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Unit 3 Area of study 2: Investigation and interpretation

through art making

School Assessed Task: Developing a body of work
This assessment task requires you to use the art process to produce
a body of work with at least one finished artwork. You must use the
Analytical Frameworks to document and evaluate the progressive
development and refinement of your artistic practice

Produce a body of work with at least one finished artwork

Document your inspiration and process in visual arts folio,
annotated using the Analytical Frameworks
You must show evidence of experimentation with different
materials, techniques and processes in your folio

Detailed Instructions:
1. Concept
Choose a concept that you wish to explore in your body of
work. Write a statement on what you have chosen, why you
have chosen it and how you wish to convey your ideas.
2. Process
Develop your body of work by documenting ALL process in
your folio. This includes:
- Artist inspiration
- Inspirational images and drawings
- Photographs of your artwork progression
- Experimentation of different materials, techniques and
processes (at least 10 pages)
- Handwritten annotations using terminology of the
Analytical frameworks, explaining WHY you have included
this in your folio, what worked, what didnt etc.
3. Creation and Construction
You will be creating your body of work and documenting your
process simultaneously. Your experimentation and inspiration
in your folio must be reflected in the creation of your final
piece. Use your skills and techniques to constitute your body
of work and make decisions based on your strengths informed
through your process
4. Resolution and Presentation
Present your final body of work as gallery ready finished piece.
Create an artist statement explaining your concept.

Have you made a body of work that presents broad and

creative explorations within the selected art form/s and/or
media. The work includes both written and visual material
that clearly demonstrates personal thinking and practices.
The work focuses on creative exploration, investigation and
experimentation and includes at least one finished artwork.
Students use appropriate aspects of the Analytical
Frameworks to reflect upon and annotate their work. VCAA
Art Handbook

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