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he Great Songs of Stevens. > Father And Son. e Words & Music: Cat Stevens © Copyright 1970 Cat Music Lia Administered for the World by Westbury Music Consultants Lid, 96 Wigmore Street, London WIE 9DG. Slowly ‘All rights reserved. International copyright secured 7 : a time to make a change just re - lax take it eas - y, you're still time to make a change just sit down take it slow - ly, you're still tt & spt a ate young that's your fault there's so much youhave —to_—know young that's your fault there's so much youhave —to._go through. Find a girl set - tle down__ if you want you can mar-ry, look at girl set - tle down if you want you can mar-ry, look at i aa ay ul once like you are now and I know that it's not eas - y to be times that I've cried keep-in, _all_the things I knew in - side it's calm when you've found something go- ing on, but take your hard_ but it's hard-er to ig - nore it. If they were Bm Amt, ; BB to Coda at time think a - lot, think of ev - — ‘'ry-thing___you'vegot for you will right I'd a- gree but it's them — Em i om 9 ho Gh still behere tomorrow but yourdreamsmay not. ex-plain? do he turns a~ way Am D i & al - ways been the same,sameold sto- ry. From the mo-ment I could talk or-dered to lis - tennow there's a way ¢ c s a fal Fe Colag It's not + Amt Sc of fi fi it they know not me,now there's a way know that I = copa The First Cut Is The Deepest. | Words & Music: Cat Stevens © Conyrght 1967, 1977 Salata Lad Adminigtred for the World by Westbury Music Consultants Lid, iawly cwitiva 56 Wigmore Street, London WiH SDG. Slowly, with’a beat All righta reserved. International copytight secured, Tacet I would have giv-en you all of my heart, but there’s some-one who's torn it a= part.— want_ youby— my side just to help me dry the tears that I've cried. = if you want, I'l zm And she’s tak-en just all that I had, but ‘And I'm sure _gon-na give you a try, and if you want, I'll EB He try__ to love a-gain. Ba-by,I'll try___tolove a-gain but1_ know: — try__ to love a-gain. Ba-by,I'l try tolove a-gain but! know: — cut is the deep - ‘The first cut is the deep - est When it comes tobe in’ luck ~y she’s cursed; comesto lovin’ me she's worse.— Repeat and fade Hi ‘Repeat and fade Administered for the World by Westbury Slowly b iow that I've lost Wild World. Words & Music: ©Copyright Cat Stevens 1970 Salafa Led ‘All rights reserved, International copyright secured. ev- 'ry-thing to you 2. You know I've seen a lot of what the world can do yousa you wan na and it's break-ing my heart in fisic Consultants Ltd, 58 Wigmore Street, London WIH 9DG. tart some-thing new_ two ——— = er = and it'sbreak-ing my heart__ you're leav - ing. Baby. I'm griev = int! use I nev-er want to see you sad, girl. Don't be a bad girl. ) 3 = ring fat FE Saeed = — =, eh = | ¥ ? | aul SS SS 1H +H — ft but then a lot of nice things turn bad out there. — but just re-mem-ber there's a lot of bad and be-ware, Oh ba-by,ba - by it's a WILD WORLD, It's hard to get by just up-on a WILD WORLD F Te Dm to Coda 4 fl im Tl al-ways re-mem - ber you a child, girl n But if you want to leave_take good Ba-by I love— you, care, hope you make a lot of nice friendsout there. But just re-mem-berthere's alot of bad E 7 ¢ CODA DSH al @ @ HE Hi child, gil 12 Where Do The Children Play? Words & Music: Cat Stevens ©Copyright 1970 Cat Masie Le. Administered for the World by Westbury Music Consultants Lad, 36 Wigmore Street, London W1H 9D6. “All rights reserved. International copyright secured Moderately build ~ ing jum~bo planes or tak ~ ing a ride. Well I think slot_ma-chine Yes cos ~ mic train switch on sum-mer z f a get what you want td if youwant,tcause you can get any - thing. * % 13 Tknow we've come a long way,___—we''re chang - ing day__ to day, * # SS But tell me where do the child - ren play? + # Well you roll on roads fresh green grass, for your lor ry loads,. pump-ing f 2 pet-rol gas. And you make them long r {8 & but they just go on and on___ and it seems that you t FR IT know we'vecome a long way_—— * we're chang-ing day to day, But tell me_where do the child~ ren € oe et } Well you've cracked the serap- ers fill the air but will you 3 = keep on build ing high- er till there's no more room up there will you make us — laugh, 16 e f tell us when to live will you tell us I know we've come a long way we're chang-ing —— f tty | But tell me where do the child-ren play? ———— day to day, Keep repeating and fade 7 Doo doo v7 Hard Headed Woman. Words & Music: Cat Stevens © Copyright 1970 Salafa Lt ‘Administered for the World by Westbury Music Consultants Led, 56 Wigmore Street, London Wil 9DG. ‘All rights reserved. Intemational copyright secured Slowly I'm looking for a hard headed woman. One who'll take me for— my- ae i FEE And if I find my hard head-ed wom - an— I won't need I'm look-ing for a hard headed wom-an One who'll make me do__ my RTH to Coda @ And if I find my hard head-ed wom -an,_ 1 know the rest of my life will be blessed A Iknow a lot of fan=cy danc-ers Peo-ple who can glide you on 19 ” } Eo 3 He Ha They move so smooth but have no ans - wers__ ii af (spoken) when you ask______ why'd you come here for? Why? (Idon't know) fine feath-ered friends but their sure fired ways to find friend- li-nesg de- pends how you do. out the one who pays how you do. eee Coda ie look- ing for a hard head-ed wom = an HE a who will make_me feel so And if 1 tind my hard head-ed vo Am Gm c ics TTT} ff D.S. $al@Coda 1 know my life will be as__ it should, yes yes, yes.. i a. Tuesday’s Dead. Words & Music: Cat Stevens © Copyright 1971 Cat Music Lid ‘Administered for the World by Weetbury Music Consultants Lid. 96 Wigmore Street, London WIH 9DG. ‘Al rights reserved, International copytight secured Fairly Bright Jamaican (in 2) fa I cant say_ themark is mine. Tm on - ly theun - 22 ne Se SSS der line of the = word, Yes, I'm like him, " just_ ers ae 4 eles ——S SS z é & & Like ev - ry-bod -y else I'm eae = like you. I can't tell_youwhat to do. ee Where do you go when you don't want no-one to know? Who Eg To Coda @' Se told to-mor-row Tues - days dead. Hy = 'rysec- ondon the nose the hum-drum of the ci-ty grows, a reach ~ing out__be-yond the throes 24 a et Fe am fat iT] Wemust try toshake it down, Do our best_tobreak the ground, the world a - round more try turn to Tues - day's Oh preacher won't you paint my dream What's my sex, what's my name, ‘won't you show me where you've been, all in all it's all the same ‘show me what I haven't seen everybody plays a different game - that is all to ease my mind Now man may live, man may die ‘Cause I will learn to understand searching for the question why, If Ihave a helping hand but if he tries to rule the sky - he must fall wouldn't make another demand, all my life Whoa - where do you go when you don't Whoa - where do you go when you don't ‘want no-one to know ‘want no-one to know Who told tomorrow - Tuesday's dead Who told tomorrow - Tuesday's dead Now every second on the nose ‘The humdrum of the city grows 25 Sad Lisa. Words & Music: Cat Stevens Copyright 170 Sala Lid Administered forthe Woe by Wentbney Naat Consutants Lid, $6 Wigmore Stree, London W1H 9DG. a praiet ta Nat sscmatton covichs oer Moderately Ee cries on my shirt, trick- el - img rain, by the door, ie r rare ver -y bad ~ get -ting deep- 1 can tell Tell me what's mak - ing Though my love wants. she real - ly wants. —P = pen your door. walks a - lone do what I can you can trust can't hear. will free ‘Cause you that's Though “I she likes Though 1 no r 27 Li- sa, Li- sa 2. Her 3. (instrumentaly 4. She 28 Maybe You’re Right. Words & Music: Cat Stevens 3 1979 Salata La, © Copy ‘Administered forthe World by Westbury Musie Consultants Ltd 56 Wigmore Street, London WIH 9D6. ‘All ights reserved Infemational eopyright eure Moderately === Pe aa wv 1, Now may-be you're right 2. So may-be you're right and may -be you're wrong i But I ain't gon-na ar-guewithyouno more I've done 7 it for_ too long. ef 8 It was get-ting so good why then where did it He think a-bout it no more, tellme if ee re You ‘vere loving me, I waslov-ing you — But now there aint no-thing but regretting ca no ~ thing, __no-thing but re- gret-ting ev-try-thing we do. a 30 git to Coda 1 put up—with your like— you put up with mine, But God knows we should have stopped somewhere _wecould havetak-en the time Buttime has 31 me a : some call it the end, So tell me, tell me ie aE did you real-ly love me like a friend you know you don't es cresc., poco a poco have to pre-tend,— I's all o-ver now | a ay hap-pen a-gain__ no,no, no, It - ‘I nev- er hap-pen a-gain,_. 32 4 a hap-pen a~gain, — Nev-er, _nev-er,-nev-er, ‘It ~ "Il. nev-er hap-pena-gain— no, no, no, no, @ Coda % 33 Morning Has Broken. Words: Eleanor Farjeon Music: Cat Stevens © Copyright 1971 Cat Musie Lid ‘Administered for the World by Westbury Music Consultants Ltd.,96 Wigmore Street, London WIE 9DG. ‘All rights reserved. International copyright secured Moderate _ ei Ha tempo Morn - ing has en like the first Sweet the — rain's fall, sun - lit from heav ok ns he Black - bird has like the first Like the first on _the first B Praise for Praise for them spring of the Sprung in com - plete fresh from__ the world. where his feet pass. 37 S/_ae FH .$ al @ Coda I Wish, | Wish. Words & Music: Cat Stevens ©Copyright 1970 Cat Music Ltd Administered for the World by Westbury Music Consultants Lid., 56 Wigmore Street, London W1H 9DG. Moderately. ‘All rights reserved. Intemational copyright secured. # at = BuS — 1.1 wish 1 knew,] wish I knew 2.1 wish could tell,I wish Icould tell ¥ oe ee what makes me, _me,what makes you, you, —___ It's just an- what makes a heaven whatmakesa hell. And do I DF A state of Or land up oth - er point of get to ring my bell 00 ? + 39 mind I'm going thru Enes So what I see, is nev- er in somedust-y cell —— while others reachthebig ho- pi had, I wish ae the secret of (4) knew the mys - ener that thing called € good, andthese-cretof bad, ————__ Why does this hate’ and that thing called love, What makes the # Fo EF EP BE ques- tion drive me in bet - tween so taught when but a — lad al - ways push and — shove. good and good was bad just don't know ~ nough "cause 1 was Why is it ‘That bad was 1 guess 1 ad lib, style ee Fade out (opt Lady d’Arbanville. Words & Music: Cat Stevens ©copyright 1970 Slats Ld ‘Administered for the World by Westbury Music Consultants Ltd, 56 Wigmore Street, London WH 9DG. ‘All rights reserved, Iniemnatianal copyright secured Moderately My = La- dy d'Ar - ban- why do you sleep so B: @ a e and you will be my fill, Yes, you will be my fill. My La- dy d'Ar ~ban-ville why does it grieve me so? FF But your heart seems so do youbreatheso low why do youbreathe so low my La-dy — d'Arbar-ville 2.1 loved you my la- dy 2 Ie TeiF 43 Why do Though in wake you to - mor-row__ al-ways be with you a to Coda @ you will be my rose will nev - er ai. die. you still, lie, And you will be my fill, Yes, This rose will nev- er die, this La- dy d'Ar~ ban-ville F: Your lips feel like win-ter, skin’ has turned to white, your skin has turned to white. My a do you sleep so still, 45 so cold to - night, d'Ar-bamville 8 a wake you to - mor-row And you will be my fill PEF you will be my copa tat . — z ? SS ‘Though in your grave you lie. IM al-ways be ee with you, This rose will nev- er die. this rose will nev-er die fer tee 47

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