump let all the muslims rape our wives haha it's ok he's our guy nobody talk bad about him
You see how this goes? Hold him to a higher standard, you spineless halfbreed.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:18:39 ID: ea5bb5 No.8184580
I can't wait until the day a Bounty is placed on that Evil Old Kike's head.
January 21st hopefully.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:19:13 ID: 5c7230 No.8184586
How about we wait for him to be president or make a public statement

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:19:54 ID: d92c3d No.8184597

They still don't understand what kind of men we are, and how our lives have gone.
>first we lost
>then we were losers
>so we lost some more
>we lost everything
>then we realized
>we had nothing left to lose
>then we won
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:19:59 ID: 3112e0 No.8184600
why fuck do you believe this? a CTR post with no sources.
oh wait..
hi CTR.
sage 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:20:11 ID: 9ff651 No.8184601
Fyi guys, im german and all major news sites here are fucking hating the Don. . I haven'T found 1 paper or article from MSM here that
supports him the most hate comes from the "free press" which is supposedly unbiased its fucking depressing
can you invade us pls?
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:22:00 ID: 873b7f No.8184623
holy shit look at the catalog this shit is nuts. i mean they're late to the party, but man is it in intense.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:22:03 ID: ea5bb5 No.8184624
File: 2546519d371bcb1 .jpg (31.8 KB, 480x480, 1:1, IMG_1208.JPG)

You do realise that ALL of the Press Releases were taken down? The Media is only talking about that one to make people have less faith
with Trump.
And you're falling for it.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:22:32 ID: 215714 No.8184632
File: e49dc021c5fd708 .jpg (177.4 KB, 770x1000, 77:100, 7aa5b3fb5c86d1596957c4f64f.jpg)


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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:23:08 ID: 4523a7 No.8184642

File: e3c91d84968d020 .gif (902.97 KB, 400x300, 4:3, 1445203963397.gif)

with that much looking into the future, you could be a soothsayer mate.
the only thing you have any semblance or truth in it is the first sentence.
fucking hell, mate, he isn't even fucking president and you are shitting over his policy. jesus
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:23:33 ID: 0276e2 No.8184651
CTR is gone, and our regular JIDF team is back in full force. They're back to pushing the "Trump is with the Jews, even though the corporate
media wasted billions defaming him for 2 years" narrative.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:24:03 ID: 3ab500 No.8184661
File: 0ecc4dd893633fa .png (234.72 KB, 600x503, 600:503, feels rage man.png)

You guys, Trump won already. Now we need to pivot and be critical of him. We need to make sure he stays on track. He's just a man and
could be swayed by the immense pressure he's under now. He was being nice to Obongo. We can't be caught off guard.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:24:11 ID: 817038 No.8184665
Can confirm, I read some handwringing article in Der Spiegel in class today straight up saying Trump is le ebil fashist. Your media is a joke,
stay strong in the face of the night.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:25:45 ID: b9759a No.8184692
File: ed2b266f9ebc60c .jpg (38.84 KB, 600x280, 15:7, File: a85ef4b28c0e12d .jpg (16.56 KB, 480x360, 4:3,


Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:26:25 ID: 39d2be No.8184699
I think it's mostly /leftypol/ and /intl/, not CTR. I could be wrong, though

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:27:06 ID: fac056 No.8184712

Trump hasn't been inaugurated yet. He's not going to have drained the swamp in time since the election. He cannot declare martial law to
have these people shot by the army, nor may he direct the DoJ to open investigations. We have several weeks until the window of
opportunity for that opens up.
We can keep digging, though. Though the election is over, we should still push hard on CTR, Podesta, et al.. These people can have their
crimes against the republic exposed, their connections and the extent of the rot can also be exposed. We have the opportunity to set
things up so that, when Trump is sworn in, he'll have the freedom to act immediately.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:28:02 ID: 5c7230 No.8184733
File: 040f2a7cd815bc1 .mp4 (6.07 MB, 720x406, 360:203, JIDF.mp4)

Is there an updated version of this without the halfchan in it?

Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:28:17 ID: 2fc5f6 No.8184740
File: eb9f849e4d2d0af .png (474.57 KB, 666x666, 1:1, 1466730496710.png)

>tfw we beat ctr, trs, goons, jidf . /intl/ and whoever else
>tfw Trump still won
The victory is still sinking in, to all the anons still in the fight and letting some of us relax a little, thank you
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:28:41 ID: ac3ace No.8184749
If Trump fails to fulfill his promises once he's inaugurated, then we will support him no longer. But right now, it's a little early for that.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:29:15 ID: 4523a7 No.8184757
>nice to Obongo
that's what you are supposed to do.
do you think that when putin and obama met, they weren't thinking shit about eachother through their casual smiles and talk? it's a common
thing in politics, but also business.
americans don't like sore losers, but they like smug winners even less.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:32:44 ID: 000000 No.8184830
what if they're genuine citizens concerned about the future?
you ever thought of that, trumped brain?

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:32:45 ID: bc82c9 No.8184832

They are trying to demoralize us on Trump so we will make our way out of legitimate politics now that we have our foot in the door.
Just remember that Trump is not our end goal. We got in but now we need to stay in. God bless Trump but we still have work to do. Never
give up. Never stop pushing. Ideally we can push Trump to the right along with us, I suggest all of you write letters to Trump and your reps
urging them to do X or to not do Y. No joke, they seriously listen to letters because in an age where people are so demoralized, they dont
often get mail from voters, so when or if they get mail it is seen as being from a highly motivated and active individual. A general rule of
thumb is also that for every letter, there are 100 people who didnt send a letter because laziness/demoralization. 1 letter = 100 people.
Fucking do it you lazy bitches. Write Trump. Write your reps. If they get thousands of letters they will actually do shit about it because they
will think "oh fuck thats like a million people" even if its a few thousand highly motivated ones.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:33:50 ID: fac056 No.8184850
>But right now, it's a little early for that.
Exactly. A bridges is best crossed when you're at one. Now that we've crossed the bridge of getting Trump elected, we need to create a
political environment that will be conducive to our goals. This begins by exposing the corruption within the system, so that it may be
quickly purged once Obama is out of the office.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:34:43 ID: 4be7df No.8184860
>trumped brain?
We just installed a leader through the power of memes.
You should be afraid tor shill
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:34:47 ID: bc82c9 No.8184861
Exactly. Trump is clearly a nice guy at heart, but we cant let him forget what these people really are.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:35:01 ID: 4be7df No.8184864
meant for
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:35:48 ID: d21a1e No.8184878
File: f1199584e56667a .jpg (32.57 KB, 433x480, 433:480, 9fe69ef6f0fa2553de73d4a47e.jpg)

is this nigger serious?
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:37:38 ID: ee0759 No.8184901
Make one yourself you goddamn commie librul wanting free shit all the goddamn time
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:38:11 ID: 000000 No.8184906
are you literally calling everyone you disagree with a shill? i am concerned about the future.

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:38:35 ID: 39d2be No.8184913

>trump acted nice in public with obama
>"it's all over, guise!"
you guys are autistic as fuck. trump is a master persuader and a master pr person. he knows how to act. he doesn't need tips from you.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:38:46 ID: 4523a7 No.8184916
your id accurately describes your life and your arguments.
these people are complaining about shit he didn't do even when he can't even do anything. these complains would be valid, if not for the
small fact that HE ISN'T PRESIDENT YET.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:39:38 ID: 39d2be No.8184928
oh lookanother shit comment from a torfaggot
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:41:10 ID: 833bf2 No.8184957
File: 7ec0c3edb6db871 .png (180.85 KB, File: e347326debcedf1 .jpg (35.26 KB, 958x785,
460x558, 230:279, 1455522325865-1.png)

958:785, 1470923216151.jpg)

>Mods need to crack down and ban all the anti-Trump posters
Holy shit, what are you doing here you fucking cancerous dreg
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:41:20 ID: 000000 No.8184962
is that supposed to be an argument?
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:41:53 ID: 61a17d No.8184969
I also lol when they desperately cling to
Which is hilarious since they said the same thing about him running
And about him getting the delegates
And about him winning the primaries
And about him uniting the GOP
And about him winning the presidency.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:43:18 ID: ecf85b No.8184993

What could possibly go wrong?
You memers are having your tendies a little too soon.

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:43:29 ID: ea5bb5 No.8184998

File: db38a18f3010d3b .jpg (212.8 KB, 706x1000, 353:500, IMG_3112.JPG)

I'm going to leave this thread with one last message.

Just remember all of the things that Trump said that he didn't need to. Remember that he left his position in a powerful Succesful Business,
and put his public image, and renown on the line to step in and save America when he wasn't even asked.
Remember all of the stances that he took that he knew would enrage the press and many people.
Most importantly of all.. remember why he wants to do this for 3 reasons.
To completly overshadow and eradicate obamas legacy after the buffoon attempted to embarass Trump for being nice enough to show up to
a correspondence Dinner on his behalf.
Because, as per his Wife's words be did not like the state the World was in, and read Adolf Hitler's "My New Order" for inspiration on what
to do in the Future.
He has seen firsthand the horrible shit that goes on in the higher echelons, in Hollywood thanks to his Apprentice convictions, and being
Raised in New York of all places with a Father who was a Member of the KKK, and who New York jews tried desperately to control but
He is absolutely redpilled for a certainty, and far more Wise than anyone (even here)gives him credit for.
We will wait and see what happens after January, but I don't hope.. I KNOW he will not let us down.
That Swamp is about to get drained until there isn't a drop of decadence or corruption left.
Hail Victory.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:43:37 ID: 4523a7 No.8184999
File: cb5eaef86e5287a .png (147.78 KB, 636x657, 212:219, 0Ow2bPv.png)

i know you have the attention span of a hyperactive toddler, but try not to just read the first sentence of a post before replying, ok?
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:43:52 ID: bc82c9 No.8185003
Im not worried about Obama I am worried about advisors.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:44:47 ID: 3d9be8 No.8185021
It doesnt matter. Power is all that matters. /pol/ has power. I cannot wait to kill some leftist fools.
Last night I stomped a black person to detah with my rwds. It felt amazing.
And because im an officer fo the law, and so is my rwds we will never suffer the consequences of our act. Feels good man.>>8184906

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:45:04 ID: ee0759 No.8185024

File: 9bc4683ebcb158d .jpg (59.37 KB, 600x699, 200:233, 2f3e669ef7b3733372afd0a623.jpg)

It was bound to happen. /pol/ has become tumblr, the politically incorrect shall not be tolerated and freedom is a jewish conspiracy to keep
you from glorious servitude.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:46:27 ID: 000000 No.8185048
>your id accurately describes your life and your arguments.
i'm sorry what?
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:46:32 ID: 3d9be8 No.8185050
>implying working against a raid is something a native would post.
I bet you dont even want to kill jews.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:47:07 ID: 5c7230 No.8185053
File: 5756554b89651b2 .jpg (106.54 KB, 859x1267, 859:1267, 1468083272474.jpg)

Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:47:39 ID: 4be7df No.8185062
All jews must die.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:48:07 ID: e9c253 No.8185070
>I bet you dont even want to kill jews.
I don't? is that a problem bigot?!?
I do
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:48:33 ID: 977e03 No.8185076
lol die
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:48:48 ID: 000000 No.8185080

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:49:06 ID: 0bce13 No.8185082

>entire board is nothing but Trump spam and norie-tier political discussion
>the board is fine
Pick one. If you don't see the problem then that means you didn't come here till Trump announced that he was running for president. You
faggots turned this board into something it wasn't and drove away all the original users. You niggers are 1 pro-Israel Trump speech away
from worshipping Israel and sucking kike cock. You niggers are Bush fanboy tier, you honestly don't belong here but you came here
anyways and completely destroyed the place and turned it into a right wing version of plebbit.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:49:07 ID: 833bf2 No.8185083
File: 081afea5bc021c4 .jpg (63.81 KB, 374x374, 1:1, 1449072563417.jpg)

Why did it happen have to this way though? This election season just about killed what was left of /pol/. Now it hardly resembles what the
board even was.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:49:07 ID: 3f8a31 No.8185085
File: e2a905fe6f70ef8 .jpg (1.2 MB, 2147x1570,
File: e6357f03b2f8c0c .jpg (95.95 KB, 336x291,
2147:1570, maga foods.jpg)

112:97, maga-44.jpg)

File: e3df230e9eafc1d .png (26.85 KB, 910x700,

13:10, mysteries-kek-v2.png)

I'll tell you guys this, being the Illuminitai can be really tiring :/ We have a lot of responsibility. Praise Kek, I just need to chill out.

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:49:42 ID: 4523a7 No.8185098

File: 11dc6083d93943c .gif (553.42 KB, 200x200, 1:1, uheiOcn.gif)

>these people are complaining about shit he didn't do even when he can't even do anything. these complains would be valid, if not for the
small fact that HE ISN'T PRESIDENT YET.
aw, nice try, but you lost focus halfway again. c'mon, i know you can do it!
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:50:08 ID: 5c7230 No.8185104
File: fbaca496e554028 .jpg (52.95 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 32897539287356972389.jpg)

Because we dont like how they smell
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:50:11 ID: 9da1fb No.8185107
We had the same shit after Brexit - sowing seeds of doubt and claiming it'll never actually happen. Fuck them.
How did Trump win? 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:51:10 ID: 1ee24d No.8185121
lol, what a fucking lie. It's literally the only one they've taken down, everything else is still up.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:51:22 ID: ee0759 No.8185123
File: e15591671aa153e .png (41.17 KB, 217x190, 217:190, e15591671aa153e54cb21e95d2.png)

That's your chances on guessing my answer
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:51:24 ID: 22d3ae No.8185124
fuck off kike freedom of speech for trump supporters only now
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:52:16 ID: 71342c No.8185135
>everyone critical of Trump is a shill now
/pol/ died
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:52:45 ID: 63bad2 No.8185146
Before fate swallows them like flies!

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:53:56 ID: 4be7df No.8185161

File: e6ab769d793fdeb .png (132.64 KB, 360x261, 40:29, cancer post.png)

You almost had me. 7/10. Death to israel.
Because you are eithe rbeign paid to post here, or you have chosen to post here as a shill.
We know that every jew must die for our vengeance and long term survival.
You out yourself.
I pick both. There is nothing wrong with basking in a victorious raid. Especially when it is one that just shaped american politics. You are a
newfag and doesnt not understand lulz.
>/pol/ is dead
Then go somewhere else faggot.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:54:15 ID: 92fbbf No.8185169
File: 39d86b294784921 .jpg (56.8 KB, 850x400, 17:8, TrumpFanOfIsrael.jpg)

Your lord and savior Trump sure doesn't.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:54:57 ID: c931d4 No.8185184
Were all the original users as hysteric as you? I just don't see how a valuable member of /pol/ would be this hysterical. No one is stopping
you from creating worth while threads. Are you just focusing on sabotage and pouting?
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:55:19 ID: 4be7df No.8185190
You posted this during the election as well.
You must be really butthurt that we can install leaders eh?
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:55:27 ID: f6b591 No.8185191
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:56:10 ID: 4be7df No.8185202


Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:56:17 ID: 000000 No.8185205
why, is it written in jewish genetics how they smell?
i bet you've never smelled a jew before.
also why don't we kill you then
so am i forbidden to have an opinion now? anything that disagrees with you is immediately shill? i think you should go back to your bunker
you paranoid nazi faggot.

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:56:32 ID: 833bf2 No.8185215

>Were all the original users as hysteric as you?
As opposed to the fags who call everyone a shill?
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:57:14 ID: 6fb4d9 No.8185226
File: dba18032a5d2960 .jpg (14.83 KB, 285x249, 95:83, 1389239278625.jpg)

They're so sore they're doing it for free now
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:57:36 ID: 5c7230 No.8185232
File: 651ace3ac0a60f9 .jpg (87.96 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 1466395950381.jpg)

If you seriously have to ask why anyone would want to kill all jews you should shut the fuck up and lurk more
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:58:05 ID: 4523a7 No.8185243
lel, i was here since the fucking exodus. /pol/ became what it is by that, and it hasn't changed a single thing. people were getting banned
back then as well for having a retarded post. if you want the "gas le epic jews" memes without actually putting effort in what you believe in,
go back to halfchan and let this 'dead' board be.
he isn't. it's so fucking obvious he just doesn't like the majority of people's opinion on this. bitter anons who try to pull the oldfag card
because "everything was so much fucking better" is nothing new.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:58:51 ID: ee0759 No.8185250
File: f0385655deb0578 .jpg (190.7 KB, 1361x738, 1361:738, PicsArt_11-10-01.58.17.jpg)

Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:59:00 ID: da871f No.8185254
>No one is stopping you from creating worth while threads
Actually, the mods are. Anything that isn't Trumpspam gets either anchored or deleted and the poster gets banned. Go check out /polmeta/
for proof. The entire board is full of people bitching about how terrible it has become.

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:59:08 ID: 000000 No.8185256

at this point, the trump brain has forgotten that people can have opinions that differ from them. it is now completely isolated to debate and
immediately rejects the perspective of being wrong.
no, explain to me now.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 19:59:18 ID: 4be7df No.8185258
File: 0c38a78278d4a6c .gif (2.87 MB, 350x455, 10:13, 0c38a78278d4a6ce1186c2c971.gif)

> paranoid nazi faggot.


Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:00:02 ID: 000000 No.8185266
not an argument, try again
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:00:03 ID: 4be7df No.8185267
Fuck your opinions. I got banned for not gassing jews when I first came here at the start of 8ch.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:00:06 ID: 817038 No.8185268
You can have an opinion you whining faggot, and we reserve the right to call you a whining faggot with a sub-nigger IQ.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:00:26 ID: e60b86 No.8185273
File: e83b1a055578517 .jpg (32.01 KB, 220x255, 44:51, 1457533719637.jpg)

>Why did it happen have to this way though?

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:00:31 ID: 572784 No.8185275

File: d9e3687e09a03d6 .jpg (480.72 KB, 1500x1037, 1500:1037, vPPdsdb.jpg)

Holy fucking shit, we've been infested with /r/the_donald and cuckchan niggers with IQs lower than room temperature.
Back when Trump was getting elected, all of you morons said "wait till after he's elected to criticize him". Guess what? The election is over.
TRUMP WON. Now it is our duty to scrutinize every fucking thing he does, hold him to task, and make sure he doesn't fucking step out of
line. You stupid sons of bitches have put the man before the dream. Trump was NEVER anything except a means for us to achieve our
long-term goal of white independence and survival, and this hasn't changed one fucking bit. If you don't like this fact, then you better pack
your bags and crawl back to your shithole subreddit and never return. We use him, not the other way around. He's fucking ours. We memed
him into the presidency, and now we better make sure he sticks to his fucking word. If he doesn't, then we chew him up and spit him out
like every other dirty rat of a politician.
We won a battle, but the war is only just beginning. Do not lose sight of the goal. Trump is a means to an end and not an end in and of
itself. The race was a time for memeing and optimism, but now we have to be breathing down Trump's back or else he'll take advantage of
us. I and every other true /pol/ack cares about Trump only insomuch as he delivers on his promises, otherwise he's as good as dog.
Take your mindless shillcusations and shove them right up your cum-encrusted rectums, you brain-dead zombies. The time for vigilance
>Then go somewhere else faggot.
No, Reddit, you get the fuck out.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:00:36 ID: da871f No.8185277
Actually, I wasn't being fully truthful here. Magical frog spam is OK too. Just don't make a post about a politician's connections to jews
though, unless that politician isn't Trump, then it's OK.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:00:39 ID: 833bf2 No.8185278
File: 641ab547c7c7cb4 .jpg (61.22 KB, 331x402, 331:402, 1449804588368.jpg)

>oh no! he said my trigger word!
kill yourself

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:00:54 ID: 4be7df No.8185282

File: 5e59f61fad9f438 .webm (1.07 MB, 320x240, 4:3, when you give squeeze.webm)

>stealing dubs
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:01:17 ID: c931d4 No.8185286
While the paranoia unfortunate, it is justified. It's the nature of this meme war that people here have been engaged in and continue to be.
You should be able to handle the bantz and keep pushing through. If what you have to say is sound, it will resonate. If you are just a faggot,
then it cannot be helped and cannot be concealed.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:01:18 ID: 572784 No.8185288
>freechkikes trying this hard
You're too obvious. Give it up.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:01:31 ID: 4be7df No.8185292
Naw, I just take it out on homeless minorities bateman style when I encounter shills on /pol/.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:02:24 ID: ee0759 No.8185305
File: b2d8e1b9c914534 .png (48.16 KB, 501x502, 501:502, 8e7132d6158424613760aa0c99.png)

Playing devil's advocate here - what part of having a higher IQ enforces the tribalistic tendencies of white supremacists?
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:03:07 ID: 97c9c5 No.8185315
We just memed the next president of the united states
you really expected shills to leave at our finest moment?
this is when d&c really gets under way
just report and sage everything suspicious
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:03:40 ID: c931d4 No.8185322
Like which?
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:04:17 ID: 4be7df No.8185327
Objectivity makes you realize nihilism and darwinism were right so to protect the right, and the white race we have to exterminate/subjugate
all others.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:05:19 ID: 572784 No.8185348
eat shit. Read >>8185275

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:06:00 ID: c931d4 No.8185359

The fact that Trump hasn't even entered office yet makes me think you are a shill.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:06:08 ID: 4523a7 No.8185363
>at this point, the trump brain has forgotten that people can have opinions that differ from them.
you are trying to call him out of shit that he didn't do when he isn't even in the position to change anything. if you have been in /pol for even
these couple of weeks at the least, you would know why enforcing strict banning for such things is not a bad thing. you think we are free of
shills trying to fuck with us? you actually think that these shits won't try again?
when you have actual proof of him not acting out what he said he wanted, you can post about it. not before that.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:06:36 ID: dfdf9c No.8185369
Jew found.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:06:38 ID: d67774 No.8185370
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:07:05 ID: 4be7df No.8185378
We are fascists. That means we do not tolerate dissenting opinions. I thought people understood this.
/pol/ does not have free speech. Period.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:08:01 ID: dfdf9c No.8185393
Jew found
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:08:31 ID: c931d4 No.8185399
Also, you seem to be quite desperate and alarmed. Have you taken no pleasure in the events of the last two days?
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:08:41 ID: 4be7df No.8185402
Every last kike must die. Israel must be eradicated.
But one step at a time.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:12:50 ID: 9a0fe6 No.8185465
>Now we need to pivot and be critical of him.
Not until he actually does something wrong, (((media))) lying about him is not his fault.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:14:01 ID: 572784 No.8185484
Yup. Just as predicted. The scumsucking, bottom-feeding retards from cuckchan and Reddit have swarmed with their shill accusations
because rational thought is apparently a nasty CTR kike thing anyway. how about you make an actual argument, you pathetic little niggers?
You are the kind of people that sucked all rational debate and discussion out of /pol/. Hopefully in a few months you worthless shit stains
fuck off due to boredom from the lack of "Epiec memez XDXD" and this board returns to some normalcy.
I've been fucking ecstatic that. The fact that we put an anti-establishment politican into power is fantastic and the salt has been delicious,
but that doesn't mean Trump is immune to criticism for ever. The election is over, meaning we need to hold Trump to task on everything he
does and make sure he follows through with his promises when in office. Anyone calling this statement "shilling" is just outing themselves
as shills themselves, as no one in their right mind could be possibly opposed to holding your elected politican to their promises.
Don't like it? Go back to cuckchan/Reddit where your mindless shitspewing is welcome.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:15:31 ID: e60b86 No.8185504
What did you want him to do, fucking punch him in the face? This is politics not fucking wrestlemania.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:15:37 ID: c931d4 No.8185505
Give an example faggot. I'll even give you two points for a non-anti-Trump example.

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:16:03 ID: 000000 No.8185515

then i deserve to call you retarded cunts that can't think past USA and whiteness for political campaign.
my dubs are real you phaggot
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:17:00 ID: 833bf2 No.8185530
>You are the kind of people that sucked all rational debate and discussion out of /pol/
Careful there anon, you're getting dangerously close to getting reported by the mouthbreathers that permeate this board now
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:17:35 ID: e60b86 No.8185540
I think he actually needs our full support now more than ever, he's not even actually the president, there's nothing to hold him to yet, or are
you implying he should've cut obongo's head off and walked out while declaring a race war?
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:17:35 ID: 4523a7 No.8185541
see >>8185363
it's fine to be critical, but the man isn't even inaugurated, so what exactly is there at the moment to be critical about? serious question.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:18:01 ID: 000000 No.8185553
what the hell are you on about?
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:19:55 ID: 572784 No.8185575
I'm saying that we have no reason not to investigate him and those surrounding him. We have no reason not to scrutinise those whom he
chooses to put into power. We have no reason not to ensure he keeps to his promises and doesn't start softening up.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:20:40 ID: 817038 No.8185580
File: 93562dc583f14d8 .gif (548.98 KB, 500x293, 500:293, idiottryingtosoundintellig.gif)

Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:21:58 ID: e60b86 No.8185599
I understand what you're saying but you're not giving any examples or anything, so your argument has the same amount of merit as
somebody yelling "jew".
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:22:42 ID: 71342c No.8185607
/pol/ could finally investigate Trumps countless jew ties which was attempted but systematically suppressed by the mods.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:23:39 ID: 572784 No.8185624
How is this equal in any way? I'm saying that we now have every reason to do this things in response to faggots accusing people of
"shilling" for doing just that, or also suggesting to do just that.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:23:59 ID: 000000 No.8185627
trump is becoming president for fuck's sake, a president should be thoroughly investigated to determine whether or not he's capable of a
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:24:04 ID: 9fd87a No.8185629
Here's my take, for what it's worth (which is nothing, I get it) We shouldn't become so complacent that we never hold Trump to the fire and
let him kikes out, BUT it's important to support him if he does well.

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:24:05 ID: 3d9be8 No.8185630

We should criticize him when he does something.
But he hasn't done anything yet.
Also, isn't he our Hitler?
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:24:09 ID: ffe45a No.8185631
im okay with my mom dying in her sleep but this is too much
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:24:46 ID: c931d4 No.8185638
But he's not a politician yet. You see, the fact that you are so hysteric now makes me think that you are a shill because it is uncalled for. It
is as if you are trying to meme a Trump failure to deliver and us turning on him before it even happened or a reason was presnted, all while
knowing that achieving some of Trump's promises will take some time. You want us to turn against our elected candidate in a leftist or
jewish fashion, and you make it seem urgent. I'm not buying it.
Nice attempt at bantz though.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:25:12 ID: 9fd87a No.8185641
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:25:26 ID: 3d9be8 No.8185645
We can criticize. But we should continue target leftist scum.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:25:37 ID: 817038 No.8185649
>everyone is irrational except for me I'm the pinnacle of rationality
you sound like a faggy leftist whose brain has less horsepower than he'd like to believe. Yes, /pol/ is suspicious of shills, and if you'd been
here the past year (in any capacity other than as a shill), you'd understand why. But Yes, we need to hold Trump accountable for his
promises and not hold our own message and opinions as bound to his.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:25:42 ID: e60b86 No.8185653
Can you rewrite that second sentence so it's actually functional?
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:25:50 ID: 000000 No.8185656
right, remember how much people this cunt killed?
i don't want a future like that. instead of warmongering and aggressiveness, reform and restriction should have made a stable world.
we're fucked.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:26:08 ID: d20d67 No.8185663
Here's one.
Plus there's a plethora of bans handed out to anons for talking about Trump's kike connections(which for some reason you don't seem to
think is relevant even though pointing out a politician's jewish connections is one of the thing /pol/ is most known for). I'm not going to post
them because all you have to do is go over to /polmeta/ and see for yourself and if you can't do that then you should probably just choke on
a dick.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:26:42 ID: 22d3ae No.8185668

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:26:47 ID: 4523a7 No.8185671

do you even know who his cabinet will be? we have literally zero information on the guy appart from him personally, and that was already
drudged up since he announced he was gonna run. what is there to be critical about when it's a day after the election?
i'm not saying we shouldn't dig, but at this point there's nothing more to dig for the time being.
he is married to a jew, he has done business with them. we already know about them. we can't compare how he will act when he isn't even
doing anything currently.
this also. you know we had a massive shill problem. being critical of his actions when he hasn't done anything yet set off my shill-o-meter
as well.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:26:58 ID: 3d9be8 No.8185675
>Doesn't want piles of dead minority and juden
Rather we want him to kill those WE want dead.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:27:41 ID: 0888d0 No.8185687

Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:29:43 ID: 833bf2 No.8185710
File: f0cc559ac37e1e9 .jpg (68.15 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1453152905106.jpg)

Yes, be suspicious of actual shills. Don't cry to the fucking vols to ban dissenting opinions like a triggered faggot. If you can't see how this
mentality completely stifles discussion, you obviously don't belong here and you likely have never seen /pol/ before the election outside of
screenshots posted here
Original Poster 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:29:47 ID: 000000 No.8185712
so you're just rampaging around? i have my answer.
i don't give a fuck about leftists - their fingerwagging pisses me off and i hate SJWs.
but when will you understand that it is not about the left or right, but about how educated, how experienced, how clever a single person in
control of an entire state's diplomacy is supposed to be?
YOU DON'T ELECT A PRESIDENT BECAUSE OF FAME OR STYLE. you'll end up with a wasteland. we need intelligent guys on top. we
need nerds.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:31:47 ID: eafc4f No.8185738
I'm very fucking confused and nervous whenever to support Trump /pol/acks or support "Donald J Trump is a jewish puppet/controlled
opposition" people, I felt I was almost brainwashed and fell for "Donald J Trump is a jewish puppet/controlled opposition" meme.

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:32:13 ID: 572784 No.8185746

>you want us to turn against our elected candidate
No I don't, dumbass, that's why I'm saying we need to scrutinise his every move, not start shitting on him. It's about being proactive.
Sorry mane. What I'm saying is that your comparison is bullshit. Me telling faggots ITT not to accuse everyone of being a shill for
questioning or scrutinizing Trump is not the same as accusing people of being shills.
>what is there to be critical about when it's a day after the election?
The fact that his campaign and many advisers were fill to the brim with kikes.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:35:55 ID: c931d4 No.8185795
I'm going to need an archive of the thread though. If that happened to me, where I'd make a comment similar to that and got banned, I'd
contact the mods and explain and go from there. We have a huge shill problem, and shills are using the justified paranoia that they
intentionally create as a tactic, saying that there is no "rational discussion" or "free speech" on /pol/. If you are not a shill or a newfag, you'd
understand that our situation has some constraints.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:37:43 ID: e60b86 No.8185827
Can you rewrite that second sentence so it's actually functional?>>8185746
>Sorry mane. What I'm saying is that your comparison is bullshit. Me telling faggots ITT not to accuse everyone of being a shill for
questioning or scrutinizing Trump is not the same as accusing people of being shills.
I'm not saying that, I'm saying that your argument has the same amount of merit since you don't actually provide any evidence or examples
of what you're talking about.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:38:01 ID: e60b86 No.8185830
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:38:12 ID: 4523a7 No.8185833
>to the brim with kikes
if that's true, that would be something to look into. looking through his team the first few people aren't kikes. i'll look further, but please
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:38:49 ID: 3d9be8 No.8185840
Ok now I'm sure you are not one of us.
You don't want non-whites and Jews dead.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:41:11 ID: 572784 No.8185875
>if that's true, that would be something to look into.
Nigger, it's been common knowledge his whole campaign but every time someone brought it up they were banned for "shilling". Now his
campaign is over and he won, there's no reason not to investigate these connections.
Original Poster 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:42:49 ID: 000000 No.8185900
of course i don't, i'm not a retarded anarchist that wants everyone dead. i was never one of the killers.
i am for humans. we've seen too much bullshit.
we need to stand up at once and go colonize stars together. not fuck each other up. and what you call 'jews" (cunts like soros) are as much
as fault as you aggressive bigots are.
answer me this: what's the point of killing jews and non-whites when they can work as hard as us in makeing a country great? that petty
thing called race? please answer. with an argument.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:44:43 ID: 3d9be8 No.8185936
>Not hating Jews
>Not hating non white subhuman scum .
Why the fuck are you here?!?

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:44:59 ID: 4523a7 No.8185937

File: 27f5c34fd6179b8 .jpg (3.38 KB, 189x193, 189:193, Well here you go _fa5348a0.jpg)

>"that petty thing called race?"
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:45:11 ID: 833bf2 No.8185941
File: 5536f4565f1eeab .jpg (67.04 KB, 540x603, 60:67, 1456810797771.jpg)

We're not /leftypol/ you know.
Original Poster 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:45:36 ID: 000000 No.8185948
>with an argument
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:45:54 ID: 3d9be8 No.8185957
All non-whites must be subjugated to ensure the survival of the white race.
You are not one of us.
You do not belong here.
You are probably not white.

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:45:55 ID: eafc4f No.8185960

File: 873dc11e9d780dc .jpg (1.21 MB, 2280x1781, File: 0327c98e4385ac6 .jpg (411.49 KB, 2092x1270,
2280:1781, 2013.jpg)

1046:635, 2015.jpg)

File: f41a7c0a9d3cfd6 .png (266.48 KB, 491x496,

491:496, you believe in the holocau.png)

What the fuck? Are you fucking that new?
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:46:44 ID: 5a56f9 No.8185976


Original Poster 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:47:01 ID: 000000 No.8185983
>with an argument
i am white btw
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:47:02 ID: 9b1263 No.8185984
File: 1c7887699ccb72b .jpg (72.66 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 1397248341448.jpg)

>Mods need to crack down and ban all the anti-Trump posters
you're being too obvious schmuel. no circlejerk for you.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:47:23 ID: eafc4f No.8185988
Don't forget that is the same site that is in the /pol/ sticky.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:47:47 ID: 3d9be8 No.8185993
Dont have to. You outed yourself as a anti-racist

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:48:35 ID: e58992 No.8186008

We're in power now, we should concentrate on finding ways to fuck up CTR.
We know who they are.
Original Poster 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:48:39 ID: 000000 No.8186009
>doesn't present an argument
you lose the argument
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:48:40 ID: 3d9be8 No.8186010
>I'm white btw
Jews are not white.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:49:21 ID: 6003f0 No.8186025
>we see what Trump does in his first few Months in Office and THEN decide how to react, not during his second fucking day as President
This. But they're probably just sore losers from /leftypol/ and /intl/, not CTR.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:49:41 ID: 3d9be8 No.8186032
It's not like we lack dox.
We need to seriously start to hurt their wallets and employability.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:50:23 ID: 3d9be8 No.8186049
I don't have to. You are not a racist.
Your lack of racism makes you a HERETIC.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:50:43 ID: e58992 No.8186058
File: 28c0675de6fd6b7 .png (52.11 KB, 579x549, 193:183, todolist.png)

They shouldn't be a thing anymore.
I'm thinking they have Soros funding, the warchest should've been ganked.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:51:13 ID: c931d4 No.8186068
>No I don't, dumbass, that's why I'm saying we need to scrutinise his every move, not start shitting on him. It's about being proactive.
Why do you think we need the hysterical rumblings of an opinionated kike such as you in order to look into every thing Trump does or says,
as if we won't do it anyway? Are you being hurt when people call you a shill? It's just the nature of the game. You are otherwise free, as you
are now, to post your shit. Take the bantz like everybody else though. Again, if unlike now, your posts would have merit, than they will go
through. Memes here are too fast for any mod to stop, as long as they're good.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:52:49 ID: 4be7df No.8186092
Wonder if any of them have kids.
Original Poster 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:53:05 ID: 000000 No.8186098
are you retarded? i'm not jew
do you even know what racism is? look it up. if you are anti-racist, by fedinition, you cannot be anti-white
you better start to make sense now.

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:53:23 ID: 023dff No.8186104

File: ee1cf53c951a526 .png (89.62 KB, 213x231, 71:77, 8chan gold account.png)

>Pick one. If you don't see the problem then that means you didn't come here till Trump announced that he was running for president. You
faggots turned this board into something it wasn't and drove away all the original users. You niggers are 1 pro-Israel Trump speech away
from worshipping Israel and sucking kike cock. You niggers are Bush fanboy tier, you honestly don't belong here but you came here
anyways and completely destroyed the place and turned it into a right wing version of plebbit.

Le Yawn
You faggots are up to your old tricks. I don't know why I expected you to fuck off to your own hugboxes and find a new softer target to shill
and shitpost it, hope?
I have to give you credit for digging up some old DnC methods and learning to use reaction images better, you truly have evolved.
Know this, I am not responding to you for my benefit, but for the benefit of any of the new reddit/donald/halfchan faggots watching this
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:53:42 ID: b98664 No.8186110
File: 93457aa99414e5d .png (386.4 KB, 640x400, 8:5, salt mine2.png)

I guess they are finally coming out of shock.
They all looked so crushed and defeated Wednesday morning at my college. They've been whining non-stop all day today.
I've seen some extremely salty shilling today on this board.
Original Poster 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:53:53 ID: 000000 No.8186114
well i'm tired
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:54:14 ID: d20d67 No.8186121
Well see, the problem here is is that most of the people you guys are calling CTR aren't actually CTR. We're just butt hurt former /pol/acks
who lost our board to the Trump campaign. Most of us are NEET-tier autists with nothing better to do than shit post all day. You guys came
into our home and destroyed it so we sperged out on you. That's the reality of the situation.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:54:33 ID: 4523a7 No.8186126
where do you even think you are at this point?
no genuinly curious? do you go over to an italian restaurant and get mad them they point out they don't serve an american steak? do you
honestly think it strange that a alcohol-anonymous group will tell you to leave when you keep talking about going to drink?
holy fucking shit, are you actually real at this point?
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:54:37 ID: c931d4 No.8186128
They have knowledge and experience and they are looking for a job. They must have their life ruined or they will return they already have.

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:54:52 ID: 4a4dd1 No.8186131

It's important to remember that even though there hasn't been a lot of new information about Trump to go over, it's more the attitude that is
dangerous here. We can't allow ourselves to be nothing more than Trump shills. /pol/ is much farther right than Trump, if we begin to adopt a
culture where we worship Trump over our principals, ideals, and morals then we will lose them entirely. Especially now after the election,
this is the time to go over every doubt we had about Trump but didn't want to bring up over the last year and a half.
Personally, I am not a fan of his stance on gay marriage, and tranny right. He actually gave an interview stating that he was fine with Bruce
Jenner walking into the womans washroom in Trump Tower. What if I had my daughter at a Trump hotel and was waiting outside the
washroom for her and saw it walk in? He also stated gay rights should be a state decision. I understand that is more "old usa values" but in
this disgusting case degeneracy should never be allowed. Even civil partnerships should be outlawed nation wide. Then of course there is
the dangerous issue of his (((connections))) - he's a real estate mogul from Manhatten, and even his family he has allowed to marry them
and convert. On top of all of the above, he has imo softened on immigration and anti-muslim rhetoric in the last few months. Demographics
are our #1 issue, and should always be pushed as far to the right as possible.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:55:23 ID: 572784 No.8186140
Original Poster 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:55:28 ID: 000000 No.8186142
yes. in a discussion, in order to make a point, you need an argument. otherwise, you lose.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:57:00 ID: 646b30 No.8186165
Who the fuck are you? General MacArthur? we know what the score is you don't need to hold our hand and hes not POTUS till the end of
Jan so calm down and enjoy something for once in your life

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:57:21 ID: 023dff No.8186171

File: 5a0c14da429e9b3 .jpg (227.52 KB, 1200x1175, File: 9f2e4642219a9ba .jpg (187.44 KB, 800x573,
48:47, 5a0c14da429e9b37b533b8f6b6.jpg)

800:573, 9f2e4642219a9bad5bfb49a15d.jpg)

File: 0b5bed7470a68b4 .png (21.72 KB, 255x239,

255:239, 77e804bb737b1d4f55ddb96fc4.png)

File: 11c8d87b8de02a6 .png (634.33 KB, 1488x1488,

1:1, 11c8d87b8de02a66303a956843.png)

>if we begin to adopt a culture where we worship Trump over our principals, ideals, and morals then we will lose them entirely.
TOP FUCKING KEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Original Poster 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:58:08 ID: 000000 No.8186180
are you saying that this board is an indoctrinating circlejerk?

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:59:22 ID: 4be7df No.8186202

>not knowing the mantra
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY
white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by
bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to assimilate, i.e.,
intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought
into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize Im not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the Final solution to the BLACK
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldnt object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives
agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:59:33 ID: d20d67 No.8186205
File: 1b8a6703647f7c6 .png (33.2 KB, 667x397, 667:397, TrumpSmugRabbiPose.png)

>That last picture
LOL. Literally based off an image of Trump wearing a ceremonial Jewish prayer shawl. O i a laffin.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 20:59:39 ID: 023dff No.8186207
File: 5dc24137d45e744 .png (230.8 KB, 458x384, 229:192, 5dc24137d45e744fcaf76ffebd.png)

>We're just butt hurt former /pol/acks who lost our board to the Trump campaign
On an off chance this is true, 8Chan is a big site 4U , feel free to start your own board faggot.
>Admits he is butthurt
>Expects me to believe he is legitimate
Hello shill
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 21:00:43 ID: 4be7df No.8186225
>former /pol/acks

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 21:00:49 ID: 023dff No.8186227

File: 5d33c1ae0bdbf9c .jpg (616.55 KB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 5d33c1ae0bdbf9cb5d267f2e23.jpg)

>O i a laffin.


Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 21:00:52 ID: 4523a7 No.8186229
>you better start to make sense now.
>actually responding to a meme
yes what? are you genuinly wondering why people in AA are not into you talking about drinking?
again, keep fucking focus when reading shit. i know you have problems with that, but i believe in you!
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 21:01:12 ID: 4be7df No.8186234
>indoctrinating circlejerk?
>what is a meme?
Original Poster 11/10/16 (Thu) 21:01:22 ID: 000000 No.8186239
the only thing i was saying is that we need to look past hate and move as one towards our future, but sure, you can live in your little world if
you want, trumpet
also you still don't know what racism is
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 21:02:01 ID: d20d67 No.8186250
Way to dispute the point I made in my post about how that image is indeed based off an image of your lord and savior basking in the light of
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 21:02:02 ID: 023dff No.8186251
File: 90d821b1ffd215e .png (109.87 KB, 480x603, 160:201, cb5e98c22ab07ac00bfbc921fa.png)

Tor poster.
Filer and ignore. Period.

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 21:02:13 ID: 4be7df No.8186254

File: 921ec1ef810dc98 .jpg (20.65 KB, 318x480, 53:80, HOPE ON A ROPE.jpg)

> look past hate
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 21:02:23 ID: 4523a7 No.8186259
oh, and this isn't a discussion so much as it is you talking about shit that /pol/ is inherently against. race has always been a big thing here.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 21:04:11 ID: 4be7df No.8186284
Hell its always been a big part of the internet.
Nazis have been a major faction since usenet.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 21:05:06 ID: 68aee9 No.8186299
We know. Now go back.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 21:05:11 ID: 023dff No.8186302
File: 6b3be18fe9040d7 .png (103.6 KB, 609x571, 609:571, when shills think they can.png)

I don't know what's there and I am out of fucks to give.
Stay vigilant anons.
Hail Victory!
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 21:05:28 ID: 4be7df No.8186305
That shall makes him invulnerable to jewish trickery and was given to him by the black jews. The black jews are anti-jews who want to take
over israel.

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Original Poster 11/10/16 (Thu) 21:07:34 ID: 000000 No.8186335

i had trouble keeping focus because i had no idea what you were talking about, i'll admit.
bah, the internet isn't a hate machine. but look at earlier posts, literally saying to kill all non-whites. that's hate to me.
>what is indoctrinating circlejerk
you don't care about our future. as brexiters did.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 21:09:18 ID: 4be7df No.8186353
File: 6ed6dc27cfac835 .jpg (228.37 KB, 500x400, 5:4, 6ed6dc27cfac835becf873ea43.jpg)

You are alone in your opinions shill, and your lack of memes makes you obvious.
Original Poster 11/10/16 (Thu) 21:12:40 ID: 000000 No.8186394
>calling me shill
and once again, i'm just a guy with an opinion. will you silence me because i have an opinion that differs from yours?
>am alone
look at half america that didn't vote trump
>lack of memes
when did this become a mesure of intelligence?
are you a manchild, anon? do you not understand how it is to be educated?
i was trying to build a future, but then came trump. as crooked as shillary was, she was still lesser of two evils.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 21:12:43 ID: 4523a7 No.8186396
>what is indoctrinating circlejerk
>any group with likes and dislikes is an indoctrinating circlejerk
again, where the fuck do you believe yourself to be? this is such an old shill tactic that's it became it's own meme, so i suggest trying way
fucking harder.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 21:13:30 ID: b52579 No.8186403
Kill yourself.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 21:14:36 ID: 4523a7 No.8186412
>will you silence me because i have an opinion that differs from yours?
if your opinion is based on nothing and tries to d&c, yes?
>look at half america that didn't vote trump
t-t-t-thats all folks!

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 21:15:54 ID: 4be7df No.8186436

File: 671129d041bbe74 .jpg (287.21 KB, 2048x1562, 1024:781, 54b8ee0facb0edc8fb5856ce65.jpg)

> i'm just a guy with an opinion. will you silence me because i have an opinion that differs from yours?

It is a shit tier opinion.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 21:16:21 ID: 4be7df No.8186443
File: 33b035ab19feb49 .mp4 (528.66 KB, 640x360, 16:9, that's all folks - 360.mp4)

Original Poster 11/10/16 (Thu) 21:17:35 ID: 000000 No.8186460
my opinion is, at least, based on more than yours, for example "t-t-t-thats all folks!" that is not an argument.
i thought america was all liberty and democracy. obviously i was mistaken.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 21:18:32 ID: 4be7df No.8186473
File: f06b3ff48a79401 .png (261.6 KB, 953x767, 953:767, 1c37c3b670bec76033b0a4df16.png)


WE ARE FASCISTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 21:20:01 ID: 4be7df No.8186494

File: af1343952db8357 .jpeg (191.66 KB, 1588x1233, 1588:1233, 3acfb56b26add2b8ffbea3a80.jpeg)

You are doing pic related.
Original Poster 11/10/16 (Thu) 21:20:24 ID: 000000 No.8186499
the bitch on the right looks disgusting. sadly some have taken belief that they represent the democrats.
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 21:20:41 ID: e60b86 No.8186503
>he's still responding to an obvious shill
Anonymous 11/10/16 (Thu) 21:21:09 ID: f3fb55 No.8186511
>Did you just call me a shill? I'm LITERALLY shaking!
Fuck you.

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