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SADHANA NITRO CHEM LIMITED CIN : L24110MHI973PLCO1608 Registered Offce + Hira Baug, st Floor, Kasturba Chowk (C.P. Tank), ‘Mumbai ~ 400 004, INDIA ae re, aas tian Topas a = Ee 2 [erp fs crareer ren tnt nok won) sa on) san] so s) J Enpyes brats eerie zal a am fs cxreeion an orton ees | «| +09 fore eneres sul anf ay aa epeon aa asf — — si 3 reese rom seater ttre ta Jone samen cnc cnepenel eme (2) 1 10 cs) ase a] tsi 5 rratesn bore tane cots and exeptona tame) 1 oH cof oon cos] a ° sal sal 1a “ a a [oarsreeceponat hans) ” a 10] ” eas] aaa] 8 Jescptnatnens z 4 [roms tone ttre 38 3 ao 10 «| a) 10 frartipene terete i i 44 etre owe ane a aC ‘sas a] [nro owe ore pea SED a esepeloe fru or Prema et ssocte i : xf 2 A ous] sal 1 ipa aun re Capit (ROT ca cs ia a a rain rece Sar capt (¥ Rao seg ve seq vee see sed 18 frase een Revauton Reserve ot shance Set of reve tg Ye css] taqifeese ana antegcnangyersnre ar entuorearyton. | oct sae] 078 ozs] 29] a ont u 20] 075] prs] 520] al we] cer on 5 3 Sela OTe ma i legmenr Renu rote (oto 2 [itinownton eon sepmet —— ° c es 2 p. cone monn 5 > 2 sil To" aI - za ae ret 2 2 sor 0 orcton ot ‘i A = {aa oT = zt zp eal [GRAUOTED STATEMENT OF ASSETS & CRBS hk cour arouses wanes] nuata br reer none a Js ner torrs : 2 borne : ——— = a co TERE MOTUS ae ar | apne Paget ™ ™ ae = ne sore Siren rae rusts erence and approve oat rece Joceratac hen pind n coach AS 2 wb conan neue wo ren ne [vera nat cara rna quar ned 30 Sepa, 2016 oo vl ne web ibe Sonar. |revous paras ous hve un ees! earanged ee resi ae fon conparsi rears, Jarre carey to weer fsesnseame |. The congay any rons mascara um etrasate hg sr ak an ens cnthrg ag amet [sve om oper co put ite Opto lh compiy ae asta ao ay eoysnca spmans nae ep ancl Thos sere have ben ered wei kro ro cna xcange cortrapuatna untetjng carer uk re ena rancal epg am rans nm ed ne Conpays betes eet ny pai apoatisognertcorseiaty raage foes nt iat cel pee egret cose rosy cant ere 0 For Sadngpa Ntro Chom Lis, lise: mums aie havent Jose: 26.10.2016 (7 managing Director V. Sankar Aiyar & Co. Fax = 91-20-2200 0649, 235, New Marine Li E-mail : mba ‘Website : ee LIMITED REVIEW REPORT ON THE UNAUDITED FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR THE HALF YEAR ENDED 30” SEPTEMBER 2016 ‘The Board of Directors Sadhana Nitro Chem Limited 1. We have reviewed the accompanying statement of unaudited standalone financial results of Sadhana Nitro Chem Limited, for the half year ended 30” September 2016. This statement is the responsibility of the Company's management and has been approved by the Board of Directors at its Meeting held on October 26, 2016. Our responsibilty is to issue a report on these financial statements based on our review. 2. We conducted our review in accordance with the Standard on Review Engagement (SRE) 2410, Review of Interim Financial Information performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. This standard requires that we plan and perform the review to obtain moderate assurance as to whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. A review is, limited primarily to inquiries of company personnel and analytical procedures applied to financial data and thus provides less assurance than an audit. We have not performed an audit and accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion. 3. Based on our review conducted as above, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the accompanying statement of standalone unaudited financial results prepared in accordance with the Accounting Standards specified under Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013, read with Rule 7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 and other recognized accounting practices and policies generally accepted in India, has not disclosed the information required to be disclosed in terms of Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Agreement and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 including the manner in which it is to be disclosed, or that it contains any material misstatements. For V. Sankar Aiyar & Co. Chartered Accountants Firm Regn. No.109208\ Win Mohan) Partner Place: Mumbai Membership No. 124082 Date: October 26, 2016. Delhi otie : 202-301, Satyam Ginema Complex, Ranjt Nagar Community Centre, New Deli - 110 008 «Tel: 2570 5283/2570 522 «E-mail: in Chennai Office : 41, Circular Road, United India Colony, Kodambakkam, Chennai ~ 600.024» Tel: 044-2572 5720 & 044-2872 5730 «E-mail chennai@vsa coin

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