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File (hide): 9c821ce46283b01.jpeg (58.14 KB, 379x346, 379:346, pizzaman.


04:14:25 f344ce No.8253279>>8253456 >>8255912 >>8255922 >>8256485 >>8256527 >>8258220 >>8258811 >>8261424 >>8262073 >>8262175 [
Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
Before we even get started
(1): you need to know that they know =>
Most of the people we are investigating have locked down their social media. There could be honeypots out there. If you
aren't sure about your security posture you should read the OpSec section.
(2): If you are new here read the sticky here:
(3): Nobody Gives a Fuck About Your PeerBlock

Original Threads

Operation #PedoFiles

PingPong and Beyond

Thread 1: (Dr. Pong)
Thread 2: (Comet Ping Pong)
Thread 3:
Thread 4:
Thread 5:
Thread 6:
Thread 7:
Thread 8: >>8217734 |
Thread 9: >>8223306 |
Thread 10: >>8233093 |
Thread 11: >>8241986 |

Brief ReCap
The purpose of all this digging is to uncover networks involved in the trafficking, sexual exploitation and ritual abuse of
A few days before the election Spirit Cooking dropped =>
Basically these idiots participate in creepy pseudo occult rituals. They do stuff ranging from dumping fake blood on
efiggies of children, cut their hands open, mix blood and semen, probably drinking it, and engage in fake cannibalism. We
speculate that they probably do these things for reals in other contexts.
John and Tony Podesta, the Molesta brothers look like the suspects in Maddy McCann's kidnapping (Murder)

In addition to exactly matching the description of the suspects John's emails which correspond to the time period relevant
to the kidnapping were deleted, probably years before the Podesta leak occurred.
They have homes filled with creepy art, some of which is pedophilic in nature. Many of their leaked emails are cryptic and
include pedophilic symbolism. Some are quite blatant, for example this email discussing swimming children as
The Clinton's, the Podesta's and the Democrats were tied to Comet Ping Pong a "family friendly" pizza joint in Washington
D.C. Upon inspection it was discovered that CPP was creepy as fuck: much associated with them is cryptic, sexual and
pedophilic. Branching out from CPP to other related businesses and individuals revealed more of the same. The
associated businesses/individuals often use logos/imagery/speech associated with pedophilia.
Obama's 65k Pizza and Hot Dog dinner =>
Obama channels his inner Biden =>
Stratfor Pizza Connection =>
Comet Ping Pong => Owned by James Alefantis. James' personal and business social media accounts were replete with
creepy images and comments.
They host events frequently and they are all all-ages events. The artists that perform have similarly questionable art
work/themes =>
CPP also has hidden washrooms which may be used to facilitate child sexual abuse or trafficking.
Besta Pizza => Owned by Andrew Kline Clinton-appointed DOJ attorney specializing in human trafficking

People of Interest
Everything ties back to the Clintons/The Foundation
James Alefantis: Owner of Comet Ping Pong => James' KikeBook Friendlist
Susan Alefantis: Sister of James, wrote letter of support for a pedo =>
Arun G. Rao: DoJ, specializes in Child Pornography, liked creepy pictures on Jimmy Comet's Instagram.
Kevin Reynolds: Tied to Epstein and Clinton, specializes in massaging babies.
Frank Giustra: In bed with the Clintons (see:

Sites of Interest
Comet Ping Pong => (Alefantis aka Jimmy Comet)
Besta Pizza => (Boylove symbol, owned by Clinton associate Andrew Kline, a DOJ attorney
specializing in human trafficking cases)
M.A.M.A.S. =>
Baby Massage => (Reynolds)
Baby Babysitters => (Reynolds)
Terasol =>
Bucks Fishing and Camping =>
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 04:14:56 f344ce No.8253282

Advice from Based Anon

Suffering from information overload is dangerous because:
1. You will process data irrelevant to the task at hand.
2. Data will be processed in an incorrect way.
3. Data will be presented in an incorrect way.
Step 1:
Record the details of each relevant email into either a spreadsheet or db file. Specifically: name of sender, name of
receiver, time, subject, attachment, note, location if you can find it, etc.
Bonus: Identifiers such as: duties each individual has. This will help you answer questions such as: are the emails
consistent with the line of power?
Step 2:
This is the important part: Visualization. Using a program such as cytoscape, gephi, or treemap: either input your existing
formatted data or put it directly in if you skipped the first step. Polinode also looks good but I don't know if they are friendly

to this. This is where you can visually archive relationships and find ones you didn't see before. It will come together
This is where we find out if weaponized autism is really powerful or not. What you are about to find when you do, you
will wish you had data organization. Without organization and formatting every second you put into this is useless. God
bless all of you, and please do not ignore my suggestions.

Colorcodes =>
plebbit thread => (They've learned to archive and slimgur, how cute)
CPP pedo symbolism =>
The Hampstead Children =>
Teal Swan - Satanic Ritual Abuse =>

On Windows: Create a Mint or Ubuntu VM, choose drive encryption when installing. Browse using VPN, TOR or at very
least a webproxy. Use JavaScript whitelisting with an add-on such as noScript or uMatrix. Other notable add-ons:
Ghostery, PrivacyBadger, HTTPSEverywhere.
Searching with StartPage is the most secure: you can view search results you find on StartPage with them acting as a
If you are running Linux: well, you know what you're doing, right? ;)
If you are trying to crack encrypted files use a VM with an encrypted disk/ run OS in main memory (live).

Crypto & Stego

Many files that anons have come across seem to employ steganographic techniques. Some have been found on
wikileaks, while others have been found on various websites related to the investigation. If you don't have a background in
digital forensics or strong knowledge of cryptography you should focus on something else.
This email contains a file with stego =>
Apparently an anon from cuckchan got into the password protected area on CPP's site and found this image =>
Behind the password portal there were archives which required DL keys =>
Possibly related Mp3 files =>
iSteg =>
schweinpeg =>
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 04:18:29 88124f No.8253295
File (hide): 10e5ce435bbd664.jpg (1.25 MB, 4121x2351, 4121:2351, pizza gate 5.jpg)

File (hide): 6ef6603f721c709.jpg (1.34 MB, 4121x2351, 4121:2351, pizza gate 4.jpg)

File (hide): b8336b3b714e91d.jpg (1.38 MB, 4121x2351, 4121:2351, pizza gate 3.jpg)

File (hide): 9f16ea2c4429d3d.jpg (1.17 MB, 4121x2351, 4121:2351, pizza gate 2.jpg)

File (hide): 454ecfee2998177.png (3.15 MB, 4121x2344, 4121:2344, pizzagate 1.png)

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 04:20:32 88124f No.8253308>>8253437 >>8254936 >>8258061
File (hide): 1876a64920c200f.png (780.66 KB, 576x960, 3:5, pizza gate.png)

MODS let's get this stickied pls

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 04:25:38 bdfdb3 No.8253338>>8254350
Could this have anything to do with Julian Assanges disappearance? Maybe he's involved with the pedophiles and 9/11.
SESPIT = u.s. Senior Executive Service pedophiles and IT specialists
"KSM also has evidence that Marcy's Crown Sisters used SESPIT and D2 Bankers' Onion relays to move pedophile
assets through livery companies such as the Air Pilots and Air Navigators (Smacsonic gyroscope bomb); Firefighters (a
9/11 survivor doll!); Stationers and Newspapermakers (copyright JonBenet and Carlton Bartels snuff films); and Security

Professionals (e-Passports for SESPIT associates of Robert Hanssen, Julian Assange and Angelina Jolie to use SOS
Children's Villages in 130 countries, US Justice Prisoner and Alien Transportation System and the Conair/ALPA/GAPAN
base in Abbotsford, B.C.)"
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 04:30:00 1dc1a1 No.8253369>>8253414
Found this article from an Australian real estate site talking about Obama's new home. Apparently he lives two doors
down from Tony Podesta and we have this juicy quote here:
"Tony Podesta, who lives two doors from the house the Obamas will rent, invites neighbours for pizza parties in his
backyard, where he has a pizza oven."
I mean what is that fucking wording? It's just so odd. Anyway, Obama is gonna be joining the pizza parties with the pizza
oven at the Podesta's.
Sorry if this has been posted before.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 04:38:46 d4ee06 No.8253413>>8258936 >>8261899 >>8261982
File (hide): e35cbc50b965098.jpg (228.95 KB, 1037x583, 1037:583, alexjones.jpg)

>Lee Alefantis pops up somewhere so I lurk him on kikebook

>notice that he is friends with this Jew named Donald Kohnstamm
>Kohnstamm is a special Jew who's part of all these big deal Jew groups
>Find a guy named Max Kohnstamm who could be his father
>Max is part of bildeberg, trilateral commission and the Club of Rome
Because we were talking about Tavistock in the last thread I remembered that the dude who first broke the story about
Tavistock, Dr John Coleman, also wrote a book about the Club of Rome (and other roundtable thinktank occult whatever
the fuck you wanna call them groups)
See these posts
pic related is me while sleuthing with no sleep
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 04:38:46 15b1cd No.8253414>>8254031
File (hide): 252b589b86e1977.jpg (67.48 KB, 500x500, 1:1, PizzaOvenCO3000.jpg)

What is it you find weird about the wording?
It reads as is to me; he has parties in his garden where they eat pizza which he cooks in the oven outside.
Dodginess aside, these guys are obviously foodies, so not every food reference that seems odd is going to be
euphemistic. Sometimes they're going to be talking just food.
If something trips your sensors, but it doesn't seem like much on its own or there is a normal explanation, file it away for
future reference and let your brain process that info with all the rest you're taking in - in the background.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 04:42:39 88124f No.8253431
File (hide): 6124695b6fff8d3.png (26.45 KB, 353x572, 353:572, when you see it.PNG)

Ari Srabstein thr0wpizza 11/15/16 (Tue) 04:42:43 08be0c No.8253432>>8260267
File (hide): 87d1cfdc4772700.jpg (2.28 MB, 1280x3720, 32:93, thr0w1.jpg)

Ari Srabstein, nobody special, but who tipped me off to what I am about to show you. | |
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 04:43:36 9bd0f5 No.8253437>>8253447 >>8253450
File (hide): ec35f5464a388e0.jpg (81.9 KB, 563x528, 563:528, full plebian.jpg)

I'm going to post this one more time:

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 04:44:40 88124f No.8253447
i didnt make. it was in like the 3rd thread. used only for a bump. i take back my polite bump, however.
Magician Link thr0wpizza 11/15/16 (Tue) 04:46:02 08be0c No.8253450>>8253457
File (hide): edb951c79245bfa.jpg (2.4 MB, 1240x2800, 31:70, thr0w2.jpg)

Fuck social media. I haven't had social media for 4+ years and life is fucking wonderful!
So many more, these are just a couple.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 04:46:53 d4ee06 No.8253456>>8253629
>>8253279 (OP)
>John and Tony Podesta, the Molesta brothers look like the suspects in Maddy McCann's kidnapping (Murder)
I thought we all agreed that this one was bullshit, no?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 04:47:07 9bd0f5 No.8253457>>8253460
Yeah, I have a fake Twitter that I use to spread info. You're not cool, hipster.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 04:48:14 88124f No.8253460>>8253466
>contributes nothing
>insults everyone
you've been filtered shill

Barry Taylor thr0wpizza 11/15/16 (Tue) 04:49:59 08be0c No.8253463>>8253501 >>8260319 >>8260979
File (hide):b7f2da5e4d3903c.jpg(4.11 MB, 1280x4000, 8:25, 1barry.jpg)

File (hide): 791fbe59e02842f.jpg (30.36 KB, 480x320, 3:2, Barry Taylor.jpg)

Pedo Mage #1: BARRY TAYLOR - 2002 - 2009 - 2010 - 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - 2014 - 2015 - Adult-Only Private Parties Ready to
make your party unforgettable? "Contact Barry Immediately"
Barrys Magic Shop, Ltd. | | 301.933.0373
5544A Nicholson Lane | Rockville, Maryland 20852
Store open Tuesday through Friday: 11am - 7pm | Saturday: 11am - 6pm | Closed Sundays and Mondays
(Private parties available Friday, Saturday & Sunday)
Telephone 301-933-0373 FAX 301-933-0412 Postal address 11234 Georgia Avenue Wheaton, MD 20902 Electronic mail
General Information:

>Exclusive Up-Close and/or Formal Magic Show at your home.

>For intimate, special gatherings requiring that added magic touch, Barry will provide your choice of up-close, personal
interactive magic for both individuals and small groups, and/or a more formal magic show with doves, comedy, guest
participation, unbelievable mind-reading, and so much more. This is first-rate, sophisticated magical entertainment that will
leave your guests mystified, thoroughly entertained, and with memories of your party that will last a lifetime. (Our house
party shows are designed to provide entertainment for adult functions and children's birthday parties.)
>Welcome! Barrys supplies the finest magic products for everyone from the budding beginner to the working
>Barry Taylor and his wife Susan own and operate Barry's Magic Shop, a popular landmark for magicians in the
Washington, D.C. metro area since 1974. As a professional magician, Barry is well known and has performed his magic
both locally and internationally. He currently performs in his own critically acclaimed "Psychic Ghost Theatre" production,
which has successfully entertained and mystified audiences for over four years.
>Barrys Magic Shop is one of the largest magic emporiums in the Washington, D.C., Maryland , and Virginia area. Barry's
maintains an impressive stock of magic-related books, videos, and props for the discriminating conjuror. Its congenial
atmosphere and helpful personnel make any visit a very positive and rewarding experience. Both local and out-of-town
customers consistently rate Barry's Magic Shop as the most helpful and accommodating magic store around.
>Our shop carries a full range of magical supplies, including everything from the conjuring classics through the latest
cutting-edge tricks on the market. Richard Kaufman (owner and editor of Genii magazine) says he always finds out-ofprint books and the hard-to-find tricks at Barry's.If youre looking for anything in particular, please feel free to ask us.
Barrys is happy to supply you with whatever item(s) you need. If we don't have it, we'll try to tell you where you can get it.
Contact Barrys and we'll do our best to send your order out to you on the same day.
-From 2002
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 04:50:06 9bd0f5 No.8253466
I contributed a standard. And you talk like a hipster. Keep to the standard. So info can be dispersed outside of a fucking

Infographs must be legible

Memes must fit Twitter
Barry Taylor (cont...) thr0wpizza 11/15/16 (Tue) 04:51:44 08be0c No.8253477
File (hide):b7f2da5e4d3903c.jpg(4.11 MB, 1280x4000, 8:25, 1barry.jpg)

File (hide): 7aa79dc97e83140.jpg (21.77 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ba2.jpg)

All party packages begin with a fantastic and exciting 50 minute colorful magic show by magician Barry Taylor, with plenty
of audience participation, surprises, and laughter! With each trick, Barry enlists the help of volunteers from the audience,
and is amazed when they are able to do the magic! Your guests will be treated to delightful illusions with live doves and a
magical animal, silks, flowers, magic wands, mysterious boxes, balloon tricks, and lots of surprises.
After the show, children will take home a magic wand, as well as a special magic prize from Barry. The birthday child will
be treated to a magical hat and trick, or consider upgrading to a package that includes a complete magic kit for your
birthday boy or girl.
All performances are custom-tailored to your audiences age, whether they be all kids, adults, or a family crowd. In
addition to the magic show, consider upgrading to a package that includes magic lessons and give-aways!
His shows captivate audiences of all ages, creating a memorable experience for adults and children alike. Whether a
large stage show or an intimate living room performance, your attendees are sure to enjoy Barry's laugh-filled show!
>Voted "Best Magician" by the Washingtonian Magazine, and called a "Washington Legend" by the Washington Post,
magician Barry Taylor has been amazing audiences throughout Maryland, DC, and Virginia for over 30 years!
>Barry has traveled the world performing magic, and has performed for presidents, vice presidents, Andrea Bocelli,
Quincy Jones, Sophia Loren, Sean Astin, The Princess of Thailand, and many others.
Barry Taylor (cont...) thr0wpizza 11/15/16 (Tue) 04:53:55 08be0c No.8253493
File (hide):b7f2da5e4d3903c.jpg(4.11 MB, 1280x4000, 8:25, 1barry.jpg)

File (hide): c970d5d6c462e65.jpg (33.59 KB, 320x317, 320:317, BarryTaylor.jpg)

Barry's site was created by SALT SHAKER STUDIOS |
Notice the comment by PETER WOOD March 23, 2010 advertising Shazam Magic. Remember his name. Oh, look who
owns Salt Shaker
>Bringing a variety of creative solutions to Salt Shaker Studios, Peter Wood is the lead designer of corporate identities,
print materials, and multimedia advertising. Whether creating a comprehensive marketing package, writing content for a
website, or designing a memorable logo, Peter strives to provide clients with positive experiences, vibrant advertising, and
marketing solutions that will get results. Peter has a degree from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County in Technical
Theatre, enjoys stage and theme park design, and moonlights as a professional magician.
>Crafting the interactive wizardry that make websites work, Christie Wood is the lead developer and programmer for Salt
Shaker Studios. Combining academic training and professional experience, Christie creates dynamic interfaces, content
management solutions, and ensures that a site functions like clockwork. She understands that a good design makes the
site, and takes pride in online experiences that are simple and elegant in appearance, yet sophisticated and dynamic in
functionality. A graduate of the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Christie has a degree in Imaging and Digital Arts,
and enjoys birthday cake, yoga, and spending time with an ever-growing collection of ducks.
Salt Shaker Studios also designed |
Welcome to the Center for Career Changers to the Classroom, an organization for career changers interested in teaching!
The Center works with corporations and individuals to assist prospective career changers as they make the decision to
teach and choose the most appropriate teacher education program. Prospective career changers have the opportunity to
work with a mentor teacher in the public school classrooms while making the decision to teach as an encore career.
Prospective career changers receive advice and support while deciding on the most appropriate certification program,
progressing through the program, and searching for a teaching position. Corporations, public school systems, and
community colleges collaborate with the Center to place interested employees in schools and classrooms to determine
whether teaching is a viable encore career upon retirement.

Check out Barry's video from 1 year ago about him performing at Willard's.
And look who commented! NHI BEASLEY, Associate Director Biomedical Informatics at FDA | Washington D.C. Metro
Area | Government Administration
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 04:55:09 8e203b No.8253499
File (hide): 329b1ccfa80b802.png (23.05 KB, 683x600, 683:600, 1443389142915.png)

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 04:55:20 3264ec No.8253501>>8253517
What's with this post, it just looks like an advertisement for Barry Taylor. What are we looking at here?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 04:56:01 d4ee06 No.8253505>>8253522 >>8259406
File (hide): 231ec869dbf14fc.png (138.64 KB, 927x360, 103:40, Screen Shot 2016-11-15 at .png)

File (hide): 5d9e4fb77879b6f.png (142.46 KB, 543x656, 543:656, Screen Shot 2016-11-09 at .png)

>Fuck social media. I haven't had social media for 4+ years and life is fucking wonderful!
How the fuck else are we supposed to disseminate information?
Fake accounts spreading our message= God's work. It's also fun
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 04:58:03 88124f No.8253517
its just spam
Just Putting It Out There... thr0wpizza 11/15/16 (Tue) 04:58:29 08be0c No.8253522>>8253528

>How the fuck else are we supposed to disseminate information?

I am merely putting what I found out there. What is done with the information is not up to me. Those who want leads to
research now have DAYS of more pages to sift through and read; and I haven't even posted Pedo Mage #2 yet
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 04:59:26 d840e2 No.8253528
Keep going anon, not seeing relevant info yet.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 05:03:15 2d2a8d No.8253549
Archived the Web of Slime posted on Voat that links Hampstead/Tavistock to RSA, symbology and Clinton(ish).
Interesting read, nice cohesive flow.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 05:17:58 15b1cd No.8253629
[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Yes, it's total bollocks.
She wasn't kidnapped. She died in her parents (lack of) care. Either by accident or in relation to their nonce doctor pal.
Descriptions given to police of the "kidnapper(s)" will be made up to keep up the charade.
Ask anyone who remembers when her "disappearance" first hit the news, and they'll most often tell you they suspected
the parents and it's all a cover-up to avoid getting done for their neglect.
> heavy opposition to anyone criticising the family and friends for leaving their kids unsupervised.
> Portuguese lead investigator dropped from the case pretty sharpish when they named the parents as suspects.
> have tried to get said cop's book banned where he talks of what the police actually found (embed related, Eng subtitles).
> parents quite sue-happy despite having the public and rich lefties throwing money at them.
Then there's what this guy found as he dug into it all: (it's a long, long watch though).
her "disappearance" is shady as fuck, but with respect to Ping Pong Pizza, it's tenuously related in the sense
government people are too cosy with the suspects. No sign so far that there's any overlap in which government
people are involved.

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 05:20:00 435f2b No.8253640

What have we learned since thread #10?
??? thr0wpizza 11/15/16 (Tue) 05:38:10 08be0c No.8253762>>8254017
Why does this thread keep on 404'ing, and why is it not appearing on 8ch /pol/ front page?
Whit Haydn thr0wpizza 11/15/16 (Tue) 05:45:38 08be0c No.8253815>>8254035 >>8254087 >>8254346
File (hide): 5218aaa7c500575.jpg (3.52 MB, 1280x4000, 8:25, hey.jpg)

Pedo Mage #2: Whit Haydn - Client list, 2008 - Bunch of members here, search search search
>Inside Magic Favorite Pop Haydn sent along word today that he and and his very talented friends have scheduled a true
shindig this week.
>We have tired of the incessant faux shindigs foisted upon an unsuspecting public or the half-hearted shindigs with
inadequate ratios of shins to digging and so we welcome any bona fide shindig but even more, one from our favorite
magical performers and jugglers plus a shindig presented with a steam-punk theme.
>Performing with Pop will be Inside Magic Favorite Juggler Lindsay Benner, Bonnie Gordon, Andrew Goldenhersh, Liberty
Larsen. Kevin Story, John Eddings and Patrick Culliton.
>Pop advises that whilst the entire family is welcome but some material may be over the heads of children under 12
years old.
>The fete will kick off at 5:00 pm, this Thursday, August 18th in the Caldwell Hall, Faith Presbyterian Church
5000 Colfax Ave, North Hollywood, CA 91601.
>We have it on very good authority that there will be audience participation and involvement and that attendees of the
shindig can dress in their favorite steam punk- inspired garb, if desired.

The wordplay is astounding.

Whit Haydn (cont...) thr0wpizza 11/15/16 (Tue) 05:46:59 08be0c No.8253828
File (hide):5218aaa7c500575.jpg(3.52 MB, 1280x4000, 8:25, hey.jpg)

File (hide): fab34c996f6baa9.jpg(969.22 KB, 1275x1875, 17:25, heyShindig2 PC Front.jpg)

Pedo Mage #2: Whit Haydn

>Pop Haydn is not originally from this century, himself. He is a Victorian gentleman who was suddenly transported into the
21st Century by accidentnot entirely his faultalong with a bunch of other maroons stranded here from that time. Pop is
making his way through this brave new world the way he always hasas a professional entertainer, itinerant genius and
>He charms and delights with his mind-bending magic and comedy, and of course, he tries to sell those little bottles of
patent medicine or magnetic water whenever he can.
>Pop does wonderful Close-Up, Stage and Cabaret magic, and has a full theatrical Steampunk-oriented Variety Show.
>Here you can sell people waterby the bottlefor real money!
>Pop Haydn is not just a steampunk or Old West magicianPop manages to fit in with any theme or atmosphere equally
well, and his humor and good-natured wit always wins over the crowdlaughter and amazement follow.
>Pop is most of all, an entertainer. He will warm your heart, amaze your mind, and tickle your fancy. It'll make you feel
Pop Haydn and his friends present a rollicking entertainment with comedy and variety acts with lots of audience
participation and surprises. Featured acts include Bonnie Gordon, Andrew Goldenhersh, Lindsay Benner, and Liberty
Also on hand will be Kevin Story, John Eddings and Patrick Culliton.
The entire family is welcome but some material may be over the heads of children under 12 years old.
Nancy Hadden | (323) 344-8793

NEC Merrill-Lynch Mail Sort, Inc. Arthur Anderson, Inc. Price-Waterhouse Infonet Advanced Micro Devices Time
Technologies, Inc. IBM Douglas Battery Mfg. Co. Gilbarco Sarah Lee, Inc. Anheuser Busch Polytech, Inc. Boren Brick
Burlington Mills Heublein Hanes, Inc. Sharon Furniture O'Henry, Inc. Wesley Business Forms, Inc. Epson Hewlett-Packard
General Hardware National Grocer's Association Flav-O-Rich Lea Industries Maben Mfg., Inc. Rex Plastics Halstead
Industries Thomasville Furniture Mfg. Co. Sentry Watch Pinehurst Corporation Simmons Century Furniture Culp, Inc.
Sears P.G. & E. Nissan Toshiba - Companies worked with, 2002
Luciano Pavarotti Merv Griffin Muhammed Ali Steve Martin William Shatner Ringo Starr Alan Alda Loretta Lynn Cary Grant
Karl Malden Pernell Roberts Arnold Schwartzenegger Paul Michael Glasser Mel Blanc Peter Falk Jerry Seinfeld Michael
Jackson Huntz Hall Bill Dana Tom Bradley Gloria Loring Lou Rawls Jerry Reed Isabelle Sanford Chevy Chase Max Baer,
Jr. Sally Struthers Rod Carew Jane Seymour Ted Knight Don Rickles Dean Martin Michele Lee Wilt Chamberlain Herve
Villechaize Claude Aikens Barbi Benton Richard Chamberlain Lou Ferrigno Robert Shields Adam West Orson Welles Bill
Anderson Mason Reese Rachel Ward Richard Kline Mariette Hartley Ralph Edwards Jack Klugman Conway Twitty Tony
Curtis Colonel Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin, Jr. Whoopie Goldberg Haley Joel Osment Gerard Depardieu Norman Jewison Marcus
Allen Jack Parr The Smothers Brothers Connie Chung General William C. Westmoreland Bill Monroe Senator Edward M.
Kennedy Crystal Gayle Dottie West - Celebreties worked with, 2002
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 06:24:09 15b1cd No.8254017
I've been having trouble with these last few threads not updating properly.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 06:26:40 426914 No.8254031>>8254042 >>8254257
File (hide): b2be7f0d58a3e17.png (368.32 KB, 895x738, 895:738, Screen Shot 2016-11-15 at .png)

alright anon, i'll play your game.
"FWD: Puttanesca Sauce. We'd like to taste it"
Sent to John Podesta
"Puttanesca" literally means prostitute.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 06:27:22 e2ae67 No.8254035
WOW! Is Pop Haydn a pedo?
You people should be extremely sure about this. He is big name in the magic community. He is real big.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 06:28:00 15b1cd No.8254039>>8254858

>So, we're left with the mystery of what does "I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus?" mean?
Is it remotely common for paper napkins to be referred to as handkerchiefs?
If so, it could literally have a map drawn on it for directions to a pizza place, or was used in a discussion to clarify plans for
an event or outing.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 06:28:20 d32965 No.8254042>>8254099 >>8254771
It is also a legit sauce. The other anon has a point.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 06:34:23 e2ae67 No.8254087
Those forum post are new, they could be pedos trying to gaslight us and this whole magic angle could be to drive us into
false gooze chase.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 06:36:48 426914 No.8254099>>8254185
File (hide): 29c9d96e8158cdb.png (62 KB, 992x254, 496:127, Screen Shot 2016-11-15 at .png)

The end of the attached article is funny.
>"Meanwhile, his campaign strategist John Podesta has also inaugurated a new style with the press: preparing spaghetti
puttanesca for journalists. Another "constituency" in the past has not had easy relations with the Clinton clan."
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 06:41:34 8f0003 No.8254135
Can anyone update me on the status of the CPPP password protected area of the website? Do we have access yet?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 06:46:35 6185b9 No.8254173>>8254217
You guys have not heard of the darknet? They wont be sharing incriminating evidence on a public website.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 06:48:00 426914 No.8254185
I wonder if the specific mention of "spaghetti alla puttanesca" comes off as an obvious tongue-in-cheek pun to native
Italian speakers?
Everyone in Italy knows what "puttanesca" refers to. They're no stranger to sexual blackmail in their political system, just
look up Berlusconi, Licio Gelli, and the P2 Lodge.
Furthermore, this article is referring to John Podesta inviting AMERICAN journalists over for "spaghetti alla puttanesca"
dinners in DC.
Sohe's not only been having "pizza" parties, but "puttanesca" parties as well - with journalists. I wonder if it's the same
roster of journalists who just broke an all-time shilling record trying to ensure a Clinton victory?
Can any Italian speakers confirm if Federico Rampini was winking at his readers?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 06:50:18 d840e2 No.8254217
>what is Besta Pizza's old logo
>why do we have access to Hillary's "private" emails
gas yourself, kike

You know, i find it spiritually enhancing that you fags try to spin this in any other direction when we have your fucking lingo
from legit pedos on /b/, both here and on cuckchan, confirming map is a handkerchief stained with semen and/or blood,
thus containing DNA (and so it "leads to the perpetrator", like a map). I'm all for playing devil's advocate from time to time
since it gives perspective, but no one here is going to believe you.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 06:55:37 b12653 No.8254249>>8254858
>Hi guys. I'm the anon who first brought up Kim Noble
>I only brought up these examples because Noble's art showing the dissociation of children during abuse mirrored the
artwork by Sasha Lord Presents
>I do not believe there are links between them and the current Comet investigation, I just wanted to make people more
aware of the background of
Thanks for finally showing up and explaining this. Please don't randomly drop stuff like that in these threads. After you did
that someone made an OP with a Noble pic and Noble's art has been relentlessly posted by shills and retards in every
thread so far despite me trying to explain that it had nothing to do with the case directly.
You seem to know a lot about the history so I ask you then if you have empathy or whatever for these victims why the fuck
would you drop their unrelated art into a dig thread on a chan? Don't respond pls anon, I don't care why you did it. I'm just
making a point here and also to the diggers that latched onto that art and reposted it in every thread insisting it must have
something to do with the case despite being unable to show any direct connection. Get it together folks. And if you don't
know what a dig is or have never participated in one pls leave and go to /r/pizzagate.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 06:56:52 15b1cd No.8254257>>8254771 >>8257796
File (hide): 6b2abd5648932f4.jpg (148.39 KB, 1200x1032, 50:43, puttanesca.jpg)

For crying out loud anon!
It's an Italian pasta sauce:
Named after grown-ass adult prostitutes. Not children, because last I checked, children don't make their own pasta
If you go to the supermarket, you will almost certainly find it on the shelves:
They'll even tell you how to make your own:
And sell you all the ingredients in a convenient pack:
You are reaching with this and it's getting difficult to see the forest for the trees with all this "they talked about food so it
must be paedo ring stuff," and then arguing back and forth when others say "no, actually I think this time they are talking
about food, anon. Maybe step back a bit and get some perspective."

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 07:02:27 dc4ecd No.8254314>>8254346

The fact that this is actually happening is making me feel sick.
God damn /pol/ bring the hammer down on these fucks.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 07:03:17 d840e2 No.8254322>>8254426
>Why would they describe it to her as white and black, and square. And not "dudethere as a hanky covered in blood
and semen left in the house! Wtf?"
Are you fucking serious right now
>Why would people in power hide their illicit activities from normies through seemingly innocuous lingo
We know druggies do it, we know unconnected pedo fucks do it, fuck, imageboards and the Internet at large does it with
memes and shit, you should an hero
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 07:05:39 e2ae67 No.8254346
We need to be clear here. There are alot of poisoning the well going on here. For example this >>8253815
Clearly those forum post were new, just couple days old, and are use as a proof of some huge conspiracy. Of course
magicians have white rabbits and doing shows for kids, but that doesn't mean they are pedos. Clearly the pedos are trying
to muddy the waters.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 07:05:59 bdbf26 No.8254350
ASSange - as a teenager - was in a cult called The Family. Julian is a MK-ULTRA Asset.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 07:07:32 15b1cd No.8254360>>8254396
So "a mark that is pizza-related" most likely. Could also be an autocorrect issue or she typed "ma" and "map" was
suggested alongside "mark" and she stupidly pressed that instead.
Perhaps someone who uses predictive text could have a quick look and see if this is a possibility before we spend more
days on one sentence from one e-mail among tens of thousands.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 07:10:52 d840e2 No.8254396
Yes, because I'm sure realtors bother their clients with every little fucking napkin stained with food.
In fact, it's not exactly that, it's one high-up person talking to another high-up person about
that were cleaned up
and whether the other guy wants it.
Nothing suspicious here, nope!
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 07:13:46 15b1cd No.8254426
>Are you fucking serious right now
Are you?
The point anon is making is that the person who found the handkerchief is a third party outside of the suspects. A blood
and semen stained hanky is getting put in the bin and the counter top scrubbed thoroughly because, ew - as far as
normies are concerned.

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 07:14:00 d840e2 No.8254427>>8254501

Then explain why the fuck she is bothering someone over A FUCKING DIRTY NAPKIN. ON A SECRET MAILING LIST OF
THE ELITE. Explain that shit to me nigger, please
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 07:14:00 bdbf26 No.8254428>>8255267
File (hide): cdd74a4e0ace7d5.jpg (530.31 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, amandakleinman.jpg)

It's a PSYOP. It involves CIA, high-ranks in OTO (Thelema) and their assets. Alefantis is an asset, the pizza shops are
fronts, M.A.M.A.S. and C.H.I.L.D. sites are fronts. The connections between 'Cake of Light' and 'Spirit Cooking' are clear.
John Podesta and his art items collection is typical of one who's into the occult. I am sure we had similar OP 4 years ago.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 07:18:40 d840e2 No.8254469
If she bothered everyone over FUCKING HANKIES she'd never get the job done as a goddamn realtor, how many
hankies are used every day in normal households? For fucks sake man, you've never worked a day in your life as a
cleaner, jesus
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 07:20:20 1a2755 No.8254482
This magician stuff is interesting and I think should be pursued.
There's this guy named George P. Hansen who wrote a book called "The Trickster and the Paranormal", in which he gives
theories on the nature of the paranormal, and more specifically, the situations in which paranormal events seem to
manifest most often.
It's hard to explain, but I'll try to give the gist of it in bullet points:
-In Sociology, there are ideas called "anti-structure", and "liminality". They are somewhat related to eachother.
-Anti-structure is what it sounds like, but since it's a sociological terms, think of it as it relates to people and society, and
how the two interact. People can be anti-structural. So can organizations (groups of people). So can physical
-Liminality refers to something that is "in-between" two clearly defined states. It's not quite one, not quite the other, and
therefore is undefined.
Hansen makes special note of magicians (illusions Michael!). For whatever reason, a lot of them seem to be homosexual,
and live generally very non-conventional lives. Homosexuality is anti-structural. It's not "the norm". James Randi (who
interestingly enough has been accused of being a pedo) being one example.
And stage magic, is both anti-structural, and liminal. The magician, through his illusions, brings about a state of mind in
the viewer wherein the viewer, intellectually knowing that there must be a "trick" that he is not seeing, can't help but
wonder if maybe the magician actually IS using "magic". This is a very liminal and anti-structural situation.
1. Magicians are often weirdos and pedos.

2. Legitimately weird things can happen when you merely PRETEND that you are doing something weird.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 07:22:04 15b1cd No.8254501>>8254527
> secret mailing list of the elite
Where are you getting this from? The people in the e-mail chain will be those involved in viewing the properties.
why they wanted to view them is interesting, but no, we're arguing over a fucking hanky instead
then again, maybe that is the point of all this
It is actually pretty fucking normal to want to return items you think someone left behind by mistake, no matter how
insignificant they may seem because you never know what sentimental or real value those items have to the owner.
It's also good customer service.
Ordinarily, it would go into Lost & Found incase the owner returned looking for it, but she actually knew the owner was
likeliest in the group she'd shown around the property the day before, so she contacted them.
She's a realtor, trying to get a sale. Everything she does will be to help create a positive impression of her and the
company she works for with the people she is trying to sell to or get a contract with.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 07:24:37 d840e2 No.8254527
>left a fucking dirty napkin by mistake and maybe wants it back
>getting a dirty napkin to someone is a favour
I'm done with you niggers, you're fucking logic here way more than these fucks have been screwing kids.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 07:29:18 b12653 No.8254569>>8257891 >>8257923
File (hide): 88a2438f7d05e8a.jpg (28.43 KB, 400x223, 400:223, the play within the play.jpg)

>But the person who found the handkerchief was some random realtor. It wasn't anyone involved nor had any connection
to ANY of the people in the email. A third party.
Source? It's common knowledge that these rings have co-conspirators in professions that support their crime including
realtors. There have been numerous arrests in the past of realtors for providing empty houses as safe spaces for their
criminal friends to use.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 07:30:02 bdbf26 No.8254578>>8255092
CARISOPRODOL (Trade Name: Soma) 2014 . Introduction: Carisoprodol is a prescription drug marketed since 1959. It
is a centrally acting muscle relaxant.
jimmycomet posted a photo with drugs and money talking about London. That was 210 weeks ago from the date of the
post - circa 15 november - that's one year exactly.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 07:42:10 d840e2 No.8254686
>The ONLY contact they have, are when viewing holiday homes.
In the emails leaked, you have no idea about other accounts/elsewhere.

>You know why no one gives a shit other than Kathryn Tate?
Because to them it's a daily occurence and they think they're so secure that they don't even have to account for the hanky
since their realtor is loyal and will destroy it if no one wants it?
As an aside, i love that you two fags have been here for three threads, and it's always you two, but not the earlier ones it's almost like some plebbit fags linked here from pizzagate or whatever and you came over. What a (((coincidence))),
isn't it?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 07:50:26 d840e2 No.8254751
>what is an automatic email signature
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 07:51:44 4f9632 No.8254763>>8254777
Tfw people ignoring icecm and dyncorp
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 07:52:24 39e452 No.8254771
It's a classified email with a subject that says "puttanensca sauce, we'd like to try it" and no body. That doesn't come off as
strange to either of you?
Also, if this is all crazy conspiracy theorists grasping at nothing, then why not just sit back and laugh instead of investing
all this time and effort to make graphics and then argue for the entire life of two threads now?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 07:53:07 4f9632 No.8254777>>8254784 >>8254820 >>8254836 >>8254924 >>8254983 >>8255013
Tfw people ignoring child trafficking in Haiti and guinea
Tfw people ignoring Clintons tie to military industrial complex
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 07:54:06 4f9632 No.8254784>>8254800 >>8254836
Tfw people ignoring the one thing that ties them all together
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 07:56:29 4f9632 No.8254800>>8254820 >>8254822 >>8254836 >>8254865
Tfw 4chan 8ch or Reddit can't identify any of these random children
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 07:58:41 6d391a No.8254820
kek has spoken
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 07:58:49 4f9632 No.8254822
Tfw keks protection is with me and I fear none but god
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 08:00:11 39e452 No.8254836>>8254853 >>8256675

Honestly, the handkerchief and walnut sauce probably are dead-end leads. That's probably why shills have been
endlessly bringing up those arguments: to try and distract from the more damning clues that they have no explaination for,
like the spirit cooking and the kid taped to a table in Jimmy's instagram and the fact that they were jackhammering down
to the tunnels below their restaurant with a permit.
if any DC area anons are around here, consider applying for a job at Comet Pizza. Then, you can see the basement and
find out what the result of that project was. Then we'll know if it was something innocuous or sinister.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 08:01:33 bc9831 No.8254852
A bit off topic, but something that confuses me about all this. While it doesn't seem like anybody has produced a smoking
gun yet, there's way too much circumstantial evidence to outright dismiss this.
I don't believe Wikileaks could have published these emails without realizing they'd essentially be implying this theory that
we managed to come up with. Makes me wonder why they would "tease" us this way. Either they want to keep this
international pedo ring as insurance for future interactions with the US govt, or they plan on exposing it. I'm not sure why
they would have given us the information that's so open ambiguous and open to interpretation.
My best guess is that WL is very well aware of the pedo ring but doesn't have sufficient evidence to prove so, and they
depend on groups like this to conduct independent, crowd-based research. I choose to believe this, because the
alternative is that they've essentially sent on us a wild goose chase by purposely releasing emails that give these optics.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 08:01:35 39e452 No.8254853
*without a permit, I mean
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 08:02:06 2d2a8d No.8254858
I think you're overanalysing the use of sheets/kerchiefs in Noble's artwork, particularly as scale is not at all relevant or
accurate in many of her pieces. The importance of the kerchief isn't in the artwork but in the testimony provided by
another anon, that they use this to collect blood/semen as a trophy. I haven't read through Noble's stuff in many years so I
cannot recall if this is something she attested to, or if the anon who explained it had a different source (such as it being
common in pedophilia in general rather than something specific to DID/SRA).
Part of me regrets bringing up Noble/O'Brien because a lot of anons are diving into that rabbit hole (and it's a fucking huge
hole) and it has little to no bearing on Comet Pizza and the associated actual, tangible, modern leads. I simply wished to
make anon aware of background history and context. Please see what I wrote here:
I'm not convinced that the email from the realtor (white w/black, square, kitchen island) is what we should be looking at
here. If read in context, the descriptive words and locations could simply be to determine ownership of the lost item,
there's not necessarily code here. However, this does not take into consideration whether she is naive and helpful, or
aware of the significance of the object (assuming there is one). She may know that it is evidence of some sort of illegal
activity and is therefore motivated to either return or dispose of it once she knows which option the "bosses" would prefer.
The second email, Susan's, is what stands out. "I think it has a map that seems pizza-related." No one talks like that, it
doesn't make sense. And more importantly, how would she know there is a map or anything pizza-related on it? The
realtor didn't mention maps or pizza in her original email. So why does Susan make this assumption, unless there is some
common usage of handkerchiefs within that social circle that also relates to whatever maps and pizza are actually
codewords for. (For example, the blood/semen trophy theory, drugs theory, etc). If this is the case, Susan is giving
Podesta a heads-up saying "hey you left some evidence, want it back or get rid?", she's signalling to him through the code
words. The only way she would know that there was a "map that seems pizza-related" is if in their world pizza-related
maps are regularly found on handkerchiefs, because the realtor did not mention anything that could be construed as
related to maps or pizza.

>Tl;dr I don't think the black/white/square part is relevant, just the map/pizza code. Map equating to DNA/semen still
seems like the most obvious answer, particularly in the context of pizza, which we know is definitely child rape.
I don't think anyone would call a paper napkin a handkerchief, and certainly wouldn't be emailing offering to return/mail it if
it was just trash. And saying a map is "pizza-related" is a really fucking weird way to word it, you'd just call it a dirty pizza
napkin or w/e.
Okay 9c9500 I gave you the benefit of the doubt with the first part of this response, but at this point I'm inclined to believe
you're a shill.
I did explain this all when I originally posted it, I have not at any point dropped the art, names or info with no context. I
even stuck a bunch of spoilers over the Aquino, Presidio, Dutroux, Savile etc stuff AND kindly requested that anons look
into it only for reference or AFTER the current Comet investigation is over. The fact that I have empathy is the precise
reason I brought it up with the fucking disclaimers. I'm not fucking responsible for the D&C/shilling/disinfo others have
used it for.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 08:03:24 389026 No.8254865
File (hide): c08629601288089.jpg (243.93 KB, 1224x1224, 1:1, Anne-Luzzatto-and-children.jpg)

>Tfw 4chan 8ch or Reddit can't identify any of these random children
I identified the 3 Luzzatto children and family days ago. Have a photo from (great?) aunty Anne Luzzatto. I don't know who
the other 2 children are yet though.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 08:03:34 4f9632 No.8254867
Tfw HRC has represented pedophiles and laura sisbys' attorney was convicted pedophile
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 08:07:31 08fff0 No.8254900>>8255018
They are tied together through Mamas Midwives, who delivered Maeven (JimmyCommet/GrandpaJimmy refer to her as
Mae on IG, though the Podesta emails refer to her as Maeve.
Shes Tammy Luzzatos daughter)

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 08:11:49 a504d0 No.8254924

I don't fucking know how to do this right. "Couldn't make sense of the URL of the video you tried to embed."
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 08:13:42 08fff0 No.8254936>>8254943
Posting in the killroom/freezer photo:
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 08:14:42 d840e2 No.8254943>>8254968
nigga, i ain't clicking that shit. Repost here or gtfo
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 08:17:17 a504d0 No.8254968
Copy link -> navigate to -> paste link
Ain't clicked shit nigger
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 08:18:41 d840e2 No.8254982
>i-it's just a harmless little joke, goyim, no need to get upset over kids taped to tables and wall artwork full of fapping and
disgusting shit in a FAMILY-FRIENDLY pizzeria
Soros still paying, huh? Or are you actually James? Hello James!
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 08:18:50 a27c8f No.8254983
>Tfw people ignoring child trafficking in Haiti and guinea
>Tfw people ignoring Clintons tie to military industrial complex
Any more info get dug up on beyond borders, located between comet and besta
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 08:19:20 39e452 No.8254989>>8255013
Now explain the image of a toddler with bruises under her eyes holding a roll of duct tape that Jimmy Comet liked.
Something tells me he's taped kids to tables more than once.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 08:21:32 bdbf26 No.8255013
That image tells alot. look at what she's wearing. Is something ritual, not about shitty swirles, but aboutjewish ritual.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 08:21:44 389026 No.8255018>>8255032
No Alexandra Tydings Luzzetto is the children's mother. Tammy is the grandmother, Ben Luzzatto's mother.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 08:21:48 a504d0 No.8255020

Funny if you rape children.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 08:23:39 bdbf26 No.8255032>>8255067
Tamera Luzzatto is the "correct" spelling. Origin seems italian, hapogroup (((Jewish))) in Italy she should be called Tamara
Luzzato. They adapt anmes to local languages.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 08:26:12 389026 No.8255067
I'm saying she's not the mother, she's the grandmother.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 08:28:47 bdbf26 No.8255091
this is not an autistic childs in deep needs helping thread. I f you can't find previous images you can only give ZERO
contribution here.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 08:28:52 b12653 No.8255092
Yes, we know. Maybe it's code or not. The child has been identified see
>running several businesses and being a busy faggot socialite
>posting pics of friends child with #chickenlovers hashtag in your free time
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 08:29:50 d840e2 No.8255101
How convenient, all this time reacting to all my posts with normalfag bullshit, but now focused completely on an
incriminating picture. In fact, a picture he claims not to have any record of and asks for one. Need to redact one more from
the Internet, eh?
J'accuse, James.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 08:32:25 bdbf26 No.8255116
Carisoprodol: a marginally effective skeletal
muscle relaxant with serious abuse potential.
Boothby L, Doering P, Hatton R.
Hosp Pharmacy. 2003
Who can read this?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 08:33:29 39e452 No.8255128>>8255152 >>8255176 >>8255289
File (hide): ce051698daddb16.jpg (80.91 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, c71bff87179e03b335eaf7f69b.jpg)


Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 08:36:17 39e452 No.8255152>>8255176

Also, it was right around the time this first surfaced that they started nuking threads and ddos'ing 4chan. So everyone
save this picture.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 08:36:40 e688d0 No.8255162>>8255207 >>8258220
File (hide): 923c86f99d9260d.png (1.46 MB, 3864x2428, 966:607, websiteanalysis.png)

I did this for 4chan a week ago, are you guys aware of this?
Kalorama is where podesta lives, obama moved there too
Kalorama Network Services is linked to comet pizza, and they host several other
it's owned my maureen gallagher, who is also "sunday manager" of bucks camping and fishing
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 08:38:40 d840e2 No.8255176
Yup, they started sperging out as soon as this sandnigger was mentioned. FBIanon said the pedos were all up in the DoJ
and Clinton Foundation, telling us to focus on CF.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 08:40:34 bdbf26 No.8255186>>8255199 >>8255207
it's indian name you ignorant piece of utter american shit
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 08:41:11 af6e52 No.8255199
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 08:41:56 d840e2 No.8255207
she works for Alefantis then, worth digging
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 08:42:07 bdbf26 No.8255208
Murka Murka Jewish Holocaust Oy Vey Fat-Jew
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 08:47:05 f9686a No.8255249
You do understand your picture is damning in it's own way. "A bunch of young-ish families who turn their kids loose",
meaning there's plenty of unattended kids.

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 08:50:25 dc65aa No.8255267

File (hide): 675c04f306e1caa.jpg (1.23 MB, 1456x1688, 182:211, sam-taylor wood.jpg)

File (hide): aa7044b88685699.jpg (105.54 KB, 420x337, 420:337, janaina schaipe.jpg)

File (hide): 736e39587993106.jpg (78.98 KB, 469x600, 469:600, patricia piccinici.jpg)

File (hide): b9b31636bf83db7.jpg(181.97 KB, 508x726, 254:363, gillan wearing 2.jpg)

File (hide): 57347b7bbc604c4.jpg (8.06 KB, 236x176, 59:44, gillan wearing podestas fa.jpg)

>podestas art
these are some of his favorite artists. Themes of abnormality, the grotesque, the bestial, sex, lust, decay, loss, trauma,
fear, death.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 08:51:45 bdbf26 No.8255272
Caris Drug Quick Fact Sheet:
- Discovered durin gMK-ULTRA Years.
- Has an half-life duration of less than 2Hours.
- Forensic presence obtainable only via chromathography.
It's literally the MK-ULTRA Programmer Tool of The Trade.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 08:53:22 bdbf26 No.8255283
>Anyways, I'm gonna stop now.
don't leave! Baby don't hurt me... no more!
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 08:53:48 4f9632 No.8255286
Carisjames causes sleepless nights too
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 08:54:07 df574a No.8255289>>8255460
File (hide): 07257173e52c656.png (12.98 KB, 519x81, 173:27, lkTD6gb.png)


cool pizza
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 08:54:36 d840e2 No.8255293
>parents post pics of their children taped to fucking tables
>parents let their babies be taken to a satanic fucking party with Lady Gaga where there's an effigy of a human being cut
right fucking open as a cake or dish or whatever the fuck it was
sure sure, hope Soros pays you well, you're gonna need it when the names start leaking
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 08:56:04 dc65aa No.8255306
Nah, even a commenter on the pic said it was creepy and he shouldn't have posted it, especially with the recent
accusations, she said.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 08:59:21 39e452 No.8255330>>8255363 >>8255480
When a child is so deprived of sleep that the dark bags under her eyes resemble ecchymosis, that alone is evidence of
child-abuse. But more likely, this kid suffers from malnourishment or physical trauma.
Again, why have you been so dedicated to explaining everything away these past couple of threads?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 09:03:37 e688d0 No.8255363>>8255373 >>8255541 >>8256465 >>8263362
File (hide): 216072986b29147.png (1.24 MB, 1881x1277, 1881:1277, 1479100342982.png)

File (hide): 7f354add565e8f1.png (3.86 MB, 3488x2235, 3488:2235, 1479100956710.png)

File (hide): c0176881ec79307.png (824.23 KB, 930x596, 465:298, 1479100686768.png)

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 09:05:18 e688d0 No.8255373
also look at the room they're in, it looks like a broom closet, they're playing with the stuff they found lying around there.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 09:09:30 b12653 No.8255399
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 09:11:43 d840e2 No.8255414
>completely unknown source of the photos
>no bags under eyes plainly fucking visible in the sickfuck photos
keep digging that hole for yourself i suppose
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 09:15:49 11eab1 No.8255443>>8255601
my sister lives blocks away from this place, with my new born niece. how worried should i be?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 09:15:55 d840e2 No.8255444
how do you know that, James? Based on one fucking item in the room, but not all the others?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 09:16:41 ff0e48 No.8255450>>8255480 >>8255522 >>8257234
File (hide): 7ee5ef7e814a2ed.jpg (49.97 KB, 728x540, 182:135, nzpxPipg.jpg)

Guys, I may have just stumbled on something truly disturbing.
Check out this tumblr from Rachel Chandler, longtime associate of the Clintons.


Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 09:16:41 d840e2 No.8255451
besides, I thought you were done discussing this with us and was about to recuse yourself. Still blindly defending James
and his rapebuddies, eh?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 09:17:38 8c7928 No.8255460>>8258220
File (hide): 3f322af8482b700.png (1.03 MB, 1515x857, 1515:857, algiznipredpill.png)

This investigation needs to ramp shit up, you guys have been poking at red herrings and strings for weeks.
What we should be looking at is convicted and indited pedophiles as well as rings in the Washington area. We need to
bust doors down, make citizen arrests.
Also reminder that pedos shitpost and congregate to anonymous locations on the internet just like intl does. Unlike us,
and very much like intl their memes are shit, uninspiring and childish, because they never made it over the threshold of
mental acuity that signifies becoming an adult.
Cool Pizza is possibly an example of creating a product from which you can "cleverly" refer to when talking in code to
each other.
>Create a product
>When talking in code, if ever caught, refer to the product, then insult or ridicule any accusation of the code words
meaning anything other than that
The same is true of Comet Ping Pong and of Besta Pizza. These businesses are pedophile fronts, they are using them as
a means to refer to them in case they ever ran the risk of being caught like they have been, talking in code.
>I have such great fun with CP
>Lets share some CP experiences
>Whaaat, we were talking about comet pizza experiences obviously, what are you crazy?
They meet at these locations to enjoy the company of fellow degenerates, for they fear the thought of being alone. Few
sociopaths can pull off their degeneracy entirely alone.
It is rudimentary strategy, simple and childish, but they do it nonetheless, and always have. Masons have done it for
hundreds of years, ever since they went from an adult organization to a childish one somewhere around the time when
the Rothschild and associated parties infiltrated and co opted them, perhaps even before that particular insurrection.
The reality, when taken out into the sun and drawn out for all to see, then explained logically, is that all of these memes of
codes and secrecy are childish. They hate to be observed because its under observation that this childish cult is exposed
for what it really is, fear based congregation of unhealthy, mentally deranged underdeveloped adults. They derailed from
the human purpose, and are left bereft of any value, so all they can do is destroy rather than create, for to fix themselves
they have to first admit to how fucking stupid and childish they are.
Silence is their greatest fear, they must always laugh, makes jokes, torture, maim and pleasure themselves upon the
destruction of hard work. Silence is what brings the daunting weight of reality down upon them. They surround themselves
with sick and twisted art because shit, cancer and decay helps them avoid looking at the even more terrifying nature of
their own reality. They are escapists, they flee constantly.
Remind yourselves that you are the Sonnenrad, the fire of truth, the eternal Phoenix.

These people, they hate nothing more than being laughed at, ridiculed when exposed completely. They dress up in fancy
clothes, they go to fancy arrangements, with fancy people, they laugh behind their masks on fancy checkered floors, at
children, teenagers, men and women stripped naked and reduced to cattle for their amusement and sacrifice. They feel so
empowered in their secrecy. Remove the roof, expose them to the world, and they are no more powerful than rodents
fleeing an exposed nest.
These are our eternal foe, the carrion at the heart of corruption.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 09:17:44 a504d0 No.8255465>>8255586
Agreed. The plastic ties on the girl playing cards, podesta's band-aid, this black eye people are using shitty monitors or
something. Too much fantastic speculation, like the handkerchief map, you have too look at it in just a certain way for it to
mean anything.
I feel like these are shill attempts at distraction.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 09:18:17 d840e2 No.8255468
THE DEPTH VISIBLE you degenerate
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 09:20:04 bdbf26 No.8255480
Now - Goym - it's 5777.
Nothing wrong as whipping your ballerina once in a while.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 09:21:47 d840e2 No.8255493
I was talking about your so-called "family pictures". So you fucking admit there's a difference then?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 09:26:25 e688d0 No.8255522>>8255527
looks like a bag with a red tassel on it, still the kid is dressed up and poses in a weird manner
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 09:27:14 ff0e48 No.8255527
Aah that makes a little more sense.
Still some really disturbing pictures on her tumblr of children with no seeming explanation of where they came from.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 09:27:20 304414 No.8255530>>8255537
>This is how silly you sound, goyim.
Kill yourself and your employers. Do something good for oncce.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 09:27:56 304414 No.8255537
I'm retarded. It was meant for this faggot >>8255517
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 09:28:16 e688d0 No.8255541

there's no point in defending these guys, pics show that they've been photoshopped. why would someone photoshop the
elbow of his daughter if he doesn't have something to hide?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 09:28:22 d840e2 No.8255542
After weighing how much sick shit James is into, his whole fucking pizzeria and the amount of shit he's involved in, his
instagram, his creepy fucking "jokes" AND how many confirmed pedos he's in contact with, with Hillary fucking Clinton
visiting Comet?
Pizza theory. Every fucking time. You focus on small details while there's an ever-growing amount of (((coincidences)))
that you're all too ready to ignore. So fuck off with your shilling, you're not getting away with this.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 09:31:53 a504d0 No.8255586
To reiterate my point, these "maybe/maybe not" things can be used as clues and move on to the next thing (by
investigating those accounts who like or comment on these images), but they aren't evidence by themselves and so
should not be the center of conversation.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 09:33:08 b12653 No.8255601>>8255851
She should be a stay at home mom, no childcare. Homeschool.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 09:34:02 ff0e48 No.8255608>>8255626 >>8255772
Someone help me I can't seem to view the notes to see who shared these pictures
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 09:36:11 304414 No.8255626>>8255648
Neither can I. Maybe you need to follow her?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 09:37:51 e688d0 No.8255639>>8258913
so you're an expert on computer forensic graphic analysis?
for me the shadow looks weird even with my bare eye, now get lost.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 09:38:31 ff0e48 No.8255648>>8255677 >>8255693
I was able to do it via mobile earlier weird if they disabled it via css or something.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 09:41:28 e688d0 No.8255677>>8255696 >>8255789

File (hide): 9b27c6fcb781b0b.png (1.08 MB, 1108x696, 277:174, 12412.png)

i guess that's the same person
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 09:43:00 304414 No.8255693>>8255711
These don't seem weird to me. Except the first one. The page implies she's a photographer, so she got the kid to pose like
that on purpose.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 09:43:18 a504d0 No.8255696>>8255802
Go home. You're drunk.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 09:45:19 ff0e48 No.8255711>>8255802 >>8255839
In case you forgot who Rachel Chandler was
Also who photographs a young male, mostly shirtless, in snakeskin pants with ballerina shoes, on a bed, and then posts is
on the internet?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 09:50:28 39e452 No.8255764>>8255839
Come on. Those are all bags under the eyes. The toddler in the picture we posted has bruises, not bags. The arks are far
darker than bags, as anyone can see.
There is actually a more innocent explanation I deliberately neglected to suggest because I wanted to see what you'd say.
Parents concerned about bruises under their toddler's eyes usually go to a doctor to discover it's from nasal congestion.
A second of googleing could have shown you that, but you jump right on explaining away the bruises. Maybe these
parents were not concerned enough to bring this kid to a doctor because they already know how the bruises got there.
Bruises like that are also the result of a skull fracture.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 09:50:29 ff0e48 No.8255765
This tumblr liked one of the photos. Why?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 09:51:12 e688d0 No.8255772>>8255820 >>8255848 >>8255888
is this also hers?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 09:54:06 536437 No.8255789>>8255800

I'm convinced some of you faggots are face blind

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 09:55:15 e688d0 No.8255800>>8255849
what do you mean?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 09:55:24 bdbf26 No.8255802>>8255820 >>8259404
>So here we go, my theory:
>She's a toddler and doesn't sleep much. As toddlers do. She's in the arts and craft / play room.
Holy Shit, Sherlock.
What's the problem, GRANDMA?
Curious Lancashire Walks: Forty Intriguing Country Rambles Paperback 5 Aug 2006
by Graham K. Dugdale
- Missing Charlene Downes
- Allegations that two children were sexually exploited by taxi drivers in Lancashire.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 09:57:59 ff0e48 No.8255820>>8255839 >>8255842 >>8255855
Possibly. Gonna need people to run down who all is in these pictures. idk what this is but something is going on there
Seems very Podesta-y
What are you driving at, help me see.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 09:59:41 bdbf26 No.8255839>>8255866
>>8255711 P-parents :^)
>>8255764 >>8255790
I strongly suggest you to get the fuck out with youre bags, too.
>>8255820 Having a clinical eye, that's the book on the left.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:00:05 e688d0 No.8255842>>8255866
all pictures there are from august 26/27 2013, lots of hollywoodpeople
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:00:45 a504d0 No.8255848>>8255866 >>8255888
None of this is archived.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:00:39 85962f No.8255849>>8255870
That you are blind to faces
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:00:49 11eab1 No.8255851

unfortunately shes a libcuck.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:01:13 bdbf26 No.8255855>>8255866
>>8255820 Having a clinical eye, that's the book on the left.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:02:52 ff0e48 No.8255866>>8255900 >>8255918 >>8255931 >>8255949
Fuck, you're right. So then we know they were in Lancaster sometime after 2006.
Anyone of note we should be seeing in there? I recognized a few but not all.
Good on you anon.
I didn't catch that, yeah I see it now.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:03:54 e688d0 No.8255870>>8255927
you mean that's not the same person? to me they look very alike, not a grandmother, more like a grandfather
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:05:14 ff0e48 No.8255879>>8255944 >>8255949 >>8259388
This tumblr shared photo from rachelchandler's tumblr
What the fuck is this?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:05:23 457e58 No.8255882>>8258913
That shadow doesn't dissipate like a normal shadow, shill man. That alone is reason enough to believe it was
These people are sick. They want to display their horrible personalities but they want to do so in a way that they can skirt
trouble from authorities. Normal crazy people like me hide the bodies and make sure no one knows about anything you've
done, erasing all evidence or even hints of incrimination. These people are both crazy and they think they won't get
caught no matter how much they show; they're fetishists, and this is their way of announcing their exhibitionism and
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:06:31 a504d0 No.8255888>>8255914
Goes to page 7
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:07:16 b12653 No.8255900
File (hide): c1f562ea819b15a.png (445.08 KB, 2007x961, 2007:961, screenshot-rachelchandlerp.png)

>Anyone of note we should be seeing in there?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:08:01 9790d4 No.8255912
>>8253279 (OP)
>James Alefantis
Has anyone looked through these emails yet?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:08:10 ff0e48 No.8255914
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:08:30 e688d0 No.8255918>>8256001
is also on the other blog
also this seems important
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:09:21 9790d4 No.8255922>>8258220
File (hide): 6c0047d6009925b.png (63.81 KB, 1136x377, 1136:377, results.png)

>>8253279 (OP)
Has anyone looked through these emails yet?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:09:20 389026 No.8255923>>8256018 >>8256112 >>8259659
File (hide): 7c1784f9a62d20d.jpg (50.91 KB, 992x520, 124:65, TL01.jpg)

File (hide): 1192816812a905c.jpg (156.24 KB, 992x520, 124:65, TL02.jpg)

File (hide): a2c15b2ebb2277c.jpg (441.5 KB, 1984x1040, 124:65, TL03.jpg)

File (hide): 7d3008130e2e204.jpg (429.84 KB, 1984x1040, 124:65, TL04.jpg)

File (hide): c11f2669faa721c.jpg (18.11 KB, 400x400, 1:1, Newtown-Action-Alliance-lo.jpg)

Tamera Luzzatto's Facebook -

There are many photos of her grandchildren on her Facebook, most are of the children mentioned in the Podesta emails
and a few have comments that may be worth looking into.
Tamera Luzzatto is Managing Director of Government Relations at The Pew Charitable Trusts, which was a conservative
organisation years ago but has been taken over by the far-left and is now used for things like activism against "man-made
climate change".
About Pew Charitable Trusts
I also noticed that she liked the Facebook page of Newtown Action Alliance, a Sandy Hook organisation with a
paedophilic-looking logo.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:10:09 b12653 No.8255927

I agree. The thinning hair, you can see the little pieces at the top on the hose pic. Also baggy neck, same hairline and ear.
Same age, I say same person.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:10:34 304414 No.8255931
I don't see anything odd in the pictures. It would be interesting to find out which party this is from. I can't find anything.
Some images bring 0 results from search which is weird considering this is a party with famous people.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:11:31 dc65aa No.8255944
I bet all the people photographed are part of the sex/child trafficking trade. Either former, current slaves, or
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:12:29 bdbf26 No.8255949>>8255991
Here's Johnny (?)
>Anyone of note we should be seeing in there?
Gaga, The fucking satanic Rolling Stones frontman many, as posted before.
I'm diggin the previous- kids ok nuit
- Al Azif 's Awakening Ritual " The night opens on the brink of the abyss. The doors of hell are locked: Asking you try them. To your call something will
be awaked to answer to you. This gift I leave to humanity: here the keys. Look for the locks; be satisfied. But listen what
says Abdul Alhazred: for first I found them: and I am crazy. " (preface of the Necronomicon)
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:13:54 ff0e48 No.8255965>>8255985 >>8256013 >>8256118 >>8256162
Why is this man sharing this picture, and again using the CSS to hide who else is sharing it..
also, THIS tumblr account shared THAT picture
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:15:54 dc65aa No.8255985>>8256000
this is fucked up. How did the kid get that? He abused the child in some way and he is sharing the photo to show off to
others. Who is this?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:16:30 b12653 No.8255991
pic not loading. hopefully anon got all archived. people, don't post until you archive.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:16:39 d32965 No.8255999
shills shilling shills
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:16:49 ff0e48 No.8256000>>8256003 >>8256015

I don't know, but another account that also shared it posted their own:
Even if we don't do anything else guys we might be busting a tumblr pedo trading ring anyway
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:16:47 e688d0 No.8256001
File (hide): 385e8b345ebb726.jpg (284.91 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, tumblr_ms60mxJT8R1sghtjmo1.jpg)

don't miss this
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:17:14 ff0e48 No.8256003>>8256011
*sobs incoherently* I want to get off this wild ride
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:17:59 ff0e48 No.8256011>>8256104 >>8258071
Everyone needs to make sure they're not eating anything then look at this fucking tumblr. And they call US degenerates.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:17:59 bdbf26 No.8256013
Gross. Can anyone post nudes on instagram?

+ Kidsok Nuit - Raba El Kaliyeh - (MP3)
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:18:15 e688d0 No.8256015>>8256038 >>8256046 >>8256068 >>8256119
that's some crazy shit on there
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:18:31 389026 No.8256018
How old is that photo? Could that be Evie, who is related to or known by the Luzzattos? >>8255923 (4th pic, top left
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:18:31 457e58 No.8256019
File (hide): b26767e5405ed2d.png (656.48 KB, 758x553, 758:553, (((you))).png)

>y-you weren't fooled? W-well you're all just butt brains!
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:19:06 304414 No.8256023
Oy vey. Mr Goldstein. You are going to have to try harder than that.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:21:08 ff0e48 No.8256038
Why is a tumblr posting pictures of children, being shared by accounts who are sharing "innocent" pictures of children
being linked with this account posting questionable pornography and gore?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:21:51 d32965 No.8256046>>8256062 >>8259336
>white rabbits everywhere
>specifically white and not any other color
I think we're past the point were we can say it's just a coincidence. The thing is: is it worth it to investigate the rabbit matter
further before we have more real connections? Can we spare the manpower?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:23:54 ff0e48 No.8256062>>8256063 >>8256112
This is adults and a child in a bathtub.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:24:21 ff0e48 No.8256063
Another associated account primarily posting children.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:25:07 304414 No.8256068>>8256089
Interesting fact. nqbs stands for doing a blowjob then spitting the cum.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:26:57 5c9fe9 No.8256080>>8256092 >>8256095 >>8256103 >>8258220
File (hide): dde7d23437eca0f.png (335.43 KB, 983x736, 983:736, d8eb139485d5230ac4981aa7af.png)

Hey, I'm new to this thread, been off /pol/ for a week. What's the recap of all this? Thanks in advance.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:27:45 ff0e48 No.8256089>>8256114
I really do think we're seeing child abuse images just well cropped, a signal to pedos who would recognize snippets. We
need to get to fucking work and run down every single one of these pictures.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:28:20 5c9fe9 No.8256092
Fuck never mind, I didn't read the OP.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:28:52 ff0e48 No.8256095
Run away now or prepare to be more disgusted then you've ever been in your life.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:29:34 d32965 No.8256103
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:29:40 b12653 No.8256104
I gotta take a break. These people are pure evil, no question. A few of those look like they might be crime scene pics. FBI
pls investigate.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:31:05 bdbf26 No.8256112>>8256139
it reposts various photos from different sources.
potatoguy is it a trigger of some sort?
Vuvu playing the Doc
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:31:10 d32965 No.8256114
yeah back in the day pedos would post cropped pics on /b/ to see how far they could go before being banned.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:31:42 39e452 No.8256117

Blocking the light with what? No you've backed yourself in a corner because of all the time you spent showing us exactly
where the light source is. Nothing is blocking between the light source and her face.
>thinly-veiled threats
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:32:00 a504d0 No.8256118>>8256139 >>8257397
File (hide): 098d83834164901.jpg (56.58 KB, 500x333, 500:333, tumblr_mjxnaeiBaf1qgcofjo1.jpg)

File (hide): 739dfe83bff595e.jpg (203.22 KB, 640x640, 1:1, tumblr_nkmckmR29X1qdae4uo1.jpg)

File (hide): dd7e275ac7dffe8.jpg (23.79 KB, 500x327, 500:327, tumblr_mf3zb5kHLI1r450kvo1.jpg)

File (hide): d8bedcb281b3358.jpg(93.25 KB, 640x884, 160:221, tumblr_ngcnmkmepb1qzevkro1.jpg)

Here are some from WAYYY down on that page
I see our friend Marina Abramovic is included.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:32:02 e688d0 No.8256119>>8256139 >>8256143 >>8256155
Warning, disturbing images, these are pictures uploaded by the person himself
also weird blog he's following
i won't delve deeper into this, too much gore
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:34:08 ff0e48 No.8256139>>8256247
Yes, I am picking up on that now. Based on the volume I'd guess he's an aggregate source.
The implied content of this photo is astounding. But it wasn't posted by this tumblr, just reshared. So I figured I'd follow the
What the.. this is a site designed to look EXACTLY like tumblr but is not tumblr. Also uses fucking Mali's internet
Someone help me figure out this mess, and can we find the webmaster of this site?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:34:16 d32965 No.8256143>>8256151
>too much gore
frankly you should be used by it at this point, newfag.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:34:46 ff0e48 No.8256151>>8256159
This investigation is going to call upon our collective numbness to the most disgusting parts of the internet.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:35:21 304414 No.8256155>>8256247

Doesn't seeem like it would be useful anyway. The gore is creepy but wouldn't be out of place on any gore site.
I would keep looking since I don't give a shit but some of the images have saliva and that's disgusting.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:36:43 d32965 No.8256159
what happened to the times when WE used to be the most disgusting part of the internet, before 8ch?
current year+1 is completely insane
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:36:51 ff0e48 No.8256161
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:36:59 b12653 No.8256162>>8256174
The a-ssad umbly links to rachel chandler tumblr where?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:38:30 ff0e48 No.8256174
He liked this photo. Full disclosure I was only able to find it via mobile because they've disabled the notes page via CSS
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:38:58 d32965 No.8256178>>8256185 >>8256203 >>8256240
Okay we're getting a bit sidetracked here with this tumblr bullshit, let's go back on focusing on the money trail and the real
connections, clinton foundation etc.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:40:22 a27c8f No.8256185
and remember to archive everything
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:42:16 ff0e48 No.8256203>>8256211 >>8256231
I think we're actually about to find a pedo-sharing ring with connections to Rachel Chandler, Bill's sleeping partner from
the Lolita express.
If we can find a single child in this web of depravity that links up to a child involved in this shit then that's a smoking gun.
Creepy tumblr that shared one of the older eye photos. Note the tags.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:43:16 ff0e48 No.8256211>>8256298
oh and this tumblr, also linked in.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:45:41 39e452 No.8256229>>8256342
I don't think so.
Also, are you officially changing your story now from "they are bags from being tired" to "they are shadows?"
You'd only get shadows there if a light source was shining up from the bottom. Also, bruises and shadows look different.
Again, why are you trying this hard after already saying goodbye twice?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:45:46 d32965 No.8256231

oh well sometimes the pieces of the puzzle are found in the least likely places
continue digging then, anons
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:46:14 08fff0 No.8256240
Tumblr is a legit lead. SCHILL VERIFIED
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:46:26 b12653 No.8256243
File (hide): 5eb8d3887388e00.jpg (318.67 KB, 400x395, 80:79, 1443.jpg)

everyone, please archive before you post

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:46:55 bdbf26 No.8256247>>8256261
Nihilist photos. And that jewish whore.
indian girl - mumbai
Karishma Sakhrani and The Pantry present - The Reality Bites Workshop
Oy Vey, are we minding your business?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:47:16 371eb9 No.8256251
File (hide): 553ed14ff222072.png (197.32 KB, 324x234, 18:13, 1222222222222.PNG)

You have no power here.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:48:32 304414 No.8256261
Well, I'm not familiar with Tumblr. It's just that I have seen worse. Is gore allowed there?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:53:04 a504d0 No.8256298>>8256330 >>8256342
Holy shit
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:54:50 a504d0 No.8256310
Don't you know not to feed the trolls? Stop with the lighting and photos discussion already.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:57:40 d32965 No.8256330>>8256373 >>8256414
if only we could get a glimpse at someone's face then we could try and compare it with missing children photos or
something along that line
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:57:46 39e452 No.8256333>>8256342
I know all about setting up light sources for a camera. I know all about key and fill and how to avoid ugly shadows like
that. Don't just assume people are uneducated enough to take your word for these things. Pick up a shooting and lighting
textbook before you spout nonsense so you don't shoot yourself in the foot again.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:58:13 bdbf26 No.8256342
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 10:59:24 ff0e48 No.8256350>>8256400 >>8256610 >>8256935
Alright, so Rachel Chandler did a good job of hiding who shared and liked her posts to the casual observer, but their CSS
doesn't work on mobile. If anyone is familiar with the tumblr back end to see how we could disable it, that would make like

easier. Until then, here's a list of the tumblr accounts who shared or liked this photo:

wrote this up really fast, if anyone else wants to do the same just check via mobile. These are the tumblr pages who
shared this picture of a nearly shirtless prebuscent child in skin-tight snakeskin pants posing on a bed with ballerina
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 11:01:01 a27c8f No.8256368>>8256399 >>8256414 >>8261075
is LJ Jimmy
He owns planes we know
Fuck this is big if these are the same guy.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 11:01:42 ff0e48 No.8256373
I'm almost to the point of wondering if we should start a gofundme to hire a PI to sift through all this shit with their access
to databases.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 11:05:33 304414 No.8256399
They aren't the same guy, but they may be related to each other.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 11:05:40 d32965 No.8256400>>8256427 >>8256489
I still think we are grasping at straws with the tumblr thing though
we may discover a cp sharing group which wouldn't even be noteworthy and I'm not sure how it implicates Rachel
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 11:07:13 08fff0 No.8256414>>8257600
These kids are not missing. They were bought on the market, or RAISED IN CAPTIVITIY.
GOOGLE: Podesta+CIRM (stem cells)
GOOGLE: Mamas Midwives
then look ate the comments on the big "Walk in freezer" pic.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 11:08:37 ff0e48 No.8256427>>8256457 >>8256459 >>8256610
>I'm not sure how it implicates Rachel Chandler
Are you a shill or what?
This photo

Rachel Chandler was a frequent flier of the lolita express, where Billy and Epstein used to fuck underaged girls on the reg.
Rachel then operates a quiet tumblr post where she posts pictures of young children in less-than-acceptable clothing,
which is then shared by some seriously fucking depraved tumblr accounts.
Explain to me how that is grasping at straws.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 11:11:51 32ec57 No.8256452>>8258220
where did the Dox of Rachel Chandler come from? An insider telling us? Seems that pic with WJC on Twitter then her
name as victim then her name as Madam Pimp all flowed in a few days.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 11:12:25 d32965 No.8256457>>8256467 >>8256489
Like I said, grasping at straws
Chandler is obviously implicated but the chance we'll find anything in her tumblr of all places is really small
>less-than-acceptable clothing
the kid (if you can even call it that) is fully clothed. using weird ass clothes != being naked
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 11:12:41 39e452 No.8256459>>8256656
This picture is actually very similar to the amateur cp photos you see floating around image hosting sites like
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 11:13:28 6f937f No.8256465
>first pic


You're trying to fit the "6" of the dress on the BL symbol.
It's comparisons like this that make people think this is stupid and turn away
The "6's" on the dress may just be an ordinary feature.
You've got better evidence than this, come on.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 11:13:36 304414 No.8256466
I found some stuff that seems interesting in the emails.
Why "Do not forward"? It's just a logo. This one couldn't have an embedded file like the others but it's weird. Some of
these conversations seem incomplete. I'm sure they communicate by other means too. Also, have all the emails been
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 11:13:37 ff0e48 No.8256467>>8256530 >>8256833
InvestigativeTripcode!!dSB0MDnim6 11/15/16 (Tue) 11:15:26 64cee0 No.8256485>>8256489 >>8256611 >>8256794 >>8258220
>>8253279 (OP)
Bumping wiki

Consolidating information in the form of a wiki is valuable for two reasons.

1) It allows investigators to easily see all the connections that are already known (and see how strong/weak those
connections are, which an infographic can't communicate as well).
2) It provides a place for people whose curiosity has been piqued, either by an infographic or by word of mouth, to go and
find more information.
I'm doing what I can but I'm a wageslave, so my time is limited right now. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Note that your IP is recorded whenever you make an edit, so you should use Tor if you're concerned about that. I'm trying
to figure out how to change that setting but I'm new to wikispaces, so I haven't figured it out yet.
I will drop in there regularly to contribute/unshill. Send a request if you want to be a mod.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 11:16:01 bdbf26 No.8256489>>8256530
most of them appear to be fashion gurls - rich and disillusioned - haven't looked that much into it.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 11:20:09 64cee0 No.8256527>>8256560 >>8256586 >>8256621
>>8253279 (OP)
I'm a little curious about this:
"Last day in MV. Missed you. Susan whipped Sherry and me at Dominos. Using the Podesta method, she made up the
rules as we played."
Anyone have an educated guess what MV means? Maybe it's nothing but, going back through these emails a second
time, so much more stuff makes sense, so maybe someone has figured that out, too? It looks like it might be a place
where their weird sex stuff goes on.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 11:20:16 d32965 No.8256530>>8256572
fuck off retard
>answers me straight and then calls me a shill right after
did all the competent guys get burned out?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 11:21:50 3c70e7 No.8256543
Tumblr is the least likely to be legit because a lot of them are just edgy nu-goth types that want to show their edge by
reblogging edgy shit.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 11:24:49 304414 No.8256560>>8256569 >>8256611
There is an island named Martha's Vineyard south of Massachusetts. It has been visited by both Bill and Hillary.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 11:26:18 304414 No.8256569>>8256611
And guess who else? Everyone favorite pedophile, Jeffrey Epstein. This looks interesting.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 11:26:47 bdbf26 No.8256572
Vasilios Alefantis - he's owner of some airgreece corps. in CANADA.
Bill Alefantis Broken Plate Group, Founding Member.
Vasilios'"Bill'" Alefantis
Broken Plate Group?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 11:28:42 32ec57 No.8256586>>8256627
File (hide): efa014dcde2791c.jpg (29.05 KB, 480x360, 4:3, image.jpg)

Mission Viejo is in Southern California, upscale in some areas. Herbert Sandler is from Northern California I think.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 11:31:54 3c70e7 No.8256610
You already got your answer from the Tumblr. Which is already hazy enough considering that Tumblr is filled with
disillusioned teens that find "art" in edgy film photos of people in weird positions. The amount of content that's avant-garde
and masochistic for the sake of art on Tumblr is ridiculous but people eat it up and reblog it because it makes their Tumblr
look a certain way. Probably more than half the people that liked the photo that >>8256350 has listed are just disillusioned
What you should be focusing on is if there's anything fishy with the backend of rachel chandler's tumblr or anything else.
nvestigativeTripcode!!dSB0MDnim6 11/15/16 (Tue) 11:31:59 64cee0 No.8256611
duh. They talk about Martha's Vineyard in the Handkerchief email thread, too.
Many thanks, anon. I should have seen that myself.
Not to be rude but this is precisely why we need to consolidate everything in the wiki
It's been known since basically the beginning that these people visited Martha's Vineyard. (I just got tripped up by it being
shortened to "MV".) If we had a fleshed out wiki, you'd be able to look at it and see exactly what anons had learned about
it in the past. (If I remember correctly, people looked into the realtor in the handkerchief emails, didnt find anything, and
that was basically it.)
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 11:34:10 08fff0 No.8256621
Marthas Vinyard
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 11:35:05 bdbf26 No.8256627
They are programming their kids.

MV &/or EPSTEIN VIRGIN ISLAND - THey take their own kids there - and some haitians - they teach them some Talmud
pages, they kill the Haitian HEATEN and drink the blood.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 11:39:56 389026 No.8256656>>8256735 >>8256784
>This picture is actually very similar to the amateur cp photos you see floating around image hosting sites like
>Fully clothed.
>Can't tell how old they are.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 11:42:53 5c3622 No.8256675
>the fact that they were jackhammering down to the tunnels below their restaurant with a permit.
Someone should call call OSHA with an anonymous complaint about this. Say you worked at the restaurant and the
jackhammering kicked up a lot of dust and now you've developed a cough. OSHA takes that shit seriously and might send
someone to do a thorough inspection of the basement.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 11:48:40 b14a27 No.8256717>>8256762 >>8256794 >>8258220
Come on Anons, lets do some thinking here.
We need to step back and think here. What are we currently working on? What have we over looked? Are we asking the
right questions?
Take a look back at this thread. If we were to gain significant insight into any of these topics, would it be likely to lead to a
smoking gun?
Where do we think the easiest to find smoking gun would be?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 11:50:35 bdbf26 No.8256735
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 11:52:29 32ec57 No.8256762>>8256794 >>8258220
I think some insiders are leaking things across many platforms for a reason. A considerable effort I think. Perhaps to
compile in a logical progressive way the smoking guns. To create across US and the world an awareness. Hiding in the
the volume of red-pilled keeps us safer. So a reasonable rational Wiki makes sense.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 11:54:02 e688d0 No.8256777>>8256894 >>8257642 >>8261050
I stumbled upon this when reading an article on aquino
seems like they invented something called false memory syndrome to protect pedophiles
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 11:54:37 39e452 No.8256784>>8256818

hebephiles are into that sort of thing. Browse around image hosting sites if you don't believe me.
InvestigativeTripcode!!dSB0MDnim6 11/15/16 (Tue) 11:56:28 64cee0 No.8256794>>8256894
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 12:00:13 a901cc No.8256814
Did Breitbart know?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 12:01:28 389026 No.8256818>>8256874
No such thing as hebephiles, it's a cultural marxist term to shame heterosexuals. And since the person in that photo is
fully clothed it doesn't even fit the definition of what is legally called CP. It's just a photo of what I think is a girl (they look
feminine, but can't tell 100% at that angle) twisted in an odd position that isn't even sexual.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 12:04:00 4eb94f No.8256833>>8256852 >>8256876 >>8256993
File (hide): 84adbc823102738.png (5.55 KB, 477x27, 53:3, screenshot-area-2016-11-15.png)
guys guys guys hey guys
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 12:07:11 a504d0 No.8256852>>8256910
What does it want?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 12:08:59 39e452 No.8256874>>8256894
I'm telling you. If you go to one of those image hosting sites like pimpandhost or imgsrc, amateur child porn is floating
around. It is all like that in suggestive positions on a bed, starting fully clothed like that. That girl is clearly underaged.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 12:09:11 304414 No.8256876>>8256910
Not all of us are leet haxxors anon. What's that supposed to be?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 12:09:31 a02127 No.8256879>>8256890 >>8256894 >>8258220
owned by the same folks as comet pizza.
anyone know where i can find an archive of the site.
website doesn't look anywhere near as pro as comet, may have changed recently.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 12:11:14 a504d0 No.8256890
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 12:11:44 bdbf26 No.8256894>>8256931

(((They))) use DID instead of MPD which tells alot about Psychology as a whole. Look at Ewen Cameron.
Who the fuck is the father of jimmycomet?
ACHILLES ALEFANTIS (Dad's name) who the fuck is he?
What makes Tony Podesta travel thousands of miles just for a gallery opening?
'It's a form of addiction'
Today, he reckons, he and his wife have the world's biggest collection of Anna Gaskell ("maybe second to Anna Gaskell").
Other contemporary favourites include Gillian Wearing, Marina Abramovic, Sam Taylor-Wood and Olafur Eliasson. also
Wolfgang Tillman, Louise Bourgeois
on you'll see some private meetings happened there.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 12:12:48 4eb94f No.8256910>>8256926 >>8256939
somebody hid data in it using steganography
the program jphide
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 12:14:51 4eb94f No.8256926
File (hide): 1184dc3cdc39398.jpg (601.7 KB, 1280x1723, 1280:1723, tumblr_o6064c8Ax91qisyv1o1.jpg)

here is the file I scanned.
I'm not great at cracking weird files like this but I'll see what I can do, if an anon has a decent graphics card feel free to go
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 12:15:13 39e452 No.8256931
He's not a shill. He was posting leads earlier.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 12:15:40 ad314b No.8256935
File (hide): fe68c2ba08d15b1.jpg (113.24 KB, 500x719, 500:719, tumblr_nubdjwlDqM1qisyv1o1.jpg)

Don't forget .. pic attached is from this link:*/*
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 12:15:58 304414 No.8256939>>8256970 >>8256993
Won't we need a password then? Still, it's work checking out.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 12:18:59 4eb94f No.8256970>>8256993
a password or somebody who knows more about cracking steg than I do, I can learn but it may take days to crack it while
I learn on the job
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 12:21:44 bdbf26 No.8256993>>8257012
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 12:23:23 304414 No.8257012>>8257027
Anon, with your obsession with calling everyone shills someone might think you are one yourself. Are you trying to get
everyone to filter you?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 12:25:20 bdbf26 No.8257027>>8257061
A shill posts half a link that supposedly is hidden in a Sax photo.
Another shill asks for password.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 12:26:58 0581ba No.8257045>>8257089
Help me listen what he's saying at 15:40 ('whether you believe in ?? or not') and 15:50 ('the only religion that my father
feared was ??'), /pol/, I'm lost.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 12:28:46 304414 No.8257061

I'm the second shill. That's because files hidden with jphide usually have passwords. So to get the file we need the
I don't get how any of those things is shilling. Unless you are implying that it may be hacker bait.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 12:32:20 e688d0 No.8257089>>8257149
godless religion i think
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 12:38:07 bdbf26 No.8257131>>8257149
Godless Theology
The Gods
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 12:40:29 0581ba No.8257149>>8257169 >>8257227
later on he talks about andras
I was hearing him say god artist theology, but it didnt reach nothing on google
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 12:43:04 bdbf26 No.8257169
it's godless religion (MAYBE)
The Cults.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 12:46:39 4eb94f No.8257200>>8257226 >>8257227
File (hide): c8c7adb4cd9e815.png (182.67 KB, 833x562, 833:562, results-steg-detect.png)

So I used my image grabber to take some images from

http://rachelchandler.tumblr .com/
and I scanned them.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 12:49:40 4eb94f No.8257226>>8257258
File (hide): 21111e0cb247402.png (146.38 KB, 842x569, 842:569, oh-snap.png)

I upped the sensitivity
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 12:49:41 bdbf26 No.8257227>>8257580
Godhead Theology.
The Cults.
Not a JPEG
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 12:50:22 d4ee06 No.8257234
File (hide): 5994ae68e5eacd7.png (324.19 KB, 1012x581, 1012:581, Screen Shot 2016-11-10 at .png)

Rachel chandler you say? Ivanka trump on her tumblr from 2011
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 12:53:23 bdbf26 No.8257258>>8257296
Oy Vey.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 12:57:02 75ca7e No.8257284>>8257294
I'm gonna sound like a normalfag, but reading these threads led me to inform myself about Franklin, Dutroux and what
not. I honestly have lost faith on mankind, give these degenerates hell, don't let 'em get away.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 12:58:36 bdbf26 No.8257294
The Finders Cult Leader was a Navy.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 12:58:44 4eb94f No.8257296>>8257302 >>8257309
File (hide): 3e066a99b245bbb.png (88.56 KB, 877x303, 877:303, worried.png)

How should I proceed anons?
I grabbed and scanned more.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 12:59:39 bdbf26 No.8257302>>8257340
And I say yeayeayea What's goin' on
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 13:00:28 304414 No.8257309>>8257340
You could try and get the files. Do it disconnected from the internet and on a virtual machine.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 13:00:55 285d45 No.8257314
File (hide): e72c10ceacfdcbb.png (120.56 KB, 454x800, 227:400, Lucifer_pedobrar_connectio.png)

Spread Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 13:03:13 2d18b3 No.8257328>>8257352 >>8257444 >>8257814 >>8261145
File (hide): b8c477beed20f38.gif (267.82 KB, 774x523, 774:523, Baby.gif)

File (hide): ad9bb64f400a66d.gif (181.41 KB, 603x576, 67:64, logo2.gif)

File (hide): 8207c8fb7896fb2.gif (232.07 KB, 765x573, 255:191, Together.gif)

File (hide): 1133b46e8999ab0.gif (239.35 KB, 767x568, 767:568, Menu.gif)

File (hide): 67aa8962a1323de.gif (142.49 KB, 757x424, 757:424, PizzaGate.gif)

These are some images that summarize it all to spread on SocialMedia. the WORLD MUST KNOW sonner than
Lock them up !!!!!
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 13:04:24 4eb94f No.8257340>>8257367

The png files are abnormal as well according

"PNG: This shows that PNG images should begin with hex value 0x89504E47 and end with 0xAE426082"
From my console:"error: Not a JPEG file: starts with 0x89 0x50"
I'll work on getting these cracked on an air gapped machine after I download all the images I can from these peoples sites.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 13:05:52 304414 No.8257352>>8257496
>to spread on SocialMedia
Bad idea. Don't let them know we are onto them. If you want people to know post the most basic stuff we have.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 13:08:15 4eb94f No.8257367
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 13:11:04 d4ee06 No.8257387
So are we not going to talk about Lee Alefantis being close friend with top-dawg jews connected to bildeberg, Trilateral
Commission, and the club of rome
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 13:11:54 04948b No.8257395>>8257407 >>8257420
File (hide): d783b678e9ac281.png (152.24 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, IMG_0999.PNG)

Just a heads up. Reddit is compromised completely. Keep archiving and digging, we are definitely on the right track. They
banned me for trying to call out shills providing misinformation.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 13:12:08 4eb94f No.8257397>>8257486 >>8260187
File (hide): 2bdf332e5647dce.png (56.75 KB, 833x194, 833:194, steg.png)

holy shit the anons from threads ago were right they are using steg to hide shit.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 13:13:34 4eb94f No.8257407
>the mods name is pizza
holy hell nothing to see here

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 13:15:57 75ca7e No.8257420

Fuck reddit, use voat instead.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 13:19:32 39e452 No.8257444>>8257465
File (hide): 6af31e9dd194bee.jpg (10.82 KB, 407x343, 407:343, l.jpg)

>asian teryaki
These images are all pretty bad. They convey no information.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 13:20:57 2eee4a No.8257451
File (hide): ff43ee78b6ba708.jpg (28.64 KB, 986x136, 29:4, MolochEmail.JPG)

Newfag to the investigation here so don't know if this was already covered.
From my understanding of this unclassified email, a little girl was sacrificed to the pagan god Moloch. I noticed it was sent
on July 31, 2015.
According the Lesser Key of Solomon, there is a demon that is strongest in late July, so he may have summoned, too.
His name is Labolas. According to a demonology website I found, he is sometimes called the "author of bloodshed and
manslaughter". He appears as a dog with wings like a griffin when in demon form.
Pic related. I'm sure you all have seen it.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 13:21:13 285d45 No.8257453
File (hide): 69d67736eefd3a6.mp4 (2.57 MB, 640x640, 1:1, anti trump rally.mp4) [play once] [loop]

@Jeanettehayes from thr0wpizza's dump 2 threads ago.


"Out of darkness can only bring light"
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 13:22:51 bdbf26 No.8257465>>8257478 >>8257571
File (hide): 96d9f08a5d55aa3.jpg (10.49 KB, 177x200, 177:200, jay-parker 2.jpg)

>>8257444 According to Jay Parker, 10% of the US population are Satanic child abusers, linked to CIA mind control. The
Satanist ALEISTER CROWLEY, along with Ian Fleming and Roald Dahl, reportedly worked for the UK security services.
Richard B. Spence writes in his 2008 book Secret Agent 666: Aleister Crowley, British Intelligence and the Occult that
Crowley was apparently a lifelong agent of British Intelligence.
Satanism seems to be made use of by the security services.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 13:24:29 285d45 No.8257478
Jay parker is related to the dupont underground he spoke of being molested by the dupont cult
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 13:25:13 3cc49d No.8257486
Be careful anon.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 13:26:28 dc65aa No.8257496
yea the quieter it is right now the better. All these faggots started shutting down their accounts when the story gained
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 13:30:40 12cc48 No.8257531
File (hide): 813109f1e871c8f.jpg (150.88 KB, 734x760, 367:380, yourtears.jpg)

11.13.16 Archive of everything I have Pizza PAC related is included in either link below. Use a proxy server if you want to
hide your IP address.
ZIP file:
Extract then seed with this torrent file:
Magnet link:
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 13:36:06 75ca7e No.8257571>>8257644
Ian Fleming, the James Bond guy right? I've seen >>8249516 satanists making JB references on YT. >>8257465 check
the pics
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 13:37:21 a02127 No.8257578
Why wouldnt you want someone to forward a flyer advertising a fundraiser.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 13:37:47 b48e03 No.8257580
>Not a JPEG
It's a png
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 13:40:18 2c11c9 No.8257600
Consideration: Perhaps instead of just kidnapping rando kids, "hunting humans", they decided that it'd be easier to find
WILLING participants in their "human animal farm". Females that are willing to be incubators for human tissue, similar
concept for surragate mothers for birthing. (reference "Serbian Movie"). But if they look at us like animals and treat us like
we treat chickens and pigs, then is the "Raised in Captivity" idea such a stretch?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 13:43:12 d4789b No.8257621>>8257868
I've been researching for days without posting a lot (because a lot is two words)
This is not just about sexually abusing children. Sexual abuse is a tool to help split the mind. We need to dig more into
Project Monarch Beta
MK Ultra
and Project Paperclip (to find out who the was in charge of the project and where they went)
Some of the mind control stuff includes that these victims are brainwashed to kill themselves if they were remembering

But this about creating the perfect solider/slaveI read something about them wanting to learn to break people just the
right amount so they wouldn't be completely broken but would be completely compliant.
Same with the Satan rituals they too are used to scare children and help fracture their mind. And this is where the pedo's
and satanist's come in, they need these nasty fuckers to help make the perfect slave!
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 13:43:13 285d45 No.8257622
File (hide): 4f528cbde16abe3.mp4 (5.55 MB, 640x800, 4:5, bunnyposting.mp4) [play once] [loop]

clearly a disturbed individual
This makes my cultradar go wild
kind of sounds like the cummies song
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 13:44:39 30965e No.8257636>>8257666 >>8257758
File (hide): 0a3fdbfa2066143.jpeg (83.51 KB, 579x464, 579:464, bucks_red_check.jpeg)

When have you ever seen a restaurant bother to mention the color of its tablecloths in the advert?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 13:46:03 2c11c9 No.8257642
Confirmation:Yes, and they'll use "alien abduction" as a scenario to further confound the subject. It's a combo of trauma,
drugs, and electroshock. It's been referenced in numerous sources and has become a "joke" in hollywood. S.O.P.
Observation: It's become a full-fledged "alternative lifestyle" now. Just like the homos and trannies.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 13:46:17 bdbf26 No.8257644>>8257664
Have to look at. Seen WINDWARS.PDF ???

newfag lurkm0re 11/15/16 (Tue) 13:47:45 43285f No.8257657

Could someone point me to the Opsec info that OP references in his post
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 13:48:23 75ca7e No.8257664>>8257755
You mean mindwars? The book about mental warfare or whatevr that sickfuck wrote right.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 13:48:46 304414 No.8257666>>8257686
Apparently red means fisting. It's the only mention of the color red or fisting I have seen so he could be just talking about
the tablecloths.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 13:49:43 8d1f96 No.8257669
I hope we're getting closer to putting these creeps in the pizza oven.
At least this is putting fire under their asses so they'll stop ruining children's lives.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 13:52:00 30965e No.8257686>>8257688
Checked satan.
Interesting that it means fisting and is followed immediately by "fried onion rings dunked in smoky mayonnaise".
Tenuous though. I'm checking the web archive old snapshots.
Someone got hella excited about taking snapshots of the site in May 2013.
The highligher marking is huge to represent the activity.*/
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 13:52:24 30965e No.8257688

Whoops, don't click that

WITH HUNT Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 13:52:36 08fff0 No.8257689>>8257816 >>8259221
Operation Paperclip gave birth to MK Ultra. There is no point to these threads anymore we have proven we are being
controlled by Satanic Paedos with no guilt, shame, or financial or data mining limits.
You cant even torture these fycks for info, their minds break while infants (refremce pedo art- the faint outlines are put of
body experiences)
Find their minions. Kill them. Repeat.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 13:56:00 2161ec No.8257724>>8257748 >>8257756 >>8257768 >>8258061
I'm in the business of "redpilling" a huge amount of normies. What information do you see as the most summarize to
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 13:58:12 304414 No.8257748>>8258087
This video seems pretty good to me. I think it covers the basic stuff.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 13:59:19 bdbf26 No.8257755
Does it smell of mind-control ??

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 13:59:21 2161ec No.8257756>>8258061

>What information do you see as the most summarize to deliver?
What information do you see as the most important to deliver in a summarized way. In depth is will come later.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 13:59:24 45c05e No.8257758
Not unusual to see irrelevant things being mentioned to fill up a column of advertising bullshit.
Now if it were mentioned strangely out of context many times as if the writer was obsessed about things as trivial as
tablecloths, napkins and pizza, or what's more likely, using said things as codewords for something else; that would be a
jackpot. Keep looking.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 14:01:11 b48e03 No.8257768>>8257794
It's put together pretty well with links archived, but is missing some good info like the fact that Sasha Lord works with girl
scouts and troubled youth. Maybe it's there but I missed it.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 14:04:30 08fff0 No.8257794>>8257870 >>8257923
Needs to also inclde the link to the Midwives, and the DOJ officers liking their photos, and setting upbtheir books.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 14:04:58 d2a107 No.8257796
If you want a laugh, google Berlusconi Puttanesca to see exactly how Italians treat the phrase.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 14:07:15 27ed59 No.8257807>>8257887
File (hide): 2cea101a6da8c6c.webm (225.27 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Here comes the boom ready.webm) [play once] [loop]

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 14:08:06 a901cc No.8257814
literally no information at all in those images
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 14:08:23 30965e No.8257816>>8257892

File (hide): f6f5eab7bba0771.jpeg (177.06 KB, 793x532, 793:532, hiding_in_plain_sight.jpeg)

Cloth folded to look like children's knickers.

Candle placed over the penis.
The red chequer, lots of red chequer.
>There is no point to these threads anymore
Bye bye, godspeed.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 14:11:59 27ed59 No.8257848>>8257875 >>8257887
File (hide): a0899c72f11fd8e.webm (139.39 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Is that all you got.webm) [play once] [loop]

this woman is a cultist jeanette hayes

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 14:14:25 2c11c9 No.8257868
Addendum: Post-Hypnotic Triggers to reinforce established behavior/conditioning (i.e. artificially induced stockholm
syndrom) which is then periodically activated as needed/on schedule.
Damaging the physical organ (brain/hardware) to affect the psyche (mind/software) and "reprogram" to effect changes like
psychopathy/sociopathy/etc and introduce yet another generation into a vicious cycle.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 14:14:36 bdbf26 No.8257870
huffingtonpost has an old article on sasha lord.
amanda kleinman is listed on discogs.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 14:15:12 797828 No.8257875
nice mazionic arch.

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 14:17:00 d4ee06 No.8257887>>8257941

how dis bitch b connected to pizza?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 14:17:17 7aa581 No.8257891>>8257904
They have lawyers to keep them out of prison why wouldn't they have realtors too?
How hard would it be to get a beach house the way they want it without some special realtors?
"Uhm, I'm looking for a beach house in a quiet area, with out a lot of foot traffic and an underground dungeon where I can
butcher goats er and a pizza oven."
The black and white handkerchief with a map was a BDSM utility they left that had dna on it that could be "mapped" back
to them.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 14:17:18 27ed59 No.8257892
File (hide): dfe7c704ce762d5.webm (4.68 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, blue house.webm) [play once] [loop]

There is a re-occurring ingredient here
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 14:18:49 1d9846 No.8257904>>8257922 >>8257923 >>8258058
>The black and white handkerchief with a map was a BDSM utility they left that had dna on it that could be "mapped" back
to them.
Please explain this to me like I'm stupid, because I don't get it.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 14:20:36 0bf291 No.8257922
Not 100% sure, but I believe they would place them under the kids and let the fluids seep out or something like that. Like
a subtle memento of the rape. I can't remember how it went, though.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 14:20:38 bdbf26 No.8257923
there are two other artists - which horrible color choices and shitty ritual themes - linked to podesta and alefantis who
HAPPEN to be in charge of an art location.
scott fazzini commented and followed jimmycomet is a realtor and seeminlgy rich.
seems retarded bullshit
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 14:22:58 27ed59 No.8257941>>8257975 >>8258087
File (hide): 5a7283f7ceced28.webm (10.89 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 5.webm) [play once] [loop]

Artist named in thr0wpizza's dump >>8228923
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 14:25:26 a2ddc4 No.8257959
[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

we should start using things in video related as soon as they are available to secure actual proof of their involvement in
>inb4 robotic spy pepe frog.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 14:27:37 4a6f41 No.8257975>>8257997 >>8258087
was this webm made by a shill? on second viewing it just shows spirit cooking/jimmycomet insta stuff that was public
knowledge at that point, mixed with a bunch of irrelevant movie clips and the white rabbit which isn't even directly
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 14:29:53 27ed59 No.8257997
File (hide): cc77aebd23c6a7a.jpeg (365.04 KB, 615x471, 205:157, Cultists Pretending to ac.jpeg)

You make one then.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 14:35:36 85e29b No.8258045>>8258102 >>8258123 >>8258253 >>8258913
I have one question that I want an answer to. And this is not shill shit, I've been really thinking about this
IF those kids from Jimmycomets IG were kidnapped or something other sinister why were they on instagram in the first
place? I mean, isn't there any danger that her real parents or a friend of theirs would have spotted them?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 14:37:23 27ed59 No.8258058>>8259659
File (hide): 08303eea342b87a.jpg (490.11 KB, 1836x2448, 3:4, yFx3iBJ.jpg)

Map is a term that implies direction. If one has left abuse paraphernalia it can be mapped back to them specifically with
the chequed nature and when they tie hankies to the hands and tie them to furniture there is a lot of sweat and bodily
fluids like saliva if they que the mouth etc.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 14:37:30 08fff0 No.8258061>>8258083
Put the picture of the beat up kids from Rumblr followed by tje JimmtCommet Commented photos, followed by posestas
"inner biden" email, with pics of biden molesting the girls that are all over the net.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 14:38:52 13b40f No.8258071
This is one Jeffrey Dahmer level sick fucking pedo.

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 14:39:43 32ec57 No.8258083

I missed the Biden info but an Israeli Twitter said it was coming yesterday.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 14:40:23 2c11c9 No.8258087>>8258137
Confirmation: Thank you based anon. Yes THIS is the "cliff's notes" summary of basic talking points to get started.
Acknowledgement: Yes, inefficient use of resources. >>8257748 -Was relevant and of substantial redpill-tier quality.
More of This >>8257748 and NONE of this >>8257941 nonsense please.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 14:41:42 27ed59 No.8258102
File (hide): 66d01cac1844c05.webm (342.25 KB, 640x640, 1:1, How you like me now.webm) [play once] [loop]

What better place to hide in plain sight as some artist living like a bohemian.
Not only that with this jeanette hays they propped her up with MIND CONTROL MAKING HER THINK SHE IS SOME
look at this
this woman is in the elite
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 14:44:19 08fff0 No.8258123>>8258159 >>8258259 >>8258913
Thats EXACTLY how you know they are not "missing".
MOMASMIDWIVES.COM has a pic of GRANDPA JIMMY there when Mae was born.
This kids are "off the books". Only their parents, or handlers, know who they WERE or ARE.
MK Ultra+midwives+underground lairs=
A whole new level of fucked up.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 14:46:20 27ed59 No.8258137>>8258489
File (hide): 7b0d85c3c6a91b3.jpg (163.92 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

You do not have to point out the rabbit is not needed because we can not link it yet. However it is obvious you are just
trying to direct the thread and I will not allow you to discourage people to provide basic shit like this channel here has
more videos on the subject then I know what to do with
So i provided what you so not like and you have provided nothing. I am on a roll and I do not need you telling me
something I am aware of I really suspect you are just a mason but lets carry on.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 14:48:46 2d0dd3 No.8258159>>8258198 >>8258205 >>8258259 >>8258489
So basically, and excuse my lack of knowledge so far, I basically pop in and out of these threads from time to time to see
new developments, but BASICALLY, these kids are born with the express intent of being sex slaves/sacrifices?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 14:49:40 27ed59 No.8258166
File (hide): b8ec56a9aba4471.png (26.95 KB, 219x118, 219:118, store_logo.png)

I have linked this video several times over the last 6 months and this is the gist of it some introductory material
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 14:51:44 ff9dd1 No.8258185>>8258259 >>8258349
The Web of Slime
Begins with Tavistock, where the victims of the Hampstead Satanic Ritual Abuse were getting counseling.
An arm of Tavistock is the Brookings Institute.
The President of the Brookings Institute, Strobe Talbott, is in regular communication with Hillary Clinton.
4 letter word fishing villages, anyone?
There is a fairly direct line from a victim of Satanic Ritual Abuse to Hillary Clinton.
The Process Church of the Final Judgment was one of several cults that was produced by Tavistock designed to infiltrate
other cults by using a "next level" theology that combines Yahweh with Lucifer and then Jesus with Satan.
This is why you see all kinds of occult symbology involved with pizzagate. Cults inside of cults.
The Pace Memorandum describes how even the Mormon Church was infiltrated and there are allegations that sacrifice of
children have even occurred underneath the west side of the Salt Lake Temple, where there is an altar.
Scientology was infiltrated early by the Process Church, after which they moved to Mexico to infiltrate the Santa Muerta
cults. Later, the Process Church infiltrated Voodoo cults in the Carribean and in New Orleans.
They still operate today.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 14:51:59 2161ec No.8258187

The participants of this endevour are blessed . You are KEK's special people, he will remember you.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 14:53:20 15c142 No.8258198>>8258259
File (hide): 7aa164d1f09330c.jpg (19.21 KB, 698x324, 349:162, mrspy.jpg)

That's what it seems like, yes. Bred, born, brainwashed, and God knows what else.
Captcha - Gee, Mr. Spy
pic related
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 14:53:48 08fff0 No.8258205
Ritual Satanic Abuse is often Generational.
InvestigativeTripcode!!dSB0MDnim6 11/15/16 (Tue) 14:54:58 1b04a7 No.8258220>>8258262 >>8258269 >>8258303 >>8258332
>>8253279 (OP)
I know I'm bordering on spamming here but I just want to push the wiki again. I suspect that everyone thinks I'm a shill
because the only replies I'm getting are from the guy with ID bdbf26 who I'm pretty sure is here only to derail the thread.
Im not a shill though.
>inb4 prove it
Can't. But I'm not.
Argggghh this is so frustrating. I'm the one who first looked into Maureen Gallagher a billion threads ago. This shit needs
to be organized in an easy-to-navigate manner like, you know, on a wiki.
I did not know the connection to Bucks Camping and fishing. That's really interesting. Check out the "Comet Ping Pong
Hand Behing the Throne" thread (I don't think the OPs have been linking to it) for more information on her. She's a real
person and involved in a lot of santcimonious neighborhood-level activism. She even lives on Kalorama Rd.
I REALLY think we need to consolidate our knowledge into a wiki. Let me know if anyone has any questions. I'm going to
start advertising it on 4chan, since there's not a lot of interest here, even though I expect to have to deal with a lot more
shill editing once I do that.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 14:56:13 6b9bfb No.8258232
Oy vey, it's always satisfying when shills stick out like their head's on fire.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 14:57:57 2c11c9 No.8258253>>8258305

Consideration: IF the kids are NOT kidnapped, but were actually bred by willing cultists/sickos for THIS purpose, THEN
nothing to fear. Just exercising "right to pursuit of life,liberty, happiness" "freedom of religion" under banner of "alternative
lifestyle choice".
Query: Why did/do we tolerate "gay PRIDE" flamboyant public displays on city streets from time to time?
Possible conclusion: They are "testing the waters" to gauge the response of the collective/hivemind. To see WHAT we will
DO and HOW we will come to decide if/what action to take, if any.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 14:58:19 08fff0 No.8258259>>8258280
Go back to jimmys IG post about the freezer. Read the captions.
Look at the midwives angle.
The think about the Planned Parenthood videos- and all yhe money involved in dead babys.
These guys are breeding.
InvestigativeTripcode!!dSB0MDnim6 11/15/16 (Tue) 14:58:28 1b04a7 No.8258262
Incipient wiki link:
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 14:59:11 304414 No.8258269>>8258284
I don't think that guy is a shill. Just fanatically stupid.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 15:00:30 ff0e48 No.8258276
Blatant. As. Fuck.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 15:01:40 08fff0 No.8258280>>8258349
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 15:02:03 32ec57 No.8258284
Suspect comment: that you are insulting him. A professional PsyOps guy. 8Ch has the PsyOps for those with advanced
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 15:03:20 7d372b No.8258303>>8258396
It's going to be a double edged sword. Just to give this heads up to everyone who wants to make this work in any way
shape or form well put together but public at the same time.
If any of the perpetrators can slash evidence based on what the wiki links to or start to create misinfo or change their story
accordingly based on what we find then they'll work to discredit any charges or investigations brought up. You can already
see it happening with articles and facebook posts that have been brought up before.
The plus side however is the more eyes of the public that see it the more scrutiny they're likely to suffer from. Especially if
you can make it an easy to read and easy to follow narrative and show how big the web of filth really is.

I'm torn myself on exactly what the appropriate path to take is here. These people are very attuned to disinfo considering
the position of power they hold over the public so we may just have to very well accept the fact that this is what we'll
combat at literally any given point in time.
This is especially a problem when it comes to federal investigation if the DoJ is in their pocket entirely since they can
simply stifle investigations in a bureaucratic manner. Some of the positives from our disorganization is that they have to
weed through just as much BS as we do the only issue here being we don't know how much they know as a fact happens
in the circles since it's most likely a web with different ringleaders and people the organize events occasionally for all of
them to get their rocks off.
tl;dr It's just something to ponder. Public outcry for investigation may very well be our best bet to get it pushed through but
that runs the risk of being beaten down with narratives spun.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 15:03:29 27ed59 No.8258305>>8258774
File (hide): 02967ca35258a81.jpg (48.07 KB, 496x331, 496:331, AustriaHumanMeat.jpg)

First of all aggressive sadism is baal worship it is transgenderism that is what is up with majesticape and why she talks
like someone who should be beaten to the brink of death. Piz-za that gay inflection is literally demonic possession and
homosexuality is in part a sexual trauma coping mechanism. The rainbow flag was grabbed from a store for the
rainbowgirls a masonic side order related to the pulse nightclub shooting (orlando masons planned a rainbow event the day of the pulse attack)
I am answering your question do not attack me for derailing there is a direct tie to masonry and the gay agenda the
rainbow arch is another word for the royal arch.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 15:05:46 ff9dd1 No.8258332>>8258352 >>8258369
I hoped to accomplish a place to organize in a subverse with a spreadsheet, but no one seemed interested in taking the
time to organize all of the information.
Still, everyone should keep spamming twitter, facebook, etc with fake, realistic looking accounts to use the machine
against the machine.
Get the hashtags out and in force.
This tactic literally won the populous a presidential election in the face of massive election fraud.
Keep digging. Keep sharing.
Blast that shit everywhere.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 15:07:22 bdbf26 No.8258349>>8258442 >>8258599
>Tks for terrific event in the 4-letter-word fishinf village.
what is this

>Council of Learned Societies

>No Ms Bebs
>California's history of sterilization
>Israeli Parents and "Cheap White Eggs
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 15:07:35 32ec57 No.8258352
I'm interested but I will need to organize my stuff. I'm interested in tracking Herbert Sandler.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 15:09:08 bdbf26 No.8258369
S P A M Jewitter
SPAM Kikebook
spam YT Comments
InvestigativeTripcode!!dSB0MDnim6 11/15/16 (Tue) 15:12:11 1b04a7 No.8258396>>8258606
Yeah, you have a good point: shill editing will be a real problem, just as bad as shill posting is right now.
My plan was to have no restrictions on editing at first and then ban IPs/users as necessary until I can identify some
trustworthy mods and go from there.
Ultimately, public outreach is indispensable. We will receive zero help from any mainstream media, probably because
some small number of their big players are implicated and also because they simply hate the chans and anything
produced here. The only way to force a federal investigation and/or legal action is going to be through grassroots, word-ofmouth communication and something like a wiki is going to be necessary for that.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 15:16:29 7d372b No.8258442
The acronym in the header refers to this:
Literally human genetic engineering using info from 3 people.
What in the actual fuck are these people up to?
That anon saying they most likely use aborted fetuses as well as miscarriages of illegals using fronts like M.A.M.A.S. was
most likely correct.
In a sick way they're 'diversifying assets' by keeping it off the books if this is the sort of thing they're trying to push in the
secret circles.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 15:22:32 2c11c9 No.8258489>>8258544
Rebuttal: I made no mention of a rabbit nor it's connection to of lack thereof, I was confirming the quality of the produced
videos. Nothing more. I am NOT trying to "direct the thread"; a question was asked, I evaluated quality of the substance of
the videos and confirmed with my analysis, nothing more. My Sincere Apologies if I mistepped out of bounds.
Response: Yes that's likely a reasonable assumption based on the evidence collected so far, given its' public visibility. But
not confirmed, just a hypothesis.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 15:27:36 fd62c6 No.8258537>>8258585 >>8258855
File (hide): cede90b91ba0ba3.png (1.38 MB, 1860x1192, 465:298, SkinTones.png)

hey faggot, this is for you. If you know anything about how light effects something like skin then its pretty obvious it's
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 15:28:27 27ed59 No.8258544>>8258582 >>8258774
I should not have posted the webm again I shouldn't have replied. But the rabbit should be kept as a separate but related
concern like with the breeding revelation. the wonderland Alice in wonderland cult from the pedophocracy which I think I
linked early on.
here is another gem
someone mentioned monarch beta programming here you go
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 15:29:39 c8068d No.8258557>>8258774
Guys just a friendly reminder that /r/Pizzagate is getting compromised. Already a lot of "shilling" going on there with the
popular threads and lots of down voting as well. The mods are censoring and locking threads which could be potentially
useful information and also banning some accounts for no good reason.
If you're over there don't even bother to check the comments.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 15:30:43 2161ec No.8258569>>8258585 >>8258835 >>8259133
File (hide): 58c8db910b4dd90.jpg (2.4 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, canthide223123.jpg)

Is this accurate?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 15:32:03 27ed59 No.8258582
More straightforward

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 15:32:16 ff9dd1 No.8258583>>8258596 >>8258691

Why do they need babies?
First, they set up a bunch of pretty sounding Foundations, Initiatives, a Funds that, in the language they use, is for the
public benefit.
Then, they infiltrate the media, intelligence agencies and law enforcement.
Controlling people in this realm is relatively straight forward through blackmail, bribery, favors, etc. But, you can only go so
far to control people, generally.
That is why, in the 40s, they started playing with hypnotism, where they learned that not everyone is suggestible. Some
are very suggestible and some, not at all. Intelligence has little to do with suggestibility.
Think of a hypnotist show, they don't just pull anyone up on stage. They do a few tests to see who will respond the best.
In order to exploit the processes of the mind, that we all share, a dissociative break needs to occur and that is usually the
result of severe trauma and abuse.
So, you weed out the non-suggestibles, sacrificing them off, creating dissociative breaks and finally getting the few people
who are:
1. Highly suggestible.
2. Highly intelligent.
3. Can operate in society after a dissociative break.
You now have someone you can plant in government, or anywhere and will do whatever you say because you have an
artificial satanic cult constantly making this person afraid for their own life and their families lives and pushing the carrot
and the stick super hard.
These agents can do false flag operations to provide the media with the stories they need to influence the minds, thoughts
and actions of the general populace.
Worst case scenario, the Tavistock strains have been behind every terrorist attack, serial killer and psychotic mass
shooting in order to provide the media with the fuel to sway the public.
They have overextended their hand, though, with this election and the non-suggestibles, you fuckers, are catching on to it
in large numbers.
Keep digging. Keep broadcasting.
When it is exposed, you can kill the web of slime with fire.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 15:32:26 bdbf26 No.8258585>>8258711
David McGowan - The Pedophocracy From Brussels to Washington
Dutroux's Organization Held Weekend Orgies
For Politicians And Police Officials
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 15:34:32 27ed59 No.8258596>>8258643
Tavistock set up that investigation to promote themselves voat is tavistock the goat.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 15:34:58 7d372b No.8258599>>8258621
File (hide): 7560807db55bde7.png (400 KB, 1703x765, 1703:765, podestasignsupforgeneticen.png)

Clipped from articles mentioned in that email.
Email is from an organization newsletter but it's the contents that are really upsetting given what could be abused.
Also possible that this is just an interest of podesta's (still creepy, not illegal).
Still have to wonder why the hell this would be on an illegal private gov. server.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 15:35:44 2c11c9 No.8258606>>8258644
Consideration: Why not just build what you can from the Relevent Data and then crossreference as needed. Keep the
discussion here and then "archive" the actual relevent bits and excise the "comentary" parts for lack of relevence?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 15:36:08 099456 No.8258611>>8258671 >>8258915
has anyone thought about catfishing/social engineering any of these people?
setup a network of fake social media accounts using names of others they have been associated with, mutual friends, etc.
it would only need one or two to accept and start making inroads to their networks.
silently gather more evidence or send messages pretending to be worried, asking for help. one of them may just be stupid
enough to fall for it!
another way is guessing password reset questions, dates of birth, family names, whats your favorite food - pizza!, etc.
we already know a lot of their email addresses and you can login to facebook now using phone numbers too. obviously
cover your tracks, as all IP address would be logged
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 15:37:10 08fff0 No.8258621>>8258690
Podesta has a heavy hand in Biogeneticsgoogle: Podesta CIRM
A note on Satanists Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 15:38:57 08fff0 No.8258639
They dont kill you until you go public.
Yes. We are in a mind fucked pedo sayanistic cultand were the black cats.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 15:39:05 ff9dd1 No.8258643>>8258691
Not cool, man. I've been losing sleep over this shit.
InvestigativeTripcode!!dSB0MDnim6 11/15/16 (Tue) 15:39:08 1b04a7 No.8258644>>8259075
Yeah, that's exactly what I want to do with the wiki. And am doing, slowly.
My autism levels aren't high enough for me to get that done in a reasonable amount of time, though. I definitely need help.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 15:41:14 08fff0 No.8258671
Will only work on the NOT brainwashed handlers anyone thats been used in this shit should be killed out if mercy.
Any handlers may be able to be harvested for info and funds choose wisely
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 15:41:40 304414 No.8258674>>8258687 >>8258688
Half chan found this.
I'm told it's not CP but it sure as hell is close. Careful when opening.

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 15:43:22 ff0e48 No.8258687

Halfchan is going to town on that list above.
If there is 3 or less degrees of separation to Chandler that's 4 degrees of separation to Clinton and Podesta, meaning we
can be fairly certain it's no coincidence. That child in the snakeskin is the key to this, I can feel it. We have to figure out
who he is.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 15:43:34 a1fc79 No.8258688>>8258706 >>8258722
is that tumblr connected to podesta, clinton or comet pingpong in any way?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 15:43:43 7d372b No.8258690>>8259019
Not going to bother responding to the shill claim.
Podesta having a hand in biogenetics and being linked to someone who may very well have several sources to give those
firms assets may be why odd amounts of money get moved around to store fronts later on.
It's a leap in logic but not one to shrug off. It'd be especially handy for them if places with undocumented births,
miscarriages, abortions, etc. end up funding the shell companies themselves.
They always say follow the money so I'd keep an eye on shit like this in terms of where cash flow goes.
This will sound gruesome and I hate to even type it but what do you think happens to the children or 'spare parts' they
have left over.
People say cannibalism but imo a more likely candidate would be grey area research that would make them $ off the
books to fund this sort of stuff.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 15:43:54 27ed59 No.8258691>>8259019
They need the babies for a few reasons. Virginity. Lack of blood or consumption based disease transfer. Cherub esque
satanic offering destroying innocence. Depravity. can move a lot of infants in little space etc.
they drug the babies see the full hampstead allegations here
tell me what do they do flash distraction lights and play the beatles? its secret societies doing this interlocking chains of
cooperation bigger than anything like tavistock is connected to we are talking about jp morgan walmart etc.
They are a subversive mind control apparatus but they are by no means the illuminati. don't beleive the hype there are
hundreds of cases of satanic ritual abuse only now we are seeing this bs council of 300 tavistock deception. They
certainly exist but they are not in control.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 15:45:26 ff0e48 No.8258706>>8258717 >>8258749
The tumblr was found to be connected to the very small Rachel Chandler tumblr, a tumblr that hides who reshares their
photos and is fairly well examined above.
This is the starting point of that investigation. Rachel Chandler is, of course, the lolita Bill got with on the Lolita Express
with Jeff, now apparently a photographer with odd tastes.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 15:45:48 fd62c6 No.8258711
I wanted to make a version of the picture anyways without the autistic scribbles over it that made my eyes bleed.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 15:46:27 a1fc79 No.8258717
File (hide): c04082e41f9402c.jpg (122.57 KB, 401x500, 401:500, asianazi.jpg)

nice thanks anon
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 15:46:38 304414 No.8258722>>8258726
It's connected to Rachel Chandler, who is connected to Clinton. So no, even if the tumblr had baby snuff porn it's
worthless since there is no direct connection.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 15:46:50 a1fc79 No.8258726
checked ty
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 15:49:24 bdbf26 No.8258749
She's now an handler, she gets new young to the Canaanite Cabal.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 15:51:25 27ed59 No.8258771
File (hide): b2a20dded353d6f.png (78.87 KB, 497x470, 497:470, Screenshot_2016-11-15_17-5.png)

full hampstead allegations here
could clue on how this works
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 15:51:31 2c11c9 No.8258774

Acknowledgement: Very based analysis anon. I should have stipulated *retorical in my query but for what it's worth you
answer is satisfactory ( with references), no argument from "me".
IIRC, "FBIanon" stated that orlando was a flase flag event, so involvement iby the usual suspects is expected, but then
again, so is anonymous. ;)
Acklowledgement: I concur.
Consideration: Extract all relevent data from sources (references documented, obviously) and collate in to wiki as anon
suggested. Stip out non-relevent comentary and build/crossreference as necessary. Time consuming? Yes. Necessary to
deal with bullshit? Obviously.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 15:55:47 785e7d No.8258811>>8258827 >>8258915 >>8259226 >>8259317
>>8253279 (OP)
anons - where now? I'm not saying stop digging, you guys are doing a terrific job and the whole world is watching, but the
guilt of the Molestas has been established beyond question - enough at least to warrant a serious investigation by the FBI
if this was you, I or anyone else not in the upper tier of the political establishment. I would wager investigations by the FBI
are already underway and have been for some days at least - unless of course they are completely in on it themselves.
1- They are gathering evidence - but I imagine what they really need to do is swoop in and question the kids of the close
families and friends (even if they raided the premises and homes by now probably nothing would be found)
2 - They are afraid for their job or lives to prosecute
3 - They are waiting for the Trump administration to take over because Dem's still have the White House - If a huge chunk
of the Obama administration is involved in this cult, including perhaps Obama himself, then how much freedom do the FBI
actually have to go rounding them up, especially when the nation is quite violently divided following the recent election
I'm just saying, there is no way the FBI are ignorant of what we know and there is no way this hasn't got them spooked.
They are not acting for one of the reasons above.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 15:57:41 08fff0 No.8258827
Also- you can never get info from those that are controlled. The handlers may i
or may not have been programmed.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 15:58:58 39e452 No.8258835
You need to explain those posters in the upper left. You need to point out the resemblance between sasha lord's
promotional poster and the pratt painting. And you have to explain the pratt painting otherwise the significance will be lost.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:01:33 39e452 No.8258855>>8258943
Is that a scar under the boy's mouth?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:05:18 ff0e48 No.8258897>>8258984 >>8259388 >>8259514
Who is he. This question must be answered.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:07:11 1c017a No.8258913>>8259071

sigh, alright
don't want to derail, would like to add my two cents about what we're so casually taking as "evidence"
not a shill, just an artfag finding it difficult to watch non-art plebs struggle
i've been looking at the photo of the toddlers - i don't think it's photoshopped, please hear me out.
i believe it is a shadow, and not a photoshopped bruise, here is why - the more recent phenomenon of taking pictures with
we don't hold smartphone cameras the same way we hold dlsr's or film cameras - there is no eyepiece and thus they are
held within the range of arms length. when doing so, any light source behind the photographer will cast a shadow of the
rectangular smartphone, as well as arms/shoulders, etc., onto the subject.
personally i run into this problem all the time taking source photos for paintings/sculptures.
since most light meters on smartphones are proprietary/automatic, this effect usually balanced out, or so glaringly obvious
that you have to find a different angle. sometimes, though, you can't see or don't notice the smartphone shadow until after
it's been processed and stored on your phone or cpu. also, some people just don't give a fuck about this, or whether or not
a shadow appears in the photo.
this is what i think happened with the picture of the toddlers in the closet. the shadow looks 'unnatural' because it
technically is, the same way the shadow cast by a photographer can also look 'unnatural' if it isn't intentional. also, the
shadow itself is awkwardly shaped (rectangular), as well as on an uneven surface of the arm, making it seem completely
out of place. if the light source behind the camera is far away/weak, i believe it could easily create conditions for a
'shadow' like in the picture. it's still damning, i just wish people would stop yelling PHOTOSHOP, or even calling it a bruise.
it's distracting
been fuckin busy, haven't been able to play around in photoshop/with my own smartphone to see if the angles can match.
my suggestion is that anons w/ any level of photoshop skill and a smartphone do some experiments, taking pictures with
two light sources - one in front of the subject but behind you, and one behind the subject. play with the angles and make
sure to get the shadow of the smart phone on the subject, you'll see what i'm talking about. anyway, godspeed and good
luck, glad to see this shit stickied so often.
btw it pains me to say it, but Marina Abramovic is somewhat heralded in the liberal artfag realm as a minor diety. people
who post her art might not necessarily be connected to her.
this is an important perspective on which to focus. they keep it out in the open to avoid feeling shameful, but also because
no one is looking there
this. any amount of research will reveal to even a layman that this might all actually be true, and that these kids are, in
fact, groomed from birth to be slaves of one kind or another.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:07:08 ff9dd1 No.8258915
Compile persons and organizations of interest.
If you see a crime, hunt down the code and the jurisidiction and make a report. Example, Chelsea Clintons money
laundering is obvious.
The financial crimes are easier to trace from the Internet, as opposed to trying to prove these people are satanic
pedophiles, which almost no one will listen to. They will listen, but a massive social media campaigned needs to put all of
this on full blast.
There are plenty of arrested pedophiles who have worked at pizza stores. Pedophiles at funeral homes.
We already know some proven pedophiles, like Epstein, and a list of the people we KNOW are criminals allows you to
explore more relationships.
The trick is connect people who have already been arrested with those who have not, to establish a credible reason why
they should be investigated.
Aside from blasting this across social media, actual reports of crimes need to be made. One report will do nothing.
Thousands are impossible to ignore.

If you suspect a child of being abused, you should report it to the appropriate agencies.
You can generally report as a'discretionary reporter', leaving your name off, and, again one report will get ignored.
Thousands will move mountains.
More importantly, reporting crimes will create a massive, massive paper trail that actual journalists can use.
Background checks need to be run on all of the main players.
If you live in a jurisdiction of any of these people, go down to your local courthouse and search all of these names and
Lawsuits are great because both sides hate each other and are willing to spill all of the dirt.
Additionally, they are forced the lay out the information in a somewhat concise manner,
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:09:51 89560c No.8258936>>8259055 >>8260248
never type tav 1 st0ck normally they have a search filter that basically summons shills to the thread. When you see this
happen it's shill or newfag.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:10:30 fd62c6 No.8258943
File (hide): 4ea7e4b47f98863.png (109.76 KB, 466x259, 466:259, possiblescar.png)

its possible, it was harder to see when it was small and dark.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:13:33 bdbf26 No.8258984>>8259048 >>8259153
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:16:41 fe6ffd No.8259012>>8259024 >>8259226
Someone should try going undercover and infiltrating their ranks. Get to be friends with everyone that runs Ping Pong
Pizza and Besta Pizza IRL.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:17:06 2c11c9 No.8259019>>8259597
>They always say follow the money so I'd keep an eye on shit like this in terms of where cash flow goes.
>This will sound gruesome and I hate to even type it but what do you think happens to the children or 'spare parts' they
have left over.
>People say cannibalism but imo a more likely candidate would be grey area research that would make them $ off the
books to fund this sort of stuff.
Acknowledgement: Very Based analysis anon. $$$'s from different sources, finders fee, club dues, meat, good timez, "the
lulz" (cycnical cringe), and the big one=genetic material for transhumanism. They want to breed a literal 1 slave race and
1 master race, and then shoot for the stars and "colonize new worlds and conqure new civilizations, to boldly step where
no man has gone" (read as: to exhalt the throne above the stars, GOD-tier circlejerking)
Consideration: If most of the "elite" are inbred,limited gene pool, self exchanging, family dynasties ( i.e. 13 bloodlines of
the illuminati) then it likely that now they need fresh genetic material (i.e. your point exactly) to reproduce and not continue
to create 3rd generation inbred deformaties. Rape babies could be causing an anomaly that interrupts this and you get the

rebel's rebel problem. find a why to "loveingly" raise psychos to carry on your agenda (obvious contradiction, which is why
this plan will eventually fail epically)and you can get back to business as usual. sic.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:17:38 ff9dd1 No.8259024>>8259034
Max Spiers died doing that.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:18:36 fe6ffd No.8259034
>Max Spiers
Can't say I'm familiar.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:19:33 ff0e48 No.8259048>>8259071
That might be him. Who is he? Son of whoever owns Politics and Prose?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:20:50 ff9dd1 No.8259055>>8259139 >>8259141
If enough people share the term on enough platforms, there won't be enough shills to go around.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:22:11 bdbf26 No.8259071>>8259102
don't think so, I saw him called:
Eli Sizemore
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:22:26 b14a27 No.8259075
There are other tools that would suit us better. Anyone have any recommendations?
Something that could clip files and images, and then associate tags with them. I have been doing this myself, but if more
people contributed we could then sort by tags and look at all the cross references.
I'm sure there are programs that take data and cross reference it for you.. any anon's got a lead?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:24:22 ff0e48 No.8259102>>8259153
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:26:03 fe6ffd No.8259133
Even if these people weren't pedos, the fact that they have gay shit mixed in with pics of kids on their instagrams is fucked
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:26:15 32ec57 No.8259139
And we can Anon-Ize the shills. Maybe they hang and they might become sympathetic. Maybe some CTR voted Trump.
I got a new laptop and a VPN service and need to get virtual box working.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:26:20 bdbf26 No.8259141

Someone did a Heavenly Work on WickedPedia by posting early texts there.
You must croll down 2/3 of the page:
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:27:37 bdbf26 No.8259153>>8259222
I think that's a backup.
Look @ IMG:
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:28:50 271e38 No.8259170>>8260699
File (hide): e21186f1b63d0d8.png (1.17 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, pizza.png)
How can we entrap these creeps into incriminating themselves ?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:33:11 670f4c No.8259221
We could waterboard them with holy water.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:33:11 ff0e48 No.8259222>>8259265
So who is this kid? Why was he photographed by Rachel Chandler?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:33:33 0d1d5d No.8259226>>8259263 >>8259265 >>8259408 >>8259620
File (hide): 74c55a9fd161c2a.png (242.72 KB, 490x276, 245:138, 1356563040-vlcsnap-2012-10.png)

>but the guilt of the Molestas has been established beyond question
There is some suspicious shit that sparked it all off. Though at this point I imagine the combined bumbling of larping
detective faggots from all over the internet has scuppered any chance of getting our hands on sufficient evidence.

Meanwhile, we've got /x/-tier faggotry shitting up every thread, 12 year olds thinking they've found the next piece of the
puzzle and the predictable back and forth over shilling, real or imagined.
The one thing sticking out at me was the change in the restaurant logo. Although how can we tell if it wasn't some rogue
element prick tampering with it, potentially falsifying evidence to keep us all going on this merry dance?
At this stage, what exactly have we got that DOESN'T look like pure speculation?
Every other thread I'm reading some goon like >>8259012 talking about kicking doors down, infiltrating or abducting.
We're waiting on one person dumb enough to attempt anything like that and that's fucking it, it's over. It won't be articles
on how we're a bunch of hateful, paranoid internet crazies. It'll be rounded up for being hateful, paranoid, DANGEROUS
internet crazies.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:35:34 ff0e48 No.8259243>>8259265 >>8259432
Eli's review of Comet Ping Pong.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:38:01 27ed59 No.8259257>>8259301 >>8259388
File (hide): 160cf686a637d7f.webm (384.74 KB, 640x798, 320:399, BOOM.webm) [play once] [loop]

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:38:49 f73d34 No.8259263>>8259312
This. What do we actually have so far that is solid, concrete evidence? This never should have left 8ch and normies are
shitting it up now. Who knows how many leads have been destroyed.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:39:18 bdbf26 No.8259265>>8259297
You're right (Can't find on YT)
Nice Questions
Gas Yourself, Angloscum
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:42:37 ff0e48 No.8259297>>8259312
A very weird way to end the interview.
"The customers understand that I'm looking out for them and they're looking out for us." What a strange way to describe
a pizza joint

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:43:03 27ed59 No.8259301>>8259312 >>8259339 >>8259350 >>8259441

File (hide): 187bbf0791fba36.webm (491.64 KB, 640x640, 1:1, BOOM2.webm) [play once] [loop]

same woman from

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:44:01 bdbf26 No.8259312>>8260212
Same PSYOP in Four Years.
He's disturbed.
She's disturbed.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:44:20 7f22e6 No.8259317>>8259447 >>8259451
All Anons with talents need to work on gaining access to and archiving both James and Marina's gmail accounts and
possibly iCloud accounts (if applicable).
I do not possess the skills necessary but I am good at research and analysis of things like this and numbers. It's a
collective effort.
These reason these emails are so important is because:
1) we do not have any hard data on the main pedo suspect, James. Unless we obtain his private conversations, and
potential other goodies, all we have is soft evidence. It's the only way to potentially nail this fuck.
2) We need Marina's to further the investigation on her cult practices with the kikes but also to see if she's involved with
CPPP and to document all "sacrifices" (for further research on potential matches of missing persons/etc.).
3) Because fucking up their shit is fun. Either way, we win.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:45:50 a7b460 No.8259336>>8259405

[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>worth it to investigate the rabbit matter
Dodson (a.k.a. Lewis Carroll), who wrote Alice in Wonderland where the white rabbit comes from, was a child abuser.
Watch the Nabokov (author of Lolita) video for his explanation of the symbolism.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:46:03 27ed59 No.8259339
File (hide): b933e5323e7dd36.webm (409.89 KB, 640x640, 1:1, BOOM3.webm) [play once] [loop]

notice the obolisk and how she zooms in on the boy.
Jeanette hayes
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:47:07 bdbf26 No.8259347
Rachel Chandler and Tom Guinness
( had to submit a fake mail)

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:47:20 ff0e48 No.8259350>>8259515

Hey what's holding that toy infant's leg to it's body?
Oh right.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:51:48 4dc686 No.8259388>>8259400 >>8259404 >>8259432 >>8259440
File (hide): f53f99931425ee2.png (44.93 KB, 703x275, 703:275, exif1.png)

Hey guys,

I was here earlier talking about steganography, I was looking at images from
and while I was looking at the exif data of image related I found this
FDi V4.5 / FRONTIER355/375-1.8-0E-016
and cuck chan the other day (still archived by googles search -dead on site) that said the video related
here is the paste bin of the exif data I have thus far.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:53:35 ff0e48 No.8259400>>8259412 >>8259432
Ok so what does this tell us? Actionable data!
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue)
16:53:39 09dee4 No.8259402>>8259538 >>8259621 >>8259802 >>8260959 >>8260972 >>8260993 >>8261043 >>8261089 >>8261544 >>8261549
File (hide): 68f55820d7ae1e2.jpg (57.1 KB, 1024x699, 1024:699, t3_5d43rx.jpg)

Supposedly this flag was recovered from a Podesta email via steganography. It came from a 4chan thread that has since
been scrubbed. If anyone has a source or more information on this please post. If it really was from a file attached to a
Podesta email it's a huge find. The cross is a Maltese cross, the sign of the Knights of Malta, an order forming part of the
Knights Templar (who invented banking), an inner circle group among the Jesuits, and the oldest chivalric order in the
world, now officially presented as a masonic organization. Many in the conspiracy world have theorized, and pointed to
historical documents and testimony, claiming that the Jesuits, and specifically the knights Templar represent a Baphomet
cult centered around sex and death, very high in the global power structure, and have played this role since their founding

(Long but well worth it if you have time: ). John Podesta is a Jesuit and
trained as a Jesuit priest before going into law ( ).
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:53:52 4dc686 No.8259404
one of the images that had the same exif data is found here
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:53:52 6f937f No.8259405
File (hide): dde24a2e2b3ecda.gif (2.72 MB, 500x375, 4:3, enter corgi.gif)

>mfw I read Alice in Wonderland.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:54:08 318781 No.8259406
The zombie apocalypse is real.
Been pretty confident of that for years; Surrounded by mindless hordes just waiting for a chance to react.
They don't think, debate, reason, articulate or learn.
The West is chock-full of zombies.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:54:48 ff9dd1 No.8259408>>8259441
The Podestas are guilty of money laundering and treason, per the Panama Papers
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:55:10 4dc686 No.8259412>>8259431
the same person that took some of these fucked up photos on chandlers tumblr also recorded the comet pizza reviews
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:57:06 ff0e48 No.8259431>>8259514
Ok! So let's find out who that person is, and how that photo ended up on Chandler's blog
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:57:11 4dc686 No.8259432>>8259471
sorry wrong video I was typing fast
this video
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:58:02 27ed59 No.8259440>>8259895

File (hide): 16c6cdaf3bb9f47.mp4 (1.7 MB, 640x798, 320:399, 1320345536318238511_168764.mp4) [play once] [loop]

@jeanettehayes on instagram I have no idea what page the video is from but this is the original video I have been
changing them to webm because they do not post sometimes the way instagram encodes it
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:58:08 1c017a No.8259441>>8259481
>bondage: check
>s&m: check
>dismembered baby: check
>Operation Paperclip/MK Ultra reference:check
links? also i thought the panama papers were a soros release; personally i don't trust them
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:58:45 ff9dd1 No.8259447>>8259497
Also, reporting this people by the thousands will produce results. Know the jurisdiction, know the crime, make the report.
Snail mail as a "discretionary reporter" so you don't have t provide your name.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:58:58 aa826d No.8259451>>8259467
From Podesta emails:
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 16:59:24 bdbf26 No.8259454
People use similar software!
Without any source that shitty flag can be thrown away.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:00:24 aa826d No.8259467
First post showed Marinaxabramovic gmail as "[email protected]"
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:00:38 27ed59 No.8259471

thanks for clarifying I was confused because I encoded that video from mp4 to webm lol
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:02:04 ff9dd1 No.8259481>>8259570
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:03:08 aa826d No.8259497>>8259533 >>8259728
This investigation may need to go to Tor and use pgp emails. Private IRC? Anyone can follow this site and I'm sure they
are to determine what we know and where we're going to next.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:04:19 4dc686 No.8259514>>8259533 >>8259550 >>8259713
most of them come back positive for steganography so I am still working on that
also the child in this photo
is the same in the video and the same as
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:04:19 2c11c9 No.8259515>>8263808
Analysis: Astute observation, relevent, but not in THIS context. This is obvious signalling. "Flaunting and Taunting" nothing
more. (read as flashing gang signs). Your reference is pertinent, but too historical a point to be of substance here.
Consideration: Go back to how this all started and ponder the possibility that this is either:
1) a "let's bait the chans and watch the shitposts FLY" FBI-op for "teh lulz".
(reference to FBIanon even said they're watching us and gauging our responses)
2) some kind of Cicadia part3 type experiment to test various groupthink responses and perhaps target this group for
recruitment pool. (possible even if it's unlikely)
3) bait and let the hordes come knocking at the door to test defenses and draw out the enemy (us) weeding out
whomsoever is the bigger threat and thus weakening our numbers.
(de-fanging the "weaponized autism" perhaps)
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:05:46 ff0e48 No.8259533>>8259602 >>8259654
If you use TOR, you'll give them a warrant to investigate us as seditious traitors to the government of the United States,
bringing the NSA/FBI on our heads.
We might seriously want to considering starting a crowdfunder and hire a PI firm to do some legwork for us.
Is it? I'm not so sure, he seems shorter in the black and white photo.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:06:41 5e1e48 No.8259538
Nope, this was attached to a post on cuckchan. It said something about not eating frogs anymore and it hurts. It was
weird. I've seen the screencaps floating around in other threads
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:07:35 4dc686 No.8259550

I should add some gps info might be in the exif I am checking it again.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:09:50 1c017a No.8259570
File (hide): faab329cebdb396.png (59.25 KB, 646x163, 646:163, ICIJ supporters.png)

File (hide): c60e85ea695dd20.png (97.47 KB, 465x158, 465:158, about OSF.png)

File (hide): 6161c076b6a60d8.jpg (17.54 KB, 396x147, 132:49, wikileaks vs ICIJ.jpg)

yes i know what the panama papers are.
the last link is helpful, thank you.
talk about a psyop
i think YOU all deserve to know that the ICIJ, which "released" the Panama Papers, is funded at least indirectly by George
Soros, via Open Society Foundations.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:12:24 4a6f41 No.8259597
>most of the "elite" are inbred,limited gene pool, self exchanging, family dynasties ( i.e. 13 bloodlines of the illuminati)
then it likely that now they need fresh genetic material to reproduce
i think we're looking at this the wrong way, now that you bring this up. they're trying to breed pure babies that are fit for
reproduction with the elites. it's artificial selection. what do you do with the ones that dont meet your standards? sell them
into slavery for capital to keep your industry going. they probably see it as, well it's either that, or we kill them, and they
cant resist the dollar signs.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:12:35 4dc686 No.8259602>>8259610
he was younger?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:13:27 ff0e48 No.8259610
Seems viable, we can date that photo based on SOME GROUP OR FAMILY's trip to England at after 2006, based on the
paperback book on the table in that photo.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:13:58 785e7d No.8259620>>8259681 >>8259686 >>8259717
I think he means to say their 'involvement' in a very blatant pedo ring (come on now, there is no confusing it for something
else - yes the logo, but the emails, the code language (handkerchief pizza map lol), the girls in the hot tub for
"entertainment", the Instagram pics and signalling, the very peculiar leaked video of the CPP party - the one with the

woman wearing a balaclava talking about celebrating the birth of "our lord" who she insinuates is not Jesus before going
on about some shit involving a baby) has been established beyond question And it has. What has been unearthed
already ought to be just cause for further professional investigation by the authorities - I'm not saying prosecution, I'm
saying investigation.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:14:06 8965f2 No.8259621
[ ]
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:18:21 1c017a No.8259654
the crowdfunded PI option is an interesting one. I could see myself throwing money behind it. but i know next to nothing
about that process.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:18:52 a7b460 No.8259659>>8259668
File (hide): e58d8fadd994213.png (382.16 KB, 1421x470, 1421:470, 1358135889403.png)

File (hide): cb20adaff04d9ab.jpg(96.94 KB, 514x720, 257:360, one eye sh11.jpg)

File (hide): b42ad0c84d095d9.png (1.06 MB, 944x864, 59:54, Screenshot one eye.png)

File (hide): 610d6f5017e4659.jpg(56.92 KB, 720x960, 3:4, what now 2 faced fuckers.jpg)

>Newtown Action Alliance, a Sandy Hook organisation with a paedophilic-looking logo.
I've also heard map = minor attracted person, and then there's this smug douchebag freemason in the pic holding up a
pizza map that was posted in an earlier ping pong thread
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:20:27 27ed59 No.8259668
Yea I posted that photo it is because I learned they go out to eat after their meetings and perhaps pizza is code for some
kind of afterparty
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:22:33 bdbf26 No.8259681>>8259731
Dude, She has a name and her (((Religion))) has a specific ritual aorund end of October. We have just entered 5777
JEWISH YEAR. And that bitch was provoking ten years ago:
Read on bottom on the shitty page. They are JEWS.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:22:44 2c11c9 No.8259686
Analysis: Based, very based, but to what "Authorities" are "we" referring to? The ones who are watching this thread and
"know" all this already?
Perhaps the ones that let scalia's corpse get cremated without a documented autopsy?
"muh Authorities" are aware of this, FBIanon confirmed it.
(Even if FBI is pulling our legs, there's a breaking point, period. Enough is Enough already.)
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:22:45 3c5e23 No.8259687>>8259706 >>8259731
Question: is the material on the nqbs tumblr even legal? Haven't clicked, would prefer to not get v&.
Observation: "nqbs." Incubus. A demon who has sex with the unconscious.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:25:32 d4789b No.8259705
Great explanation of how it WAS illuminati(but I think that was then, it passed that now), in the beginning, and that turned
into MK Ultra
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:25:33 ff0e48 No.8259706

Seems like it's all legal in a strict sense, although we can't seem to figure out where those pictures of the child eyes came
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:25:56 27ed59 No.8259710
File (hide): 21a35152838c6e6.png (378.38 KB, 607x567, 607:567, Screenshot_2016-11-15_19-2.png)

More cult behaviour implicating the cherub infant slaughter I alluded to.
If someone needs something to do you could look at the pages she describes and they post comments on these
images/vdeos because I got all of her content from a program and do not see the pages that she post's them on.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:26:08 ff0e48 No.8259713
Update anon?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:26:50 0d1d5d No.8259717
File (hide): 93521ca0a58de90.jpg (33.1 KB, 344x326, 172:163, 1353545800769.jpg)

As long as that doesn't get lost in the dross that's been turned up in threads so far.
Here's hoping the stenography nerds manage to crack something.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:28:23 ff9dd1 No.8259728>>8259762
There is value to running a secret investigation and there might be a reason a spreadsheet would be left empty. Imparting
the idea is what is important.

Ultimately, though, everyone is safer and more secure if the tactic is to bring attention to all of this, en masse, the way the
election was won.
"Pizzagate" is catchy and fairly obvious. It reaches people.
The people you want to reach are the "suggestibles." The machine just did you a favor by having all of the suggestibles
reveal themselves by voting for Hillary. The type of people they are, the type of media they consume, all of the research to
find these people has been done. It probably cost billions.
Target that demographic with fake social media account featuring an attractive, mixed race individual. Don't look like you.
Look like a suggestible.
Utilize the same exact tactics they use from their own literature without spending all the money on the infrastructure.
Preferably leave out the stage 1 insults. Keep in mind, red-pilling a suggestible, to them, makes them feel like they are
being gas lighted. That is the emotional process they will experience.
The Web of Slime is complex, so you have to reveal it in catchy, colorful infographs with terms like #pizzagate and
Start targeting the 65 "journalists" named in wikileaks. Make sure they see your little infographs, but, more importantly,
their followers.
Keep digging. Keep getting it out there. To those of you who want to run a secret investigation, go big. Please.
Just keep in mind. We are an audience on a different level. We can participate in a different way that counteracts what, to
us, is obviously a real, scary thing. But, to the suggestibles, is a crazy conspiracy theory.
File reports with law enforcement. Anonymously if you want. Make sure everyone knows what the hell pizzagate is and
make sure everyone knows what Tavistock is.
These people should be publicly accountable. The courts won't work, at this stage.
Keep the pressure on.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:28:35 bdbf26 No.8259731>>8259755
first batch isn't to my eyes.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:31:41 ff0e48 No.8259755
This kid's story is the key to understanding the tumblr angle.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:32:29 bdbf26 No.8259762
was a trending thing
pizzagate calls up uk football
(thinking about next year)
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:35:16 27ed59 No.8259785>>8259856
File (hide): e35eac621c886f4.png (404.52 KB, 579x612, 193:204, Screenshot_2016-11-15_19-3.png)

Has anyone seen this on an elevator before?
Secret torture floors?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:36:51 f05ae3 No.8259802>>8259847 >>8260156
The green / glitchy version is apparently a threat. The final version of the flag is some kind of serious symbol that calls for
The real colors are: Purple-burgundy background, black cross with white borders, dark grey owl, white maltese cross
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:39:28 27ed59 No.8259820>>8259847
File (hide): e7d6584e8023d0c.png (572.57 KB, 614x618, 307:309, Screenshot_2016-11-15_19-3.png)

Very strange
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:43:29 bdbf26 No.8259847
>>8259802 it's mere bullshit
These people are too drugged or mind controlled.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:43:39 27ed59 No.8259851>>8259935
File (hide): 23e0025c905cd12.png (456.3 KB, 603x613, 603:613, Screenshot_2016-11-15_19-4.png)

Distinct masonic guesturing
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:44:03 92d4cd No.8259854>>8259902
I will be really surprised if anything seriously concrete comes out of this whole thing. If you are looking for evidence,
determined you will find them, your mind will find a way to make connections that aren't there. I was with you guys when it
all began, but now I have come to the conclusion that it's a one in a billion chance any of this ever happened.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:44:21 4dc686 No.8259856>>8259868 >>8260009
File (hide): 6cf4c719d5b81aa.png (462.33 KB, 1082x626, 541:313, NOTHINGHERE.png)

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:45:10 ff0e48 No.8259866
Halfchan anon brings up the question: is that a whip in the bottom left? And what is under his hand that's dangling down?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:45:23 4dc686 No.8259868
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:45:54 27ed59 No.8259872>>8259920 >>8259923 >>8259986
File (hide): d754bf854ad0fd2.png (243.91 KB, 429x367, 429:367, 16.png)

You guys can't do shit. Get a fucking life.

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:48:48 27ed59 No.8259894
File (hide): df280cebbb92d8f.png (562.37 KB, 614x614, 1:1, Screenshot_2016-11-15_19-4.png)

severely disturbed artist
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:48:57 27ed59 No.8259895>>8259913
got more?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:49:37 ff9dd1 No.8259902
Already have solid evidence of financial crimes. The only reason to commit a financial crime is to hide money from a real
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:51:02 27ed59 No.8259913
File (hide): 74e777a686ba5ae.png (623.77 KB, 616x609, 88:87, Screenshot_2016-11-15_19-4.png)

Looking through photos now but she has hundreds of little clips when I get flowblade working again I could put them all in
one video as a compelation
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:52:01 ff9dd1 No.8259920
Take note, that their tactics are obvious and consistent. They are all reading from a playbook because they are
They aren't creative and independent enough to go off script.
This is exactly an example of why we can win against the suggestibles.
Go fuck yourself, you filthy suggestible. Spare the little kid.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:52:03 ff0e48 No.8259921
More from Rachel Chandler's blog
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:52:17 0c3bf7 No.8259923
File (hide): 91b9518a327c72a.jpg (66.79 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, eeb79db0ce8b2f35a2a59cb6fe.jpg)

Getting a little uneasy, friend?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:53:47 27ed59 No.8259933
File (hide): 5bb6aa776769ce9.png (601.88 KB, 616x619, 616:619, Screenshot_2016-11-15_19-5.png)

not a monarch beta maybe an alpha

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:53:47 ff0e48 No.8259934
This is also strange
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:53:54 0d1d5d No.8259935>>8259954 >>8259964
>Distinct masonic guesturing
You mean that thing with the hands that girls do?
The other photos are weird though. However, at what point do we cross the line from tasteless 'art' to substantive warning
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:55:29 ff0e48 No.8259954
When there's a massive web of seemingly unrelated "art" pieces coming back to a pizza joint in DC.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:56:43 27ed59 No.8259964>>8259989 >>8259993
File (hide): 04c1c6c4b8e3c9f.png (287.65 KB, 1344x537, 448:179, Screenshot_2016-11-15_19-5.png)

Mason in lodge doing it
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:57:45 ddfc2b No.8259980>>8260000 >>8260023
File (hide): a7e7994f019a568.jpg (41.81 KB, 720x479, 720:479, moschino-moschino-red-gree.jpg)

>Pizza Themed handkerchief with a map on it - by Moschino.

You guys are idiots.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:58:15 0949a6 No.8259986>>8260022
>image as old as the internet
>8ch new naming convention
yeah you're a newfag alright
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:58:37 0949a6 No.8259989
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:59:03 27ed59 No.8259993>>8260005
File (hide): f019949736b063b.jpg (150.49 KB, 1822x720, 911:360, dan hood monarch.jpg)

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 17:59:55 304414 No.8260000>>8260062 >>8260077
It's not black and white faglord.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:00:26 0949a6 No.8260005>>8260040
if we start to see everyone that eats pizza as pedo then this will get nowhere
who is this guy even?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:00:45 41aadd No.8260009>>8260077
She (mxa) was mentioned on a regional "culture" radioshow earlier today, introducing her and her new book or something.
Just a coincidence, but just her name being mentioned send down chills and also let me see that pic of her in my mind.
I considered transcribing it, but I don't think it is relevant to the ongoing investigation as it seemed rather shilling her book
than anything else.
anon 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:00:46 234147 No.8260010
In one of podestas e mail s he wrote that maddy was marc bittmans gf. Maddy beckwith liked one of alefantis pics. Go to
her facebook. There are pictures of her with both podesta bros in high school. She has pedo logo earrings and a full nude

red light shot from the hotel washington adjacent the white house. Works for farm fresh helping farma in the area of
lovettesvillewhere the pool party was.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:02:42 27ed59 No.8260022
That's nothing to be ashamed of tbqh
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:02:43 fd62c6 No.8260023
>look at this pizza handkerchief
>not even pizza themed.
No shekels for you.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:03:24 d930f9 No.8260031>>8260065 >>8260209 >>8260234 >>8260722
File (hide): 2e68c00c844aa80.png (95 KB, 1979x1514, 1979:1514, megaphone.png)

It is the first link at the top of every page. This means that every single person who visits that site will be recommended
that article. Right now, it's very short on info though, which means people will dismiss it as low on evidence. It's going to
be the first impression a lot of people will have of this and if they dismiss it now, they're unlikely to be convinced in
I know, the site is pure cancer, but it was useful in getting GamerGate started and the homos on there actually did some
good digging back then and helped organise the exodus. Its image galleries are also a handy place to store
infographs/evidence for future use. And ultimately, like it or not, we need to appeal to normies sometimes, especially when
it comes to shit like this.
This is actually a decent chance to spread info around if you're so inclined, and as far as I can see it there's no point
digging into this if no one ever hears about it. There's a pretty limited window though, as it will probably be taken off the
front page by tomorrow.
I'd do it myself but I don't have an account there.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:04:28 27ed59 No.8260040
A mason That lead me to assume that is a masonic guesture which it would absolutely be if it was with one hand
not related same lodge of the goy with the pizza map I was looking at masons and pizza he is not related except that may
be a low key guesture
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:06:48 bdbf26 No.8260062
That shill had to search hours for the joke.
Terence Koh on a work by Marina Abramovic at a collectors house, East Hampton. Photo Rachel Chandler:
Dead or Alive ? Is this art ?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:07:07 0d1d5d No.8260065>>8260121 >>8260140 >>8260209 >>8260722
File (hide): 0bd2a87d77dd5a8.png (305.85 KB, 351x434, 351:434, 021158160651.png)

Lets not fuck this up.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:08:02 4dc686 No.8260077
>>8260000 (checked)
sequential point and digits
probably not relevant and shilling her book sounds right
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:12:27 27ed59 No.8260112>>8260132 >>8260150 >>8261149 >>8261899
File (hide): 8be5a96ed05d647.png (338.58 KB, 620x615, 124:123, Screenshot_2016-11-15_20-1.png)

Is this the spirit woman?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:13:47 bdbf26 No.8260121>>8260209
know your meme is utter american shit

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:15:00 bdbf26 No.8260132

is this thing really alive?
Seems like a dead body that hosts some Canaanite demon.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:15:35 fd62c6 No.8260140>>8260209
kym didnt even get gamergate right. fuck em but make your own thread if you want.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:16:33 32ec57 No.8260149>>8261300 >>8263250
File (hide): ed94c57e3f4abdc.jpeg (114.07 KB, 952x536, 119:67, image.jpeg)

By way of encouragement, assuming Herr Weiner turned states witness, he knows some shit.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:16:36 fd62c6 No.8260150
yes looks like her
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:17:16 8965f2 No.8260156
It's a graphical effect.
anon 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:19:41 234147 No.8260181
There was another e mail from podesta in reply to the map hankie one. It was a bunch of gamer language I do not
inderstand. But he mentions that one of the other players was hillary. I thought that explained it. But then I googled salty
milk and pizza. And a bunch of anime gamer sites came up that were obviously cover for child porn. I forget the exact
slang I googled. Some of this is hidden in gamer sites.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:20:35 27ed59 No.8260187
any results yet?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:21:54 27ed59 No.8260195
File (hide): 0dfbb7f8b3f1846.png (349.2 KB, 615x507, 205:169, Screenshot_2016-11-15_20-1.png)

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:22:47 bdbf26 No.8260202>>8260220
how did abramovic666 get so much money?
she has an academy of some sort that really seems like a soviet palace in a kibbutz fashion.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:23:43 d930f9 No.8260209>>8260303
Obviously if you're looking into something and you're worried that letting people know will lead to evidence being buried,
hold back, but frankly, the Washington Post or some other newspaper ran a headline on internet people looking into the
restaurants and one of the companies already changed their logo to remove a pedo symbol. They're in the process of
burying it, and they're almost certainly monitoring these threads.
Our best bet at this point, in terms of ensuring this has an impact, is to throw everything we have at them, circumstantial
or not. Bill being the one who set up the international agency to look for missing children, the 1000s of kids that disappear
whenever the Clinton Foundation goes in to help after a disaster. If you have something that you've already posted on
/pol/, they probably know about, so just tell the fucking world.
There's a subplebbit on it, sure, but who's going to stumble upon it accidentally? This genuinely represents a unique
opportunity to hit a lot normies, who will never stumble across this by any other means, full blast with what's happening.
Ideological purity is admirable, but the Jews didn't get where they are by only showing their propaganda to each other in
the synagogues. They achieved their means by blasting goyim with propaganda from all angles.
If you're waiting for normies to find out about this on their own, you'll be waiting a looooong time, and if normies never find
out about it nothing happens.
I'd frankly rather put the info on Know Your Meme anyway than have them come to /pol/ to find stuff out.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:24:27 48399b No.8260212
Be quiet.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:24:49 304414 No.8260220>>8260303
There are no records online of how much her company earns or who the employees are. Strange.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:24:53 27ed59 No.8260221
File (hide): c9cca4afd6152dd.png (343.19 KB, 521x615, 521:615, Screenshot_2016-11-15_20-2.png)

jimmy comet esque depravity
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:26:14 fa64c1 No.8260229
>The emails show they were all together, and shared a car and looked at numerous properties (atleast 3, and drove past
another 3).
No. Read the email chain again. The realtor addresses both Herbert and Susan Sandler and a Patty and a Steve. She
>House across from the VH Yacht Club, which I feel the ceilings are too low for you and Steve, but Patty asked me to
send along.
The realtor, Kathryn Tate, never references John Podesta. She also specifically says 'car' and that they all piled in. So we
have 5 seats.
>Driver - Tate
>FPass - Steve
>BDrive - H. Sandler
>BMidd - S. Sandler
>Bpass - Patty
This is of course all speculating. If they had a van, I don't think she would have used the phrase that they 'piled in'.
So where does John Podesta fit in all of this? I have no answer for this. It doesn't make sense.
Unless the Sandlers went on this tour to find houses that weren't being rented at the time and relayed this info to their
group. They snuck in at night, had their party, cleaned up and left.
It just seems bizarre that she never references that Podesta is there and it honestly seems pretty strange that Podesta
would be there in the first place. He was a White House counselor at the time. None of this makes sense
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:26:29 fd752d No.8260230
File (hide): e6c2d363235aeea.png (1.08 MB, 1879x3945, 1879:3945, 3LWNLXQ.png)

This is unrelated to Pizzagate but I'm dropping it here since every thread on PacketSled and Matt Harrigan's CIA
connections are being slid. An anon that seems to be an insider dumped a shitload of information and no one is paying
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:26:50 0cf01f No.8260234>>8260325
Likely it's done by the opposition. They want to dilute the topic. Or done by a fucking retard who might gain followers or
whatever, i don't visit knowyourmeme idk what users get if their post becomes popular.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:27:46 f05ae3 No.8260237>>8260258
Latest wikileaks insurance files don't match the pre-commitment hashes they posted in october
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:29:05 d4ee06 No.8260248
They used to come out more before. It's died down a little bit
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:29:09 aa826d No.8260249
Friendly reminder that DC Leaks released more Podesta and gang emails:
John Podesta (427) [10/20/2013-09/03/2016]:
Tony Podesta (298) [10/13/2013-09/07/2016]:
Other Notables:
Huma Abedin (317)
Andy Kerr (11561 emails)
Kathleen McGinty (8685 emails)
Leslie A. Dach this one is fragmented to the following subpages:
HHS (2981 emails):
Jake Sullivan (461):
Jesse Ferguson (1681):
Laura Rosenberger (558):
Yoo Jin Cheong (458):
There is also this inaccessible password protected page:
The files are searchable by keyword but can not be downloaded as a batch (to my knowledge).
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:29:10 27ed59 No.8260250>>8260261
File (hide): 95ad09d7f7a7e47.png (335.96 KB, 605x451, 55:41, Screenshot_2016-11-15_20-2.png)

like @vonspawn (pictured the spirit woman)
celebrating romulus and remus aka bestiality and or pedophilia
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:30:11 32ec57 No.8260258>>8260286
File (hide): fc32e94791b4c8e.jpg (137.13 KB, 898x536, 449:268, image.jpg)

No but you are
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:30:52 6f937f No.8260261>>8260303
>celebrating romulus and remus aka bestiality and or pedophilia
lol you're trying to see "evidence" everywhere
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:31:58 1be557 No.8260267
He was in BBYO as a teenager? Him and Adam Sandler. I hardly think that proves anything.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:33:06 27ed59 No.8260277>>8260303
File (hide): fbe2755f5b2c592.png (540.74 KB, 601x604, 601:604, jeff coons.png)

with icmec boardman JEFF KOONS
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:33:12 ff0e48 No.8260278>>8260421
Rachel Chandler's instagram feed, not private. Let's start seeing who is following and interacting with her.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:33:48 f05ae3 No.8260286
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:34:41 ff0e48 No.8260291
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:35:59 bdbf26 No.8260303>>8260336 >>8260364
>>8260209 Retweeted :^)
>>8260220 OMA should be the name of the Asylum (seems like an enactment of Brave New World to me)
>>8260277 HANDLER jimmycomet reposted a photo of his dick pounding a young cicciolina (old "art" that made a lot of
scandal back then)
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:37:08 1be557 No.8260319
That likely means he had a topless assistant and also did children's shows. Not that he was fucking kids. Magicians cater
to two audiences and that's them. They have topless acts in Vegas. That doesn't mean the magicians don't have family
shows during the day. Are you going to claim that Penn Juliette is a pedo?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:37:39 d930f9 No.8260325
It doesn't matter. This is the chance to form a first impression. If people see a shabbily made article with a lack of
evidence, this could become another "jet fuel can't melt steel beams" or "flouride in the water" that normies just dismiss
out of hand, in which case, all the digging will have been for nothing.
I'm on my phone, I can't easily sign up or add pictures to the gallery, but it looks really easy.

Literally anyone in this thread, just use a burner e-mail, upload 5-10 infographics from this thread and
a decent YouTube vid or two on the subject
Whatever the outcome, this will likely be a serious propaganda blow, for or against us.

This is never gonna be allowed trend on Twitter, YouTube vids about it will have their view counts suppressed, Google will
never let it rise in its searches, Plebbit will probably block it from getting to the front page, but here, now, for a limited
space of time, a website with tons of users on Facebook, a website middle age women who don't understand what Doge
is use, a website that gets a very decent number of individual users, has this at the top of every page.
I'll really regret it if we don't take advantage.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:38:29 0949a6 No.8260336
>everyone who challenges the consensus or points out stupidity is shill
you fucking pooinloo turned this thread into your designated shitting street
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:42:37 d930f9 No.8260364
We're in an information war. If you refuse to use certain means of broadcasting that information when they are put in front
of you on a plate, because you think they're beneath you, then you are guaranteed to lose.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:45:13 ff0e48 No.8260386>>8260417
Guys please help me go through this and find something actionable.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:46:05 5f5f4b No.8260397>>8260473 >>8260546
ALEFANTIS RESPONDED WITH A BIG "DINDU NUFFIN". His allies/henchmen in Washington City Paper made their
second article on this.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:47:16 fa64c1 No.8260406>>8260450
Go back to the email and read it again. Kethryn doesn't reference John Podesta being involved with their tour at all.
Something deeper is going on in this email and we don't have the whole story. Hell the realtor is asking about pillows that
Herbert and Susan Sandler left in one of the houses.
It seems like the initial email is about the Sandlers and likely a Steve and a Patty are together with Kathryn looking at
houses in Marthas Vineyard to rent soon. And yet the Sandlers purchased pillows and then left them in one of the houses.
>I also meant to inquire yesterday about the pillows you purchased. I can send them as well, if you let me know where
they are in the house.
There is more to this story. Maybe the Sandlers stayed in one of the houses that night and invited Podesta et al over for
the night. Got their fuck on and then left. Podesta forgot his hanky and the Sandlers forgot their pillows.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:48:05 27ed59 No.8260417>>8260471
File (hide): 23706988b360a91.png (530.81 KB, 610x483, 610:483, Screenshot_2016-11-15_20-4.png)

Louis ck portrait
Louis ck directs his own show where the intro displays him eating pizza and going into a cellar.
Fetching content now
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:48:26 4dc686 No.8260421>>8260499 >>8260562
this post
had this guy
and this guy
was tagged
and he posted this.
but that is just an initial look
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:50:56 f053ce No.8260441>>8260481
the half chin thread got archived so I'm posting it here so that they will see it.
this is the "boy" that everyone keeps talking about over there. Was found on Ray C Handlers "other" insta acct.
I'm sure some of you already knew this I just wanted the half chins to see it so they'll quote spamming this shit.
>fucking 12y/o
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:51:35 32ec57 No.8260450
File (hide): 7d961dae132ec8b.jpg (43.19 KB, 408x500, 102:125, image.jpg)

Something about no one hearing the noise in one of the houses too.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:53:09 27ed59 No.8260471>>8261449
File (hide): cc54db0a9f053a8.webm (4.29 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Louie Opening-jAgoCe36DAY.webm) [play once] [loop]

He comes from the subway to the pizza joint to the comedy cellar. They might be living underground or spending a lot of
time there
"louis louis your gonna die"
Is he telling us something?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:53:14 41f452 No.8260473
He knows exactly what to do, buy i guess is too late. We need to focus more than ever, there's too much information to be
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:54:11 ff0e48 No.8260481>>8260485
He looks like a girl in transition in that insta.. wtf?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:54:40 ff0e48 No.8260485>>8260532 >>8261093
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:56:02 d5554b No.8260499>>8260532

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 18:59:30 4dc686 No.8260532
years of systematic abuse very sad
pretty creepy
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 19:00:28 6f937f No.8260546>>8260563
Don't know if reporting on "pizzagate" even as a "conspiracy theory" is good for them. Any publicity is good (just look at
Trump lel).
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 19:01:57 27ed59 No.8260561
File (hide): 79bf65a5e82383e.png (441.39 KB, 569x563, 569:563, Screenshot_2016-11-15_21-0.png)

did a art thing with the blood woman
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 19:01:59 4dc686 No.8260562>>8260589
File (hide): 1bf36fe5f00ef18.png (535.13 KB, 1004x557, 1004:557, weirdos.png)

these people tagged are really stand up people
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 19:02:12 4a6f41 No.8260563>>8260593

i think they're holding back on their initial instinct to slander us in the media full scale, like they did with gamergate, cuz
that turned out awful. it's very quiet in comparison. the few articles being written, are probably just so google has
something to put at the top of searches, to bury the results they dont want.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 19:04:47 27ed59 No.8260582
File (hide): 5db8d7ea110e50f.png (456.17 KB, 608x594, 304:297, Screenshot_2016-11-15_20-3.png)

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 19:05:54 4dc686 No.8260589
File (hide): bed7cbf46152de4.png (400.06 KB, 944x580, 236:145, damn.png)

holy shit
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 19:06:27 ff0e48 No.8260591>>8260607
Let's look into this business, shall we?
Who is Matthew Fleming and why does he own this domain?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 19:06:35 32ec57 No.8260593
File (hide): 9fdde17cb807549.jpeg (50.73 KB, 250x853, 250:853, image.jpeg)

The 640 K files and @ terabytes video is still in limbo. Other leaks are threatened too from Twitter on "a 28th" Must be
hard for Team Black to figure out how to cut their losses or game the system with so much uncertainty. There must be
bones and bodies.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 19:07:52 ff0e48 No.8260607
Ignore, different domain. Can't find anything on
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 19:10:19 27ed59 No.8260630>>8260665
File (hide): ce2e5f89dde8cb5.png (415.71 KB, 615x615, 1:1, Screenshot_2016-11-15_20-2.png)

bilikin esque morbid "art"
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 19:11:01 27ed59 No.8260637
File (hide): 13e7f48c2f9dcf4.png (422.11 KB, 465x619, 465:619, Screenshot_2016-11-15_20-1.png)

paris hilton
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 19:11:48 27ed59 No.8260642
File (hide): 07beef05ef3c7c7.png (662.27 KB, 619x620, 619:620, Screenshot_2016-11-15_21-0.png)

le rabbit
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 19:12:42 27ed59 No.8260649
File (hide): 36ff36ce3a14355.png (714.76 KB, 618x588, 103:98, Screenshot_2016-11-15_20-3.png)

jeff koons baloon animal signaling
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 19:14:51 41f452 No.8260665
We need to think like a fucking modern art lover piece of shit hispter here. This is pretty obvious though. Domination, how
tiny an infant could be in comparison with the adult. We also need to identify what attracts the female pedophile, i'm
certain that's not about dominance but more like an incest vibe.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 19:15:03 27ed59 No.8260671>>8260688
File (hide): e60c53df1c09be5.png (450.74 KB, 616x611, 616:611, Screenshot_2016-11-15_21-1.png)

clinton at art thing
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 19:16:55 41f452 No.8260688>>8260825
Post an archive for this shit m8
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 19:17:47 ade8c6 No.8260699
start acting like we found something solid and just be very vague and smug about it, only hint toward it and keep going
until they lose their mind and start guessing what it is you found. works most of the time.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 19:18:28 034f61 No.8260707>>8262508

[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

thought I'd drop this here to reassure you guys that your fight is real.
don't let these sick fucks get away with this.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 19:20:14 f522f0 No.8260722
reddit thread w sources and pics, upvote and spread, comment, trend it among normie circles
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 19:31:23 27ed59 No.8260825
most of the ones I posted
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 19:35:55 ff0e48 No.8260859>>8260862 >>8260881 >>8261209 >>8261721 >>8261847 >>8263436
Guys, I'm really kinda freaking out. Let me just give you the overview of my investigation into Rachel Chandler, former
rider of the Lolita Express with Bill and Jeff.
This led me to investigate her tumblr page, and
Check it out for yourself, the place is filled with weird pictures of children much like the other instagram feeds we've
previously investigated.
Ok the story gets worse. this boy was a very peculiar target for the
picture, considering the poses, ballerina shoes and snakeskin pants. The CSS prevented us from viewing who shared and
liked, but it doesn't work in mobile so we found 63 associated accounts and began an investigation. The majority of these
tumblr accounts were filled with obscene, usually borderline pictures of children, bdsm, hardcore porn and the occult.
Truly some sick shit, with a special focus on eyes for whatever reason.
Some really really weird stuff turned up, disturbing pictures of children or drawn of children. Previous threads will show my
discussion but I can't find the instagram links now, hopefully someone else saved them.

Eventually we found her instagram which has more of the same from her
tumblr, except it allowed us to find who the boy in the snakeskin pants is: a young teenage girl! Apparently he transitioned
into a girl
Moving on. Rachel Chandler and some guy named Walter Pearce apparently own a company, that
does photography for what appears to be scantily clad models.
That company was registered by REGISTERED AGENTS INC.
which was a company in turn registered by
Bill Havre. Who is Bill Havre and why is he incorporating a random modeling agency in Washington DC when he himself
is from Wyoming?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 19:36:05 ff0e48 No.8260862>>8260881
Continued from above.
So who is Walter J Pearce then?,-97.141807,12.75z/data=!4m5!3m4!
Apparently a real estate agent in
Why what and why so little information?
So just to recap everyone.
Rachel Chandler, rider of the Lolita Express with Jeff and Bill, owns a modeling company in New York, registered to a
company registered to a random guy from Wyoming. That modeling company is co-owned by a small time real estate
mogul from Waco Texas, scene of the famous Waco siege during Bill's presidency.
What are all these strings, and someone help me tie them together!
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 19:38:08 a1fc79 No.8260881>>8260921
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 19:42:37 ff0e48 No.8260921
Full list of companies Bill Hauvre has created.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 19:46:52 3077c1 No.8260959
File (hide): 652a6bc726b6ae0.png (118.37 KB, 1920x1155, 128:77, 1478890013445.png)

You mean this right?>>8259402
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 19:48:25 3077c1 No.8260972
File (hide): 98b3db4f4f4168e.png (832.29 KB, 1002x641, 1002:641, 22d8521211ac85fbbea47d3d10.png)

I mean there is a connection.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 19:48:44 0d85be No.8260979
He actually seems ok. We have to be careful to catch the guilty and spare the innocent.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 19:50:05 3077c1 No.8260993>>8261001 >>8262592
File (hide): 1eb0662855d7e44.jpg (101.99 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 2c63425a272f6e7e8e9465914d.jpg)

If there was some kind of secret Mason group that dress like yaks.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 19:51:05 3077c1 No.8261001
File (hide): 1ea071ec445b9c7.png (1.54 MB, 1286x1260, 643:630, 1479009854325.png)

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 19:51:36 75ca7e No.8261007>>8261026
File (hide): 28fdedf2daabf17.png (57.71 KB, 990x427, 990:427, faggot homo.png)

I fucking hate this faggot

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 19:51:37 ed53d8 No.8261008>>8261547
so many fucking newfags here.
plebbitors have contaminated 8chan.
fucking fags
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 19:53:28 a1fc79 No.8261026
he's a nobody. who cares.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 19:55:12 a7b460 No.8261043>>8261089
File (hide): d941b90372d726a.gif (1020.74 KB, 225x261, 25:29, leafblowerTP.gif)

Is there anything accurate or true in this?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 19:55:55 75ca7e No.8261050
File (hide): aac839038ec6987.jpg (187.11 KB, 2048x1556, 512:389, 25cc4bd67810dacfed81d876c8.jpg)

If you are still here anon, check this PDF out. it talks about that.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 19:58:21 fa64c1 No.8261075
I'm 90% positive that the father of James Alefantis is a greek guy named Bill Alefantis. He flies planes.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 19:59:57 3077c1 No.8261089
Not sure about where it was found, but I know it wasn't public until then.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 20:00:10 0949a6 No.8261093>>8261100
how do we know he was a boy before?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 20:00:44 ff0e48 No.8261100
She refers to him as her nephew on instagram. Name of Cecil I believe.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 20:02:10 dbc1da No.8261117
File (hide): e32253b77f2ee55.png (81.92 KB, 769x342, 769:342, 38017a70a8effbe472d761d350.png)

im not sure if people here are aware of this but James Alefantis sounds like J'aime enfants in french which means loves
children, another strange thing is that a quick google search shows the surname Alefantis is unique to America, smells like
a fake jew name
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 20:06:05 fa64c1 No.8261145>>8261151
fucking bullshit faggot shill

Anyone willing to share this shit on their kikebook or anywhere else is going to be instantly shunned. Not because these
are fucking retard level bad, but because they are designed in such a way as to provide absolutely no information, no
actual connection between the images and will inspire zero interest from anyone.
The only result will be people tuning out. Just as this faggot planned.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 20:06:44 0d85be No.8261149
No the Twatter is a shitlib, but she isn't Abramovic herself.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 20:07:01 ff0e48 No.8261151
Plus the whole "fake stories" bullshit is being pushed hard so it'll be easier to dismiss this sort of thing.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 20:15:43 5c3622 No.8261209>>8261220 >>8261269
This is the first real lead we've had in a week. The fact that Chandler was one of the Lolita Express passengers is a giant
glaring red flag. Chase down every single scrap of information you can find about her businesses and associates.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 20:17:13 ff0e48 No.8261220>>8261483
Bill Hauvre has opened hundreds if not thousands of companies. The answer is in there, if a dollar is worth a dime.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 20:24:31 fa64c1 No.8261269
No, theres been a lot of leads but theres also been a lot of bullshit faggot talk.
People saw this shit, got on instagram and started nutting their brains out following a path far away from the hard rooted
content we had to begin with.
When was the last time someone talked anything about the Pizzapacket business? Probably a week or so
'They've' been intentionally spreading our efforts thin to keep us away from the shit that has teeth.
We need a serious timeline of events for the core people if we want to actually progress this more than shitposting
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 20:29:01 1c1d08 No.8261300
shitty shop.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 20:31:47 32ec57 No.8261335
Oh how embarrassing. I thought it was weird Weiner knew her as he isn't elite. Thanks for pointing that out.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 20:43:08 aecb1b No.8261424>>8263362
File (hide): b91b1d77bb1c86b.jpg (24.75 KB, 180x230, 18:23, Open-Society-Foundations.jpg)

>>8253279 (OP)
Our best ally's logo is openly pedo friendly
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 20:46:22 39e452 No.8261449
If you lived in new york you'd understand the opening of that show.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 20:52:29 ff0e48 No.8261483>>8261553 >>8261570
Website for one of the companies Bill opened:
What is at the bottom of that page there?
anon 11/15/16 (Tue) 20:54:09 0983ef No.8261497
I followed ray chandlers instagram last week before peoe started hiding. She had tons of associates and many looked like
pimps advertising wares too young. Really creepy.
It is important to note that marinas rites are crowley moonchild demon summoning. An infant boy is needed for this. If you
listen to majestic apes whole tape roasting sasha lord at comet ping pong she talks of sacrificing her forst born child. She
was conducting a satanic ritual in that performance. Invoking the birth of the moonchildgollumrosemarys baby
homuculous. Notice everything in the black mass is red and black.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 20:58:10 93ba8a No.8261544>>8261549
It was stenographed from .jpg attached to this email. No one was able to reproduce it thought so I'm pretty sure it was
dubbed a shill.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 20:58:53 078ce8 No.8261547
Go look at half chin reeeeee!
>normie/newfag central
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 20:59:07 93ba8a No.8261549
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 20:59:27 c33ea1 No.8261553>>8261568

Filename is "helloFriend" lol
And they are an infosec company, they claim.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 21:01:07 ff0e48 No.8261568
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 21:01:19 c33ea1 No.8261570>>8261589 >>8261602 >>8261629 >>8261656
File (hide): eb8221c37dde6a5.png (7.1 KB, 959x41, 959:41, helloFriend.svg.png)
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 21:03:04 ff0e48 No.8261589>>8261652
Check that about me page just nonsense half the time.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 21:05:05 6f917f No.8261602>>8261613
I've seen those symbols before.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 21:06:26 078ce8 No.8261613>>8261647
In Egypt? WTF?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 21:08:00 27ed59 No.8261629
anon 11/15/16 (Tue) 21:09:32 0983ef No.8261646>>8261715
I am an artist. Absolutelt EVERYONE in the art world knows that photographers who take arty photos of kids are FULL ON
PEDO RAPISTS. It is absolutely not a secret.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 21:09:35 6f917f No.8261647>>8261652
I don't know. They just look familiar. Like a half-remembered dream.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 21:10:16 c33ea1 No.8261652>>8261690
Maybe For me Jane sticks out as a reference to Jane Goodall.
I agree I've seen it before. Can't put my finger on it Sci Fi flick maybe.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 21:10:26 27ed59 No.8261656>>8261728

File (hide): 7e30850a8661631.png (5.18 KB, 650x300, 13:6, masonic-writing-lower.png)

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 21:12:45 27ed59 No.8261679
File (hide): 621dddd00d92518.png (20.3 KB, 281x279, 281:279, fma.png)
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 21:14:05 6f917f No.8261690>>8261730
No. Not sci-fi. I could swear I spent time writing them out by handbut why would I be writing masonic symbols as
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 21:17:09 a7b460 No.8261715
who pays for their work?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 21:17:45 1b04a7 No.8261721>>8261740 >>8261847
Both your imgur links show the same thing. Specifically, you're missing evidence linking and Registered
Agents, Inc.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 21:18:22 ff9dd1 No.8261728>>8261748 >>8261759
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 21:18:30 27ed59 No.8261730

This could be hard to decode they ROTATE THE ALPHABET in the cypher so it could be 26 different wrong applications
before you decode it and they could modify some letters BUT IT IS NOTHING BUT MASONIC
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 21:19:01 f45d07 No.8261733
Did anybody archive the D.C.forTeens video or the Amanda Kleinman videos?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 21:20:03 ff0e48 No.8261740>>8261799 >>8261847
Yeah I realized that I double linked it or double posted it I'll go back and find it in a bit
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 21:21:08 27ed59 No.8261748
They rotate the letters in the cypher
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 21:22:46 c33ea1 No.8261759>>8261800
Haha.From their FAQ:
>What's with the strange symbols at the bottom of the page?
>What strange symbols?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 21:26:30 1b04a7 No.8261799
No. Fucking fix it now.
(I really just want to eat up your time, shill.)
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 21:26:34 27ed59 No.8261800
File (hide): 19b5e6734366746.png (7.78 KB, 474x459, 158:153, ob_cyphed.png)

on this oathbreaker I think I rotated it but it is the same fucking thing
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 21:31:26 1b04a7 No.8261847>>8261913
So I'd say it's about 80% likely that
>>8260859 and >>8261740

is a derailer. He's trying to get you to investigate every company ever started by this registered agent. That is the epitome
of an investigative black hole you won't find shit and it'll take you forever to do it. Registered agents are a standard part
of opening up a corporation in a state you don't actually live in, which itself is a common business practice.
Is anybody in this thread not a derailer at this point? Ffs. Really, the majority of the posts in this thread are either shill
posts or newfags asking question of shills.
It is kind of entertaining to see shills putting so much effort into their posts now, though. There's either a lot of brainpower
and/or a lot of money being put into shilling by someone who doesn't want this investigation to go anywhere. And that tells
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 21:36:14 d4ee06 No.8261899
who is this bitch? Is she friends with Rachel Chandler or what?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 21:37:19 ff0e48 No.8261913>>8261949 >>8262276
Not a derailer at all, I've been from the very beginning looking to better analyze the Chandler angle. That is what led us to
this point. I didn't even bring up the IT company that got us here right now, someone else did.
But go ahead call me a derailer all you want buddy, doesn't matter to me.
there's your business lookup proving that the modeling agency owned by Rachel Chandler was created by this Bill
Hauvre, who also operates a branch in DC
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 21:43:25 ff0e48 No.8261949>>8261961 >>8262002 >>8262141
File (hide): cecbf38f315c014.png (343.93 KB, 1920x968, 240:121, 1479271147194[1].png)

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 21:45:08 ff9dd1 No.8261961>>8261970
Have any context for those unfamiliar?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 21:46:16 ff0e48 No.8261970>>8261994
I'm unfamiliar myself, still trying to get the halfchanners to explain it. They're losing their collective minds.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 21:46:24 d4ee06 No.8261974>>8262319
File (hide): c0971dc7890ce93.png (477.41 KB, 941x603, 941:603, Screen Shot 2016-11-15 at .png)

Looks like we found that ICMEC pedo connection after all

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 21:47:08 7b42d0 No.8261982>>8261999
File (hide): 68495a52c64713f.png (97.8 KB, 1198x843, 1198:843, achillesalefantis.png)

File (hide):66532520b42110b.jpg (402.14 KB, 1831x3134, 1831:3134, record-image_3QS7-L94P-6D9.jpg)

File (hide): 4e9ce551db36edc.jpg (292.1 KB, 1200x781, 1200:781, 1aC9GxM.jpg)

>Lee Alefantis
HOLY FUCK. Digging on, check out who else is named Achilles (Lee/Louis) Alefantis. Born 1945,
immigrated from ROME in 1954 at the age of 9?

Also found third image in google image search, "james alefantis" "father" 10th row, on Image links to imgur,
which links back to a reddit thread
No idea if it's some rando making shit up, or a sibling of James, or James himself.
Far left is LJ Alefantis (brother), I suspect far right is Lee/Achilles/Louis Alefantis (James says he's Greek), left of him is
Susan Alefantis (English-Norwegian).
anon 11/15/16 (Tue) 21:47:20 68e97d No.8261984>>8262258
Who pays for it? Replying this way because I am not really familiar with this format. The National Ensowment for the Arts.
I wonder who is appointed there? When I posted about Maddy Beckwith facebook she wiped her profile pick immediately.
They are watching. Please go to her fb and capture it. Childhood e ast hampton friend of j and t podesta. RED nude pick
at the w. Pedo logo earrings (perhaps). I do not know how to post those here.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 21:48:50 ff9dd1 No.8261994
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 21:49:07 7b42d0 No.8261999
archived reddit thread, forgot to add it
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 21:49:29 1df8b1 No.8262002
I am genuinely curious as to what the fuck is going on with these kinds of things, because I see them continually and shit
like Donald J. Trump=1488 really forces me to believe Kek is real and loves us.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 21:49:45 ecaae2 No.8262004>>8262043 >>8262092
The twat is feeling the heat.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 21:54:59 c33ea1 No.8262043>>8262109
>James Alefantis accuses conspiracy theorists of lifting photos of children from his Instagram feed.
These fucking degenerate faggots post this shit online for everyone in the world to see. The images become public
domain and then they accuse people of "lifting them" what the fuck.
Lesson: Don't exploit children by posting their photos online for social gain you narcissistic faggot!
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 21:57:14 4fdd77 No.8262068>>8262084 >>8262101
St Lucifer spice 1
St Lucifer spice 2
St Lucifer spice 3
Receipt logo

Manager card
Advertisement card front
Advertisement card back
Stairwell downstairs where food prep is done
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 21:58:10 88a868 No.8262073>>8262211
>>8253279 (OP)
Why am I not surprised - how ironic this comes out NOW instead of ANY time in the last 6000 years lol.
Explains SO much.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 21:59:17 4fdd77 No.8262084>>8262101
Look at the bottom of the page where the spiral is right below the socmed links. It seems eerily promoted/ displayed there.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:00:13 ff9dd1 No.8262092
Heavy Breathing is, too.
They totally gave a reasonable explanation regarding their involvement (I still don't trust them) and it only incited the
visitors the site.
If only a small journalistic organization would share their response to pizzagate to draw more attention to it.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:01:10 c33ea1 No.8262101
Interesting but how does this business tie into something we already know?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:01:38 ecaae2 No.8262109
No mention of why he's so obsessed with children in that article either. He does not clarify anything at all.
Suddenly their reviews on fb are getting only 5/5s as well - over 200 new ones just today.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:02:07 89f263 No.8262112
Has anyone reverse image searched pedo symbols with key word pizza or day care or "children's"? Bed time for me.
Good luck.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:05:14 603e71 No.8262141>>8262148 >>8262201
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:06:14 ff0e48 No.8262148>>8262172
YEP the halfchanners are losing their minds and magnetizing their drives.

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:08:00 603e71 No.8262172

I know Im in the thread
related github repo to fork Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:08:06 000000 No.8262175
>>8253279 (OP)
just happened to search github for "podesta" and came up with this:
looks like it's the full wikileaks dump, with some scripts for processing the files. there's a folder titled hidden_attachments
with files.
looks like somebody who knows what they are doing. fork and help.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:10:30 27ed59 No.8262201>>8262209
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:11:11 603e71 No.8262209>>8262227 >>8262267
How exactly am I going to do that?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:11:21 fcf58c No.8262211>>8262236
File (hide): 052f13ec107ca13.jpg (86.68 KB, 575x1024, 575:1024, 052f13ec107ca13c83a33246ed.jpg)

wew, there is literally a plasma donation center down the street from me.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:11:35 ff9dd1 No.8262212>>8262217
WebBrain Tavistock Map
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:12:02 ff0e48 No.8262217>>8262245
Here come the shills again bro you don't say the word ever.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:13:28 27ed59 No.8262227>>8262271
File (hide): 2fb313a98b5653a.gif (128.87 KB, 676x594, 338:297, fam-code-1.gif)

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:14:24 88a868 No.8262236
I know, that article really brings all the "blood bathing" from history into a new light doesn't it
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:15:26 ff9dd1 No.8262245
Or, everyone says it, everywhere, and they run out of shills.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:16:36 c33ea1 No.8262253>>8262267 >>8262282
So I don't know much about it but gematria seems like bullshit. However, I think the z-sec cyper is interesting. It could, be
as a cuckchan anon pointed out, a dead drop key. Probably a fake company too, judging by the website which seemed
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:16:47 a7b460 No.8262258
File (hide): 2de433eaeb81711.png (198.9 KB, 489x322, 489:322, mad.png)

Click on the No.82619** on the post you want to reply to, and a 'quick reply' box will pop up. From there you can reply,
post images, and embed videos.
Interesting. NEA is govt.
This Maddy?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:18:05 27ed59 No.8262267>>8262274
File (hide): 65446b899cd87a2.gif (23.33 KB, 338x166, 169:83, poundex-2.gif)

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:18:44 603e71 No.8262271>>8262288
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:19:00 603e71 No.8262274>>8262288
Ive sent all the info
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:19:12 c33ea1 No.8262276>>8262311
That is not a valid link.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:19:46 bdfdb3 No.8262282
careful that website apparently had some malicious script on it. use noscript or a vm
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:20:33 27ed59 No.8262288>>8262299 >>8262304 >>8262368
File (hide): d316790014e44fc.png (545.72 KB, 613x603, 613:603, Screenshot_2016-11-15_21-0.png)

Thanks they can not ignore that it is unarguably a masonic cypher
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:21:18 307d98 No.8262299>>8262323 >>8262368

File (hide): 12abd21d017f253.jpg (84.49 KB, 300x337, 300:337, 83942.jpg)


Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:21:40 603e71 No.8262304>>8262323
Yeah people are on it..Whats the significance of your pic?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:22:00 ff0e48 No.8262311>>8262320
Yeah session expired or something
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:22:41 a7b460 No.8262319
archive or direct link, pls.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:22:44 c33ea1 No.8262320
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:22:59 27ed59 No.8262323>>8262368
File (hide): 72f9b020cf18106.jpg (17.44 KB, 600x420, 10:7, Fisher-Bilson.jpg)

They literally copyrighted the code
Just the @jeanettehayes niggerlovin

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:25:13 27ed59 No.8262344

File (hide): 1a4cad57c2835ba.png (153.9 KB, 1246x329, 178:47, Screenshot_2016-11-16_00-2.png)

MIGHT be helpful
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:27:59 307d98 No.8262368
File (hide): 3768d73abe7f879.png (157.33 KB, 349x371, 349:371, 996435.png)

check 'em.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:30:16 c33ea1 No.8262391>>8262417 >>8262420
The retards on cuckchan still think McCann was kidnapped
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:32:45 91a64c No.8262410>>8262440
>The Fusion Network and the American Media Institute reported in October that it might have done political favors for
private oil companies in Colombia in exchange for donations.
Read more: Getting to Know the Many Billionaires Behind Hillary Clintons Campaign
Read more: Poll: US Voters Think Trump Is More Honest, Trustworthy than Clinton
According to the report, the Clinton Foundation allegedly gave Frank Giustra a close friend of Bill Clinton, and the
largest donor to his foundation the opportunity to buy land in eastern Colombia and to open Pacific Rubiales, one of the
most important and recognized oil companies in the country.
Human Trafficking in Columbia:
Clintons leave toxic shitsmear on columbia
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:33:17 d4ee06 No.8262417>>8262437

Yeah and the Gematria thing is the latest fucking psyop to discredit our good work.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:33:44 27ed59 No.8262420>>8262438
alright so its masonic + ceaser cypher
She defiantly was is it related? absolutely the gemetria may have brute forced it
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:35:50 47e8ca No.8262434
Potential new lead in Wikileaks archive:
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:36:19 27ed59 No.8262437
Might be. for someone to use gematria is kind of leading me to think a mason did that to distract
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:36:49 c33ea1 No.8262438>>8262458
She definitely was what? Dead before she left the apartment?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:37:01 91a64c No.8262440
connection with frank giustra and epstein
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:38:31 27ed59 No.8262458>>8262477 >>8262479
I do not trust these publicized missing persons cases. She was probibly kidnapped I am now thinking it would not be on a
pentesting page but they do that they mix in truth where it is not.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:41:27 27ed59 No.8262477>>8262495
They masons might have known that madaline was a tide factor something that would incite rapid fire shitposting but that
is probibly not what the cypher reads.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:41:28 c33ea1 No.8262479>>8262497 >>8262514
Well the people who actually did the investigation are pretty sure that she died that night. They found DNA in the closet,
behind the couch and in the parents rental vehicle. As soon as the investigation turned to look at the parents they fled,
were totally uncooperative and the Prime Minister railroaded the investigation and had the lead investigator fired.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:43:48 603e71 No.8262495
you could probably be wrong..
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:43:55 27ed59 No.8262497>>8262534
Either way there is fowl play there. A dead kid.
A missing kid. But that is not what a pentesting masonic cypher would have been thats lunacy

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:45:38 cc3a86 No.8262508

We should get John DeCamp involved, he did the bulk of the Franklin investigation
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:46:22 5b1329 No.8262514
I'm willing to bet the Parents sold her to the Podesta satan worshipers.
Her eye is the "birth mark of cain"
The Madeleine foundation was used to funnel over a million dollars to the mother
The parents have appeared to be culpable from HOUR 1
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:48:30 1df8b1 No.8262534
File (hide): 35bf57e5e864032.jpg (96.61 KB, 615x435, 41:29, A duck.jpg)

>fowl play
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:50:47 59d5ef No.8262556>>8262584 >>8262604
Searched z-sec on Wayback Machine, the only archive seems to be from today. Is there any evidence that this website
isn't a shill created TODAY?
Did a whois search and NO DATA FOUND. Someone prove to me that the shills are getting creative, receiving funding,
and preparing FAKE WEBSITES to fuck us over and derail us from the TRUE HINTS?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:51:52 d4ee06 No.8262564>>8262579 >>8262583
File (hide): 80fff1047ea694e.png (93.02 KB, 710x404, 355:202, alert.png)

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:53:35 5b1329 No.8262579
Those two things are on opposite ends of the spectrum you shill
The podesta brothers fit a mountain of evidence related to the case, mean while gematria is SHIT

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:53:54 603e71 No.8262583

Well that spiderman shill is on cuckchan spamming our thread..
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:53:59 ff0e48 No.8262584
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:54:00 a7b460 No.8262586
[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

new thread needed soon

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:54:36 04948b No.8262592
What's with the oldfag in drag next to that photo? He's even got a purse? Wtf
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 22:55:50 1fa1b9 No.8262604>>8263168 >>8263181 >>8263197
File (hide): f895d2fa0f77759.png (117.53 KB, 1380x828, 5:3, Strange.png)

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 00:11:24 79c26a No.8263168
This red herring is obvious to the point being physically painful

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 00:13:26 8a678b No.8263181>>8263239

File (hide): bcbd8775575f893.jpg (14.76 KB, 300x344, 75:86, cypher.jpg)

recognized that as an old cypher thing I used to use as a kid. it translates as:
Dunno if fake or another layer of encoding or something
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 00:15:40 b3657c No.8263197
File (hide): 3be60a6653fbf31.png (2.42 KB, 621x273, 207:91, Untitled.png)

Oh, I think I know what that type of "encoding" is. The problem is knowing the key. The < > v ^ is what confuses me
though, could be something else
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 00:20:14 f73d34 No.8263239
Probably encoded with a caesar cypher or vignere. I don't think it's worth looking into though because it's obviously a bad
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 00:21:09 6973d6 No.8263250>>8263279
THAT is where I remember her face from, it's been on the tip of my brain this whole time. It was a MoMa exhibition called
Artist in Present. There are jewtube videos of all the people she involved.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 00:21:42 602049 No.8263255>>8263298
This thread just get pruned? I guess I'm such a new fag I haven't see that yet. Halfchan is talking about the script still. I am
currently trying to install thug to check it out.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 00:24:38 6973d6 No.8263279>>8263394
Correction: The Artist is Present

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 00:26:56 6973d6 No.8263298

No, it's still at about 730 replies and pinned on the catalog.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 00:31:57 ff9dd1 No.8263331>>8263355
Who speaks Italian?
Phone conversations. Two women. Two files don't play.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 00:34:36 288fbd No.8263355
>italy child sex
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 00:35:39 462bfc No.8263362>>8263368 >>8263400
File (hide): 192e110b5d02bda.png (20.22 KB, 303x400, 303:400, 59208142bk184024123.png)

Is /tech/ in on this, too?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 00:36:54 6bdb1a No.8263368
nah, loonix is for garden-variety freaks. these are advanced freaks.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 00:40:55 6973d6 No.8263394
File (hide): 7a1a630cb66dbbb.jpg (42.88 KB, 384x476, 96:119, slovepoke.jpg)

Has this been brought up already? I noticed a jewtube comment brought up spirit cooking a week ago. There are a lot of
celebrities that showed up for this thing. Perhaps just artfags but there could be connections.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 00:41:49 602049 No.8263400
No, go tell them. I don't know their ways. Also, /baphomet/
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 00:42:05 288fbd No.8263404
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 00:43:39 960124 No.8263412>>8263440
folks someone over at reddit has made an interesting discovery.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 00:44:58 027c15 No.8263419
shit-ton of tweets in Turkish with hashtag #pizzagate in last 3 hours Young turds do a story on this or some shit?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 00:47:44 b7b468 No.8263436
registered agents are usual when you are opening a company.
Significance of WY is secrecy laws and other advantages. Privacy is very strict, see http :// for example.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 00:48:20 027c15 No.8263440
5 days ago called,, they want their epiphany back
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 00:53:17 392c91 No.8263470
File (hide): 828ca19a0e2812b.png (371.16 KB, 832x868, 208:217, 1479064096199.png)

>reading about woody allen a couple weeks ago

>read about the lolita express
>all this shit starts being exposed
g-guys i'm fucking scared
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:11:11 91508e No.8263582>>8263597
File (hide): 5d9dd64171cb54d.jpg (53.29 KB, 826x129, 826:129, 2016-11-16 00_02_52-Tor Br.jpg)

Was reading about Sandy Hook conspiracies, specifically how the Sheriff who led the investigation was a surprise
Ctrl+F "Incident"
Tried to click on that link, says IP address is blocked. Am I fucked?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:13:02 288fbd No.8263597>>8263606
nah lots of sites have tor ips blocked
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:15:32 91508e No.8263606>>8263614
Thanks, I thought that might be it.
Time for bed I think. Godspeed gents.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:17:33 288fbd No.8263614
File (hide): a4dd59712400a0e.jpg (110.04 KB, 806x640, 403:320, election night.jpg)

night anon
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:43:38 a7b460 No.8263757
File (hide): 5fbd3b77299de67.webm (1.16 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Pol.webm) [play once] [loop]

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:53:12 369cb4 No.8263808

Can you stop LARPing as the robot from the last scifi you watched?


File (hide): 707c518b8886485.png (669.12 KB, 932x582, 466:291, 8Ziyud.png)

Ping Pong Pizza Pedos #11 Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon)
04:04:27 9f96af No.8241986>>8242034 >>8242084 >>8243009 >>8244788 >>8247797 >>8249111 >>8251095 [Watch Thread][Show All
Thread 1: (Dr. Pong)
Thread 2: (Comet Ping Pong)
Thread 3:
Thread 4:

Thread 5:
Thread 6:
Thread 7: >>8211402 |
Thread 8: >>8217734 |
Thread 9: >>8223306 |
Thread 10: >>8233093
Original threads
Operation #PedoFiles
Post last edited at 11/14/16 (Mon) 07:46:00

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 04:05:39 9f96af No.8241991>>8241998

We had the wrong guy last thread. The kike isn't the donator.
Here's a Richard Kowalchik who lives in Merrit island Florida. This must be the actual guy. Can't find any pictures, though.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 04:05:39 13030c No.8241992
Caris is Scott Cummings daughter, Carris Cummings.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 04:06:56 23a345 No.8241998>>8242003 >>8242047
>the kike isn't the donator
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 04:08:38 9f96af No.8242003>>8242021
Do you have evidence that he has ever even been to Florida? I regret posting those pictures of him because I'm afraid I
wasted our time.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 04:11:40 23a345 No.8242016>>8242941 >>8245964
reposting from last thread because DOJ is a strong link.
The website was designed by "LaFianza Design" (bottom left)
However, this company does not exist.
LaFianza Design is also linked to these websites: (baby store offering infant massage) (some guy running for the House of Delegates) (how to build chicken coops?)
The man behind' LaFianza Design? '
Sean LaFianza.
He's apparently the Web Content Manager at U.S. Department of Justice.

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon)

04:12:24 32489a No.8242020>>8242217 >>8242325 >>8244365 >>8246615 >>8249425 >>8249446 >>8249549
File (hide): ac48d61017bddf4.jpg (1.25 MB, 1080x9140, 54:457, vonspawn2.jpg)

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 04:12:55 23a345 No.8242021>>8242038 >>8248767

i think you're shilling, but im giving you the benefit of the doubt. if you claim its not the same guy give evidence.
there is only one Richard Kowalchik when you search the name. So here's the real problem:
>why is a Jew in NY, who works for the NY Daily News, donating money to a Catholic Church in Florida?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 04:13:01 767e6c No.8242022
Guys beware of what seems to be disinformation on purpose
alot of shill pushing dis info always double check
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 04:15:54 66d8c4 No.8242034
File (hide): cdb667b7f6e5246.jpg (171.03 KB, 1680x1120, 3:2, john-podesta-2016-election.jpg)

>>8241986 (OP)
Grab her by the pizza.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 04:16:44 9f96af No.8242038
How can I give evidence that it's not the same guy, when there is no evidence that it is the same guy?
>why is a Jew in NY, who works for the NY Daily News, donating money to a Catholic Church in Florida?
That's why I doubt it's him considering there are website pages for a Richard Thomas Kowalchik who lives in the same
part of Florida as the church.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 04:17:08 23a345 No.8242040>>8242042 >>8242083 >>8242941

File (hide): 7fded3416b6d65f.png (876.46 KB, 1864x974, 932:487, richard twitter.PNG)

File (hide): f4d9149aa91ab6e.jpg (115.28 KB, 594x501, 198:167, Richard Kowalchik 2.jpg)

File (hide): ae766ce29a913ae.jpg(466.11 KB, 762x1024, 381:512, Richard Kowalchik 1.jpg)

heres the richard who lives in NY (first pic).

now compare his nose and chin with the one who supposedly lives in Florida (second and third pics).
samefag is same.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 04:18:09 9f96af No.8242042>>8242050
We all know it's the same guy in the pictures, but there's no proof that that guy donated to the church or has ever even
been to Florida!
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 04:18:56 9f96af No.8242046>>8242628
Btw, did anyone ever take pictures of that house near Venice Beach? The one with the rabbit on the door?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 04:19:00 ad8976 No.8242047

> donator
Made-up millennial non-word #1488
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 04:19:47 23a345 No.8242050>>8242053
then produce the other "Richard Kowalchik"
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 04:20:32 9f96af No.8242053>>8242059
I can't find any pictures of him.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 04:21:46 ad8976 No.8242056
>tfw you realize Alan Turing was born 60 years too early and instead of genius autist faggot whistle-blowers that could
crack this steg in minutes, we have Bradley Manning.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 04:22:26 23a345 No.8242059
maybe thats because they're the same Jew?
maybe Richard moved from New York to Florida?
maybe we need to find out what Richard does for a living exactly so we know where his donation money is coming from?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 04:26:46 cea787 No.8242075
I received automatic confirmation, yes.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 04:28:14 9f96af No.8242081>>8247797
File (hide): f41308188dd3d1e.jpg (43.12 KB, 540x405, 4:3, 635865560929657370-JgZLS5J.jpg)

File (hide): 8929fef95f249e6.jpg (118.41 KB, 297x400, 297:400, 9107f91c3d082e51ffff87c5ff.jpg)

The Church has an academy for children, btw.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 04:29:32 8228d8 No.8242083
psyops. Jew in Media.
Ignore his relevance ever again. Shill spamming him.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 04:29:41 a1da42 No.8242084>>8242178 >>8242194 >>8246232
>>8241986 (OP)
James Alefantis: 1 visit
Dec 16, 2010 6:00 pm White House POTUS
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 04:31:03 8228d8 No.8242088>>8246861 >>8252777
File (hide): 78821bf5eae89a7.png (857.83 KB, 1636x977, 1636:977, 59e7f6d3f3d1b02d68cbae2419.png)

File (hide): 84ff8ad7ad52967.png (462.77 KB, 1305x671, 1305:671, 1478850063672.png)

File (hide): 0b1bd5a123f4d9e.jpg (535.03 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 1478852004520.jpg)

File (hide): 3525cee0f1b4fd2.jpg(9.5 KB, 169x234, 13:18, arun-g-rao.jpg)

Arun G. Rao
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 04:37:27 9f96af No.8242102>>8242118
File (hide): af3ce69a048387b.mp4 (2.92 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Divine Mercy Catholic Acad.mp4) [play once] [loop]

Probably wont lead to anything, but here is a video of their church choir preparing to sing for the pope.
How did we start looking into this church anyways?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 04:42:23 2a002e No.8242118>>8242128
see >>8241353
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 04:44:43 9f96af No.8242128
Do we think that this is just the church her grandmother goes to, or something else?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 04:57:01 12e149 No.8242176
Bump because this is more important than litterally 90% of the things on this board.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 04:57:27 12e149 No.8242178
Good catch !
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 05:02:04 9f96af No.8242194
Holy shit.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 05:02:50 9b9242 No.8242198>>8242941
File (hide): 34b68400db509b4.jpg (191.65 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, GranTam and Luzzettes09.jpg)

>>8241139 found that Tamara Luzzatto was mentioned in the Podesta emails. Well, I found this old blog called Evie's Crib
that featured her. (Definitely her as Maeve is mentioned and I recognise at least Ruby in pic related.) Not much but might
be worth looking into more.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 05:08:35 81bdfa No.8242217
>what i made the non-jews do at my wedding
I don't get it. What are they doing?
>all that shit art
Jews are mentally ill.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 05:24:00 699ffb No.8242277>>8242308 >>8242329 >>8242711
Getting back to Abramovic, check this out from the Viennese circle who are also doing crazy artwork.
One of them was a convicted paedophile and moved then to Portugal.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 05:26:27 8447a0 No.8242284>>8242756
File (hide): 666310a4c406521.gif (974.71 KB, 250x227, 250:227, wow.gif)


What did you guys find out in the last 5 topics. Is there that much to dig into?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 05:31:16 9f96af No.8242308>>8242324 >>8242347 >>8242404
File (hide): 2065a6ee96878ef.jpg (488.02 KB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, Otto Muehl.jpg)

Looking at this guys art makes fully understand Hitler's desire to destroy degenerate art. I still believe in freedom of
speech and expression, but anyone who enjoys this garbage should be shamed.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 05:34:11 9f96af No.8242324>>8242404 >>8242990 >>8242997
File (hide): 28f410447ca139a.jpg (51.99 KB, 670x583, 670:583, OTTO Muehl photo.jpg)

Then I find this. I hate how kikes corrupt the mother/son relationship.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 05:34:35 446431 No.8242325
File (hide): b7baee91f6d5b70.png (221.29 KB, 500x372, 125:93, 1476068657724.png)

>three dudes starring at the baby doll
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 05:35:43 9f96af No.8242329>>8242990
File (hide): bd3675fcd11ddd9.jpg (12.07 KB, 300x374, 150:187, muehl01.jpg)

>this is considered art
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 05:40:58 0460ec No.8242347>>8242372
File (hide): 74f52eb6087c305.jpg (1.51 MB, 1600x1030, 160:103, Romans-vs-Celts-battle-wal.jpg)

>draw degenerate minimalistic penises
>receive millions of money for them
>people who put effort in art receive shit, their art being used on book covers and toy boxes, and they never receive
proper admiration in art galleries
This makes me really angry. I always wanted to become a professional painter, but never had skill, but i would not dare
put shit art as true art.
Fucking kikes.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 05:46:23 9f96af No.8242372>>8242412 >>8243328
It's insane isn't it? How the quality of the art isn't what matters, but instead how the art is marketed?
A kike with friends in the right places can smear his shit on a canvas and charge a million dollars for it, while a painter of
skill will have to work for free until people are willing to commission him for generic drawings of their favorite anime
characters or super heroes. There is something horribly wrong with modern man.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 05:52:43 905bba No.8242404
>no goy, the nazis were the ones who were sick in the head
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 05:54:14 ad8976 No.8242412>>8242488 >>8242526 >>8245191 >>8245476

[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You racist, working-class thugs simply don't have the sophistication, education or intellect to appreciate or understand art.
You are the types who think that the closer to reality a picture is, the better the artist.
spoiler: most photorealism artists are women for a reason - it's as close to rote painting-by-numbers as fine art gets.
Look at this video, how can you not see the greatness, the magnitude of this? How can you not be inspired and feel fire
filling your belly at the beauty and enormity of the statement it conveys?
No wonder the Jews and the left call us animals.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 06:10:02 8ff814 No.8242488>>8242534
I don't know if this is sarcasm or poor troll.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 06:17:20 df8336 No.8242526
File (hide): 0e8044f28d64e05.jpeg (10.05 KB, 240x210, 8:7, gold star.jpeg)

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 06:18:19 6500e3 No.8242534
>>8242488 (checked)
You're even more bait than him.

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 06:20:00 5c30b2 No.8242544>>8242586 >>8244426 >>8245813 >>8249429

File (hide): 3775a735a9fcfa0.jpg (116 KB, 753x502, 3:2, koons-balloon-venus.jpg)

An article on Jeff Koons being ungodly rich:
>Koons became the most expensive living artist in 2013 when his Balloon Dog (Orange) sold for $58.4 million at auction
>Pennsylvania native Koons, 59, has a personal net worth of $100 million
Lady Gaga is a big fan of Jeff Koons and practically worshiped him for a whole CD named "Artpop" she made. He gave
her a giant naked statue of herself as a gift.
She's also worked directly under Abramovic too to "kick a marijuana habit", among other things like in the vimeo.
Article that's very interesting talks about Lady Gaga's relationship with all three, mentions Jay Z as well:
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 06:22:24 bef0af No.8242551>>8242637
my guess is that you're onto something.
just seen a couple of this faggot's pics (jimmycomet)
this shit looks shady AF
hidden doors, underground rooms, digging holes, jokes about children and sex.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 06:29:22 fe44eb No.8242586
Also the rest of the kikes at ICMEC
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 06:39:09 754cb1 No.8242628
Yeah in an old thread the bunny wasn't there anymore even though it's still visible on street view
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 06:41:52 6e0af2 No.8242637>>8252155 >>8252291
File (hide): 92678a87835f1c1.jpg (334.44 KB, 1982x1371, 1982:1371, kHXqhi.jpg)

File (hide): cac61cf0a21f6f5.png (2.54 MB, 1866x1190, 933:595, s3px8V.png)

File (hide): 13d25ed87a1acbe.png (2.02 MB, 1878x1218, 313:203, 86mWlT.png)

File (hide): 99c6b047a31ef14.png (1.93 MB, 1852x1180, 463:295, m9UgrV.png)

File (hide): ab9f28b77f2fd52.jpg (68.59 KB, 1265x739, 1265:739, 12323434532.jpg)

Yeah, this looks shady as fuck.
jimmycomet = alefantis

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 06:56:11 ba19dc No.8242711

>An apology from Muehl to the victims was read out at the opening of an exhibition of his work in Vienna's Leopold
Museum in 2010.
Where is the justice in this world?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 07:03:59 60387c No.8242756
Dig you mental weakling. I've waiting for a moment like this to spur on /pol/ for a long time.
Don't stop you NEET autists. I believe in you.
But I do believe it's gonna take some B&Es to uncover some things.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon)
07:39:29 754cb1 No.8242918>>8242933 >>8242935 >>8242939 >>8245779 >>8246602 >>8246618 >>8248001 >>8249553
Snopes claimed the spirit cooking was false. What do
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 07:42:42 8e68c1 No.8242933
Snopes is jews, my man.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 07:43:17 ab74ac No.8242935
Post it, nigger. Snopes claims the NDAA wasn't meant to arrest citizens without warrant either, but if you look at the article
the only "opposition" they present is Obama appearing to judge it "ethically" (i.e. it doesn't prevent citizens from being
arrested from a legal standpoint).
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 07:44:16 9b0efa No.8242939
Snope has been proven to be paid by fucking Dems you can't trust a thing that cucked jewed site says nigger.
We know spirit cooking is a fact. Post it.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 07:44:45 b6e2f7 No.8242940
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 07:46:02 b856cb No.8242941
>>8242016 either a front for the pervs or one of the 28 FBI Sites ot get them.
>>8242040 Your IMG seems barely related
>>8242198 this woman and Amanda Kleiman are the most exposed.
Majestic Ape (Amanda Kleinman):
Baba's Mountain (CD) Released on Birdman Records
OddEyeSee - Released on FrenchKiss Records
Street Warz (CD) Released on Planaria Records
Check the Comet sign: the shape looks like part of the unicursal hexagram (Thelema).

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 07:50:55 a9ed03 No.8242966

I refuse to let jews ruin pizzas for me. its my favorite food.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 07:55:28 42b026 No.8242990
File (hide): f490b6205ab68da.jpg (5.75 KB, 182x240, 91:120, index.jpg)

spoil that shit
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 07:57:20 8e68c1 No.8242997
[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 07:58:36 3ef878 No.8243009>>8244432

[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>8241986 (OP)
For anyone that thinks 'oh come on these apparent links are just coincidence'.
See what parts of the machine do in plain sight,.
link related
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 08:03:12 05da0d No.8243031>>8243051 >>8244122
No, I saw an interview with the woman that did the study independently. The study was done in 2007-2009. Women are
the most likely to be pedophiles and not men. They have been pushing for men being pedophiles for decades to get
fathers to stop protecting their children.
>Muh womyn can do no wrong, goy!
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 08:06:41 2dba43 No.8243051>>8243243 >>8243267
You're still lacking a source buddy.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 08:36:30 05da0d No.8243243
Fuck it, I'm going to look if the interview is still out there.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 08:39:48 05da0d No.8243267>>8243333

[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Here's one of the interviews on the subject.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 08:45:18 f86998 No.8243310>>8243320 >>8243483
Apologies for a slight derailment.
TuPond has still been continuously targeting me. I've found some corroboration online of attempted malware injections,
certainly brute force.
I have never triggered mrt in my life, but there were at least 3 infections during a scan today. It was clean yesterday. When
it finished, however, it said it found nothing.
I'm not terribly concerned with losing data, I have backups, but this is ongoing and targeted. Without saying too much, I
have taken many steps to reset, repath, and mask myself and changed up these steps and hardware.
Are we concerned about the PondTu aspect of this, especially with at least 3 seperate anons reporting issues and at least
one reply decrying and dismissing the concern. "nobody cares about your firewall"
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 08:47:03 8a4b16 No.8243320
I am not worried about it. They need to know that we know and that we are not scared of them.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 08:48:15 fe6bf6 No.8243328>>8243334
well to be fair there is still a market for classical paintings, and sites like this cater to that, employing classically trained
artists to paint old masterpieces, i've used it myself, they do a very decent job so long as you review the painting before
they ship.
Im sure that company could always use another artist, just gotta do your own thing in your own time.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 08:48:49 a9ed03 No.8243333>>8243389
That video is weak. It contains basically 99% hearsay and personal anecdotes.
It was calm and pleasant, but its weak and probably only works on the weakminded.

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 08:49:09 fe6bf6 No.8243334

File (hide): cfd08a012400c61.jpg (739.86 KB, 2545x1400, 509:280, Arnold Bocklin Island of t.jpg)

oops forgot the site.
I had them paint this. It was a very nice recreation.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 08:56:02 05da0d No.8243389>>8243403 >>8243636 >>8243833
It's an interview with a woman that works with pedophilia cases with a specialty in female pedophiles..
I don't understand why so many around here are being white knights for women and claiming that women can't possibly
be apart of a pedophile ring because a woman only wants to bake cookies and hug children but never anything more..
>Tfw you realizes people on /pol/ are retarded
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 08:59:07 52af08 No.8243403
>I don't understand why so many around here are being white knights for women and claiming that women can't possibly
be apart of a pedophile ring because a woman only wants to bake cookies and hug children but never anything more..
Those are called Shills Donny. Filter them.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 09:12:02 e32949 No.8243483
It does fire for me onwhen I open a new tab in browser.
I looked it up, and people are blaming either addons, malware, amazon etc. Gonna check on another machine tomorrow.
Until then, I think (hope) it is supposed to work that way.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 09:12:43 32489a No.8243487
File (hide): 2906a22f448f1e8.png (313.83 KB, 1310x416, 655:208, domino.png)

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 09:13:27 32489a No.8243493

File (hide): 64c6d0dc85d67f7.png (116.11 KB, 1019x568, 1019:568, pizzajosh.png)

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 09:17:46 c63ae2 No.8243521>>8243776

Remember boys, never be discouraged.
"Pizza" is an obvious code-word. Either it's sex itself, or refers to Penises/Vaginas as a whole.
and all these people who refer to pizza as "sex" or "genitalia" have a deep fixation on children, and love to create/post
images of children with pizza on social media
they are all democrats, and all homosexuals or trannies. Soros is involved, and at the very least, money laundering is
Do not let up men.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 09:31:07 a9ed03 No.8243636
I wasn't white knighting. I was listening to her with an open mind and kept getting disappointed by her endless personal
anecdotes. I was waiting for some numbers to come up, some percentages, some distributions, some graphs, anything.
But she just kept referencing her opinions as if they would impress me. Weak.
She looks like she has the heart in the right place. But she needs more numbers.
Also calling people white knights for responding seriously to your post isn't gentlemanly. Say thank you next time instead.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 09:32:42 807072 No.8243643
Check the troy boner movie.from last thread There is a hand on the wall in the back. It's also a weird room. What is the
context of that movie here. I missed that.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 09:54:03 8a4b16 No.8243776>>8243784
This, just google (without quotes) " pizza" and MANY are the shady kind of pizza
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 09:55:14 8a4b16 No.8243784
Please only the findings. Please do not leave comments chastising them because it will only cause more
possible leads to go private.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 09:57:58 1e33fb No.8243799>>8243809 >>8243816 >>8243818
Navy man here, should I tell my SAPR chief about this? He's the sexual assault somethingorother and I'm pretty sure he
can send information up the roots pretty quick to get this all investigated by officials.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 09:59:55 ba19dc No.8243809>>8244044
If you plan on suiciding by 3 shots to the back of the head, sure.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 10:00:54 e32949 No.8243816>>8244044

As we don't know how deep the rabbit hole goes, I'd suggest anonymous tips, if any. Problem is, there is no waterproof
evidence yet. I don't want Anons to get mass suicided.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 10:00:54 8a4b16 No.8243818>>8244044
I think so. The more in the know the merrier. However, I've noticed a pattern wherein the people in charge of prosecuting
child trafficking and helping victims are themselves a part of the child trafficking network.
This realization blew my mind to the level of corruption.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 10:03:44 ba19dc No.8243833
It's probably harder for some to believe because of the whole "but they gave birth to them" mothering instinct stuff.
And they forget it's the fashion for lefty types to hate kids and see them as things, especially the women.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 10:33:27 8c029e No.8244044>>8244075 >>8244103 >>8244140 >>8249932
>no waterproof evidence
I guess that's true, but a man with some pull in my command would be a big help when we get there. If you guys do get
anything that would be proof enough, I'll be tracking these threads, but in case I miss it just red text NAVY ANON a ton
and I'll inform my SAPR chief at the soonest possible moment.
>people in charge of prosecuting child trafficking and helping victims are part of it
The SAPR chief title is traded off within the command and is held by multiple people in multiple commands. It's doubtful
that every single one of them is part of it, and in fact if it kept going on like this for so long it would probably be found out,
because most of the guys here are shitbags, but they are very strong moralfags; some still believe that russia is still the
USSR, bless their hearts.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 10:37:05 8a4b16 No.8244075
Overall I think you should let as many people know as possible. There are too many people waking up for them to use
their normal intimidation and silencing techniques.
They need to know that we know and that they need to go.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 10:40:30 fe44eb No.8244103>>8244113 >>8244141
File (hide): 8358a4c91608818.png (470.9 KB, 877x573, 877:573, 8358a4c916088182c4c73a5fe2.png)

File (hide): 7bb50289dabb2b8.jpg(52.73 KB, 400x600, 2:3, Kirsten-Zeiss-Christophe-Z.jpg)


The ICMEC is involved.
>Majo Humer
at white house pizza party
>Jeff Koons
painted ilona pic, gave up first born
>Franz Humer
head of huge pharma company roche
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 10:40:44 700585 No.8244107>>8245958
File (hide): 45f7e0215c7dd95.jpg (249.22 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, milo-pigs-blood.jpg)

(((MILO))) Bathes In Blood At Pro-Trump Art Exhibit
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 10:41:22 fe44eb No.8244113>>8244120
File (hide): 92546e14e33a8ae.png (2.33 MB, 877x573, 877:573, majo.png)


Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 10:42:43 fe44eb No.8244120>>8244128

this pic i made corrupted itself
i didn't think it would upload
>it still won't load fullscreen???
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 10:42:56 340f93 No.8244122>>8245381
File (hide): 1ccd7e675a2a1c7.png (275.84 KB, 390x479, 390:479, sunday oregonian september.png)

Also there are nearly one thousand women serial killers covered in this blog.
For example, a woman in Sweden who, along with her 'husband', opened up a 'Baby Farm' or orphanage and killed
hundreds of babies.
The full article from the 'Sunday Oregonian'. September 16, 1906, page 12, says that a mass grave was found with 60
bodies of murdered infants. Hundreds more were suspected of being thrown into the sea.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 10:44:19 8a4b16 No.8244128
doesn't work here either
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 10:45:49 bb3d5b No.8244140>>8244181
File (hide): 7afcda91f8cc5a8.png (132.61 KB, 472x321, 472:321, bill cooper shiggy face.png)

Do not tell this to anyone. Bill Cooper was a Navel intelligence officer and he only got there by accident. he had to have
facial reconstructive surgery because he had gotten beaten by 3 guys telling him to keep quit.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 10:45:56 8c029e No.8244141>>8244157 >>8244171 >>8244177 >>8244267 >>8244325 >>8250017

So should I just point him to this thread or what?
I'll do my best, I'm kinda scared, but I do want to get this out into the open. I just don't know what exactly to direct him to.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 10:48:11 8a4b16 No.8244157>>8244251
Is there a phone number where one of us could leave an anonymous tip? They already know I know so I don't care.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 10:50:27 bb3d5b No.8244171
The navy does an occult ritual when crossing the equator. This is retarded
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 10:51:19 fe44eb No.8244177
a good write up online here http ://
to use as an intro
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 10:52:00 8a4b16 No.8244181
Concern trolling is an intimidation technique. They have no power any more.
hmm funk 11/14/16 (Mon) 10:54:50 1f7c2f No.8244201>>8244211
Comet pizza in AUS
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 10:56:12 8a4b16 No.8244211>>8250000
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 10:59:25 42b24d No.8244244>>8244359
Anna Gaskell and her handler Jim Cownie need more digging. These people have been known to stalk and harass
investigators so please use good opsec when looking into these freaks. Theresa Duncan claimed Cownie was connected
to the Gosch event and identified connections to a child trafficking ring. Deep shit began after that and she and her
boyfirend Blake are now dead of dubious suicides. Her blog posts detailing the allegations have been wiped and
everything you read about the Duncan/Blake saga is mostly false and damage control. personally not going here again,
just wanted to pass along the Gaskell connection.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 11:00:20 8c029e No.8244251>>8244325
There is a crisis support line, I'm pretty sure that's not what this is for, though. I'll find out from him if there is a number
someone in the civilian world could use to contact him as a tip, but I don't know if there even is one. If it turns out that I

need to be the one giving him the information, I'll tell him to come here and look at what you guys have dug up and point
out critical information that I know.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 11:02:44 ba19dc No.8244267
Don't do anything, anon. Not until there's something really concrete and you have an insurance against accidental suicide
at least.
If you think this guy is a good bet to inform, maybe get to know him better so you can be sure he won't brush you off, and
so you can have a better idea of how to approach him with the info.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 11:07:50 6111d5 No.8244309
Navy Anon
There are others lurking here much higher on the food chain.
We are Patriots and they will come to justice.
Lay low. Submit tips anonymously.
The time for action will come soon.
And whoever says the shellback ceremony is an occult ritual it's not. It's a right of passage with been there done that
bragging rights.
Stay focused and help with the investigation. Convince as many as possible that this may be reality.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 11:09:21 3503b1 No.8244318
File (hide): 73423ec384959bc.png (672.5 KB, 1914x1051, 1914:1051, CFmartinvarsavsky.png)

File (hide): 2db7c98db9fd7bf.png (369.53 KB, 1390x894, 695:447, Govcharlesturnbull.png)

sorry for repost, but i wanted to point out the connection between virgin isles and epstein and how the government
(specifically dept. of education) are probably in it together. also, the jew varsavsky is apparently part of Clinton Foundation
but I looked up their site and he's not on its board of directors. both guys were in epstein's black book
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 11:10:11 8a4b16 No.8244325>>8267499
Not sure if you already are aware of this site that has a lot of good info.

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 11:12:16 2453f3 No.8244338>>8244368 >>8244391 >>8244393 >>8245281

Dug out from a hidden customer spreadsheet found here.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 11:14:48 42b24d No.8244359>>8245281
adding that the deleted blog post by TD that coincided with the events that led to her death was called "The Trouble with
Anna Gaskell" and the blog was Wit of the Staircase on typepad. If you can find it there will be good info but without the
hyperlinks it would be a bit difficult to follow the leads.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 11:15:14 68fbc4 No.8244365
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 11:15:25 3503b1 No.8244368>>8244391
on it, bucho
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 11:17:22 8a4b16 No.8244391>>8244562
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 11:17:33 1fe6b8 No.8244393>>8244500 >>8244599 >>8245281
I could be wrong, but some of the amounts match the newsletter subscription amounts.
Could the pizza project just be their online store?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 11:20:41 8f1089 No.8244426>>8245987
>believing the healing herb is addictive
Yeah, that's enough for me, these people are fucking evil.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 11:20:53 ad8976 No.8244432
>annoying millennial with non-threatening, testosterone starved squeak for a voice.
>doesn't realize this video is intended for teenage girls raised on feminism.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 11:22:42 91768e No.8244452
has a weird attachements
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 11:24:44 455879 No.8244466>>8244500 >>8244532

i dont know why nobody looked into this, but in that attached pic from this anon on the bottom left are the dave flintstone
hacked mails and they talk about sleeppartners??in that mail there is a picture attached and its fuckin mr potato guy.
cud that be a cryptic picture can some anon decode that shit? it seems very important imo
does somebody even have the original pic from the hacked mail?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 11:26:05 0a04a8 No.8244486>>8244500
Out of the loop. I know there is a pedo ring that is run out of some pizza shops that's about it. Anyone got a link where I
can get caught up?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 11:27:38 ab98a4 No.8244500>>8244575
considering we have already established ties to stratfor with austin crytes, i think it's safe to assume that they have a
bigger involvement in this than we realize. just another piece of the puzzle really.
we're still not /tech/ anon.
good introduction here that focuses on james and comet ping pong
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 11:31:02 42b24d No.8244532>>8244555 >>8244600 >>8244617 >>8245561
Is there any link to this Hawaii wifi stuff other than that one mention of hot dogs stands in hawaii in the podesta email? I'd
like to see it if there is. You really need more than the word "Hawaii" to link these tbh. The wifi thing is weird and worthy of
digging but if it's a separate case then let's determine that pls.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 11:33:46 8a4b16 No.8244555>>8244600 >>8244617 >>8244714
Can't recall where I saw it, but some anon was close to there (I think) said the place has its own power and seems like 2030 wifi networks apparently under ground, and took pictures of holes in the ground (air holes?) and a bloody bucket.
I may be confusing things here. Can anybody verify my recollection?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 11:34:18 3503b1 No.8244562>>8244587 >>8244716
William Stanley Rubin
Born: August 11, 1927
Brooklyn, New York, United States
Died: January 22, 2006 (aged 78)
Pound Ridge, New York, United States
curator for MOMA (director of painting and sculpture)
Famous Exhibits: "'Primitivism ' in 20th Century Art: Affinity of the Tribal and the Modern"
"played a key role in building the museum's collection of abstract-expressionism works and
organized many exhibitions, including Dada, Surrealism, and Their Heritage (1968),
Primitivism in 20th Century Art: Affinity of the Tribal and the Modern (1984), and
Picasso and Braque: Pioneering Cubism (1989)." [Wiki]
Wrote a book, available on Amazon: "A Curator's Quest, Hardcover November 1, 2011"
Adam Rubin
Currently author, formerly in advertising, primarily kid-focused

"In my spare time, I help adults act like children by teaching improv classes at The Annoyance Theater in Brooklyn. I also
curate and design puzzles for a great company called Art of Play."
Has website [] that looks like a blog and an apparently well-known twitter
Wrote "Robo-Sauce," a kid's book
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 11:35:41 1fe6b8 No.8244575>>8244632
Totally agree. I'm sure they are Hillary's private mercenaries. But just highlighting that the 'pizza' site they were creating
might just be the Stratfor online store, as the spreadsheet amounts match their online product amounts. There are plenty
of other suspicious leads without getting sidetracked with something mundane.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 11:37:13 3503b1 No.8244587
http: //archive. is/4szkg
Robo-Sauce site. I think the video is about cooking something (pizza?). Gotta look into his illustrator
I'll post the complete findings on pastebin later. Currently posting what I find.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 11:37:38 6fe75a No.8244593
File (hide): 8e2041655dd0118.png (64.86 KB, 442x264, 221:132, Screenshot_2016-11-14_13-3.png)

Pizza is the pictorial slice pattern. 8 or 16 slices.

You will observe it is chaos.
The unification of chaos and order.
Blackmail depravity intentional hoodwinking of the masses.
This is the dark awakening to these people
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 11:38:31 ad8976 No.8244599
Nice hotlinks, shithead.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 11:38:32 ba19dc No.8244600>>8244617 >>8244714
I think the underground wifi in Hawaii was brought up more as an example of things to look out for. The guy who had been
investigating suspected nefarious purposes to a whole load of wifi signals being underground.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 11:40:00 ab98a4 No.8244617>>8244774 >>8245085
there was also some pictures of hillary and obama floating around holding up the same mr potato head doll that the
trafficker in hawaii used. and the same terminology of "grand poobah" that he used showed up somewhere else closer to

the source but i'll need to be reminded where. the shit there is extremely sketchy, but is there a direct tie back to podesta?
not yet, no, it's just circumstantial.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 11:41:19 ad8976 No.8244632>>8244696
You are suspicious as fuck but thanks for causing me to think of the following:
Buyers in the digital age want to see the product before the commit to buying.
There are hundreds of customers and thousands of children being shipped.
There must be a catalogue.
Stratfor knows the ins and outs of publishing.
Does Stratfor perhaps publish a catalog of children for sale?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 11:43:30 1107bd No.8244650>>8244676 >>8248673
A DC anon still hasn't burned this motherfucker down? I'm disappointed boys.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 11:46:00 8a4b16 No.8244676>>8244708
Fire destroys evidence. regular Alfred Einstein over here
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 11:47:57 1fe6b8 No.8244696>>8244736 >>8244797
Sorry, my bad, here is the archive of the store
Maybe the catalogs are those bad hard drives that Flintsone/Cheesybay sells?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 11:49:25 ad8976 No.8244708
File (hide): 02110bea0867de0.jpg(125.77 KB, 990x1346, 495:673, sinead_jew_face.jpg)

File (hide): a9b7682402d6c8f.png (132.06 KB, 366x272, 183:136, anglin.png)

File (hide): 12a48ea37c2b77a.jpg (178.79 KB, 1614x1190, 807:595, nu-right.jpg)

Just an agent provocateur, typical alt-right hero.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 11:49:58 42b24d No.8244714>>8244733 >>8244734 >>8244897 >>8245248
Yes, but from the evidence collected I don't see any connection to the DC ring except that Podesta wrote the word
"Hawaii" in an email.
I'd like to know hoe the plebbitor connected this 6 month old post on /blackops/ to this dc ring. I have been looking but it is
not being presented. Here is the summary and here is the wifi post on
/blackops/ that someone remembered or connected somehow to this. I'm asking what is that connection. If all it is is the
mention of hot dog stand in Hawaii that is not sufficient and this might be misdirection. Certainly worthy of it's own thread
but we're going to need more than intuition to connect these.
There is a lot of uncharacteristic whooping and hollering with many exclamation points pushing purious claims meant to
distract. If you're not from around here and have good intentions, you need to stop this. Get two layers of evidence and
direct connections before posting OMG!!!! And this wild goose chase to hunt down any pic including pizza is ridiculous.
Focus on busting the DC/Podesta/Comet pedophile ring and practice discernment when an anon is a bit too excited about
something but posts no source/analysis/evidence.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 11:50:04 68fbc4 No.8244716
https :// - Same author - even sketchier book. pedo programming.
(user name is deceased childrens author Russel Hoban).
Also on page is other Comet Videos
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 11:51:27 42b24d No.8244733

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 11:51:29 8a4b16 No.8244734>>8244742

Oh yes, I believe it has to do with Big Cheese, LLC, which is advertised at the bottom of the trafficking front sites (comet,
besta, buck's)
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 11:51:36 ad8976 No.8244736
Nah, doesn't make sense that you'd make customers bid hundreds on your catalogue, the HDs will be CP caches.
I believe that any catalogue would be hidden in plain sight, such as a professionally published children's clothing
Remember how you used to beat it off to your mother's clothing catalogue as a kid? Well if you grew up in the 80s before
the Internet you will have.
Point being, clothing catalogues are plenty useful as samplers of the "product."
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 11:52:14 3503b1 No.8244738>>8244762
File (hide): 39ddbdf1c857ff4.png (154.37 KB, 1244x927, 1244:927, annrosenbaum.png)

Found two Ann Rosenbaums who could be part of things

Ann Pharmakis Rosenbaum [1]
Works for Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC
[LinkIn profile]
Ann Rosenbaum
Managing Director - THE ROSENBAUM GROUP of Wells Fargo Advisors
Deerfield, IllinoisFinancial Services
THE ROSENBAUM GROUP of Wells Fargo Advisors
UBS Financial Services
Ann has managed investment portfolios for high-net worth individuals, families, and family owned businesses
for more than 25 years. Additional industry experience includes 10 years providing consulting and investment
management advice to money managers, bank trust departments and mutual fund sponsors.
Prior to Wells Fargo Advisors, Ms. Rosenbaum held the position of Senior Vice President Investments and Senior
Portfolio Manager at UBS Fnancial Services and was a member of the firm's Portfolio Management Advisory committee.
Over her many years of industry practice, she has developed a risk analysis and security valuation model which she
uses in managing her clients' portfolios.

Ann earned her MBA in finance and economics from the University of Chicago and holds a Ph.B. from Northwestern
She is a member of the CFA Institute and the CFA Society of Chicago.
Ann has served on the boards of directors and investment committees of several Chicago Area Charities, providing pro
financial and investment advice as a way of giving back to her community. Some of these organizations have included the
American Heart Association, the Eleanor Foundation, the Jewish Children's Bureau, the University of Chicago Women's
Business Group,
the Lincolnshire Rotary Club and the Lincolnshire Police Pension Board.
This information is intended for use only by residents of IL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, DC, DE, FL, GA, MD, ME, MI, MN, NC, NJ,
Opinions and comments expressed by LinkedIn Members are those of the persons submitting them and do not
necessarily represent the views of the creator of this profile or their firm.
Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC
Managing Director - Investments
THE ROSENBAUM GROUP of Wells Fargo Advisors
2006 Present (10 years)Deerfield, Illinois
The Rosenbaum Group manages Investments of high net worth families and family owned businesses. Emphasis is on
equity and fixed income portfolios managed to help mitigate risk through quantitative techniques.
Senior Vice President - Investments
UBS Financial Services
February 1994 May 2006 (12 years 4 months)Northbrook, Illinois
The Rosenbaum Group managed the investments of high net worth families and family owned businesses, utilizing
quantitative techniques to mitigate risk.
Ph. B., Organizational Communication
University of Chicago
M.B.A., Financial Economics
Ann Rosenbaum [2]
[LinkedIn profile]
Ann Rosenbaum
Teacher at Post Falls School District
Spokane, Washington AreaEducation Management
United States Marine Corps
Concordia University Irvine
Specialties: Secondary Education; English Language Learner Certificate; Yearbook Advisor; Key Club Advisor
Post Falls School District
August 2008 Present (8 years 4 months)
United States Marine Corps
June 1997 June 2005 (8 years 1 month)
Concordia University Irvine
Teaching Credential, Secondary English

2005 2007
University of California, Santa Barbara
University of California, Santa Barbara
BA, Major: Psychology, Minor: English
2005 2007
Part of Semper Fi Network
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 11:52:24 42b24d No.8244742>>8244752
>I believe
That's not enough, post your evidence now faggot.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 11:53:11 8c029e No.8244752>>8244825
File (hide): 88822be827f4e30.webm (368.71 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Desperate.webm) [play once] [loop]

Desperate. Your turn.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 11:54:04 3503b1 No.8244762
Also archive dot is isn't saving linkin profiles, any way around it, or another archiver?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 11:55:22 42b24d No.8244774
>it's just circumstantial.
I see that and so does everyone else with a brain that reads the infographic going around titled "The Hawaii Connection"
so just put it the fuck away until you can update it with a direct connection.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 11:56:03 000000 No.8244786
savethechildren org
> 122 countries, almost a century old
>Open Society Foundations (Soros)
>history incl. haiti, clinton, bush
>board of trustees incl. goldman sachs, citi
>global corporate sponsors
small scandal involving senior advisers to former Prime Minister Gordon Brow
dat last sentence
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 11:56:09 3ef878 No.8244788
>>8241986 (OP)
I think they had a house/building with a heavy sliding door. i looks like a garage but the door is on rollers and slides to the
right rather than up. If you can find it you will find the core
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 11:56:53 ad8976 No.8244797>>8244925 >>8250915 >>8252454
Oh hey, I just went for a smoke (I know, smoking isn't WN and I'm trying to quit) and this thought struck me like a bolt from
the dark night sky.
The hard drives aren't CP.
They are tokens.
For children.
For sale.
The bidders are bidding on children.
Represented by the HD.
Each HD is a different child, referenced somewhere, such as a list or catalogue.
The bids are real bids, add a couple of zeroes.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 11:58:46 42b24d No.8244825>>8244871
It seems you're the desperate one. Desperate to get the eyes of the public turned to Hawaii and some stupid infographic
TITLED "The Hawaii Connection" when the only connection is random circumstantial shit. The whole point of digging this
is to expose these fuckers to the masses in the hopes of prosecuting them. When you push shit that's retarded people
look away. Do you want that?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:02:42 8c029e No.8244871>>8244959
I hope you're not underestimating the problem.
I'm sorry, I was just shitposting, that other guy is a big huge shill and I agree we need to get away from unsubstantiated
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:04:48 000000 No.8244894>>8244917 >>8251095
Is there any place where up to date summaries of all new leads and evidence are being written? This should be a priority,
as it's becoming really hard to investigate leads and read all of the new threads at the same time.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:05:03 ad8976 No.8244897>>8244959
Oh hey, I wanted to comment on this but didn't have the opportunity yet.
Of course there aren't 30 wifi base stations under the paving slab (if the signals even exist), that doesn't make sense.
IIRC the guy said that the signals came in a cyclical pattern or alternated. Well it's pretty obvious to me that someone has
set up fake broadcasts using the aircrack toolkit.
It contains tools which can be used to spoof base stations, notably used during protests to fill wifi screens with lists of
(non-existent) base stations with politically-themed names.
Also used as a form of DDoS, by flooding the air with scores or hundreds of duplicate stations, all with the name of the wifi
network you wish to "jam", you make connection to the legitimate network almost impossible (needle-in-a-haystack).

Looking at it from the other side, the beacon flood can be used to hide your real station amongst a sea of fake ones,
although this is just an obscuring tactic and not really secure, it serves to confound casual connections.
tl;dr there is probably only one wifi router down there (if the anon is telling the truth) but for some reason it is set up to
spoof non-existent networks, using a tool such as aircrack.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:07:12 8a4b16 No.8244917>>8251100
I heard tale of someone making a wiki, but not sure if anything has come of it.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:07:55 1fe6b8 No.8244925>>8244972 >>8251095
Perhaps. I'm more apt to believe the HD trade is just pure CP. Besides, that doesn't solve your catalog problem - where
and how can they inspect the goods before purchase? Plus I have a hard time believing billionaires go shopping for
slaves on ebay sight unseen.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:11:12 42b24d No.8244959
Believe me, I am aware of how widespread this all is. But to get arrests and prosecutions we need to focus on our case.
You can spend your whole life buried in the digs of long forgotten plebs going back to the days of Mae Brussell. There is
that much. But will it get Podesta and his pedo ring busted?
I suspect that because he mentioned in his posts that he suspected child trafficking that a plebbitor googled and found his
post, went from there. I would like to know more about ehy he felt the need to flee from there but that could be anything.
Hawaii is a weird place and many locals hate whites and fuck with them. It could be something common and mundane like
that. Plus locals are heavy into meth and with that comes paranoia and tweaker behavior. Hawaii is not the paradise it's
advertised. Tourists have fun but it's another thing altogether thinking a mainlander can just move there, especially in the
bush, and have a good time. Dog Chapman episodes show the everyday reality accurately.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:11:47 5a1ed3 No.8244965
>deliberately quoting a completely different handkerchief email from the one people have actually been talking about
This is textbook disinfo. Honestly, the way you shills scramble to explain away everything is more damning than any of the
instagram activity. Also, never forget Besta.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:12:10 c59e08 No.8244969
I don't know... Accepting that our political enemies might actually just enjoy food seems too simple to me.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:12:41 ad8976 No.8244972
> Plus I have a hard time believing billionaires go shopping for slaves on ebay sight unseen.
Sure, I'm just conjecturing outside the box.
Billionaires would have special service, I was thinking for middle-class who want to play at slave master, they could be put
in a position of bidding against others for the kids who don't make the top grade. In such a case, ebay would be an ideal
forum. There is no incriminating information, no incriminating calls or messages to bid on the child, etc. These people
have shown that they are happy using hiding in plain sight (pedo signs in their business logos, pedo art on the
establishment walls and social media.)
You might say that billionaires wouldn't retweet or instagram pictures of little kids taped up with comments like "gnnnn
omg, I want one!" but truth is often stranger than fiction.

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:15:21 8f6961 No.8245008

>talking about renting pizza for an hour is completely normal, goyim
get your CTR paycheck and fuck off asap before the dam bursts
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:15:33 789a7d No.8245010
ITT: Shills arrive at their shilling day job. Try to counter suspect info with flimsy infographics.
Podesta realizes how fucked he is once we mount proper case.
They begin mounting pathetic defense to back up trash claims. Suddenly podesta is "into cooking" despite no evidence
supporting that PREVIOUS to ingestigation, we all know that he's only into one type of cooking
#degenerate cooking
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:16:36 3503b1 No.8245022>>8245026
File (hide): f83706f4e5fd810.png (546.3 KB, 1543x1139, 1543:1139, billronan.png)

Bill Ronan
[LinkIn profile]
CEO Owner at Applied Behavioral Health Care
Greater Minneapolis-St. Paul AreaMental Health Care
Applied Behavioral health Care
Gannon University
My company, Applied Behavioral Health Care, helps people achieve successful experiences
related to challenges such as addictions, pain management, weight loss, stress, phobias,
relationships, achieving goals, sexual dysfunctions, and more through medical hypnosis.
I believe in what I do and do my best to help others.
CEO Owner
Applied Behavioral health Care
1974 Present (42 years)527 2nd St NE, Hopkins, MN 55343
Providing out patient psychotherapy, hypnotherapy and counseling.
3 honors and awards
The Psychological Autopsy of Elvis Presley: The Role of Suggestion in the Etiology of Psychosomatic Disorders
American College of Forensic Examiners, Inc, 2005
William J. Ronan, a licensed independent clinical social worker, examines the facts of Elvis Presleys journey on Earth
to reveal the truths of the legendary rockers life and the root causes of his death in Psychological Autopsy of Elvis

subtitled The Elvis Analysis: The Role of Suggestion in the Etiology of Psychosomatic Disorders. No one can escape the
legacy of
Elvis celebrity, butmore
Many in the Journal of the American Academy of Medical Hypnoanalysis and other professional journals
The articles were on weight loss, smoking cessation, the treatment of ADHD, hypnosis for the EMT etc.
3 authors: Bill Ronan, CEO Owner at Applied Behavioral Health Care, Alexander A. Levitan
Gannon University
Master of Science (M.S.), Counseling Psychology
1977 1979
Call me at 952-933-3460
PTSD Board Certified Clinician
American Psychotherapy Association
January 2016
This is a recently earned an new endorsement from the American Psychotherapy Association
by becoming a Board Certified PTSD Clinician in January 2016. Obtaining this certification
allows me to more actively pursue helping those in the military or suffering from deep traumatic
events using hypnosis in combination with other traditional therapies to deal directly with the PTSD triggers.
American Psychotherapy Association
January 2005
Diplomat Candidate, Board & Clinical Member
American Academy of Medical Hypnoanalysts
June 1984
Member since 18984. Have been a Diplomat Candidate, Board and Clinical Member of the American Academy of Medical
Hypnoanalysts since joining the organization.
Additional Honors & Awards
APA Fellow Status, Mensa, Certified: Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act Advocate, Licensed Independent
Clinical Social Worker (LICSW)
Causes Bill cares about:
Animal Welfare
Civil Rights and Social Action
Human Rights
Part of the Mental Welfare Network
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:16:58 3503b1 No.8245026
[Yelp] []
Psychotherapy and Hypnoanalysis.
Established in 1974.
MN Hypnosis Bill Ronan is a State Licensed Psychotherapist,
(LICSW) Practitioner of Medical Hypnoanalysis. Specializing in Minnesota Hypnotherapist,
MN Psychotherapy, Minnesota Hypnosis and more!
1 review:
1 star

My experience with Bill Ronan was disrespectful and unprofessional. His office is a small room at
the front of his home, and my scheduled appointment seemed like an interruption to his day. He had the
TV on in the background, and would not turn it off. He had his dog roaming around and said I must have a problem

if I didn't like it. He took a "set it and forget it" approach to the so-called therapy of putting a blindfold and
headphones on patients and playing an audio. He probably went about personal business during treatment time. He said
I seemed hostile because I expressed concern with these issues. Seriously. This guy seems to have quite a racket going,
billing patients and insurance companies over $100/hour for this "counseling."
[Psychology Today]
Bill Ronan
Clinical Social Work/Therapist, MS, LICSW, Medical, Hypnoan
(952) 856-3102
I have over 40 years experience as a psychotherapist/Medical Hypnoanalyst. I am accepting, understanding and
directed in treating problems. I have taught for various colleges in the Twin Cities area. I have been featured
on most of the news stations for hypnoanesthesia. I am results oriented. I have several articles in peer review
journals and have recently published a book called The Psychological Autopsy. I treat a wide variety of problems.
After hearing from you why you are here I prefer getting to know the you through an extensive case history so that
I begin to know you and your emotional background.
As a practitioner of Medical Hypnoanalysis I seek to uncover the cause of the problem and treat them their root level.
I believe the client should leave most every session feeling better than when they came in.
Call or Email Bill Ronan for a free phone consultation now - (952) 856-3102
Years in Practice: 30+ Years
School: Gannon University
Year Graduated: 1979
License No. and State: 00371 Minnesota
Avg Cost (per session): $150
Accepts Insurance: Yes
Accepted Payment Methods: American Express, Cash, Check, Discover, Mastercard, Visa
Accepted Insurance Plans
American Behavioral
Crime Victims Reparations Board
Gambling Treatment Provider MN Dept Human Svs
Out of Network
Anger Management
Alcohol Abuse
Behavioral Issues
Child or Adolescent
Chronic Impulsivity

Chronic Pain
Chronic Relapse
Coping Skills
Domestic Abuse
Domestic Violence
Drug Abuse
Eating Disorders
Emotional Disturbance
Internet Addiction
Learning Disabilities
Life Coaching
Obsessive-Compulsive (OCD)
Oppositional Defiance
Relationship Issues
School Issues
Self Esteem
Sex Therapy
Sexual Abuse
Sexual Addiction
Sleep or Insomnia
Substance Abuse
Suicidal Ideation
Teen Violence
Trauma and PTSD
Video Game Addiction
Weight Loss
Mental Health
Dissociative Disorders
Elderly Persons Disorders
Impulse Control Disorders
Mood Disorders
Client Focus
Ethnicity: African-American, Hispanic and Latino
Children (6 to 10)
Preteens / Tweens (11 to 13)
Adolescents / Teenagers (14 to 19)
Elders (65+)
Aviation Professionals
Bisexual Clients
Gay Clients

HIV / AIDS Clients

Heterosexual Clients
Lesbian Clients
Transgender Clients
Treatment Approach
Treatment Orientation
Cognitive Behavioral (CBT)
Medical Hypnoanalysis
Mindfulness-based (MBCT)
Solution Focused Brief (SFBT)
You're safe until you go public. Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:18:15 7f2025 No.8245043>>8245134
Tread lightly, and prepare to be amazed.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:18:26 ad8976 No.8245047>>8245899
The guy is right.
You are literally trying to say that an educated woman uses the words "a map that seems pizza related" when she actually
means "it is stained with pizza sauce"?
Or that she would bother a billionaire over a napkin?
Hahaha, seriously, gas yourself.
Just gas yourself.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:19:37 6fe75a No.8245064
File (hide): 925a6ad46251298.jpg (17.85 KB, 380x285, 4:3, imagesizer.jpg)

Ping pong is really sick it is how the elite see children as wispy soft balls that could use a paddling. But it is more than
that. We got a game where you wham the ball and it is more or less irrelevant to the efficiency. They feel like it is not like
golf where you have to be relaxed you can be drunk or high and ping pong is their way of how they dominate children.
Also it folds into a rack of sorts. This is a discreet bondage machine the taping of hands is a joke from jimmy comet they
would be sleeved to the table.
plus they shove ping pong balls in the pussies

and asses.
Hankercheifs could have a layout of a hotel that is not the normal. Say a hotel has a certain amount of rooms they change
often that you can go in and different treats would be in them. Like bound sex slaves and whatnot. A VIP hankie could to a
cleaning lady be a mystery because she would wonder why she never cleans those rooms. Or if it had secret elevator
codes.Just a speculation.
Pizza is the controlled act of malice without repercussion cheese pizza could be necrophilia hurtcore you name it is not
porno it is this vetting system of the elite. Like this is the line that they can not cross lest they break their death oaths if
they reveal it. Orginized chaos.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:21:01 ba19dc No.8245085
" Poobah" could be a pop-culture reference type thing:
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:24:44 8f6961 No.8245134
The cat is out of the bag. You can't stop this. It is too late, kiddyfuckers. You will be found and retribution will be had. I
hope to fuck there'll be a priest around just to baptize you fucks for shits and giggles so if hell actually exists you will go
down there as sinners instead of servants.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:26:30 8f6961 No.8245152>>8245168 >>8245337 >>8247046
>herp derp he's in kitchen attire he must be a cook, he definitely knows that his three month old christmas pasta can be
eaten in fucking march
>using politico as a source
no, seriously, kill yourself
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:27:49 ad8976 No.8245168
He is using "how to persuade a normalfag" tactics on /pol/.
This is amazing.
They sent someone with no briefing on the culture or the denizens.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:27:52 0f140a No.8245169
File (hide): d195188f16a6905.jpg (3.27 MB, 2942x3010, 1471:1505, 1478213232434.jpg)

Source for "Bif Skipman" hacked e-mails in pic related?

Anyone know if there's an archive or dump?

Not sure if this was someone larping or an actual lead.

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:29:53 aade25 No.8245191
Hahaha, top KEK
Well done Anon, well done.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:30:03 ad8976 No.8245195
Sounds familiar.
Oh yeah, I recognize the format.
"Trump is going to lose 'horribly', just remember I posted this in a few months time."
Oh, we will.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:30:35 789a7d No.8245208
First day back to work at your shill job hey? Guess they don't have you working overtime yet or you would've been here..
ohh I dont know, 4 days ago?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:33:36 ba19dc No.8245248>>8245460
>And this wild goose chase to hunt down any pic including pizza is ridiculous.
As I said, the impression I got when the Hawaii WiFi story was posted a few threads back, was the poster intended it more
as a "jsyk" piece of information, not that there was any direct connection.
People had been discussing the underground tunnels beneath where the pizza places are, and iirc the Hawaii thing was
related to that in the sense that it was an example of something a neighbourhood anon could look for.
I don't know whether the Podesta Hawaii Hotdog info was brought up separately and then tied to the Hawaii WiFi as the
threads moved on; or whether as we got into new threads people started mixing WiFi up as being related to this, so
looked for Hawaii references in the e-mails.
Either way, it is my understanding that the Hawaii WiFi case is separate, but also creepy and worth keeping in mind as
digging continues.
If any anon knows more, please confirm or correct me if I'm wrong.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:34:44 6fe75a No.8245259>>8245290 >>8246434
File (hide): f113d0fdd248af7.jpg (141.59 KB, 648x850, 324:425, 62e0c2afbc292e668b091f3fbf.jpg)

ok I do not know if you are aware that if you look at lucifer he is feeding on humans when stuck in the pit of hell.

That is both the rabbit hole and the point of breeding. They are feeding on humans when dazed in the decadence of the
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:34:52 0a04a8 No.8245261
File (hide): 05a6bc92f05b41f.jpg (161.47 KB, 640x541, 640:541, hillary_podesta_satanism_b.jpg)

Podesta is a real food nut but I don't think his favorite is Italian.
That CTR money is going to run out soon & you will need to find a real job.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:36:16 2962b1 No.8245281>>8245326
This is some funding shit. search pizza testing or pizza testing report
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:36:42 901629 No.8245284
Haven't been here since thread #6. What do we know so far?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:37:10 6fe75a No.8245290>>8245325 >>8245331 >>8245608
File (hide): 63fbbfbf53f6433.jpg (99.91 KB, 960x720, 4:3, a7c4aca996583f242a3cfb1d55.jpg)

It is always the 3 headed version of satan.
Is their any other 3 headed demon you know of that is paraded under by the elite?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:40:14 ad8976 No.8245325
File (hide): 8da6153e9f4b79e.jpg (147.84 KB, 725x800, 29:32, demon_bael_F012-005_725px.jpg)

>Is their any other 3 headed demon you know of that is paraded under by the elite?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:40:19 8f6961 No.8245326>>8245346 >>8245355 >>8245387
I'll give you a sneak peek into the truth, then:
When the lists go out, when there's a standing order to deliver you, you will be tortured for years, being kept alive through
the best human-known medicine, just so you can suffer some more. In fact, you won't be physically tortured, you will be
hooked up to electro-stimulation apparatus that will fry your nerve endings until you can feel no more over a period of
years. Then, maybe, someone will have the mercy to use sandpaper to grind your flesh down, just so a little extra pain
can be squeezed from your deeper nerves. Or maybe not. Maybe you will be allowed to recuperate a bit, just so the
process can be repeated. You will not be granted the mercy of a swift death.
Just remember I posted this in a few months time.
>ordering international pizza
>special pizza ordering site that requires elevated privileges
yeah, no.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:40:54 3528eb No.8245331>>8245365
File (hide): bd5d44d32043539.jpeg (61.14 KB, 530x530, 1:1, jahbuhlon.jpeg)

Gee, I wonder
I really don't know, anon.

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:40:56 6fe75a No.8245333

File (hide): 57e497ab1424695.jpg (248.01 KB, 762x572, 381:286, 9304349336fd3e9230be1f7578.jpg)

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:41:30 ba19dc No.8245337
Anon, it's in the e-mails. It's obvious he's (also) a good cook. It's the perfect cover for a start.
I wonder if he spent any time as a chef before his political career
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:41:58 ad8976 No.8245346
Horror, the likes of which /pol/ has never encountered.
anyone got some chemo ready? looks like we need it for this normalfag
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:42:28 2962b1 No.8245355>>8245371
File (hide): ee5e58becb706f7.png (225.67 KB, 843x615, 281:205, pizs_2.png)

File (hide): a5b4b1cb6cd4ad7.png (14.24 KB, 922x552, 461:276, pizs_1.png)

File (hide): 46ac93887a73868.png (65.19 KB, 634x590, 317:295, pizza_strat.png)

yeah. you need to look better anon
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:43:15 4eb3a0 No.8245365>>8245379
>freemason eternal darkness insignia
>juden star
fucking bael.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:43:24 8f6961 No.8245371>>8245409
source, not screenshots
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:43:49 2962b1 No.8245379
stop shilling go home
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:44:03 700585 No.8245381>>8246350 >>8246414 >>8246596 >>8246642 >>8247328
File (hide): 6d41000d5f775f1.jpg (54.75 KB, 408x500, 102:125, logo.jpg)

File (hide): d75df325ca1c513.jpg (146.43 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, bloodymary.jpg)

Here is the latest "Farm"(Toigo Orchards) which has been around since the 1700's and where comet ping pong gets all its
fresh tomatoes.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:44:10 6fe75a No.8245382
File (hide): 08864acb060f229.jpg (289.53 KB, 736x1098, 368:549, c534436201daf9f0e521eb4efa.jpg)

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:44:30 ba19dc No.8245387>>8245409 >>8245446 >>8245448
>>ordering international pizza
>>special pizza ordering site that requires elevated privileges
>yeah, no.
You would not believe how common it is for programmers and developers to give the things they work on goofy names
before release.
Gonna need something a lot more substantial than "they called it Pizza".
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:46:00 2962b1 No.8245409>>8245448 >>8245490
you are fucking lazy lads
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:47:24 acaf66 No.8245423
File (hide): 3ae510196878fe1.jpg (35.9 KB, 714x394, 357:197, threeseashells.jpg)

11.13.16 Archive of everything I have Pizza PAC related is included in either link below. Use a proxy server if you want to
hide your IP address.
ZIP file:
Extract then seed with this torrent file:
Magnet link:
Here is a list of free available torrent proxy servers that you can use to anonymize your torrent client software.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:49:08 ad8976 No.8245446>>8245560
>Gonna need something a lot more substantial than "they called it Pizza".
Funny thing is, no, we don't.
You seem to confuse what we are doing, with some kind of court of law proceeding which has to follow a set procedure or
We don't need to prove anything, the targets will crumple under the weight of circumstantial evidence.
Rumor spreads, and as it does, those with solid information become emboldened to release it. The momentum grows until
it becomes unstoppable, like a boulder rolling down a hill.
>bbut that's immoral.
Welcome to the new right. We have taken Alinsky and turned him against you.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:49:10 8f6961 No.8245448>>8245484 >>8245529 >>8245531
oh I believe that. What I don't believe is the startling number of (((coincidences))). Take the shills trying to exploit the
Podesta-cook angle, when there's emails on Wikileaks about fucking RENTING PIZZA. It's impossible to rent pizza.
Well, alright, but the report itself doesn't mention much w/regards to the content sold, just screenshots from their system.
Still suspicious.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:50:25 e32949 No.8245460
I don't know if this has been suggested or done, but did anon agents check for wifi while in the field? It might be a stretch,
but better safe than sorry, no?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:52:15 576ca8 No.8245476>>8245525
File (hide): 33730cf43aeb046.png (231.77 KB, 499x741, 499:741, get the cross.png)

What really bugs me is the kids you hear in the background.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:52:56 1fe6b8 No.8245484
They sell newsletter subscriptions and books.
The amounts from the spreadsheet posted earlier match the costs of the subscriptions and books they sell.
I'm on your side, but I think the 'pizza' project at stratfor is just their public online store.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:53:34 ba19dc No.8245490
I meant the other anon needed to show something more substantial to back up his suspicions, since he was arguing so
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:55:10 6fe75a No.8245508>>8246434
File (hide): 0669d77c116cafe.jpg (135.16 KB, 1024x545, 1024:545, inferno dante.jpg)


Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:55:52 6fe75a No.8245518>>8246434
File (hide): 1ec2aedabfc7d88.jpg (467.28 KB, 800x612, 200:153, f5a25bcc422cac63aab9fcaa1b.jpg)

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:56:09 8f6961 No.8245523>>8245596
>get a pizza for an hour
>get a pizza
>for an hour
and then what, you fucking regurgitate it back? Eat shit kike, you're not shilling this away
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:56:17 ad8976 No.8245525
There are kids in the background of Floodlight-HD.mp4, the night beach scene.
Coughing (being drowned?)
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:56:26 ba19dc No.8245529
I haven't seen the renting pizza e-mail. Lots about e-mails where it's bleeding obvious they're talking about food, and the
oddly worder one about the handkerchief, or the one with the kids as entertainment and the pool. But the renting pizza
one has escaped me.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:56:38 2962b1 No.8245531
That's the link for stratfor so far no clue about molestas "pizza".
stratfor and molestas "pizza" are 90% no related.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:57:02 3503b1 No.8245540
File (hide): 57664422b03bc08.png (498.87 KB, 1315x1051, 1315:1051, gabinorochejr.png)

Gabino Roche, Jr., probably related to Stephen Roche?

Executive Director of Product | Lean & Agile Business / Product Consulting | CEO at Maag Studios - Mobile Technology
Greater New York City Area
Financial Services
Lemme tell you, this guy is connected to basically every rich company. won't post his resume because it'll take more than
four long-ass posts. Just take a look at pic related. bankrolls start-ups
Gotta pay $3.33/min to talk with him
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:58:20 ba19dc No.8245560>>8245691
You seem to want this dig to be full of fluff and tinfoil to not be taken seriously.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 12:58:25 9ab45d No.8245561>>8245642
hxxps:// www.reddit. com/r/The_Donald/comments/5bh957/breaking_pol_just_found_podetas_hotdog_joint/
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 13:00:50 2962b1 No.8245592
that's what i said anon. read before shitting.
"stratfor and molestas "pizza" are 90% not related."
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 13:01:01 ba19dc No.8245596
He's talking about going out to get pizza, and hanging out for an hour. Or presumably order one and hang out at home.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 13:02:22 6f3824 No.8245608
File (hide): bfec7d149c16def.png (1.97 MB, 1152x1080, 16:15, 1449611152669.png)

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 13:03:10 8f6961 No.8245619
>c'mon goyim, it's just a turn of a phrase, surely it wouldn't be more comfortable to just say "wanna go out for an hour and
eat pizza?"
Not buying it.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 13:06:15 99b174 No.8245642
File (hide): 4c24e61280a7e52.jpeg (105.5 KB, 1024x507, 1024:507, image.jpeg)

Hot dog resort
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 13:10:51 ad8976 No.8245691
You have already shown that you will contort the English language to derive an innocent meaning for otherwise suspicious
statements, without any solid reason to do so.
So your concern trolling is very transparent.
Thanks for your concern over /pol/'s PR.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 13:12:32 ad8976 No.8245709
Nothing you say is going to make this stop.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 13:13:47 e08a85 No.8245724
Can someone give me a short summary about what this pedo bunny green house shit is all about? I thought this was just
an /x/ shitpost topic.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 13:17:30 789a7d No.8245749
File (hide): 2a032ab7849a73b.png (6.96 KB, 173x81, 173:81, Digdug.png)


Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 13:20:17 3503b1 No.8245776
File (hide): b6120af0db5850c.png (39.23 KB, 552x302, 276:151, theodorearnoldaanstoos.png)

Caught 2 aanstoos, first one seems normal but took it just in case, 2nd work for government
Theodore Aanstoos [1]

Austin, TX
Age 66, 12/31/1949
Married, Has Kids, Republican Party
AKA: Ted Aantstoos , Ted A Aanstoos , Ted A Aanstoos , Ted A Aanstoos , Theodore A Aanstoos , Theodore A Aanstoos ,
Theodore Arnold Aanstoos , Theodore Arnold Aanstoos
11* ** Dr Austin, TX 78748
Theodore Arnold Aanstoos [2]
U. S. Government
Mechanical Engineering
Research experience:
Feb 2012present
Supervisory Project Manager
US Government General Services Administration
United States Austin, Texas
Sep 1999Dec 2010
Senior Lecturer
University of Texas at Austin Department of Mechanical Engineering
United States Austin
Aug 1980Jan 2002
Research Engineer
University of Texas at Austin Center for Electromechanics Center for Electromechanics
United States Austin
Sep 2006Dec 2012
University of Texas at Austin
Public Affairs MPAff
United States Austin
Sep 2002Apr 2007
University of Texas at Austin
Public Affairs PhD (ABD)
United States Austin
Jan 1981Dec 1987
University of Texas at Austin
Engineering MS Engineering
United States Austin
Jun 1978Aug 1980
University of Texas at Austin
Mechanical Engineering BS
United States Austin
Article: High voltage stator for a flywheel energy storage system
[Cited in 14 publications:]
Conference Paper: Continuous Outcomes Assessment in an Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Course
[Cited in 9 publications:]

Article: Optimization and Critical Design Issues of the Air Core Compulsator for the Cannon Caliber Electromagnetic
Launcher System (CCEML)
[Cited in 23 publications:]
Conference Paper: Using program outcomes as a curriculum theme for an introduction to engineering course
[Cited in 1 publication:]
Conference Paper: CRT disposition: An assessment of limitations and opportunities in reuse, refurbishment, and recycling
in the US
[Cited in 20 publications:]
Article: The New Digital Engineering Design and Graphics Process
[Cited in 13 publications:]
Article: Energy model for end-of-life computer disposition
[Cited in 7 publications:]
Article: Assessing Student Outcomes in an Engineering Design and Graphics Course
[Cited in 1 publication:]
Article: Development and Testing of Experimental Materials and Designs for High-Current, High Slip Speed Generator
[Cited in 1 publication:]
Article: Assessing student outcomes in an engineering design and graphic course
[Cited in 1 publication:]
Article: Process, Promise, Problems: Developing WiMAX as an International Standard
[Cited in 1 publication:]
Article: A new high current laboratory and pulsed homopolar generator power supply at the University of Texas
[Cited in 3 publications:]
Article: Industry-Sponsored Design Projects for Freshmen Engineering Graphics Students
[Cited in 3 publications:]
Article: Design of a 500 MJ, 5 MA power supply
[Cited in 4 publications:]
Article: Design and fabrication of a tandem, five megampere initiate switch for the battery upgraded supply
[Cited in 3 publications:]
Article: HPG operating experience at CEM-UT
[Cited in 6 publications:]
Conference Paper: Optimization and design of the air core compulsator for the cannon caliber electromagnetic launcher
[Cited in 1 publication:]
Article: The proposed CEM-UT 50-MJ pulsed homopolar generator power supply
[Cited in 4 publications:]
Article: Curriculum Innovation:Professional Responsibility
[Cited in 1 publication:]
Article: Five-megajoule homopolar upgrade
[Cited in 1 publication:]
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 13:20:45 18c3cb No.8245779>>8245966
>snopes said Marina dindu nuffin
Which jew owns snopes? Add them to the list
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 13:24:27 18c3cb No.8245813
What was the other big organization similar to ICMEC?? it was like "something else-MEC" it had mec in it forsure.
Didnt Jeff get accused of pedophilia by an ex wife or someshit? We all know his depiction of michael jackson with the
monkey was pretty fucking weird

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 13:27:15 3503b1 No.8245846

can't get a clear bead on ibrahim abdalla, seems like a common muslim name. too many sources to look through. but i;d
start with the doc born in aleppo or the facebook one who hates trump. moving on to next guy
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 13:31:52 5a1ed3 No.8245899
Yeah, I was talking about the map comment, not the one on the top of the graphic. It's obvious to anyone that pizza is
code for something. Reading the emails, alone, it code be prostitutes or cocaine or who knows what. But, they're not
talking about pizza.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 13:32:02 446431 No.8245901
File (hide): d40ae499cc38984.jpg (79.43 KB, 480x368, 30:23, Alice facepalm.jpg)

delet yourself shill
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 13:34:23 bed398 No.8245929>>8245938 >>8245943 >>8245997
we havent had a good new lead in days. whats going on?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 13:35:13 3503b1 No.8245938>>8245943
start here
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 13:35:48 8f6961 No.8245943>>8245964
well for one you came here to start concern shilling, faggot. Leads don't just fucking spring up, there's digging to be done.
Listen to this man >>8245938
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 13:36:39 b6f0cb No.8245958
What a fag
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 13:37:12 bed398 No.8245964
File (hide): 92d125eb6ef40bf.png (37.02 KB, 890x710, 89:71, mfw you are newfag.png)

this is me: >>8242016
^ THAT is the newest and only lead in the entire thread.
so im asking: why have the leads dried up? next time consider the question before you act like oldfag. dumb little cunt.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 13:37:16 1fe6b8 No.8245966>>8246089 >>8246482
It's not just coincidence that some of Hillary's most vocal shills have been long rumored pedophiles - Harry Reid, Bill
Maher, Ted Turner to name a few.
That isn't even counting all the shills linked with spirit cooking.
At this point I just put the most vocal public shills on the list by default.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 13:37:20 2962b1 No.8245967
a halfchan guy yesterday mentioned there might be a different angle to pizza - arms or drgs. he was too scared to post.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 13:37:59 6fe75a No.8245976
look at this
this is pedobear.
Its lucifer
Carole Greenwood Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 13:38:34 7f33a0 No.8245980>>8245986 >>8248158
File (hide): 3e3aee4363a31b9.jpg(138.16 KB, 640x960, 2:3, Carole Greenwood.jpg)

File (hide): 8f5eb6c81b40e1f.jpg(435.13 KB, 1024x1433, 1024:1433, Carol holding special sauc.jpg)

File (hide): 959f2df73ed8d9f.jpg (529.18 KB, 1642x1816, 821:908, Toigo Vat.jpg)

File (hide): cb5917b1c2dd44f.jpg (397.06 KB, 1617x892, 1617:892, Toigo something in the jar.jpg)

File (hide):c30f46f8e713038.jpg (6.12 KB, 125x166, 125:166, Special Vat.jpg)

Carole Greenwood was co-owners with James Alefantis for Comet Ping Pong and Bucks Fishing and Camping and good
friends with Mark Toigo of Toigo Farms. Refers to him as "co-conspirator".
Carole Greenwood Pops Up: The Nomadic Dinner-Party Pioneer Is Itching to Get Back in a Real Kitchen
A Chat With Carole Greenwood
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 13:39:14 7f33a0 No.8245986>>8246126
File (hide): b4ce82691f1ec03.jpg (247.53 KB, 1286x1124, 643:562, Special pizza sauce.jpg)

File (hide): cbaaf9740637735.jpg (264.86 KB, 1233x784, 1233:784, Childballad Carol Greenwoo.jpg)

File (hide): a8e50efc8be26e6.jpg (178.22 KB, 1224x837, 136:93, Childballad Carol Greenwoo.jpg)

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 13:39:17 b6f0cb No.8245987
If you dont think it's addictive, you are an idiot.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 13:39:20 18c3cb No.8245989>>8246156 >>8250399
File (hide): ee7d9036c38de92.png (497.14 KB, 664x512, 83:64, Screen Shot 2016-11-14 at .png)

File (hide): db8904ffe38748e.png (206.18 KB, 526x440, 263:220, Screen Shot 2016-11-14 at .png)

File (hide): 22d8521211ac85f.png (964.46 KB, 1002x641, 1002:641, Screen Shot 2016-11-13 at .png)

Reminder that sasha lord goes to weird ass masonic churches that could potentially be run by here family members.
Reminder that this same bitch is using Kim Nobles artwork to promote her shitty bands. Kim Noble is obviously an MKultra
victim with DID due to trauma received through abuse.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 13:39:58 3503b1 No.8245997>>8246007 >>8246089

for newfags and lurkers who want to help

start with the names of these two info dumps: http://pastebin[dot]com/m7FYj73Z http://pastebin .com/VqyX0EWX
if not that, then look through performance artists with bloody, pedophilic, or satanic arts:
then check through DC businesses and prominent ppl
this isn't fucking rocket science, just throw a dart at any DC politicians, you'll find a pedo
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 13:40:55 bed398 No.8246007
File (hide): b1ff116dc017e4b.gif (805.37 KB, 320x240, 4:3, ABORTION SIGN.gif)

thanks on it
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 13:48:11 18c3cb No.8246089>>8246134
>Bill Maher
really fug. This web of pedos is so fucking big. This is overwhelming. I can't sleuth >>8245997
first link wont work
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 13:49:24 6fe75a No.8246105>>8246118
File (hide): ff695ea06f39bba.jpeg (152.83 KB, 960x576, 5:3, image18.jpeg)

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 13:51:00 bed398 No.8246118

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 13:51:29 8228d8 No.8246126>>8246251
File (hide): 85cb58e49b8b309.jpg (61.22 KB, 960x720, 4:3, jars.jpg)

File (hide): 19147cdcfc874a7.gif (1.04 MB, 500x197, 500:197, 1478906523405.gif)

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 13:52:10 3503b1 No.8246134
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 13:53:50 0a04a8 No.8246156>>8246195
>Divine Mercy
There is a funny thing behind the "catholic" divine mercy devotion that's known in sedevacantist catholic circles. Not sure
if /pol/ cares about the connection tho but it's a thing in sedevacantist catholic circles.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 13:54:07 8228d8 No.8246159
how many kids went missing after Hurricane Katrina?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 13:57:13 18c3cb No.8246195>>8246213
what did he mean by this?
Glad I posted this here tbh. Plz explain further
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 13:58:30 0a04a8 No.8246213>>8246265
sede vacante is latin for seat is vacant. It's catholics that reject the modernized catholic church.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 13:58:53 3503b1 No.8246218
File (hide): 6181d19822ec64f.png (2.49 MB, 1914x1051, 1914:1051, hermann nitsch rudolf schw.png)

rudolf schwarzkogler
hermann nitsch
carolee schneemann
martynka wawrzyniak (kids portraits)
regina jos galindo (body art)
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 13:59:37 04ead3 No.8246224

File (hide): 72de1693e3edaf1.gif (1.94 MB, 230x175, 46:35, 1443997371968.gif)

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 13:59:59 08aa84 No.8246232>>8246254
Wow a direct link to Obama and Michelle!
Missing some results though:
James A Alefantis: 4 visits
Sep 26, 2012 9:00 pm White House Monica Lee
Sep 27, 2012 9:00 pm White House Monica Lee
Dec 11, 2012 2:00 pm White House POTUS/FLOTUS
Apr 9, 2014 6:45 pm Old Executive Office Building Jared Ostermiller
James Alefantis: 1 visit
Dec 16, 2010 6:00 pm White House POTUS
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 14:01:54 7f33a0 No.8246251>>8246269
Whatever helps you sleep better at night.
Dont want to spoil the surprise and let you in on the secret ingredients of the sauce.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 14:02:02 8228d8 No.8246254>>8246260 >>8246293
his IG said his middle name was Achilles
>a weakness resulting in downfall
ie. i can't stop raping babies, i know i can get in deep shit but the baby rape is 11/10
>Also derives from chanos
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 14:02:32 8228d8 No.8246260
err achos
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 14:03:02 18c3cb No.8246265>>8246276 >>8252650
makes sense that their church would be a masonic pyramid, capstone and all. I'm gunna do a tad bit more digging on the
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 14:03:40 8228d8 No.8246269>>8246306
>now we know who Jizzuz Christ sold his cum bottles to

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 14:03:41 bed398 No.8246271

File (hide): e26afce52471902.png (691.4 KB, 1210x946, 55:43, epstein clinton.PNG)

need to find the Epstein connection to Comet PingPong and rest. theres a reason no one is investigating the people in his
Black Book
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 14:04:14 0a04a8 No.8246276
Start with the 1958 conclave if you wanna down the catholic rabbit hole
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 14:06:02 08aa84 No.8246293>>8246397 >>8246752

Persons of Interest

James Achilles Alefantis aka jimmycomet at Comet Ping Pong
Finding: alefantis
James A Alefantis: 4 visits
Sep 26, 2012 9:00 pm White House Monica Lee
Sep 27, 2012 9:00 pm White House Monica Lee
Dec 11, 2012 2:00 pm White House POTUS/FLOTUS
Apr 9, 2014 6:45 pm Old Executive Office Building Jared Ostermiller
James Alefantis: 1 visit
Dec 16, 2010 6:00 pm White House POTUS
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 14:06:18 28da50 No.8246295
>John Podesta likes italian food, and ate a pizza with a black and white napkin. And forgot to take it back with him


Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 14:06:21 147873 No.8246297>>8246319
File (hide): fdea4d456c91e41.jpeg (80.43 KB, 585x419, 585:419, image.jpeg)

File (hide): 8ba457003dc8953.jpeg (29.43 KB, 640x411, 640:411, image.jpeg)

What is the meaning of this performance art? Pic taken from above and Spirit cooking Marina doing same theme.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 14:06:33 8228d8 No.8246301
>emphasized his close relationship with Bill Clinton
>threatening to leak secret tapes of Bill Clinton fucking underage girls at his properties
we already know Ghisaline Maxwell is a Mossad spy and bugged all of Epsteins properties and sourced the girls
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 14:06:59 7f33a0 No.8246306
Hereyou like the band playing at Toigo Orchards?
They are called the CULT-tivators
Such a sweet band name to play at such an innocent Orchard Tomato Farm.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 14:08:15 8228d8 No.8246319>>8248709
File (hide): efaa43fd683d46c.jpg (162.06 KB, 820x768, 205:192, 1478920545509.jpg)

heres her haus
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 14:08:51 2da99a No.8246328>>8246365 >>8252191
File (hide): 46e5f9a7da8b5e0.jpg (448.75 KB, 1920x1435, 384:287, 15025185_1230614823665492_.jpg)

Apparently Ben Garrison's new cartoon has a pizza slice in it. Probably unrelated still thought it was funny after following
these threads for the past couple days.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 14:11:14 7f33a0 No.8246350>>8246548 >>8246639
File (hide): c0a60b6a7135992.jpg (131.69 KB, 600x597, 200:199, 12004095_10153477518865310.jpg)

Toigo Orchards Favorite Band;
The Cult-tivators.
"In Terra Pax" = Rest in Peace

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 14:12:21 ba14f0 No.8246365>>8246381

Whos the guy with the pizza around his head?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 14:14:02 e32949 No.8246381
Were you in hibernation that past year? K-Sic
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 14:14:39 08aa84 No.8246397>>8246752
File (hide): 270844aa9b586e1.png (32.91 KB, 627x760, 33:40, alefantis-white-house.png)

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 14:16:28 7f33a0 No.8246414
File (hide): d2429303323a622.jpg (99.21 KB, 502x795, 502:795, Harvested.jpg)

Comet Ping Pong Menu
So whos on the menu tonight?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 14:16:54 8228d8 No.8246420
marina had three abortions for the sake of her art
>not nurder at 39 weeks

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 14:17:50 ed444e No.8246434

What are you sperging out about, what is there to admit? This is totally useless to the thread.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 14:22:08 1fe6b8 No.8246482
Funny - even Kurt Eichenwald has a pedo past.
Seriously, you just need to look a Hillary's public shills to guess who is being blackmailed to support her.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 14:26:08 0b7ac8 No.8246527>>8246560 >>8246575 >>8247539 >>8247665 >>8252777 >>8252991
From someone who was around for pedowood investigation in a deep way, I am sorry but I cannot help you with this. I will
though, give you anons the tools and intuition to improve your research.
I can see from the beginning you have suffered from information overload, which is dangerous because:
1. You will process data irrelevant to the task at hand.
2. Data will be processed in an incorrect way.
3. Data will be presented in an incorrect way.
So, First step (you can skip this part if you want, it will help in the long term though)
Record the details of each relevant email into either excel, sql, or something similar. Specifically: name of sender, name of
receiver, time, subject, attachment, note, location if you can find it, etc.
(If you want to do more work, include identifiers such as: duties that each individual has. This will help you answer
questions such as: are the emails consistent with the line of power?)
Second step
This is the important part-visualization. Using a program such as cytoscape, gephi, or treemap, either input your existing
formatted data or do it straight in if you skipped the first step. Polinode also looks good but I don't know if they are friendly
to this. This is where you can visually archive relationships and find ones you didn't see before. It will come together
This is where we find out if weaponized autism is really powerful or not. What you are about to find when you do, you
will wish you had data organization. Without organization and formatting every second you put into this is useless. God
bless all of you, and please do not ignore my suggestions.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 14:27:22 7f33a0 No.8246548
File (hide): 09f4ee23de74c63.png (860.26 KB, 2048x1165, 2048:1165, The Cultivators Triangle.png)

File (hide): edbc4553216f112.jpg (65.72 KB, 942x378, 157:63, The Cultivators Spiral.jpg)

File (hide): e08d9f72e8b98a4.jpg (326.64 KB, 2048x1164, 512:291, The Cultivators Double Hea.jpg)

I think this is the same band
They have a Triangle in the bands Name and in the back they have the spirals symbols at their concert.
And double heart symbol in lion logo.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 14:28:27 bed398 No.8246560
File (hide): 25517283d3b9d53.png (17.99 KB, 812x727, 812:727, jew love.png)

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 14:30:00 18c3cb No.8246575
File (hide): bf157923d248e77.png (464.78 KB, 1887x524, 1887:524, Screen Shot 2016-11-14 at .png)

>information overload
this tbh
>This is the important part-visualization. Using a program such as cytoscape, gephi, or treemap, either input your existing
formatted data or do it straight in if you skipped the first step. Polinode also looks good but I don't know if they are friendly
to this. This is where you can visually archive relationships and find ones you didn't see before. It will come together
I suggest we use the Brain database. Gnostic media uses it for their research on mkultra and historic counterculture
figures who were involved. Pic related
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 14:31:44 7f33a0 No.8246596>>8246925 >>8247046 >>8247179 >>8248556 >>8250199
File (hide): 16b4af2e5cbf201.jpg (422.84 KB, 2048x1638, 1024:819, Toigo Farms Goats head.jpg)

Toigo Farms lady holding Goat head.
It could be nothing of course
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 14:32:21 450a40 No.8246602
Well shit it's time to pack our stuff and go home then.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 14:33:47 f17f40 No.8246615>>8246760
>3 guys staring at baby sculpture
Anybody know what that sculpture is / its symbolism or significance?
It looks like it's holding an orange/tangerine/piece of fruit like "Carisjames" and many other instagram photos. Could be a
clue as to what that imagery means.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 14:33:55 0a04a8 No.8246618
Snopes claim Obama flaunting his erection was false even though the video snopes linked to clearly shows Obama with
an erection in his pants flaunting it. Snopes isnt a fact checking site, it's a democrat defense site
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 14:35:33 3503b1 No.8246637>>8246711 >>8246806 >>8246943 >>8247027


http://paste 73Z
Abousleiman, Joanna, Norwich, UK JOANNA ABOU SLEIMAN CHEVALIER "Born in Lebanon, Joanna graduated in
political science at the American University of Paris." http://archive .is/jkOO3
Agag Alejandro, ask investments [dot] com "Alejandro Tarik Agag Longo is a Spanish businessman and former
politician, based in London as the Chairman of Addax Capital LLP."
Agnew, Marie Claire & John J.G.W. AGNEW & CO. LIMITED
Aldridge, Saffron "Saffron Aldridge is an English fashion model, freelance journalist and social activist. Discovered at the
age of sixteen, she rose to prominence working for Ralph Lauren in the 1990s."
Algranti, Giacomo, London GIACOMO ALGRANTI LIMITED
Allan, Paul, vulcan [dot] com "Paul Gardner Allen (born January 21, 1953) is an American business magnate, investor
and philanthropist. He is best known as the co-founder of Microsoft, alongside Bill Gates."
Althorp, Charlie "Charles Edward Maurice Spencer, 9th Earl Spencer, DL (born 20 May 1964), styled Viscount Althorp
between 1975 and 1992, is the younger brother of Diana, Princess"
Alun-Jones, Jeremy "Jeremy Alun-Jones is the Chief Operating Officer with oversight of Operations, Valuations and Risk
Management. Prior to joining ADM Capital, Jeremy spent ten years evaluating hedge funds for investment as Group
Managing Director of Stenham Asset Management and as a Member of Montier Partners LLP, which was acquired by
Stenham in September 2010."

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 14:36:02 7f33a0 No.8246639

Small Spiral at the end of the banner beside the last letter "S".
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 14:36:31 18c3cb No.8246642>>8246691
File (hide): 8b34c3286b3ba6a.png (1.47 MB, 1100x815, 220:163, Screen Shot 2016-11-14 at .png)

pretty big operation
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 14:41:11 7f33a0 No.8246691>>8246792
Got any pics "below ground"?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 14:42:55 08aa84 No.8246711
pastebin archive
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 14:46:47 08aa84 No.8246752>>8246791 >>8247515
File (hide): d6eb4820cd77691.png (24.8 KB, 528x551, 528:551, alefantis-white-house_2.png)

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 14:47:47 f17f40 No.8246760>>8246821 >>8247005
File (hide): 036393bdf92344c.jpg(31.5 KB, 252x401, 252:401, ac48d61017bddf418264ea09da.jpg)

File (hide): 22922b4df6f3b01.png (573.19 KB, 661x659, 661:659, 123412351234521341234.png)

Cropped out the baby sculpture to reverse image search see if anything might come up. What the fuck.
What the fuck. What the fuck.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 14:50:28 bed398 No.8246781
>be jew
>want to destroy white race
>use pedophilia as means of degrading the value of white children in the minds of world leaders
>eventually no emotional attachment to white children aside from sex
all of this is just one piece of the puzzle
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 14:51:44 08aa84 No.8246791>>8246931 >>8247131 >>8247515
File (hide): c19dfb35056ddad.png (27.05 KB, 430x495, 86:99, david-brock-white-house.png)

Finding: David Brock (James Alefantis' ex-boyfriend)
David Brock: 11 visits
Dec 14, 2009 3:00 pm White House POTUS
Mar 19, 2010 11:30 am White House VISITORS OFFICE
Jun 16, 2010 12:30 pm White House VALERIE JARRETT
Dec 16, 2010 6:00 pm White House POTUS
Dec 11, 2012 2:00 pm White House POTUS/FLOTUS
Jan 17, 2013 2:30 pm White House POTUS/FLOTUS
Jan 17, 2013 3:00 pm White House POTUS /
Jan 18, 2013 9:30 am White House POTUS/FLOTUS
Jan 19, 2013 12:00 am
Dec 11, 2013 6:30 pm White House POTUS/FLOTUS
Dec 13, 2013 6:30 pm White House POTUS/FLOTUS
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 14:51:46 18c3cb No.8246792
nah I wasted time on that. Nothing that weird about the farms from like 15 mins of heavy lurking
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 14:53:43 3503b1 No.8246806>>8246943 >>8247027
Alvarez, Senor Vincente "Vicente Alberto lvarez Areces (born August 4, 1947 in Gijn), also known as Tini Areces, is
an Asturian politician. He served as the sixth President of the Principality of Asturias in Spain, and he is a member of the
Spanish Socialist Workers' Party political party. He is also a member of the Committee of the Regions, working as a vicepresident of the Party of European Socialists Group."
Amon, Philippe, Switzerland "Amon is the billionaire head of the family-owned Sicpa Holding, a global leader in inks and
security solutions for bank notes. He owns the Chteau de Bougy St-Martin. As of 2013, Swiss "Bilanz" magazine
estimates his net worth at ~ $1.4 billion."
Appleby, Robert & Alex "Robert Kazinsky (born 18 November 1983) is an English actor and model. He has appeared in
Israeli television commercials.[6] He made his acting debut in 2005 when he had a guest role in an episode of the CBBC
children's show The Basil Brush Show, playing a character named Sven Garley."
Arango, Maite, Spain "Producer of Katuwira, donde nacen y mueren los sueos"
Joaquin Fernandez, Spain "Joaqun Fernndez Corredor (born January 22, 1971 in Matar, Catalonia) is a former
medley and breaststroke swimmer from Spain. He competed at three consecutive Summer Olympics for his native
country, starting in 1988 in Seoul, South Korea."
de Arion "Duke of Arin is a Spanish noble title."

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 14:55:47 5a1ed3 No.8246821>>8246866

>naked bodies are visually similar to a sculpture of a naked body
no shit
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 14:59:25 e023bb No.8246861>>8246922 >>8252777
File (hide): 77d0ffd7603cc10.png (16.59 KB, 684x120, 57:10, Screenshot from 2016-11-14.png)

File (hide): de728257ceac630.png (36.27 KB, 660x630, 22:21, Screenshot from 2016-11-14.png)

not sure if relevant but this video was posted by a Arun Rao and the account has been terminated
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 14:59:41 f17f40 No.8246866
You've gas-lighted me effectively. I'm done looking.
GL /pol/ I'm out
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 15:04:47 5a1ed3 No.8246922
There are a lot of arun raos on youtube. Didn't realize it was such a popular name.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 15:05:05 9ab45d No.8246925>>8248556 >>8248767
>glass with blood in it next to them
c-coincidence, I'm sure.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 15:06:16 08aa84 No.8246931>>8247515
> Jan 19, 2013 12:00 am
This entry is suspicious. A midnight visit with no destination or POC logged.
Do we know David Brock's middle name?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 15:07:18 f63cbf No.8246941
Just pointing out (incase someone didn't) today is the Supermoon. It will be big and red. You guys need to check out if any
children has gone missing in the past few days.

I bet something is going down tonight.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 15:07:19 3503b1 No.8246943>>8247027
Armstrong, Arthur & Cathy "Arthur Armstrong (12 January 19241996) was a painter from Carrickfergus, County Antrim,
Northern Ireland, who often worked in a Cubist style and produced landscape and still-life works."
Ash, Lorinda "Lorinda Sam Ash, an art dealer, was married on Thursday evening to Peter Roy Ezersky, a financial
executive. Rabbi Norman Kahan performed the ceremony at the Plaza in New York. Mrs. Ezersky, 36, specializes in 20thcentury art at the Gagosian Gallery in New York." http://arc
"Our services are geared towards a select number of clients whose interests range in building, managing and maximizing
fine art collections. We advise our clients on the acquisition and sale of modern and contemporary painting, photography,
sculpture and prints."
Ashley, Nick & Ari, London "A self-taught photographer, Ashley's career began shooting for catalogues and progressed
to editorial work for Tatler, Harper's & Queen and House & Garden magazines."
Assaf, Charlotte & Vittorio "Charlotte and Vittorio Assaf: Serafina Power Couple"
Astaire, Simon "Simon Jack Astaire is an author, screenwriter and producer. Astaire was recruited by the talent agency
International Creative Management UK, where he became the youngest agent yet to be employed by the firm."
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 15:10:32 f63cbf No.8246972>>8247163 >>8247268 >>8247330 >>8251620 >>8251762
File (hide): df87f7e086f2c78.jpg (278.01 KB, 1920x632, 240:79, 1479100825943.jpg)

Pointing out interesting find.

Check out that pentagram. Look at the far stretched right side. Guess what's in the end of that? DC RAPE CRISIS
And here's the kicker: The guy who originally designed the Washington grid pattern? Pierre (Peter) Charles L'Enfant.
Which we already know is FRENCH and stands for CHILDREN.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 15:13:36 0a04a8 No.8247005>>8247171
When perverse images like naked children start becoming "high minded art" then that's a sign society is on a severe
decline. Keep in mind all the old cultures that frequently sculpted naked statues of men had pedastry deeply rooted in it's
society and it always trickled down from the upper class to the plebs.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 15:15:23 3503b1 No.8247027
Astor, Viscount William "The Astor family is a family known for its prominence in business, society, and politics in the
United States and the United Kingdom during the 19th and 20th centuries. The Astor family is of German origin, appearing
in North America during the eighteenth century with John Jacob Astor, one of the richest people in history."
They run a program for children.
Atkin, Mike & Ami, NJ "Mike Atkins Entertainment is a premier entertainment management company. Combining the
talents of professionals with over 80 years of experience, we serve and work towards growing the impact of creative

individuals. Mike Atkins Entertainment is partnered with Lucid Artist Management, and together we honorably represent
singers, speakers, comedians, authors, illusionists and other communicators of hope."
Aznar, Jose, NY "Jos Mara Alfredo Aznar Lpez served as the Prime Minister of Spain from 1996 to 2004. He is a
director of News Corporation."
end of the As

RECAP: the people I could find from google are all high profile people with tons of money. they're in
the arts. they're either new-rich or old money
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 15:17:04 42b24d No.8247046>>8247150 >>8247889
Foodies are real, anon.
>barbeque behind them
>stacks of paper plates
>cooked meat
>wine glass
Looks like a party to me. A foodie party. Foodies with a farm that are into sustainabiltiy and slaughter their own meat.
Hey anon, did you know that BBQ chicken from Safeway came from a real live animal? No, seriously, not even joking.
Australian 60 Minutes exposed the Worldwide Satanic Pedophile Network Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon)
15:21:09 a55ced No.8247105
File (hide): 767856224d78b8b.jpg (258.14 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Undocumented Felon.jpg)
Australian 60 Minutes published a story that 60 Minutes (America) would never dare touch. In America and the UK, the
Pedophile Network controls high ranking Pedophile politicians, the Major Mass Media, FBI, the CIA and top Law
This has made it almost impossible to get the truth out to the populace about the presence and penetration of this
worldwide Satanic Pedophile Network.
Those editors of the major mass media and elected or appointed officials that are not part of it or compromised by it
realize that to try and expose it results in an immediate loss of their job, their retirement, and they will be blacklisted and
perhaps even have their lives threatened.
Notwithstanding all these strong suppression forces in the past, not only was the CIAs Franklin Credit Union pedophile
scandal exposed by the Washington Times, but the finders scandal was exposed by US News and World Report.
And, despite those highly public exposures, the Major Mass Media failed to promote those important stories; and the
stories died out, with no corrective actions by federal LE, which we now know is dirty to the core, because its own leaders
are fully compromised by this Pedophile Network.

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 15:23:41 cc42ff No.8247131

File (hide): db0ba5d46f2d6cb.jpg (543.88 KB, 1103x1655, 1103:1655, WHvisit.jpg)

Brock & Alefantis both meeting with POTUS
Dec 16 2010 6:00pm
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 15:24:39 0a04a8 No.8247150>>8247170 >>8252777
File (hide): ae54e5c896ba5e7.jpg (156.26 KB, 500x375, 4:3, Spirit-Cooking.jpg)

>Looks like a party to me. A foodie party. Foodies with a farm that are into sustainabiltiy and slaughter their own meat
You're right, that's exactly what it is, a food party.
>Hey anon, did you know that BBQ chicken from Safeway came from a real live animal? No, seriously, not even joking.
Can I get some extra semen, blood and breast milk in my wing sauce?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 15:25:20 18c3cb No.8247163
File (hide): 3b6ff1b559d9b90.png (960.34 KB, 828x628, 207:157, Screen Shot 2016-11-14 at .png)

File (hide): 661bec15b68cd57.png (133.51 KB, 781x740, 781:740, Screen Shot 2016-11-14 at .png)

File (hide): 1fae8effb659bfd.png (98.03 KB, 824x566, 412:283, Screen Shot 2016-11-14 at .png)

really makes me thing
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 15:26:09 5a1ed3 No.8247170
>Can I get some extra semen, blood and breast milk in my wing sauce?
You'd probably prefer Tyson Chicken in that case.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 15:26:10 e54ae9 No.8247171
There were naked children statues way back in greece and rome, mostly as angels though.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 15:26:47 48c827 No.8247179>>8247237 >>8247328
Why would you pose for something as sick and gruesome as this? They just decapitated an animal and made sure to
include the head.
Isn't there laws for how animals can be killed? Maybe we could get them on animal cruelty or health inspection.
Shut up, you kike.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 15:29:37 26b802 No.8247213>>8247216
Has anyone linked this all back to the FBIanon leaks yet?
A thread on 4chan with an FBI insider confirms everyones worst suspicions. The Hillary Clinton email server was merely a
distraction from the Clinton Foundation and most of DC is in up to their necks in what could be the biggest scandal of all
times. The smoking gun is about to arrive and there are a lot of people involved.
I remember reading this back in July thinking this is insane, but it's all starting to make sense now

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 15:29:54 26b802 No.8247216>>8251837

The real point of interest is the Clinton Foundation, not the e-mail server.
There is enough for her and the entire government to be brought down. People do not realize how enormous this whole
situation actually is. Whether she will be or not depends on how much info about others involved gets out, and there are a
lot of people involved.
Killing HRC would not cause this problem to go away. The problem is with the Clinton Foundation as I mentioned, which
you should just imagine as a massive spider web of connections and money laundering implicating hundreds of high-level
people. Though I do not have a high opinion of Hillary, she is just a piece -albeit a big piece of this massive shitstorm.
The DOJ is most likely looking to save itself. Find everyone involved in the Clinton Foundation, from its donors to its Board
of Directors, and imagine they are all implicated.
Q: How do we fix this? and be we i mean you guys lmao
A: We have our hands tied. My message to you and everyone on this board is do not get distracted by Clinton's e-mails.
Focus on the Foundation. All of the nightmarish truth is there. The e-mails will pale in comparison.
If leaking data en mass destroys my country, we betray the country. If we do nothing, we betray the country. I am not
disagreeing with you. I am saying the situation is more complicated when you are inside, and you do not have the breadth
of info that I have that would make your eyes fall out of your skull if you know what all was going on.
The government is terrified to do anything out of fear of revolution.
Q: what would happen if all of this information ended up being released to the general public?
A: I said in the last thread, total chaos. The government would be exposed at every layer, who pays who, who buys what,
and no one has yet asked about the human trafficking bits I have been laying out.
Q: Are the people leading the investigation blackmailed pedophiles?
A: No. The people under the magnifying glass do have an affinity for children.
Q: what fears would need to be resolved in order for the FBI to be willing to go nuclear on this bitch and the foundation?
A: This would be like launching a nuke at NYC. We would hit the target, but we would then be at war with the whole US.
The FBI is facing the entire federal government in this case.
Q: You've said two things so far: human trafficking and looking into the Clinton Foundation Is that a hint to the starting
point of our own research?
A: Everything I have said is a hint.
Q: "I said in the last thread, total chaos. The government would be exposed at every layer, who pays who, who buys what,
and no one has yet asked about the human trafficking bits I have been laying out."
Okay. Do tell. What about the human trafficking? I assume that those who can be indicted are involved.
A: Pedophiles are sex traffickers everywhere. Many polticians trade girls like cattle.
Q: Oh I wanted to ask you if Bill Clinton is a pedophile that blows babies. You know anything about that?
A: Bill Clinton is a confirmed pedophile.
Q: Please, before you sleep, speak a little on the child prostitution ring.
A: Sex rings are popular in all governments, but pedophilia is primary in British parliament and Saudia Arabia, and that's
why Hillary and Bill love foreign donors so much. They get paid in children as well as money. Dig deep and you can find it.
It will sicken you.
Q: Do we have any real reason to believe this person guys? I've been lurking and I just want to believe so bad. But it
would be so easy for this to be top tier trollingright?
A: If you dig hard into the Clinton Foundation and make it the sole point of your focus, you will remember this thread when
the truth is revealed.
tl:dr - he was right
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 15:31:05 5a1ed3 No.8247237
File (hide): 0af384173edc453.png (1.26 MB, 638x846, 319:423, out of context.png)

File (hide): b5c5e7881eecf9b.png(251.63 KB, 350x480, 35:48, b5c5e7881eecf9b3f546c85fbd.png)

Hate to be a wet blanket, but families that slaughter their own food do tend to become desensitized to this stuff and forget
how jarring it can be for other people.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 15:31:44 f63cbf No.8247248>>8247260
I'm new to this software and just about everything here. What the fuck is E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Co?!
Should I be worried?
Someone explain, thanks in advance.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 15:32:45 bed398 No.8247260>>8247490
this is the new shill tactic in these threads.
they make pointless posts about peerblock and who is connecting to them. its entirely irrelevant.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 15:33:14 ba19dc No.8247268>>8247335 >>8247539
Get off the glue anon.
It would be "the child" for a start. Peter the Child. Kinda like Billy the Kid.
Anyhow, here's some links to do with the surname and it's history:
>L'Enfant Family Name
>Surname DB "Fant"
I'm beginning to wonder if it's just a handful of anons here and the rest of the thread is just people coming to Pizza Pedo
Gang's defence amd making fun by throwing out ridiculous shit.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 15:36:04 892860 No.8247299>>8247353 >>8247496
One thing in bringing down corruption is going have to make sure you don't get stuck in a local maxima. There's some
connections between podesta and these people who look like pedophiles. There's secret code that's obvious secret code.
Breaking it and exposing them is work and you can only do so much work per hour. What if there is something else that's
a better result per work hour. There can't just be these people involved. There's gotta be stuff we haven't found that could
blow this wide open
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 15:39:46 7f33a0 No.8247328>>8247344
Not to mention the Logo of Toigo Orchards has a fucking young child in it.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 15:39:53 18c3cb No.8247330>>8247377
how would one go about finding out which freemason designed these streets? How can we find the city planners from
back in the day?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 15:40:14 71ce51 No.8247335>>8247376 >>8247427 >>8247490
>I'm beginning to wonder if it's just a handful of anons here and the rest of the thread is just people coming to Pizza Pedo
Gang's defense and making fun by throwing out ridiculous shit.
Probably! It certainly feels like a lot of RP/LAPRing/Shilling - ___ (fill in the blank) going on for days now.
I know I personally have given up (for now) researching further until something more concrete is uncovered. It feels like
'round and round we go' every few threads with nothing much in the way of real leads. I thought infinity /pol/ was a little
more isolated from the normie's to shill
>thought wrong
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 15:41:13 18c3cb No.8247344
I wasted like an hour lurking through the toigo family and I didn't find anthing damning
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 15:41:40 892860 No.8247353
One thing I think is a great possibility is to exploit their technical abilities. Given that they have password protected
content, with possibly clever way of distributing information, but they can't be that good. I mean, they are pedos. Probably
once you penetrate that one layer you hit the payload, because if they think they're secure, then they are super
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 15:42:07 1fe6b8 No.8247359>>8247392
Sanders = another shill probably being blackmailed by Hillary for something pedo related
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 15:43:13 450a40 No.8247376>>8247446

Maybe we have attracted the wrong (right) people.

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 15:43:14 18c3cb No.8247377
discount this post I was too lazy to read
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 15:44:30 bed398 No.8247392
pls archive all teh things
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 15:46:51 d93d02 No.8247427
I know what you mean but cut out the defeatism and start digging.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 15:49:42 5a1ed3 No.8247446>>8247489
All we have is what these people have out in the open, unless we can manage to recruit a PI or something. Alefantis is a
rich man with a popular restaurant and so he has a lot of acquaintances. Your brain will turn to mush scrolling through all
their instagrams and webpages. Don't lose heart. Just keep digging, making sure to take breaks. And hope other anons
will do the same.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 15:50:08 4ca8e5 No.8247454
I'm gonna throw this out here in the interim as I go thru the rest of the black book my gut says the politicians involved
are involved with the rings, plus the reference articles don't lead anywhere or are deleted
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 15:52:48 450a40 No.8247489>>8247503
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 15:52:42 67f991 No.8247490>>8247665
Some people tracked this thread down to link JimmyComet to a midwives ring then got scared about what they read.
Want help, or to jeep analyzing Hawaii pics and explaining how UN-NORMAL this shit is? Fuck your psyop.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 15:52:55 a061a9 No.8247493
keep digging anons im getting ddossed as we speak
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 15:53:07 41f248 No.8247496
True. You could think of us as a distributed search algorithm. If each candidate solution is concentrated is exploring a
single area, then the search is bound to get stuck in local optima.
Ideally, there would be some coordination where different groups focus on different areas. Some digging deeper into stuff
we've already found, others looking for new clues.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 15:53:56 5a1ed3 No.8247503
That's a compelling rebuttal but I must disagree.

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 15:54:12 cfb147 No.8247506>>8247530

you're obviously fucking right. that's not to say there's nothing here, on the contrary- I'd be surprised if there wasn't child
trafficking wrapped up in all this.
But the codes and the napkins and the endless pizza hunt is fucking retarded, and I'd bet most of it is red herrings planted
by people trying to gain time to cover their tracks, or just assholes who like to watch pol spaz out.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 15:54:50 08aa84 No.8247515>>8252865
File (hide): 22edcbff903e3ad.png (33.95 KB, 491x842, 491:842, white-house-visit-logs-req.png)


White House visitor access logs
"As detailed in our Voluntary Disclosure Policy on Visitor Access Records, for records between January 20 and
September 15, 2009, White House Counsel will voluntarily respond to individual requests that are reasonable, narrow,
and specific (e.g. requests that list possible visitors). To request such visitor records, click here."
Want to fill one out for Jan 19 to Jan 21, 2009. (Jan 20, 2012 is the date of the Comet Pizza party for Sasha Lord, and it's
the same day/month these private entries begin)
Would it be something if it turns out James Alefantis, David Brock, Marina Abramovic, the Clintons, George Soros, and Bill
Cosby all had a big White House pedo party on that night? Or am I way off? Who should we guess visited the White
House during these months?
Does David Brock even have a middle name?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 15:56:31 d93d02 No.8247530
no one e-mails anyone about napkins m8 and pizza IS a code we all know this from years of imageboards but yeah some
anons go too far with the pizza and hotdog shit instead of looking for real connections
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 15:57:03 48b979 No.8247539
we are here, digging. there's not going to be a new lead every five minutes. these kinds of investigations will always be,
burst of information, compartmentalizing and getting everyone up to speed, start investigating new leads, then another
burst. personally i've been taking the advice of this anon and been trying to develop a map of connections >>8246527

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 15:59:00 3ce327 No.8247550>>8247566 >>8247572

Someone should make up an order using their code ring them up ask them and see what reaction you
Although it's likely they have a private number for that sort of shit.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 16:00:19 965692 No.8247566

this, do this
record on vocaroo and post
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 16:00:55 5a1ed3 No.8247572>>8247588 >>8247662 >>8247678
Even weed dealers will play dumb if they weren't expecting a call first. You don't just find a number and call it when you
want to buy something like this. You have to know someone who will introduce you first.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 16:01:58 bed398 No.8247588
this. just keep digging
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 16:10:19 5a1ed3 No.8247662>>8248185
Also, just to add to this from what i know about buying illegal things. Jimmy Comet is probably not a dealer. He's just
laundering the money. They probably have dealers who are absolute nobodies. And these people probably use pagers.
They get a page, look at the number and only call if they recognize it. Then, they'll never mention, by name, whatever it is
they're selling. They'll say something like, "what up." Then you say something like, "can I stop by around 5?"
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 16:10:41 71ce51 No.8247665
>explaining how UN-NORMAL this shit is? Fuck your psyop.
Think what you will - I ain't shilling. I've been lurking since late last week - between infinity&half chan, the reditard threads
I've gotten burnt out. I've been at it for the past 2 weeks
NONE of this is normal. I wouldn't have started investigating if I thought otherwise.
I'll cheer from the sidelines b/c this >>8246527
>I can see from the beginning you have suffered from information overload, which is dangerous because:
>1. You will process data irrelevant to the task at hand.
>2. Data will be processed in an incorrect way.
>3. Data will be presented in an incorrect way.
I need to get relevant again!
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 16:12:19 3ce327 No.8247678>>8247775 >>8247805
What about staking the place out and seeing who enters and leaves late at night.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 16:21:57 1fe6b8 No.8247775
Jeez people. Don't you think they are at least smart enough to lay low for a bit until the attention dies down? My bet is that
they are busy burning, drilling, and microwaving every little bit of evidence that might exist.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 16:23:52 85a955 No.8247797>>8247815 >>8247921 >>8248774
File (hide): 0e38e09ff785afc.png (750.08 KB, 953x667, 953:667, st1.png)

File (hide): 18718508e7e770c.png (436.56 KB, 1220x662, 610:331, st3.png)

File (hide): 317da894110d7a3.png (936.3 KB, 1277x665, 1277:665, school.png)

>>8241986 (OP)
So with this church connection, connected to comet ping pong, connected to podesta, who is connected to the clintons,
who is connected to these dumb fucks and thier church.
Do I have this right?
Company Number 2785711
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 16:24:13 d93d02 No.8247805
frankly we should have done this in the beggining of the operation. they're probably on high alert now and we're bound to
get nothing but lost time and effort for this.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 16:25:15 85a955 No.8247815
the address goes to the people who run this NY church/school.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 16:25:16 13030c No.8247816
check local area stores for unusually large purchases of clothes, or something
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 16:33:10 1fbceb No.8247889
Are you mad? Why would someone take the care to write that.

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 16:36:24 854d3f No.8247921>>8247987

hows the church connected
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 16:43:28 85a955 No.8247987>>8247990 >>8249926
File (hide): 4505fffe8bb9877.png (132.57 KB, 1001x393, 1001:393, dorsa.png)

the address to that corporation traces to this house,,+Flushing,+NY+11358/
and the address traces to these people
Who are involved here.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 16:44:11 85a955 No.8247990
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 16:44:57 078394 No.8248001
Snopes is kikes. They use the people being accused as a source. It's like claiming Hitler did nothing wrong with Mein
Kampf as proof.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 16:48:32 f63cbf No.8248031>>8248050
>Someone call to Comet Ping Pong
>They answer
>With absolute bokerface say
>"It's time. Do it"
>Wait for possible results
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 16:50:49 18c3cb No.8248050>>8248083
whats the number and does *69 make me 100 percent untrackable? I'll do it
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 16:50:53 2453f3 No.8248052>>8248068
File (hide): d3f7b7d03cd2cbd.jpg(7.36 KB, 160x119, 160:119, BAJA_GRILL.web.jpg)

File (hide): 2e4984f4e639e36.jpeg (83.22 KB, 586x359, 586:359, sandbar logo.jpeg)

File (hide): e193eb99ee54085.png (135.41 KB, 403x184, 403:184, chocolate factory.png)

File (hide): 712a7a8ec5fed87.png (109.22 KB, 653x244, 653:244, drew konop linkedin.png)

"Drew Konop" was on pastebin list of people earlier.

He is involved with restaurants in Wisconsin. One being 'Baja Grill' whose logo is questionable. It looks like the Sandbar
took over where Baja Grill was and its logo is suspicious. Also cant confirm yet but hes linked to The Chocolate Factory
whose logo is also questionable. baja twitter chocolate factory twitter
He owns another restaurant called Karma. All these restaurants are owned with partner Keith Klemowits.
Online searches not turning else up much more.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 16:52:49 18c3cb No.8248068>>8248119
dude is this connected to the masonic church thing? That was my lead and I even think that its a waste of time
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 16:53:11 078394 No.8248072
A map that seems pizza related? I have never seen something like that. Maybe if the pizza place made it as an
advertisement for every place they own, but they always put those in napkins. So the only choice left is that someone got
a custom-made white and black napkin that has an advertisement about pizzas. That's extremely common.Sure.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 16:53:56 f63cbf No.8248083>>8248450 >>8249181 >>8251398
File (hide): 6de58e014152541.png (273.51 KB, 893x654, 893:654, qrqw.png)

Here: +1 202-364-0404
BTW. Our whole progress is pretty much gone now:
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 16:56:30 2453f3 No.8248119>>8248226
No. To the stratfor list here
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 16:59:37 765437 No.8248158
File (hide): 6bf2439ea7a9089.jpg (32.5 KB, 296x320, 37:40, freemasonry10.jpg)

mason jars are hermetically sealed.
think about it.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 17:01:58 0b0e78 No.8248183>>8251927

[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This was made by George Clanton, a young 20-something vaporwave artist who sports a Dylan Roof haircut
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 17:02:03 765437 No.8248185
Also this, I would bet the worst thing to go down at the pizza joint is faggotry.
Look into "pizza guru" in Santa Barbara, they got busted for laundering dudeweedlmao money.
This operation likely functions the same way
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 17:04:54 1fe6b8 No.8248226
OMG stop the press Jimmy Carter is on the list!
Seriously, this is more than likely just the list of people who signed up for their newsletter or bought books. We've already
established the 'pizza' project was related to an update of their online store. I'm not saying you might not find someone
involved in something else, just based on probability. But please don't dox innocent people just because they are on this
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 17:15:58 a061a9 No.8248378>>8248384 >>8252354
I know this is a little off topic but can someone get me a new hd wallpaper for my iphone 6plus
I used to have drake's owl/moloch but now i want pepe
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 17:16:16 a061a9 No.8248384>>8252354
I mean kek lol
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 17:20:32 74287b No.8248450>>8248728 >>8248774
Sure it may be, but there isn't a thing we can do about that. It is simply too hard to contain what we find.
Don't for a second think that they weren't onto us from the beginning or close to it. And yet we are still finding more and
more connections and evidence.

We just need to focus on the next step. Always the next step. There are links, there are other related parties. If we can get
the fire to spread quicker than they can contain it, I think we may see some justice here.
One thing that FBIanon told us to do was to forget HRC and look into the Clinton Foundation. That establishment has got
to have more loose threads than a frayed American flag.
Keep digging guys. Our Autism is Weapons Grade.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 17:27:02 28da50 No.8248556
The glass next to them looks like it has wine in it, not blood. If they were draining the goat of blood and that IS blood in the
glass, this image would be a lot bloodier than it is. The residue on the cutting board and table doesn't look very bloody, it
looks to me like they've just been cutting meat that they've already smoked.
It is pretty odd with the goat head in the image, given the circumstances surrounding it that led to us finding it, but without
any of the names of these people connecting in emails or anything, it's probably a dead lead. I wouldn't let it go
completely though, there may be people within these companies that Comet Ping Pong does business with that are
involved in something with them that we don't know about.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 17:28:13 789a7d No.8248579
Forget about it. there is more important stuff to look into.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 17:31:40 078394 No.8248624>>8249265
Another thing that doesn't make sense is why the rich and powerful would worry themselves with such a thing as a
handkerchief. They are barely above napkins in terms of value. Buying another is easy. And who brings their own
handkerchiefs to other places? The only people I know that carry ones around use them to clean their nose. I have never
heard of someone taking one to dinner in other places. It could be considered impolite.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 17:35:04 d3c72d No.8248673
Seriously I've been trying to advocate this for the last 2 weeks. "Muh evidence" Fuck that shit, everything is gone IF
anything was even there before we started digging. I'm gonna buy a fucking lotto ticket tonight and take a vacation to DC
if I win. Wish me luck fam. They need to know we're serious.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 17:36:57 1e4690 No.8248709
File (hide): 2eb165c4b7eaf04.jpg (225.55 KB, 820x768, 205:192, haus copy.JPG)

what a surprise

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 17:38:13 1fe6b8 No.8248728>>8248817

Clinton Foundation, specifically initiatives involving women and kids.
A quick random search of their site showed their are involved in Iringa Tanzania, for instance.
Search Iringa Tanzania child trafficking and you quickly find reports of rising incidents.
I'm sure there is more just coincidental? Or highly correlated since they are often operating in very poor regions? Or
something else going on here???
A place to start looking deeper autists?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 17:40:17 bec999 No.8248767>>8248806
Has any progress been made on this pedo shit? This thread has gone completely
Sums this up perfectly.
>calls the guy a shill
>i can make a claim based on a vague connection, but if you want to question it you need to bring evidence!!
Weeks ago I knew exactly how this would end up: going fucking nowhere. You killed the podesta threads with your stupid
fucking confirmation bias, and you have literally nothing to show for it. I'm enjoying being right.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 17:40:47 85a955 No.8248774
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 17:42:40 bed398 No.8248806
you still havent given any evidence its a different guy
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 17:43:21 4097ae No.8248817>>8248831 >>8248839 >>8248852
Date: 2015-07-30 14:09
Subject: Help!
Georgetown Law Faculty and Staff,
My parents are visiting this weekend, and I need to sell my enormous collection of beanie babies! I've approximately 480
little creatures of joy, and I'm selling each one for $20.00. You must buy all 480, though. It is a collection (not an auction)
They are very respectful and amicable with one another, and they are (for the most part) cat and dog friendly. Some are
sassier than others, naturally.
Please let me know! My parents can't find out.
Peter Mattingly
Georgetown Law Report on Sex Trafficking of Girls Offers Comprehensive Approach

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 17:45:00 bed398 No.8248831

File (hide): 1cea2d33a8f45d8.jpg (251.38 KB, 872x610, 436:305, jew pedos.jpg)

nice find
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 17:45:33 8228d8 No.8248839
thats homemade cp hes selling. 10k for 480 pics
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 17:46:51 1e4690 No.8248852>>8249414
>I'm selling inanimate objects
>they are very respectful and amicable with one another
>some are sassy
doesn't sound much like beanie babies to me
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 17:47:12 8228d8 No.8248858
or a kid.. 9600 is also below the 10k bank reporting requirements
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 17:54:04 bed398 No.8248960
if it were a kid he could have just moved him/her to another location until the visit was over. seems more likely its a hard
drive containing tons of fresh OC pizza
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 17:59:14 7d876b No.8249036
Isnt the 'shweinpeg research' YT channel that links from one of dr pongs affiliate sites literally all tutorials on
steganography? or is it all bullshit?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 18:05:03 9de8ef No.8249111>>8249134 >>8249228 >>8250070
File (hide): c3957413750bfb0.png (900.42 KB, 1236x857, 1236:857, andrewkline1.PNG)

File (hide): 765222a07537f06.png (992.45 KB, 1235x850, 247:170, andrewkline2.PNG)

File (hide): 2e2766062e84856.png (553.47 KB, 1249x853, 1249:853, andrewkline3.PNG)

>>8241986 (OP)
Andrew Kline-Former DOJ prosecutor. Owns Besta Pizza which had the pedophile logo. He has two small girls named
Logan and Lexi. Please see the pics and the archived links.
1. photo of his girls one has a shirt on that says LOGAN of LOGANATOR notice the comment about the lexinator
3. here's another photo with comments detailing that the girls' names are Logan and Lexi 3.
4. here are some photos of the girls with really creepy comments from various people
5. Here is the Kline family Blog
Two of the pictures i attached are of andrew kline's kids. their names appear to be lexi and logan. the third picture appears
to show a drink description, but the name of the item is reminiscent of one of andrew kline's daughters, Logan Loganator.
one of the comments one that picture makes a joke about a "lexinator". this leads me to believe the third picture is
referring to andrew kline's daughter. another one of the comments on the third picture asks if he knew he was being
recorded. Recorded diong what?
What the fuck is going on?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 18:06:45 9de8ef No.8249134
File (hide): efe471bc47a10ad.png (23.69 KB, 343x86, 343:86, lakewood.PNG)

also one of the pictures was taken near Lakewood, CO
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 18:10:08 5a1ed3 No.8249181
Saw that one coming.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 18:13:47 e5518a No.8249228>>8249256

Recored? There is a link she provided, no? Does that link to a video?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 18:13:47 48b979 No.8249230>>8249386 >>8249752 >>8251298
File (hide): 7bf7b7cfd88a7c4.png (161.45 KB, 940x1212, 235:303, leslie dach.png)
So this email that's clearly talking about a future pedophile meetup, lists some interesting people in the contacts. The one
I've been studying is Leslie Dach.
Currently the Senior Counselor as the US Department of Health and Human Services. Mysteriously, after I looked at the
linkedin profile one time, it broke and started putting me behind a login screen. Might be nothing.
He also owns his own LLC, the Dach Strategy Group. Not a whole lot of information on this that I've seen yet, but I know
another anon said that LLCs always have to file specific public paperwork. If anyone else could tell me how to view this,
I'd appreciate it.
For some background, he worked at Walmart as the Vice President and primary strategist; during his time there he
massively increased the lobbying expenditure of the company. He also has ties with the Democratic party going back to
This guy's a powerful man that lobbied using Walmart's cash to help his buddies in the Democratic party. Fingers in a lot
of pies.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 18:15:53 9de8ef No.8249256
i couldn't get the link to work.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 18:16:34 fd7754 No.8249265>>8249310
There is a drawing from an artist that was abused and adults were raping a child and there was a "napkin" underneath the
To catch the blood.
Map = DNA mapping
Podesta would want it for a "trophy".
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 18:16:53 b0208d No.8249269

[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Out of general interest, check out this abused guys multi-part tour of where all the bad stuff used to happen It's in
Omaha, Nebraska, so I'd imagine New York, L.A., D.C.. etc., are the same, but on a larger scale.
What else besides Jews, Freemasons, homosexuals, pizza restaurants, child care, and gay bars are a recurring theme in
all this?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 18:20:03 078394 No.8249310>>8249435 >>8249554
File (hide): 1e2d40c8b2b1d42.jpg (63.2 KB, 673x573, 673:573, 1478239510288.jpg)

Didn't map stand for semen and pizza for little girl? I was thinking it could mean it being covered in female eyaculation.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 18:27:13 f3003a No.8249386
Wiki has a shit ton on Stratfor.
"The Global Intelligence Files, over five million e-mails from the Texas headquartered "global intelligence" company
Stratfor. The e-mails date between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that
fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal's
Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US
Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US Defence Intelligence Agency. The emails show Stratfor's
web of informers, pay-off structure, payment laundering techniques and psychological methods.

Use this page to search these files, by terms, subject, recipient and sender, by attached filename, or by using their ID in
our database."
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 18:29:34 bed398 No.8249406>>8249489
nice work. dead lead is dead.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 18:30:21 078394 No.8249412
Are there any good searching points? I tried searching old info on spirit cooking and pizza places in other countries that
may be related but it's a dead end so far.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 18:30:45 4097ae No.8249414
beanie babies cat and dog friendly?
Being part of a group which has a publicly stated purpose of combating sex trafficking is ideal cover for those who are
actually involved in it, like Jerry Sandusky and the Second Mile Foundation.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 18:31:59 5fc2c0 No.8249425>>8252620
The thing with the teddy bear actually freaks me out the most. It's symbolic of your own child and best friend that you
made in your own childhood.
It's really weird. Dismemberment and necrophilia are all just whatevs in my book, but something about inflicting symbolic
pain or misery on teddy bears always gets me.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 18:32:16 172783 No.8249429>>8249459
File (hide): b53989da61c098e.jpg (Spoiler Image, 188.19 KB, 707x474, 707:474, casey-james-mega-post-pat-.jpg)

omg if you guys could drag lady gaga and jeff koons into that mess, it would be the best day of this whole sleuthing
suddenly names people care about, suddenkly an excellent story to print, suddenly some spotlight on famous cunts,
painted in blood
that would resonate big time
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 18:32:58 fd7754 No.8249435>>8249660 >>8249665
File (hide): ca061584b2919b3.jpg (27.15 KB, 372x480, 31:40, Nowheretorun.jpg)

File (hide): 6e65a0827178b8a.jpg (22.93 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 347bd017d211041208587.jpg)

Art by abuse victim Kim Noble
There is a little "napkin" underneath the child. It catching virgin blood would be of more interest to Podesta than his own
And the other one depicts a Table that looks like a "ping pong table".
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 18:33:41 3a0c55 No.8249446
>Girl looks like 10
>Looks pregnant
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 18:33:59 707f5c No.8249451
Thing is is that if you reverse image search that it goes to some guy on twitter that is not the same as the seller in the email.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 18:34:47 fd7754 No.8249459>>8249627
File (hide): 627b89b59dc14aa.jpg (23.04 KB, 400x300, 4:3, mt_18_gaga_perf_400x300.jpg)

Lady GaGa 'Left Bathtub Filled With Blood In Hotel'
Spirit Cooking in the hotel
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 18:35:46 4097ae No.8249469
Nothing at your link, wayback machine has only a single page with no content.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 18:38:02 d0891c No.8249489>>8249508
Isn't it still weird though? Specifically the valuation. For example they range in price from a few dollars to thousands of
dollars. Still, it is possible the total value was ~9.6K.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 18:40:23 bed398 No.8249508
yeah is odd. the email from reddit might be a cover-up, if the sender accidentally sent to students instead of the intended
recipient. playing it off as just funny or whatever. still makes sense its a bunch of OC CP
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 18:43:39 ce572c No.8249549
>random ass picture of the Capitoline Wolf in this abomination of a collage
0/10 go study your fucking history you idiot.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 18:43:48 172783 No.8249553
File (hide): 003496845c4aae8.jpg (121.33 KB, 879x534, 293:178, chanty Sans tite.jpg)

1/ publicize the counter to snopes' page far and wide (like on the_donald to start with, then kikebook etc)
2/ dig on snopes, like taking many of their pages about this election and debunk them one by one. One could even make
a subreddit about it or a general thread on full or half chan
they're not hard to take down a notch, there's just been a lack of motivation so far

they're quite cunning, their lies are harder to spot than other fact checking BS sites and most normies will fall for them
nastier way: implicate them in the trash, find dirt on em, at least financial ties and broadcast them relentlessly
even linking them to our glorious pedo ring investigation, after all isnt it how they function in their club, everyone tied
together in satanism
i realized yesterday that this glorious swamp draining had started earlier, notably Gawker was taken down. We had little to
no hardcore dirt on Denton but i'm sure there's tons.
finally, remember this place and other investigation social sites are under great risk of being shut down now that you are
striking at the root of evil in high places. Please build contingency plans Now to survive after a general shut down of all
your current sites
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 18:43:51 fd7754 No.8249554>>8250391
File (hide): 749fba3c71be017.jpg (42.56 KB, 1013x180, 1013:180, Israel Pasta.jpg)

File (hide): 64b7894ef6f658a.jpg (22.5 KB, 1006x120, 503:60, Israel Pasta (2).jpg)

Pasta = little boy?
Israel wants some pasta!
"The Israeli government reacted by imposing a blockade. Only limited quantities of goods approved by the occupation
authorities were let in. An American senator raised hell when he found out that pasta was considered a security risk and
not allowed in. Practically nothing was let out, which is incomprehensible from the "security" point of view of weapons
"smuggling" but clear from the point of view of "strangling". Unemployment reached almost 60%. "
"The Israeli side wants the blockade to remain in force, though in a more liberal form. Pasta and much more will be let into
the Strip, but under strict supervision. No airport. No sea-port. Hamas must be prevented from re-arming."
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 18:53:46 88bc82 No.8249627
I hate how the (((media))) reports this sick filth as if it was something funny or quirky when its just some sick shit.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 18:57:42 88bc82 No.8249660>>8249709 >>8253060
Those paintings are older than Comet Pizza, read a bit dude.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 18:58:40 5a1ed3 No.8249665
I don't know what disturbs me more. The fact that powerful people will keep getting away with this or the fact that anyone
would want to do this to begin with.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 18:58:50 bed398 No.8249667>>8249687

[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

she started painting that stuff after getting involved with Tavistock. Tavistock is connected to clinton.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 18:59:46 02dcca No.8249678
File (hide): b355ec2606a6e45.png (59.74 KB, 654x532, 327:266, Screen Shot 2016-11-14 at .png)

File (hide): 1687ae19463e456.png (1.67 MB, 1240x1016, 155:127, Screen Shot 2016-11-14 at .png)

File (hide): 0f957da1eb371dc.jpg(82.58 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, ClVaSV_UkAAlupk.jpg)

We need to fucking focus on the Clinton Foundation like FBI Anon told us to. Dig up as much as possible on board
Have we established the following already?
This guy is 100% a kiddy cocksucker.
-Frank GiustraPresident of Radcliff foundation.
23% share holder in fucking shell company called 222 PIZZA EXPRESS
Shell company tied to Uranium One scandal.
Has an appetite for pizza
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 19:00:09 bed398 No.8249687
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 19:02:39 fd7754 No.8249709>>8253248
Calm down guysI never said she painted them about comet ping pong
She is a ritual abuse victimand it DOES look like a ping pong table.
So maybe they use these SIMILAR tables to abuse their victims and speak in code about "ping pong tables".
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 19:03:50 bed398 No.8249719
pay inequality in the Clinton Foundation:
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 19:06:01 02dcca No.8249736
File (hide): cd92661c8bb06af.png (2.61 MB, 1632x1324, 408:331, Screen Shot 2016-11-14 at .png)

Don't know about you fucks but Ive never heard of a BBQ AND PIZZA PARTY. What? How does that mix?
So many fucking pedo trigger words in this article I'm screaming on the inside.
Im sure it was a feast alright
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 19:06:10 4097ae No.8249738
The beanie baby collection image is an attachment in the email from WikiLeaks.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 19:07:32 48b979 No.8249752>>8250015 >>8250322
File (hide): 3d1558e36542384.png (31.74 KB, 608x556, 152:139, leslie dach 2.png)

Leslie Dach donated at least $100k in 2009 to Media Matters, a media watchdog group also founded by David Brock. He
also made press releases backing Hillary while still working for Walmart. He's right on the list next to people from JP
Morgan and Microsoft.
Remember that Hillary worked for Walmart as director for six years, furthering the connection between the two.
It's starting to look like Walmart's been pumping all kinds of money into this network. Might be worth investigating but
since Walmart's so huge, I wouldn't even know where to start honestly.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 19:16:41 bed398 No.8249841
looks like a clinic owned by the Tavistock group to me?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 19:22:45 bed398 No.8249913
with our powers combined..
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 19:24:10 c7ca93 No.8249926
File (hide): c7308581036bc57.png (116.84 KB, 832x357, 832:357, screenshot-area-2016-11-14.png)

File (hide): 97a746262a3e164.png (113.76 KB, 1098x383, 1098:383, screenshot-area-2016-11-14.png)

File (hide): efbeb94d91fdf52.png (9.53 KB, 580x103, 580:103, screenshot-area-2016-11-14.png)

So I looked up Stephen Galizia,
his wife evidently (or sister) runs this sitewhat was that about butterflys being pedo code?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 19:24:27 172783 No.8249932>>8250193
[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

> It's doubtful that every single one of them is part of it
dont make any such assumptions, please
why do you think these investigations lead to nothing every fucking time
a staple of them is that every authority you look for the help of ends up convering up for the pedocrime network
as for the Navy particularly, check Kay Griggs' testimony
do not assume you are gonna get help from anyone in position of authority
do not assume they wont give you to the vipers' nest to be devoured
do not assume they arent part of it
do not assume all the means you are using right now to communicate and dig this stuff up wont be shut down today
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 19:25:37 974f3e No.8249940
Just a thank you, didn't know exactly what this shit was about until recently trying to catch up but its a cluster fk although
my first thoughts is this shit goes so deep to the core of these globalist scum across the world it is truly fucking sickening.I
AM AR-15 ANGRY keep digging expose these shitfucks no matter how far the rabbit hole goes anons.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 19:29:08 fd7754 No.8249969>>8249977
Other officers in TAVISTOCK FINANCIAL CORPORATION Showing first 30 (see all)
CHARLES LEWIS, vice president
DOUG MCMAHON, vice president
JEFFERSON R VOSS, vice president
JOSEPH LEWIS, vice president
JOSEPH LEWIS, president
THAKKAR, RASESH, president
Some background (((coincidences))), maybe they mean something, maybe they mean
>The Tavistock Institute in London was set up as a splinter organization from the Tavistock Clinic via funding from the
>It had original Frankfurt School leaders as founders
>Its ostensible remit was psychoanalysis as it relates to ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR and GROUP BEHAVIOUR.
>The Tavistock Institute has been associated with conspiracy theories for decades. Chiefly, that the Institute promotes
degeneracy to destroy society and control World culture (John Coleman Aquarian Conspiracy)
>There are clear linkages to say that the Tavistock Institute set up the ADL
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 19:29:38 bed398 No.8249975
>There's no connection to Clintons, or anyone involved in the investigation.
thats to be determined i think
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 19:29:52 bed398 No.8249977
nice will start digging

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 19:32:13 172783 No.8250000

File (hide): a15066c71dd536c.jpg (76.47 KB, 650x424, 325:212, begga lame hopse27.jpg)

you guys could use a meta thread dealing with opsec
you know archive sites are getting taken down very soon if you're not naive
this isnt hillary, this is the rulers of this earth
they will shut you down any way they can when they decide it's tghe best course of action
get archiving alternatives, get discussion spaces alternatives, possibly peer to peer i dont know, anything much more
resilient than jim watshit's site or hikikomori 2ch owner's.
prepare your sec now because these venues you're using wont last long (and all your archived links can be considered
lost if you dont keep them elsewhere)
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 19:33:50 b0208d No.8250015
File (hide): 6f2e714cdc37ad3.png (14.32 KB, 1288x91, 184:13, Screenshot from 2016-11-13.png)
Just a small fyi; on that list, Mr & Mrs. Eli Broad pay for ICMECs' (Jeff Koons is on the board, etc.) website.
white rabbit on their own foundations' website.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 19:34:01 172783 No.8250017>>8250171
do not count on authorities
we are the investigators, the publishers, the prosecutors and the punishers, if anything was taught to us by this election
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 19:40:16 6fb2c8 No.8250070
That first picture is odd.
>both of their hand placement
>not looking at the camera
Something else out of the picture is grabbing their attention.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 19:42:15 fd7754 No.8250091
I like this one;
>The London School of Jewish Studies (Jews College) used to be headquartered in Tavistock Square.
No wonder they are all skilled in the art of mind fuckery.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 19:42:57 bed398 No.8250099
>they both originated from the same town.
just cohencidence goy

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 19:50:17 974f3e No.8250171

Pit Bulls of the Internet, I see POL is.. 'Yoda'
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 19:53:19 d0891c No.8250193
6-10 fucking hours? They spend the first bit talking about editing Is there a final cut or is there just this raw? Interesting
anyway. I just started watching this
Madeleine Mccann - The Truth of The Lie
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 19:53:46 c7ca93 No.8250199>>8250217
File (hide): 982ba8108ea8026.jpg (97.19 KB, 1078x649, 98:59, 1d7b906f5e990a62ae33b49a18.jpg)

File (hide): 09579897231646e.png (1.68 MB, 1867x1196, 1867:1196, 09579897231646e8aab00bf8d7.png)

File (hide): 5adfb95e945cc9c.jpg (143.06 KB, 589x609, 589:609, hillary-satan_large.jpg)

gee it's not like they need a goat head for spirit cooking or anything
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 19:55:13 674092 No.8250217
File (hide): b12de4b097d52fa.jpg (17 KB, 387x395, 387:395, bill fucko clinton.jpg)

i hope we can bury these fuckers
godspeed fellas
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 19:57:26 bed398 No.8250241
>Unless anyone can find a single link other than they partially share the same name.
relax anon. we have to dig first. its not magic..
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 20:00:48 c7ca93 No.8250271
File (hide): 83e885c520abdd7.png (118.87 KB, 658x453, 658:453, screenshot-area-2016-11-14.png)

Well I don't have a link yet but I did find an inactive corporation in Joe Lewis's name...right next to a school.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 20:07:52 48b979 No.8250322>>8250368 >>8251298
File (hide): bb99aaaff098db5.png (56.35 KB, 843x811, 843:811, leslie dach 3.png)

Lobbies, professors at prominent universities, progressive groups, HUGE list of people got together to petition for the
Democratic party to use its connections and push Walmart to enact huge pay raises across the board. They even name
the people in particular that they want to push their influence, including Dach. This is after he was no longer working for
them on paper. This letter also reveals some other interesting details, like that H. Lee Scott, former Walmart CEO, has a
personal connection to the Clintons and has been to their place for a private dinner, and that director Aida Alvarez has
been tied into Bill Clinton's businesses before.
Now this email from 2014 talks about how doctors in Liberia have started contracting ebola. The group of doctors need the
FDA to quickly approve ZMapp, an experimental drug to cure it. Apparently Dach has enough pull from his position that
Podesta immediately forwards the email chain to him. This guy's powerful enough that when asked to try and push a drug
into the market prematurely, Podesta's first reaction is to email it to Dach.
I don't know if I should be putting this in the Podesta leak thread or this one honestly, but this guy has been tied to the
pizza codeword. Just goes to show how far this thing really goes. This is all from digging into one name on one email,
we're nowhere close to out of leads.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 20:13:44 bed398 No.8250368
checked and screencapped
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 20:14:15 2da99a No.8250371
I was investigating tavistock a few months back. They have a few institutions here in the USA. I stumbled upon the same
university Trump graduated from, the Wharton school of finance regarding his roots in education. Link here:
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 20:16:01 c06b59 No.8250383>>8250472
File (hide): 5d72de0abb317bb.jpg (15.26 KB, 255x210, 17:14, 9840b0d3ca3d1a746f6fc2c733.jpg)

Look i haven't been following these threads (busy) can i get a summary?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 20:17:20 a061a9 No.8250391
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 20:18:23 da5c23 No.8250399
I always wondered what the deal was with that pyramid church thing.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 20:26:35 078394 No.8250472>>8250499
A summary would be impossible to make. Look at the threads. What everyone agrees on is that this is likely a pedophile
ring. Some believe cannibalism may be possible. Others that there is worship of several ancient gods. As to who is
involved, there are tons of possibilities.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 20:29:41 c06b59 No.8250499>>8250526
So from what i gather
Clintons and the entire US gov possibly linked to a hole in the wall pedo ring that involves cannibalistic rituals and may
involve old gods.
okay so nothing to new.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 20:32:33 c7ca93 No.8250526
I just want to add this is just one tentacle we have stumbled on it is an international operation haiti/saudi arabia etc
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 20:34:02 d0891c No.8250536
Please write paragraphs.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 20:34:23 bed398 No.8250539>>8252831
>Meaning it's a complete waste of time and effort.
thanks shill. ill defiantly look deeper into tavistock, both in the UK and the US .
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 20:38:00 fd7754 No.8250568>>8250633 >>8252831

So what Tavistock place where the Hampstead children sent to?

We'll assume it is the Tavistock NHS since they deal with child psychology and therapy but there WAS a coverup and the
kids both mentioned "pizza express" with pedo stuff so it is connected.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 20:38:38 0b1dc0 No.8250576>>8250585 >>8250591
File (hide): 8dd1907052953ce.png (21.87 KB, 540x283, 540:283, wtf1.png)

Did anyone ever figure out what this peerblocker dupont shit is? Haven't been in last couple threads but it is pretty
(((coincidental))) that when I open this one suddenly I get flooded.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 20:39:25 bed398 No.8250585>>8250590
i encourage anons digging to filter shills who bring up peerblock. its a new tactic to distract you. its literally nothing.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 20:40:17 bed398 No.8250590
in fact, if you Google "peerblock results" youll find pages of random people asking "who is this? what does it mean they
got blocked?!"
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 20:40:17 d0891c No.8250591>>8250609
>Haven't been in last couple threads


Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 20:41:45 0b1dc0 No.8250609>>8250626
Because your posts are far more insightful.
Please write paragraphs."
"6-10 fucking hours? They spend the first bit talking about editing Is there a final cut or is there just this raw? Interesting
anyway. I just started watching this
Madeleine Mccann - The Truth of The Lie"
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 20:43:20 d0891c No.8250626>>8250648
"Dupont owns the blocist that peerblock uses, it connects to them."
What is OpSec?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 20:43:55 fd7754 No.8250633>>8250859 >>8253063
File (hide): 20a3f40c79a72bd.jpg (13.41 KB, 200x150, 4:3, ! H.jpg)

The children were sent for counselling sessions at the Tavistock.
(The Tavistock clinic allegedly organises the mind control and sexual abuse of children Anonymous8 February 2015 at 13:52
Intresting angle that seems to be missing, is that next to Royal Free Hospital is the Tavistock and Portman, we all know
about the tavistock, but not many know about the portman side.
The royal free was part of savile investigation, but the Tavistock somehow excluded, therapist Valerie Sinason worked at
tavistock and has seen a few of saviles satanic abuse victims
Also Tavistock has been covered by yourself with the story of Carol Myers who was raped by a MP with a claw hammer,
see was also a patient of the Tavistock:
Also Tavistock cover up Child abuse such as this case where the child was put in foster care and then abused by the
foster parents, strangely her diary had missing pages and was killed in a car crash
Andy Wiener a therapist mentioned in above link is, he also has made a career out of covering up and suggestive therapy
of abuse victims
Tavistock also work closely with Corum, who together have turn child snatching into a million pound industry:
And onto the portman which is the No1 NHS treating paedophiles, but you have to question what motives when you read
stories like this Children's unit to be moved to new location just metres away from paedophile therapy centre
CEO matthew Patrick who is mentioned in above link is now leader of Mental Health in UK, and has colluded in child
abuse cover up & now has close links with Nick Clegg
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 20:44:26 1c9041 No.8250641>>8250677
Could you fucking spergs stop ruining this with all the stupid /x/-tier shit and stick to what we know? I'm starting to suspect
we're being shilled considering you never see this rampant faggotry anywhere else
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 20:45:05 0b1dc0 No.8250648>>8250681 >>8250731
The fucks the what is opsec comment meant to mean?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 20:47:43 078394 No.8250677>>8250748 >>8253248

The problem is that we don't know shit. Where are they getting the kids? Is all this cultist shit real or just a cover? Just
how many people are involved?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 20:48:01 9bda36 No.8250681
That I won't do much work or post many things from the same connection. So you can't look through threads for my posts.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 20:48:31 bed398 No.8250691>>8250720
honestly i think we need to focus on the Clinton Foundation. dont forget pedophile Jeffrey Epstein claimed to have helped
the Clintons build it.
the satanism stuff is interesting but should be considered icing on top of the cake. we do need the cake first tho
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 20:51:05 48b979 No.8250720
i agree. the problem is that we began this investigation on shaky ground, and the shills here are purposefully keeping us
going over those same dumb, obvious leads that they know not to do again. we've put them in hiding and they're drawing
us to look at things that aren't relevant. the foundation is the ticket. so many unexplored leads still.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 20:52:06 053f5a No.8250731>>8250788 >>8250806 >>8251021
you go do digging into shit like this your op sec game better be 100% because the ppl that will be implicated are at a pay
grade to have you killed hope that clarifies anon.Be careful is what anon meant as this kinda shit can possibly get you
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 20:53:34 1c9041 No.8250748>>8250984 >>8253248
>Where are they getting the kids?
Substantial circumstantial evidence to believe it's via anti-trafficking (ironically) cover organisations and orphanages.
>Is all this cultist shit real or just a cover?
A lot of elites probably are into that shit, in large part because the type of "power at any cost" personality would naturally
be attracted to woo woo involving power, control, hierarchy, secrecy and the like. I have nothing against using this stuff to
generate leads but I get annoyed when it delves into insane shit about energy fields and whatnot.
>Just how many people are involved?
Very good question. Again, the best way to get to the bottom is to focus in on what we know and establish links of varying
strength to other known players. The tree mapping software is perfect for this stuff.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 20:56:36 053f5a No.8250788
in other words grown folk
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 20:58:06 078394 No.8250804>>8250823 >>8250868 >>8250882
Regardless of what your opinion on half chan is, they found a lead. This image has an embedded file. Anyone know
anything about steganography?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 20:58:21 0b1dc0 No.8250806>>8250857 >>8250984
Am aware, thought he was specifically referencing a lapse in mine.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 21:00:03 bed398 No.8250823>>8250849

link to halfchan thread?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 21:02:06 078394 No.8250849>>8250876 >>8251158
There is something in that image. That's sure as shit. I'm trying out opening it with different stuff to see if I get something.
So far it's nothing, but there is totally something here.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 21:02:55 053f5a No.8250857
paranoia is a good thing don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 21:03:03 a061a9 No.8250859>>8250909
They talk about feeling stronger after drinking the blood of the babies. Reminds me of Alistar Crowley's vitality elixirs. Lol.
Something like that a child can't learn so young unless they are taught it. The description of death of the baby is
interesting. It's pretty specific and real also she described a machete without knowing it's name weird. I'm talking about
other videos found On the YouTube and the interview video.
GroundWar 11/14/16 (Mon) 21:03:54 e06c04 No.8250868>>8250898
File (hide): 0bb801552e03d0d.png (54.98 KB, 1458x539, 1458:539, OP ONTO SOMETHING.png)

This image really concerned me the other night. It was just too huge to not be hiding something.
This could be huge.
Plebbit thread:
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 21:04:33 bed398 No.8250876
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 21:05:26 a061a9 No.8250882
Pdfs are a good way to hide viruses and root kits according to THE father of all hax0rs who works for private German
cyber security now. He also said they are a good way in general to hide all sorts of files in his ted talks/interview
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 21:07:12 bed398 No.8250898>>8250914 >>8251130
File (hide): 1021ac4ea9dd8e0.png (35.74 KB, 661x844, 661:844, embedded file.PNG)

im convinced. this could be YUGE. sadly im only now getting into itsec so I cant help
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 21:08:23 053f5a No.8250909>>8253248
the thought that they are using unidentifiable children to carry out sick fantasies is really mind blowing if ever half of this is
true these ppl need to be executed after 10 years of force torture meaning not allowed to die or kill themselves.
GroundWar 11/14/16 (Mon) 21:08:43 229f23 No.8250914>>8250925 >>8250944
>What is itsec?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 21:08:45 e285ad No.8250915
I thought this was a KNOWN
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 21:10:03 bed398 No.8250925
File (hide): e498e8aa447c6e4.png (28.05 KB, 804x219, 268:73, itsec.PNG)

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 21:10:16 b56680 No.8250930>>8250934 >>8250998 >>8251464
found 2 clinton foundation advisors that were on epstein's plane:
line 606. "Magaziner, Ira C.",,"617 (w), 617 (wf)","","N/A",
line 677. "Mills, Cheryl",,"202 (p)","","N/A",
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 21:10:50 bed398 No.8250934
nice work!
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 21:11:57 bed398 No.8250944

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 21:16:33 9bda36 No.8250984>>8251129

>Substantial circumstantial evidence to believe it's via anti-trafficking (ironically) cover organisations and orphanages.
I would imagine also organized crime/mafia. Marc Dutroux case etc.
Your image tells me: you are using Windows, seemingly with out any proxy or VPN. Furthermore you are asking others to
interpret what your firewall is showing you. I do urge you to use VPN/TOR/ProxyCap. Especially on Windows from inside
a VM.
For example if you have little *nux knowledge: on Windows install VirtualBox, install a ubuntu or mint VM with an
encrytped drive and work from that.
For me posting anywhere on /pol/ from my ISP public IP is not something I typically do.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 21:16:39 f67290 No.8250985
It's a stain they left with DNA on it that would lead back to them dummy. X marks the SPOT.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 21:18:25 b56680 No.8250998
also, found something interesting jewish billionaire has a farm, 600 acres i think. might be worth it to check it out for
Pritzker, Thomas","Chicago, IL","312 (o), 312 (f), 078, 312 (p), 773 (h), 312 (hf), 847 (farm), 312 (h), 847 (hf), 312 (w), 312
(wf), 312 Emegency Contact, 312 Main Office Number","","Numero Uno",
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 21:20:59 a061a9 No.8251021>>8251062 >>8251085
Nothing makes me worker harder than the reward of death
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 21:27:24 053f5a No.8251062
True soldier Valhalla awaits.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 21:29:58 053f5a No.8251085
Arm up buttercup
Podesta Investigation Wiki is Live! InvestigativeTripcode 11/14/16 (Mon)
21:30:24 e4be43 No.8251095>>8252788 >>8252991 >>8253045
>>8241986 (OP)
Alright /pol/lacks the wiki is live
Theres very little there right now but anyone can edit. Make a request if you want to be a mod. I will check in regularly to
unshill it if need be.
I envision this wiki having two purposes
1) helping us organize all these leads and previous research so that we can hopefully get better organized
2) providing a coherent introduction for people who are unfamiliar with the investigation.

Because of the second goal, I want to moderate the tinfoilhatness. I understand that the Masons might be coordinating
with ayyylmoas to eat children in Hell and, if you can find a documented connection there, then it belongs on the wiki.
However, in general: the search for evidence happens on the chans; the compilation of the evidence happens on the wiki.
I want to thank everyone who contributes. This is going to aid our investigation greatly.
InvestigativeTripcode 11/14/16 (Mon) 21:31:19 e4be43 No.8251100
whoops this should have been the third link
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 21:35:09 0b1dc0 No.8251129
1- wrong about firewall, I installed the program purely because of the people talking about it last thread to see for myself
the dupont shit.
2- Am at work, main setup is where I'd be doing digging.
3. Good advice, I use similar setups from home.
Should probably be using a proxy to browse these threads, but I'm not visiting any of the links from here , just keeping up
as best I can
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 21:35:28 854d3f No.8251130>>8251152
it is a digital fax
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 21:36:12 fd7754 No.8251134>>8251141
Go to this conspiracy site;
and type "Tavistock" and see what happens
Tavistock is one of the biggest kept secrets of the 21rst centuryI bet w/e came from that whole fucking town is pure evil.
Tavistock has been running psyops on the general public since its inception. No wonder there are some here that say
"nothing to see her move along".
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 21:37:07 854d3f No.8251141
tavistock and teneo both result in immediate shilling
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 21:38:33 b0208d No.8251152>>8251196
File (hide): 3cc93e572f57da3.jpg (196.29 KB, 674x864, 337:432, bathroom gender neutral.jpg)


>aaaannnd thenn?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 21:39:40 078394 No.8251158>>8251196 >>8251286
I have tried different image formats, sound, rar. Nothing. This is obvious, but whatever is there is well hidden. It may also
be a corrupt file too.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 21:41:04 b56680 No.8251175
line 1114. "Myers of Westwick",,"917, 212","N/A","N/A","Antoine Blech"
line 1508. "Myers of Westwick","New York, NY","212","N/A","N/A","Pork Pies, Pork Sausages"
i think i've been reading too deeply into the cannibal thread, buthttp://archive. is/oA1cE
http://archive.i s/e2OPG
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 21:44:36 854d3f No.8251196
its a fucking italian article you spergs. do you not know how efax works. open the png is photoshop
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 21:47:58 b56680 No.8251224
line 74. []212 Laura (Clinton's scheduler),[]
is this laura silsby?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 21:56:37 10ba06 No.8251286>>8251308 >>8251943
File (hide): 4a88cd32740efae.jpg (177.5 KB, 1184x667, 1184:667, ENHANCETHATPHOTO.jpg)

Can you think of any instances on a mobile phone in which someone would try to save a screenshot but instead of just
saving the .png of the screen itself it tries to save webdata as well?
It looks like the photo was being viewed in some sort of viewing program cause on the bottom right of the photo looks like
a toggle to switch between page views.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 21:58:59 48b979 No.8251298>>8251315
File (hide): 72dc2cfdae77984.png (166.75 KB, 815x1380, 163:276, alan j kriegel.png)

Alan J Kriegel is a lawyer that's been in the business for nearly 40 years. He works for Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher &
Flom LLP, and quote:
>In 2014, Skadden was the fourth largest law firm in the U.S. by revenue;[22] in 2010 it was the second-largest in the
world by revenue.[7][23] Skadden had about 1,886[2] attorneys in 23 offices in 2011.[24] The total number of employees
at the firm is nearly 4,200. Measured by the number of attorneys, Skadden is the second-largest law firm in the state of
New York, the sixth largest in the United States.[2] In 2010, the National Law Journal ranked Skadden 4th in its list of the
250 largest law firms in the United States.[citation needed] In 1995, Forbes's Largest Private Companies ranked Skadden
as 335th[25] on the list of the largest private U.S. companies by revenue. By 2003 Skadden had risen to 194th[26] before
falling back to 213th[27] in 2010.
According to a branche-internal survey by in 2015, Skadden is the third most prestigious law firm to work for in
the United States,[28] and according to the advisory firm FTI Consulting, Skadden has been named as the America's best
Corporate Law firm in 2013 (a position held since 2001).[9]
>According to the Center for Responsive Politics, Skadden was one of the top law firms contributing to federal candidates
during the 2012 election cycle, donating $1.98 million, 76% to Democrats.[35] By comparison, during that same period
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld donated $2.56, 66% to Democrats,[35] while oil conglomerate ExxonMobil donated
$2.66 million, 88% to Republicans.[36] Since 1990, Skadden has contributed $11.93 million to federal campaigns, and
spent $2.2 million on lobbying since 2000.[37]
Other than that though, he's scrubbed most of his info from the internet. Dead lead most likely. Could barely tie him to
SASMF at all.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 21:59:10 b56680 No.8251301>>8251464 >>8251499


line 74. "Bands, Doug","New York, NY","202 p, 212 David Slade, 202 Mike Lee (w), 301 Mike Lee (h), 914 Mike Lee (car),
877 Mike Lee (b), 07 Sara Latham, 646 Denise Diorio, spking scheduler 212 Joe Cashion asst. director scheduler, 202
Uma, 914 Mark Gainsole, 202 Mike Lee (p), 212 Jim Morrison, 212 fax, 212 Hanna Richert, 212 Laura (Clinton's
scheduler), 941 doug bands h, 917 Jim Kennedy (press), 212 (guy doug friend h), 914 no.42 do not
use","","Office of William J. Clinton",
Doug Bands "Douglas Jay Band is an American businessman and lawyer. He is a founding partner and president of
Teneo, a global consulting firm. Previously he was personal assistant and counselor to President Bill Clinton and he
assisted in creating the Clinton Global Initiative. Band later worked for the William J. Clinton Foundation."
David Slade "Personal finance columnist and metro reporter for South Carolina's largest newspaper, The Post and
Courier." OR "David Aldrin Slade (born 26 September 1969) is a British film and television director and actor. His works
include the films Hard Candy[]"

Mike Lee "Michael Shumway "Mike" Lee (born June 4, 1971) is an American politician and lawyer who is the junior
United States Senator from Utah. A member of the Republican Party, Lee has served in the U.S. Senate since January 3,
Sara Latham "In the email in question, released today by Wikileaks, Podestas chief of staff, Sara Latham, writes to
another campaign staffer, Milia Fisher, asking her to send draft campaign materials specifically to Foxxs personal account
and not to his government email." [breitbart]
Denise Diorio "Associate Director of Advance" http://archive. is/MPqAL [Clinton trip to Brunei and Vietnam]
Joe Cashion advisor for Clinton Foundation http://archive. is/zpjfn, UzgxB
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 21:59:52 10ba06 No.8251308>>8251325 >>8251531
File (hide): 377967c4ecb195b.png (12.66 KB, 551x488, 551:488, 15.png)

Also this is the checksum of the photo.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 22:00:17 48b979 No.8251315
forgot archive links besides wiki, oops
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 22:00:19 7826e8 No.8251316
Has anybody considered looking into the Allentown Diocese in Pennsylvania? It definitely seems connected to this and
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 22:01:33 bed398 No.8251325>>8251371
>1MB image size
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 22:02:58 078394 No.8251338>>8251363 >>8251373 >>8251398
Here is another lead. Password-protected area.
Any autist feel like trying out keywords for a few hours?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 22:05:07 bed398 No.8251363
could be a honeypot.

didnt see that link before now.

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 22:05:13 66c69e No.8251364>>8251393 >>8251475 >>8251535
You have heard the lore of Baba's Mountain from your brothers and sisters.
You have spent countless hours listening to the APES' Baba's Mountain record, searching for answers.
You have seen the graffiti on the walls. Captain 20's Children. Mount of the Child Generals. APES. Imp Ahh.
You have heard rumors of those gone missing: Adolescents, leaving their homes, wandering into the night and never
being seen again. The melting of children into feed for the woodland animals.
Please ignore these rumors - rumors created by your teachers, the local media, parental figures. Ignore the ignorant
teens-in-heat "blogs". Spurred by myth, inspired by whispers, many have written us from all over the world, wanting to
know more about our mountain retreat.
Why not come see for yourself?
An all night celebration will commence on the last Saturday of October. In the evening, when a warm breeze stirs the
leaves, you will know it is time. Place the mark on your door and listen for the horn of the Green Bus. Do not hesitate, for
the bus will wait but a moment, and then be gone. The APES extend their hand in invitation, but that invitation is not for
the slow of mind or foot.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 22:05:19 9bda36 No.8251366
From the first thread
Specifically: Post No.8120962
There is reference to "Schweinpeg"
Perhaps this tool was used? I am looking into it but like many others, I don't yet have ==Computer Science III== and stego
is hard. ANYWAY just bringing this back up from thread 1 so people don't forget.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 22:05:43 10ba06 No.8251371
1,262,670 in actuality.
Thus why it's suspect.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 22:05:59 8ce586 No.8251372
Was traveling and couldn't follow the thread. What happened to the four anons who went to rescue 34a66c?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 22:05:59 789a7d No.8251373
Hacker bait.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 22:08:11 10ba06 No.8251393
Website as old as 2005. Wew.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 22:08:43 105071 No.8251398>>8251449
It has been known for a while, I beleive one anon even managed to get in on first day. Haven't heard of him since.
But Since >>8248083 has been released, if anything even was there is now wiped. I'll concentrate on other leads

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 22:12:42 a061a9 No.8251438
MPD, Child Sacrifice, in full interview says some stuff about being raped by uncles and other female family members
being pregnant at young age. I'm not sure if this was (((debunked))) or wat
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 22:13:46 fd7754 No.8251449
Anything there is long gone to.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 22:15:02 b56680 No.8251464>>8251499
Hanna Richert works for Clinton Foundation http://archive. is/EJkDn, http://arc
Jim Kennedy (press) "Jim Kennedy, a veteran communications aide to both Bill and Hillary Clinton, was appointed the
chief communications officer of News Corp on Wednesday. Kennedy was a longtime adviser to Team Clinton, with stints
working for President Bill Clinton, the White House Counsel's office, Vice President Al Gore, Sen. Hillary Clinton and later
the Clinton Foundation." http://archi
writes for HuffPo: http://archive .is/cQqVU
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 22:16:23 10ba06 No.8251475
According to the website supposed to basically be a show they put on with dumbfuck spooky imagery which seems to be
their forte.
there's a lot of their shit as well as some zip files of music and art done by them.
it seems like it's old as dirt but still can grab it.
doubt there's much there but if anyone is still digging on them might be worth it just to get into the heads of these people.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 22:19:53 b56680 No.8251499
can't find Uma (university?), Mark Gainsole, Jim Morrison, pretty sure there's more than one Mike Lee
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 22:25:11 fd7754 No.8251531>>8251549 >>8251556 >>8251984
So could the PNG be opened with this program?;
Steghide is a tool dedicated to it.
and if it could would it need a password?
Found this interesting;
"this is called Stenography, and there are many more complicated ways of hiding data. I can only describe this particular
The command in the cmd takes all of the information in a.png plus and puts it in a single file, c.png. In the same
sense that "hello"+"world"="helloworld", this simply puts the two together, end to end.
The new file is a.png, so Windows knows that it's supposed to open Photo Viewer. It finds the PNG file header (89 50 4E
47 0D 0A 1A 0A), and reads the data until the PNG file trailer (49 45 4E 44), and it stops loading, so it never touches the

If you force the file open with a Zip viewer, it ignores all of that PNG data and looks for the ZIP header (50 4B 03 04), then
it reads until the ZIP trailer (50 4B 00 00 00). Everything between those two points is the stuff inside the Zip.
It doesn't need to be a zip file. It could be the .mp3, or any other data. However, the PNG header will get in the way of
other programs, whereas winrar is ignoring it. In those cases, you need to use a hex editor to pry the files apart, granted
you know which headers you're looking for."
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 22:25:43 a061a9 No.8251535
How many mountainous areas in DC? Or VA?
Also first thing that comes up when you search Rent Green Bus DC might be related. I would call and pretend to be PD
but it's a little too late. The bus they may have rented if they did wouldn't probably have a driver. Requesting a driver to
honk ditch people is weird. Tfw all neighborhood dogs barking as I type this.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 22:27:37 bed398 No.8251549
youd prbly have better luck asking /hax/
Update! thr0wpizza 11/14/16 (Mon) 22:28:20 7996b7 No.8251555>>8251563 >>8251610 >>8251640 >>8251882 >>8253248
File (hide): 804c71b22825d1f.jpg (61.74 KB, 292x310, 146:155, gunbaby.jpg)

I'm digging into a bunch of leads from old posts, and man oh man.I found TONS of new links to CONFIRMED pedopeddling stations just like mamasmidwives and stuff, but with a different themeCome next thread (#12) I will make a big
Guaranteed hours of more research, dozens of new names, and a whole new avenue to go down.
>Remember the Myspace days?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 22:28:22 a061a9 No.8251556
4cuck was doing work with hex editors last few days on Pizza.jpg
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 22:29:45 a061a9 No.8251563>>8251576
Trips confirm it
Kek slay MOLOCH

Trips! thr0wpizza 11/14/16 (Mon) 22:31:55 7996b7 No.8251576>>8251603

File (hide): 6022952d5425acc.jpg (68.43 KB, 464x329, 464:329, myspacepizza.jpg)

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 22:36:38 a061a9 No.8251603
Just don't die before you post
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 22:38:24 bed398 No.8251610
>Remember the Myspace days?
boy do I!
ronnie!tVPTsN93d. 11/14/16 (Mon) 22:38:57 75f2c0 No.8251615>>8252973
File (hide): f6cec4cbde14e5b.jpg (294.41 KB, 1024x765, 1024:765, PYOF31mjtKzRIRKZiMjSQD6C98.jpg)

New Ben Garrison has a pizza reference.

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 22:39:31 ae496d No.8251620>>8251644 >>8251652
File (hide): edd0d4c8e2f99d3.jpeg (107.81 KB, 960x576, 5:3, ff695ea06f39bbaa2df872dbf.jpeg)

>Which we already know is FRENCH and stands for CHILDREN.
Did you miss it??
James Alefantis
J'aime Les Enfants = I love children.
Either this is a ridiculous coincidence, He changed his name to some pedo shit as an inside joke, or, this is not his name
but only a moniker
Any record of a name being changed TO James Alefantis from something else?
Also, we should look into the blackstone ceo who had his nanny "pushed in front of a train"
In addition, links to Tavistock, Hampstead Cover-Up, or the congressional paigeboys should be considered heavily.
This is not new.
They've been doing this for decades.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 22:42:56 10ba06 No.8251640
inb4 they're using geocities too.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 22:43:02 cce376 No.8251641>>8251697
File (hide): 8f3d70489cce3f4.png (427.53 KB, 1117x533, 1117:533, jCghMzB.png)

Posted earlier. Still watching videos for clues.

rick james!YDpnSyWAC2 11/14/16 (Mon) 22:43:24 75f2c0 No.8251644
Alefantis is a Greek surname I believe, misspelled from the original Greek.
In French, J'aime Les Enfants is pronounced as JEM LAYZAHNFAN.
I can't see it. Very strange.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 22:44:47 fd7754 No.8251652>>8251692 >>8253248
His whole family would have to be in on it and would have changed their names also;

Here we have Susan Alefantis, James Alefantis and LJ Alefantis
Here we have Susan Alefantis, James Alefantis and LJ Alefantis
Other Sites Too thr0wpizza 11/14/16 (Mon) 22:48:07 7996b7 No.8251677
File (hide): d825665ba487bd5.jpg (238.46 KB, 608x512, 19:16, Noos.jpg)

Check out this fucker from Miiverse; I bet there's many, many more on that site too
Look out world, here comes Noos
MewTwo is Husbando
Dosent take hate
G8 B8 M8
Pizza Hopping-Hopping Pizza
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 22:49:44 ae496d No.8251692>>8251736 >>8251967
File (hide): e8716bc301ce80f.jpg (93.29 KB, 750x477, 250:159, 1478645229767.jpg)

Good point. I'll look into the family and its history a bit more to see if theres a legacy connection.
Interesting coincidence if so, the "I love children" guy turning pedo
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 22:50:15 cce376 No.8251697>>8251719
Things I found from the Niigers video
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 22:53:16 cce376 No.8251719
File (hide): 64dc77fc623ca8b.jpg (344.66 KB, 649x602, 649:602, 82b1a334-7e66-43b3-84d9-f6.jpg)

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 22:55:03 fd7754 No.8251736
The name is so RARE that it only shows up around 30 times in the world according to namespedia;
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 22:57:36 bed398 No.8251753>>8251766 >>8251810
we need a new thread
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 22:59:17 74cef5 No.8251762>>8251785 >>8251807
There is an entire book about the Masonic meanings behind the WashDC road layout.
"The Secrets of Masonic Washington" blurb (can buy on Amazon or wherever):
A fully illustrated guide to the Masonic origins and present-day Masonic sites of Washington, D.C.
Provides a walking tour of the Masonic sites and symbols of the city
Explores the critical role of Freemasonry in the founding of the United States
By the author of The Templars and Assassins
In this guide to the Masonic underpinnings of Americas capital, James Wasserman reveals the esoteric symbols and the
spiritual and visionary ideas that lie hidden in the buildings, monuments, and physical layout of Washington, D.C. His
walking tour of these Masonic sites includes both the expected and unexpectedfrom the Lincoln Memorial and the
Capitol Building to the Federal Reserve complex, National Academy of Sciences, and the Library of Congress. Each
location includes descriptions, interpretations, and explanations of the Masonic symbols and ritualistic meanings hidden
within its structure, all illustrated with contemporary color and historic black-and-white photographs.
Wasserman explains the purpose behind putting these symbols and Masonic designs into the capital and how all these
monuments fit into the spiritual vision held by the founding fathers. He reveals the prominent role that Freemasonry
played in the 18th-century Enlightenment movement and shows how in the New World of America, free of monarchy and
aristocracy, the ideas of the Enlightenment were able to flourish. This illustrated guidebook to the Masonic secrets of
Washington, D.C., provides valuable insights on the founding of America. It will be welcomed by students of esoteric art
and symbolism, admirers of American history, and devotees of Dan Brown novels and National Treasure movies.

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 22:59:58 4799e1 No.8251766>>8251774 >>8251810

File (hide): 5a1d336b59427df.jpeg (50.07 KB, 698x400, 349:200, biggerboat.jpeg)

We're gonna need a bigger thread
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:00:54 bed398 No.8251774
keked and checked
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:02:46 cce376 No.8251785
>The Secrets of Masonic Washington
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:05:31 fd7754 No.8251807
(English) Hidden Camera Masonic Ritual Satan Worship Exposed
Notice the (((language))) spoken by the 33rd degree masons as sacrifice the goat. And this was in Turkey.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:06:04 e32949 No.8251810
Don't forget to mention anti-shill-tactics. ITSec, OPSec. And "first archive all the things, then post". (And also, if anons
checks out a location of interest they should check for wifi and/or weird patterns (like cycling ssid's and stuff).
Godspeed you beautiful turboautists, I'll check back later.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:07:54 a412c4 No.8251828
Someone really needs to compile a spiderweb/chart type thing linking all the different people
You know how in movies there's a wall with photos and lines connecting them to show how they all relate?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:09:53 93a88e No.8251837
We all remember about the FOIA request thing right?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:11:44 fd7754 No.8251854
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:13:34 bed398 No.8251864>>8251880 >>8251975 >>8252038

i have an off topic question but its not worth a new thread so tolerate it please.
aside from cucktianity and degenerate paganism, we dont have a spiritual/religious system to unite under. but religion is
one of the most unifying practices man has right now.
would /pol/ accept a strictly Aryan religion - that isnt Paganism or Christianity?
Emmie's House thr0wpizza 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:17:26 7996b7 No.8251879
File (hide): 659c74910416681.jpg (48.75 KB, 744x729, 248:243, emmyclinton.jpg)

File (hide): 8a15b27982aac7e.jpg (1.29 MB, 1573x931, 1573:931, emmies1.jpg)

File (hide): 6c41970272ba4e6.jpg (527.67 KB, 1012x579, 1012:579, emmies2.jpg)

File (hide): 6c41970272ba4e6.jpg (527.67 KB, 1012x579, 1012:579, emmies2.jpg)

File (hide):ce12e690cb18402.jpg(2.54 MB, 1260x3355, 252:671, emmies3.jpg)

Here's some small-timers for now. Big guys I post in thread #12. Why was Emmie's House being promoted on Myspace
>My pic w Hill might b better than Kim's thoI'm just a feisty 6 yr old w head lice and a thirst 4 politics
Also, @LisaFrank too, wtf!?
rick james!YDpnSyWAC2 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:17:44 75f2c0 No.8251880>>8251906 >>8251975
File (hide): 2c80af83c0a3e43.jpg (292.23 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 15095110_1171790756221662_.jpg)

Asatru is the only white man's religion. Fuck off.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:18:03 54ccfe No.8251882>>8251895
New thread RIGHT NOW. I want to see what this anon has.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:18:57 4799e1 No.8251888>>8252265
File (hide): 675015f235efcd7.png (545 KB, 3000x3000, 1:1, pongPassArea.png)

thr0wpizza 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:19:36 7996b7 No.8251895>>8251907

I just finished compiling all that Emmie's House bullshit. Got sidetracked for a secGimme some time before making the
new thread.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:21:26 bed398 No.8251906>>8251932 >>8251975 >>8252663
admit youre a pagan because you think monotheism is Jewish.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:21:34 4799e1 No.8251907>>8251921 >>8252471
I'm gonna prep it, when do you want it to drop
thr0wpizza 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:23:33 7996b7 No.8251921
I would prefer this thread to max out (750 posts). I'm guessing we'll be there in the next 2 hours.
I need 30 minutes minimum; would like like an hour or two preferably so I can make it digestible and not just a raw
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:23:58 d6989e No.8251927
one of my favs
rick james!YDpnSyWAC2 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:25:08 75f2c0 No.8251932>>8251956 >>8251975
File (hide): 495df6a539dfa01.jpg (16 KB, 300x295, 60:59, c7b967609fbc4a04274a5632e1.jpg)

File (hide): 747a5c2d029d405.jpg(43.33 KB, 600x848, 75:106, 09V6QOe.jpg)

File (hide): c08f849be3075f7.jpg (462.91 KB, 1362x779, 1362:779, 1464516696297-3.jpg)

File (hide): c9de9983c92529a.png (111.33 KB, 571x618, 571:618, 1464516696296-1.png)

File (hide): 7658f7fa62586f0.png (89.22 KB, 590x385, 118:77, 1471792528222.png)

I'm Asatru because that was the religion of my folk for 40,000 years until christcucks invaded Rome.
PS monotheism is Jewish
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:26:44 8ce586 No.8251943
File (hide): 8a1b4632ae1cea0.png (772.02 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, D@.png)

File (hide): d495bacbca04e09.png (444.42 KB, 1920x1055, 384:211, scr.png)

It's quite strange. I'm not really sure what to make of it, and not willing to continue after getting burned trying to brute force
through three clean photos.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:29:42 bed398 No.8251956>>8251975 >>8252056 >>8252669

the first and longest living monotheistic religion was created by the Aryans of ancient Persia, called Zoroastrianism.
everything good about the Christian God (unity, peace and justice) comes from this Aryan faith. Everything bad came from
Jews co-opted the idea of worshiping a single God. Now, Im not saying we should be strict monotheists, but I am saying
its an error to discount the idea of one God simply because the Jews stole our concept and perverted it. If we abandoned
everything the Jews stole we'd have nothing.
Why can't all Aryan deities, from all Aryan peoples - from Scandinavia to Persia - be represented as one ultimately good
and just God? This would allow you to continue worshiping any Aryan deities you want, as they could be seen as
individual and personable manifestations of the one God.
It doesnt matter if theres really one God or 6 gorzillion. What matters is what unites white people amidst all of this division.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:31:23 fd7754 No.8251967>>8251976 >>8251996 >>8252009 >>8253248
2005 Court Case involving Susan Alefantis and James AlefantisIt looks like he changed his name to James after 2005?
Court Case of Interest: Environmental Services v. Achilles Alefantis and Susan Alefantis
Jimmie D. Jenkins, Director, Fairfax County Department of Public Works and Environmental Services v. Achilles Alefantis
and Susan Alefantis, In Chancery No. CH-2005-0002785 (Fx. Co. Cir. Ct.) (Dranesville District)
Hope someone knows how to find out what that case was about.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:32:37 b0208d No.8251975>>8251978
File (hide): 1366fc207b884da.jpg (39.35 KB, 559x598, 43:46, 1392519536510.jpg)

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:32:42 bed398 No.8251976
File (hide): 94ef83092ca927e.jpg (39.97 KB, 400x600, 2:3, asian qt.jpg)

nice find
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:33:02 bed398 No.8251978
yeah yeah. ill make a thread on it. sorry
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:33:48 10ba06 No.8251984>>8252001
File (hide): 383d04a0872ad19.png (47.23 KB, 1045x534, 1045:534, top.png)

File (hide): 70ea2746c65abeb.jpg (211.34 KB, 1047x535, 1047:535, bottom.jpg)

So steghide was a no go.
It only seems to use .jpg .
I tried changing it from png to jpg and running the program using the file.
It brought up a password prompt and wouldn't let me enter anything in.
I brought up a separate jpg and that just seems to be what the program does when there isn't a password.
Gave the error that it couldn't succeed in extracting anything.
I've also viewed it saved as a .rar file then viewing the .rar as data.
It backs up reddit guy's claim to it being a corrupted transferred file cause at the top of the data file you can clearly see
HDR but there's no proper end to it.
So really there's no telling if there's a cause for this.
tl;dr results = inconclusive

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:36:05 fd7754 No.8251996>>8252016 >>8252032 >>8252037

File (hide): b7a9b01e81ac140.jpg (60.3 KB, 638x787, 638:787, Achilles Alefantis.jpg)

>Achilles Alefantis
This has to be his "real" first nameAchillescan someone find out the crimes??
Kablam "KaFun" thr0wpizza 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:36:09 7996b7 No.8251997>>8252081
File (hide): b9966405070bf48.jpg (1.26 MB, 1542x1042, 771:521, merek1.jpg)

File (hide): 089e49da163fdb6.jpg (174.77 KB, 535x389, 535:389, merek2.jpg)

Ok, one last thing before I work on the big dump (shills are getting ready already; notice the increase of shill posts since I
posted that I was going to post more thread #12)
Remember the kid show Kablam? Check this out SITE IS WEIRD AS FUCK!!!!
KaBlam! "KaFun!" (Found Episode of Animated Series; 1999)
The title card for the episode, the only proof of the episode's existence for a while.
The title card for the episode, the only proof of the episode's existence for a while.
Status Found

Date found 8 Dec 2015

Found by Mark Marek
Kablam! was an animated anthology series that ran on Nickelodeon from 1996 to 2000. Despite its cult following, it has
not been treated kindly by Nickelodeon over the years. Due to the many separate copyrights involved with the show,
episodes and spin-offs have been withheld from airing on Nicktoons, withheld from airing in general and withheld from
airing more than once. Among the many lost tidbits of KaBlam!, the episode "KaFun!" is possibly the most obscure
(though it has since been found, along with the rest of them).
"KaFun!" centers around Henry and June discovering they have a Japanese knock-off of their show KaBlam! called
"KaFun!" (, Kfan!) with characters called Henmi () and Jun () and proceeding to review it.
Contrary to popular belief, this episode was NOT Japan exclusive, as stated by Mark Marek (Henry and June's creator).
However, Marek did not give much information about the episode, so knowledge of what the episode actually consisted of
was previously restricted to a Japanese review with the episode's title card, as well as a short review taken from a
Nickelodeon program guide.[1]
Besides the Henry and June shorts, other segments from the episode included Action League Now! "And Justice For
None", where the League is terminated by The High Commission for Super Heroes, Prometheus and Bob "Glue", where
Prometheus tries to teach Bob about glue, Life With Loopy "Larry's Girl", in which Loopy tries to find Larry a date with a
computer matching service, the *"PIZZA ROCKET"* music video, and the Untalkative Bunny pilot, where a telemarketer
tries to sell Bunny a subscription to a local newspaper.
The episode was written by Will McRobb, Robert Mittenthal, Cote Zellers, Stephen Holman, Josephine T. Huang, Ben
Nichols, Graham Falk, and one source lists it as having aired on November 22, 1998 (though said source has other
incorrect information, and the copyright date at the end of the episode says 1999).[2]
Search & Release mirror of the episode.
Prior to 2015, a few segments of this episode had been uploaded to YouTube, but the episode had not surfaced in its
entirety. As with the other formerly-lost episodes, this led to many fans of the series setting out to track it down. During the
search, YouTube user ofthe90s claimed to be in possession of copies of this episode as well as "Just Chillin' ", but nothing
came of this. When questioned by a fan about this and "Just Chillin'," Mark Marek stated that he had all of the episodes on
Beta tapes and planned to post them all in full length on his website. However, this too seemed like an empty promise, as
he said nothing else on the matter for quite some time after the initial statement.
Due to the episode's obscurity, the search yielded very few results, and for a long time, the episode was thought to be
stuck in KaBlam! limbo. However, in December of 2015, Marek finally followed through on his promise and gradually
began posting the episodes to the KaBlam! Korner section of his website. As he was aware of the episode's rarity, Marek
included "Kafun!" in the first batch of uploads, alongside "The Henry & June Show" and the actual 29th episode of the
series (which turned out to be "Your Logo Here"). The episode has since been mirrored to other sites, eliminating the
chance of it ever becoming lost again.!_%22KaFun!%22_(Found_Episode_of_Animated_Series;_1999)
>Someone find and watch that episode while I finish up the dump for thread #12
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:37:10 fd7754 No.8252001>>8252011
What about Stegdetect?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:38:00 10ba06 No.8252009
Just a side note.
M.A.M.A.S. started in 2005 I believe.
So did that shitty band when they called themselves the apes, or rather their website did according to the way back
If we start to see co-relations to the year 2005 then we might be able to assume this shit started back then.

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:38:24 bed398 No.8252010>>8252034
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:38:28 10ba06 No.8252011>>8252081
Didn't try that one, will do so now.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:39:36 e9ffff No.8252016>>8252037
So Achilles Alefantis CHOSE to be James Alefantis?
>French for "I love the children"
>J'aime les enfants
>James Alefantis
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:41:09 bed398 No.8252022
one of his homes i think,+Washington+DC
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:42:16 fd7754 No.8252032
False Alarm
Achilles might be his Father
But why the HELL does it say David Brock is a relative???
And Darrin Bodner has the name David Brock????
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:42:30 bed398 No.8252034
is it normal to have life unclaimed life insurance money in two states?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:42:49 10ba06 No.8252037>>8252054 >>8252929
Same guy?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:42:51 4c7f6a No.8252038>>8252050
we have kek
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:42:52 2fc7fa No.8252039
Hillary Clinton regularly has exchanges with Strobe Talbott, President of Brookings Institute, a subsidiary of Tavistock.
The Hampstead victims were attending a Tavistock clinic for counseling after their mother had been beaten in front of
Hampstead victims claimed Satanic Ritual Abuse.
That is your connect the dots from Hillary to Satanic Ritual Abuse.

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:43:15 31e649 No.8252041

videotaped them in high def raping kids from Boys Town. Hi def copies and victims may exist as blackmail, possibly in
New York, tied to the best cameras military or CIA personnel had in the 80's. The Clinton Foundation is Globalization of
the pedoring funded by blackmail. The wicked Jews and wicked Masons use wicked Middrash Kabbalah tricks to use the
US to destabilize the middle east only to build the Third Temple in Jerusalem without a serious muslim threat. Plus, there's
a gay pizza shop in DC ran by sick fucks. The evidence is already out. The world needs a real story to snap it out of its
enabling slumber, like the whole 40 year Bush Dynasty on a platter.
Dark & Stormy thr0wpizza 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:43:48 7996b7 No.8252046
File (hide): 38bfc3ec44e8eed.jpg (71.7 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, ds1.jpg)

File (hide): 3ff341ced86cc0f.jpg (296.64 KB, 1145x899, 1145:899, ds2.jpg)

File (hide): 63ed5845e9459e6.jpg (275.5 KB, 716x701, 716:701, ds3.jpg)

Dark & Stormy too
1811 14th Street NW

Washington, DC 20009
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:44:06 bed398 No.8252050
File (hide): 553ac0b172ec691.png (297.47 KB, 348x405, 116:135, rare pepe.png)

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:44:24 e9ffff No.8252054>>8252101 >>8252157
Doubt it.
>Achilles L Alefantis, born 1945
He ain't that old. Ain't him.
rick james!YDpnSyWAC2 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:44:33 75f2c0 No.8252056>>8252071 >>8252081
Well, you're not wrong. Zoroastrianism is monotheistic (sort of) and predates cuckstianity and mudslimes.
I know Stephen Flowers, former pagan, has jumped on the Ahura Mazda train, but I haven't read his book yet.
Pagans may be open to your idea, but you will never in million years get cuckstians to even consider it.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:44:46 18c3cb No.8252059
>Kim Noble
>connected to tavistock
Now this, this is juicy. Post sauce pls
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:45:44 2fc7fa No.8252068>>8252081
Also, the religion you guys are looking for is the Process Church of the Final Judgment.
They worship, in a sense, Satan, Lucifer and Yahweh, believing that they all come together in Christ and not in a pretty
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:45:48 bed398 No.8252071>>8252081
>but you will never in million years get cuckstians to even consider it
yeah i know it would be hard. maybe should team up with video/media producers to make informational videos on "altright religion"

Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:48:27 e5b780 No.8252081>>8252095 >>8252173

I'm sorry I'm tired as fuck, having a hard time following your post.
Episode Henry and June is on youtube.
Also there are torrents on TPB
Please take it somewhere else.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:48:51 2fc7fa No.8252083
The Tavistock connections are all coming together.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:50:16 2fc7fa No.8252095>>8252118 >>8252153
The Process Church came from Tavistock, went to California, then Mexico, then the Bahamas and ended up in New
Orleans and is exactly the theology that fits the ritual abuse.
Fuck yourself for not understanding.
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:51:38 fd7754 No.8252101>>8252157
File (hide): ee65aad6b867fc0.jpg (36.21 KB, 801x364, 801:364, Lollis Alepantis.jpg)

Look at all the name;
Lollis Aepantis???
another pedo name
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:54:03 bed398 No.8252118
will follow up on this lead thanks anon
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:57:00 fd7754 No.8252144>>8252179
File (hide): 2860e872003a3cb.jpg (59.31 KB, 787x487, 787:487, David Brock Darrin Bodner.jpg)

Can someone view this linked in;
Greater New York City Area - Executive Deputy Secretary at Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
View Darrin Bodner's professional profile on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the Co-created the organization with the founder and
CEO, David Brock.
Darrin Bodner has the SAME name as David Brock?and is a relative of James Alefantis?
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:58:01 e5b780 No.8252153
Sorry nigger I got you mixed up with these fools spergin about Paganism n shiet
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:58:06 77c412 No.8252155>>8252173
Something I haven't seen anyone mention in that #Killroom photo is that: Jimmycomet himself tags it with #Murder in the
>jimmycomet tags that photo #murder in the comments
Anonymous 11/14/16 (Mon) 23:58:24 10ba06 No.8252157
According to this he was 37 in 2013. So that'd make him 40 this year.
Presuming this shit is accurate or fluff. Sure as fuck reads like fluff.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 00:01:03 10ba06 No.8252173>>8252205
Don't have anything that natively uses X86 do you?
To get this shit to run without a headache needs to be in linux. I'm windowsfag.
tl;dr on a 1 sentence post
Who are you quoting?
Either massive newfriend or worse. Lurk more please.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 00:02:00 e9ffff No.8252179
>He also co-created Media Matters for America and served in its senior management from its incorporation in 2003
through 2008. Before Media Matters, Bodner's experience included government, political campaigns, nonprofit and
corporate experience.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 00:04:17 a687a6 No.8252191
Kasich is known for obnoxiously eating while speaking to the press, having shit fall out of his gaping maw while talking
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 00:06:23 e5b780 No.8252205>>8252218
No sorry. However I did run that tool against IMG_4533 and got no output.

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 00:07:49 10ba06 No.8252218>>8252223

At this point i'll probably just wait for redditfag to find something. They've got a better handle on it than I apparently do.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 00:08:39 e5b780 No.8252223
To do this kind of work you need a background in crypto/forensics/image forensics.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 00:09:11 bed398 No.8252230
fuck off skid
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 00:10:25 e5b780 No.8252237
File (hide): d52adbe3ac104dd.jpg (8.76 KB, 250x250, 1:1, aintclickin.jpg)

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 00:15:30 078394 No.8252265>>8252278
This image was found in the protected part of the ping pong site, apparently. Does anyone know what the password was?
Or what the site looked like?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 00:15:35 e3e3ae No.8252268>>8252285 >>8252291
File (hide): f91f79e020d094f.jpg (399.36 KB, 808x825, 808:825, 1461890693968.jpg)

hol up
Wasn't there an instagram image about a "murder" freezer?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 00:16:03 64c989 No.8252273
Devoya Robinson owner and operator of BOAS 5 STAR ELITE CLEANERS in DC
James Alefantis owner of Comet Ping Pong
Steve/Steven Boas/Bolas co owner of B5SEC
Devoya Robinson and Steve/Steven Boas/Bolas are co plaintiffs in a lawsuit against James Alefantis and specifically
Comet Ping Pong for abuse of process that appears to pertain to a previous legal proceeding that is not public record.
The lawsuit record was in a WestLaw dump that an anon had on both John and Tony Podesta as well as Alefantis.
If this was the clean up crew for Comet Ping Pong is it possible that they found something they shouldn't have? Or figured
something out? And somehow Alefantis tried to use the legal system to get rid of them and that's why there's an abuse of
process lawsuit?
I've been trying to get someone to pick up on this for weeks with no luck. I also need help finding the WestLaw links if
anyone remembers that thread on /pol/ 4ch.
Am I crazy or should someone at least interview Devoya about her experience with them
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 00:16:44 4799e1 No.8252278>>8252296 >>8252313
File (hide): 35871959aa19fbb.jpg (173.29 KB, 1436x800, 359:200, pongPassArea.jpg)

Password is a naynay but here is what it apparently looked like.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 00:17:57 078394 No.8252285>>8252317 >>8253248
File (hide): efea791ea308f25.png (635.75 KB, 1021x646, 1021:646, Freezer room.png)

This one. Fun Isn't how I would describe one of these.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 00:18:40 0203bc No.8252291>>8252317
Oh, you mean the #killroom? That's up here.
thr0wpizza 11/15/16 (Tue) 00:19:44 7996b7 No.8252296>>8252325
Fucking nice job!
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 00:21:36 2d20e2 No.8252308>>8252324 >>8252349
File (hide): 43c1d169af1cf40.png (27.45 KB, 500x478, 250:239, 2daaf13f5cc59d5a6de44f3321.png)

Hey, so this >>8250040 thread just got bumplocked...

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 00:22:09 078394 No.8252313>>8252325
More passwords. Oh well. It's better than nothing.
Can't help but wonder what those are. Sure as shit doesn't look like the secret recipe.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 00:23:07 e3e3ae No.8252317
Yeah that's the one.
>Fun Isn't how I would describe one of these.
It's a fact that doing "#killroom" related activities is fun for Jimmy, who runs a (((completely innocent family friendly

rick james!YDpnSyWAC2 11/15/16 (Tue) 00:24:14 75f2c0 No.8252324>>8252349

Mods compromised.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 00:24:24 4799e1 No.8252325
I am not the anon who found it. Just reposting from 4/pol/ / plebbit.
Yeah exactly It's not normal at all. A bunch of archive files that need DL keys, non of which have identifiable names.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 00:29:14 e5b780 No.8252349

Include in next thread plz

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 00:31:03 a687a6 No.8252354
File (hide): 60af7f502807639.png (227.8 KB, 858x725, 858:725, reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.png)

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 00:54:48 2a8c44 No.8252454>>8252524
sorry for my ignorance anons, but what does HD stand for?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 00:56:30 19a9f4 No.8252464

[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

thr0wpizza 11/15/16 (Tue) 00:57:14 7996b7 No.8252471>>8252528

File (hide): b1dcd25b22ef918.jpg (132.15 KB, 530x268, 265:134, mario.jpg)

Probably another hour at this rate
While we're waiting for this thread to end, does anyone want to comment about what they're looking into?
Any new finds?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 00:57:15 76a97f No.8252472
File (hide): b101754d6c7a5c6.png (77.19 KB, 400x400, 1:1, mikd33.png)

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 01:06:39 64c989 No.8252522>>8253201

I think I found Comet Ping Pongs former cleaner who is now suing Alefantis and Comet
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 01:07:00 35d163 No.8252524
hard drive faggot

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 01:07:40 64c989 No.8252528>>8252561 >>8252626 >>8253248
Devoya Robinson owner and operator of BOAS 5 STAR ELITE CLEANERS in DC
James Alefantis owner of Comet Ping Pong
Steve/Steven Boas/Bolas co owner of B5SEC
Devoya Robinson and Steve/Steven Boas/Bolas are co plaintiffs in a lawsuit against James Alefantis and specifically
Comet Ping Pong for abuse of process that appears to pertain to a previous legal proceeding that is not public record.
The lawsuit record was in a WestLaw dump that an anon had on both John and Tony Podesta as well as Alefantis.
If this was the clean up crew for Comet Ping Pong is it possible that they found something they shouldn't have? Or figured
something out? And somehow Alefantis tried to use the legal system to get rid of them and that's why there's an abuse of
process lawsuit?
I've been trying to get someone to pick up on this for weeks with no luck. I also need help finding the WestLaw links if
anyone remembers that thread on /pol/ 4ch.
Am I crazy or should someone at least interview Devoya about her experience with them
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 01:11:36 b6e2f7 No.8252554>>8252567 >>8252596 >>8252606
File (hide): f054dea8b4ce0de.jpg (204.05 KB, 1280x1192, 160:149, 1387492538876.jpg)

>not mention of Transformer DC

you goyim are so blind.
thr0wpizza 11/15/16 (Tue) 01:12:45 7996b7 No.8252561

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 01:13:36 10ba06 No.8252567>>8252596

Archives please. Peerblock goes apeshit on that site. Don't wanna click em.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 01:19:25 b6e2f7 No.8252596>>8252606
nobody cares about ur peerblock u autist. if you want a proxy use it's literally a VM with firefox in the
browser in le cloud.
> text dump:
> gallery:
> 23. Heather and Tony Podesta
>The ultimate Democratic power couple, with his-and-hers lobbying shops that have raked in a combined $90 million
since Obama entered the White House. According to their critics, neither one knows a thing about policy. But they do
know Democratic politiciansand they raise a ton of money for them. Which means that they can get their clients
(including BP and Google for him; Eli Lilly and U.S. Steel for her) into the office of any important Democrat in town.
Indeed, the Podestas might have just as much on the line this November as Obama and Harry Reid do.
>49. James Alefantis, Restaurateur and Bon Vivant
>Liberal twentysomethings in khakis drink beer and eat pizza at Alefantis-owned Comet Ping Pong. More established
progressives wine and dine next door at Alefantis-owned Buck's Fishing Camping. Alefantis is also the board president of
Transformer, the contemporary art gallery that shamed the Smithsonian for removing an installation offensive to rightwingers. When it comes to D.C. radical chic, Alefantis is unsurpassed. If you don't know him, you aren't wearing your scarf
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 01:21:14 10ba06 No.8252606
ffs, here then.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 01:21:28 dfd5ea No.8252607>>8252673
I'll just leave this here.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 01:25:05 807072 No.8252620
In the Netherlands a important figure arrived by train with a teddy bear in his hand. Same night a boy vanished. He was
found the next day in a rally small park. Supposedly hanged himself on a tree smaller then himself in a small park which
had been searched by a bunch of people with dogs a few hours before he was found. Lot of fuzz about it, however never
been investigated seriously by journalist. Someone suggested then that if important people arrive with a teddy bear they
ask for a child
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 01:27:01 fd7754 No.8252626>>8252708 >>8252718 >>8252730
Enter his name here;

James Alefantis DC courts.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 01:27:05 9c78f9 No.8252627
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 01:28:15 499484 No.8252637>>8252645 >>8252658
I am getting the new thread prepped, plan on sleeping before post cap is hit. Please link me things (archives) you think
should be included in the new threads header post. I'm thinking a people/site's of interest section should be included.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 01:30:41 10ba06 No.8252645>>8253248
M.A.M.A.S. for sure needs to be included in sites of interest due to the DoJ link for the web designer and the pic of James
Childlover in it.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 01:32:15 2a8c44 No.8252650>>8252667
The catholic church is well-known for child trafficking and satan worship. The pope literally rapes a child to death as part
of his ritual to become pope.
>a few years ago some nuns were chopping up babies in canada and throwing them in the sewer (it was all over /pol/ for
a bit)
>check out ittcs .org. They have some good info.
thr0wpizza 11/15/16 (Tue) 01:33:43 7996b7 No.8252658
Give it a title about "Magic"
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 01:36:08 ae496d No.8252663>>8252669 >>8252677
File (hide): a269a9ee944f8e2.jpg (49.26 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 3a72651baecd7915005d5e455a.jpg)

I am a pagan because I think monotheism is a Jesuit idea.
Do you have a point of contention that it is not?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 01:37:23 d676ad No.8252667
Don't you mean ?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 01:37:45 bed398 No.8252669

this is the wrong thread for the discussion, so ill only direct you to >>8251956
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 01:39:20 b0208d No.8252673
>summaries and archive link would be appreciated
Trafficked children and unaccompanied child asylum seekers are going missing from UK care homes at "an alarmingly
high rate", two charities have said.
Almost 600 children disappeared last year, with more than 200 still missing, ECPAT UK and Missing People said.
The charities called on the UK government and local authorities to reform the child protection system.
The Department for Education said it had commissioned "specialist training" for those caring for the children.
The two charities collected the latest annual figures provided to them by more than 200 local authorities across the UK.
'National disgrace'
The study, which will be presented in parliament later, found 167 children - more than a quarter of all trafficked children in
the UK care system - went missing at least once in the 12 months to September 2015.
It found some 593 unaccompanied children in the UK - 13% of the total number - also disappeared at least once.
Of those, 207 trafficked and unaccompanied children have not been found.
Charities say the figures reveal a "deeply concerning" inconsistency in identifying and recording information on vulnerable
They say the figures suggest the UK's child protection response was "inadequate" and the system has left children
vulnerable to being trafficked again and open to abuse.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 01:39:57 f6f340 No.8252677
File (hide): fba1b7b595fec42.jpg (90.01 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, lamb-9.jpg)

There's nothing more that jews hate than Jesus Christ. Since He has literally taken away their rights to be "God's
Chosen", by giving it to pagans too.
This is why they still wait for their own messiah.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 01:40:32 e4be43 No.8252678
I noticed something in a Podesta email:
"Last day in MV. Missed you. Susan whipped Sherry and me at Dominos. Using the Podesta method, she made up the
rules as we played."
That's from Herb Podesta. Apparently, he and his wife and some person (maybe a child) named Sherry engaged in some
kind of domination play or something.
What/where is MV, though? After looking into these people for so long, maybe we're now able to start tying up a few loose
ends from the emails.

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 01:48:01 dfcf39 No.8252708>>8252737

File (hide): 6d5f6ba150fefa3.jpg (572.78 KB, 1536x2049, 512:683, image.jpg)

I found that lawsuit but couldn't understand what it was about.>>8252626
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 01:51:21 64c989 No.8252718
Thanks. This Has Moreno detail than original I had.
Looks like Devoya got heavily out lawyered and there is on event stricken from the record. Alefantis motioned for
dismissal right away and then it looks like ignored his summons as long as possible? Not sure if I'm interpreting that right
or not. Either way whatever it was got shot the fuck down real fast
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 01:53:16 fd7754 No.8252730>>8252744 >>8252751
Search also "Bucks Fishing" he has an open case where he owes 25,000 to a cleaning company MaidPro Adams
Morganand they go to court dec 16 2016
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 01:54:23 64c989 No.8252737
My understanding is that Abuse of Process is a charge that only exists in Tort law so that's the direction at least
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 01:57:39 64c989 No.8252744>>8252790
Weird this guy has a history of ripping off Cleaning companies?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 01:59:53 64c989 No.8252751
Appears James Vito sued in 2004
Plumber AC guy out of DC
Anyone have any idea when Comet Ping Pong was started up? Maybe Vito helped with install of weird freezers/kiddie
chambers at Comet?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 02:06:13 2fc7fa No.8252769
Godspeed, /pol/adins.
It's a sick fucking world.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 02:07:09 2fc7fa No.8252774
Oh yeah
keep an eye out for connections to funeral homes
a couple of peds have been caught before working simultaneously in pizza shops and funeral homes
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 02:08:28 cf7941 No.8252777>>8252786 >>8252799 >>8252845
You might actually be stumbling on someone in a child pornography unit looking into these people and posting honeypot

Everyone needs to read this post

To be frank, I used to work on a weird foodie farm. The owner used to groom highschool students to be his gay love boys
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 02:12:25 e3e3ae No.8252786
File (hide): fc35465730be9c6.png (44.29 KB, 263x263, 1:1, meme beyond.png)


Everybody needs to check those trips

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 02:13:03 3718d9 No.8252788>>8252991
Thanks anon, this could be a great resource for organizing if any fucks decide to work together. I'm in.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 02:13:05 d0e89c No.8252789>>8252792 >>8252806 >>8252830
File (hide): 4dc1f1ca08052d7.png (28.15 KB, 200x200, 1:1, 10991406_912653458769434_6.png)

There's a lead on Boston Pizza from a Reddit thread linked below. They've got a pedo symbol in the logo and are involved
in a few children's charities.
Official Website: https://
Reddit (in the comments): https://
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 02:13:15 fd7754 No.8252790>>8252816
Whats weird is he would trust this maid service to clean his companywhat if they saw something they shouldnt have?
they must be "the cleaners".
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 02:13:45 fd7754 No.8252792
Jesus christ.
You know it.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 02:15:37 13030c No.8252798>>8252822
Read this thread it names lots
Huge Multilead need more eyes. hundreds of names and leads. transport used etc. Dig dig dig**
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 02:15:38 8228d8 No.8252799
>You might actually be stumbling on someone in a child pornography unit looking into these people and posting honeypot
Checked. I was wondering that too but why would he openly have DOJ on his LI? at least get a cover if you're going
undercover pedo-ring work.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 02:16:12 0f60b3 No.8252802>>8252823
So I don't know if this has been explored and I don't want to add information that you already have. I have much on Walt
Disney and more about mind control
thr0wpizza 11/15/16 (Tue) 02:16:39 7996b7 No.8252806>>8252835
File (hide): 9b847575c088f64.png (126.83 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 1024px-Boston_Pizza.svg.png)

File (hide): 017b1eb680b817c.jpg (626.89 KB, 2038x850, 1019:425, BostonPizzakids.jpg)

File (hide): 3be0b96d05f1edf.jpg (39.94 KB, 869x208, 869:208, bpcorporate-header-image-2.jpg)

I posted BP stuff earlier in thread #10
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 02:18:59 570bf7 No.8252816>>8252980
It's pretty clear everyone involved in this is, at the very least, over-confident of their ability to hide things.
It seems more likely that they hired a maid service because "we're so rich and smart, those stupid Filipinos will never find
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 02:19:21 fd7754 No.8252819>>8252861
File (hide): fcd9ce815ae2619.png (252.92 KB, 1050x600, 7:4, BBS_UPKids_tr.png)

File (hide): c5b60f5402cbc44.png (32.65 KB, 866x779, 866:779, BBBS Logo Final.png)

Big Brothers Big Sisters

thr0wpizza 11/15/16 (Tue) 02:19:53 7996b7 No.8252822>>8252846
I'm about to drop pictures and names (with proof) of 100% confirmed pedos connected to Washington DC. A whole new
subsect of people to look through. We've already looked through pizza places, midwives, daycares, baby fashion, and
more, but we haven't touched on this one particular niche with hundreds of pedos involvedand linked to the
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 02:19:55 e3e3ae No.8252823
If you think that it's relevant or linked in any way to CPP then post it.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 02:21:10 8228d8 No.8252830
Boston Pizza is a Canadian resto chain started by a Jim Treliving, a respected Canadian entrepreneur.
Not every place a kid can possibly eat at is a pedophile ring op lol.
Comet Ping Pong, on the other hand is creepy as fuck and lots of evidence points towards it. Plus J'ames L'efants acts
like a giant kid
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 02:21:31 18c3cb No.8252831

[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hey guys if you wanna delve deep into Tavistock/Mkultra I'd suggest this:
I think we should Use the Brain database to document our findings. Vid related is a tutorial. If you go through the mkultra
brain database I linked I think you'll agree that this could be a very useful tool to document all the pizza happenings.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 02:21:59 499484 No.8252835>>8252839 >>8253108
I find this connection questionable. Boston Pizza is a pretty huge franchise (over 350 locations). I've eaten there plenty
and it's very normal. Could be though, I guess.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 02:22:45 8228d8 No.8252839
BP is more like a bistro/sports bar. There isn't a "kids" area. The only "kids" thing about it is the Kids menu.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 02:23:55 b0208d No.8252845>>8252891
File (hide): e2bc5d56af6e2f9.jpg (43.85 KB, 480x480, 1:1, Eat the Pain zoom.jpg)

File (hide): 685ab691840104e.jpg (14.27 KB, 399x292, 399:292, HILLARY-CLINTON-SATAN-WIT.jpg)

File (hide): 1e3c08b127df44f.jpg (73.1 KB, 630x400, 63:40, lady_gaga_hilary_clinton.jpg)

File (hide): 511887720c000ee.png(2.27 MB, 1200x1826, 600:913, MarinaPedoFile.png)

bit more to it than that, i'd say.

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 02:23:56 499484 No.8252846>>8252858

Wait 20 minutes for new thread maybe.
thr0wpizza 11/15/16 (Tue) 02:26:53 7996b7 No.8252858
Most definitely.
Still waiting. No rush.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 02:27:09 fd7754 No.8252861
If this is real then it goes deep
Bigs In Blue
Bigs in Blue
Bigs in Blue is an innovative initiative which grants paid time off to
St. Louis police officers to support area youth. This program is a joint effort involving the St. Louis Metropolitan Police
Department (SLMPD), Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Missouri (BBBSEMO) and the St. Louis Public Schools. We
know that this new program, focused on the citys littlest citizens, will have a big impact on the entire community.
How the Program Came to Be
The idea for the program originated with St. Louis Police Chief Dan Isom who reached out to Big Brothers Big Sisters and
the city schools with a proposal for a collaborative effort. Once the Board of Police Commissioners gave its stamp of
approval, Bigs in Blue was officially born. The police department has a longstanding partnership with BBBS and had been
searching for a program that would enable us to reach even more children, said Chief Isom. The Bigs in Blue program is
another great opportunity for officers to build meaningful relationships with area children.
Nothing will be done about it and why nothing hasthey get the law enforcement involved.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 02:28:14 68fbc4 No.8252865>>8252872
WHO is Hugh Mugus??? Search is not turning any hits up for that name.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 02:29:06 499484 No.8252872
My. Fucking. Sides.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 02:32:17 cf7941 No.8252891
I completely understand that there is
just giving my thoughts on some of the minor details
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 02:40:56 18c3cb No.8252929>>8253012
File (hide): de3a25fc2dd9fc5.png (101.96 KB, 920x561, 920:561, Screen Shot 2016-11-15 at .png)

found him on fb combing through his friends list right now. This person is forsure a relative of James Alefantis but Idk if its
a dad or something
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 02:47:53 9733cd No.8252956>>8252965 >>8253248
Hi guys. I'm the anon who first brought up Kim Noble (and her art) and Cathy O'Brien (and her testimony of being an
mkultra presidential model who was raped by Hillary) in the earlier 'gate threads.
I only brought up these examples because Noble's art showing the dissociation of children during abuse mirrored the
artwork by Sasha Lord Presents, and because I believe the SRA/Satanic/Occult angle ties directly back to
MKUltra/Project Monarch. I have zero clue whether there is anything more to the occult angle than it being used as fearful
symbology to imprint upon the abused children/worsen their trauma, or how it ties into Spirit Cooking (other than the
obvious shared symbology/aspects).
The abuse of O'Brien and Noble happened a long time ago. I do not believe there are links between them and the current
Comet investigation, I just wanted to make people more aware of the background of the elite pedophile circles and the
topic of SRA inducing DID, in case it might help put new evidence into context. Furthermore, I also reminded people of the
Dutroux Affair, Franklin case, Boystown, Presidio Day Care and Michael Aquino.
I do believe this is all related in terms of history/longevity/elites/techniques, but I do not hold any hope that digging into
these older cases will reveal anything more than (possibly) links to more names who may still be active in those circles.
I'm not saying it's a dead-end, but that my initial reason for bringing it up was only to provide context.
I do not personally know how Tavistock fits into all this, but if it's related to both Stratfor and the Hampstead cover-ups,
then my gut says there's likely something there.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 02:51:31 18c3cb No.8252965
I thought Lord used one of Kims art pieces for her band promotion or whatever
Walt Disney Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 02:51:38 0f60b3 No.8252966>>8253043 >>8253248
Through Catherine O'Brien, who claims she was assaulted by Hillary Clinton, said that her torture had satanic rituals
attached to it. I decided to dig into the rituals and found information about how Disney movies are used to help with MIND
CONTROL (there is another blog going about this, but I have not read it, YET).
So there is something called DREAM INVADERS and it is used to help understand the mind control process. There were
many websites that included Walt Disney with this material, but the websites are now blocked.
I don't know how much more to give you, I am totally new to 8chan. It was this story that made me want to dig, I HAVE TO
KNOW, for myself. And I want to help if I can.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 02:53:10 b6e2f7 No.8252973
but that's gary 'cuck' johnson?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 02:54:11 8f6961 No.8252980

more like they think they have such a huge backup of corrupt fucks behind their backs they think nothing will happen to
them even if this shit gets out. They're in for a rude awakening.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 02:54:23 0f60b3 No.8252981
Sorry should have read the recent stuff first. I was smoking (I know shame shame)
InvestigativeTripcode!!dSB0MDnim6 11/15/16 (Tue) 02:55:47 e4be43 No.8252991>>8253045
I added a list of suspicious Podesta emails with weird excerpts quoted to the wiki. A next step (in my mind) would be to
document the link between Podesta and Alefantis, then Alefantis and Comet, then Alefantis/Comet and all sorts of weird
Any and all help appreciated, anons. We will stop these people. Deus vult!
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 02:57:13 0f60b3 No.8252999
My prediction is that Podesta and James (pizza guy) will end up taking the fall if this becomes too big to ignore.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 03:00:57 18c3cb No.8253012>>8253039 >>8253110 >>8253112
File (hide): c3c0842eee92c2d.png (207.07 KB, 1034x610, 517:305, Screen Shot 2016-11-15 at .png)

File (hide): df403d610bd005d.png (112.91 KB, 715x486, 715:486, Screen Shot 2016-11-15 at .png)

File (hide): 9aa5e66d4cb7ee5.png (329.87 KB, 1725x537, 575:179, Screen Shot 2016-11-15 at .png)

Lee Alefantis is friends with James Alefantis on his facebook so he is related forsure, I think it's his father. Lee is also
friends with this kike named Donald Kohnstamm. I'm not certain but I think he's related to Max Kohnstamm who,
according to wikipedia is a member of the Trilateral Commission. I think we should dig into this more
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 03:03:05 0f60b3 No.8253024

MK Ultra celebrity princesses: Angelina Jolie, Demi Lovato, Britney Spears(a little obvious right, she's was a shit show for
a hot minute), Miley Cyrus, Nicole Kidman, Halle Berry, Madonna (they say to replace Marilyn Monroe), Catherine Zeta
Jones, Julia Roberts, and Nicki Minaj.
I'm sure there is more, but this was the top ten according to
Pizza Peel & Tap Room thr0wpizza 11/15/16 (Tue) 03:05:36 7996b7 No.8253038>>8253065
File (hide): a262029bd34c228.jpg (489.22 KB, 1089x726, 3:2, tap2.jpg)

File (hide): cd72ce6a92ec19e.jpg (553.34 KB, 907x687, 907:687, tap1.jpg)

File (hide): 4afb71310cf106e.jpg (377.76 KB, 1117x632, 1117:632, tap3.jpg)

File (hide): d28d7b5d65afd8e.jpg (418.11 KB, 984x748, 246:187, tap4.jpg)

File (hide): b03b60260a32008.jpg (289.17 KB, 940x634, 470:317, tap5.jpg)

One last pizza place before this thread is over. Still waiting for thread #12.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 03:05:44 18c3cb No.8253039>>8253112
Lee alefantis friends list
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 03:06:44 48c827 No.8253043
If you are not familiar with 8ch, you can go to reddit to help some of the investigations there.
There needs to be a masterlist of other forums helping out with this.
InvestigativeTripcode!!dSB0MDnim6 11/15/16 (Tue) 03:06:51 e4be43 No.8253045
Before anyone else works on the wiki, I should warn you: whatever IP you're using when you edit will be made publicly
available in the revision history. Thus, if you're paranoid, like me, you should always use Tor or some sort of proxy when
editing this wiki.
thr0wpizza 11/15/16 (Tue) 03:07:09 7996b7 No.8253047
File (hide): cbb617ccf5e7069.jpg (247.55 KB, 743x721, 743:721, tap6.jpg)

File (hide): 5535ed29c874b28.jpg(521.35 KB, 748x968, 17:22, tap7.jpg)

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 03:10:20 a04abe No.8253060

>Those paintings are older than Comet Pizza, read a bit dude.
You can't seriously be this thick.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 03:10:57 9b2aef No.8253063
Ive mentioned it before but the clip from >>8240939 reminds me of the x-dossiers. Everyone is involved, police , royalty,
gov ppl etc and they are being blackmailed by a network.
see >>8225576
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 03:11:08 b6e2f7 No.8253065
>kids eat free
reminds me of those nightclubs that have ladies nights giving free drinks to sluts. cheap b8.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 03:18:12 64c989 No.8253089
Any research on how psycho or sociopaths respond to hypnosis brainwashing etc?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 03:23:17 54ccfe No.8253105>>8253116
File (hide): 18281e412769b66.png (767.69 KB, 1280x1172, 320:293, 1450494633841.png)

Guys you said 2 hours for a new thread, it's been 4 hours already. PLEASE make a new thread, I want thr0wpizza's

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 03:23:49 4cb1ab No.8253108>>8253134 >>8253138 >>8253155

File (hide): 75c7eff14a22890.jpg (33.53 KB, 575x175, 23:7, egyptiangods.jpg)

Most of you might not be ready to hear this but we might be dealing with non human entities that have specialty places to
eat around the world and whats in their food(pizza) is made from human flesh and blood.
Everyone is looking to the skies for the aliens, but they are already here among us and have been for thousands of years
and have been using advanced technology to keep us stupid and asleep to put it bluntly.
Now shills will attack this post because this is the next step in your understanding and your evolution. The "Satanic" part
of this is just a ruse to hide the fact that these creatures NEED and crave human flesh.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 03:23:51 18c3cb No.8253110>>8253112 >>8253238
[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Donald Kohnstamm who may be the son of Max Kohnstamm is friends with Lee Alefantis on facebook. I didn't even read
through my own screenshots from wikipedia I just fucking noticed that Max Kohnstamm wasn't just on the Trilateral
Commission but he is also part of the Bildeberg group and THE CLUB OF ROME
>He was a member of the Club of Rome global think-tank, being one of the six member "inner group" at the time its
influential work the Limits to Growth was published.
You guys realize that all this Tavistock shit you talk about was documented by Dr. John Coleman. He wrote the Aquarian
conspiracy, and he also has a whole book strictly about the CLUB OF ROME, and this dude was in the upper echelon of
that shit!
like shit, I don't even like using the term "illuminati" because its fucking gay but this kike is literally an illuminati tier jew
who's son is friends with Alefantis father
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 03:25:45 18c3cb No.8253112

thr0wpizza 11/15/16 (Tue) 03:26:32 7996b7 No.8253116>>8253135 >>8253147
Almost there. Like 20 more replies.
I'm still pumping out info tooHaven't stopped!
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 03:34:02 570bf7 No.8253134
Interesting theory, you should keep digging into it and update us if you find any hard evidence to link it into the current
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 03:35:09 499484 No.8253135>>8253163
bro this is fucked I'm not gonna sleep tonight
Hey can I get some names of people that should be mentioned in the titlepost I have the most obvious: Arun, James and
Susan Alefantis, Kev Reynolds, F Giustra
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 03:35:51 cc42ff No.8253138
File (hide): 3344796af0e0b31.jpg (182.14 KB, 1514x1053, 1514:1053, CT001.JPG)

Might tie in with this email which I dismissed as /x/ shit
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 03:39:39 54ccfe No.8253147
You're doing God's work, namefag.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 03:43:11 18c3cb No.8253155>>8253162 >>8253246 >>8253248
I literally linked Alefantis father with arch-jews who run the fucking Trilateral Commission and shit and not even a single
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 03:44:45 bed398 No.8253162>>8253275
watching video m8. its over an hour long
thr0wpizza 11/15/16 (Tue) 03:44:46 7996b7 No.8253163>>8253185 >>8253195

Nothing connected to any of those people in particular (just US Government), though it couldn't hurt to make those names
more public. The people whom I have found are the people that those people deal with and hire. I'm sure as soon as I
post what I found everyone is just going to shrug and move right along.
The right people will see it though, and it will lead to these people getting incriminated in some way or another.
I mean, I'm not looking for some ultra justice power boner or anything. I know very little is going to happen. We are in way
over our heads. The powers that be are way too powerful for us to have the impact that we want, BUT we do have SOME
KIND of impact, and that is all I am going for.
If me posting one of these pedos names out there on the internet ruins his career or makes someone question him/her, I
feel as if I have done my duty. Of course I would love it even more if these people were investigated and arrested, but we
all know that is not going to happen, at least not on the scale we want.
Too many important people involved. Too many people turning a blind eye. It's how it's always worked and how it will
continue to work.
We won't win, but we sure as hell are exposing something, even if for posterity's sake.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 03:52:05 48c827 No.8253185>>8253195
We'll win. It's the beginning of the end for them.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 03:53:52 499484 No.8253195
I agree with >>8253185
We'll win, but we have to play a longer game. This has been like a week and so much work has been done, so many
anons and plebbit fags have been united under this banner.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 03:54:27 0f60b3 No.8253200
Hollywood Sex Slaves?
Project Monarch Beta (MK Ultra) seeks kids who have been abused by a family members at a young age. Dissociative
Identity Disorder is needed for complete mind control. Sexual abuse at a young age and satanic rituals help create DID.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 03:54:37 c8105e No.8253201
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 03:55:50 13030c No.8253208
Any established links to SOS children's villages international?
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 04:04:06 d9bb2d No.8253238
Heres a You for you.
Keep up the good work. Theres a billion people reading this.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 04:07:01 8f6961 No.8253246
we're getting shilled by having too many potential leads dropped that go nowhere, like /x/-tier ayylmao faggotry that could
safely be investigated at a much later date. That's how digs usually go though, don't get discouraged anon

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 04:07:07 129b75 No.8253248>>8253258

Anon who linked MAMAS Midwives with GrandpaJimmy/JimmyCometwhich led to ANOTHER DoJ link
So- They are breeding their victims. Totally inline with Satanic Ritual Abuse, btw. And matches th #Breeders porn uplooad
found in Tumblr. They dont grab kids anymore. They make them. That means medical supplies, amd MEDICAL WASTE.
Also- when you realize they are International Pedophile Canabilistic Jew Powerbrokersit makes every crazy satanic
They RUN the DOJ.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 04:09:19 129b75 No.8253258
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 04:10:27 499484 No.8253261>>8253265 >>8253269
Ok well we are almost there so I am making this post to put us one step closer so I can make the new thread.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 04:11:44 54ccfe No.8253265>>8253274
File (hide): efce80ad6fde8a5.jpg (15.96 KB, 435x269, 435:269, ayyooo.jpg)

Let me help you.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 04:12:16 8f6961 No.8253269>>8253274
Sure, have a (you), waiting for the new thread/new info.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 04:12:59 499484 No.8253274
File (hide): e2111728bac6f8e.jpeg (19.29 KB, 480x360, 4:3, basedMDE.jpeg)

Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 04:13:01 18c3cb No.8253275>>8253281 >>8253283
I'm crossposting all my shit over about alefantis dad because I think it's hella important and I wan't help digging into his
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 04:14:45 bed398 No.8253281
is an interesting video. definitely a lead. nice job
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 04:15:34 499484 No.8253283
K it's up
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 12:39:38 6776ab No.8267499
I opened it, the xls file is empty.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 12:49:39 42b24d No.8267608
I guess these threads are fucked now. Thanks normies and shills.
plebbit has doubts about the latest wikileaks releases because of mismatching hashes. They believe it might be a 3rd
party releasing files now, bait files like the one with the Italian conversation about nothing yet labeled "child sex" for
seemingly no reason. The reason might be to make you a target if you have a file named like that on your hd.

File (hide): be744df0ce41851.png (4.72 MB, 1239x6713, 177:959, do not forget 34a66c.png)

PING PONG: What Is The Score Edition Anonymous 11/11/16 (Fri)
07:21:51 1973af No.8198337>>8198865 >>8265915 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]
ITT: We continue to follow the investigate the circle of pedophiles operating behind the front of a Pizza Joint, research
steganography, sniff out Comet Ping Pong leads, and connect it all to Molesta.
Thread 1: (Dr. Pong)
Thread 2: (Comet Ping Pong)
Thread 3:
Thread 4: (His Name was 34a66c)
Original SLC DayCare thread:
Less /x/, more grinding.
help us decypher files related
Find out podesta's location on the day of McCann's disappearance. His first email in the WikiLeaks dump is the day after
she disappeared.
Investigate locations in person, if you have balls
Anonymous 11/11/16 (Fri) 07:23:32 44a106 No.8198352>>8198384 >>8198466 >>8198851 >>8198928
Go back to cuckchan. Sage.
Anonymous 11/11/16 (Fri) 07:24:25 1973af No.8198361
Fuck forgot the posts from last thread
Anonymous 11/11/16 (Fri) 07:28:25 c49dd3 No.8198384>>8198446
>that fist post
Every time /pol/
Anonymous 11/11/16 (Fri) 07:28:57 1973af No.8198388>>8201588 >>8217341
I rushed this OP to avoid losing momentum, the other threads are inadequate in my opinion and I'm fucking up.
Jesus fucking christ. This guy posted a video of Comet Ping Pong back in 2007 and was getting gaslit to fuck in the video
comments. It's so fucking obvious.
>Yonas Hassen 8 years ago
>Only a massive imbecile would believe that outdoor ping-pong poses any threat to pedestrians or otherwise. Mr
Winstead is obviously a moronic ass to have pursued this with any level of seriousness.
>Jody Gale 8 years ago
>Frank should probobly do us all a favor and find that fat ANC broad from cleveland park and jump off the key bridge
>Michael Claudio 8 years ago
>Winstead, people like you are one reason why I will never live in Washington, DC. Thanks to you, I can't sit outside on
nice days and enjoy my coffee at Marvelous Market, right next door to the evil Ping Pong place. Why don't you go do
some real good, and go help people in a place like Myanmar? Then maybe you would do us all a real big favor by
catching some rare tropical disease, and then die a slow painful death. Thanks for being such a douchebag.
The fucks knew all along what Frank Winstead was trying to film. They were gaslighting the guy bad.
Anonymous 11/11/16 (Fri) 07:32:23 928ab5 No.8198413>>8198606 >>8266676
i think the most important thing right now is getting newfags up to speed again. i've seen a lot of confusion, memoryholing, and d&c tactics in these threads. dont lose momentum! 34 is counting on you! and newfags i'm working on it.
Anonymous 11/11/16 (Fri) 07:35:09 44a106 No.8198446>>8198466 >>8198851 >>8198928
4 threads of it's fucking nothing already. This is the same shilling that went about when Assange's internet got cut. A wild
goose chase designed to slide the catalog. This is too smart for CTR, this is Mossad-level shit.
Kill yourself kike. Saged and reported.
Anonymous 11/11/16 (Fri) 07:37:56 dabd3d No.8198466>>8198606
>satanic rituals are nothing to be concerned by, goy
>talking about renting pizza means exactly that, renting pizza for an hour in your stomach and regurgitating it back
You seem frustrated.
Anonymous 11/11/16 (Fri) 07:50:36 928ab5 No.8198587>>8198879
i personally redid the crosschecking of pizza and comet with the podesta leaks and created a pastebin of it for people just
now getting into this. also threw all the archives in there together for easy viewing, but im missing the really old pedowood
threads. from here i'll have to expand into comet, besta, and terasol. any info dumps or you guys have would be
Anonymous 11/11/16 (Fri) 07:51:04 c0915a No.8198590>>8198879
Link to zip of old an old pedo wood thread. Not sure if it helps, but someone requested it so here it is.
Anonymous 11/11/16 (Fri) 07:52:52 990a1a No.8198606>>8198647 >>8198879
What the hell are you even talking about? There is no momentum, we haven't uncovered any new info in a couple days.

You're ignoring the fact that THESE THREADS ARE TALKING ABOUT A BUNCH OF BULLSHIT like fake .JPGs and
completely unrelated false leads
LARPers have taken over completely
Anonymous 11/11/16 (Fri) 07:56:21 dabd3d No.8198647
and that means you'd rather just stop the threads completely rather than try to refocus them? Suspicious, schlomo
Ernst Markus Stein / diychurch Anonymous 11/11/16 (Fri) 08:00:13 de7ead No.8198689
was this second page of diychurch discussed yet?
-> (some art of his)
>this is the hompage of Ernst Markus Stein. He was born in 1984, studied art under various teachers & schools and
finished in 2009 his official studies. Since than he is trying to figure out how to make use of what he learned and the stuff
he believs in. Meanwhile he spends a lot of time on an elite imageboard (some sort of surf club) called and is
also a loose member of the IRC Jollo network. From around 2006-2010 he was involved in a group called the
"Glasinstiut". A small collective of people organising all sorts of events and happenings. Some of his energy went in the
PW Verlag / Perferdewurst Verlag. All this efforts resulted in this video. He became sad again around 2012 and is now still
in the process of recovering (healing crisis). Nevertheless here is a record of some of his efforts to contribute something to
the world. This text was last edited 01.04.2016
apparently a German. from google: (some performance of him) (an exhibition)
i'd say some depressive psycho-artist
Anonymous 11/11/16 (Fri) 08:18:24 b64d7e No.8198851>>8198857
>trying to fit in this bad
Fuck off, pedo faggot kike.
Anonymous 11/11/16 (Fri) 08:19:00 990a1a No.8198857>>8198913
More nothing. When you get called out for the fact you have literally no info and no brains, you just get mad.
Anonymous 11/11/16 (Fri) 08:19:25 e525cd No.8198865>>8198943
>>8198337 (OP)
So I gave it a shot, there are two players that are interesting. Ruben Mara & Bob Mara, aliases, I believe all these players
are aliases and the jerseys could be their franchises or organizations. It's impossible to draw connections unless we find
out who the aliases are, which is suspect because he links them to jerseys which have numbers. Unless the numbers are
significant in their circles to specific people pre-determined prior the post it might be encrypted enough to solve. I suspect
it to be somewhere.

Ways (Jerry Reese) said that (gambling) meant for good results through staff co-owner (Ruben Mara) to (gambling) roster
lost believably (jersey). (Jerry Reese) seems to have changed your partners roster-building philosophies so they can
harden the (teams) foundation.
As few as 24 times, subsequent to viewing your (gambling) surface which consists of instantly sacrificing a year or so
without getting (playoff berth [Olivier Vernon]) all the unpleasantness relating to (Gambling chief executive) together with
(CEO [Bob Maras]) are up against wasn't really difficult to make sure you forget.
Lets end up being frank, we've shed numerous rankings as (a possible corporation), she or he explained (bob maras)
explained to put together media channels. When you are up against loads of criticism, plenty of it warranted. It's about us
all nowadays to show and even make contact at which I'm sure our nation will become Janoris Jenkins (trump?).
Similar tale: Gambling: Reading through impression for new relieves.
Mara would most likely carry on to help the struggling Jerry Reese to solve the untenable situation caused by injury which
will open teams negativity, to a certain degree,(cost-free bureau)
(Jerry) has learned this exactly regarding him/her, (Mara) stated. You can't disguise within the document. It's under your
control at this moment for getting them predetermined, given that the very last couple of years are simply not satisfactory.
Beyond 5, a few months immediately after (Mara) I think Reese was a good fit, the actual (big boy) supervisor seems to
get paid (by or plainly) by your partner's boss's self assurance by being a smart worker.
Despite the fact that no company is familiar with what exactly a (Giants - big boy?) win-loss record in the final twelve
months are going to be, the particular modifications manufactured by (Reese) throughout generating this (roster) will show
up, at minimum, in writing To get solidified team (makeup foundation) meant to begin earlier to due 2011 with (johnathan
casillas jersey).
Let's check out or check it out with (Rashad Jennings) (Jersey)
Jerry Reese current overall boss.
Ruben Mara = good for pedos, Podesta bro?
Jersey = company/group/team/franchise
Anonymous 11/11/16 (Fri) 08:20:45 1973af No.8198879
Thanks, anons.
Fuck, Your not wrong. Last thread started with (34a66c) and finding him. As much respect I have for courage, 34a66c
never posted a single timestamp. "my alarm is set to wake me up in 3 hours, then I'll go straight to the beach. Wish me
luck anons, may kek protect me.
If I don't post in this thread within the next 12 hours, send someone else." - Last Known Post
No specified reason for no timestamp, just a bunch of google streetview pics.
Then in the last thread this anon said he was 50 mins away but that nothing else
It's 7:25 on the west coast and no report from anyone.
The other point of the thread was to decrypt files which has, so far, only produced autism

Upon revisiting old threads, I think we may have fallen for shills bait

5037 Conn. Ave NW
Washington DC 20008
Anonymous 11/11/16 (Fri) 08:22:30 546311 No.8198895>>8199191 >>8217341 >>8266472




Anonymous 11/11/16 (Fri) 08:24:20 b64d7e No.8198913
With all the hotlinking, I'm not surprised at the increase in shills, but there's a lot more than nothing in these threads. I'm
sorry you're too much of a fucking retard to sift through the disinfo and other shills trying to misdirect, but that's your fault,
Maybe you should just stick to the cuckchan tier threads, nigger.
Anonymous 11/11/16 (Fri) 08:25:41 b8462e No.8198928
Fuck off you obvious kike shill.
Anonymous 11/11/16 (Fri) 08:27:04 1973af No.8198943>>8199145
Copypasted. Thanks very much. This will be useful to all anons involved in the case who aren't pre occupied with
Will be digging today.
Anonymous 11/11/16 (Fri) 08:45:48 e525cd No.8199145>>8199230
I think the players could be associated with involved people as follows:
John Podesta = J P = Jason Pierre-Paul (football player)
But why would he link to their jersey website?
Anonymous 11/11/16 (Fri) 08:49:45 928ab5 No.8199191>>8200133 >>8200573
anon, you wouldnt believe the mile long list of archives i have of everything. i found out about this wonderful thing. when
you have all the original thread archives in one list, it turns out, you can go through each one and ctrl-f,
preserving everything that people thought was worth saving. i am giving them context though as i go through, so it's not
just an intimidating list of archive links it still is.
Anonymous 11/11/16 (Fri) 08:53:56 e525cd No.8199230
These sites also aren't official team shops, even though they state it on the banner. Would try snooping around.
Could be a front for something.
Ok these sites are foul. The customer service links, broken. They steal their return policy from places like Michael Kors, (another sport place that is equally strange), and other weird mock sites.
Anonymous 11/11/16 (Fri) 10:12:43 928ab5 No.8200133>>8200208

this is where i'm at with the pastebin. it covers every from the earlier threads that seemed relevant. it also
includes a link now to the reddit comet pastebin which i didnt know existed, on top of linking to the pedowood pastebin. as
far as i know, this is the single biggest repository of raw information about this subject that you can share with one link
now, when combined with the other pastebins it links to. if another anon wants to make it not so shit to read or flesh it out
more, please do so.
Anonymous 11/11/16 (Fri) 10:18:11 928ab5 No.8200208
>when you so absorbed in pastebin you dont notice the sticky
oops. i'll post it there.
Anonymous 11/11/16 (Fri) 10:34:05 fb2e35 No.8200434
Widen the Net:
We also have suspect organisations in the vicinity: - Haiti charity working to end child slavery! - Nearby daycare center worth looking into. Quite difficult finding dierectors of this place
so far. - Nearby restaurant with 'Boiler Room' games area in basement - links to HRC - right next to Comet - also with a basement 'Den'
Quite possiblty all connected by tunnels?
Dig for links between these organisations. We also need people on the ground who can scope the area.
Anonymous 11/11/16 (Fri) 10:39:12 fb2e35 No.8200513
Anonymous 11/11/16 (Fri) 10:44:00 c90a18 No.8200573
Perchance you wouldn't have an archive about the ancient vikings, gondola and meme magic thread would you
sage for off-topic
Anonymous 11/11/16 (Fri) 12:01:22 af4185 No.8201588
your not wrong - sort by newest - check last commentator profile - he posted vid from his vistis
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:01:10 7b82a1 No.8217341>>8217549
File (hide): a46d5b72487a86c.png (22.77 KB, 595x151, 595:151, wat.png)

File (hide): 95db1db7b8ab5dc.png (870.23 KB, 1262x694, 631:347, fridge.png)

Who the fuck is this? Stay tuned, I guess

Each thread I:
>download significant images while the thread is going and put them in my pizzagate misc folder
>save the thread page just with ctrl+s
>use wget or DownloadThemAll! to save all the fullsized images
>save the links to starting now
>>8198388 (heil)
>those fucking comments
They've got to be completely on to us at this point.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:19:45 f2f4cc No.8217549>>8220825
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 18:35:29 7b82a1 No.8220825
Thanks, I'll check it out.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 21:17:30 1e9549 No.8223260
File (hide): 7a152c004fe604f.jpg (25.86 KB, 208x320, 13:20, 51tt7MyaiLL._AC_UL320_SR20.jpg)

>In the first volume, The Capture, Soren, who lives in a nest with his parents Noctus and Marella and siblings Kludd and
Eglantine in a forest kingdom called Tyto, is pushed out of the nest. (It is later revealed that he was pushed by Kludd.)
When he cries out to his parents for help, Soren is found and snatched by a patrol of the evil owls from the St. Aegolius
Academy for Orphaned Owls, or St. Aggie's. Soren and other snatched owlets are enslaved into tasks such as sorting
eggs and pellets, for reasons they don't quite understand. Owls at St. Aggies are "moon blinked", a brainwashing
technique caused by sleeping under the full moon and also marching under the light of the full moon and endlessly
repeating their true names to forget them so as to lose sense of self and will. Soren befriends a young elf owl named
Gylfie (from the desert kingdom of Kuneer), who, like him, is resistant to the moon-blinking, by staying awake during full

shine, and together they plot both to discover as much as possible about the true purpose behind St. Aggie's and to
escape. The two also befriend a spotted owl named Hortense. They also find a partly moon-blinked owl named Grimble,
and plan to escape with Grimble's assistance. Grimble is murdered the night Soren and Gylfie escape by Skench and
Spoorn. After escaping, they then meet Twilight, an orphan great grey owl who learned his survival instincts from the
"Orphan School of Tough Learning", Digger, a burrowing owl, who lost his family to the St. Aggie's marauders and is
extremely sensitive and philosophical, and the blind Mrs. Plithiver, Soren's former nest-maid snake. With the help of
Hortense's two bald eagle friends named Streak and Zan, they kill two of St. Aggie's patrols, the cousins Jatt and Jutt. The
four owls form a band and fly away in search of the Great Ga'Hoole Tree, where legend says the great knight-owls live
who are dedicated to doing good deeds and eventually find it. Soren later finds out that Kludd, or "Metal Beak", as he is
better known, and an army of tyto owls (barn owls) are plotting to take over the entire owl universe with tytos. He is also
responsible for almost brainwashing Eglantine with weird babbling about "The purity of Tytos". Eglantine joins Soren,
Gylfie, Twilight, and Digger in finding out more about Kludd and his army. Kludd is the leader of "The Pure Ones", an army
of Tyto owls. A war then begins between the Pure Ones and the Guardians of Ga'Hoole.
Is this an unlock code? ddddddasdkjqw 11/13/16 (Sun) 22:20:14 49efee No.8239312
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 23:25:32 579fcc No.8262844
File (hide): 67c8120a0ee1119.jpg (49.92 KB, 640x254, 320:127, ews 3 men edit.jpg)

File (hide): cad47ff5e55f3ec.jpg (77.07 KB, 640x437, 640:437, vlcsnap-2016-03-06-20h02m2.jpg)

File (hide): b3aaf508ecc723f.jpg (135.68 KB, 500x375, 4:3, tiger.jpg)

Nicole 'Eyes Wide Shut' Kidman's father Antony, died amid child abuse allegations, very serious allegations that relate to
wider paedophile rings. The actual allegations go back as far as 1986, when the victim made claims against Dr Antony
Kidman. These claims were allegedly ignored by health professionals (who have a mandatory duty to disclose) until as
late as 2008. It is claimed that he fled the country, after he was named at the Royal Commission. I cannot speak for the
veracity of these claims, but they have been made nonetheless

It is Alice who steers Bill and Helena down this particular shop aisle, to this point, watch the scene.
It's crying Alice (after 2 days of torrid events) who mentions about going shopping on this day.
If this is 'the cult' making off with Helena, it would have to be carefully planned and executed.
Next, Alice will draw Bill away (briefly observing yet again, see right pic) for a protracted conversation, it will last about 3
minutes and with no other reference to the daughter, after which the film ends.
Yes, it really looks like all of the 'subliminal aspects' are suggesting that Helena is being kidnapped by the 'cult' and in
league with Alice. It is uninitiated Bill who has his 'Eyes Wide Shut', is the ending a reference to him being absorbed by
the cult.
Anonymous 11/15/16 (Tue) 23:26:45 579fcc No.8262855
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 08:01:45 f7d0d8 No.8265430
OP this was very low effort
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 08:38:00 fc1312 No.8265631
File (hide): e1c062b943fb55d.jpg (5.49 KB, 255x216, 85:72, 2b9833c9cb4cff1d567e098880.jpg)

Fuck this shit thread. Someone make a decent one with all the archives of the past threads, organise it like any selfrespecting autist, list the current topics the shills are latching on to so the newfags know what to avoid bringing up
repeatedly, which topics have been investigated and debunked (i.e. the white rabbit connection, Maddy McCann) etc.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 08:41:34 3f581e No.8265648
File (hide): 9d3a08e270e5825.jpg (275.22 KB, 612x380, 153:95, hillary flying.jpg)


Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 08:49:34 4caee0 No.8265696
James A. Alefantis father, called ACHILLES ALEFANTIS, came in NY with a flight from Venezuela:
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 08:57:58 f02685 No.8265751
nice thread lads
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 09:09:39 f268ee No.8265822
File (hide): 2c983c398799032.png (770.64 KB, 939x605, 939:605, lynda benglis.PNG)

from the last thread:

this old bitch is lynda benglis, she's the hag from rachel chandlers blog. Some anon followed another lead and somehow
ended up in waco texas. I think he got something mixed up, WALTER PEARCE rachels partner in that meth-head model
agency, he also has an instagram account
i couldn't find any connection to walter j pearce in Waco.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 09:11:05 5abc71 No.8265835
Thread #12 people were interested in @jeanettehayes - Jeff Koons - Marina Abramovic - Hugh Hefner
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 09:20:38 689591 No.8265915
>>8198337 (OP)
God damn it, you faggot, you could've done a better, more organized OP.
But enough talking about this, let's keep working.
Next thread we make this right.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 09:31:04 f268ee No.8266001>>8266017 >>8266073
I'm not really making any progress right. I was looking into the nwo cards again, as FBI anon said before: cards!
Some I found interesting are:
tv preacher - they all have something pedo about them, not only the American preachers
Shangrila - i think there was something related in the e-mails
Xanadu - Bill Gates house?
Drug companies
Ford - maybe they're into the mindcontrol business
Telephone Psychics - like TV preachers, they also have a pedo aura on them
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 09:32:30 c01ed6 No.8266012
What became of all the Austyn Crites stuff? The creepy rundown childcare building in Indiana?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 09:33:10 5abc71 No.8266017
>they also have a pedo aura on them
That's pasta sauce
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 09:39:05 4caee0 No.8266073>>8266173 >>8266445 >>8266526 - Louis G. Alefantis of Amherst, NY, beloved husband of Helen; father of George (Joanne) and Lee (Susan);
grandfather of L.J., Timothy (Chris) and James.
L.J. Alefantis - Perspecsys, Inc. -
Blue Coat Systems, Inc.
perspecsys had ORACLE (CIA) as Partner:
Septime Webre is another potential pedobear lover. Deals with Dance and theaters, is a gayman and has an horrible face.
He liked some jimmycomet instagram images.
Jimmycomet relative in Cananda - Bill Alefantis real name: Vasilios Alefantis.
AirGreece Scammer.
>>8266001 just leave
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 09:50:34 4caee0 No.8266173
>>8266073 Timothy (Chris) Alefantis
- Bibliografa: Barmak K, Harhaj E, Grant C, Alefantis T, Wigdahl B.
"Human T cell leukemia virus type I-induced disease: pathways to cancer and neurodegeneration".

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 10:22:46 7d5995 No.8266393

I updated the archive of the #12 thread here's the new URL
Also I found some interesting stuff related to that code at the bottom of the page.
Using the masonic key from the last thread I got:
>another anon got the same thing
taking that and putting it into the Gematria Calculator like the cuckchan anon did I get a lot of results - several stick out
I don't know enough about how gematria works, but one of the 'Jewish' results is:
>anyone with information on the willow glen child snuff community message me 309 582 4862
Did a search for that number and it's listed as a landline in Aledo, IL (Larry Galvin)
Did a search for 'Willow Glen child sex case' and get:
>Willow Glen is a neighborhood in San Jose
Other interesing results:
>follow rule forty six in your skull and bones rules book
>forums hacked by alan pope mossad dot gov dot il hacked by alan goss pope
>they enter through a tunnel that is hidden to the outer world
>you will get caught when youre involved in illegal activities
>zachary james carr of aledo illinois masons call me aleister crowley
>the victim survivor is called a e2 80 9cslave e2 80 9d by the programmer handler 2c
>the messenger requests that he please not be shot good luck buddy
>father robbie mcdougall adoramus ministries ninety eight monck ave
>giza technologies import export company the front company
>transportation of children to the backdoor of the vancouver club
>they enter through a tunnel that is hidden to the outer world
>princess diane sf princess eugenia santa cruz princess beatrice sj
Look >inb4 shill disinfo - I am just putting this info here in case any of this makes sense to anyone here. The link to and
the nature of Zanarkand is just to strange. Yes it may be a dead lead, but until it's actually investigated further it can never
be fully marked off as dead.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 10:29:34 d50dc7 No.8266432>>8266873
Just saw this posted on Reddit. It's a spreadsheet with a shit ton of DNC/Hillary related financials. Including full name,
addresses and phone numbers.
This should be interesting (direct wiki download link). Time to go to work anons!
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 10:30:40 90d66a No.8266445
> L.J Alenfantis
James brother, owns a shit ton of planes, look him up on linkedin
also #carisjames means caris, a date rape drug.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 10:34:32 5abc71 No.8266472
File (hide): ef995e5534addfc.jpeg (48.55 KB, 1000x267, 1000:267,

So much easier with the bookmarklet. Everyone should do this.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 10:43:53 90d66a No.8266526
Did a search on Vasilios, he's a pilot with a few fake names online that connect back to him really easy lol. Stupid
pedokikes are stupid.
>this next name is connected to Hellas Jets

^^^ He's owns the fucking airline called SkyGreece

sage sage 11/16/16 (Wed) 10:57:56 3e3b1c No.8266630>>8266643 >>8266709 >>8267811
File (hide): 088b49530fadd56.jpg (29.42 KB, 364x457, 364:457, 1470099750192.jpg)

File (hide): 8720b8295e39ece.jpg(35.87 KB, 366x488, 3:4, seanpennpaparazzi.jpg)

File (hide): 2ca02b4753dfcc1.jpg (38.42 KB, 479x359, 479:359, theniwaslike.jpg)

This whole OP has been co-opted by /x/fags and /fringe/cringe. This shit should've been kept covert and researched on a
separate board or IRC or Discord.
Secondly, anyone who finds info, even remotely related, runs into the thread with incomplete theories, stupid shit MS Paint
infographs that mean nothing and pure speculation. Now it's filled with redditards and cuckchanners.
Every fourth post is a repost from an earlier thread presented as new evidence or some faggot screaming, "HAY GUISE I
This shit is like when GG when full retard over trying to figure out if Peter Coffin's wife was a realdoll.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 11:00:21 5abc71 No.8266643>>8266678
Thanks for the help, (1)
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 11:07:08 927810 No.8266676
Has anyone heard from 34?
Where was that place he went to investigate, can check for news or police reports of suicide by 3 shots to the back of the
sage sage 11/16/16 (Wed) 11:07:19 3e3b1c No.8266678>>8266709
File (hide): ecbf148a16196ee.jpg (62.53 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 1470855019251.jpg)

You're doing it wrong, fucking newfag.
You're welcome.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 11:13:21 5abc71 No.8266709>>8266741

Reported for faggotry and filtered.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 11:16:34 430125 No.8266729
File (hide): d9ac1fb38142b4b.jpg (509.24 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, skorpius-1[1].jpg)

File (hide): 35a4e3d9ef120b7.jpg (39.41 KB, 504x360, 7:5, Phantasy_Star_Online_Fonts.jpg)

Did you ever play Phantasy Star Online?
They're pretty similar. Wonder if Sega of Japan took inspiration from something they shouldn't have.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 11:16:42 000000 No.8266730
Let's talk about something important.
I just had a look at the file structure of IMG_4533.png. There are no chunks, such as tEXt and iTXt, that could contain
embedded data, as far as I can tell.
I also don't see unusually high or low variation in the least significant bit, as measured by
pngthermal ( doesn't
reveal any areas of the image data that are unusually hard to compress, which would indicate that they contain hidden
pngthermal did report that one of the IDAT chunks is incomplete. I assume that means that its length header reports it to
be longer than it really is.
To me, this looks like a file that simply got cut off in transit. I do think there is a message here; the "Puttanesca sauce"
reference combined with an unrelated picture is just too weird. But the message may not be steganographic.
sage sage 11/16/16 (Wed) 11:18:42 3e3b1c No.8266741
File (hide): f2d44ceaf089b53.jpeg (38.89 KB, 341x450, 341:450, 1459985623785.jpeg)

>i'm telling my dad
>you're kicked out of my hard
hahahahaha get triggered you fucking faggot
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 11:34:05 5abc71 No.8266873>>8267085
I noticed David Brock is listed in it. Ex-boyfriend of James "I love little kids so much it's my name" Alefantis.
41421 5/27/2013 May 27 2013 $1,250.00 NY369 5/29/2013 41423 2 FLOTUS Gala LGBT David Brock 455
Unsure if it's important or not, but it's there.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 11:57:13 4caee0 No.8267085
>Gala LGBT
No shit Sherlock, He Gay !!
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 12:09:26 c6358f No.8267188>>8267237 >>8267378
I can't find thread #12
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 12:14:40 5abc71 No.8267237
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 12:27:51 d50dc7 No.8267378>>8268329
Still waiting on #13 to open. People will have a field day with the information contained in the Wikileaks spreadsheet.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 12:39:07 f7d0d8 No.8267492
plebbit has doubts about the lates wikileaks releases because f mismatching hashes. They believe it might be a 3rd party
releasing files now, bait files like the one with the Italian conversation about nothing but labeled "child sex" for seemingly
no reason. This ight be to make you a target if you have a file named like that on your hd.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 13:03:21 4caee0 No.8267786
File (hide): c23c0df7d2f912e.jpg (447.09 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, cinderellaball.jpg)

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 13:05:37 839f4a No.8267811
You're full of redditors and cuckchanners!!!
not fooling anybody
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 13:53:16 4caee0 No.8268314>>8269106
>a primer
>a primer - update
btw Lee Alefantis has close relations to big, big, big Jews.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 13:54:34 7d5995 No.8268329
when is OP gonna start #13? halfchin is going crazy again like yesterday and some decent leads are getting lost in the
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 14:04:02 bf67b9 No.8268447
File (hide): 60e6c497b5e4608.webm (3.93 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, boom.webm) [play once] [loop]

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 15:02:22 49962d No.8269106>>8269236 >>8270318

is this being used as thread #13?
why has it all gone quiet

Woody Allen's recent film, Cafe Society, set around 1930s Hollywood pool parties, openly 'jokes' about jews running the
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 15:14:05 f7d0d8 No.8269236
Plebbit and voat? Given the amount of shills here dropping shit infographics and disinfo I suspect they felt id's/posting
history might come in handy for a dig.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 16:57:42 6893ea No.8270318
File (hide): 356190e349e70e5.jpg (78.08 KB, 700x498, 350:249, ruins-in-the-moonlit-lands.jpg)

>why has it all gone quiet
They are all dead.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:54:43 4caee0 No.8270828
help us decypher files related

File (hide): cef8efe6664d12b.jpeg (469.15 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, knight cross.jpeg)

You anons are on to something with pizzagate. But you have no idea. You are unprepared. Anonymous 11/12/16
10:54:27 6ad154 No.8215208>>8215370 >>8215428 >>8215529 >>8215679 >>8215710 >>8215911 >>8215920 >>8216156 >>8216463 >>8216759>>

8216893 >>8216950 >>8217460 >>8217466 >>8217499 >>8217936 >>8220219 >>8220846 >>8220955 >>8223000 >>8228873 >>8234407 >>8263569 >>8274
520 >>8275750 >>8276298 [Watch

Thread][Show All Posts]

If you haven't watched a film entitled L.I.E (2001) you are failing to understand just how common pedophilia is and
especially how common it is in the gay community (probably 100% of gays were raped/molested as children by adults).
Gay clubs are all the same, in one regard. Often, there is only a curtain separating what is an otherwise normal business
front, and a pitch-black room full of showers with LCD television screens playing hardcore pornography.
In all my years of being around these people, I have noted two things above all else:
1) They Lie, about everything, all the time, and will almost never admit to being gay. Even if they are at a gay bar, with a
group of guys, they will still not admit to being gay. Even a bartender at a gay bar, who would dance nightly shirtless and
get tips tucked into his pants, refused to admit to me that he was gay. If you think I am lying about this I am not, these
people keep it a secret like you will not believe. They would almost rather die than admit they are gay. Because being
outed as openly deviant can have adverse effects on their careers and their plots to lure in unsuspecting prey.
2) They have absolutely no moral code, whatsoever, because they are actually offended by moralityespecially protestant
concepts of morality, and they actually are very attracted to occultism, satanism and the like. In fact, almost all gay people
will actually be angered at the sight of anything Christian, be it a cross or a Bible, but will have no reaction whatsoever to
a satanic emblem or even a hardcore depiction of violence against a woman or a child. We are expected to believe that
these are just normal people, yet they are normal people who think that a dead baby is artwork and can joke about
"fucking children" (I saw this when I visited the Washington D.C. subreddit) with ease, but yet we are expected to believe
they are totally chill normies.
Don't believe their bullshit. You are on to something. Police won't tackle this because many, many powerful people are
involved in this.
You guys are chipping away at the exterior of a huge, underground monstrosity and I think the only thing you're doing
wrong is you aren't digging deeply enough.
If you dig deep enough, you will find that there is no type of perversion that these people are not actively engaging in.
New York
San Francisco.
Las Vegas.
The Catholic Church
The Church of Satan
Ordo Templi Orientis
Pop music
It's all one thing. It's all one culture. You saw behind the curtain with the WikiLeaks emails, are you prepared for what lies
I guarantee that when you do, you will be angry, you will be disgusted.
Bring your Lysol spray and bleach.
Don't go alone.
But go, anons.
This task has been given to you.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 11:05:42 26b95f No.8215311
deserves a bump.
repost Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat)
11:11:09 dc8051 No.8215358>>8215364 >>8215366 >>8215377 >>8215382 >>8215820 >>8217911 >>8222954
My thoughts:
I think this thread might be exaggerating a little that EVERYONE who is an elite is a pedo, but the Podesta/Comet Ping
Pong/Brock/Brock Boyfriend/Hawaii/Clinton Foundation connections are undeniable.
Now the question becomes:

1. Who knows what/does what. Cannibalism/Murder is a lot different from Child Rape. Gay sex isnt outright illegal/maybe
they are doing both, or maybe some do one and some do another. Most likely people have individual tastes which is they
use the "handkerchief colors" and "food" codewords. The people at the top (Hillary Clinton Herself) might not be totally in
on all aspects it or think it doesn't involve outright stuff. It might be a cult like organization that is used to control
underlings. Remember, Podesta worked Obama's campaign before Clinton, so this might all have arisen during the last 8
years when Obama/Biden came to power. Maybe they became more depraved as time went on and got more reckless
etc. It would be important to learn who met who and when they met them/started doing business if possible. What I am
saying is that this Comet Ping Pong / DC ring and might have arisen more recently then we think.
2. Maybe it is just "kink" sex at first so to speak and nothing is outright illegal and they gradually go to underage prostitutes
and eventually to extremely depraved acts.
3. Maybe people become roped in after a while like this and are led into a situation eventually that is outright illegal so
they suddenly become a part of the cult/blackmailable in addition to being financially dependent. This is probably how it is
4. Jeffery Epstein at least to me appears to more connected to Bill Clinton and he likes young girls mostly. He is not
connected to the "gay" part of the pedoring I would guess. Also he conducts his business mainly on that private island in
the US virgin Islands and in Florida. He seems more sloppy in general and less malicious because he pays his young girl
victims and doesn't murder them. This is why he got caught in Florida. So Epstein, while depraved, isn't of the same
operation as the potential "gay" cult around Comet Ping Pong/Hawaii which seems to be connected more to
5. Podesta's organization (Chief of Staff) and Correct the Record (David Brock) seems to be the nexus of their financial
dealings that fund their day to day lives. The Clinton Foundation is involved to some extent obviously but the connections
will be difficult to find because the entire thing is set up to make if difficult. We might even find exact donors but then when
you research it more you might find that that donor was given money from a foreign government entity as in the case of
the Indian Nuclear case alledged in the movie Clinton Cash.
6. Having lived in DC/VA in the past I know the area and the mentality there. It would be easy to blend in as long as you
are financially funded well and not too stupid. Almost everyone commutes in so at night it is a ghost town in DC/Arlington
at night and very few "regulars" are left besides embassy staff and security guards/pentagon
workers/nigs/chinatown/event attenders at certain areas. No one can probably leave the cult because of the financial
aspect to it alone, much less the blackmail and the fact they are having sadistic/gay sex which pleasures them. There is
also the "foreign" connection to the Clinton Foundation. I think Terry McAuliffe is definitely hooked in with the "foreign"
element which I tend to think is Chinese Intelligence.
Obviously there are some at the FBI who know this too. Some of the top people there (McCabe) were taking bribes
essentially from Terry McAuliff which was through the Clinton Foundation. But where did the money really originate? THAT
is the key. I am willing to bet China based on the reporting we DO know about that links McAuliff to the Chinese Soy Bean
company named Dandon whose chairman was Wang Wenliang. Now we know that Comey might be linked in to Clinton
with the HSBC stuff but maybe he is a double agent as the election has revealed. Maybe the FBI was taking bribes like
this on purpose to trace back where the money was coming from, which might be the PRC directly
>The meetings, arranged by a former South Carolina governor, marked a period of expansion in the United States for
Dandong and its affiliated companies, involving negotiations with officials in Washington, Arkansas, South Carolina and
Virginia. But now, the companys widening influence is coming under scrutiny by federal prosecutors, who are examining
the relationship between Dandongs wealthy and connected chairman, Wang Wenliang, and Gov. Terry McAuliffe of
Virginia, a Democrat who was elected in 2013.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 11:11:29 dc8051 No.8215364>>8215366 >>8215377 >>8215382 >>8220341 >>8223000 >>8273506
In essence it looks like Podesta has a gay sadistic sex cult which might have members that engage in nefarious shit.
Bill probably has sex with tons of girls and underage girls even, and is linked in with Epstien.
Hillary seems pretty aloof to a ton of shit but her and Huma seem like they are lesbian lovers who like preying on other
women too. It was rumored that possibly: (see link)

Who suicide herself might have had Hillary as a client from her time in DC using prostitutes (probably female). This was
the person that during the primaries people said Ted Cruz might have been on her list of "Johns". Maybe this was
deliberate misinformation and a roundabout way of threatening Hillary.
I think that the FBI took bribes on purpose and traced where the Clinton's where getting the dough for "immediate
operations" from (probably Chinese Intelligence).
The alternative would be that Comey/McCabe were compromised the entire time and are in Clinton's pocket and now they
are trying to concoct some plan with Obama to fuck over Trump or make it impossible for him to get to the Presidency and
do what he wants to do/bring them to Justice.
The truly horrifying thing would be if Donald Trump was somehow linked into this thing and that his Candidacy was really
planned as the other half of a "controlled" revolution for the USA. But I find it unlikely due to his large family he is very
involved with who seem to be normal people.
TLDR: US Intelligence might have been backing Trump entire time.
Last thing. I used to read this hyper conservative author William W Johnstone who wrote this entire series of books about
the end of times in America. In his books he prominently features a type of people called "Night People" who are cannibals
and raise other people for food. I am gonna go back and read some of them because it is odd that he spoke of them so
much and they ring a bell for obvious reasons now, ESPECIALLY considering the content of his "In the Ashes" series
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 11:11:45 dc8051 No.8215366>>8215377 >>8215382
Some more info from the NY times article I posted:
>Mr. Wang is a delegate to Chinas legislative house, the National Peoples Congress. His companies run ports, import
agricultural products and construct Chinese embassies around the world. His extensive business empire is based in
Dandong, a port city that borders North Korea.
>After starting his career as a municipal adviser to the Dandong government on planning and economics issues, he
amassed a fortune, partly by securing construction contracts to work on Chinese embassies and consular offices around
the globe, including the Chinese Embassy in Washington.
>From 2012 to the end of last year, according to federal records, Mr. Wangs companies paid $1.5 million to
McGuireWoods Consulting to lobby on trade and visa issues. Dandongs lobbyists included Jim Hodges, the former South
Carolina governor. In 2012, Mr. Hodges arranged meetings with governors for Mark T. Fung, who was Dandongs general
>Mr. Wang also met with Mr. McAuliffe before he ran for governor, at a 2012 dinner hosted by Mr. Hodges. Mr. McAuliffe
was an American businessman investing in China; Mr. Wang was a Chinese executive whose firms did business in
Virginia. The next year, when Mr. McAuliffe ran for governor, one of Mr. Wangs companies, West Legend, contributed to
his campaign. (Corporate contributions are permitted in Virginia.)
>But records and interviews reveal that Mr. Wangs companies have had numerous reasons to seek the favor of United
States government officials. Among Mr. Wangs ventures are importing and crushing soybeans. In late 2012, his company
entered negotiations to buy a privately owned port on the Mississippi River in Arkansas. The negotiations led to a review
by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, which includes representatives of the departments of State,
Commerce and Homeland Security.
>A letter from Rilin, one of Mr. Wangs companies, to the American Embassy in Beijing, obtained by The New York Times,
says that company representatives met with then-Gov. Mike Beebe of Arkansas while negotiating that deal, which was
worth $27 million. Reached on Tuesday, Mr. Beebe said he did not remember ever having met with the company.
>The foreign investment committee approved the deal in April 2013, but it ultimately fell through. Mr. Wangs company
complained that a delegation of Chinese nationals the company wanted to review the port had been denied visas.
>About that same time, McGuireWoods contacted the American Embassy to discuss visa issues.
>Later that year, Gary Locke, then the United States ambassador to China, and the United States consul general in
Shenyang met with Rilin in Dandong, according to a news release issued by the Dandong Port, which said the company
had obtained a group visa making it more convenient for employees to travel to the United States for business and
education purposes.

Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 11:12:16 8ca78c No.8215370

>>8215208 (OP)
>If you haven't watched a film entitled L.I.E (2001) you are failing to understand just how common pedophilia is and
especially how common it is in the gay community (probably 100% of gays were raped/molested as children by adults).
In my opinion this is a lot of the reason normals find it so hard to properly resist LGBTBBQ bullshit. They really have no
clue how utterly fucked up and pathological even the most 'average' gays are, how the whole condition is inherently
pedophilic and lionises youth (peak of raw physical beauty) above all else.
The actual DOH stats on pedophilia among homosexuals is completely fucking mind-blowing: it's almost an exclusively
homosexual crime, but it never gets reported because it contradicts the happy daffy Will & Grace monogamous couples
image they want to delude normals with
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 11:13:10 dc8051 No.8215377>>8215382
two great reads
Didn't realize Podesta was chief of staff for Bill Clinton too. Maybe it is a full blown Pedo ring and everyone knows it.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 11:13:50 dc8051 No.8215382>>8216266 >>8217855 >>8266558 >>8276403
The entire email investigation might have been a smokescreen to trace where the Clinton's emergency bribe money to
bribe the FBI directors was coming from.
We can only speculate if Comey/McCabe are loyal to Trump or if there was a real uprising from within the FBI.
I think that the FBI took bribes on purpose (Comey/McCabe) and traced where the Clinton's where getting the dough for
"immediate operations" from (probably Chinese Intelligence).
http: //
>The meetings, arranged by a former South Carolina governor, marked a period of expansion in the United States for
Dandong and its affiliated companies, involving negotiations with officials in Washington, Arkansas, South Carolina and
Virginia. But now, the companys widening influence is coming under scrutiny by federal prosecutors, who are examining
the relationship between Dandongs wealthy and connected chairman, Wang Wenliang, and Gov. Terry McAuliffe of
Virginia, a Democrat who was elected in 2013.
>Mr. Wang is a delegate to Chinas legislative house, the National Peoples Congress. His companies run ports, import
agricultural products and construct Chinese embassies around the world. His extensive business empire is based in
Dandong, a port city that borders North Korea.
>After starting his career as a municipal adviser to the Dandong government on planning and economics issues, he
amassed a fortune, partly by securing construction contracts to work on Chinese embassies and consular offices around
the globe, including the Chinese Embassy in Washington.
>From 2012 to the end of last year, according to federal records, Mr. Wangs companies paid $1.5 million to
McGuireWoods Consulting to lobby on trade and visa issues. Dandongs lobbyists included Jim Hodges, the former South
Carolina governor. In 2012, Mr. Hodges arranged meetings with governors for Mark T. Fung, who was Dandongs general
>Mr. Wang also met with Mr. McAuliffe before he ran for governor, at a 2012 dinner hosted by Mr. Hodges. Mr. McAuliffe
was an American businessman investing in China; Mr. Wang was a Chinese executive whose firms did business in
Virginia. The next year, when Mr. McAuliffe ran for governor, one of Mr. Wangs companies, West Legend, contributed to
his campaign. (Corporate contributions are permitted in Virginia.)

>But records and interviews reveal that Mr. Wangs companies have had numerous reasons to seek the favor of United
States government officials. Among Mr. Wangs ventures are importing and crushing soybeans. In late 2012, his company
entered negotiations to buy a privately owned port on the Mississippi River in Arkansas. The negotiations led to a review
by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, which includes representatives of the departments of State,
Commerce and Homeland Security.
>A letter from Rilin, one of Mr. Wangs companies, to the American Embassy in Beijing, obtained by The New York Times,
says that company representatives met with then-Gov. Mike Beebe of Arkansas while negotiating that deal, which was
worth $27 million. Reached on Tuesday, Mr. Beebe said he did not remember ever having met with the company.
>The foreign investment committee approved the deal in April 2013, but it ultimately fell through. Mr. Wangs company
complained that a delegation of Chinese nationals the company wanted to review the port had been denied visas.
>About that same time, McGuireWoods contacted the American Embassy to discuss visa issues.
>Later that year, Gary Locke, then the United States ambassador to China, and the United States consul general in
Shenyang met with Rilin in Dandong, according to a news release issued by the Dandong Port, which said the company
had obtained a group visa making it more convenient for employees to travel to the United States for business and
education purposes.

TLDR: US Intelligence might have been backing Trump entire time.

BUT there is the clear fact the DOJ is allied with Clinton. We don't know if James Comey/Andrew McCabe are
compromised by bribes, playing both sides as opputunists, or were entrapping the Clinton's the whole time to trace where
their urgently needed bribe money came from (ultimately through Terry Mcauliffe through a longtime Chinese Communist
dual citizen).

In relation to the ongoing Podesta/Brock/Comet Ping Pong/Clinton Foundation/Correct the

Record/Hawaii investigation threads:
We don't know how deep Obama/Biden are involved but Podesta was his chief of staff too and they held phonebanks at
this Comet Ping Pong place and additionally Soros has been photographed there. REMAIN VIGILANT.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 11:14:03 26571b No.8215385
By Kek's will we will expose these degenerates for all to see so that the day of the rope can begin in it's earnest.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 11:14:43 061d01 No.8215391
File (hide): 4b301b3d345419f.jpg (156.86 KB, 818x1023, 818:1023, 1459313180672.jpg)

File (hide): e16ecb16d1b0285.jpg (118.12 KB, 606x699, 202:233, 1459312516779.jpg)

Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 11:18:21 dc8051 No.8215426
Sorry for spamming those reposts but I feel I had to. There is tons of censorship on certain sites, perhaps some even
here. Clearly they are posting stupid satanic symbolism shit to derail us and false leads that are old as fuck.
What we need to do:
Find REAL relationships between people/businesses. Not spam shit to derail like is happening in the sticky, which I know
many are just shills trying to prevent the investigation. I think people at Fox and even in the Trump organization might
know too. Neil Cavuto seemed to be mocking the pedos today on his show and the Trump campaign sent out an email
with the word "Pizza" in it almost in a mocking way (asking for donations to feed volunteers.)
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 11:18:29 f16c27 No.8215428>>8215431
>>8215208 (OP)
Yeah, you copypasta'd this already.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 11:19:01 061d01 No.8215431>>8215435
File (hide): aecd6c4b55bd98f.jpg (29.19 KB, 271x286, 271:286, stop being jewish.jpg)

Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 11:19:21 f16c27 No.8215435>>8215445 >>8215449 >>8218173
We dont care.

Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 11:20:10 061d01 No.8215445>>8215473 >>8217133 >>8273855

File (hide): 0037ad48c9f3dd9.jpg (386.58 KB, 1125x852, 375:284, jew monkey.jpg)

Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 11:20:39 2d7c3e No.8215449>>8275997 >>8276249
I care.
Also the tranny thing goes deeper than 8ch is smart or willing enough to get to.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 11:21:44 26571b No.8215457>>8215492 >>8216172 >>8216463
File (hide): ca09b91fdbfefe1.jpg (320.11 KB, 1024x1463, 1024:1463, latest.jpg)

This is the reason all faggots should be killed. Degeneracy is like a drug, it consistently desensitizes the person who will
increasingly feel the need to engage in bizarre, extreme practices to pacify his need for a new high. This is why faggots
are almost always into extremely disgusting fetishes and why there are so many pedos who are gay. There is a reason
these people were thrown in bogs for almost two millenia, and we are just starting to find out again.


Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 11:23:48 f16c27 No.8215473
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 11:23:55 e657a9 No.8215475>>8215480 >>8215494 >>8215660 >>8219119
File (hide): b5d6af780d02be0.png (102.51 KB, 624x434, 312:217, 1463607574585.png)

Frig off, barbarians

>probably 100% of gays were raped/molested as children by adults)
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 11:24:14 f16c27 No.8215480
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 11:25:19 dc8051 No.8215492
At this point we have brought down the Clintons to some extent. Lets be real, Bill likes sex and is bad and Hillary is an evil
bitch but our problem is this cult like organization under Podesta that managed Bill Clintons White House, brought Obama
to power, and tried to bring Hillary to power. We need to get the underlings so they cannot reform for the next election
cycle or create some kind of political resistance to Trump like Soros is doing.
sage 11/12/16 (Sat) 11:25:28 48a428 No.8215494
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 11:28:48 28b22f No.8215517
>i am le gay insider and I want to tell you you're on to something! :^)
We know, cuck, we've been onto something since June when they started fucking panicking.
kr s n a!!Pl17JKGhvc 11/12/16 (Sat) 11:29:35 ff5597 No.8215529>>8215569 >>8215660 >>8215839 >>8217529 >>8219119
File (hide): 2502946404762a4.gif (343.67 KB, 549x376, 549:376, Misc-Laughing.gif)

>>8215208 (OP)
>100% of gays were raped/molested as children by adults
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 11:35:10 26571b No.8215569>>8215617

>defending faggots
>anime reaction gif
Wew, filtered.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 11:39:25 e657a9 No.8215617>>8215898
>believing things that aren't true just because they're about a group of people you don't like
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 11:43:18 0159af No.8215660
File (hide): 2b8333b749b03ed.jpg (14.52 KB, 144x249, 48:83, 2b8333b749b03ed4d657dae5bc.jpg)

Where do you people even come from?
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 11:45:01 89936b No.8215668
penis penis balls penis balls penis
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 11:45:39 77b8d3 No.8215679
>>8215208 (OP)
>are you prepared for what lies deeper?
Many of us are already aware of what lies deeper.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 11:46:06 1641aa No.8215683
>they wont tell you they're gay
But anon, it's ALL they tell me
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat)
11:48:24 d3d445 No.8215710>>8215719 >>8215755 >>8215875 >>8217596 >>8218156 >>8218202 >>8218421 >>8220348 >>8220700 >>8220739 >
>8221275 >>8228887

File (hide): 83d7397c8f84701.jpg (58.8 KB, 513x510, 171:170, 1465849870889-1.jpg)

>>8215208 (OP)
>probably 100% of gays were raped/molested as children by adults
This isn't true and there are legitimate studies that go into this. Most gays were never molested into being gay.
>In all my years of being around these people, I have noted two things above all else:
What a load of shit. Your limited anecdotal experience of "Gays" is far from the truth. There's as much variety of
personality, moral code and background in gays as there is in straight people.
Pizzagate is important but trying to make it about all gays instead of the few elite faggots actually involved is ridiculous.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 11:49:18 061d01 No.8215719>>8215749 >>8215789
where's your proof it's made up bullshit?
no amount of hitler images can save you.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 11:50:19 306966 No.8215734
>Implying anyone here takes faggots seriously.
Milo is a complete nigger loving faggot, TRS is filled with degenerate who actively advertise how much they love to suck
Every single faggot is a redeemable sociopath to be hung during the day of the rope.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 11:51:24 e657a9 No.8215749
He didn't say it was made up, but he wouldn't need to prove it.
>Where's your proof that this thing I'm claiming isn't true
well, first you should provide proof for the claim
and if you think OP's anecdote is worth anything then so are all the bullshit stories about white males grabbing poor
POC's pussy openly in the sstreets after Trump's election
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 11:51:59 0f241c No.8215755>>8215789
You are what is ridiculous. He is very correct, all homos are very sick in the head, completely evil, twisted bastards. All of
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 11:53:02 1cb77a No.8215773
When the swamp is drained be ready for a big stink and a few dead bodies to be at the bottom
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 11:54:55 d3d445 No.8215789>>8215808 >>8217634 >>8219121 >>8221306
File (hide): 6f2f7f64b8e809d.png (741.8 KB, 1488x1488, 1:1, 6f2f7f64b8e809dc09efe787e8.png)

>where's your proof it's made up bullshit?
>no amount of hitler images can save you.
In 2001, the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior published a study entitled Comparative data of childhood and
adolescence molestation in heterosexual and homosexual persons. This study (which interviewed the most flaming of
faggots attending a gay parade) found that less than half had been molested as a child.
It is a contributing factor but it certainly isn't "100%" like idiot op claims.
>all homos are very sick in the head, completely evil, twisted bastards. All of them.
You've got a lot of fags to thank for helping Trump become president e.g. Milo. not to mention a higher than statistically
expected number of people who post on /pol/ are gay. Kek.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 11:56:30 061d01 No.8215808>>8215899
>(((Archives of Sexual Behavior)))
>did a (((study)))
This shit was already figured out long before then, and it goes like this, faggots are mentally ill, and are prone to molest
Deal with it, scum.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 11:57:34 4b25eb No.8215820>>8215944
>I think this thread might be exaggerating a little that EVERYONE who is an elite is a pedo
One thing you need to understand is that most of these people have no morals what-so-ever, and that their pleasure
seeking- much like ours- always wants to find a greater thrill. Rather than sufficing themselves with pizza, beer AND
camping, though; they decide the homosexuality isn't quite deviant enough, so they'll have some children there to fellate
them; and then when that gets boring maybe eat one of those children. Ya know, shit gets tired after you do it a few times;
gotta spice it up!
I recommend that everyone read several chapters of the various tomes of the talmud. There is little in there that is
particularly useful as stand alone information (although learning that they are okay with having sex with under 3 year olds,
stealing from non-jews, and subverting justice to save their own kind is always good to know). What you will see is a
people utterly devoid of any kind of 'morals' or 'ethics'; it is relentless, rambling, convoluted subjectivism. They are not
trying to work out the 'true' (in the singular) understanding of God or the Torah; rather they are interpreting it in not just
any, but EVERY way possible.
Now when you realise that Jews are not even particularly 'high level' for the most part, and that even for these often
unimportant people; the 'decency' that we take for granted in all humans is totally lacking. Where they act in an

upstanding way we will find not a moral or ethical cause; but rather some twisted monument to subjectivity which decries
that acting in that way is good because Rabbi Ramadama said so, and his way makes more sense than Rabbi
Moshedoshi because Rabbi Ramadama had forgotten what Rabbi Hamanlaman had said in regards to where you may
build a wall for your house; though you must of course accept that Rabbi Hamanlaman did not know what Rabbi
Shekeklekek had said in regards to building your wall near water.
There is no morality to these people, not in the way we Christians (or of Christian cultures) understand it anyway. Their
pleasure seeking desires will continue to escalate in deviancy until they have reached the most perverse heights
imaginable, at which point they have to turn the unimaginable; the realm of the diabolical and demonic.
When you realise what kind of sick fucks are actually out there and how they hook people into their perverse culture; you
might just conclude that Puritans had a point when they simply outlawed everything that was even potentially immoral.
>For those who do not believe, here is a talmud site:
Read some of their madness. After a few pages you'll realise that these people have no concept of ethics whatsoever.
Their 'faith' is more than anything else just subjectivism.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 11:58:28 061d01 No.8215825
File (hide): c09987c8fa46b73.jpg (37.58 KB, 480x456, 20:19, 7d1028f8f76717d4746d6d821d.jpg)

>mfw fags BTFO

Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 12:00:04 ccd48a No.8215839
I'm sure the number is more like 98%, with a few who were converted in college by predatory professors.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 12:03:57 8dded0 No.8215875>>8216797 >>8221407
File (hide): 6a13195e1adeee6.png (3.2 KB, 411x354, 137:118, 1464068866673-2.png)


>This isn't true and there are legitimate studies that go into this. Most gays were never molested into being gay.
Well, present those studies, Milo. And if I see a -berg -blatt or other kike surnames, I'm going to rope you personally.
I've mostly met lesbians and they all were molested as children or suffered serious abuse. Father left, rope'd himself,
mother was a sadist, etc.
These people are seriously mentally damaged and they basically ruin their lives and the lives of other with self destructive
But instead of the system or people for that manner finding the source of abuse in their childhood, they encourage them in
their suffering.
IT's very sad to see these people on a downward spiral and how this dystopian society reviles in it.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 12:06:05 26571b No.8215898>>8216979
>getting THIS triggered about a homosexual tripfag being called out
>can't even disprove the OP's claim
sad! go back to TRS fag lover
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 12:06:12 82d687 No.8215899>>8215952 >>8217094
>everything I don't like is da joos
No different than the SJWs.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 12:07:26 9533b3 No.8215911
>>8215208 (OP)
You yourself underestimate, OP.
The hour is later you think.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 12:08:05 f8b174 No.8215920>>8215950 >>8215982
>>8215208 (OP)
>100% of gays were raped/molested as children by adults
Nah, i know of twinks that had quiet childhoods with little problems. Also, "100%" a large group of Y is as much of a logical
fallacy as "0%" a large group of X.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 12:10:26 ccd48a No.8215944>>8226788
File (hide): 113512caf0cb969.jpg (82.36 KB, 750x872, 375:436, soros cheeky fucker.jpg)

>Ya know, shit gets tired after you do it a few times; gotta spice it up!

The law of diminishing returns. This is akin to an addict who is no longer getting a thrill from his drug of choice and starts
ramping shit up with the harder stuff.
For the elite, that first rape of an innocent probably sent them to heights of perverse ecstasy, but the 39th will lack that
same feel, and thus they will seek it again in other perversions. What happens when the eating isn't giving them the same
thrill, anymore? What happens when they hit bedrock and realize fucking a corpse while being cut with razors and
drinking vomit isn't ever going to get more thrilling? Maybe they decide that since a little kid isn't getting the job done,
maybe an entire NATION of little kids getting raped by golem proxies would get their little circumcised peckers hard,
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 12:10:32 43b1ca No.8215947
Back to the 'ol anti-fag schtick eh?
You don't even deserve an effort star for this one.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 12:10:46 e09378 No.8215950>>8215995
>Nah, i know of twinks that had quiet childhoods with little problems.
It's still molestation, even if the molester is quiet and has a little penis.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 12:10:54 26571b No.8215952
File (hide): 205f3a75bbb3168.jpg (130.7 KB, 780x745, 156:149, 205f3a75bbb3168da63509a996.jpg)

>y-you are no different than SJW! how dare you h-have strong beliefs like them!
Thank you for showing your true colors mr.kike. It's been a full year since the last attempt to shill /pol/ into accepting
faggots, it didn't work last year and it won't work now.
Every singleslaughtered child molesting fucks will be dragged trough the streets and hacked to pieces.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 12:13:17 f16c27 No.8215982>>8216052
No, its 100%. Look at the stats.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 12:14:50 f8b174 No.8215995
File (hide): c48419b464d4c73.png (907.54 KB, 1067x1065, 1067:1065, 1469339678010.png)

Ahh, i see, you just want to push your narrative at all costs even if it's not logical, you're a wild fucker.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 12:18:51 2204f7 No.8216041>>8268311 >>8276036
There is obvious correlation between homosexuality, psychopathy, and desire to be in positions of power (have power
over other people).
People in power are very likely to be psychopaths, which are very likely to be homosexuals/degenerates.
One thing leads to another, and such groups are formed.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 12:19:37 d3d445 No.8216052
>"No, its 100%. Look at the stats"
Not an argument.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 12:22:40 5a3bdb No.8216088
>can joke about "fucking children" (I saw this when I visited the Washington D.C. subreddit) with ease
sounds familiar kek
this place can be pretty evil too
A necessary evil
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 12:22:56 e657a9 No.8216090>>8216149 >>8216724 >>8216739 >>8219428
File (hide): 1f442c271971c1f.jpg (1.43 MB, 1497x1778, 1497:1778, mishima.jpg)

File (hide): 2d238561811461a.jpg (117.29 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, michelangelo.jpg)

File (hide):e5c7269ff23f3e0.jpg (22.45 KB, 250x417, 250:417, Hadrian.jpg)

File (hide): e28cd2dccc320e2.gif(53.3 KB, 300x425, 12:17, tchaikovsky.gif)

It's the day of the rope, will you kill these fags?
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 12:27:14 d3d445 No.8216149
File (hide): 41cc029f5d568c3.jpeg (60.71 KB, 690x368, 15:8, 41cc029f5d568c33ceafb6dcb.jpeg)

>focusing on (((their))) pets.
When will /pol/ realize that once the real problem is solved, all the smaller problems will solve themselves.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 12:27:45 be2611 No.8216156>>8216187
>>8215208 (OP)
>guys, here's what you need to know about the pedos
>whole post is about faggots
Trying to misdirect now?
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 12:29:00 16e34a No.8216172>>8218335
And why are you posting a chaos marine?
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 12:30:16 061d01 No.8216187>>8216209
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 12:31:55 2aa272 No.8216206
even if we grant, without any evidence at all, that 100% of gays are pedos, this is still A) totally irrelevant to the coverup of
HETEROSEXUAL child rape by people like Bill Clinton and the Podesta brothers etc, and B) a fucking alt-right da vinci
code LARPing thread with zero new evidence, leads, analysis or merit.
OP is a faggot (and therefore also a pedophile by his own logic).
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 12:32:12 be2611 No.8216209>>8216229 >>8216286
Thanks for helping the thread hit reply limit quicker.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 12:33:42 16e34a No.8216229
The reply limit here is 750 you nig, is it not enough for you?
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 12:36:04 adfd6d No.8216266>>8216300
We are looking at a Full breach of our national security. The Obama Admin was an INFILTRATION of the U.S.
On day 1 of Obamas office - no -one knew
By the last day of his first term EVERYONE knew.
He has cut to many military jobs, Made to many special movements of Commanding officers and made to many WRONG
MOVES where to RIGHT MOVE was a no brainer to make.
The USA has been infiltrated. They have entrenched us with stay behinds.
Queue the Tom Clancy Music because the shit is gonna get deep.
dive dive dive

Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 12:37:41 061d01 No.8216286>>8216300 >>8216319

>passive aggressive salt because your precious gays are being exposed as pedos.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 12:38:27 2aa272 No.8216300>>8216341 >>8216530
nice dubs! nice job repeatedly misspelling a three-letter word! nice Random capitalization! now you can kill yourself!
and so can you!
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 12:39:49 be2611 No.8216319>>8216341 >>8216530
>still trying to protect the Podesta pedo ring by redirecting attention towards faggots in general
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 12:42:08 1a910d No.8216341
>implying you faggots shouldn't get the bog too
You better believe it, you are going in one.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 12:50:41 6134c0 No.8216455>>8217863 >>8218780
Isn't it odd how the shills are
>pro gay
>pro jew
>pro globalism
>pro EU
>pro immigration
>pro atheism
>pro satanism
>pro reactionary
>pro feelings
>pro magic, tarot
>pro secularism
>pro materialism
>anti discussion
>anti philosophy (so as to not even define materialism; to keep you gullible)
>anti religion
>anti Christianity
>anti nationalism
>anti civic nationalism (the classical nationalism that has existed for thousands of years, where the Finn does not need to
purge the Sami or Tatar)
>anti Russia
>anti Poland
>anti UK
>anti France
>anti 50s USA
>pro pre2k16 USA
They sagebomb threads they don't like. Well done op with the thread, although I don't think it is quite 100%, I think it is the
major cause for homosexuality, though. The other causes would be brainwashing and hormonal imbalances due to
chemicals. /pol/ has been fighting pedowood and 'it all started with papa's friend Abraham' aka 'papa kills babies'.

Welcome aboard. Shills can be identified easily due to the fact that they don't understand /pol/, right wing ideology or
alternate premises. For faggots with fursonas, they can't step into alien views all that well. Kek.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 12:51:23 b8cb49 No.8216463>>8216650 >>8217292 >>8221539 >>8276044
File (hide): 7f4ca38dd81290d.jpg (1.02 MB, 2322x1587, 774:529, sodom3.jpg)

>>8215208 (OP)
Perfect description of a reprobate, OP.

18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth
in unrighteousness;
19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are
made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their
imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and
fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies
between themselves:
25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is
blessed for ever. Amen.
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which
is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with
men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those
things which are not convenient;
29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder,
debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but
have pleasure in them that do them.
>This is the reason all faggots should be killed.

1 Kings 15
11 And Asa did that which was right in the eyes of the Lord, as did David his father.
12 And he took away the sodomites out of the land, and removed all the idols that his fathers had made.

Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 12:56:19 061d01 No.8216530>>8216565

Why are you even on /pol/ if you defend mental illness?
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 12:56:29 061d01 No.8216532
fug my bad
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 12:58:22 6134c0 No.8216565>>8216673
Either he is here to 'laugh at the stoopid nazi racists' or he is paid to be here. Remember, most of them do it for free - they
believe in their cause. Now they have lost and they know it, so they do it out of spite.
Don't underestimate spite as a motivator, jews have been living out of it for nearly two thousand years now.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:04:54 e657a9 No.8216650>>8216675 >>8216719 >>8216729
[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

hello mentally ill baptist
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:06:54 6134c0 No.8216673
As to showcase my point further, let me tell you how God operates. I have received wisdom in this matter (sadly not in
many others).
Jews are mad that 'He chose the goyim! We'll show him!', but it will be God who shows the jews. All their plans will end up
like Sisyphus. They are the Wojack to our Pepe (alternate name for Jahweh, btw).
>Pepe: the ultimate jew - repulsive, antisocial, lives in horrid conditions/solitary ghetto, sexual degeneracy, fecal fixation,
violent murderer, 'it was real in my mind' type, I'm the real victim, smug/chutzpah, sees the big picture, doesn't fit in etc.
>ends up ruining their plans, though
Now, people see themselves in Pepe. When God created man, He created man in His image.
Now, God does not agree with our imagery of Pepe, but He uses it against the kikes. He makes His claimed enemies turn
to Him. That's how He works.

Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:06:55 0978e3 No.8216675>>8216790

Reminder that high masons engage in sodomy to "cultivate" sperm with actual shit.
get the fuck out faggot.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:10:07 c58f57 No.8216714>>8216725
File (hide): eb1ce9f58f6d676.jpg (50.49 KB, 564x745, 564:745, good influence.jpg)

defend the innocent.

but always consider the will of god and what it is to be a godly man.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:10:24 b8cb49 No.8216719>>8216790
>a sodomite calling a bible-beleiving christian mentally ill
Did you forget it isn't 2015 anymore? Next year wil be even better than this one
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:10:44 991186 No.8216724
your pathetic attempt to shake our conviction just shows how much of a kike shill you are.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:10:53 b8cb49 No.8216725>>8217007
God told us that the government should execute sodomites, and thats whats right in the eyes of the Lord.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:11:19 6134c0 No.8216729>>8216790
I know you've considered suicide, but isn't it time you put your money where your mouth is?
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:12:40 ccd48a No.8216739>>8216790
File (hide): 01a773b843f42dc.png (55.29 KB, 622x360, 311:180, gaysemoji.png)

The useful ones will entertain us, much like Frederick Mercury or Dame Elton John. But they will not be allowed to voice
their perverse opinions.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:12:59 061d01 No.8216741
>implying john podesta isn't a faggot anyway
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:14:21 fa852d No.8216759>>8216768 >>8216776 >>8216786
>>8215208 (OP)
This entire thread fails, because you turn it into a religious spergfest. As if thousands of protestant churches aren't openly
promoting homosexuality, racmixing, creationism and other forms of atheism.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:14:58 b8cb49 No.8216768>>8216788
File (hide): a6877ad47377a7d.png (201.21 KB, 631x631, 1:1, 3318c87e0c4c4bcf55d8b5ced8.png)

>creationism is a form of atheism
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:15:25 6134c0 No.8216776>>8216788
False prophets were said to come. No reason to stop halfway in the rabbit hole.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:16:34 6134c0 No.8216786>>8216793 >>8217862
Oh, and remember those burning faggots in Taiwan? It's even a banner here.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:16:44 fa852d No.8216788>>8216818 >>8216849 >>8216896
Yes, creationism is a form of atheism, it turns God into some kind of poweful aliens who plays around with nature/

>False prophets were said to come. No reason to stop halfway in the rabbit hole.
Meaningless blattering with no relevance to the question at hand.
Protestants are part of the problem mate, always have been, always will be.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:16:47 e657a9 No.8216790>>8216824
sorry I have no time for theologically inept children who think CF is an intellectual
did Plato make a mistake recording the words of Phaedrus
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:17:02 fa852d No.8216793
>Oh, and remember those burning faggots in Taiwan? It's even a banner here.
Nothing to do with what I said.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:17:05 572824 No.8216794
File (hide): 3420618d9643170.png (120.86 KB, 2044x476, 73:17, jews are degenerates.png)

I've seen one or two studies that show faggots and dykes are much more likely to
a. commit sexual child abuse and
b. be victims of sexual child abuse themselves.
Can't remember what it was called.
As a fun aside, jews are the biggest fag lovers of all races.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:17:09 e975c6 No.8216797
From my personal experience knowing gays I'd say it's at least 50% which is pretty damn high.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:18:00 6134c0 No.8216818>>8216845 >>8217135 >>8276063
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>Meaningless blattering with no relevance to the question at hand.
You said 'protestant churches promote atheism', which is exactly what I was referring to.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:18:36 6134c0 No.8216824>>8216837
>he brings up CF
We know you are a faggot. Milo, repent and sin no more.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:19:53 b8cb49 No.8216837>>8216846 >>8219542
what is CF?
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:20:45 fa852d No.8216845>>8216887 >>8216899
>You said 'protestant churches promote atheism', which is exactly what I was referring to.
Right, so you will never try to do something about your crooked ideology, because muh bad prophets.
I mean, that is basically what you belief, that you don't have to fix errors in your religion, because those errors are
supposed to be there.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:21:00 6134c0 No.8216846>>8219542
CommonFilth, a youtuber. I've only watched his Tumblristas, so I don't know much about him, but he triggers the faggots
and puritans alike.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:21:12 b8cb49 No.8216849>>8216870
File (hide): 65ceeb343df2e73.png (268.74 KB, 1168x1568, 73:98, 1441117113447.png)

>Yes, creationism is a form of atheism, it turns God into some kind of poweful aliens who plays around with nature
What the fuck are you smoking? The Bible says that God created the world
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:22:34 fa852d No.8216870>>8216887 >>8216899 >>8216998
>What the fuck are you smoking? The Bible says that God created the world
Creation is a form of atheism, God didn't create the world, the world exists because God exists.
This atheistical thinking of turning God into a giant man in the sky, who plays around with nature, is a veiled form of
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:23:50 b8cb49 No.8216887>>8216903
File (hide): 6b4c96ae6972ae1.webm (4.34 MB, 720x480, 3:2, Contemporary_Churches_Bap.webm) [play once] [loop]

>there are a lot of people disobeying God and teaching other people to do so
>therefore you should disobey God too
>God didn't create the world
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
>he hasn't even read the first sentence of the Bible
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:24:07 ab3781 No.8216893
File (hide): 9f8059b47a0502e.jpg (132.82 KB, 720x960, 3:4, ssposter.jpg)

>>8215208 (OP)
it's the communistjews and their puppets
if trump can't fix it we need the SS
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:24:26 edfc3d No.8216896>>8216909 >>8216920
I have question for all of you anons. If someone were to live within distance of a pedo storefront, what would you have that
anon do? Sure you can get OC of a white rabbit on the door, but interviews are likely to yield nothing but circumstantial
evidence like : "look he's uncomfortable answering questions".
Alex Jones and his crew were yelling at their entire audience to go to the place and ask question. I hope someone else
gets to it before him so alex doesn't fill the place with autism and his ambush journalism, making us look retarded.
I just wouldn't know what to do.
>I am become hook the typer of baits
quit derailing the thread
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:24:49 6134c0 No.8216899>>8216934
>Right, so you will never try to do something about your crooked ideology, because muh bad prophets.
What? My father is a protestant priest, I've been redpilling him for years.
My friends, too. I also combat secularism, materialism and nihilism, the poison killing our societies. I believe in evolution
and I will counter retarded arguments pretending to be Christian.
But the sword of truth is so often double edged. Theologians are often easily refuted with Paul and Christ. Equality and
human rights are heresy, as is the lukewarm approach of modern churches.
>Creation is a form of atheism, God didn't create the world, the world exists because God exists.
False, but on the right tracks so to speak. You've acknowledged God's position in relation to existence; as the prime actor,
but He is also the beginning and the end.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:25:02 fa852d No.8216903>>8216924
>>therefore you should disobey God too
Nothing to do with what I said.
>Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
Either the Bible is the word of God and therefor is God, or it;s not and it's just a human creation.
Which is it.

Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:25:33 fa852d No.8216909

>quit derailing the thread
OP, started this religious thread, you are therefore derailing the thread.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:26:21 6134c0 No.8216920>>8220327
>If someone were to live within distance of a pedo storefront, what would you have that anon do?
Find out how to SWAT them.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:26:29 b8cb49 No.8216924>>8216944 >>8216951 >>8270904
The Bible is not God, but the Bible contains the inerrant word of God
Jesus Christ is God
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:27:09 fa852d No.8216934>>8216956
>What? My father is a protestant priest, I've been redpilling him for years.
>My friends, too. I also combat secularism, materialism and nihilism, the poison killing our societies. I believe in evolution
and I will counter retarded arguments pretending to be Christian.
>But the sword of truth is so often double edged. Theologians are often easily refuted with Paul and Christ. Equality and
human rights are heresy, as is the lukewarm approach of modern churches.
Good, then your claim of bad prophets is without warrant, it's not bad prophets but Christianity itself that is the problem.
>False, but on the right tracks so to speak. You've acknowledged God's position in relation to existence; as the prime
actor, but He is also the beginning and the end.
False, God is timeless, thus he is the beginning and the end, because he stands outside of time.
Doesn't mean God creates anything, everything exists because God exists.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:27:43 fa852d No.8216944>>8216962
>The Bible is not God, but the Bible contains the inerrant word of God
>Jesus Christ is God
I see, your claiming that God is:
1. A book.
2. A man.
Explain to me why your not an atheist.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:28:07 534df0 No.8216950>>8216973 >>8216980 >>8216990 >>8217008
File (hide): 3993cd539afad4b.png (52.19 KB, 266x427, 38:61, 1457886882616-4.png)

>>8215208 (OP)
>they are actually offended by morality
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:28:17 e657a9 No.8216951>>8217079 >>8222572
[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Pastor Andersonites believe the Bible is God
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:28:54 6134c0 No.8216956>>8216963
>it's not bad prophets but Christianity itself that is the problem.
Talk about jumping to conclusions
Christianity itself is not the problem. We have just been living under heresy for a hundred or so years, be it Schofield Bible
and zionism or Vatican II. Orthodoxy seems to remain, even though millions of them were slaughtered under the jewish
atheists in their grand goal.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:29:46 b8cb49 No.8216962>>8216970 >>8217079 >>8217404

>1. A book.
The Bible is not God, but the Bible contains the inerrant word of God
>2. A man.
Jesus Christ chose to be born into the world as a man so that he could atone for the sins of man through a perfect blood
sacrifice (there is no remission of sin without the shedding of blood), but Jesus Christ existed before the creation of the
world and he is the alpha and the omega.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:29:47 fa852d No.8216963>>8216972 >>8216985
>Christianity itself is not the problem. We have just been living under heresy for a hundred or so years, be it Schofield
Bible and zionism or Vatican II. Orthodoxy seems to remain, even though millions of them were slaughtered under the
jewish atheists in their grand goal.
Thus Christianity is the problem, you are basically admitting this, Christianity can not prevent what you call "heresy", thus
Christianity is a failure.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:31:11 fa852d No.8216970>>8216978 >>8216983
>The Bible is not God, but the Bible contains the inerrant word of God
Thus it's God, the "word of God", can only be God himself, because the Word isn't an actually word that is spoken, do you
understand this, God is not a man, thus the Word is God, thus you think the Bible is God.
>Jesus Christ chose to be born into the world as a man so that he could atone for the sins of man through a perfect blood
sacrifice (there is no remission of sin without the shedding of blood), but Jesus Christ existed before the creation of the
world and he is the alpha and the omega.
So, you took a man and turned him into God.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:31:28 b8cb49 No.8216972>>8216988
I'm just eagerly awaiting the day when we can round up sodomites like you and lawfully execute you
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:31:30 6134c0 No.8216973>>8217027 >>8217043
>hunger does not exist, it is a spook
Morality is just a higher form of such an instinct. It does not surprise me that the low class people capable of actually
believing that
>they are automatons (implied by materialism, secularism and determinism)
>their enemies are material
>leftism is progression (but they can't define progression objectively)
>killing the better ones is good
End up believing that morality does not real. You will never doubt hunger.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:32:20 b8cb49 No.8216978
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:32:30 1cfc11 No.8216979
OP can't even prove his claim, so your argument is invalid.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:32:33 572824 No.8216980>>8217027

File (hide): c496149d70dc539.png (181.02 KB, 328x317, 328:317, devontracy.PNG)

Stirner was a literal cuck.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:32:45 b8cb49 No.8216983>>8217002 >>8217404 >>8276071
=JOHN 1==
1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2 The same was in the beginning with God.
3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the
Father,) full of grace and truth.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:32:48 6134c0 No.8216985>>8217014
>church institutions are strictly Christian
You don't seem to understand what being Christian is about. It means having certain beliefs about reality. Call heretics
orthodox if you wish to, but you can't dissuade my position. You are talking semantics as some deeper truth. Such is the
jewish way.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:33:14 fa852d No.8216988>>8217010
>I'm just eagerly awaiting the day when we can round up sodomites like you and lawfully execute you
Typical Christian, if you can't win a debate, start lying about your opponent.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:33:23 0978e3 No.8216990>>8217027
Libshits need to go. You have no power here.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:33:59 ab3781 No.8216998>>8225271
File (hide): ed2552070359d2c.jpg (50.46 KB, 720x710, 72:71, communismf.jpg)

This anon is correct.
The bible has been mistranslated on purpose many times over.
2000 years ago there were not separate words for nature and God.
Scofield bible that says to worship the political state of israel and pay no attention to what evil the kikes there do it the
biggest example of a purposful mistranslation.
Christianity is antisemitic in nature. Judeo-christian makes no sense.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:34:13 fa852d No.8217002>>8217404
>the Word was God.
The Bible is the God of the Christians.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:34:31 c58f57 No.8217007>>8217036 >>8218338
File (hide): bae8794cdb78e6a.jpg (60.79 KB, 324x500, 81:125, archangel michael.jpg)

is that devoid of love?
true love, not a counterfeit.
if it is not coming from a place of love, then question your mind.
>God is light.
>Light drives out the darkness.
>God is love.
>Eternal God,
>in whom mercy is endless

>and the treasury of compassion inexhaustible,

>look kindly upon us
>and increase Your mercy in us,
>that in difficult moments
>we might not despair nor become despondent,
>but with great confidence
>submit ourselves to Your holy will,
>which is Love and Mercy itself.
>Angel of God,
>my guardian dear,
>to whom God's love commits me here,
>ever this day be at my side,
>to light, to guard, to rule, and guide.
influence the world with truth and love.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:34:39 8fe82a No.8217008>>8217038
Your mods are all SJW cucks
theres more free speech on >>>/pol/ than there ever will be in commieworld
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:34:56 6134c0 No.8217010>>8217023
>you can't argue
You just put a '=' in between contradictory statements. Heretic =/= orthodox. Leftists are not right wingers, even if the right
wing has been infiltrated by left wingers. Do you understand?
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:35:13 fa852d No.8217014>>8217020 >>8217029
>You don't seem to understand what being Christian is about. It means having certain beliefs about reality. Call heretics
orthodox if you wish to, but you can't dissuade my position. You are talking semantics as some deeper truth. Such is the
jewish way.
In other words, Christianity is the state of being possesed by the daemon Christ, so you no longer have the free will
needed to change.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:36:07 6134c0 No.8217020>>8217030
>In other words, Christianity is the state of being possessed by the daemon Christ
Only if we go by the definition given by Socrates. Kek.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:36:13 0978e3 No.8217022
>When agents discovered that Howard Gutman was having sex with childrenunderage prostitutesit was allowed to
continue for months! Why? It proved to be too damaging to the State Department. It proved to be too damaging to Hillary
Clinton, slated by the Democrat party to run for President in 2016.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:36:14 fa852d No.8217023>>8217046
>You just put a '=' in between contradictory statements. Heretic =/= orthodox. Leftists are not right wingers, even if the
right wing has been infiltrated by left wingers. Do you understand?

I don't see what this has to do with what we where talking about.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:36:40 534df0 No.8217027>>8217038
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Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:36:49 6134c0 No.8217029>>8217041
>so you no longer have the free will needed to change.
No, this is not true, either. Christianity is gardening and herding. It is evolution, life, truth and the way.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:36:50 fa852d No.8217030>>8217046
>Only if we go by the definition given by Socrates. Kek.
I see, no counter-argument, so you admit you gave your free will to a daemon?
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:37:01 b8cb49 No.8217036>>8217254

1 Kings 15
11 And Asa did that which was right in the eyes of the Lord, as did David his father.
12 And he took away the sodomites out of the land, and removed all the idols that his fathers had made.
>taking away the sodomites out of the land was right in the eyes of the Lord
2 Peter 2:6 And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them
an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly
>God's destruction of Sodom was an example
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:37:12 534df0 No.8217038
see >>8217027
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:37:30 fa852d No.8217041>>8217052
>No, this is not true, either. Christianity is gardening and herding. It is evolution, life, truth and the way.
No, now you are describing Western civilization, Christianity is mummification, the end.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:37:34 e657a9 No.8217043>>8217059

You're retarded. Stirner doesn't deny that moral "instincts" exist, but people ACTUALLY believe they are obligated to be
enslaved to superfluous ideas that exist outside of them. Not that they just want to or desire it, but that they are actually
committing some kind of offense against a metaphysical "thing" by not following a moral law.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:37:51 6134c0 No.8217046>>8217057
Yeah, don't see the difference between churches now and three hundred years ago.
You just outed yourself as illiterate. Faggot, why are you protecting pedophiles, anyway? If OP is so wrong, I don't see the
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:38:30 6134c0 No.8217052>>8217066
>Christianity is mummification, the end.
I see, no arguments.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:39:06 fa852d No.8217057>>8217075
>Yeah, don't see the difference between churches now and three hundred years ago.
No, what new things has Christianity brought us.
>You just outed yourself as illiterate. Faggot, why are you protecting pedophiles, anyway? If OP is so wrong, I don't see
the point.
And more Christian lies about me.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:39:13 6134c0 No.8217059>>8217132
If we go by his premises, I'd say: so what?
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:39:21 e657a9 No.8217061
btw its a shame that /leftypol/ has tarnished the image of Stirner here, since I think /pol/ would appreciate some of his
ideas. Leftists themselves are notoriously beholden to external ideas, and if you question them or refuse them you are
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:39:38 fa852d No.8217066>>8217091
>I see, no arguments.
Seems like a solid argument to me, Christianity is death, why isn't that an argument.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:40:02 6134c0 No.8217075>>8217089
>And more Christian lies about me.
Socrates gave a definition for 'daemon' that would have fit your claim and made it right - in so far as you claim that truth
does not set one free.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:40:08 1f7c42 No.8217077
Lot of ass blasted faggotsno pun intendedITT

Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:40:12 362713 No.8217079>>8217099 >>8217101 >>8220782

File (hide): 5d7c6f77c8d4272.webm (2.45 MB, 320x180, 16:9, killyourself.webm) [play once] [loop]

File (hide): 09c5d7c3190ce8c.webm (1.35 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, vitaminK.webm) [play once] [loop]

File (hide): 026b15f42e66ae3.webm (1.87 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, stopbeingawhore.webm) [play once][loop]

of course i believe the bible is god
are you an atheist faggot
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:41:00 fa852d No.8217089>>8217113
>Socrates gave a definition for 'daemon' that would have fit your claim and made it right - in so far as you claim that truth
does not set one free.
Never mentioned socrates, only using the old Greek form because otherwise I would imply that Christ is completely evil,
which he is not, just misguided, like all lower daemons.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:41:01 0978e3 No.8217090
>/leftypol/ being triggered by their degeneracy and shit up a thread to derail the subject of gov involvement with sodomy
and pedophilia.
Go join Soro's shitskin march.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:41:04 6134c0 No.8217091>>8217093 >>8217110
>Christianity is death
To the faggots, but the faggots are already dead. Genetic dead ends and hedonists. Why do you think faggotry is always
associated with dying state of an empire?

Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:41:15 6134c0 No.8217093

Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:41:17 0159af No.8217094
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:41:40 6134c0 No.8217099>>8217121
>of course i believe the bible is god
Then you are a heretic.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:41:42 b8cb49 No.8217101>>8217121 >>8217124
the bible is a book fam. it contains the inerrant word of god, but you can throw it around and put it in your backpack or
the arc of the covenant is where God actually lived for a while and if anybody touched it, they died
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:42:30 8a0741 No.8217108
>ebberyting is a spook!
This thread is about how bad faggots are, not a cuck philosopher no one gives a damn about.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:42:33 fa852d No.8217110
>To the faggots, but the faggots are already dead. Genetic dead ends and hedonists. Why do you think faggotry is always
associated with dying state of an empire?
Still pretending I am a faggot I see.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:42:53 6134c0 No.8217113>>8217137
>Never mentioned socrates
But you used Daemon, not demon. Also, I mentioned Socrates. What is wrong with your brain?
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:43:33 362713 No.8217121>>8217130 >>8217135
well i guess you guys are you're on your way to hell
>For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:43:43 fa852d No.8217124>>8217139 >>8217186
>the arc of the covenant is where God actually lived for a while and if anybody touched it, they died
Yes, the Great Mind behind Existence, the Ground of Being lived in an ark.
So now God is a book, a man and a thing that fits in an ark.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:44:07 362713 No.8217130

Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:44:24 e657a9 No.8217132>>8217177

Moral systems are facades. Useful facades, maybe, but you neuter yourself by submitting to things that are not real. I
would prefer to see reality as is and act accordingly, than to be deluded and submit to things that have no basis and are
external to me.
That doesn't mean I act like some sociopath btw. I find it sad that there is no objective moral law, but I still treat people
well. I just don't have any illusions of some higher force - divine or otherwise - compelling me to do so.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:44:26 534df0 No.8217133
File (hide): c5e363f1c86f999.jpg (767.63 KB, 1125x852, 375:284, Probiscus Jew.jpg)

better version
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:44:33 6134c0 No.8217135>>8217184
'The Word' is Logos and Christ. See >>8216818
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:44:48 fa852d No.8217137
>But you used Daemon, not demon. Also, I mentioned Socrates. What is wrong with your brain?
sigh, now we are getting to the face where you pretend to be ignorant.
Why no google the word Daemon?
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:44:51 362713 No.8217139>>8217142
the fuck is the "great mind"? that's not in the bible
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:45:13 fa852d No.8217142
>the fuck is the "great mind"? that's not in the bible
No, obviously it's not.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:48:04 6134c0 No.8217177>>8217257
Moral systems are natural constructs, like bee-hives to bees. They follow the same structures, even if different races of
bees build somewhat different kinds of hives. We can also rank them in a hierarchical order by the fruit of their labor.
Functional societies build them in a similar fashion - hence why Asian, Hellenic and Christian societies were so
developed. They agreed on so many things. Taoism and stoicism are basically Christianity (but not quite).

>they are useful

But without an objective goal, all 'usefulness' of anything can be discarded by simply disagreeing.
There is a reason the puritans were driven out of Europe.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:48:34 362713 No.8217184>>8217211 >>8220480
yeah. the word is christ. duh. the word was made flesh and dwelt among us. therefore the word is god
>In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and THE WORD WAS GOD
The Word is still God.
and btw 'logos' isn't in the bible bitch.
unless you're a native greek speaker or are fluent youre an idiot for believing what some scholar tells you a word "really"
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:48:59 0978e3 No.8217186>>8217196
>Great mind
>Aka Grand architect
>Aka Gnostic beliefs
>Aka following Lucifer
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:49:39 fa852d No.8217196>>8217217 >>8217222
Implying Gnosticism, Satanism and Masonry don't all have Christian origins.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:49:44 05c614 No.8217197
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:50:46 6134c0 No.8217211>>8217255
File (hide): d7fd01cd716e604.jpg (105.05 KB, 978x582, 163:97, 1475250819389.jpg)

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Yes, but the simple words of the Bible are not God, as that would be idolatry. God can show Himself in the Bible, and
more often than not, does. But have Satan read the Bible and what do you get? The word of God?

Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:51:01 0978e3 No.8217217>>8217234

>Christian origins
>He doesnt know anything of Judiasm.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:51:23 b8cb49 No.8217222>>8217241 >>8217265
File (hide): 017d60d0c9a706e.jpg (9.12 KB, 178x225, 178:225, 1440719019963.jpg)

>creationism is a form of atheism
>Satanism is a form of Christianity
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:53:00 fa852d No.8217234>>8217265 >>8217312
>>Christian origins
>>He doesnt know anything of Judiasm.
Implying Judaism and the Talmud didn't develop as an anti-Christian movement and thus have Christianity to thank for
their origin.
In fact, almost all the evil in the world has it's origin in Judaism/Christianity, including communism.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:53:36 fa852d No.8217241
>>creationism is a form of atheism
>>Satanism is a form of Christianity
Yes, Satan is a Christian concept, Creationism changes God into some gigantic alien playing around with nature.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:54:23 c58f57 No.8217254
File (hide): 6b3aeadc8aa51d4.jpg (22.74 KB, 236x377, 236:377, spirit.jpg)

if people believe in the law, there is no need for enforcement.
this is the ideal.
our problems will not be solved by sweeping them under the rug.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:54:24 362713 No.8217255>>8217273 >>8217339
>as that would be idolatry.
would love to see a verse on that.
more than likely you believe you can lose your salvation. or the more kikish way of getting around it; "well if you're really
saved you'd act like it." If that's the case, there's no point even discussing this.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:54:25 e657a9 No.8217257>>8217325
The thing about moral systems is that people do not acknowledge that they are natural emergent properties, they are not
consciously seen for what they are.
Anyway I'd disagree with you. Taoism and stoicism are superficially similar to Christianity but the differences result in quite
different kind of social structures and human behaviour. Stoicism was not the dominant Hellenic philosophy either, there
was Epicureanism, Platonism, Atomism all that shit. Before the Pre-Socratics developed a lot of their philosophy the
success of Greece, I believe, would have come from their Homeric polytheism and very non-Christian moral system.
I use the word 'useful' to describe things that help achieve the 'natural ends' of living things, like self-propagation and
survival - which they develop desires toward. I guess I have quite a scholastic interpretation here (excluding that I think
these are emergent and not contained in a prior divine intellect).
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:55:10 6134c0 No.8217265>>8217282
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He also said that Christianity is death (and mummification, kek). He is against traditionalism, truth and western civilization.
He can not connect the dots.
Talmud was pharisean heretical sect of judaism, where they worship the elders of Zion, their rabbis and indeed, the
talmud. However, no jew of today would qualify as a jew two thousand years ago, simply because they can't trace their
lineage. They've broken their own laws so often they had to ignore and reinterpet them over and over again.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:55:46 6134c0 No.8217273>>8217380
>would love to see a verse on that.
I gave it to you. God is Spirit, not text. God is alive, not a robotic algorithm.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:56:40 fa852d No.8217282>>8217325
>Talmud was pharisean heretical sect of judaism, where they worship the elders of Zion, their rabbis and indeed, the
talmud. However, no jew of today would qualify as a jew two thousand years ago, simply because they can't trace their
lineage. They've broken their own laws so often they had to ignore and reinterpet them over and over again.
A Brabantian isn't a Limburgian, though I doubt there is much difference between the two groups.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:57:28 4f36e1 No.8217292
Amen. Thanks Anon, God bless.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:58:40 0978e3 No.8217312>>8217322
>Trying to rewrite history
retarded libshit confirmed. Christianity came after pagan worship. There is no evidence it came before.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:59:32 fa852d No.8217322>>8217344 >>8217350
>retarded libshit confirmed. Christianity came after pagan worship. There is no evidence it came before.
I do not belief in the Christian category of Pagan.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 13:59:48 6134c0 No.8217325
>Taoism and stoicism are superficially similar to Christianity but the differences result in quite different kind of social
structures and human behaviour.

Yes, but the difference is far smaller than judaism, Islam, communism or mesoamerican religions (compared to western
Yeah, they are the same heretics, but for people who claim to worship the law, they disagree with it a lot. Double
standards and corruption to the very end. It isn't a coincidence that the sect furthest from God is the one that survived.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:01:02 b8cb49 No.8217339>>8217358
brother i admire you zeal but stop and think.
1.) When God resided on the mountain and Moses went up to see him, he decreed that nobody else should come
anywhere near because they would die.
2.) When God's spirit resided in the arc of the covenant, if anybody touched it, they died.
If God WAS the book, then if you touched it, you would die.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:01:27 6134c0 No.8217344
Pagan is a weird classification, indeed.
>country pleb
All combined. It's better to divide each religion to their own groups and categories and start from there.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:02:23 0978e3 No.8217350>>8217363 >>8217384
>Muh spoops
Paganism is worship of sexual magick and idolatry. All of these are present in the old religions that predated Christianity.
These are being used in occult shit like pedopizza and spiritcooking
Doesnt matter if youre a belieber or not, it's a fucking fact.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:03:08 fa852d No.8217358>>8217370 >>8217379
>If God WAS the book, then if you touched it, you would die.
Let me get this straight, your logic has actually caused you to belief that God can be contained on a mountain or in an ark,
that God is in fact some small thing with a place and location, like Zeus living on mount Olympus.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:03:38 fa852d No.8217363>>8217388
>Doesnt matter if youre a belieber or not, it's a fucking fact.
No, that's your very own definition of the word, not even in line with other Christians.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:04:17 b8cb49 No.8217370>>8217381
God can choose to reside wherever he pleases, but wherever he is, nothing imperfect can touch it
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:05:17 6134c0 No.8217379>>8217394
That's not what he said. That's not how God operates.

The verse is in the image I referred to. 2 Cor 3:17, 2 Cor 3:6.
To imply that the Bible is God is heresy and idolatry.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:05:23 362713 No.8217380>>8217391
You quoted a catholic/orthodox monk. Totally unsaved, therefore, he's reading The Word blindfolded.
The passage he's twisting adressed that toward the end
>15 But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the vail is upon their heart.
>16 Nevertheless when it shall turn to the Lord, the vail shall be taken away.
>17 Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
>18 But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory
to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.
So the part where it's pretty much saying "the text is dead" is because it's being read by people who have hardened
hearts. Kind of like when either you or satan quotes the word. You're not saved, therefore it has no power, no spirit, and
isn't god.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:05:28 fa852d No.8217381>>8217408
>God can choose to reside wherever he pleases, but wherever he is, nothing imperfect can touch it
So, you literally think that God is basically like Zeus, that he isn't the ground or being of the universe, but an active player
within the universe, that plays around with nature.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:05:38 3a8816 No.8217382
i know a psychic guy and he said that fags have fucked up auras.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:05:40 e657a9 No.8217384
>Paganism is worship of sexual magick and idolatry.
I thought paganism would include any kind of non-monotheistic religious tradition, regardless of whether or not "sexual
magick" is involved. Idolatry is only a useful category if you think there are idols that steal attention from a legitimate end
of worship like God.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:06:00 0978e3 No.8217388>>8217402
>Implying worship of nature didn't lead to idols of animals and sexual power.
You are a complete moron, but that's why youre a leftard
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:06:08 6134c0 No.8217391>>8217444
>You quoted a catholic/orthodox monk.
>Totally unsaved
You decide? Now you are God?
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:06:23 fa852d No.8217394>>8217410
>To imply that the Bible is God is heresy and idolatry.
Right, so you think God is the Bible, but you can't admit it because heresy/idolatry.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:06:56 fa852d No.8217402>>8217432

>Implying worship of nature didn't lead to idols of animals and sexual power.
No, I never implied anything remotely like that, started to lie?
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:07:04 4f36e1 No.8217404>>8217414
You're actually an idiot if you didn't get it until now. But i know that you understood it, no one can be that stupid. You just
don't want to accept it. That's it. I pray for you.
You did well.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:07:32 b8cb49 No.8217408>>8217426
Yes God is NOT the universe. God created the universe and existed prior to its creation. Of course he is an active player
within the universe, having created it from the beginning. And yes God does "play around," with nature, in fact he created
nature and it is the work of his hands.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:07:39 6134c0 No.8217410>>8217430
>so you think God is the Bible
No. God gave us the Bible and can appear in it. God can appear in a burning bush if he wants to.
Read between the lines, dear mr. robot. Be alive.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:08:01 fa852d No.8217414>>8217429 >>8217442
>You're actually an idiot if you didn't get it until now. But i know that you understood it, no one can be that stupid. You just
don't want to accept it. That's it. I pray for you.
I see and you think calling me a moron and threatening me with a curse will somehow change my mind?
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:08:54 fa852d No.8217426>>8217436 >>8217440
>Yes God is NOT the universe. God created the universe and existed prior to its creation. Of course he is an active player
within the universe, having created it from the beginning. And yes God does "play around," with nature, in fact he created
nature and it is the work of his hands.
So your basically an atheist then, you think God is part of the material universe, instaid of containing the universe and
guiding it.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:09:08 6134c0 No.8217429>>8217437
>threatening me with a curse
May God grant you your vision back. Perhaps some wisdom, too. Certainly humility.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:09:22 fa852d No.8217430>>8217454
>No. God gave us the Bible and can appear in it. God can appear in a burning bush if he wants to.
Right, if God can appear in the Bible or in anything else, then why do you need the Bible?
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:09:38 0978e3 No.8217432
>"No, that's your very own definition of the word, not even in line with other Christians."

I guess you can't even keep track of your own thoughts, you truly are a fucking idiot. You couldn't connect the dots so I did
it for you.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:09:58 6134c0 No.8217436>>8217446 >>8217578
>So your basically an atheist then, you think God is part of the material universe
No. Heh, Christianity is a step beyond simple monotheism. Read on Cosmic theism / Panentheism. Aquinas is good place
to start with.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:10:00 fa852d No.8217437
>May God grant you your vision back. Perhaps some wisdom, too. Certainly humility.
Curses don't work on me, I am protected by the real God, who isn't a man, or a book, or a breath or something else
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:10:14 b8cb49 No.8217440>>8217450
>you think God is part of the material universe
No, God created the material world. He is not a part of it, although he can choose to interact within it.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:10:17 4f36e1 No.8217442>>8217461
Lol i feel so sorry for you. First I didn't call you an idiot, read again what I wrote. Second i never cursed you. God bless
you. I hope you'll be able to jump over your shadow soon.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:10:26 362713 No.8217444>>8217482 >>8221386
He preaches a works salvation. He's not saved. Let him be accursed.
>6 I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:
>7 Which is not another; but there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ.
>8 But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto
you, let him be accursed.
>9 As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him
be accursed.
>10 For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant
of Christ.
The "sin of presumption" bullshit doesn't come from the bible.
>These things have I written unto you, that believe on the name of the son of God THAT YE MAY KNOW ye HAVE
everlasting life
Says I can know.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:10:33 fa852d No.8217446
>No. Heh, Christianity is a step beyond simple monotheism. Read on Cosmic theism / Panentheism. Aquinas is good
place to start with.
I have no intention of reading anything, I am here to debate.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:11:12 fa852d No.8217450>>8217474
>He is not a part of it, although he can choose to interact within it.

Right, so God doesn;t actually have any dominion over the world, since he is not a part of it, just an alien playing around
with it.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:11:39 6134c0 No.8217454>>8217480
>then why do you need the Bible?
To remember what He said. To know the covenant. To self-improve. All kinds of reasons, really. We can use it as a
guideline as to know what we are dealing with.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:11:57 0abf58 No.8217460>>8217599
>>8215208 (OP)
I kinda find them funny, these people are so simple and dumb.
>le ebil anti fish man represents everything that is us being bad and edgy!
That is the best that they can come up with, some thousand year old, goat man who hates the fish man. That is whom
they choose to represent their vile vices.
It makes no goddamn sense, how can so many of these "elites" be so goddamn daft? I can go into /tg/ on halfchan and
find people who are ten times more creative, even in "evil" ways, in things that does not result in pedo garbage.
I mean actual evil like genocide, or weird evil. But at least creatively evil. But these people, the best that their creativity
allows is to "lets diddle the kids". You know what I would do if I wanted to make an ebil conspiracy with elite people? I
would conspire to steal an army, attack helicopter, loaded with missiles, and shoot them at old peoples homes. Or just
shoot at giant cities. I wouldnt turn into an "le ebil anti fishman, who wants to remove the innocence of children@!". The
world is far too complex, far too rewarding in its capacity to do both evil and good. There is no good reason why 90% of all
elites turn into kiddy diddlers.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:11:58 fa852d No.8217461
>God bless you.
He indeed has. With truth about the true nature of the Bible, that it is flawed and manmade.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:12:02 abc4f2 No.8217466>>8220955
>>8215208 (OP)
>will almost never admit to being gay. Even if they are at a gay bar, with a group of guys, they will still not admit to being
gay. Even a bartender at a gay bar, who would dance nightly shirtless and get tips tucked into his pants, refused to admit
to me that he was gay.
This has not been my experience AT ALL. Where did you get this idea? Probably some conservative state I'd wager. Visit
someplace like Seattle sometime, they won't even consider denying it. Hell, half the time they offer the information up
unsolicited. Have you ever even seen a "pride parade"? These people aren't hiding their faggotry anymore.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:12:30 b8cb49 No.8217474>>8217490
>Right, so God doesn;t actually have any dominion over the world
No. God created the world and can destroy the world. He exists outside of the world, but he can choose to interact within
the world. He has perfect dominion over all things, having created all things and being able to destroy all things
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:12:42 fa852d No.8217480>>8217501
>To remember what He said. To know the covenant. To self-improve. All kinds of reasons, really. We can use it as a
guideline as to know what we are dealing with.
So, you admit then that the Bible is just an attempt to understand God and nothing else then, because God can appear

Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:12:45 6134c0 No.8217482

Look at the century he lived in. There was no Catholic/Orhtodox division yet. There was no heresy of that kind - and not of
the protestant kind either.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:13:33 fa852d No.8217490>>8217498 >>8217500
>No. God created the world and can destroy the world. He exists outside of the world, but he can choose to interact within
the world. He has perfect dominion over all things, having created all things and being able to destroy all things
But that is atheism, you are saying that God is just a creature like all other creatures, just outside the universe and
extremely powerful.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:14:30 e657a9 No.8217498>>8217502
You seriously misunderstand classical theism. Go read Aquinas.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:14:53 937029 No.8217499
>>8215208 (OP)
>In all my years of being around these people, I have noted two things above all else:
if you're not a faggot, why did you hang with them?
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:15:06 b8cb49 No.8217500>>8217509
>you are saying that God is just a creature
No, God is the creator.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:15:12 6134c0 No.8217501>>8217519
>nothing else then
Now that is a wild claim as well. It is not an ordinary book. It is the most dangerous book in history. It requires deep
wisdom to approach it the right way - to use it to reach God. It isn't a dispenser giving us algorithms.
It is dozens of books of varying genres. Read the book of wisdom and evangelion of John, or psalsm.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:15:23 fa852d No.8217502>>8217512
>You seriously misunderstand classical theism. Go read Aquinas.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:15:58 fa852d No.8217509>>8217523
>No, God is the creator.
Like I create a sandwich, thus you are not talking about God, but about some creature.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:16:16 e657a9 No.8217512>>8217520
Then proudly wallow in your ignorance like a dog who returns to its own vomit. I don't care. Just don't spout your shitty
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:16:53 fa852d No.8217519>>8217524

>Now that is a wild claim as well. It is not an ordinary book. It is the most dangerous book in history. It requires deep
wisdom to approach it the right way - to use it to reach God. It isn't a dispenser giving us algorithms.
>It is dozens of books of varying genres. Read the book of wisdom and evangelion of John, or psalsm.
It is either manmade, or of some other make, but if it's made by God, then it is God, if not, then it's just manmade.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:17:08 fa852d No.8217520>>8217544
>Then proudly wallow in your ignorance like a dog who returns to its own vomit. I don't care. Just don't spout your shitty
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:17:37 b8cb49 No.8217523>>8217535
Are you being willfully ignorant?
creator =/= creature
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:17:41 6134c0 No.8217524>>8217539 >>8217543
>It is either manmade, or of some other make
Why the separation? Christ was man and God.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:18:11 abc4f2 No.8217529
I'm sure there are a few exceptions that prove the rule. And it's not just rape or molestation, all manner of childhood abuse
or neglect cause it, including being raised by a single mother. Find me a faggot who had a normal healthy childhood in
every respect; you can't do it.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:18:27 fa852d No.8217535>>8217540 >>8217543
>Are you being willfully ignorant?
>creator =/= creature
I know, then why do you belief that?
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:18:55 fa852d No.8217539>>8217542
>Why the separation? Christ was man and God.
So you think God is a man?
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:18:58 6134c0 No.8217540>>8217542 >>8217552
Aquinas has the answers you seek, but you won't read him.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:19:09 6134c0 No.8217542
See >>8217540
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:19:11 b8cb49 No.8217543>>8217554 >>8217562

This man is genuinely one of the stupidest people I have ever had the misfortune of communicating with.
God is the creator of the world, not a creature of the world.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:19:19 e657a9 No.8217544>>8217570
What is this autism? Why are you saying 'lies'? You're just a deist who misunderstood medieval scholastic theology and
thinks God can't interact with the universe because he is Being itself, despite the fact that Being is a conscious mover who
has moved everything in existence and continues to move everything, and does so with precise intent and unlimited
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:20:01 fa852d No.8217552>>8217579
>Aquinas has the answers you seek, but you won't read him.
Irrelevant, I am here to debate, not to get book suggestions.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:20:24 6134c0 No.8217554>>8217569 >>8218700
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>This man is genuinely one of the stupidest people I have ever had the misfortune of communicating with.
You didn't understand me because you don't understand where I come from. Read aquinas.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:20:43 fa852d No.8217562>>8217585
>God is the creator of the world, not a creature of the world.
Why do you then proclaim God is seperate from the world and toying around with the world?
God contains the world and grounds the world.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:21:08 b8cb49 No.8217569>>8217580 >>8217586
haha I wasn't talking about you friend. fa952d is a fool
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:21:10 fa852d No.8217570>>8217582
>You're just a deist
No, never called myself that.

Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:21:21 0978e3 No.8217578>>8217635

>paradoxical transcendent Divine Panentheism, through intellectual articulation of inner dimensions of Kabbalah
Found the heresy.
>He doesn't know about the kabbalah of the antichrist.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:21:23 6134c0 No.8217579>>8217697 >>8218650
[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Let me spoonfeed you, mr. 'protect the fags and pedos from evil Christians'.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:21:32 6134c0 No.8217580
Ah, ok.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:21:43 e657a9 No.8217582>>8217597
I don't care what you call yourself, it's what you are.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:21:50 b8cb49 No.8217585>>8217610
God is the creator of the world, and can destroy the world, and can interact within the world
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:21:52 fa852d No.8217586>>8217604 >>8217650
>haha I wasn't talking about you friend. fa952d is a fool
Yes, I am a fool, because I do not think I know everything about God or religion, unlike most Christians, who proudly
proclaim to know the truth.

Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:21:58 33274d No.8217590>>8217621

File (hide): c764ee5e6d9ea53.png (31.19 KB, 602x778, 301:389, 415752.png)

>100% of gays are pedos

>meanwhile, bear culture exists
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:22:22 abc4f2 No.8217596
>Most gays were never admit to university researchers that they were molested
FTFY. They're not stupid, they understand the purpose of such queries from researchers, so they always lie and say their
childhoods were great and that they were born that way.
But if you're not a university researcher, just some average joe, and you earn their trust, they'll always eventually admit
the truth. They hate their parent[s]. They claim to have been abused or neglected. They resent others for having normal
childhoods. If you earn their trust, they'll admit all of this to you in hushed tones, because they know their personal truth
confirms the worst that has always been suspected of their demographic as a whole. That's why they lie to researchers
about it, they don't want to contribute to the stereotypes being right.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:22:31 fa852d No.8217597>>8217640
>I don't care what you call yourself, it's what you are.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:22:39 0abf58 No.8217599
>I start to realize that the world is still run by lunatic religious people
>le ebil anti fish man, who is also a goatman
>and le non ebil fish man
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:22:44 b8cb49 No.8217604>>8217619
Jesus Christ and his word within the Bible is the truth
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:23:02 fa852d No.8217610>>8217640
>God is the creator of the world, and can destroy the world, and can interact within the world
God did not create the world, he can not destroy it because he can not destroy himself and his existence is interaction.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:23:33 fa852d No.8217619

>Jesus Christ and his word within the Bible is the truth
God and his God within the God is the God.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:23:45 6134c0 No.8217621
>100% of gays are pedos
Or victims of it, you forgot that part. But yeah, statements that ignore Pareto's principle are 80% of the time wrong.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:24:56 abc4f2 No.8217634
>This study (which interviewed the most flaming of faggots attending a gay parade) found that less than half ADMITTED
to being molested as a child.
And how many lied because they saw a politically charged motivation for the question?
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:25:00 6134c0 No.8217635
What do they say about broken clocks? The jews use functional tools for dysfunctional purposes.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:25:11 e657a9 No.8217640>>8217662
Because your conception of God eliminates the possibility of God interacting with reality, which makes little sense. The
Christians even believe God interacts within himself, as the three divine persons of the Trinity.
Oh so you're actually a pantheist. God is distinct from creation because he can exist without it, and indeed did before he
made the world and will continue to after the world is gone.
I'm not even Christian but please fucking read Aquinas
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:25:47 4b25eb No.8217650>>8217672
Not sure what has been said in this thread, however whilst Christians do not know everything about God; a lot has been
revealed about His character. We know of many of His attributes(order, justice, strength, wisdom, family, zeal, duty, loyalty,
truth, honesty, kindness, love, compassion, etc), we have His law to some extent inscribed on our hearts (ever wondered
why all kids think fags are disgusting until they 'learn better'?), and He gifts us with further knowledge and wisdom when
we have established a relationship with Him (through Jesus Christ) and pray for Him to reveal His will to us.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:26:52 fa852d No.8217662>>8217684
>Because your conception of God eliminates the possibility of God interacting with reality, which makes little sense.
No, never said or implied anything like that.
God exists, thus the universe exists, thus he interacts with the world.
>Oh so you're actually a pantheist.
>God is distinct from creation because he can exist without it, and indeed did before he made the world and will continue
to after the world is gone.
That would imply Time predates God, which it doesn't.
>I'm not even Christian but please fucking read Aquinas

Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:27:53 fa852d No.8217672>>8217696
>(ever wondered why all kids think fags are disgusting until they 'learn better'?
Homosexuals are rapists and contain diseases so children evolved to feel ill when they see homo's which would increase
their chance of surviving.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:28:37 e657a9 No.8217684>>8217694
>That would imply Time predates God, which it doesn't.
I'm not talking in terms of time, but in terms of causality.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:29:20 abc4f2 No.8217691>>8223811
Here's a question for you /pol/: How did fa852d (58)! manage to derail a thread about faggotry into esoteric theology
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:29:22 2b6644 No.8217692
File (hide): 2f038faa0356531.jpg (73.62 KB, 500x700, 5:7, 1385703475509.jpg)

Nice monologue
Life isnt a vidcon kid.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:29:27 fa852d No.8217694>>8217706
>I'm not talking in terms of time, but in terms of causality.
Implying you can have causality without time.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:29:31 6134c0 No.8217696>>8217710
Would not explain the disgust with lesbians, but nice try. Yes, the nature of sin is to die by its own hand.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:29:38 0978e3 No.8217697>>8217730
>The first 5 minutes into video is already fpromoting the same concept of Gnostic Fre Masons that we are gods.
Smh tbh fam

Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:30:28 e657a9 No.8217706>>8217721

Then you're saying that God didn't create time, dummo.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:30:48 fa852d No.8217710>>8217723
>Would not explain the disgust with lesbians,
I would, since lesbians could rape children or introduce them to male homosexuals.
Also, everything is geared towards reproduction, so not finding gays queer will decrease a childs chance of not
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:32:03 fa852d No.8217721
>Then you're saying that God didn't create time, dummo.
No, I am saying that the world, time and God exist, because they exist. There are no steps.
Time and World are contained within God.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:32:26 e657a9 No.8217723>>8217740 >>8217833
>I would, since lesbians could rape children or introduce them to male homosexuals.
This is based on the premise that lesbians and gays would have cared to interact with each other and thought of
themselves as alike in some primordial human environment prior to the existence of the 'gay community' in the 20th
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:32:42 6134c0 No.8217730>>8217838
>that we are gods
How did you get there?
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:34:00 fa852d No.8217740>>8217753 >>8217758 >>8217822
>This is based on the premise that lesbians and gays would have cared to interact with each other and thought of
themselves as alike in some primordial human environment prior to the existence of the 'gay community' in the 20th
I added a second point. Don't ignore it.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:35:21 e657a9 No.8217753>>8217799
That point is probably correct but has little impact on the moral quality of homosexuality.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:35:36 6134c0 No.8217758>>8217774
Have you read of Sodom and Gomorrah?
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:37:07 fa852d No.8217774>>8217793
>Have you read of Sodom and Gomorrah?
The Bible is not God, alright.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:38:33 6134c0 No.8217793>>8217811

What is your point? I gave you ancient text referring to similar conditions as today.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:39:05 fa852d No.8217799
>That point is probably correct but has little impact on the moral quality of homosexuality.
Right, because not reproducing isn't inherently amoral.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:39:42 5d767d No.8217810
File (hide):81956f4e70c849d.png(187.63 KB, 1096x2893, 1096:2893, homo death.png)

File (hide): 5debd36bc5a5e5e.jpg (266.74 KB, 1237x900, 1237:900, horrid homos.jpg)

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Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:39:54 fa852d No.8217811>>8217833 >>8217865

>What is your point? I gave you ancient text referring to similar conditions as today.
I don't know, what is your point exactly?
That I have to worship a book like it's God, that you have to introduce your religion into everything?
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:40:31 4b25eb No.8217822>>8217846 >>8217873
Romans 1:22
>Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
Do you really not see how idiotic your argument is? Is it not more likely humans are just geared to hate which is unnatural
and disgusting? By your logic it makes no sense that people are disgusted when seeing trash in a forest. When
perfection, beauty or order is disrupted; we find it abhorrent. We find it so because it is the corruption of that which was
God had originally made as good.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:41:21 6134c0 No.8217833
>I don't know, what is your point exactly?
I responded to wrong post initially, I should have referred to >>8217723
Guess I should head for bed now that lines are jumping around.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:41:43 0978e3 No.8217838>>8217865
>"Christian doctrine of incarnation"

Saying God became humans is a complete lie, and this man is a false prophet. The Christian belief is that god MADE man
in his own image not that he became one.
>"God is not in competition"
Implies that God and Man are are on equal ground
>"Nestorianism, Jesus is only a human"
Clear as day blasphemy
>"Arianism, to become divine you must kick out the will of Jesus"
A very obvious parallel to FreeMasons concept of illumination through following Lucifer.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:42:24 fa852d No.8217846
>We find it so because it is the corruption of that which was God had originally made as good.
Exactly and I am trying to explain WHY thats the case, while you refuse to accept the reasons and just go with blind faith.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:43:11 000000 No.8217855>>8218025
I found a plebbit post from /r/pizzagate, and tracked down broken links and archived the rest, and noted the ones I
couldn't track down.
TLDR This shit has been going on FOR DECADES
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:43:29 d58193 No.8217862>>8217892
I remember that it was a hoax. They got burned from an accident (fireworks?), not from a hate crime. But the community
lied and presented it as a hate crime to get sympathy points.
I've been part of the alphabet soup community and the majority of them always lie to exploit every drop of sympathy of
people. Remember the Olympic contestant in Brazil who lied about getting beaten up and remember the lesbian waitress
who lied about being refused tips from a Christian couple.
If a tranny claims that they're likely to die, then they're being dishonest. Only 24 of them died this year from homicide
(waaaay less than cis people) and it was not because they were trans. The majority of the victims were niggers.
One of the cases involved an FtM person who got gunned down for lunging at police officers with a knife. Another one of
those cases involved an MtF who allegedly tried to sexual assault a 16 year old kid. The majority of them died at inns and
apartments, which implied that they were prostitutes.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:43:40 890ef2 No.8217863
They clearly prefer a culture of steam, a fluid culture, if you can call it that. The more slaves you have, the more free labor
you get.
You'd be surprised how easy it is to buy people out. I'm sure a number of people in this very thread have a buying price.
And that would mean they'd look away, stop digging if they were paid off.
Jews get involved in finance because money is a meme, their behavior is a meme, their scripture flat out says they should
meme the goyim/cattle into giving them what they want. And that's what they do.
So, the pattern there is high level manipulation and low level chaos.
Whereas, the cool memers, such as you and me, favor high level chaos and low level manipulation.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:43:55 6134c0 No.8217865>>8218016
>That I have to worship a book like it's God

>that you have to introduce your religion into everything
Yeah, it's like world view affects every action and thought. I can, and do, utilize and entertain alternate views every now
and then.
Who is Jesus Christ?
>"Truly, I tell you; before Abraham was, I am."
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:44:20 e657a9 No.8217873>>8217895 >>8217906 >>8218010 >>8218263
I'm so tired of arguing with internet Christians, they are adept at begging the question. They accept their worldview a prior
and reduce all explanations of natural phenomena to Christian ideology. "durr its obvious" No shit, it's a belief system
specifically constructed to explain the world, just as much as dialectical materialism or Buddhism, which are internally
consistent and explain the world in their own ways.
I used to be a Christian convert btw.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:46:05 6134c0 No.8217892
>They got burned from an accident
That was the initial claim, though. It wasn't a hoax. It was divine.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:46:09 890ef2 No.8217895>>8217913
I have nothing against Christ or Christians until they act like they have indisputable proof that their religions are true.
Even the Mormons believe it's all a matter of faith. That's what their church president said when confronted with evidence
that there are no Jew genes among the native Americans.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:46:54 6134c0 No.8217906>>8217939
>They accept their worldview a prior
That's what everybody does. Do you assume logic or did you prove it with an alternate method (that is not logic, because
that would be circular reasoning).
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:47:19 d1a6d6 No.8217911>>8218829

[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

If Satanism is on the table, it isn't primarily about pleasure-seeking, but about blackmail. If it were merely pleasureseeking, they would do these things individually. The reason they do it in group settings is to bond through mutual
It's called "making your bones".
The fact that the cohesiveness of our elite is tied together primarily through blackmail opens up the possibility of
concentric circle rings of blackmail. In other words, there is no reason to suspect that this stops at the level of the Clintons.
The Clintons are, after all, up-jumped Appalachian drug smugglers. When did this particular cult start? It probably predates the Clintons by a very, very long time.
There are, in all likelihood, levels above the Clintons. Perhaps Soros is a step above the Clintons. Perhaps Rockefeller is
a stop above Soros. Perhaps Rothschild is a step above Rockefeller. Perhaps there's somebody a step above Rothschild.
The Royal Family? Who fucking knows.
Hell, it might go back further the founding of America. The Freemasons pre-date America. They do some weird occult
Lucifer/Satanist oriented shit, who's to say how deep this rabbit hole goes?
Anything is possible now.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:47:29 e657a9 No.8217913
I would disagree with you there. I prefer when Christians try to use reason, like the Catholic scholastics do. The real
problem I see is that there are people who believe you must accept it on faith, and then shit on you for not doing so, as if
it's just obvious and right that you should believe without evidence.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:48:55 0abf58 No.8217924
Why are you guys still arguing with fish man fanboys? Its 2016we closed this topic off many, MANY years ago.
You see, the problem that we have is that the anti fish people, the goat man people are still christians, but they are
following the other side of christianity, the "do not do these things or else fish man wont liek you" manual.
But all in all, if you were to eliminate all fish men, and goat men, the rate of kiddy diddling would go down significantly.
Because while they may not like the fish man, they still hold dear to them the idea of innocence, because of fish teachings
or something. And that is also one of the reasons why they diddle kids.
But if you have no fish man concepts of innocence, or of sins. Then you cannot become a goat man either.

You see, the true evil is just touching anything of this vile lore. Doesnt matter if its pro or anti. This whole stream is pure
evil, and the fish man also promotes egalitarianism. Which pollutes the blood of races.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:49:57 530bc1 No.8217936>>8217948 >>8218025 >>8218056
>>8215208 (OP)
What kind of evidence is required to blow this shit wide open? We've already got pictures of toddlers on Comet Pizza's
instagram with sexually suggestive comments. What the hell else can we even do? I don't know what would work beyond
actual video evidence. They control the law enforcement agencies.
Maybe people should start harassing these people on a daily basis, getting up their faces with cameras and berating them
about being a pedophile. Like the Podestas, that Alefantis faggot, David Brock, etc.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:50:31 e657a9 No.8217939>>8218002 >>8218014
I don't think logic is intrinsically good or anything, but here's how I see it. Christians say God is Truth and goodness and so
on, and we humans exist as frail, temporal beings with limited knowledge. We have to use rational thinking and
investigation to get closer to truth, which is concealed to us, so why would God - if he exists - then conceal himself from
rational investigation as well? I don't mean science and shit by the way, I just mean that the divine is hidden enough for it
to be a rational position to hold to nonbelief, and yet the use of logic seems to be the best way to yield what Christians say
God wants us to find, which is truth.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:51:06 6134c0 No.8217948>>8217995 >>8218056
>What kind of evidence is required to blow this shit wide open?
There is no way. The media won't cover it. However, we can put them to justice wherever we meet them.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:55:51 530bc1 No.8217995>>8218056
They might if we harassed them so much and protested outside their shitty pizza restaurants that they can't ignore it.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:56:21 890ef2 No.8218002>>8218110
I like logic because it's a comfortable means of understanding the world.
However, some people live like feelings are the best way to understand the world.
I say both are valid, and the trick is getting them to work together.
As far as this puzzle is concerned, I'd say let's use our emotions to think, not think with our emotions.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:56:48 abc4f2 No.8218010>>8218043 >>8218110
>Christian convert
How the hell does that even happen? I can understand being a Christian because you were raised that way, but how can
somebody be persuaded to convert? What was said to you that got you to buy into the christian memeplex?
In my experience, most converts are ex-junkies or alcoholics.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:57:12 6134c0 No.8218014>>8218110
>then conceal himself from rational investigation as well?
Life spent seeking God is a life worth living. There is something intrinsically wrong with our intelligencia, even in physics.
>The difference between measured reality and modeled reality is 10 to the power of 120 in cosmology
That means that something is seriously wrong in our approach. Rather than fixing our model, we imagine there to be
mysterious x-factor that fixes reality so that the model is correct.

God does not hide from intelligent, rational approach. Socrates was close, very close. Plato and Aristotle as well. The
notion that religion and -Christianity especially- as irrational is a meme. Yes, a meme spread by burgers, too, but it is
naught but propaganda. C.S. Lewis and Aquinas, Kant and many others have had very good results with intelligent
approach. Why don't you start there?
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:57:15 0978e3 No.8218016>>8218043
The later half of this video is equally Luciferian.
>"God only is the universe"
The belief that there is no intelligent design while science is finding more links that can not be an accident such as the
Higs Boson.
>"God is only a fantasy of our ideals"
Fucking stupid concept considering before Christianity people were happy to be degenerates.
>Atheism "The more I say no to god, I say yes to humanity"
This is against what Jesus taught to reject desires of the flesh. Man moving away from god is what Satan has always
wanted, starting from the apple.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:57:48 33274d No.8218025>>8218068
File (hide): 6b74f869e5fe71d.jpg (26.02 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Ssnap3.jpg)

I think you mean millennia
>what is the cult of canaan
>what is jewish blood libel
>what is kabbalah
>what is pedowood
They're untouchable. The only difference now is that we have the internet, whereas in the past, they controlled the media,
and thus, could shut it down. Back in the middle ages when people found out what this cult was doing, they were chased
out with pitchforks (something that happened all over Europe for thousands of years, look into the history of antisemitism).
We just need to meme this. That's it. Seriously, if this gets memetic, they're done for. Videos, catchy pictures, references,
hell, anything to spread this knowledge and soon enough we'll be Seoul 2.0
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 14:59:16 6134c0 No.8218043>>8218062
>I can understand being a Christian because you were raised that way, but how can somebody be persuaded to convert?
It's because modernism is wrong and lying to you about everything.
>God only is the Universe
Why do you lie? God+Universe >! God. It is stated in the video.
>>>/Christian/ go seek help.

Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 15:00:44 d58193 No.8218056

People can be only be aware of it if they're part of the community themselves. They won't spill beans to a straight ally. The
majority of the rationalize themselves into thinking that it's good so they remain silent about it.
As the OP stated, the majority loathe standards and conduct, and will claim that you're judgemental or narrow-minded if
you denounce an action like having sex with std-infected people.
They're dishonest people, so they'll present it as a homophobic attack by "ebil cis bigots". You need to display tangible
proof instead of allegations. Show their actions for what they are.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 15:01:05 abc4f2 No.8218062>>8218097 >>8218138
So they reveal the lie of modernism, which puts you in a state to uncritically accept their memeplex? Maybe this
mechanism could be harnessed by /pol/ as well.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 15:01:37 530bc1 No.8218068>>8218132
>We just need to meme this.
If I still lived in DC, I would film myself going to these places to eat pizza and create creepy pedo food experiences to
upload to YouTube. Anyone in DC?
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 15:02:43 0978e3 No.8218083
>"Existentialism, Man's will to do what ever he wants is more important than God's will"
Modern Satanism coined by Alester Crowly "Do what thou wilt"
This whole video is satanic and you're a retard for believing any of it. it was obvious from the start when he started talking
about christian doctrine.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 15:04:10 6134c0 No.8218097>>8218138
File (hide):6a081f8d08a4f22.jpg(Spoiler Image, 67.9 KB, 850x400, 17:8, Stalin on America and reli.jpg)

File (hide):e7b75bd3714f7cf.jpg(Spoiler Image, 52.62 KB, 600x409, 600:409, goldstein.jpg)

>So they reveal the lie of modernism, which puts you in a state to uncritically accept their memeplex?
Dude, if you haven't noticed, /pol/ is thirsting for any memeplex they can get their hands on. Be it ancient Egyptian gods,
gnosticism, tarot, chaos magic, romanticized germanic paganism, hellenism, even humanism..
Why would you be surprised that somebody picked Christianity? Because you've been programmed to go against it from a
young age?

Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 15:05:21 e657a9 No.8218110>>8218225

True, though I think relying on feelings often leads to conclusions discordant with reality that affect us negatively. I think a
reasonable explanation for why humans want to discover the truth and are able to find more reliable means of doing so is
that its good for our survival to be able to have a better understanding of our environment. If we are deluded we act in
ways that aren't actually working alongside reality, we react to things that aren't there etc.
I was a fag, maybe I wanted to repent of this kek
Nah, I don't know. See, I hadn't grown up around religion and had a lot of preconceived ideas about it, so when I
discovered Christian philosophy and Christian ethics I was impressed enough to buy into the idea that the religion itself
might be true. I think a lot of Christian philosophy is really impressive, like Aquinas, but I don't believe that the worldview is
actually correct.
>Life spent seeking God is a life worth living. There is something intrinsically wrong with our intelligencia, even in physics.
Strong assertion anon, I would like to hear you back this up.
>God does not hide from intelligent, rational approach. Socrates was close, very close. Plato and Aristotle as well. The
notion that religion and -Christianity especially- as irrational is a meme. Yes, a meme spread by burgers, too, but it is
naught but propaganda. C.S. Lewis and Aquinas, Kant and many others have had very good results with intelligent
approach. Why don't you start there?
I don't wish to demean the philosophers or the Christian theologians as irrational, because they were not. They worked
well to investigate reality as well as they could. By no merit of my own, but instead by standing on the backs of whole
millenia of philosophical enquiry, I do not think that Christianity has reliable enough premises in order to believe it. C.S.
Lewis is a nice guy but not a great philosopher, Aquinas is without comparison but I do not think that the personal god
emerges very well from his philosophy and is not something I have observed (though I probably agree with a lot about
what he says on the first cause), and Kant I have not read enough about but he wasn't quite an orthodox Christian, was
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 15:06:38 d58193 No.8218132>>8218147
Go for it, but they'll try to claim that it's fake because it's edited. Which is a stupid excuse because a vast majority of
videos are edited. It's a stupid excuse that works on normies though. You need to be there for when the depraved actions
actually occur.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 15:07:05 6134c0 No.8218138
Also, the lies of modernism is why people here are natsoc in the first place. People look back to functional societies.
Some look further. If you don't like humanism, human rights etc. you go for Christianity, as it was the dominant European
tradition prior to the French Revolution. Eastern Europe remembers the communists, and the thing before them?
Christianity. I'm not sure how the Americans see it, their puritans created the hardline fedoras (thanks again, you've been
a true hero and greatest allies for us in Europe since forever).
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 15:07:11 0978e3 No.8218139>>8221003
>"God restricts my freedom"
>"If god exists then I can't be free"
YEP once again, this guy closes off the video with doctrine straight out of FreeMasonry. The concept of Gnostic path of
Lucinfe is that God is the evil one for holding knowledge (the apple) from man and Lucifer is the good force for giving
them freedom.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 15:07:51 530bc1 No.8218147

It's not a matter of being real or fake, it's just creating something that's funny or creepy or whatever that spreads the
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 15:08:36 6288c0 No.8218156
File (hide): fefb999e3e531ce.jpg (87.23 KB, 850x504, 425:252, 1464920357293.jpg)

> Most gays were never molested into being gay.
yeah but a relatively high fraction of them were
and a scaringly high (even if only like 2%) fraction of fags are child molesters first and foremost
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 15:10:22 4f4597 No.8218173>>8218240
If you really don't care CTR, then would you tell us everything you know?
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 15:13:03 530bc1 No.8218202>>8218223 >>8218325
[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Wrong, dipshit.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 15:15:21 530bc1 No.8218223

[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

That video editing is annoying as fuck. Here's a better one.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 15:15:24 6134c0 No.8218225>>8218344 >>8218354 >>8218510
> Aquinas is without comparison but I do not think that the personal god emerges very well from his philosophy and is not
something I have observed
I assume you are familiar with 'emergent properties'?
Well, lets' state that consciousness is indeed, emergent property. But that raises a point when together with known facts.
The actual can -at best- reach the potential. Be it energy, the position of light etc. For example, there is a potential that the
least amount of light scattered, so that the light has reached the furthest distance possible since the big bang. Now, that is
a mathematical potential, extremely unlikely, but a possibility nonetheless. It was a quality necessary to have the world as
we have it, no?
Now, the same applies to every combination of everything we have. (Of course, quantum physics with 5th dimensional
interaction make it a tad bit more complex).
Say, we have emergent properties like consciousness. How much potential was there for consciousness to arise? Why did
the Universe hold such vast amount of potential consciousness? I'd even go as far as to argue that, likewise with actual
information and energy, actual consciousness was infinitely present in the source that caused the Big Bang of our world. If
not, at the very least the potential was to cause an entire expanding race of conscious beings that spread around and
interact with the world, changing it and shaping it enormously.
It's curious how such potential is present.
That's just me, though.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 15:16:37 6134c0 No.8218240
CTR is dead, it's only JIDF now.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 15:18:52 4b25eb No.8218263>>8218344
Your argument was literally:
>I would, since lesbians could rape children or introduce them to male homosexuals.

>Also, everything is geared towards reproduction, so not finding gays queer will decrease a childs chance of not
You are trying to have me take on 'faith' that lesbians and homosexuals worked with one-another to bugger children.
Logic, that thing you are saying I am without; suggests the historic homosexuals and lesbians would have some
similarities to today's variants; which largely dislike each other. Lesbians are noted as being very sexually inactive, whilst
faggots have their entire existence revolving around the penis. The further point of historic lesbians and homosexuals
often being separated from one-another; homosexuals supposedly being rife among some culture's militaries, and
particularly navies where women were not allowed to travel. Furthermore they actively only find other men/women
attractive; it seems a little silly to think a gay man would want to spend a lot of time around gay women (though I suppose
if underground sodomite cults existed they might gather).
Nonetheless you are asking me to take on 'faith' an entire history with no evidence, and lots of logical reasons for why
such things would not happen. Then I respond with that great quote from Romans 1:22 and you feel offended?
You are trying to make out like you are the wise one, and intellectual powerhouse who has to deal with Christians and
their non-existent/circular logic. You make this claim RIGHT AFTER you state something that is even more absurd than
what I proposed; my argument of things being used improperly or being out of place (such as trash in a forest) provokes a
natural disgust in us. So I at least have a shred of evidence for my theory; you have none, and yet to you I am the one
forcing you to take my word on faith.
I'll say it again because it explains your mindset so well.
Romans 1:22:
>Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 15:24:47 68beec No.8218321>>8218361
Alright so speaking of degeneracy help me out here
>messed around with my cousin (both male) around 10-12 yrs old
>had 3 or 4 partners in college years ago
>otherwise kissless virgin
>turned off by 3d males because anyone who's gay seems to be super into gay culture these days and is a complete
>females are likewise muh feels emotional pandering
>dogfucking is out of the question
>kids are wtf is wrong with you tier
>enjoy furry porn and even cub/shota art, though never bring it up in real life and only mention it in threads like these as
So i obviously have some degeneracy to me, but i like to think i have a good sense of how things are
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 15:24:55 2b7a9e No.8218325>>8218483 >>8218576
Thanks for the highly scientific proof. This video evidence is worth a thousand academic studies.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 15:26:29 d613fa No.8218335>>8218407
File (hide): 177a0b852ba0ed7.jpg (1.32 MB, 1500x2055, 100:137, SlaaneshChampion[1].jpg)

Because, faggot, the lord prince of pleasure/pain/decadence/"everything-fucked-beyond-reson" Slanesh IS chaos.
Still though, that is most likely a khorne loyalist posted
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 15:27:11 061d01 No.8218338>>8218384 >>8220978
why does classical religious art look like anime?
why did the japs steal that aesthetic from us and then act like we never did it?
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 15:27:25 061d01 No.8218342
did it first*
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 15:27:42 e657a9 No.8218344>>8218399 >>8218510
Yes, it is fascinating. That's one of the real ideas that I've been wrestling with, the potentiality and actualisation of
consciousness and the necessity of actual consciousness in the first cause. I am more or less a theist, but I find the idea
that God wishes to be known out of step with the divine hiddenness that seems to be our reality.
That wasn't me my dude. Please check the IDs.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 15:29:18 0978e3 No.8218354>>8218407
I've refuted your video from top to bottom, you're being duped into following new-age lies that are start to finish was
Masonic lectures for the goyim to easily swallow.
If the bible were just an effort to make up a fantasy then why are there prophecies that are becoming true more by the
day, with clear warnings against problems we see permeating society. Why is it that the most powerful people in the world
are clearly Satanic and want to indoctrinate people into accepting it. Why is there so much hate against only Christians
that they use tools like Islam to wipe them out?
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 15:29:57 4b25eb No.8218361>>8218415
You likely won't believe me but you probably have demons. There are plenty of 'Deliverance Churches' in the US, and a
fair amount in the UK and across Europe. Have them pray over you.
If you do not feel like asking others to help; try prayer and fasting. Fasting for a long time (no food at all for 7-20 days) can
do wonders for the human body, even atheists and scientists acknowledge this. A lot of healing power is used up on
digesting and processing food that would otherwise be used to heal (this can get rid of all kinds of things from scars,
eczema, asthma, all kinds of things). From a secular stand point it the body may be able to heal the 'crossed wires' in the

brain; from a religious standpoint God may heal you for your piety. Its worth a shot no matter what you think. Fasting gets
easier after a few days by the way, you can do it anon.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 15:31:52 f19fc0 No.8218384>>8220978
Because we shit on classical religious art because muh progress and muh XX-XXI century muthafugga.
While the Japanese apreciate it and seek to learn from it.
Yes the japs are subtle and can understand our past better than us sometimes
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 15:32:54 4b25eb No.8218399>>8218436
>That wasn't me my dude. Please check the IDs
And yet your post quoted my post, which was a response to another post. That suggests agreement with his point and
certain feelings towards my own.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 15:33:14 6134c0 No.8218407>>8218442 >>8218458
Chaos is secondary, though. It is always defined by order. Now that the order is evil and distorted, we see hope in chaos,
but if the order was good, chaos would bring only destruction.
>I've refuted your video
My post has little to do with the video I posted, and you didn't refute it, you made wild claims with no connection to the
video, making me even think that you are lying when you talk of the video. It's not gnostic, it refuted the three heresies of
the old regarding Christ. Which category do you fall into? Was Christ man? Was Christ God? "Yes. " Is the correct answer.
>If the bible were just an effort to make up a fantasy then why are there prophecies that are becoming true more by the
But it's not just fantasy. Even the entirely fictional portions serve as teachings and guidelines - but only if understood.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 15:34:16 68beec No.8218415>>8218573 >>8218602
Diet I can see helping but isnt fasting complete starvation or just greatly reduced intake? Seems more likean exercise in
willpower than anything else. I dont see the use in prayer, particularly if someone else does it, otherwise I'd say its just a
form of meditation.
Just saying
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 15:35:02 016d5d No.8218421>>8220685
File (hide): b8c5e4197933422.jpg (7.79 MB, 1366x9999, 1366:9999, kill all faggots.jpg)

>le hitler reaction i'm one of u

Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 15:36:47 e657a9 No.8218436>>8218573
Wasn't my intention, sorry
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 15:37:12 4b25eb No.8218442>>8218535
>Chaos is secondary, though. It is always defined by order. Now that the order is evil and distorted, we see hope in chaos,
but if the order was good, chaos would bring only destruction.
Untrue, at least for the majority. We seek to bring true 'order' to the world, or said another way; replace their corrupt order
with a righteous order. None of us here desire chaos or disorder as a lasting thing; only as a temporary until a 'righteous'
order can be instituted (for many this being National Socialism, for others perhaps a Christian Monarch of their native
There are people who want actual chaos; those who do it 'for the lulz', those who are anarchists, those who took the socalled 'black pill'. I do not think it is right to define /pol/ as those people. If there are lots here it is only due to massive influx
of 4/pol/+plebbit, and they will see the value of Virtue soon enough.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 15:38:45 0978e3 No.8218458>>8218510
>Literal quotes from the video
>No connection to the video
Which one is it.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 15:41:57 016d5d No.8218483>>8219701 >>8220685
File (hide): 0db35de70dd8945.jpg (1.49 MB, 3100x1855, 620:371, faggots.jpg)

File (hide): 59e349ed862cc54.jpg (30.75 KB, 787x493, 787:493, npi-embraces-homo-mainstre.jpg)

File (hide):d48cf8d1be57a0e.png(632.71 KB, 1506x3976, 753:1988, homosexuality redpill.png)

File (hide): bd154c23fb63ac7.png (213.03 KB, 1226x860, 613:430, Homophobic.png)

>I need people in lab coats to tell me the obvious, other wise it's not real
lucky you, even though they try to soften the blow, there are lots of scientific studies proving all of them are hyper sexual
pedophiles with a collective deathwish for humanity, now go kill yourself.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 15:44:06 30b024 No.8218507
I found Jimmys facebook.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 15:44:21 6134c0 No.8218510>>8218650
>Yes, it is fascinating. That's one of the real ideas that I've been wrestling with, the potentiality and actualisation of
consciousness and the necessity of actual consciousness in the first cause. I am more or less a theist, but I find the idea
that God wishes to be known out of step with the divine hiddenness that seems to be our reality.
There seems to be a theme of growth associated with this. Our attitudes, our desires - often misguided. You can only find
out that you are wrong if you want to be right.
I think there is an implied demand in our world. Not only for biological survival- but something greater. Cockroaches are
perhaps the worst things to exist according to man, and they are very, very good at fulfilling the biological quota. Yet they
are like jews, they don't care much for good, truth, beauty They are not in 'the image of God'. But they do not lie. They,
like life outside of man seems to be, are not in charge of the greater themes. Some of them, like dogs, can show us
examples of loyalty and diligence, or patience and efficiency, like crocodiles and eagles. But they are not in charge, they
are not obliged.
It is odd how jews claim to be, despite going against all virtues. Odd indeed.. So much that I think there is an alternate
'source'. A distortion, a satan.

Man is in charge of the beast; homo sapiens sapiens, the operator of a biological machine. What is world without beauty?
What is God without beauty?
Alright, what part of >>8218225 is a quotation from the video?
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 15:45:02 30b024 No.8218517>>8218745 >>8219658
File (hide): 3e178f87d89dd5f.png (585.74 KB, 973x563, 973:563, jIMMYcOMET.png)
Jimmys Facebook>>8218507
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 15:46:26 6134c0 No.8218535
Of course, nobody desires chaos as the end goal, except some /fringe/fags. We yearn for the day of the rope, the
happening, armageddon etc. Because we desire change from this horrid order of things. But none of us wish to have a
permanent armageddon going on, we just want to skip to the next part, but can't see past our noses.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 15:48:31 4b25eb No.8218573>>8218602
No need to apologise anon, this is the internet. Nice of you to do so though.
People can fast for a long time. Starvation takes a very long time, and if you do truly believe you are close to starvation
then yes, eat! Our ancestors however fasted for a long time, and many people still do today.
Real fasting is just not eating food, you still drink water (though I'd recommend just water; I fasted and drank water mixed
with activated charcoal to get rid a mold infection and it cleared up within a week). Muslims fasting is retarded and is not
fasting, it doesn't even focus on what it should, that of self-discipline, self-mastery, denial of the flesh; it focuses on them
going to excess every morning and evening, and usually being miserable at all other times (I worked in London for a while
so witnessed what they were like). Er I went off my point.
Fasting! You can fast for a long time with no worries. There is a lot of resources regarding fasting that you can read if you
are interested. Irish hunger strikers endured 40-70 days, but I wouldn't recommend anything so drastic to start with. Just
go for 3-5 days I'd say and you'll feel the difference. If you feel better after that you may want to try longer times later on.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 15:48:42 530bc1 No.8218576
He interviewed people at a gay bar. Every single one said they were molested as children. But I'm sure it's just a
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 15:50:29 4b25eb No.8218602
Lots of resources here:
Best of luck to you Anon and God bless.

Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 15:55:13 0978e3 No.8218650>>8218753


Did you forget about IDs you stupid nigger? Your video you shilled out earlier as "Spoon feeding" was talking about your
"cosmic theism" and that's the only one I need to look at to know you're full of shit. I don't need to look at the Aquinas
because I already know you follow Masonic teachings in a pretty bow. You are no smarter than someone reading a
"trusted source", who spills out pesudointellectual crap to feel like you are the better.
You don't know anything about FreeMasonry so you should be the one who does some research into how it ties Judiasm
and Satanism together with "green" newage concepts.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 15:57:01 9f8d21 No.8218678
Anyone have the "throw it in the bog" comic? It seems really appropriate right now.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 15:58:59 4d9ba2 No.8218700
File (hide): 0a7c552faf1fad9.png (174.89 KB, 424x520, 53:65, ClipboardImage (1).png)

>this fucking image
>I've seen this guy online before
Jesus Christ Voovles you kike what have you been doing in the past 8 years!?
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 16:00:48 618a64 No.8218725
>The Celts believed that the white stag would appear when one was transgressing a taboo
>The colour white has long been associated with purity; and in Celtic culture, the colour also represented the otherworld.
In modern society, people have acted to protect the white stag as a vestige of beauty, and the hunting of the white stag
has often met with anger, because of its rare and elusive nature.
>ther tales suggest its horns flame with fire that never consumes them, while in Persian legend, a creature like the white
stag, actually had blue fur, eyes like rubies, and hooves like gold.
>The Masonic Checkerboard is one of the most important symbols to the Illuminati, for it is used in ritualistic ceremonies.
This is used because black and white is a symbol for duality, or the base of consciousness. Base consciousness is
important, because it is where all other states of mind arise.
>Duality patterns, such as checkerboards, stripes or zebras, are also commonly used as triggers for mind control slaves in
order to reach specific alters.

>The word fruit appears in Hebrew as ( pr). Potential forbidden fruits of the Garden of Eden include the apple,
grape(Talmud), pomegranate,[1] the fig,[2] the carob,[1] the etrog or citron,[1] the pear, mushrooms, the quince and, more
recently, the datura.
>One alternative view is that the forbidden fruit is not a fruit at all, but a metaphorical one, possibly the fruit of the womb,
i.e. sex and procreation from the tree of life.
>In Western Europe, the fruit was often depicted as an apple, possibly because of a misunderstanding of, or a pun on
mlum, a native Latin noun which means evil (from the adjective malus), and mlum, another Latin noun, borrowed from
Greek , which means apple.
>An apple of discord is a reference to the Golden Apple of Discord (Greek: ) which, according to Greek
mythology, the goddess Eris (Gr. , "Strife") tossed in the midst of the feast of the gods at the wedding of Peleus and
Thetis as a prize of beauty, thus sparking a vanity-fueled dispute among Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite that eventually led
to the Trojan War[1] (for the complete story, see The Judgement of Paris). Thus, "apple of discord" is used to signify the
core, kernel, or crux of an argument, or a small matter that could lead to a bigger dispute.
In Works and Days, Orion chases the Pleiades themselves. Canis Minor and Canis Major are his dogs, the one in front is
called Procyon. They chase Lepus, the hare, although Hyginus says some critics thought this too base a prey for the
noble Orion and have him pursuing Taurus, the bull, instead.[25] A Renaissance mythographer adds other names for
Orion's dogs: Leucomelaena, Maera, Dromis, Cisseta, Lampuris, Lycoctonus, Ptoophagus, Arctophonus.
>the Greeks usually identified it with the hunting theme with Orion being the hunter and Lepus being the object of (false)
>LEPUS (Gk) the hare; Bashti-beki (Egy) the confounded and failing; Arnebo (Hbr) and Arnabeth (Arb) the enemy of
him who comes; Nibal (Arb) the mad; Rakis (Arb) the bound with a chain; Suiga (Arb) the deceiver
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 16:02:26 4d9ba2 No.8218745>>8219559


Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 16:03:00 6134c0 No.8218753>>8218798 >>8218806
File (hide): 8f4e5415c3b26d3.jpg (73.09 KB, 960x685, 192:137, 1447847267351.jpg)

>I don't need to look at the Aquinas because I already know you follow Masonic teachings in a pretty bow.
Masonic teachings? Like what?
>Your video you shilled out earlier as "Spoon feeding" was talking about your "cosmic theism"
My cosmic theism? The nature of God is not like the nature of Zeus, is it? Aquinas is entirely Christian, at least in his
definitions of God.
Are you retarded? None of that video has anything to do with 'emergent properties' or potential. Aquinas certainly does,
but in other works.
>jews use kabbalism for evil
>blame the tool, not the user
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 16:04:53 b51250 No.8218780

I've noticed. And they think they blend in with their anime & pepe images. They are pathetic.
Eos qui foris sunt Deus iudicabit.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 16:06:08 0978e3 No.8218798>>8218851
I already told you about the masonic gnostic teachings.
What's with that stupid ass pic unrelated to the subject. Do you know nothing about how the Eqyptian Mystery Schools are
putting their symbols in every culture, "traditional" or "rejecting traditions"?
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 16:06:40 6134c0 No.8218806
File (hide): ef1f59469bac173.jpg (196.91 KB, 736x1022, 368:511, Jacob's Ladder.jpg)

Oh, and for the record, Revelations gives us Christians a reason to use gematria.
I'm not sure how true pic related is, but I certainly won't simply discard it as rubbish because jews deal with it. Jews deal
with countries, and we don't discard them (well, aside from Sweden).
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 16:08:20 2d127c No.8218829
File (hide): 7cb2264553fd1ec.jpg (76.04 KB, 320x400, 4:5, enki2.jpg)

The true rulers are clean as a whistle, anon.
So they get a distinct advantage of a sharp mind and a leverage over the lower tiers of power :^)
At least that's how I'd do it if I wanted to rule the world. And how the Elders of Zion imagined it.
No drugs, no cigarettes, no alcohol ;)

Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 16:10:13 6134c0 No.8218851

>I already told you about the masonic gnostic teachings.
Which the video refutes. Why? The masons disagree with the statement of Aquinas, with me, with the video. The
miasphytes did, too, the Arians did, and so forth.
Simply tell me who Christ was. He was man and God, was He not? Aquinas made sense of that, especially with Logos =
Word. You simply disregard it with claims that I'm masonic, not even proving it?
Your point is retarded. Basically stating that because Islam is monotheist, monotheism can't be right.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 16:31:20 000000 No.8219119>>8219173
Fuck off, retards. I grew up in SF and the majority of gays had their first (((gay experience))) when they were underageb&,
either by a kid who was molested, or by a pedo, it all stems back to a cycle of child abuse.
I also grew up in the 80s, and was a total degenerate by 1994, I'd been around for the golden age of usenet and got into
some really messed up shit as a result, saw a girl getting fucked by a donkey when I was too young to get what it was,
I was heavy into narcotics, specifically MDMA, MDA, and ketamine, in my pursuit of such narcotics I was initiated into the
rave scene before it went "massive" going to little warehouse parties and descending into the k-hole for extended periods
of time and screwing girls raw in the middle of the big AIDS scare.
I got to know some DJs because they were the only ones who carried test kits and I was very concerned with purity, was
known to throw $100 bags to the dogs if it wasn't exactly what I wanted. By the by the started inviting me to "mansion
parties" which were basically raves in some rich guy's house or a recently siezed property. These are a bit of a blur, and I
can't recollect them very well but I have a distinct memory of there being rooms with BDSM shit and cameras in them for
people to make homemade porno.
After this phase ended, the next began and this was chrystal clear in my mind. One of the DJs I knew invited me to a
"porn party" in a recently constructed apartment complex in China Basin, there were a metric fuckton of (new at the time)
flatscreen TVs hooked up to power strips and nigger-rigged up to the walls with tape, BDSM equipment, harnesses, and
whatever else these degenerates could find. Most were hooked up to DVD players and at the time I got there, niggers
dressed in all black were putting DVDs in them and setting them up. The music started and people start pouring in, it's a
different and a bit older crowd that I didn't exactly feel welcome with.
Then the fucking TVs came on, every single one was playing fucking CP(and REALLY obvious CP, not the kind of "maybe
she's 17" shit you see on pornhub sometimes), looked like it had been recorded in the rooms set up at the mansion
parties. I got massively spooked, maybe some latent PTSD from getting my ankle broken by a cop at an outlaw
party(outdoor rave in the woods) kicked in but I booked shit and never looked back, cut all contact with the DJs, all of it.
Shit was a massive redpill on faggotry, chems, and general degeneracy.
Keep following the white rabbit it can sometimes refer to ketamine so keep that in mind because you're all on the right
track. My brain still can't process everything that happened during that period and it physically hurts to think about it.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 16:31:30 eb1c0b No.8219121
go look up ryan sorba's videos, most were molested before they even started remembering or the memories were
suppressed because of the trauma. a chunk of the gays interviewed talk about doing homo acts or molesting other kids
but they didnt know where the behavior was learned they just did it.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 16:36:07 e657a9 No.8219173>>8219309 >>8219350 >>8276013
Fuck off fag I am a homo and never even met another gay (that I know of) until I was well into my teens.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 16:46:27 000000 No.8219309>>8219501

I hope you die of AIDS you fuckin' perv, you fruitcakes don't even remember the molestation half the time. What are you
even doing on a forum dedictaed to expanding the white race?
Fuck outta here, you don't and can never contribute to jack shit and pervert everything you come near. Fucking freak.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 16:50:44 f2d419 No.8219350>>8219501
you must despise your race to enjoy having one of its members getting his asshole violated
come dotr you'll hang and then get put in the bog
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 16:55:40 e6ca07 No.8219428
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 17:01:32 e657a9 No.8219501>>8219539 >>8219721 >>8220246
I don't understand, if gays were really just products of molestation why would you feel so much anger and resentment
toward them? They would be innocent victims robbed of their free will through violent sex acts by predators if that were
the case.
no I don't like anal sex, it's disgusting.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 17:03:54 000000 No.8219539>>8219721
>why would you feel so much anger and resentment toward them?
Because they continue the cycle of child abuse, they play right into their predators hands, it's a suboncious vengance
thing at least the way my frytard ass sees it.
They get fucked, so they want to fuck moar.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 17:04:04 016d5d No.8219542

[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

this >>8216846
He makes good shit, give it a listen, you will not be dissapointed, unless the things he talks about denounce your ill ways.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 17:05:31 cb1ece No.8219559
The guy clearly loves his pizza.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 17:13:07 b8cb49 No.8219658
File (hide): 42c20815e11678e.png (629.59 KB, 639x751, 639:751, homos1.PNG)

File (hide): b1fcf245086b631.png (373.78 KB, 413x472, 7:8, homos2.PNG)

More from his FB
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 17:15:28 b8cb49 No.8219701>>8219792 >>8220416
File (hide): 986fbb5f8e71fd1.webm (2.87 MB, 292x240, 73:60, trannysurgery.webm) [play once] [loop]



Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 17:17:15 016d5d No.8219721
> why would you feel so much anger and resentment toward them?
Well, let's see, like >>8219539 says, they rape kids just like they were raped, but more over, they have the audacity to
embrace the perversion of their abusers and make it their own by preaching it (with state protection and funding no less)
as a healthy lifestyle that has nothing wrong to it.
They are predators, they seek to destroy as much people as they can as they themselves were destroyed, they are a
disease that needs to die, only a fucking idiot would fixate in the tragedy of their creation but ignore their subsequent
There are people who get sexually assaulted and don't become amoral pieces of shit, so why do you think we need to
treat these abominations as victims after they've become the victimizers?
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 17:23:37 016d5d No.8219792
File (hide): e1aac4f765ab033.jpg (228.32 KB, 1412x752, 353:188, who hates trannies-3.jpg)

File (hide):870a0701df00d0d.png(585.28 KB, 420x2492, 15:89, transdog2.png)

File (hide): 72916ee69e53a45.png (737.23 KB, 1092x660, 91:55, transdog.png)


Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 17:37:40 1fb59f No.8219950
File (hide): 0493e3ae9d51502.gif (2.05 MB, 555x604, 555:604, 0493e3ae9d51502439445e4fab.gif)


Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 17:57:03 ce310e No.8220219

>>8215208 (OP)
Everyone here must read this:
Pedophocracy by David McGowan. Then look further into Dutreaux and the Finders.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 17:58:58 d58193 No.8220246>>8223000
Same reason why we feel the same resentment towards sandniggers who had their homeland destroyed and feral niggers
who were abused by single moms. Most fags, niggers, and sandniggers all want to romanticize their misery and spread
their misery to other people.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 18:04:07 eb1c0b No.8220327
I explained this in another thread. Someone should anonymously call and say shit like "We have you, you sick fuck. You
will be exposed to the world" etc etc make it sound good. Finish by saying you have handed everything over to the
cops/fbi/whatever. Basically scare the shit out of them big league.
Proceed to SWAT them. If they kill themselves while the cops are banging on the door then you know they were guilty.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 18:05:21 ce310e No.8220341
>TLDR: US Intelligence might have been backing Trump entire time.
It would be the Pentagon, not CIA or NSA. Trump's foreign policy matches well with what the Pentagon wanted with
Obama. His connection with Flynn lends evidence to this hypothesis.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 18:05:39 1772ed No.8220348>>8276166
Agreed. This just seems like misdirection at best and D&C at worst
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 18:10:11 4a26bb No.8220416>>8220586 >>8220615 >>8221464
Anon, I am trying to find other Christians to help me investigate this pedoring. Real ones, not catholics, protestants,
calvinists, etc. So many people get things wrong because they have retarded beliefs, and they end up chasing their tails.
Here is my e-mail. markraymond@tutanota .com
It's a burner e-mail, so if any of you faggots want to troll me, go ahead.
E-mail me a screenshot of "you" next to some of your posts so we can get a dialogue going.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 18:14:18 eb962b No.8220477>>8220608 >>8220640 >>8220685
File (hide): 607a54979fac37c.png (42.56 KB, 643x309, 643:309, ClipboardImage.png)
Gays are absolutely child molesters. Most of them were absolutely molested and since they can't reproduce, they recruit.
Also they do that because they are driven by pure evil and the desire to corrupt more innocence.
They are literally Satan's representatives here on Earth, kind of like Jews. Ever wonder why so many Jews like gayness?

Ever wonder why so many of the higher ups in the Democrat party are Gay or straight up have AIDS like Scott Foval?
There are so many gays involved with that party of evil I can't name them all here.
We are on to something and NOW is the best time to go with our momentum, the wind is literally at our backs here. Take
the cultural pendulum swinging to the Right and use that to uncover all this shit that's been kept hidden for so long
>Mark 4:21-23King James Version (KJV)
>21 And he said unto them, Is a candle brought to be put under a bushel, or under a bed? and not to be set on a
>22 For there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested; neither was any thing kept secret, but that it should come
>23 If any man have ears to hear, let him hear.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 18:14:27 eb1c0b No.8220480
it is in the greek fam
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 18:20:03 4f36e1 No.8220586
Going to write you an e-mail but i gotta go sleep now. It's 2 am here. Will answer tomorrow.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 18:21:27 b8cb49 No.8220608>>8220751
File (hide): 655554ffc5c7c18.png (307.37 KB, 519x452, 519:452, God Willing 3.PNG)

>>8220477 (checked)
>that pic
Pastor Anderson is so admirable
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 18:21:50 b8cb49 No.8220615>>8220646
I'll e-mail you later
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 18:23:08 4a26bb No.8220640
Gays recruit because of:
Romans 1:32,
32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same,
but have pleasure in them that do them.
markraymond@tutanota .com
I'm reaching out an olive branch here

Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 18:23:43 4a26bb No.8220646

Cool. I look forward to it.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 18:26:24 f16c27 No.8220685>>8220688 >>8227342
>my two massive infodumps that people keep screencapping
>in them I still dont have the bit about faggots molesting children
Huh. Anyway, for >>8220477
In the United States, homosexual activists are more circumspect about their efforts to gain access to children than they
are in Canada or Europe. While NAMBLA has regularly marched in homosexual pride parades in New York, San
Francisco and other major cities, homosexual activists publicly disassociate themselves from pedophiles as part of a
public relations strategy.
Yet homosexual groups are actively recruiting gay youth through such groups as The Sexual Minority Youth Assistance
League, the HettrickMartin Institute, AIDS service providers, and various agencies that assist runaways. A concerted effort
to change age-of-consent laws has not yet emerged, but some ominous signs portend an eventual effort. When Supreme
Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was an attorney for the ACLU, she co-authored a report recommending that the age of
consent for sexual acts be lowered to 12 years of age [1] The paragraph reads as follows: Eliminate the phrase carnal
knowledge of any female, not his wife, who has not attained the age of 16 years and substitute a federal, sex-neutral
definition of the offense A person is guilty of an offense if he engages in a sexual act with another person [and] the
other person is, in fact, less than 12 years old
The public still has a revulsion against child sexual abuse. In fact, whenever there is an attempt to show a connection
between pedophiles and homosexuality, the standard response from the activists is that as many as 97% of all pedophiles
are heterosexuals and/or married men. Thus, they deflect attention away from their own proclivities to have sex with
There is some truth to the claim that many pedophiles are heterosexually oriented men. To be accurate, pedophilia is the
crime of sexually molesting a child of the opposite sex. Pederasty, on the other hand, is the crime of molesting a child of
the same sex. The term pedophile is used as a general term to describe a person who molests any child, and the term
pedophilia, however, is commonly used to refer to child sexual abuse in general. The homosexual who molests a child of
the same sex, therefore, technically is guilty of pederasty, rather than pedophiliayet both are child sexual abuse.
Homosexuals deny that there is a high incidence of child molestation among them, but the statistics tell another story.
First, we need to look at the statistics on child sexual abuse in general. The National Committee to Prevent Child Abuse
(NCPCA) has published the following information:
1. Reports of sexual abuse are on the increase in our nation.
2. Between 80 and 95% of all child molestations are committed by men. The NCPCA notes, however, that there is a
dramatic increase in the number of adolescent offenders who have committed sexually aggressive acts against other
3. Girls are more likely to be the victims of molestation than boys. Males account for 25 to 35% of child sexual abuse
victims. [2]
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 18:26:33 f16c27 No.8220688>>8220691 >>8220739 >>8227342
How prevalent is child molestation among homosexuals? The Gay Report, published by homosexual researchers Jay and
Young in 1979, revealed that 73% of homosexuals surveyed had at some time had sex with boys 16 to 19 years of age or
younger. [3] Although homosexuals account for less than two percent of the population, they constitute about a third of
child molesters. [4] Further, as noted by the Encino, California-based National Association for Research and Therapy of
Homosexuality (NARTH), since homosexual pedophiles victimize far more children than do heterosexual pedophiles, it is
estimated that approximately 80% of pedophile victims are boys who have been molested by adult males. [5]

A nationwide investigation of child molestation in the Boy Scouts from 1971 to 1991 revealed that more than 2,000 boys
reported molestation by adult Scout leaders. (Note: The Scouts, who have 150,000 Scoutmasters and assistant
Scoutmasters, ban hundreds of men each year from scouting out of concern that they might abuse boys.) [6] A study of
Canadian pedophiles has shown that 30% of those studied admitted to having engaged in homosexual acts as adults, and
91% of the molesters of non-familial boys admitted to no lifetime sexual contact other than homosexual. [7]
Judith A. Reisman, Ph.D., and Charles B. Johnson, Ph.D., conducted a content study of the personal ads in The
Advocate, the national gay and lesbian newsmagazine and discovered that chickens, a common term for underage boys
sought for sex, were widely solicited. Many of the advertisements in the magazine solicited boys and teens from within a
larger pool of prostitution ads. [8] The authors also note a statement from a book review by homosexual activist Larry
Kramer that the work, like much canonized male homosexual literature, involves sexually predatory white men on the
prowl for dark-skinned boys to gratify them. [9]
In a 1985 study of the rates of molestation among homosexual pederasts compared to heterosexual pedophiles, Dr. Paul
Cameron found the following:
153 pederasts had sexually molested 22,981 boys over an average period of 22 years.
224 pedophiles had molested 4,435 girls over an average period of 18 years.
The average pederast molested an average of 150 boys, and each heterosexual pedophile molested an average of 20
girls, a ratio of 7.5:1. [10]
Gaining access to children has been a long-term goal of the homosexual movement. In 1972, the National Coalition of
Gay Organizations adopted a Gay Rights Platform that included the following demand: Repeal of all laws governing the
age of sexual consent. David Thorstad, a spokesman for the homosexual rights movement and NAMBLA, clearly states
the objectives: The ultimate goal of the gay liberation movement is the achievement of sexual freedom for allnot just
equal rights for lesbians and gay men, but also freedom of sexual expression for young people and children. This goal
has not changed since it was articulated in 1972. [11]
Homosexual organizations around the world have embarked upon a vigorous campaign to lower actual age of consent
laws by claiming that current laws are discriminatory against homosexuals. In England, for example, a major push is
underway to lower the age of sexual consent for homosexuals to 14. OutRage!, [12] a homosexual organization that
operates much like ACT UP in the United States, has been leading the crusade. In a statement published on the Queer
Intelligence Service website, OutRage! claims that underage queers have rights, too. They are some of the most
vulnerable members of our community. We have a special responsibility to protect their interests and welfare. [13]
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 18:26:46 f16c27 No.8220691>>8220693 >>8227342
1. Sex Bias in the US Code, Report for the US Commission on Civil Rights, April 1977, p. 102, quoted in Ruth Bader
Ginsburgs Feminist World View, The Phyllis Schlafly Report, Vol. 26, No. 12, Section 1, p. 3
2. Child Sexual Abuse, National Committee to Prevent Child Abuse, December 1996
3. K. Jay and A. Young, The Gay Report (New York, Summit Books, 1979), p. 275.
4. K. Freund and R.I. Watson, The Proportions of Heterosexual and Homosexual Pedophiles Among Sex Offenders
Against Children: An Exploratory Study, Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy 18 (Spring 1992): 3993, cited in The Problem
of Pedophilia op. cit. Also. K. Freund and R.I. Watson, Pedophilia and Heterosexuality vs. Homosexuality, Journal of Sex
and Marital Therapy 10, (Fall 1984): 197, cited in NARTH Fact Sheet
5. Thomas Schmidt, Straight and Narrow, Compassion and Clarity in the Homosexuality Debate (Downers Grove, 111.:
Intervarsity Press), p. 114, cited in The Problem of Pedophilia, op. cit., p. 2
6. Patrick Boyle, Scout's Honor (Rocklin, California, Prima Publishing, 1994), p. 316
7. W. L. Marsha, et al., Early onset and deviant sexuality in child molesters, Journal of Interpersonal Violence 6 (1991):
323-336, cited in Pedophilia: The Part of Homosexuality They Dont Want You To See, Colorado for Family Values Report,
Vol. 14, March 1994
8. Judith A. Reisman, Ph.D., A Content Analysis of The Advocate, unpublished manuscript p. 18, quoted inPedophilia:
The Part of Homosexuality They Dont Want You To See, ibid.

9. From Lany Kramers Reading List, The Advocate, January 24, 1995, p. 99, cited in Status Report, The Reisman &
Johnson Report of Partner Solicitation Characteristics as a Reflection of More Sexual Orientation and the Threat to
Children, First Principles Press, January 1995
10. Dr. Paul Cameron, Homosexual Molestation of Children/Sexual Interaction of Teacher and Pupil, Psychological
Reports 57 (1985): 1227-1236
11. Enrique T. Rueda, The Homosexual Network (Old Greenwhich, Connecticut: The Devin Adair Company, 1982), p. 201
12. Peter Tatchell, Why We Want an Age of Consent of 14, Queer Intelligence Service, Agenda for Gay Law Reform,
OutRage.!, London, Sept. 10, 1998
13. Frank V. York and Robert H. Knight, Homosexual Activists Work To Normalize Sex With Boys
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 18:26:53 f16c27 No.8220693>>8220739 >>8227342
Katy Faust, Dawn Stefanowicz, B.N. Klein, and Robert Oscar Lopez who were all raised by homosexual parents, each
submitted briefs to the 5th Circuit opposing the legalization of faggot marriage. Recounting childhood memories of
households made deeply dysfunctional by their parents sexual appetites and the radical subculture that went along with
their gay identities, all four argued that redefining marriage to include homosexual couples will likely lead to the
exploitation and abuse of countless children for political and personal gain.
While I do not believe all gays would be de facto bad parents, I know that the gay community has never in my lifetime put
children first as anything other than a piece of property, a past mistake, or a political tool to be dressed up and taken out
as part of a dog-and-pony show to impress the well-meaning, Klein wrote. She added that as a child of a lesbian mother,
she was pressured to pay constant homage and attention to her mothers gay identity, taught that some Jews and most
Christians were stupid and hated gays and were violent, and told that homosexuals were much more creative and
artistic because they were not repressed and were naturally more feeling.
While Klein classified her upbringing as abusive, Robert Oscar Lopez told the court that his own childhood upbringing by
his mother and her longtime partner represented the best possible conditions for a child raised by a same-sex couple.
Even so, Lopez testified that the lack of a father figure in his life combined with the influence of the radical gay culture in
which he was raised gave rise to a devastating confusion about his own sexuality and ultimately led to his becoming a
homosexual prostitute in his teen years in order to fulfill his craving for acceptance and love from older men.
I experienced a great deal of sexual confusion, Lopez wrote. I had an inexplicable compulsion to have sex with older
males and wanted to have sex with older men who were my fathers age, though at the time I could scarcely understand
what I was doing.
Lopez said that he has spoken to dozens of other adult children of homosexuals, and that many of them have similar
stories of pain and damage inflicted by the absence of a biological parent and the unwanted step-parent type
relationship demanded by their homosexual parents lovers. Lopez included testimonies from nine of them in his brief, but
said there were many more who were afraid to speak out for fear that the homosexual lobby would target them for
harassment like they have Lopez himself.
When we institutionalize same-sex marriage we move from permitting citizens the freedom to live as they choose to
promoting same-sex-headed households, Faust wrote. Now we are normalizing a family structure where a child will
always be deprived daily of one gender influence and the relationship with at least one natural parent. Our cultural
narrative becomes one that, in essence, tells children that they have no right to the natural family structure or their
biological parents, but that children simply exist for the satisfaction of adult desires.
The special-interest faggot groups and so-called support groups for kids sometimes act, or function, as fronts for a far
darker side that silences, intimidates, and threatens the children who want to share the truth, allowing only a politicallycorrect version of our childhoods to be heard, Stefanowicz continued. These special-interest groups support political and
legal objectives toward same-sex marriage, ignoring the horrendous inequality, permanent losses and prejudice to
children in the name of adult sexual rights. Children lose forever their rights to know and be raised by their married
biological father and mother.
A Child Abuse and Neglect study found that 59 percent of male child sex offenders had been "victim of contact sexual
abuse as a child." 75. Elliott, p. 582.

In research with 942 nonclinical adult participants, gay men and lesbian women reported a significantly higher rate of
childhood molestation than did heterosexual men and women. Forty-six percent of the homosexual men in contrast to 7%
of the heterosexual men reported homosexual molestation. Twenty-two percent of lesbian women in contrast to 1% of
heterosexual women reported homosexual molestation.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 18:27:39 3de066 No.8220700
File (hide): 8eb11fba913394d.jpg (44.27 KB, 525x777, 25:37, soldier_disgust.jpg)

>This isn't true and there are legitimate studies that go into this. Most gays were never molested into being gay.
Sure. Maybe not the ones that would seem straight unless he said otherwise or his boyfriend comes through the door, but
the obvious faggots (which are the majority; mental illness) most likely have been.
>gays lie
Look into every major civilization at its height and/or read the Holy Bible, you filthy fucking sodomite.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 18:28:56 dc1349 No.8220716>>8220742
File (hide): 0cb1ac0b3aebc2d.jpg (94.94 KB, 609x194, 609:194, pedo pope.jpg)

File (hide): 4a1e3aa6a1883e0.jpg(434.74 KB, 1153x1598, 1153:1598, jew media pedos brook.jpg)

All faggots are pedos?

Is this true or some typical (((Christian))) disinfo?

Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 18:30:23 f16c27 No.8220739
>This isn't true and there are legitimate studies that go into this. Most gays were never molested into being gay.

in 1979, revealed that 73% of homosexuals surveyed had at some time had sex with boys 16 to 19
years of age or younger.
A study of Canadian pedophiles has shown that 30% of those studied admitted to having engaged in
homosexual acts as adults, and 91% of the molesters of non-familial boys admitted to no lifetime
sexual contact other than homosexual.

Forty-six percent of the homosexual men in contrast to 7% of the heterosexual men reported
homosexual molestation.
Twenty-two percent of lesbian women in contrast to 1% of heterosexual women reported homosexual
Get out.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 18:30:36 f16c27 No.8220742
Reported for intl.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 18:31:04 dc1349 No.8220751>>8220782 >>8220796 >>8220801 >>8220885 >>8263659
File (hide): b12ba36f794fbf7.mp4 (3.41 MB, 320x180, 16:9, race mix goy.mp4) [play once] [loop]


Don't post that race traitor faggot here

back to cuck chan!
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 18:33:17 a4fcda No.8220782>>8220909
File (hide): 50a45a42036e80a.jpg (42.73 KB, 333x500, 333:500, 51o6I0bjBZL.jpg)

see: >>8220751
you're a fucking cancer
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 18:33:45 b8cb49 No.8220796>>8220811 >>8221466
File (hide): ab415c89e2efff4.jpg (87.26 KB, 640x428, 160:107, Pastor Anderson.JPG)

yea okay buddy how many kids do you have
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 18:34:07 43b1ca No.8220801
File (hide): dbb8d474b764ffe.jpg (50.27 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, trash34.jpg)

>not that I believe in race.
Into the trash it fucking goes.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 18:34:36 a4fcda No.8220811>>8220909
File (hide): efd9ba6745d9c86.png (228.2 KB, 443x523, 443:523, jesus girl.png)

Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 18:36:31 7179d1 No.8220846
>>8215208 (OP)
how about you help us fucking LARPing faggot
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 18:37:23 3de066 No.8220855>>8220888
Wow, that derailed fast.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 18:39:00 f16c27 No.8220885
File (hide): b12ba36f794fbf7.mp4 (3.41 MB, 320x180, 16:9, Race.mp4) [play once] [loop]

File (hide):1b1a841770b00dc.jpg(5.61 KB, 18x17, 18:17, bypass.jpg)

Blow your brains out, intl.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 18:39:02 a4fcda No.8220888>>8220915 >>8220934
File (hide): 6bfbbd14406f9f1.jpg (71.01 KB, 750x734, 375:367, 10606324_336189999838161_9.jpg)

I still don't understand though. Is it that fags want to fuck 16yr olds that makes them all "pedos"?
Because /pol/ mods are pedos, they post anime pedophillia all day
Christians ruin every fucking thread.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 18:40:29 f16c27 No.8220909
Reported for intl.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 18:40:49 f16c27 No.8220915
lol reported
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 18:42:10 b8cb49 No.8220934>>8223332
>there's literally nothing wrong with fags that sodomize children
>christians ruin every fucking thread
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 18:43:50 8ba9b0 No.8220955>>8221035 >>8221138
File (hide): 073c47f2d2b2c73.png (639.36 KB, 636x503, 636:503, image.png)

>>8217466 (checked)
Agreed. I don't know where OP is getting his information from but this isn't true.
>>8215208 (OP)
>will almost never admit to being gay.

There are out and proud faggots who do nothing but gloat about being gay. All. Of. The. Fucking. Time. Why? Because
their sexuality is their identity and they refuse to form as human beings beyond it. These are the fags you see at gay
parades and working in the "gayborhood" parts of big cities (bookstores, clubs, HIV testing places).
What you may be referencing are actual Pedos who like children and not men, so they have a hard time admitting they
are gay. They hang out at gay bars just like the rest of them in search of young/underage guys. There are also alot of men
who do gay shit (like meet younger men off of Craigslist) who are gay in the shadows.
But to say no gay men will admit their gayness is 100% false.
>they have absolutely no moral code
Most of them do not. I'll agree with you here. It's engrained in their "culture"
I'll give you an example: One of my best friends in high school (calm down this was like a decade ago and we no longer
speak) was coming to terms with being a fag. What turned him off about the entire thing was in fact other fags:
1) He dreaded getting a cock stuffed up his butt - he wouldn't do it but acknowledged that it was expected of him. It was a
serious what do? moment for him.
2) The degeneracy. Hookup culture IS gay culture. They are one in the same. In fact, having a boyfriend in a
monogamous relationship is pretty fucking rare and most gay guys won't do it.
Here is a young man who was raised in a normal family and had everything going for him: White, attractive, from a well-off
family but was plagued with the fact that he wasn't attracted to women at all (I honestly have no idea if he was molested or
not). He couldn't even get it up for a woman. But even he knew he would have to sacrifice his body, mind and gamble with
his life in order to partake in gay activities with other men. I've honestly never met anyone who felt so fucked.
Acting like an effeminate faggot, being a complete degenerate with an anything goes attitude towards sex, and partaking
in risky behavior are required if you want to be gay and partake in a gay lifestyle. All that lisping and faggy shit is learned
behavior that young men adopt in order to fit in.
t. someone who has spent plenty of time with fags in my youth but isn't one myself. maybe I'm a grill maybe I'm not. fuck
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 18:45:31 353b36 No.8220978
A LOT of anime has simple theological and biblical undertones as well. Even the stuff that is mostly fan service will show
itself this way. (But that is less likely.)
Just to name two, Appleseed series, and Ergo Proxy. Appleseed is not as short as Ergo Proxy, but, both are steeped in
undertones of both theological/biblical knowledge.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 18:47:12 353b36 No.8221003>>8221079
Even though Lucifer didn't give us anything at all and merely was a force of suggestion. In the end it was unto Adam's own
will, no?
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 18:49:43 b8cb49 No.8221035>>8221138 >>8221855
>my faggot friend who watched too much hardcore pornography as a child dreaded taking it up the butt, so not all fags are
Pornography can induce a form of pseudo sodomy fetish in many people, particularly when they are exposed as children
or young adolescents. Studies have shown that if a virgin male rate is introduced to the scent of cadavirine (rotting corpse
odor, nomally repulsive to rats) during his first copulation with an ovulating female, then that rat will forever more be
sexually aroused by the smell of rotting corpses. Likewise, children who are sodomized in the ass as children become
sexually aroused by a man's asshole and feces. Your friend probably watched faggot pornography and decided to keep
watching it. So he likes the idea of being a faggot but can't get over the central quality of shit and poop
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 18:53:46 b8cb49 No.8221079

>Even though Lucifer didn't give us anything at all and merely was a force of suggestion. In the end it was unto Adam's
own will, no?
1 Timothy 2:14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 18:56:55 b8cb49 No.8221138>>8221855
[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This short video explains one aspect of my post very succinctly
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 18:57:46 e65083 No.8221155
Dyncorp x George Soros x icmec x HRC x LADY IN CARDS x SETH RICH
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 19:06:10 ce310e No.8221275
>There's as much variety of personality, moral code and background in gays as there is in straight people.
Not even close
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 19:07:38 29a943 No.8221292>>8221326
Jesus nonexistent Christ you people are nuts.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 19:09:12 ce310e No.8221306>>8221315
>In 2001, the journal Archives of Sexual Behavior published
It published lies. All social science is lies.
In fact, Trump's best move would be defending federal financial aid for social science degrees. Limit federal funding to
degrees that are deemed useful for the nation, in other words STEM. People should be forced to pay out of pocket for
their leftist brainwashing if they want it so bad.

Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 19:09:45 ce310e No.8221315

Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 19:10:22 ce310e No.8221326
You will be killed on the day of the rope, sodomite
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 19:14:52 4a26bb No.8221386>>8221417
E-mail me.
markraymond@tutanota. com
salvation is by faith only
it can't be lost
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 19:16:13 ce310e No.8221407
>I've mostly met lesbians and they all were molested as children or suffered serious abuse. Father left, rope'd himself,
mother was a sadist, etc.
The one lesbian I knew had a sadist mother.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 19:17:08 ce310e No.8221417>>8221464
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 19:21:02 4a26bb No.8221464>>8221503
read my first post:
>not looking for calvinists
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 19:21:17 ce310e No.8221466
Pastor Anderstein and his kids are not white. He is a sandnigger and a gypsy. His father is literally subsaharan nigger.
Here is a link to his blog with DNA results:
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 19:24:23 ce310e No.8221503
>believes gay Jew reformed/Calvinist theology
>hurr durr I'm not calvinist
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 19:27:24 d662bd No.8221539>>8221561
When are you fucks gonna stop worshiping the kike/mudslime god?
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 19:29:01 6be3ec No.8221561

>materialistic talmud and qran are the same as the Bible
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 19:50:25 6ac67c No.8221855
>this video
Christian niggers are still niggers anon. Here they are trying to explain something to other niggers in a dumb baby talk
version of the English language. Stop using niggers nigging as source of your arguments.
>Implying that it was due to gay porn, neither of us know for sure why he turned out that way. If I don't know then you sure
as hell don't.
>Implying I ever said not all fags are bad
My only point was that fags create a culture around their sexuality and that culture is the death of anything decent. If you
are gay (for whatever reason) you simply cannot be gay and not participate in that culture. That's what the friend story
was about.
As for the OP, that movie is 100% and accurate representation of how fags act behind the scenes. I'm just confirming the
All this sperging you are doing with your bible versus is just that, sperging.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 20:37:58 eb81fb No.8222572
File (hide): 8402409e6ff38d7.png (48.24 KB, 908x539, 908:539, 1466227090936-0.png)

Every single post you made can be countered with a smuggie.
Hello newfriend, leave while you can, otherwise, you'll be here forever. Cap this and heed my words faggot.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 20:45:16 6134c0 No.8222706

[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Relevant documentary. I'll link to this in the other thread if it is still alive.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 20:59:54 1607b2 No.8222954
>this might all have arisen during the last 8 years when Obama/Biden came to power
I don't think you understand what's going on. It's not "a few, maybe a lot, maybe almost all political elites are pedos right
now", it's a multigenerational cult tht spans the elite class across the entire globe, in which child rape, abuse, torture, etc.,
is used as a training method to divorce the children from their emotions and sense of morality and turn them into absolute
slaves with alternate personalities which are then programmed for specific purposes within the power structure (sex
slavery, assassination, etc.) and used as a means of compartmentalization of information. This is not something that
"happened" within the last 8 years. This has been going on for hundreds if not thousands of years.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 21:02:59 d322e4 No.8223000
File (hide): 7acf9b0a34b7df1.jpg (777.77 KB, 2162x1678, 1081:839, typical faggot.jpg)

>>8215208 (OP)
> 2) They have absolutely no moral code, whatsoever, because they are actually offended by morality
> Hillary seems pretty aloof to a ton of shit but her and Huma seem like they are lesbian lovers who like preying on other
women too

What you guys said reminds me of the stories from pic related.
These people really do derive pleasure from spreading their destructive behavior. They mimic the nature of a virus.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 21:23:18 3e2dd4 No.8223332
File (hide): 1bcaac056e714ce.png (644.66 KB, 747x722, 747:722, 1bcaac056e714cec2d8d062377.png)

>Thinking quickly, brave anon shifts the goalposts to make his opponent's position actually something marginally different
and thus morally indefensible. Surely this will be his ruin.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 21:55:22 6b6b27 No.8223811>>8224429 >>8224744 >>8267890
File (hide): 4bd94f41d20f29a.jpg (36.82 KB, 500x375, 4:3, CuXa40XWAAAGkF7.jpg)

it's not just fa852d (66) but also 6134c0 (70)
It's obviously 2 shillbots set to argue with eachother and this kind of shit should be ban on sight. It's just ridiculous
irrelevant ramblings having nothing to do with this thread let alone anything else on /pol/ which means clearly we're onto
something with this thread if they feel the need to spam it this hard.
I just wish mods were more strict about this stuff, maybe we just need to encourage more people to report this kind of
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 22:37:54 1d201a No.8224429>>8224686
There's so much fuckin gray area around.
>The young girl in the pic is about the same age as half the wives in the bible
>she also looks like most of the anime porn posted here
>said posters then run around calling everyone degenerate
>said posters would sell their own mother to get a free holiday to epsteins loli island

And then you have all the male pederasty/faggotry which i still don't know if those boys are predisposed to faggotry or not.
What a mess.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 22:55:35 6b6b27 No.8224686
File (hide): bb422e514736d4f.jpg (161.86 KB, 1024x1164, 256:291, bb422e514736d4ffb11818ff53.jpg)

Yeah if I made that image I wouldn't have written "EW." on it but it certainly works good dropping on Twitter.
Either way that girl in the younger picture is most likely no older than 16/17 and even if she was 20 that's a man at least 3x
her age and nobody seems to know who her parents are so she's prob a sex slave. I believe her name was either Rachel
or Laura Chandler. Also Chandler in itself sounds like Child Handler.
Now can we get back to digging instead of discussing irrelevant bible shit and what exact % of faggots got molested as
children? It's not getting us anywhere and could be saved for an other thread.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 22:59:23 eb1c0b No.8224744
Honestly, I see nothing wrong with the girl's age in the pic. I would say it's degenerate because a) He's not marrying her,
hes just fucking her and b) It would be stupid for a girl her age to get with a guy as old as Bill; she's going to be only 40
when he croaks. No vigor, no healthy sperm, etc. No point.
The upper limit for a guy to have his pick of women (from perhaps ages 14/15 and up) is probably around 35. Once you
start getting older than that you should really be chasing older tail also.
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 23:01:45 9d380d No.8224774
Anonymous 11/12/16 (Sat) 23:34:14 dd8098 No.8225271
Please elaborate
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 00:44:42 39be54 No.8226412
File (hide): faff9151a19b08f.jpg (57.73 KB, 640x463, 640:463, libtards6351.jpg)

>>If you haven't watched a film entitled L.I.E (2001) you are failing to understand just how common pedophilia is and
especially how common it is in the gay community (probably 100% of gays were raped/molested as children by adults).
OH, so the key is a mainstream Jew movie is it? I learn all about something from a mainstream Jewish movie? As for the
second part, that's good. I was worried you were going to say, if you haven't sucked over 9000 cocks like I have then you
don't know.
>>Gay clubs are all the same
There gay?
>>In all my years of being around these people
Finally, the day when OP admits he's gay.
>>They would almost rather die than admit they are gay.
Really not our problem, now is it?
>>Because being outed as openly deviant can have adverse effects on their careers and their plots to lure in
unsuspecting prey.
In the current year I have my doubts about that.
>>They have absolutely no moral code
Maybe it's all the jizz you've swallowed, you stupid bitch, but do you imagine you're saying something here? For all your
years of being on your knees and bent over, I'd expect more.
>>Don't believe their bullshit.
Yeah, because we were just about to do that
THINK before you start a new thread. You have some inside info? POST IT. Name, names. A fucking city with millions of
inhabitants doesn't cut it, shitbag.
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 00:58:10 076c48 No.8226605
Exposing the homosexual degeneracy is enough tbh. Even without the suspicious pedo shit, it would ruin their political
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 01:12:35 0731a1 No.8226788
The thought has occurred to me that kikes aren't trying to kill us for revenge, for some prophecy, or because we still pose
a threat to them (had they pulled back and kept the slow boil after the 90's, we would have never woken back up) they
aren't even trying to completely genocide whites, gotta have a small group of us around to serve as a steady stream of
sex slaves, they just get a perverse pleasure in destroying beauty. Every single blonde white woman that burns coal or
gets raped by niggers brings a elite jew to climax. They won't stop until there is nothing pure or beautiful left in this world.
They are a disease that devours worlds.
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 01:34:53 490e13 No.8227122
File (hide):31f8d634503de0e.jpg (83.61 KB, 482x807, 482:807, 31f8d634503de0eb08805280d7.jpg)

File (hide):c137184c7df17be.png(443.4 KB, 1506x3976, 753:1988, 94ba1623b024cc7d0ca28199e2.png)

Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 01:55:52 d435c7 No.8227342

File (hide): 097a0b63ad545bb.png (317.6 KB, 1801x1465, 1801:1465, gaydumppedo.png)

> People keep screencapping my infodumps
> so here's another infodump to screencap
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 03:26:13 64d328 No.8227990

fuck off with this diversion tactic

Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 05:29:41 605f3a No.8228873
>>8215208 (OP)
Hagmann is this you?
since when are you posting on /pol/
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 05:32:06 605f3a No.8228887
did we hit to close to home faggot?
you will not stop us, one day all gays will burn
Anonymous 11/13/16 (Sun) 16:10:27 ee1301 No.8234407
>>8215208 (OP)
OP is right, you can find alot of this stuff in the gay district. It is hidden in plain sight.
Gay lifestyle is not what it is in the gay movies made for bluepilled normies.
Gay lifestyle ends with AIDS, sex drugs, and more sex drugs.
Google Bugchaser.
Some HIV+ gay men ENJOY raping HIV- men. POZing the clean is a joy for them.
See gay bathhouse:
Gay bathhouse filled with underage teen prostitutes on Saturday night.
Reports of sex vans in gay districts with used and abused boys. Watch for men going in and out of Vans between 12pm4am.
Sex dungeons in gay district exist right under your nose.
Young gays, a good percentage of them are not gay but are doing it for the money and drugs.
Remove gay sex drugs from gay community and you will see prevalence of homosexuality cut in half.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 00:40:26 249f48 No.8263389>>8263445 >>8263673
File (hide): cf02f58945a2b97.jpg (53.39 KB, 500x375, 4:3, Jeb.jpg)

This shit is really starting to take a toll one me. I'm not new to this shit. I've known about Dutroux, Franklin, and Presidio
and how Satanists are a very real thing for years but this shit feels like I just dissolved the black pill in a spoon and
injected it. I don't wanna live anymore and Idc if you guys call me a pussy or say I'm blog posting but it's true. I'll always
have this dark shit floating around in my psych and there is no going back. I'll never enjoy the blissful ignorance that
normies are blessed with.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 00:49:14 33274d No.8263445
boo fucking hoo

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:08:50 09e683 No.8263569

>>8215208 (OP)
> If you haven't watched a film entitled L.I.E (2001) you are failing to understand just how common pedophilia is and
especially how common it is in the gay community (probably 100% of gays were raped/molested as children by adults).
I do anon.. unfortunately.
Somehow i stopped falling though.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:26:19 2753d7 No.8263659
>wow this guy doesn't agree with me 100% so let's not hear him out.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 01:28:39 43b1ca No.8263673
well, shit happens.
Don't be a pussy.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:27:21 d4a935 No.8263974
This stuff needs to be made public knowledge. Homosexuality is a gateway to deviancy and the fact that it goes on
unchecked and even promoted is one of the elements that is slowly killing the society.
Regardless of the source of your morality, there is a common thread of understanding that ultimately, morality exists to
strengthen and maintain the society - anything that harms the society is immoral and therefore needs to be shunned and
eliminated, lest you risk losing everything.
This is not puritanism we are talking about here, but desperate measures after having that shit pushed in our faces for
decades - traditional societies existed for thousands of years precisely because they excised any cancer that appeared
and "modernity" has always been degenerate and debasement of basic humanity.
We need to take up the hammer and strike them down. But it must be done under a coherent banner, under a call to
morality that leftist calumnies won't be able to tarnish because hey won't be even able to. Be it Christian, intellectual or
traditional morality, it needs to be at the forefront and promoting this one basic message - deviancy is death of the society
and these people are maggots crawling in the carcass.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 02:32:55 a3ab0d No.8264000>>8266497
this thread reeks of goon
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 10:38:57 4a74ac No.8266497
Nice trips but how so?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 10:47:41 4f5df1 No.8266558

[pop]YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

it was military intelligence,
filter king (you need a filter btw) has been saying this for months since the former NSA director went on his show
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 13:13:27 7ff28e No.8267890
Dude banning is not enough. I have ever filtered like 35 id's so far this thread, most ever by a mile. We didn't just get close
we backed into the end boss and are getting swiped at from behind. More so than than jews or the rothschilds who
probably are at the top of this, the actual Web of child shit that hides from 95 percent of the world is the most damming
thing ever.
They will never stop trying to nuke these threads out of orbit. The shills won't stop. Filter and move on, and remember
between the ping pong and the trumpsnfuhrer we've never been closer to real regime change.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 13:46:19 7cc793 No.8268236>>8268242
File (hide): 69a92e3fd5f2488.jpg (243.74 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Save these children.jpg)

Having a son and seeing that transitioned boy in the tumblr pics and seeing this makes my blood boil.
sage sage 11/16/16 (Wed) 13:47:13 7cc793 No.8268242
instagram not tumblr. sorry
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 13:53:07 605f3a No.8268311>>8270471

>there is obvious correlation between homosexuality, psychopathy, and desire to be in positions of power
Retard, what nonsene are you saying.
Psychopath have a higher sexual activity and tend to have many sexual partners to build a harem.
But no they are not pedophiles or homosexuals
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 17:14:40 7728be No.8270471
File (hide): a25bfffd541f82e.jpg (147.3 KB, 1249x639, 1249:639, 1459421550982-1.jpg)

>>8268311 (check)
>tend to have many sexual partners to build a harem.
What's wrong with trying to build a harem?
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 18:00:17 660e66 No.8270904
John 1:1 would like to have a word with you:
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 21:56:47 31867d No.8273506>>8275917
>The truly horrifying thing would be if Donald Trump was somehow linked into this thing and that his Candidacy was really
planned as the other half of a "controlled" revolution for the USA.
As I understand it, Trump was a democrat for many years and had a strong friendship with the Clintons. I wonder if maybe
they tried to invite him into their satanic cabal and he balked. Maybe he knows everything and that's why they're fighting
him so hard.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 22:25:19 25b1fa No.8273855
File (hide): a11c171460960b8.png (184.34 KB, 374x418, 17:19, we.PNG)

Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 23:39:41 a908c4 No.8274520>>8274596
>>8215208 (OP)

All sexual deviants had shitty childhoods, not necessarily sexually molested but certainly got fucked psychologically and
physically in one way or another.
The rest of this post is dubious.
Anonymous 11/16/16 (Wed) 23:48:44 5d767d No.8274596
Don't excuse this wickedly evil behaviour. Whats dubious is your implied ethics and morality. If someone stole a stick of
gum from you when you were a child, is that an excuse for you to rob and steal from everyone who haven't even wronged
you, for the rest of your life?
Anonymous 11/17/16 (Thu) 03:24:01 edfc3d No.8275750
>>8215208 (OP)
noted. After the Nov. 1 emails the entire news media eased on trump, Obama unfollowed H Clinton, something happened
Remember. Comey voted trump
Anonymous 11/17/16 (Thu) 03:39:29 edfc3d No.8275829
Original Threads
Operation #PedoFiles
PingPong and Beyond
Thread 1: (Dr. Pong)
Thread 2: (Comet Ping Pong)
Thread 3:
Thread 4:
Thread 5:
Thread 6:
Thread 7:
Thread 8: >>8217734 |
Thread 9: >>8223306 |
Thread 10: >>8233093 |
Thread 11: >>8241986 |
Thread 12: >>8253279 |
Introductory must read(!) book to cult abuse and pedophocracy:
Anonymous 11/17/16 (Thu) 04:02:05 f82d89 No.8275917
There remains the possibility that Trump really did fuck a kid, but to be blunt it wouldn't dent my support of him at this
point. It'd ruin him with the general public though.
Anonymous 11/17/16 (Thu) 04:10:25 4eea10 No.8275956
File (hide): 21158c1c73cde88.webm (3.85 MB, 669x641, 669:641, Kill all the gays.webm) [play once] [loop]

Anonymous 11/17/16 (Thu) 04:20:48 ff076f No.8275997

Send this to everyone you know who has young children.
Cons are just pop-up pedopizzarias.
Anonymous 11/17/16 (Thu) 04:25:41 ff076f No.8276013
Someone post the screencap about the faggot bragging about molesting a baby. "He'll wonder when he got his addiction
to cock and poz loads."
Anonymous 11/17/16 (Thu) 04:32:16 ff076f No.8276036>>8276185


Fags are damaged, bis are predators.
Anonymous 11/17/16 (Thu) 04:36:48 ff076f No.8276044
>It attacks the nerves at the base of the spine and causes something neurological to happen within the brain. It also has a
spiritual, demonic component to it that affects the person's mind in a way that nothing else will for a person to be able
to develop multiple personalities, they would have to be sodomized between two and four.
Anonymous 11/17/16 (Thu) 04:42:40 ff076f No.8276063
>logos isn't in the bible
, , .
Anonymous 11/17/16 (Thu) 04:45:50 ff076f No.8276071
>logos is "meme magic"
Anonymous 11/17/16 (Thu) 04:56:25 8d1e77 No.8276114
Anyone else noticing how bible shills are trying to derail this thread?
What the fuck does the bible or Christianity has to do with homosexuality or pedophilia.

Can we get back on topic. The topic being that those two are obviously linked, linked in the way that trannies, homos,
dykes and lesser pedos are all pawns of elites who indulge in any or all of that, except at higher levels of depravity such
as sacrificing babies.
The goal is to uncover who these elites are, not get sidetracked by bible discussions. How to uncover them? Easy, find
homos who have been propped up by mainstream media, talkshow hosts etc. Then you start digging. How did they get
famous? Who hired them. Who boosted them into the limelight while hiding in the shadows controlling the strings. Come
on anons
Anonymous 11/17/16 (Thu) 05:06:23 296101 No.8276156
Listen man, any gay man that was NOT molested as a child then wanted to molest other boys as a child. Those are the
most dangerous and fucked up pedos. Some of them turn into pathetic crazed messes, but some turn into some seriously
fucked up bastards, like this guy
Read this too, the whole article.
Anonymous 11/17/16 (Thu) 05:07:55 296101 No.8276166
>D&C at worst
of who? Gays? Since when did /pol/ recruit pedophiles and homosexuals into their ranks?
Anonymous 11/17/16 (Thu) 05:12:45 8fe82a No.8276185
Eh I ascribe to a pre-modern masculine sexuality
i want to fuck women but because im ugly i frequently settle for traps
you might have a point there about male bisexuality and psychopathy
its less about perversion really and more about indifference
Anonymous 11/17/16 (Thu) 05:28:47 296101 No.8276245>>8276261 >>8276276
I don't understand /pol/ anymore, you guys will literally defend anything that christian anons oppose, even if it goes
agaisn't everything the NatSoc ideal would want. You'll flip flop on your views just to spite Christians. It makes no sense.
Hell I didn't want to make this about religion, I wanted to honestly contribute to the thread, hence my previous replies
which I wrote before reading the whole thread. But then I saw how some faggots turned it into that and well
>Christians oppose racemixing
>So you'll promote racemixing
>Christians oppose pagans
>So you'll defend pagans
>Christians oppose homosexuality
>So you'll play PR and defend homosexuality
>Christians oppose pedophilia
>So you'll defend pedophiles and make the argument for why children can be sexually active early
>Christians oppose Muslims
>So you'll defend Muslims
And so on and on. And then you'll turn around and say the same, but only when Christians aren't in the thread. What sort
of insanity is this? Is this some sort of operation? You guys, you are fucking crazy. With all your mod drama, the evalion
conspiracy, the TRS shills, the alt-right stuff, the Renegade Radio shills, the Maddowposter, etc. And then you have the
gull to proclaim to be a great board? With all this inner-fighting and subversion going around?
Anonymous 11/17/16 (Thu) 05:30:07 f82d89 No.8276249

>Also the tranny thing goes deeper than 8ch is smart or willing enough to get to.
What do you mean? Seems pretty straightforward to me, it's a Marxist attempt to turn everyone into interchangeable cogs
in a machine. On the theological level, it's an attempt to achieve the old Satanic ideal of merging man and woman and
destroying the essence of both in the process.
Anonymous 11/17/16 (Thu) 05:32:35 d53959 No.8276257
anon/searchable backup of evidence for pizzagate, could be usedful
Anonymous 11/17/16 (Thu) 05:32:56 f82d89 No.8276261
>Christians oppose racemixing
>So kikes promote racemixing
>Christians oppose pagans
>So kikes defend pagans
>Christians oppose homosexuality
>So kikes play PR and defend homosexuality
>Christians oppose pedophilia
>So kikes defend pedophiles and make the argument for why children can be sexually active early
>Christians oppose Muslims
>So kikes defend Muslims
FTFY. I haven't read the thread, but at a glance it's pretty obvious that Schlomo's fingerprints are all over it.
Anonymous 11/17/16 (Thu) 05:36:30 8fe82a No.8276276
>>So you'll promote racemixing
never have never will
>Christians oppose racemixing
prove it, seen enough christcucks not caring whether their daughters burning coal or literally marrying a jew as long as
they 'convert'
>Christians oppose homosexuality
the catholic church, pederasty and the number of gay/lesbian/trans christians there are says otherwise
>>So you'll play PR and defend homosexuality
no thats Richard Spencer
>>Christians oppose pedophilia
again catholic church
>So you'll defend pedophiles and make the argument for why children can be sexually active early
although AOC laws are bullshit made up by feminists
shouldnt have sex with children because of moral reasons and the fact it can seriously harm them psychologically,
emotionally and physically
>So you'll defend Muslims
never have and never will
and again its the Pope kissing and washing their feet and its the churches these mudshits flee to when the border police
come to deport them
you live in another world ffs
Christianity in the west is fully subverted by the jew and if you're not a part of the poz you're an outlier
Anonymous 11/17/16 (Thu) 05:39:45 c1061a No.8276298
>>8215208 (OP)
>They have absolutely no moral code, whatsoever, because they are actually offended by morality
>morality versus moralists

Ehhh I have some news for you. Most people, in the nationalist right or otherwise, are tired of Christianity's moralists.
People are so god-damned hungry for a loving prime god/creator that doesn't shame you.
Goebbels would agree.
Anonymous 11/17/16 (Thu) 05:55:41 4ee7f4 No.8276403
Well the Chinese were certainly intimately involved with the election. The internet here slowed to a crawl during US voting
hours, and that only really happens when the government is running a major cyber-warfare op.
That day all of the upper ranking military and intelligence officials were called into the capital. I saw multiple generals and
officer garrisons. An unusually large amount.
As a side note, all of the party mouthpieces were pushing a cold-war narrative that day. I didn't see any open support for
Hillary. So, they may have been on our side here. Tough call.
It's also worth noting that the CCP is suffering from some internal division at present. ZH featured an article that mostly
talked about the Xi administration history, but it's no secret that Xi is still openly hated by all of the business wing officials
for making them dress down in public.
>Pure speculation follows:
I think Hillary was a business wing candidate, hence the support from moneyed CCP donors. She may have been
attacked by the intel wing, who support us since Trump might give them the economic excuse to go full Cold War. If the
intel wing had the right conditions they could initiate a full purge, beyond what they have courtesy of the anti-corruption
campaign, and consolidate power. But first they would need to disarm ($$$) and isolate (no Pres. Hillary for amnesty) their
business wing rivals.


( (self.pizzagate)
submitted 1 day ago * by amostviolentyear

Taking this out from my original post

Link [WARNING: loud sound/epilepsy]:
Title: "How is your consciousness like their own monstrous unitary dumpster"
Someone with more technical knowledge to uncover what it hidden on this site
needs to research ASAP. There is something here...



top 200 commentsshow all 205

sorted by:
top (suggested)
[]ThePizzaAccount 63 points 1 day ago*

Edit 9: I've reached an end. everything on this diagram leads to a different page,
but then the Vonage ad redirects back to the diagram on every single page. Is

this it? And what the hell does Vonage have to do with any of this? It's the only
"ad" I've seen.
Edit8: this page has some sort of diagram with satellites on it and talks about
different agencies. I can't read the language it's in. Also there is an ascii code
image at the bottom of the page that I can't make out. I got to this page
from this page every single Bush picture leads to another page. This shit is wild to
say the least, tons of work for just a troll imo.
Edit7:Holy shit. I don't know what I just stumbled on. I really hope this is public
knowledge. I eventually reached this page I noticed behind the dotted lines that
make up runways (at least that's what they look like to me) was text as each dot
moved. I realized there was a wall of text behind the black and selected all on the
page. Hidden behind the black are a ton of coordinates along with the name of
the military base at that coordinate. I really really hope this is public knowledge.
Someone please go get and archive for me? Not to adept on mobile.
Edit6: chrome picked up French hidden in the background of this page once I
selected for Google to auto translate a huge wall of text with a document that
looks to be a government documents appeared on the page. It seems that now
Google is auto translating any time there's French and I continue to get
government documents popping up in the background of other pages. This is
some really suspect shit.
Edit5: almost every one of these pages either have some sort of American
government documents hidden behind the disturbing images and epilepsy/loud
noises or someone's email and phone contacts. Someone below suggested
someone might be selling American secrets this way, seems farfetched and tinfoil
hat like but I suppose it could be a possibility.
Edit4: there are so many different gateways
from if you are on mobile, not sure if desktop is
the same if you click the 4 images in a specific order it takes you to 4 different
pages (depending the order you click them) there are so many doors to other
crazy sites that so far lead to government documents. Still digging will update
LINKED. There's a good possibility this has nothing to do with anything and is just
weird as hell. There's also a possibility that I did not click links in the proper order
to get to the real final page.
There are a bunch of hidden links all over found just clicking on the background.
I'm on mobile but I'll try to edit my comment to include links as I can find them.
Edit1: first link, if you click on the picture of what looks like a mannequin giving
birth. [NSFW]

This link can be found by clicking near the multicolor changing box you'll notice
there are lots of rectangles only one box in between the 2 pictures.
This link is a gateway to a seemingly real website. There is a link under a picture
of Lucy (from I Love Lucy) with the letters LHOOQ
Following that link brings you to
I'll be honest I'm not behind any kind of VPN I'm a little nervous to keep going.
Any chance someone else wants to go further down this rabbit hole for us?
Edit 2: Curiosity got the better of me. There are 4 videos for sale on that site:
The First Time Space Girl on the Farm
The Pond
Caelvengula (what does that even mean?)
Goodbye Zombie
How to Overcome Insomnia and Sleep Deeply

[]FantasticCellTech 26 points 1 day ago

Could be a troll job but I've been following the links and there is some seriously
weird shit in some of them



[]gr8b8m8irl8 15 points 1 day ago


It links to the Lulzsec twitter, so its probably an elaborate troll.
if you zoom out to 25% on this site there is writing:
we share ideas sometimes through the voice of so
then there is where to look for news. So well, some of you know what we were at
during these last long weeks, and probably less people know we were also testing
new stuff and shits for our next iterations. so, whatever. Happy to bring this
Special #FFF Edition to you (so special that's even not on friday), again for the
utterly lulz. we have written our very honest statement here, ofc it was intended
for those who are truely interested on reading it, for those fellows who dont give
a fuck about ideology and who are just lurking for the candy, skip it and jump
directly to the candy and lulzy part titled: Candy and Lulzy part. we hope you find

it useful as well as funny. and for those who dont care about the whole fucking
shit... wtf r u doing here?? go and download a movie. so here we go... /* just a
comment: we are still waiting for published news about the $ 2 billions worth
loans Assad has taken from Russia, mentioned on the syrian mails and also about
the transfer of money to austrian banks etc.... and also cocks... So, don't be lazy
journos and look for them.
[]kafka-tamura 1 point 13 hours ago

Lulzsec/anonymous probably hacked tons of shitty php sites and uploaded these
findings they must have collected. Its the equivalent of finding some else once
was on the treasure map you are following.



[]ThePizzaAccount 8 points 1 day ago

Yeah. I followed links it eventually looped back to OPs page. Not sure if I made a
wrong turn or if it's just something to throw someone off.
[]PatrioticDeplo 24 points 1 day ago

There are a ton of reroutes. Select all and it will show the wall of text.
I have been rerouted several times but if I retrace steps and continue along, I can
keep moving. There is no way this guy created a maze of 100's of pages for a
troll. This has been in service since 2007.
IMO, this was a hacker/4chan type that stumbled on some info and started
posting it in a schizo-type format.
LHOHQ on google shows a boys camp for 9-14 year olds in Vermont. Links to
dozens and dozens of Iraq/Afghanistan documents, extraordinary renditions, etc.



[]ragecry 7 points 22 hours ago*

Friends, this is an AI.

Someone is trying to create ambient cognition, and we are the ones tuning it
through our emotional reactions, which it observes, memorizes and then attempts
to "sympathize" with the human condition.

On this page:
It says "Processed by: Ambient Cognition", which has to do with collaborative
human-machine learning:
What is currently missing in Ambient Intelligence is emotional and social
intelligence going beyond user and preference awareness, in other words some
indispensable features of cognition. We do not imply agents that emulate human
actors, but instead augment or complement actors cognitive capabilities. We
envision ambient intelligence evolving towards ambient cognition an
environment which augments human cognition and supports humans in achieving
their goals.
In computing, ambient intelligence (AmI) refers to electronic environments that
are sensitive and responsive to the presence of people. Ambient intelligence is a
vision on the future of consumer electronics, telecommunications and computing
that was originally developed in the late 1990s for the time frame 20102020. In
an ambient intelligence world, devices work in concert to support people in
carrying out their everyday life activities, tasks and rituals in an easy, natural way
using information and intelligence that is hidden in the network connecting these
devices (see Internet of Things).
Important to point out the tech was developed in the late 90's, and this lhohq
website has been around since 2007.
Here is another example of this AI, Mother Horse Eyes:
The "fans" of this "Interface Series" got really angry and defensive when I said it
was an AI producing the (mostly nonsense) story, instead claiming it is very deep
and complex work of art. So we start to see the effect or perhaps purpose of this
AI already - that it can fool a large number of people into paying attention or
supporting what it says.
I'm not sure where this technology/research is coming from, but it is weird and
creepy and always full of conspiracy topics.



[]PatrioticDeplo 3 points 22 hours ago

Could they be creating a bot that trolls the internet to debunk all claims, by using
planted information to create plausible deniability?
So far, the entire explanation they've given was "it's a coincidence." Harve,
McCann, UK site, etc. Could it be a bot that is given answers to questions and
trolls around throwing people off?



[]ragecry 7 points 22 hours ago

This also reminds me of that incident where people started finding all these super
weird, cookie cutter, randomly generated children's games with inappropriate
themes. I think it was by one of the MySpace founders and shown to be some
kind of AI building the games. I'll have to dig up the story.



[]pizzagatedetective 2 points 20 hours ago

do you mean "Hello Kids" that thing that also had that youtube channel that
eventually got taken down?



[]ragecry 6 points 19 hours ago

I remember that too, but not sure if it was related to what I'm thinking.
I believe it started on 4chan, someone had found a link between the
inappropriate games and a MySpace employee (discovered through domain whois
or something like that). I specifically remember the MySpace part, and I'm really
hazy about this, but I think he even made a vague statement regarding it. There
was like a girl's game with a girl doll character who was a bloody
killer...something like that. Still trying to find the original discussion though.
I searched for "" on Reddit and the first two things that come up are
a bit unsettling:
/r/littlesafe - SFW space for Little's and their Caregivers.
/r/littlespace - A place for littles! Anyone involved with DD/lg, Daddy/little girl,
Daddy Dom, Caregiver/little, Big/little, ageplay, incest play... Roleplay and
lifestyles! Chat, ask questions, and post links/photos.
Little- a little is a person who mentally (or physically) feels younger than they
physically are. The term little is often a broad spectrum. It can cover all types of

individuals who feel they are younger than their physical age. A little is roughly
around the ages of 0-12. We dont set these ages in stone because not every little
has an age and not every little feels they represent the above listed age.
uhhhh...clearly I took a wrong turn there.



load more comments (2 replies)
[]PatrioticDeplo 2 points 22 hours ago

I was going through the website and found this, could it be related? It's several
written statements that I accidently combined.
The algorithm needed to participate regularly in the annual reports or sec filings
of the server through the proxy for the gamespy irc protocol data in the form of
an origin server or proxy, received an invalid length is not allowed for the linux,
ms windows for best of both operating system is that objects which have general
applicability for both global email exclusion and inclusions. For example, even if
the status code 404 (not found) can be used to update this library separately.
Pop3 rule sets to process, create an unlimited amount of the parameter name. To
add a news group just click on the internet mail server resources. Undeliverable
file is open then you probably have a= tolstytigr.fvwmwhateverfile in youre home directory, otherwise use the kill file, instantaneously
send the file.1.1 The garbage collector itself) cannot be created on the advanced
tab is used in the servers'list of the future. Remembers where you set on the
option. Socks is a master server to a news event is sought, searching only in the
smtp service for our bulk email software below: However, the mozilla folks were
able to effectively educate their constituency, and the user that a file of the
entries in this case, http services (proxy/ httpd) should answer with
corresponding http messages - "bad request" (400). Below is the amount of the
numeric status codes are applicable to that site otherwise a connection for all
kinds of negotiation are orthogonal and thus may be 1 or y cc clients and server
are also not limited to : - thumbnail view allows multiple computers to be listed,
separated by white space. Then you can hear audible static on a tcp connection to
the no proxy for pref. Emeritus members must have made or your favourite
terminal, ssh-add it'll ask you for the calculation of the generated public key
(died.ssh/ to the "authorized_keys" file on the external network. To do
that, you can also removed ghosts , entries in the file or via pipe to external file.
Version 0.3 version is available to the previous post example, the only unsafe
characteristic of message-bodies is the cumulative total amount of space freed by
a content-type field if they are called, are usually partial in both race driver 1.20
bad-words enabler 0.1. A small program which searches w95-98 windows'
registry for entries that contain user names along with the list of all of you may

see one of the matching. Use multiple copies of that file will be deleted from a
variety of economic data available online servers added to any drive in half both
at home i have a fiber-optic lan to lie in one of the program will randomly use



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[]ThePizzaAccount 3 points 1 day ago*

They abbreviate it LHOOQ. I did not look them up on Google yet.

Wiki page
Wow. I can't believe I skipped this step. So LHOOQ is EVERYWHERE on these
pages either abbreviated out like that or spelled out in French [l a o o ky]
LHOOQ is a work of art by Marcel Duchamp. First conceived in 1919, the work is
one of what Duchamp referred to as readymades, or more specifically a rectified
ready-made.[1] The readymade involves taking mundane, often utilitarian objects
not generally considered to be art and transforming them, by adding to them,
changing them, or (as in the case of his most famous work Fountain) simply
renaming them and placing them in a gallery setting. In L.H.O.O.Q. the objet
trouv ("found object") is a cheap postcard reproduction of Leonardo da Vinci's
Mona Lisa onto which Duchamp drew a moustache and beard in pencil and
appended the title.[2]
Edit: Here's the connection that I have, in my op I mention that one of the pages
has hidden French text that only appeared once I auto translated through Google
and then once I did that other pages showed hidden text that wasn't able to be
seen before. There is some sort of connection with French here (Alefantis is
THIS, I just thought it might be an avenue worth going down for someone better
at connecting dots than I.]



[]PatrioticDeplo 6 points 1 day ago

LHOHQ Laughing Horse Orifice HeadQuarters



[]PatrioticDeplo 3 points 1 day ago,+Plymouth,
Not sure what this has to do with LHOHQ but it comes up as one of the top
results. Boys camp for 9-14, could this be a relevant location?



[]kat_on_the_carpet 2 points 21 hours ago

I really want to say it is, but I can't remember off the top of my head. I will dig
some more when I am home from work. I remember something coming up more
towards the beginning of this investigation about a boys camp. I can't remember
who the connection was made from, but I want to say it was CT or Vermont. Will
report back
edit for clarity



[]PatrioticDeplo 1 point 20 hours ago

Good luck.



[]Learningthelessons 1 point 19 hours ago

It was on a map. I remember seeing in the upper left of a map we saw. I wish I
could remember.



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[]FantasticCellTech 3 points 1 day ago

Seems at least two of the people involved are "America Jones" (likely a fake
name, but he has a blog with a bunch of liberal stuff on it) and someone who
goes by "Immanuel Williams" but is probably actually named Dmitry Myaskovsky.
Also seems to be a third person who goes by Complex Event Programming who is
responsible for the intangible nature of a lot of the communications.
Haven't found out anything about the 4 films, which seem to hardly exist outside
of this page, although Caelvengula was in a Canadian film fest a few years back.

Some pages seem potentially sinister while others seem like a schizophrenic art
project. A part of me wonders if LHOHQ was a site to build interest for one of
their projects before they eventually lost interest.



[]ThePizzaAccount 2 points 1 day ago

If you look at my post though the gateway to that main page you click a link that
says LHOOQ underneath a photo of Lucy from I Love Lucy. I provided a link to
that gateway page in my op.
And then it continues to reference LHOOQ on tons of the hidden pages. I think
there's something there.



[]PatrioticDeplo 6 points 1 day ago

The BOB page contains info about flights and these specific (CIA?) Gulfstream.
GULFSTREAM IV, N85VM + N227SV N85VM - N227SV is a Gulfstream IV jet. It
can transport up to 19 passengers, but it is usually configured for 8/14
It is owned by Assembly Point Aviation Inc., registered in May 1995 in New York
State. The aircraft was registered as N85VM until September 2004, when it was
reregistered as N227SV. Operated by Richmor Aviation, a company based at the
Columbia County airport (Hudson, New York) and Scotia (New York).6 Landing
rights permitting to land at US military bases worldwide (expiration February 15,
2005) were granted to Richmor Aviation. Its owners have admitted leasing the
plane to the CIA, but have said it is not used exclusively by the agency.7
There are around 80 relevant recorded landings or takeoffs between February
2001 and November 2005 in Europe. The jet was then seen in Europe, Asia and
the Middle East (Afghanistan, Morocco, Dubai, Jordan, Italy, Germany, Romania,
Japan, Switzerland, Azerbaijan and the Czech Republic). It has been credibly
linked to the transport of alleged terrorist prisoners.
On 17 Feb 2003, the N85VM took Abu Omar (an Egyptian cleric who was
kidnapped by CIA agents in Milan and held for a short time at the U.S. military
base at Aviano) from Ramstein to Cairo. Then the plane turned around and flew
to Shannon, Ireland, arriving at 05.52 on the 18th.
It is reported to have flown in or out of military airports in Romania on three
occasions in 2004. The flights included two direct flights from Amman, Jordan,
and one flight from Guantanamo Bay (with a later stop in Morocco).

Notably, on January 26, 2004, the same day, the Gulfstream IV N85VM departed
Amman and arrived in Romania late at night. It departed Romania early on the
morning of January 27 and traveled to Barcelona and then to Washington.
Could this be the CIA/pedo plane?



[]ChaosNecro 4 points 1 day ago

Trevor Paglen - Six Landscapes - The TRUTH in Front of Your Face, CIA



[]PatrioticDeplo 3 points 1 day ago

According to Amnesty International (AI) [1], the "Gulfstream IV plane that took
Abu Omar to Egypt from Germany after his kidnapping in Italy. Its owners have
admitted leasing the plane to the CIA, but have said it is not used exclusively by
the agency. There are 488 relevant recorded landings or takeoffs between
February 2001 and July 2005. "Registration: owned by Assembly Point Aviation
Inc., registered May 1995 in New York State. The aircraft was registered as
N85VM until September 2004, when it was re-registered as N227SV. Operated by
Richmor Aviation, a company based at the Columbia County airport (Hudson, New
York) and Scotia (New York). Richmor Aviation owns or manages a fleet of about
15 business jets. "Landing rights: Richmor Aviation aircraft were permitted to
land at US military bases worldwide (expiration February 15, 2005). "Range and
capacity: average range of 3,633 nautical miles at 460/582 knots; can transport
up to 19 passengers, but it is usually configured for 8/14 passengers."



[]thispizzaiswhack 5 points 1 day ago



[]PatrioticDeplo 3 points 1 day ago

Where did you get the LHOOQ? OQ Should be HQ right?



[]Troooowawayyyy 5 points 23 hours ago

Way to type the French: 'Elle a chaud au cul' - 'she has a hot ass'
Duchamp used this text under his verson of Mona
Probably just a website by artists



[]ThePizzaAccount 1 point 1 day ago

Oh. Yeah. I guess it's right there in the url. I feel stupid. However they reference
LHOOQ a lot through all these pages.



[]PatrioticDeplo 1 point 1 day ago

Yes I did see that.

It's in the bottom left by the woman with the gun. LHOOQ
Typo? It's surrounded by what seems to be a code?



[]FantasticCellTech 3 points 1 day ago

I've been on the site for like an hour now and I ended up at starting points a few
times but backed out to take new paths. Not sure if this place has an end to it lol.



[]ThePizzaAccount 5 points 1 day ago

Yeah. It's really easy to see this as either a runaround or some sort of puzzle to
get to the proper ending. I hate not knowing enough about it because there could
be clues within the pages to direct you to the next correct page and I just don't
know what to look for.



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[]Mizzay 8 points 22 hours ago

Everyone. This is the only important stuff that I got out of all the rubbish.
1,804 US military communications facilities listed with degree-second precision
coordinates in DISA Circular 310651, Chapter 33, out of 6,191 total listed in that
I googled some of the places and came up with only 2 results. One Chinese
website and the other
Although this just could be public information once again. But this seems really
legit. I looked at several random google maps locations, in Italy, Germany, Spain.
Some of them were slightly blurred out. Others definitely had radar stations like
this one in Greece. I have no idea what these buildings are in a forest
in Germany.
Here another super weird one in the middle of the forest in Germany. It looks like
a regular forest, zoom in and you see a weird watch/guard tower or something.



[]Sheisahore 4 points 1 day ago

oh yeah not good glad i didnt click on that at work.



[]Sheisahore 4 points 1 day ago

There are more links if you go to products on LHOOQ site. Not clicking on those.
One is titled " first time space girl on the farm" look like vids. someone want to



[]Igoogledyourass 8 points 1 day ago

They're like weird art vids. Nothing really awful. Just weird like some of the bands
at comet.
[]ThePizzaAccount 10 points 1 day ago

I decided fuckit and followed links and watched vids. They are all satanic
ritualistic artsy videos but not cp.

Also continuing to follow hidden links eventually loops me back to the main page
OP posted. I edited my comment above there's a possibility this was put out there
to throw us off the trakc, there's also a possibility that I did not follow the links in
the proper order, or clicked the wrong link on pages with multiple links.



[]RAPIN_BILLY 2 points 1 day ago*

i wonder if these edgy satanic bands know their biggest patrons are pedos. to be
fair, being surrounded by a cabal of weird 'artists' is a perfect cover



[]GAR68W 6 points 1 day ago

*edit7: *edit6: *edit4: http://arc *edit1: *2nd
link: *following link:



[]ThePizzaAccount 1 point 1 day ago

Thank you!
[]The--Lodge 1 point 23 hours ago
_stanley_kubrick.html http
_layout/masonic_symbolism_in_the_washington_dc_street_plan.html http://www
ml http://www.lhohq.i
[]Badblood24 5 points 20 hours ago This is really weird to me

considering it says "Islamic sacred state"



[]kuburga 3 points 1 day ago

Not all of the pages lead to one another through links. Right click and click inspect
and you will find more stuff I believe. The more recent and relevant page seems
to be:
AFAIK this is an old webpage and if it has not been updated recently it's definitely
alarming to see these names together. But it is probably updated. So the question
is, is there some message to decrypt or is this the best fake encryption ever?
I love the design of the webpage and I am enjoying navigating it so I will keep on
looking into it.



[+][deleted] 23 hours ago* (2 children)
[]wtfeva 2 points 1 day ago

On the lhohq, just view source. It looks like a list of air force bases with



[]Mizzay -1 points 1 day ago

It's an obvious troll site.

Weird site continued
Another weird one
So far no CP. It's just a troll site.



[]igniscyan 1 point 1 day ago

Not sure what it is, but sit on that final page for about a minute and a half
without scrolling. The background changes to something odd. Those figures look




[]ThePizzaAccount 1 point 1 day ago

Yeah some of the circles with writing turn red also, I wonder if clicking them at
that time opens a different link, kind of like a delayed popupad over the original
circle maybe?
[]igniscyan 2 points 1 day ago

They flash in a certain order as well. It's a path way. Not on a PC right now, will
check it out when I can. If you figure something out let me know. Do we know
what the image means? The people with the text "It's so easy." Jumps out at me
for some reason... what the hell does it mean?
Probably not fair to poke at that and not the entirety of the website. How is this
tied to Luzattos email again?



[]ThePizzaAccount 1 point 1 day ago

Op said he found the original site when loooking into Luzatto's email address on
his search engine.



[]Krookedklinton 1 point 23 hours ago

From what I could tell the flashes were 6-5-1, 8, 2-10-7

I tried clicking on them in that order using the vonage ad to go back each time
but nothing happened. I looked at the gematrias and didn't really see anything



[]igniscyan 1 point 23 hours ago

From what I've been reading this is actually not related to pizza gate at all.
Conspiracies about this site have existed before :/



[]Krookedklinton 3 points 23 hours ago

Just because people were suspicious before pizzagate doesn't mean its totally



[]igniscyan 1 point 23 hours ago

I'm just saying, the link between this site and Luzatto is non existent. Show me
where it is even remotely tied to it and I'll retract my claim.



[]ThePizzaAccount 3 points 22 hours ago*

It may not have anything to do with pizzagate, luzatto was loosely connected to
this rabbit hole if I remember correctly but not firmly.
That said, I can't believe this site is not something sinister. Or a gateway to
something, be it an occult group hiding their Web page or something like that.
There are tons of satanic and occult references some pages have cherubs and
naked kids drawn, other have kids with hearts over their head.



[]Igoogledyourass 1 point 17 hours ago

It's a video. The option to cast it pops up.

[]MF_Dweeb 1 point 20 hours ago* seems to be
about some program called COFEE and how to use it. I didn't see this link posted
already but honestly didn't really look.
EDIT this is what the program is I guess this link is just a
"How to" I didnt really dig to deep in it



[]hippononymus 1 point 20 hours ago

me S
doesn't the girl on the first time space girl on the farm (timestamp 3:28) look alot
like this lady from the podesta email titled "Lady Gaga at the oscars (I'm in the
front in the green). could you please check it out and let me know what you
think? thank you.



[]Angel4CityCouncil 1 point 19 hours ago

LHOOQ is the name of s Marcel Duchamp piece which us the Mona Lisa with a
mustache. It's a French acronym.



[]inbetweentime 1 point 18 hours ago

Anyone have insight on those videos? Sounds sketchy as fuck



[]ThePizzaAccount 1 point 18 hours ago

I checked 2/4 someone checked the other 2. No cp weird satanic occult shit, it's a
possibility it's just art. Looks a tad more sinister than that buy not necessarily
pizzagate related as far as I can see at this point.
[]whiskyandpoptarts 1 point 18 hours ago

The page you reference in your edit8, with the satellites, that's in German and it
discusses something called "Echelon" and explains that it's a dragnet of sorts that
'listens to unfiltered emails, texts, etc." Just FYI



[]Spewful_Logic 1 point 18 hours ago

I played around with the numbers found on this page. It seems to be a naked girl
holding a rifle in front of the American flag. Here are some screenshots. It
probably isn't relevant but it intrigued me and could important later due to the
first 6 numbers "150116". The only relevant thing I could think of for that is Jan
15th 2016 (The language is German and Germans use dd/MM/yyyy format).



[]Rookvrouw_Joke 1 point 15 hours ago

Already passed by so too late...


[]kreativFTW 1 point 17 hours ago

"Be sure to drink your Ovaltine." is the crypted msg on the bottom of this site lul



[]whiskyandpoptarts 1 point 15 hours ago

The diagram is the Tree of life in Kabbalah, I believe.



[]Rookvrouw_Joke 1 point 15 hours ago

The page in edit 8 says Global Electronic Reconnaissance System and that that
Echelon intercepts global fax, email, telecommunications traffic, etc that is
globally forwarded.
It says the graphic is by the Baden-Wrttemberg (a province in Southern
Germany) State Office for Constitution Protection. The key says the red dots are
interception stations.
Then it links to this page:
I'm so done with this shit it's freaking me out.



[]Virtcoin 1 point 14 hours ago

One of the pages was archived 7 months ago



[]tudda 22 points 1 day ago

I just googled for it and don't see it in my search results at all. It contains a
massive list of names/addresses/phone numbers. It also doesn't appear to be in
googles cache. I'm pretty skeptical that this is something that was created to troll
Someone else want to verify ?

[]amostviolentyear[S] 8 points 1 day ago

did you search her email in quotes? search: "" and it should be
on the 4th page of results.
I just repeated and the link is still there and active.



[]tudda 9 points 1 day ago

Ah the quotes made a difference.

The domain was registered a long time ago, but the fact that it's not cached
makes me think it was just created recently to troll people in regards to this.
Also, edit your post to warn people about the embedded sound
[]amostviolentyear[S] 2 points 1 day ago




[]SarahAssange 3 points 1 day ago

One of the clicks directed me to this

blog It's mentioning
donald Trump



[]thispizzaiswhack 12 points 1 day ago*
fyi: site has been up since 2007

[]kekethrowaway96 2 points 23 hours ago

Just throwing this out there

On the blizzhackers forum one of the posters there had the Girl Lover symbol as a
sig linked from his website
The website has suspicious directories that I'm not willing to fully investigate.



[]thispizzaiswhack 2 points 23 hours ago

i clicked around looks like just a bunch of games he made

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[]criticalthinker615 13 points 1 day ago

But we aren't satanists. We just have total familiarity with all of his rituals and
like to make high quality productions of non simulated torture and blood and
guts. After watching that video section and putting 2+2 together, starting to think
these hipsters are purveyors of satanic pedo snuff films more and more. Imagine
the videos we aren't seeing. The links to this stuff makes it so much more worse
than JUST the sexual exploitation of children. They quite literally have started the
battle of good and evil. I think this page is more of a taunt in our faces than
anything. There's nothing so far that is not covered by the 1st amendment but
considering all of the links to children someone is going to have to pay and until I
feel satisfied I myself will never let this go.

[]SarahAssange 3 points 1 day ago

This is new ! 2016 it's about Donald




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[]dezbos 5 points 1 day ago*

open this in chrome and search for '<a href' references to get all of the urls.
also. looks to be a troll site.

[]hoeskioeh 6 points 1 day ago*

EDIT2: the page with the coordinates seems to be a mirror

of (did not check for differences, but generally
same data)
EDIT: shit. you have to add the "view-source:" by hand!!!

so the link "" becomes "viewsource:"

try this link: view-source:
do not forget the "view-source" part in the URL!!! you will get a source
view, no images, no sound, no blinking... (works in firefox, not IE)
follow the links - by looking for href="<something>.html" - for a while...
i reached this weird page: viewsource:
Eyeballing the 1,804 US military communications facilities listed with degreesecond precision coordinates in DISA Circular 310651, Chapter 33, out of 6,191
total listed in that document.
followed by a long list of names and coordinates.
these pages are intentionally unreadable. do it like Cipher in "The Matrix", look at
the code :-D

[]criticalthinker615 5 points 1 day ago

Could this be some spook shit hidden behind stuff so fowl no one wants to look
at? As in selling American secrets?



[]ImAMenace 1 point 13 hours ago

They actually refer at one point to a fail-safe porn facade thing. They want people
to be disgusted and turn away.
[]ThePizzaAccount 4 points 1 day ago

That weird page you reached, I zoomed in on mobile. The dotted lines making
airplane runways (at least that's what they look like to me) are white boxes with
a letter that changes as it moves behind them. There is a wall of text behind the
black background.



[]Brokenridge 1 point 20 hours ago

Saw the same...if you highlight the page you get an ass of letters...maybe you
have to scroll to get the code through the boxes and write it down as it
[]matheussaliba 1 point 1 day ago*

David Brock is in the list, does this mean anything? EDIT: found this thread on /x/
about the page
with this crawled archive: then, case closed?



[]criticalthinker615 7 points 1 day ago

I skimmed the video caelvengula and saw a lot of pagan deity worship. Saw is is
mentioned by name. In a real "artsy" way. Nsfl but that one didnt appear to be
cheese. Just devil worship

[]ThePizzaAccount 3 points 1 day ago

Yeah the space girl one was the same. The last couple minutes is obvious
ritualistic wtf type stuff



[]criticalthinker615 4 points 1 day ago

Watch how to sleep deeply

[]FantasticCellTech 3 points 1 day ago

Lmfaooo... that one was utterly bizarre



[]spontaneousspectator 1 point 23 hours ago

After watching that rest assured I will not be sleeping tonight



[]criticalthinker615 2 points 17 hours ago

There's a dead girl in the ending. These are previews for snuff films.



[]xx45xx 5 points 1 day ago

Very heavy-breathing type 'art' many of the same themes, we need actual autists
in here. at this point finding CP would be actually getting somewhere, regardless
of peoples' fear of it.

[]criticalthinker615 2 points 17 hours ago

Videos reek of abromovic



[]criticalthinker615 2 points 17 hours ago

And keep in mind these are the sample clips

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[]fatebound 6 points 1 day ago

I remember this website got posted on a subreddit a while ago. I think we came
to the conclusion it was just an austist doing their thing.
You really have to ask yourself.... why? why make a stupid website that seems
like dozens of hours of work to make it weird for the sake of it being weird. This is
just a derail, nothing more. I'll try search for the original thread on this but i
remember the subreddit had something to do with analysing another subreddit
with a bot posting numbers everday or whatever,

[]Brokenridge 3 points 20 hours ago

So they stopped updating it in 2008, to derail us in 2016?



[]fatebound 1 point 14 hours ago

Putting resources and attention to this website is derailing from other more
productive efforts. The websites propose itself is irrelevant
[]FantasticCellTech 2 points 1 day ago

Yeah, seems like it stopped being updated sometime around 2008. Still a totally
bizarre website and interesting to explore. Doubt it has any real link to our hunt



[]tamamshud46 6 points 1 day ago

I was led to the same website a couple of days ago when searching for one of
James Alefantis' old email addresses (
Sidney Blumenthal's contacts ( are embedded in the page, that's why it was in the
search results.
Whoever designed this website needs medication.

[]Mizzay 5 points 22 hours ago

I think I went too deep.

1,804 US military communications facilities listed with degree-second precision
coordinates in DISA Circular 310651, Chapter 33, out of 6,191 total listed in that
I googled some of the places and came up with only 2 results. One Chinese
website and the other
Although this just could be public information once again.

[]criticalthinker615 6 points 22 hours ago

It does certainly seem like espionage right?



[]Mizzay 3 points 22 hours ago*

99% percent of the stuff was all random trolling. Masonic pentagrams on a
Washington DC map. Creepy satanic videos. But this seems really legit. I looked
at several random google maps locations, in Italy, Germany, Spain. Some of them
were slightly blurred out. Others definitely had radar stations like this one
in Greece. I have no idea what these buildings are in a forest in Germany.
Here another super weird one in the middle of the forest in Germany. It looks like
a regular forest, zoom in and you see a weird watch/guard tower or something.
[]SarahAssange 6 points 1 day ago* found a pizza link

picture of Bush
an other weird link , each circle has an old document when you click on
example :
Gop ? bavarian illuminati ?

[]tim_4756 1 point 22 hours ago

There's what looks to be a login at the bottom of the pizza page. Not brave
enough to try it.



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[]RutgersKindaBlows 2 points 1 day ago

And check the very last email address.

[]dezbos 3 points 1 day ago

psinger isn't the last address. the quotes truncated the rest of the code. there are
a couple hundred more listed. mostly media and university emails. a few
personal, senate, and foreign ones.



[]Igoogledyourass 3 points 1 day ago

A lot of the emails are found in wikileaks.

[]RutgersKindaBlows 2 points 1 day ago

When I looked, the very last one at the bottom was hillary clinton's. I'm on
mobile if that means anything.
[]dezbos 3 points 1 day ago

yea, like i said. due to a code error the rest of the emails are cut off from
displaying correctly. there are a few hundred more you can't see on the page.



[]portlandpizzatwo 4 points 1 day ago
They sell videos...?

[]ThePizzaAccount 2 points 1 day ago

I'm assuming you found this the same way I did? I didn't go further than their



[]portlandpizzatwo 7 points 1 day ago

We need eyes on this this morning, I'm going into work right now.
[]knajjd11 3 points 1 day ago

I think this is just some random "pseudo-cryptic" website with no meaning at all
like such, really.
It seems that it was around for a long time, though, because there's a thread
from 2007 referencing


[]dagodad 4 points 1 day ago*

I figured I might as well make a backup (wget -rkp and post it. It's
still going, but I'm seeing a lot of movie files coming through. A little wary of
watching though, but here are relative URLs:

Hoping I haven't downloaded/linked to anything awful.
List of files:

[]knight222 3 points 23 hours ago

Nothing to see here. Just a bunch of weird amateurish crappy short movies.



[]criticalthinker615 1 point 17 hours ago

Dead girl at the end of the video about insomnia and getting sleep



[]WhatNowFred 5 points 19 hours ago*

Nobody found Bill Clinton's personal phone number, yet?

Bill Clinton


George Soros

212-262-XXXX Work



John Podesta
L Rothschild

244-XXXX Home




Home 224-XXXX Work 914-861-XXXX/202-228-XXXX


508-627-XXXX Home

Home 212-348-XXXX Work

Tamera Luzzatto 244-XXXX Home 224-XXXX Work

228-XXXX Cellular

[]thispizzaiswhack 3 points 1 day ago*

how is this website linked to tamera? edit: the site freaked me out and i closed it,
sorry cant work on this one lol
please put a warning in your post, its epilepsy triggering

[]Late_To_Parties 6 points 1 day ago

It's not, it just has her email typed out on it. It looks to me like the site got
hacked and they posted all the owners email contacts on it.



[]amostviolentyear[S] 3 points 1 day ago

I originally found the link (completely independent of any of the other sites
anyone else else had found previously to linking to Tamera) by searching her
personal email as an exact phrase and combing through all the results



[]Mizzay 3 points 1 day ago*

It's just someone trolling.

All of the text is public information or was leaked by wikileaks already. It's just
peoples name, emails, phone numbers, addresses that are already publicly
known. Did a few google searches of random emails, phone numbers and all of it
has thousands of hits.
Some random text created by a troll, such as.
"scott walker and sarah palin inspect new cloud computer"
"justin bieber endorses new operating system at developer conference"
Some link that goes to a different but similarly weird website
Another link goes to another weird site
Strangest site which talks about videos
I don't want to keep finding links and accidentally stumble on CP. Someone else
can take over from here.



[]fajita_farts 3 points 1 day ago

There not cp but they are extremely fucking weird. Watched the pond and the last
one. Are we missing something in the videos? They are weird and sex related for



[]Sheisahore 2 points 1 day ago

There are some other links in there if you download as txt. Can someone check.
Im at work and too afraid to copy in url. This has contacts of a lot of people
including #s. I have saved copy.

[]lo-lite 2 points 1 day ago


[]Snailic 5 points 1 day ago*

Yeah thats most of them but there are a stupid amount of urls that aren't listed
because it seems the pages are just markov chain generated based off of stuff on
the internet.
One of the pages that was generated had:
Google led me to:
Edit: Yuup. Same generated page had Harry Smith and
Justin Smith Both of which are on the same spreadsheet.
Page in question:
It is different everytime you refresh the page.



[]FantasticCellTech 2 points 1 day ago

From clicking the McDonald's part in your link (wtf):

Works for the CIA Pornographic Washington DC on
Works for the CIA NFL Rupert Murdoch for Rupert Murdoch
Devil Worshipping Pedophiles about and on
and and for NFL

and and Wall Street Journal for on about

and because with Stupid for for because Wall Street Journal Washington DC about
and on and Rupert Murdoch Erections Homosexual Homosexual NSLEP
[]SarahAssange 2 points 1 day ago
this one mention a lot of mind control

[]ra03w9nb 2 points 1 day ago

Federal Communications Commission FCC 99-229 of covered services, stating:

Thus, a carrier providing a customer with a service or facility that allows
the customer to obtain access to a publicly switched network is responsible for
complying with the capability requirements.23 The House Report also
describes CALEA's focus in terms of law enforcement agencies' traditional
surveillance requirements: The only entities required to comply with the
[assistance capability] requirements are telecommunications common carriers,
the components of the public switched network where law enforcement agencies
have served most of their surveillance orders.24 Further, the legislative
history contains examples of the types of service providers subject to CALEA:
The definition of telecommunications carrier includes such
service providers as local exchange carriers, interexchange carriers, competitive
access providers (CAPs), cellular carriers, providers of personal communications
services (PCS), satellite-based service providers, cable operators, and electric and
other utilities that provide telecommunications services for hire to the public, and
any other wireline or wireless service for hire to the public.25 11. The
legislative history of CALEA makes clear that the requirements of CALEA do not
necessarily apply to all offerings of a carrier. The House Report states:
[C]arriers are required to comply only with respect to services or facilities
that provide a customer or subscriber with the ability to originate, terminate or
direct communications.26 We therefore find that an entity is a
telecommunications carrier subject to CALEA to the extent it offers, and with
respect to, such services. 12. CALEA also makes clear that its requirements do
not apply to certain entities and services. Subsection 102(8)(C) of the definition
specifically excludes information services,27 and the legislative history makes
clear that CALEA does not apply to private network services:
[T]elecommunications services that support the transport or switching of

communications for private networks or for the sole purpose of interconnecting

telecommunications carriers . . . need not meet any wiretap standards. PBXs are

[]gr8b8m8irl8 2 points 1 day ago*


It links to the Lulzsec twitter, so its probably an elaborate troll.
if you zoom out to 25% on this site there is writing:
we share ideas sometimes through the voice of so
then there is where to look for news. So well, some of you know what we were at
during these last long weeks, and probably less people know we were also testing
new stuff and shits for our next iterations. so, whatever. Happy to bring this
Special #FFF Edition to you (so special that's even not on friday), again for the
utterly lulz. we have written our very honest statement here, ofc it was intended
for those who are truely interested on reading it, for those fellows who dont give
a fuck about ideology and who are just lurking for the candy, skip it and jump
directly to the candy and lulzy part titled: Candy and Lulzy part. we hope you find
it useful as well as funny. and for those who dont care about the whole fucking
shit... wtf r u doing here?? go and download a movie. so here we go... /* just a
comment: we are still waiting for published news about the $ 2 billions worth
loans Assad has taken from Russia, mentioned on the syrian mails and also about
the transfer of money to austrian banks etc.... and also cocks... So, don't be lazy
journos and look for them.

[]hippononymus 2 points 1 day ago

hey guys first post. so i was checkin out lhohq and i stumbled upon the video
selection page. there's a video called "Space Girl on The Farm"
( I Swear I've seen that girl
before.(TS 3:28). Then I was lookin at some podesta emails and i came across
the one called: Lady Gaga at the oscars (I'm in the front in the green). Can u
guys check this out? I may be a little baked but i swear to god its the same
person. And with all that "farm" talk, I think that could be a connection. Thanks
guys and keep fightin the good fight.

[][deleted] 1 point 20 hours ago

Lady gaga performing for and with victims of sexual assault. The girl who sent the
email was dem strategist and anti-rape advocate zerlina imaged
but don't think they're the same...could be wrong...who knows.



[]CaptainPaintball 2 points 20 hours ago*
With email addresses!
EDIT: And phone numbers, including CHERYL MILLS and AL GORE

[]freedomofaction 2 points 20 hours ago
here is a weird older link i found by googling the organization. "encrypted
communications office. milwaukee holiday terrorphile consumer draft, get paid to
surf the web. l.h.o.h.q. II*"
So weird. I can't even.

[]thisisnowmypizzagate 2 points 18 hours ago

This is clearly a redherring

[]AspiePizza 2 points 17 hours ago

This was mentioned in a comment buried elsewhere, and it may very well mean
nothing, but the URL (LHOHQ = "Laughing Horse Orifice
Headquarters") directs to 263 Farm and Wilderness Road in Plymouth, VT -which is a kids' and teens' summer camp called Farm & Wilderness. This camp got
a fair bit of publicity in earlier years about encouraging co-ed nudity among both
campers and counselors (the camp is Quaker-based and the option to wear or not
wear clothes is considered the "5th freedom," if I understand it right). It looks
like their nudity allowance was restricted to just suitless swimming after the

The camp was also involved in a lawsuit by someone named Patrice Fitch, but I
haven't found any details beyond this:
The LHOHQ connection could definitely be a coincidence -- I would think Google
assigns its shortened map URLS randomly, but perhaps I'm wrong.

[]CatacystFPV 2 points 16 hours ago*

Alright, here's the conclusion to my hectic and crazed investigation, but I think I
hit some solid points to these leads:
Both and, sketchy
nightmarefuel websites are owned and operated by the same person, or at least
the same sketchy PMB in Scottsdale. Both have overt Illuminati and sexually
charged references, are huge, and psychopathic if I say so myself.
This person, I believe, is not Bentley Ptythylhlyl, but rather that's his pseudonym.
I think the actual operator would be Ken Rockwell, the individual who's pictures
are used in Bentley's accounts.
Ken Rockwell is a very creepy individual who I would not have take photos of
anything ever. He also, apparently, knows some powerful individuals or at least
has access to powerful knowledge and dark shit. Plus, he appears to be an actual
photographer who's fairly well known.
Honestly, I can't connect this in anyway solidly to Luzatto or Podesta, but he's
definitely a red flag and a half considering he at least has ACCESS to Luzatto and
Podesta's emails, names, and some private information. Perhaps this is HIS
version of Epstein's contact list and possible blackmail.
Suffice it to say I have to take a break for a bit from all this fucking madness, but
those are my notes for now.

[]SarahAssange 1 point 1 day ago The picture in the website is

Hosni Moubarak ex leader of egypt and his family



[]bape1 1 point 1 day ago

Guys this is just a troll/experimental website created by some hipster art

students. I searched them on Instagram was very easily able to find all the
actors/directors of the movie.

[]stopcensoringpizzag8 1 point 13 hours ago




[]penone_nyc 1 point 1 day ago

Not sure if anyone has done this yet but if you view the pages in Chrome (PC
version), right click and select Inspect - you will see the text that is "hidden" in
the images.

[]TheSilverBanger 1 point 1 day ago

What do they say?



[]penone_nyc 1 point 1 day ago

No coherent science of soup cans is unique... No coherent science of efficient

internal communications mechanisms (an increase in its leadership and
consequent system-wide cognitive secrecy tax) and Mouffe have used the article).
Eyeballing the 1,804 US military communications facilities listed with degreesecond precision coordinates in DISA Circular 310651, Chapter 33, out of 6,191
total listed in that document.
Followed by the lat/long for different areas in the world.
[]TheSilverBanger 1 point 1 day ago

Strange. But what about this case isn't?



[]Mizzay 1 point 13 hours ago

Look at my above post about this



[]Jbradysmi 1 point 1 day ago

welp, don't watch this video.

[]knight222 1 point 1 day ago

Is it supposed to be some some of art or something? Because it's shitty as fuck.



[]criticalthinker615 1 point 17 hours ago

Dead girl in last cut



[+][deleted] 1 day ago (4 children)
[]Conal-H 1 point 1 day ago - Weird - Encryption. - pizza - index.

[][deleted] 1 point 20 hours ago

steal an election...could be wrong but i think that page is copied and pasted form
this...looks like a student



[]Conal-H 1 point 1 day ago

?!??! WTF?



[]The--Lodge 1 point 23 hours ago

Here are some very weird ones, many addresses revealed when page is


[]youngbillcosbii 1 point 23 hours ago

One of the pages said he bush lost his license drinking and driving we hit a spy
network wow

[]amostviolentyear[S] 1 point 23 hours ago

can you copy/paste the text?



[]Mizzay 2 points 23 hours ago

I saw that website. It was this document. Guys all of this stuff is public
information. None of it is secretive. Although I think I did find something that is
not public. I will confirm it's not public and then post it.
[]Grizzly198303 1 point 23 hours ago*
1 :

[]Grizzly198303 1 point 23 hours ago



[]ThrowPizzaAtGate 1 point 22 hours ago

This page have a map library

leading to .../graphicbodies/00.html, .../graphicbodies/01.html etc etc.
I mistakenly entered (hyml instead
of html) and got some weird as text once more. Mentioned several times in the
text : "Devil Worshipping Pedophiles" and Rupert Murdoch is mentioned quite a

[]erichimself81 1 point 22 hours ago

John and Tony Podesta's names and emails are in the background...

[]Mizzay 1 point 22 hours ago

Those are public information. Google the emails and phone numbers. Google will
show you several pages of hits on them.



[]hoorayforcats 1 point 21 hours ago

This text was one of of the pages without context

"the former White House reporter whose naked pictures have appeared on a
number of gay escort sites, talons of the phoenix. "military,
muscular, masculine and discrete [sic]"

[]PizzagateConspiracy 1 point 21 hours ago

The spiders spinning webs in the background is definitely symbolic for trapping
prey. Not to mention the image of an adult holding an adolescent in his/her arms.

[]Learningthelessons 1 point 20 hours ago

Not to bring up the obvious, but did you see who the list of people with their total
contact information is on the front page?


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[+][deleted] 20 hours ago (1 child)
[]pizzathrowaway_503 1 point 20 hours ago

Such a weird trail of websites....

I'm not sure if it's anything pizzagate related. Evidently this site as been up for
years. Also the only relation it seems to have is the fact luzzatto's email is
included - but so many public figure emails are listed throughout these websites
that I don't think any individual one can really stand out.
Still incredibly creepy.

[]ctharvey 1 point 19 hours ago

[+][deleted] 17 hours ago (1 child)
[]_anotherthrowaway___ 1 point 17 hours ago*

[+][deleted] 17 hours ago (3 children)
[]pepperonis_for_eyes 1 point 15 hours ago*

LHOOQ for the non-art history buffs is a vulgar french pun made by Duchamp
back in 1919
His work often had a strong undertone of mockery and lewdness in terms of what
qualifies as art. His Nude Descending a Staircase was widely rejected, which lead
to pieces like the LHOOQ example where he just put a mustache on the Mona
Lisa, signed a urinal and called it sculpture, and attaching a wheel to a stool. It
was a sort of middle finger of boundary pushing.
I won't discourage investigation lest I be called a shill, but I just wanted to
provide some context to the idea this could be your typical post-modern, full-ofitself art piece. There's a path of links that leads to some weird artsy
That said, the first page is weird af, I saw George Soros' name in there and if you
scroll to the bottom, you'll see one of many examples of


weird page about a digital forensics tools called
COFEE hit ctrl+A to highlight the text.
Seems to be a copy of the info from this site:
On one of the pages where you can write a comment, one person said that the
following page contained the name of their grandfather who died and worked for
ctrl+A again to reveal text. This page talks about Franklin

[]CatacystFPV 1 point 15 hours ago

This site is more fun to watch than Silent Hill:

[]Virtcoin 1 point 14 hours ago

it's a data dump

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